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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣各縣市平均地價對其生育率的影響 / The effect of average land price on fertility rate in Taiwan

廖珮郁, Liao, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
目前超低生育率現象,已對整體社會的走向、國家經濟的發展、生活思維的方式等都產生了相當大的影響。換言之,生育不僅是婦女本身的問題,它與國際社會的動態、經濟的全球化、企業的國際化、現代的子女教育、社會的性別教育、老年人的護理等都有著相當緊密的關係。因此,本研究的主要目的,在於探討臺灣各縣市房地產價格對生育率的影響,並瞭解臺灣生育率持續下降的癥結所在,找出可能影響生育率下降的主要因素加以分析。 本文利用臺灣23個縣市別的追蹤資料,涵蓋期間為2000年至2008年,採雙因子固定效果模型進行實證分析。估計結果發現,在控制其他變數不變之下,在生育率遞延二期時,臺灣各縣市平均地價對生育率為負影響,且在生育率遞延三期時更為顯著,兩者之間的資源排擠效果更為強大。而其他影響臺灣生育率的主要因素,如:各縣市農業人口比例、各縣市粗結婚率、與外國人結婚人數比例皆呈顯著正影響;臺灣各縣市平均地價、原住民人數比例及婦女勞動參與率皆呈顯著負影響。 依本研究結果顯示,房地產價格是影響臺灣生育率相當重要的因素,政府應需高度正視此問題並有所作為。建議未來政府在訂定國家發展政策時,除需研擬更多提升生育率的策略,如:降低父母生育子女的機會成本、改善學前幼托體系,以及加強減輕家庭育兒壓力的宣導工作等,並可增加控制「臺灣房地產價格」及避免房價炒作之策略,以促進國家永續發展及增強國際競爭力。 / The current low fertility rate has been a great impact on our entire social trend, the development of national economy, and the way we think. That is, fertility is not only women’s consideration, but also an issue connected closely to international society, economical globalization, internationalization of business, children education, sex education, and nursing care of the elders. As a result, the main purpose of this paper lies on the effect of average land price on fertility rate in Taiwan. This article uses the panel data of the 23 counties and cities of Taiwan from 2000 to 2008, and does the evidence-based analysis by two-factor fixed-effects model. We found that the average land price has conspicuously positive effect on the fertility rate in Taiwan. While other main factors affect the fertility rate in Taiwan such as the proportion of farm-workers, crude marriage rate, and the proportion of marriage with the foreigners have conspicuously positive effects on it; on the other hand, female labor force participation and the proportion of aborigine have conspicuously negative effects on it. According to our study, average land price is the most important factor which affects the fertility rate in Taiwan, and the government should face the problem and do something to it. When making policy, it is suggested the government may take into consideration of how to control the housing price in Taiwan and avoid housing price speculation.

語意在句法處理中的角色:中文關係子句的眼動閱讀研究 / The role of semantics in syntactic processing: eye-tracking experiments of reading chinese relative clauses

呂翠屏, Lu, Tsui Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文以兩個眼動閱讀實驗探討語意訊息 (semantic cues) 和句法訊息 (syntactic cues) 如何在中文關係子句的處理中運作及交互作用。實驗一旨在研究兩種動詞與論元之間的合理性關係 (plausibility) 是否會影響讀者理解不同結構的關係子句。結果顯示,當兩個論元都是合理施事者 (agent) 時,論旨角色的指派 (thematic roles) 有歧義,較難理解;而當只有一個論元是合理的施事者時,讀者趨向指派正確的論旨角色,且較快整合句法上的困難。此外,因中文句法結構特殊,讀者在關係詞之前就處理主語關係子句 (subject relative clauses) 的歧義,在主要動詞上則會遇到賓語關係子句 (object relative clauses) 的理解困難。此發現解決了Hsiao & Gibson (2003) 和 Lin (2006) 的歧見,證明中文讀者在不同位置會遇到不一樣的困難。實驗二所關注的語意訊息為論元的生命性 (animacy),關係子句中的兩個論元分屬有生命的 (animate) 及無生命的 (inanimate) 名詞。結果發現論旨角色的指派和生命性相互關聯,有生命性的論元較傾向當施事者,而無生命的論元傾向當受事者。讀者仍在關係詞之前遇到主語關係子句的理解困難,但在主要動詞,讀者主要依循生命性的引導來指派論旨角色,句法訊息的影響並不顯著。因此語意訊息在中文的語句處理扮演重要的角色,結果大致上與Traxler (2002)的研究相符。讀者同時受到當下的句法訊息以及語意訊息影響,在不同的位置會遇到不一樣的歧義性,而產生花園路徑效果 (garden-path effect)。 / Two eye movement experiments were conducted to investigate how semantic cues and syntactic structural cues function and interact in Mandarin Chinese relative clause (RC) processing. Mandarin Chinese is unique in combining head-final RCs with a VO basic order (Dryer, 1992, 2003) and also in relying solely on word order as structural cues, without case marking or agreement. However, Mandarin Chinese still preserves flexibility in word order that is motivated by pragmatics. Semantic cues, including the plausibility of the argument-verb relation and argument animacy within RCs, may be crucial to sentence processing in Mandarin Chinese. Experiment 1 aims to examine whether the meaning of the verb allowing only one of the two animate arguments to be a plausible agent may lead to reduction of ORC difficulty (cf. Traxler, 2002). The results showed that the plausibility effects were robust at the head noun and the main verb. A bias of thematic role assignment in the irreversible relation leads readers to correct interpretations, while the reversible relation does not elicit such a bias. The results also solved the discrepancy between the two previous studies (Hsiao and Gibson, 2003 & Lin, 2006) by unveiling a dynamic process in which readers encounter diverse ambiguities at different positions for different structures. Chinese readers disambiguate SRCs earlier due to their non-canonical word order and have trouble integrating the main verb in ORCs owing to perspective shifting. The interaction between plausibility and RC type on re-reading rate suggested that plausibility cues were used to solve syntactic ambiguity. Experiment 2 manipulated contrastive argument animacy in order to investigate whether thematic role assignment correlates with animacy. The results confirmed the hypothesis that while animate entities bias towards agent roles, inanimate ones incline towards patient roles (c.f., Valin & LaPolla, 1997). Besides, inanimate entities are conceptually less accessible than animate ones. Contrastive animacy shows its impact on syntactic processing with robust interactions at different positions. The findings of interactions between semantic cues and RC types in two experiments suggest that semantic cues play an important role in Chinese relative clause processing. Semantic plausibility and argument animacy can influence the process of thematic role assignment. The semantic cues that accord with the biases of thematic role assignment then would ease the syntactic ambiguities. Not only syntactic cues but also semantic cues are utilized by readers in sentence comprehension. In this thesis, the eye movement data provide clear evidence indicating that readers solve various temporary ambiguities syntactically and semantically at different positions of the sentence with relative clauses.

財政分權對中國大陸城鄉居民收入差距之影響 / The impact of fiscal decentralization on regional urban-rural income differential in China

黃立凱 Unknown Date (has links)
1994年財政分權以後,中國大陸城鄉收入差距經歷了一段縮小又擴大的變化,許多學者開始將研究焦點放在財政分權對於城鄉收入差距的影響層面。為了瞭解財政分權對於城鄉收入差距到底造成何種影響,本研究目的有以下三點:一、為探討財政分權對於城鄉收入差距是否造成影響,二、為瞭解制度因素、地方政府財政支出對於城鄉收入差距是否造成影響,三、有鑑於財政上絕對財政中央集權與財政地方分權可能是造成城鄉收入差距擴大的兩個極端,不同於過去的相關研究,本研究認為財政分權與城鄉收入差距間,可能存在非線性的關係,因此在本研究中變數中加入財政分權平方項,對於這樣的假設進行檢測。 本研究針對中國大陸1995至2008年29個省市地區資料,以雙因子固定效果模型進行研究。根據實證結果顯示,在財政自主分權指標對於城鄉收入差距的影響層面,在財政自主小於臨界水準時,隨著財政自主逐漸提高,將會縮小城鄉收入差距;但其負向效果將隨著財政自主提高後逐漸減弱,到達某個臨界水準後,財政自主對於城鄉收入差距的影響將由負轉正。意即中國大陸地方政府財政自主分權指標與城鄉收入差距間呈現非線性的關係,而是呈現類似正U型的曲線。在其他影響城鄉收入差距的變數方面上,本研究發現二元經濟結構係數、財政支出分權指標對於城鄉收入差距有正向的影響,而科技技術財政支出對於城鄉收入差距有負向的影響。透過本研究之結果,可以解釋財政分權對於城鄉收入差距影響結論不一致的說法,進而瞭解縮小地區性城鄉收入差距的最適財政分權程度。 / This purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in mainland China’s regional urban-rural income differential and its determinants during the period of 1995 to 2008. This study uses provincial-level data to analyze whether or not fiscal decentralization provides a positive effect for urban-rural income differential.In order to examine the role of fiscal decentralization in China's regional urban-rural income differential, this study establishes two empirical models with the square term of fiscal decentralization as an independent variable. After we estimate the two-way fixed-effects model of the urban-rural income differential equation, the empirical result shows the financial autonomy of local governments in China and regional urban-rural income differential relationship is nonlinear, but the show is U-shaped curve.

從生命理解生命-重探狄爾泰生命詮釋學 / Life grasps life-Re-search into Dilthey's hermeneutics of life

師雲儀 Unknown Date (has links)
狄爾泰的詮釋學理論承接史萊馬赫詮釋循環整體與部分相互補充預設,並重視對作者心理的解釋,以及作者生命脈絡、背景知識的掌握,將作品視為生命表現,並與生命整體相關聯。同時他也將詮釋學與奠定精神科學的基礎的嘗試連結,將詮釋學作為精神科學重要的知識論、方法論。 然而狄爾泰的詮釋理論不只是精神科學的認識論。除了以體驗、表現與理解三個概念中除了說明了精神科學的研究對象和範圍,有關理解如何得以可能,狄爾泰將人視為歷史的存有,不但研究歷史、創造歷史並且接受歷史在我們身上的作用,我們的理解能力同樣受到歷史而決定的。狄爾泰以客觀精神肯定理解者與被理解者之間的共同性,並以效果關聯來說明理解個人與外在環境的互動關係。理解活動不是僅將作品、文本視為他人的生命表現,企圖以重建創作過程客觀地理解作品;藉由理解他人生命表現同時也檢視自己的生命,同時在理解過程中也將自己的體驗移入,如此成為從生命理解生命的生命詮釋學。 本文以歷史學派、康德與史萊馬赫作為狄爾泰生命詮釋學的準備,並以客觀精神與效果關聯作為理解的前結構,從體驗、表現與理解三個概念來說明狄爾泰詮釋的豐富內容。以高達美在《真理與方法》中對狄爾泰的批評為反對立場,最後嘗試以狄爾泰自己的理論來回應高達美的批判。

台灣各縣市社會福利支出對其犯罪率之影響 / The impact of regional social welfare spending on crime rate in Taiwan

林倖妤, Lin, Xing Yu Unknown Date (has links)
區域間由於發展背景與功能取向不同,以致各地區社會福利支出比例有所差異,對治安與生活品質亦造成不同的影響。社會福利制度是促進整體社會平等、維持人民生存的重要體制;犯罪人口的多寡,則是影響國家成長與進步的重要社會問題之一。本研究主要目的為探討台灣地區社會福利支出對總犯罪率、各年齡層(少年、青年與成年)及失業者犯罪人口率之影響程度,並進一步分析不同社會福利補助支出對總體犯罪率及上述不同群體的個別影響方向。研究範圍為1999-2009年台灣地區23個縣市別的追蹤資料(panel data),利用雙因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model)同時分析各縣市之個別特質與時間趨勢效果,可對討論議題提供精確的估計結果。研究結果顯示,台灣各縣市社會福利支出與總體犯罪率間不存有顯著關係。進一步分析五種社會福利補助支出,發現家庭生活扶助對於改善整體及各年齡層的犯罪問題皆具有良好效果;其他如就學生活補助、醫療補助與急難救助對部分族群之犯罪問題亦有正面幫助。唯失業給付對犯罪問題並無正面影響。因此建議可藉由調整社會福利支出的比例以降低犯罪問題的發生。 / As the mode of growth and orientation policy in various area are different, resulting in proportion of social welfare spending and influence on public security and quality of life are also different. This study aims to investigate the influence of social welfare spending as well as different social welfare assistance on the total crime rate and crime rate of population of specific age groups and unemployed in Taiwan. Using the cross-regional panel data of 23 counties during the period 1999-2009 in Taiwan. The empirical results from two-way fixed-effect model found that there is no significant relationship between social welfare spending and crime rate. However, analyzing the further five social welfare assistances with regard to improve crime problem has been proved, especially living support assistance. Therefore, this study suggests that the criminal coping strategy is proposed to adjust proportion social welfare spending to reduce criminal problems.

公益平面廣告研究於動物保護:女性模特兒反對殘酷時尚 / A study on the animal protection public service print advertising: female models against cruel fashion

尤莉婭, Chashchina, Yulia Unknown Date (has links)
殘酷時尚議題已成為當代的芒刺,對動物保護團體及人權組織形成挑戰。善待動物組織(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals:PETA)是目前規模最大、發展最完善的動物權利組織,其廣告往往能在人們心中喚醒善待動物的意識。PETA首次在時尚雜誌上發起的反對毛皮廣告活動,即獲得「非營利組織最佳廣告獎(Best Ads Produced by a Nonprofit)」。 本研究的宗旨為,展示公益內容廣告運動可在任何市場導向的經濟體中運作。本研究列舉PETA的PSA廣告範例如下:「我寧願裸體」(“I’d rather go naked”, 1992年) 、「毛皮代表死亡」(“Fur is dead”, 2001年)、「對皮膚感到自在」(“Be comfortable in your own skin”, 2003年)、「拯救海豹」(“Save the seals”, 2009年)。「毛皮」 (“Skins”)主題上述廣告皆由知名女性代言。 本研究為質量研究,採用射影技術(projective technique)及深入訪談,調查結合訊息與圖像的PSA廣告在傳達動物權力相關議題時的效果。本研究將指出這些廣告可如何透過1.有創意、逼真的圖像、2.說服力的寓意訊息及3.知名代言人,加強傳遞人與自然關係的概念。 本研究發現,具說服力的訊息必須擁有逼真、富含寓意、簡潔、清楚等特性,且僅有在搭配適當的圖像時,才能發揮效力。此類圖像必須擁有不含混、非情色誘因、有創意、外來風或暗中使用性訴求等特性。廣告必須同時訴諸感性訴求及現實主義,並由知名、受人敬重的代言人出演。當公益廣告意圖以幽默感營造有利的風趣情境時,就不應使用嚴肅形象,或要求觀眾訴諸行動。至於訴諸恐懼類的公益廣告,則結合令人反感的圖像特徵及寓意訊息,仍可營造有利觀眾回應的情境,然而太過強烈的反感特徵有時會造成觀眾無法掌握寓意,導致觀眾無法回應。訴諸恐懼類平面廣告所引起的觀眾回應差異,以及本研究的局限性,可歸因於應答者的文化差異。 本研究做出結論為,擁有優良公眾形象及正面背景的知名代言人,可成功向大眾傳遞寓意訊息。再者,有創意、逼真,但不過度暴力、過度情色的圖像可吸引觀眾目光,促使大眾意識並做出反應。 / In the Modern Age the problem of killing fashion has become a thorny issue for the fashion industry, animal rights protection organizations, animal world and humanity. In this respect, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) performs as the largest and most highly developed animal rights institution in modern countries. PETA’s advertising has made a revolution in people’s minds concerning the ethical treatment of animals and already the first advertising campaign by PETA received the “Best Ads Produced by a Nonprofit” Award for its anti-fur advertising campaign in fashion magazines. The purpose of the study is to show how such social content advertising campaigns can work in all countries that are learning to live under market-driven economies. This research concerns properly selected print PSA samples of “I’d rather go naked” (launched in 1992), “Fur is dead” (launched in 2001), “Be comfortable in your own skin” (launched in 2003), and “Save the seals” (launched in 2009) campaigns presented by a number of celebrity spokeswomen posing for PETA’s “Skins” print advertisements. Based on qualitative research with the use of projective techniques and in-depth interviews, the study investigates the impact of a combination of PSA specific messages and image characteristics concerning animal rights using Public Service Print Advertising. The research will show how these ads hopefully can improve their effectiveness in order to achieve more respect for the human-nature relationship by using 1) Creative, realistic images, 2) A powerful educational message, and 3) A highly respected and appreciated celebrity spokesperson. The study found that a strong persuasive message is defined as realistic, educational, laconic, clear and the advertisement is ultimately effective only when used with proper image characteristics. Such image characteristics are non-vulgar, non-sexually distracting, but creative, exotic, or latent in sexual appeal. An advertisement should use emotional appeal and realism, presented by a celebrity spokesperson with a respected personal background. While PSA uses a high degree of humor to produce favorable and amused attitude, they do not present a serious image or promote a call to action. Regarding using fear appeal, strongly unpleasant image characteristics combined with educational messages still may produce a favorable and responsible attitude. However, it was found that unfavorable perceptions caused by strongly unpleasant images sometimes distracted viewers from the educational message or failed to produce a responsible reaction. The striking differences among public responses regarding fear appeal in print ads and study limitations can be attributed to cultural differences within respondents. The study has concluded that strong educational messages spoken by highly trustworthy celebrities with positive background activity makes the public listen. Furthermore, creative, realistic, but not overly-violent or overly-sexual images catch the viewer’s attention, makes the public more aware and encourages responsible thinking.

清潔發展機制 (CDM) 對溫室氣體減量之影響 / The impact of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) on greenhouse gas emissions abatement

游懷萱, Yu, Huai Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,全球氣候變遷問題已嚴重影響人類生活,而世界各國也逐漸意識到已開發國家和開發中國家必須共同合作以解決此問題。京都議定書中的清潔發展機制 (CDM) 即是讓已開發國家與開發中國家共同實踐減量目標的一種彈性減量機制,然而過去文獻對於其減排成效的看法並不一致。有鑒於此,本文以參與CDM計畫的20個開發中國家和16個已開發國家為研究對象,探討CDM計畫對其2003至2008年二氧化碳減量之影響。根據兩階段最小平方法之固定效果模型的實證結果顯示,CDM計畫能減少開發中國家的二氧化碳排放量,但經認證的排放減量額度 (CERs) 有被過量核發之現象;另一方面,CDM計畫對已開發國家的減排效果則無影響。 / In recent years, global climate change problem has affected humans’ life badly. Therefore, it is gradually realized that the developed countries and developing countries have to cooperate to solve the problem. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the flexibility mechanisms defined in the Kyoto Protocol, and it allows the developed countries, in cooperation with developing countries, to fulfill the emission-reduction targets. However, the emissions abatement effects of CDM in the literatures are diverse. Accordingly, this paper uses 20 developed countries and 16 developing countries as an empirical case to examine the impact of CDM on carbon dioxide emissions abatement from 2003 to 2008. According to fixed effects two-stage least squares, CDM projects reduced the carbon dioxide emissions of developing countries, but the certified emissions reductions (CERs) were excessively issued. On the other hand, CDM projects didn’t have an impact of emissions abatement on developed countries.

外人直接投資於中國大陸電子業之外溢效果與生產效率分析 / An analysis on foreign direct investment, spill-over effect, and production efficiency of Chinese Electronic Industry

郭芳倩, Guo, Fang Cian Unknown Date (has links)
現今世界趨勢已朝向全球整合的方向邁進,隨著科技日新,世界各國跨越地域隔閡,不論是在政治、經濟、科技、文化等各方面往來接觸愈來愈頻繁,中國大陸近年來與世界經貿關係連結更為緊密,同時亦對外開放直接投資,使跨國企業逐漸擴大進軍中國大陸之版圖,享受中國大陸豐沛之廉價勞動力。 然而,開放外人直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)勢必為中國大陸相關之產業或總體經濟帶來某種程度之影響,儘管外人直接投資可帶來充沛之資本及先進之技術,但亦有可能加劇國內市場競爭,不利於本土廠商。 本文運用1998-2006 年「中國工業企業統計數據庫」中之電子業廠商,建構追蹤資料模型(Panel Data),並運用隨機邊界法(stochastic frontier approach)估計中國大陸本資、台港澳資及外資企業生產效率,藉以衡量FDI之外溢效果。根據實證結果我們發現:中國大陸電子業之外人直接投資存在正向外溢效果及正向之技術移轉,顯示FDI之進入將有助於提升中國大陸電子業本土廠商之生產力。此外,我們同時發現FDI集中投資的結果將可能造成外溢效果的減低,除此之外,經濟區位亦是影響外人直接投資所帶來之外溢效果及技術移轉效果之重要因子之一。 / Global integration is the world trend nowadays. With the breakthrough of technology, the geographical barriers no longer exist. It would be much closer with other countries in many fields, such as politics, economics, technology and culture. In recent years, China has a closer economics and trades linkage with the world. As the results of openness to foreign direct investments, more and more multinational enterprises enter to China, expanding their scale and being benefited from the low-cost labor of China. China is benefited from the plentiful capital and advanced technologies of foreign direct investments; however, the openness to FDI might cause the competition which can aggravate in domestic market and hurt the domestic firms. The research uses the data of electronic firms from Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database. We apply panel data model and stochastic frontier approach to estimate the production efficiency of Chinese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Macanese and Other foreign enterprises. According to the empirical results, we discover that there are positive spill-over effects and technology transformation from foreign direct investments in Chinese electronic industry. These results indicate the entry of FDI will promote the productivity of Chinese electronic firms. Beside the positive results, we also discover the negative deduction stem in concentrated investments; furthermore, the spill-over effects and the technology transformation effects are affected by the economic location.

地方財政分權對中國省市競爭力的影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization on China’s provincial competitiveness

林士傑 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自改革開放之後,其經濟成長之快速,使得全球眾多的學者投入中國大陸議題的研究。隨著世界的開發,有限的資源不斷被使用,造成資源愈來愈少,也由於資源的稀少性,因此市場經濟方為競爭的經濟。參與競爭必須首先具備競爭力,作為國民經濟重要組成單元的區域經濟,如何應對日趨激烈的競爭,如何培育構建、提升保持具有區域特色的競爭力,就成為迫在眉睫的問題 本研究之研究目的主要有以下幾點:第一,希望能藉由相關理論文獻,解釋財政地方分權對中國省、市之間競爭力是否會有所影響或是關聯,將以此為本研究之理論基礎,並且進行實證的檢驗;第二,將以1994年中國財政改革以後之財政相關資料,利用中國31個省、市的追蹤資料,資料蒐集期間涵蓋2000年至2008年,以各年各省、市的綜合競爭力作為衡量該省、市的競爭力指標,以期能夠了解各地區競爭力的影響情形; 第三,本研究建立一個二階段固定效果模型,來檢視中國31個省市財政分權對其綜合競爭力的影響,並將各省市的情形做歸納;第四,從實證模型中發現,財政地方分權與區域綜合競爭力間的關聯性為一非線性關係且具有U型曲線關係;最後,利用實證結果來提供具體的政策建議。

北部地區區域房價之動態分析 : 時空模式之應用

游惠君 Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻對於房價的研究,不管是應用橫斷面分析探討個體層面影響房價之因素,或是應用時間數列分析房價的長期勢,抑或是在分析房價與總體經濟變數間的關係時,多忽略不同次級市場間的互動關係,然而不同次級市場的房價常因為替代性或者是互補性而產生波及效果。 因此本研究將次級市場以行政區域來劃分,以北部地區的四個行政區(台北市、台北縣、基隆市、桃園縣)為研究範圍,利用時空數列分析方法,首先以單根檢定與共整合方法分析四個次級區域的房價時間數列是否有穩定特性,區域房價間在長期是否具有一種穩定的線性組合關係,以說明四個次級區域間房價的異質性與相依性。其次,應用具有誤差修正機制的向量自我相關模型,亦即VECM(Vector Autoregression in Error Correction Model),利用誤差修正模型探討區域房價在次級區域短期失衡時的調整速率,並以Granger因果檢測其間的互動關係及區域房價在時間上、空間上的領先、落後關係。最後對於影響區域房價的重要總體變數納入考量,分析重要區域總體變數在空間上與時間上的相關性與互動性。

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