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臺灣前五百大服務業企業網站之公關效果評估指標研究 / The Effectiveness of Public Relations on Online Media— A Study of Taiwan's Top 500 Corporations of Service Industry in 2010葉育瑋, Yeh, Yu-wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Esrock & Leichty對企業網站內容之架構為基礎,將功能與技術指標合併,並新增互動性指標,共分為目標公眾內容、網站功能與互動性三構面,與組織性因素(產業別、員工人數、營業額、有無上市等)進行交叉研究,以了解組織性因素對於網站公關效果可能的影響。
研究發現,時間因素不影響組織性因素與網站建置之關係,但公共議題討論之發展隨時間影響有所改變。本研究推估營業額較小的企業,因其所擁有媒體資源較少,故更積極大膽運用網路媒體。而大企業在資訊發佈上考量較多,在網路策略上則較為保守。整體言,企業越來越重視網路媒體,各種內容與運用形式隨時間與科技發展更趨完善。 / With advances in technology, the terrain of public relations practices needs to be re-defined as new media bring about substantial changes in communication patterns. Based on the framework Hsiu-hui Sun had established in 2003, which attempts to measure the effectiveness of corporate website, this study used quantitative content analysis to assess current Taiwan's top 500 corporate of service industry's effectiveness of public relations on online media which are defined as the degree of performance level for corporations’ internet communication. In addition, a case study is conducted to understand the rationale and operational details of the online corporate public relations.
Adopting the theoretical framework from Esrock & Leichty, this study combines the functional and technical indicators and categorizes them into three dimensions, including target audience contents, interface features, and degree of interaction. Because past research found that the size and resources of organizations were positively related to their overall performance, including the quality of public relations efforts. Therefore, in the present study we posit that target audience contents, interface features, and degree of interaction as indicators of public relations effectiveness are associated with organizational resourcefulness (i.e., factors).
Findings suggest that time factor does not affect the relationship between organizational factors and the presence of website. However, time factor is relevant to the awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility. We conclude that small business with fewer media resources tends to leverage internet media more progressively. On the contrary, big corporations are more conservative toward utilizing the Internet. To sum up, corporations nowadays take the role of the Internet media more seriously. The content and applications of the Internet become more important for business communication as time and technology evolves.
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服務業聯合品牌策略與聯合品牌服務成效對於品牌權益影響之研究 / A study of the influence of service brand equity from co-branding strategies and service performance of the co-brand彭書婷, Peng, Shu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過4 x 2準實驗設計的方式進行假說驗證。首先,透過前測篩選出消費者心中最熟悉且兩者之間適配度最高的雞排店與手搖飲料店做為研究情境的素材;進一步操弄四種品牌權益組合(高高、高低、低高與低低)以及聯合品牌的服務成效(成功與失敗),形成八種實驗問卷,共回收257份有效樣本;最後以配對樣本T檢定以及雙因子變異數分析做為研究方法進行資料分析,本研究的研究結果證實:
四、品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效之間不具備交互效果。 / Recently, the companies start utilizing the co-branding strategy to efficiently enhance their brand equity. This concept also appear on the academic paper, which focus on most product-intention brands but seldom service-intention ones. This research is to clarify the effects of brand equity mixes and service effects to the mother brands and the co-brand after the co-branding strategy in the aspect of consumers.
This research examines the hyposises by 4 x 2 quasi-experiment design. First, after executing the pre-test, this research picked fried-chicken and soft drink stores as the matirials of experiment situation. Then, this research designed 8 versions of questionnaire to manipute 4 brand equity mixes and the service performance of the co-brand. The amount of efficient samples is 257 and the research methods are pair-T test and two-way ANOVA. The research results are:
1. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the co-brand’s brand equity:
When two mothers’ brand equity is both high, the co-brand will be lower than its mothers; in contrast, when they are both low, it will higher than them. When one mom is high and the other is low, the brand equity of the son will be between the two.
2. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the mother brand’s brand equity:
When the company co-operate with the one with higher brand equity, its brand equity will rise after co-operating. When both companies are high, they will drop after co-branding; in contrast, when both are low, they will rise.
3. Service performance of the co-brand has significant positive effects to all parties.
4. Brand equity mixes and the service performance of co-brand have no interaction.
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三要素混合模型探討─雙界二分選擇詢價法之應用劉韶翔 Unknown Date (has links)
由於以往在願付價格的研究中,並未考慮到價格再高都願意支付的受訪者,以及價格再低都不願意支付的受訪者,因此可能會造成估計結果的偏差。本文除了沿用Tsai(2005)所建議採用的三要素混合模型,將受訪者區成價格再高都會願意付的人、願意付合理價格的人以及價格再低都不願意付的人等三類受訪者,且將願意付合理價格者的願付價格透過加速失敗模型(accelerated failure time model,簡稱AFT model)來作評估外,進一步就願意付合理價格的人可能會受到起價點的影響或是有「定錨效果」(anchoring effect)產生的問題來作探討,並就CVDFACTS的高血壓之願付價格資料來作實證分析。結果發現教育程度越高、收入越高以及男性對於能降低罹患心臟血管相關疾病新藥的願付價格也越高。此外我們也發現此筆資料確實有起價點偏誤(starting point bias)的情形。 / In the past, studies on willing-to-pay (WTP) usually assume that all the respondents are willing to pay a reasonable price for a non-market good. In reality, some of the respondents might be willing to pay a very high price, while some others unwilling to pay anything. Following Tsai(2005), we adopt a three-component mixture model to take into account these there three types of respondents and modeling those who are willing to pay a reasonable price with an accelerated failure time (AFT) model. In addition, with a slight modification, we also incorporate issues regarding “starting point bias” and “anchoring effect” into the model. An empirical study based on the data collected from “CVDFACTS” shows that males, respondents with higher educational level, and those with higher family income are willing to pay higher prices for a new hypertension treatment. In addition, it is quite likely that “starting point bias” exists in the dataset.
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再發事件之存活分析之研究 / Survival Analysis For Recurrent Event Data王麗芬, Wang,Li-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
處理多重事件或再發事件之事件發生時間的資料時,常會以Cox模式為基礎而予以延伸,其中較適合再發事件的模式為:A-G模式、GT-UR 模式、PWP-CP 模式及PWP-GT模式。這些模式又可按照是否以發生次數為分層變數,而分為未分層模式(包含A-G模式、 GT-UR 模式),及分層模式(包含PWP-CP模式、 PWP-GT 模式)。
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我國社會保險重分配效果於不同教育程度之影響蕭茜文 Unknown Date (has links)
社會保險制度(social insurance)是社會安全制度(social security)的重心,也是現今政府為了增進民生福祉、促進社會安全的重要環節。我國的社會保險制度自民國三十九年開辦勞工保險,至今已歷經五十六年。社會保險制度具有諸多的功能,其中一項重要的功能便是所得重分配(income redistribution),亦即政府可以利用租稅以外的社會保險制度,來改善國民所得分配不平均之問題,以達公平的目標。
在測度所得不均等程度方面,最普遍用來衡量的指標便是吉尼係數 (Gini coefficient),亦即我們可以從吉尼係數的變動來看出所得重分配變動的情形。另外,多數的學者以往只從垂直與水平兩效果著手來衡量所得重分配,但本文採用Aronson、Johnson與Lambert於1994年提出的AJL計算模型,將所得重分配效果拆解更細,除了拆解出垂直效果與水平效果外,還多了重排序效果。
由於現今國人受教育的機會愈來愈普遍,有不少學者利用人力資本論(human capital theory)與篩選理論(screening theory)來說明教育與所得之間的關係。這二種理論均認為薪資與教育程度呈現正向關係,因此,教育程度愈高者,所得水準通常會愈高,教育程度愈低者,所得水準通常會愈低,使得教育程度成為所得差異的來源之一。故透過社會保險的施行,能使高所得者與低所得者之間進行所得重分配。此外,隨著經濟發展層次之提昇,使得薪資所得佔總所得的比重日益增加,因此,透過受教育機會的擴大及國民教育品質的提昇,也會造成所得更均等地分配。
三、在上述四種教育程度分類下,所得重分配效果中除了垂直效果與重排序效果有大幅變動外,水平效果所占的比例甚低,且其變動幅度不大,因此我們可以說,社會保險的實施所帶來的水平不公平甚低。 / Social insurance is the core of social security, and is also the important link for the government to improve the welfare of people. Social insurance has many function, the most important is that it can redistribute people’s income. Therefore, the government can use social insurance to achieve the goal of equity.
In the aspect of measuring the inequity, the most popular index is Gini coefficient. Lots of scholars decompose the income redistribution effect into two parts-vertical effect and horizontal effect. Unlike previous, I use AJL model to analyze the income redistribution of social insurance. In other words, AJL model decompose the income redistribution into there parts-vertical effect, horizontal effect and reranking effect.
Because of the popular of education, people can accept education easily. Lots of scholars use “Human capital theory” and “Screening theory” to explain the relations between education and income. They point out that when a person have a high education then he will get a high payment.
Therefore, this thesis is based on education and is arguing the distribution function of social insurance. The results are as follow:
First, the social insurance system of Taiwan stills has the function of redistributing people’s income. Second, the people in the lower layer of education usually can redistribute their income by means of social insurance. Finally, the horizon inequity is few in reality.
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探討產品置入使用不同電子媒介與置入方式對置入效果之影響陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
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品牌知名度對消費者對品牌聯盟態度與外溢效果影響之研究 / The Influence of Brand Awareness on Customer Attitude to Brand Alliance and Feedback Effect閻秀樺, Yen,Hsiu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
透過對214份有效問卷的分析,研究發現品牌知名度確實是影響消費者對品牌聯盟態度的因素。此外,消費者在品牌聯盟之後對個別品牌態度的變化幅度,會受品牌聯盟市場反應的好壞,品牌本身知名度,以及此品牌在聯盟中擔任角色的交互影響,而造成外溢效果的差異。品牌聯盟市場反應好壞不必然同時影響消費者對聯盟中兩個品牌的態度,消費者傾向於將品牌聯盟的成敗歸因於主品牌上,使主品牌的外溢效果大於成分品牌。另外品牌外溢效果同時會受品牌知名度與聯盟中主附品牌角色不同的影響。低知名度加上主品牌的組合最容易產生顯著的外溢效果。 / Brand alliance, also called co-branding, is a useful marketing strategy which helps an existing brand to leverage associations, strengthen its image and influence consumers’ attitudes by linking itself to other brands. A special case of brand association is ingredient branding, which highlights a product’s ingredient brand in order to signal the quality of co-branded products. While consumers perceive a co-brand and form attitudes to it, the attitudes toward each constituent brand are also influenced, causing the spillover effect. This study tries to find out if brand awareness is the key factor to impact consumers’ attitudes to a brand alliance. Further, it explains how spillover effect differs between a main brand and an ingredient brand when either positive or negative information about an ingredient branding product is presented to customers.
Experiments are conducted to compare an array of consumer’s attitudes and spillover effects of ingredient branding products. Main brands and ingredient brands of different awareness levels are paired alternatively to design eight co-branding conditions. The study finds out brand awareness is a key factor that influences consumer’s attitudes toward a brand association. The combination of two high-awareness brands gains the more positive attitudes than other awareness combinations. However, the level of awareness has little to do with the strength of spillover effect. Attitudes to a brand alliance, positive or not, do not necessarily influence the attitudes to either allied brands. Spillover effect is not a symmetrical phenomenon, and therefore one brand usually gains more spillover effect than their counterpart. Generally the main brand in an ingredient branding has higher spillover effect than the ingredient brand.
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影響閱聽人改革電視新聞意願與行動的調查研究三議傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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代言人網誌日記形式廣告之溝通效果研究 / Communication effects research of endorser advertising on blog diaries黃子潔, Huang,Tzu-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果發現如下:在「回憶效果」與「購買意願」兩應變項上,「不同類型代言人」與「不同型式置入」均會對其產生顯著影響,而在「品牌態度」應變項上,僅「不同類型代言人」對其產生顯著影響。同時,在此三面向之溝通效果上,均呈現出「一般消費者代言人」效果最佳、「名人代言人」效果最差的情形;在「回憶效果」與「購買意願」上,則均呈現出「文章中置入」形式效果優於「文章外置入」形式的情形。「代言人類型」與「置入方式」間的交互作用在此三面向之溝通效果上均未達顯著性。 / “Blog diaries written by product endorsers” is a new form of advertising promotion as blog becomes more popular in Internet world than ever. ”Endorsers types” and “product placement types” are the two independent variables in the study to investigate the three aspects of advertising communication effects—“recall effects”, “brand attitude”, and “purchase intention.”— which are the dependent variables in the study. The formal experimental commercials are six different kinds in total based on three endorser types and two product placement types and posted in Internet for questionnaires collecting.
The results are both the different endorser types and the different product placement types have significant influences on “recall effects” and “purchase intention” aspects, but only different endorser types caused significant influences on “brand attitude” aspect. The typical consumer endorser is most effective type in all of three kinds and the celebrity endorser is the worst one on every advertising communication effect aspects. “The inside placement” has the better effect than “the outside placement” on “recall effects” and “purchase intention” aspects .The interact between “the endorsers types ”and “product placement types” are not significant in the three aspects of advertising communication effects.
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網頁刺激設計與消費者情緒對線上咖啡購物之影響 / The effects of website stimulus design and customer emotion on the purchase of online coffee bean劉昱均, Liu, Yu chun Unknown Date (has links)
以上研究結果於學術上突破了現有文獻認為網頁上只能帶給消費者視覺、聽覺刺激的限制,於實務上除了提供最佳網頁設計元素與情緒組合的建議外,也發現用成本較低的類3D圖片便可同時達到提升購買意圖以及聯覺效果的目的,幫助企業能在激烈的電子商務競爭中脫穎而出,跳脫原本的價格策略,改而使用網頁設計的差異化來提升銷售量。 / According to the statistical data of International Coffee Organization, the demand of coffee beans is increasing in the whole world. With the rapid development of electronic business, many industries tend to sell their products on the internet. And the importance of website stimulus design has been highly regarded, especially for those which are universal, highly substitutable, and highly valued coffee beans.
However, most of the studies related to web design think that consumer perception is limited to visual and aural stimuli; all senses can’t be manipulated on the website except these two senses. This study has two goals. First, we attempt to measure the effects of website stimulus design on consumer emotion and the intention to purchase coffee beans. Second, we experiment with the combinations of different visual and aural stimuli to confirm which kind of combination is most effective to arouse consumer’s synesthesia.
The study is conducted in the laboratory with questionnaires. Totally eight websites are designed with the presence or absence of video sound, quasi 3D or 2D photo, and music tempo speed. One hundred twenty (120) subjects are invited and asked to do the questionnaire after viewing these websites. The results of the experiment show that people’s organism and purchase intention are significantly affected by different website stimulus designs. Among them, the combination of positive pleasure, dominance and web attitude with negative arousal can bring consumers’ purchase intention most excitement. The combination of quasi 3D and fast-tempo music can not only help consumers to establish the internal state that we mentioned above, but also can arouse their synesthesia.
In terms of the academic contribution, the results of this study break the limitation of existing literature stating that only visual and aural senses can be delivered on the website. As for the practical contribution, we not only offer the suggestion of best stimulus combination and emotional combination for a website, but also get the empirical support that sellers may increase consumers’ purchase intention and synesthesia at the same time with low-cost quasi 3D photos. The outcome of the study can help sellers stay ahead in the fierce competition in online shopping environment. Using website stimulus design can enhance sellers’ sales, rather than just using the price strategy.
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