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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

日本と韓国における高齢者の自殺予防福祉モデル構築に関する基礎的研究 / ニホン ト カンコク ニオケル コウレイシャ ノ ジサツ ヨボウ フクシ モデル コウチク ニカンスル キソテキ ケンキュウ

孟 浚鎬, Joonho Maeng 20 March 2018 (has links)
博士(社会福祉学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


葉宜玲, YE, YI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討近幾年來中美貿易順差逐年擴大、中美貿易摩擦日趨嚴重之下,降低關 稅、開放服務業市場對中美貿易之影響。 第一章為前言,說明本文研究動機。第二章為中美貿易分析,剖析中美貿易十五年來 的三個特色。第三章為降低關稅對中美貿易之影響。先分析海關進口稅則修正與中美 貿局。再設立各項商品之進口需求方程式,作一實證研究,從而分析其結果。第四章 為開放服務業與中美貿易。開放服務業市場是中美經留談判中愈益重要的項目。本章 分別就開放運輸業、保險業、銀行業市場加以分析與評估。第五章為結論。

以一整合性架構探討台灣行動商務科技接受度之研究 / Exploring the Technology Acceptance of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan under an Integrated Framework

陳盈妘, Chen,Ying Yun Unknown Date (has links)
當今行動裝置愈來愈普及,人們在接收和處理資訊、消費、娛樂以及種種生活便利服務的需求不減反增,衍生出的行動加值性服務也愈來愈多元,造就了行動商務的蓬勃發展。由於台灣行動電話持有率與全民上網普及率均在全球市場上名列前矛,然而消費者對行動商務的接受度普遍仍不高,因此本研究目的在找出影響台灣地區使用者採用行動商務的因素,並探索這些因素之間如何相互影響,最後如何影響使用者的採用意願。 本研究將以Sally& Indrit所提出的概念性整合性行動商務採用模型為基礎,加以修正後利用結構方程式進行假說驗證,並以不同類型的行動商務服務如功利型與享樂型作為調節變數,探討使用者在使用不同類型的服務時,影響其採用該服務的因素會對其採用態度有何種程度的影響,試圖解釋台灣地區使用者的採用行動商務之行為。 本研究結果發現: (1)使用者愈認為該行動商務的服務是有用的、有娛樂性的、使用過程是安全的和能維護隱私的,以及價格愈合理,使用者採用該行動商務服務的態度即愈正向。 (2)價格因素除了直接影響採用態度之外,還會對採用意願有直接影響。 (3)當使用者覺得該服務容易使用時,同時也較會認為該服務是有用的。 (4)當使用者認為該行動商務之服務為有用時,同時則認為該服務的娛樂性是較低的。 (5)使用者先前的使用知識與經驗及其所能掌控該服務的能力愈高,會增加其認知易用性,進而透過認知有用性的提升,其採用態度愈正向。 (6)使用者認為該服務有用與否及是否具有娛樂性,易受同儕或廠商的行銷活動影響,進而影響其採用態度,外部影響力與廠商的行銷活動對採用態度有間接的影響。 (7)使用者在使用功利型服務時,相較於使用享樂型的服務時,其對服務的認知有用性這項因素對其採用該服務的態度會有較大的影響。 (8)使用者所認知的易用性這項因素在使用者採用享樂型服務時更顯重要。 / With the higher availability of mobile devices, people’s needs in receiving information, consuming, pursuing entertainment, and other convenient services in life have augmented, resulting in the increase the variety of mobile services and attributing to the prosperity of mobile commerce. Both the possession rate of mobile phones and the penetration rate of the access to the Internet in Taiwan occupied the leading positions in global market, yet the consumers’ acceptance for mobile commerce is comparatively low. Thus, the purpose of the research is to discover possible factors that influence users’ adoption of mobile commerce in Taiwan, and to explore how these factors affect one another and further make impact on the users’ intention to use. This research, based on the conceptual framework for the acceptance of mobile commerce proposed by Sally & Indrit (2007), underwent the revision of the model and validated the hypotheses, including using different kinds of mobile services such as utilitarian and hedonic types as moderators to explore how these factors can influence the users’ attitude toward use differently when adopting different types of mobile services. The research intends to explicate the users’ adoption behavior of mobile commerce in Taiwan. The research induces the following findings: (1)The higher degree the users perceive that the mobile services are useful, joyful, secure, and that the price of the services is reasonable, the more positive the users’ attitude toward adoption for mobile services is. (2)The factor of price not merely influences the users’ attitude toward use, but also influences their intention to use. (3)When the users find the mobile services easy to use, they tend to feel that the services are useful. (4)When the users find the mobile services very useful, they tend to perceive less enjoyment of the services. (5)When the users possess more prior knowledge, experience, and behavior control for the mobile services, they tend to perceive higher degree of ease of use, which results in higher perceived usefulness, and their attitude toward use for mobile services will be more positive. (6)Peer influence and promotion from the enterprises can easily affect the users’ perception of usefulness and enjoyment for mobile services, which further influences their attitude toward use. External influence and promotion from the enterprises will make indirect impact on users’ attitude toward use. (7)The users’ perceived enjoyment makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using utilitarian services than hedonic services. (8)The users’ perceived ease of use makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using hedonic services than utilitarian services.

虛擬品牌社群加入動機與使用者創作態度、參與意圖及社群認同之研究 / The antecedents and consequences of user-generated content participation of online brand community

黎裕元 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路時代的來臨,人際互動與溝通模式產生新的轉變,世界各地的網友可以藉由網路平台,表達自己的想法並且結交志同道合的朋友。喜歡特定品牌的網友們也會自行集結成立品牌社群,社群中的成員會以各種型式的創作與眾人分享其對於該品牌之愛好。有鑑於台灣寬頻網路普及率在世界名列前茅,品牌社群如雨後春筍般相繼成立,網友們也紛紛透過發表與瀏覽使用者創作與品牌社群成員互動,因此本研究目的在於找出影響網友加入品牌社群動機,及影響社群成員創作與消費使用者創作的因素,最後探討參與使用者創作對於品牌認同和社群認同的影響。 本研究以結構方程式來驗證Clary, Snyder, Ridge, Copeland, Stukas, Haugen, and Miene (1998) 功能性動機架構應用於品牌社群使用者創作之動機與態度,Eccles and Wigfield (1995) 的期望─價值理論對於使用者創作認知價值與態度間關係,以及Bagozzi and Dholakia (2005) 的品牌社群成員對於使用者創作態度及其使用者創作參與意圖的關聯,參與意圖對品牌與社群產生認同感之差異。 本研究有以下重要發現: 1. 社群導向加入動機會正面影響社群成員創作與消費使用者創作之態度,品牌導向加入動機則無顯著影響。 2. 品牌社群成員認為在社群中發表或瀏覽使用者創作越有價值,會更願意參與使用者創作的活動。 3. 對於創作使用者創作具有正面態度的社群成員,其參與使用者創作的意願越強,消費使用者創作態度較無顯著影響。 4. 社群成員參與使用者創作意願會強化品牌認同與社群認同,亦即越有意願參與使用者創作的成員對於品牌與社群之認同感越高。 / With the coming of the Internet age, people begin to change the way they communicate. People around the world can share their opinions on the Internet platform. Brand fanatics gather together and establish brand communities, and create different kinds of user-generated content to express their affections on the particular brand. In Taiwan, the assessiblity rate of Internet is occupied the leading position in the world. Moreover, brand community members interact with other members via publishing and consuming user-generated content. Thus, the purpose of the research is to find out the factors that influence brand community participation motivation, creating and consuming user-generated content, and the relation between user-generated content participation intention and brand identification and community identification. The Research is based on the conceptual framework of Functional Motivation proposed by Clary, Snyder, Ridge, Copeland, Stukas, Haugen, and Miene (1998) to investigate the relation between motivation and attitude toward user-generated content. With the Expectation – Value Theory proposed by Eccles and Wigfield (1995) to find out the influence of perceived value on attitude. Finally, the research will follow Bagozzi and Dholakia (2005) conceptual framework to discuss difference between the brand identification and community identification from the user-generated content participation intention. The research induces the following findings: 1. Community Oriented Participation Motivations will positively influence the brand community members’ user-generated contetent creation and consumpation attitude. Brand Oriented Participation Motivation will have no influence on the user-generated contetent creation and consumpation attitude. 2. The brand community members will base on the perceived value of creating and consuming user-generated content to engage user-generated content activity. 3. The attitude toward creating user-generated content will positively influence on the user-generated content participation intention. There is no significant influence from the attitude toward consuming user-generated content. 4. The user-generated content participation intention will reinforce the brand identification and community identification.

集合住宅面積混合對社區管理維護影響之路徑分析 / A path analysis for influence of condominiums area mixture on property management

陳妍如 Unknown Date (has links)
我國集合住宅市場常見一個案有數種面積產品混合之現象,在過去研究指出不同面積之產品進行投資組合已成為建商降低風險與穩定報酬的手段,僅在供給面被討論,卻忽略了住宅市場應以『使用』為目的,換言之,產品面積混合(Housing mix)隱含購屋者其生活水平及背景之異質性(Social mix),將可能造成社區管理維護上之不易,本文試圖延伸過去此現象在需求面及管理維護上探討的不足。在實證方面,採問卷調查台北市建管處公寓大廈管理科所提供之已報備成立管理組織的主任委員2,877份,回收率為11.30%,剔除沒有舉辦活動之社區並符合設定樣本大小與母體可容忍誤差α=10%之要求下,共307筆有效問卷。輔以公寓大廈科報備資料掌握至所有面積及其對應之戶數,建立『面積混合度』之衡量,結合當前國內外住宅混合與住宅隔離議題,透過路徑分析方式衡量面積混合對社區管理維護績效之影響為直接影響或間接影響?釐清混合對管理維護影響過程之因果關係。 研究結果顯示,建商供給者之面積混合策略對於住戶需求者之管理維護績效將是間接負面影響而非傳統迴歸所觀察得到的直接影響,驗證了國外負面外溢效果在國內亦是如此。而主要影響路徑為面積混合愈高則提高了社區衝突,進而對管理維護產生負面影響。其次,過去認為除面積混合之外,新舊社區與大小規模亦會影響管理維護,故進行兩群分析究竟何者影響管理維護較大?實證發現混合社區在經過搬遷磨合期將減緩混合因異質性所造成的不和睦,但混合之負面影響仍大於新舊社區之影響。 / The phenomenon of one construction case with housing mix usually appears in the condominium market. Some studies indicated that the portfolio of housing mix has become a means of reducing risk and having a stable reward for construction companies. However, the discussion was only on supply, and ignored that “use” should be the main purpose in the condominium market. In other words, housing mix implied the social mix of homebuyers’ living standard and background, and it might make the community management and maintenance not easy. The study tries to extend the deficiency in the treatment of the phenomenon on supply or on community management and maintenance. In proof, a questionnaire survey was adopted in the study. There were 2877 pieces of questionnaires released to the chairmen of registered management organizations according to the data from the Apartment and Building Management Division in the Building Administration Office of Taipei City Government. The recovery rate was 11.3%. The communities without holding activities were culled out, and in order to satisfy the requirement of the set sample dimension and the error tolerance of matrix belowα=10%, total valid questionnaires were 307 pieces. The measurement of “housing mix” can be built up by the supplementary information from the Apartment and Building Management Division, which includes all square measure and corresponding houses. Combing the subjects of residential mix and residential separation at home and abroad, housing mix could be measured by path analysis to see whether it has a direct or indirect affect on community management and maintenance to further figure out the casual relationship during the affection process of the housing mix and the community management and maintenance. The study results show that the policy of housing mix from the suppliers, construction companies, has an indirect negative affection on the performance of community management and maintenance for residents, the demanders, instead of having a direct affection observed by traditional regression analysis. The result proves the negative spillover effect no matter at home or abroad. The path of impact is that the higher the housing mix is, the higher the community conflict will be, and the situation will generate negative affection on community management and maintenance. Furthermore, except the housing mix, new and old communities or the sizes of communities were thought to affect community management and operation, and they were usually divided into two groups to analyze which one has greater affection on management and maintenance ? It is found by evidences that the communities with housing mix show less disharmony caused by social mix after the run-in period of movement. However, the negative affection of housing mix is still higher than the one of new and old communities.

∂-方程解之積分表現及其在橢圓域之均勻估計 / Integral Representation of Solution for ∂u=f and Its Uniform Estimate on Ellipsoids

林景隆, Lin, Jin Long Unknown Date (has links)
本文證明對∂-方程式在橢圓域中的解皆可用積分形式表現出來而且滿足均勻估計。在此估計中的常數可用橢圓的長短軸表達之。而且,我們也證明了此常數具有穩定性。 / In this thesis, we prove that, given any smooth closed (0,1)-form f near an ellipsoid Ω in C<sup>n</sup>, the Henkin's solution H<sub>Ω</sub>f of the ∂-equation on Ω satisfies the uniform estimate     ║H<sub>Ω</sub>f║<sub>∞</sub>≦C<sub>Ω</sub>║f║<sub>∞</sub>  ,   where is the Henkin's constant of Ω which can be explicitly estimated in terms of the maximum and minimum axes of the ellipsoid Ω. Also, a special version of the stability result of the Henkin's constant C<sub>Ω</sub> is obtained.

大學生生活壓力、心理資本與憂鬱之關係 / The relationships among life stress, psychological capital, and depression of college students

巫姿嫺, Wu, Zih Sian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生的生活壓力、心理資本及憂鬱之關係。受試者為國立政治大學與國立交通大學的大學生,有效樣本為631人。本研究採問卷調查法施以生活壓力量表、心理資本量表及臺灣憂鬱症量表,使用的資料分析方法包括:t考驗、單因子變異數分析、因素分析、及結構方程式模型。本研究主要發現如下: 一、在背景變項方面: (一)不同性別大學生在「生活壓力」與「憂鬱」上有顯著差異。 (二)不同年齡大學生在「生活壓力」上有顯著差異。 (三)不同年級在各背景變項上皆無顯著差異。 (四)不同學院在各背景變項上皆無顯著差異。 二、在結構模式方面: (一)生活壓力對心理資本有直接負向效果。 (二)生活壓力對憂鬱有直接正向效果。 (三)心理資本對憂鬱有直接負向效果。 (四)生活壓力能直接影響憂鬱,也能透過心理資本間接影響憂鬱。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among life stress, psychological capital, and depression of College students. The participants included 631 college students sampled from National Chengchi University and National Chiao Tung University. The data was collected by questionnaires, including the Stress Scale, the Psychological Capital Scale, and the Taiwan Depression Scale. Moreover, the data were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis, and SEM. The main results were summarized as follows: About the background variables: 1.Students with different gender were significantly different in the scores of life stress and depression. 2.Students with different grade were significantly different in the scores of depression. 3.Students with different age were not significantly different in the scores of background variables. 4.Students with different faculty were not significantly different in the scores of background variables. About the structural model: 1.Life stress had negative influence on psychological capital directly. 2.Life stress had positive influence on depression directly. 3.Psychological capital had negative influence on depression directly. 4.Life stress had influence on depression directly, and it also affected depression through psychological capital.

公營銀行民營化經營績效之研究 / The Operating Performance Research of State-owned Banks' Privatization

洪偉洲, Hung,Wei-Chou Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,銀行業面臨過度競爭的困境,銀行家數過多使得業者紛紛採用價格競爭的方式來搶攻市場。加上普遍缺乏金融創新的能力,服務與產品趨向同質化,更使該產業處於競爭激烈的環境。政府為了提升公營銀行的經營績效,遂以民營化作為提升競爭力的方法,民營化後是否能夠有效提升績效,來解決效率不彰的問題,是個值得深入探究的議題。 本研究即探討公營銀行民營化前後經營績效的差異。從銀行經營的五大原則,安全性、經營能力、流動性、獲利性和成長性等五個財務因素切入,運用結構方程式模式探討因素間的關係,再進一步研究15項財務指標在民營化前後之差異。研究發現,安全性與成長性會顯著地正向影響獲利性,而經營能力也會顯著地正向影響成長性。表示銀行的管理者想要維持獲利能力,必須同時兼顧業務成長與風險的控管。 此外,在民營化之後顯著改善的財務指標有三個,分別為股東權益比率、流動比率與速動比率。顯著衰退的則有八個,分別為固定資產轉率、淨值週轉率、總資產週轉率、資產報酬率、淨值報酬率、純益率、淨值成長率與營收成長率等。因此,公營銀行在民營化之後,顯著改善了安全性與流動性指標,雖然加強了風險控管,但是在經營能力、獲利性與成長性指標中卻呈現顯著衰退現象。顯示民營化對於公營銀行競爭力的提升,在研究期間內成效並不如預期。 關鍵字:公營銀行、民營化、經營績效、銀行經營原則、結構方程式模式 / In recent years, there are many difficulties in the Taiwanese banking industry, especially the over-banking problem. Every bank uses the price competition to broaden its market share because they have no innovative ability to create new products and services. In order to solve this problem, Taiwanese government regarded privatization as the best way to improve state-owned banks’ operating performance. This issue has also become a very popular subject of studies. This study investigated the difference of operating performance between pre-privatization and post-privatization. It discussed and examined the relationship among Safety, Activity, Liquidity, Profitability and Growth. Based on the results, Profitability is directly affected by Safety and Growth. In addition, Growth is also directly affected by Activity. So, if managers of a bank want to make profit continuously, they have to care about not only sales growth but also risk management. After privatization, there are three increasing indicators, including equity ratio, current ratio and quick ratio. However, there are still eight decreasing ones, inclusive of fixed asset turnover ratio, equity turnover ratio, total asset turnover ratio, return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), profit margin on sales, equity growth rate and sales growth rate. As a result, privatization is probably not the best solution to improve the operating performance of state-owned banks. Key words: state-owned banks, privatization, operating performance


許琇婷 Unknown Date (has links)
員工分紅制度用以激勵員工,卻對股東權益有『稀釋效果』,其對股東財富之關係如何?本研究將探討員工分紅制度是否能提高公司的市場績效與財務績效,進而彌補因為稀釋效果所造成股東報酬的減少。此外,本研究認為企業在制訂員工分紅政策時,必定會受到公司特性的影響,故本研究亦探討公司特性與員工分紅政策之間是否具有關連性。實證結果發現,員工分紅制度與公司績效之關連性方面,現金紅利與會計績效間呈現正向相互影響,與市場績效呈現負向相互影響,而股票紅利與市場績效間存有負向相互影響,且無法顯著提升會計績效。員工分紅政策與公司特性之關連性方面,公司規模、人力資源重要性、成長機會與員工紅利成現正相關,唯成長機會與現金紅利無顯著相關。 / The employee bonus policy in Taiwan makes manifest contribution to the upgrade of local high-tech firms. Such policy attracts eminent employees while causing direct losses to the equity of stockholders. Is it definitely a good policy? This study investigates if this policy improves firms’ accounting performance and market performance and if there exists an association between the employee bonus policy and firms’ characteristics. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between the employee bonus and accounting performance, but accounting performance doesn’t have significant positive effect on stock bonus. Negative association between the employee bonus and accounting performance exists, but the negative relationship between cash bonus and market performance is not significant. The firm size, importance of human resource and opportunity of growth all have positive effects on the employee bonus, but opportunity of growth has no significant effect on cash bonus.


許慈美 Unknown Date (has links)
由累積因果理論(The Principle of Circular Causation)可以發現都市和產業是一動態的發展模式,不只有產業影響都市成長,同樣的,都市對產業發展也有相當的影響力,兩者間存在著雙向影響關係並形成動態發展過程。本研究希望透過相關理論回顧建立都市與產業的相互影響模式,並以台灣地區為實證分析,從實證結果與理論的對話,分析台灣地區產業、都市、政策間的相互關係,提出促進台灣地區都市及產業發展之相關政策建議。 本研究有關章節摘要如下。第一章緒論。第二章、透過相關的理論回顧歸納影響產業發展的經濟因素有:廠商投入資本、投入勞動人口、地方化經濟、都市化經濟、人力資本的累積、私部門的研究與發展、都市化下的擁擠成本;影響都市成長的經濟因素有:都市內基礎產業比例、高工資報酬(所得)、私部門投入資本、薪資缺口(都市外圍與都市內部的薪資差異)、農業勞力剩餘人口、聚集經濟(地方化經濟及都市化經濟)、生產成長率、都市化下的擁擠成本,由該些因素建立產業與都市雙向影響模式,從中了解各項經濟因素在都市及產業發展中之定位及影響。第三章、探討台灣都市與產業發展現況及相關產業政策作為實證結果的背景分析。第四章、以第二章所歸納的經濟因素為基礎,從中選取適合的變數建立聯立模型,由聯立模型實證結果發現對台灣地區都市成長或產業有顯著影響的經濟因素有: 1、 對都市成長有顯著影響因素:第三級產業資本生產要素、第三級產業薪資所得、聚集經濟(包括二、三級產業聚集所形成的地方化經濟、都市化經濟)。 2、 對產業發展有顯著影響因素:第三級產業資本生產要素、第二級產業薪資所得、聚集經濟(包括三級產業聚集所形成的地方化經濟、都市化經濟)。 第五章、結論與建議中,得到以下幾點結論: 1、 台灣地區都市成長與產業發展的雙向影響關係呈現穩定中緩和的變動狀態,此代表台灣都市發展已邁入成熟時期。 2、 從理論與實證對照中,產業對都市的成長具有正面的影響效果,符合理論預期結果;在都市對產業的影響方面,理論中都市成長對產業發展的影響須視都市成長階段而定,而由實證結果可以發現,台灣現今的都市成長已達到規模不經濟之階段。 3、 從政策與實證結果對照發現,第三級產業的凝聚力不如第二級產業;各地區三級產業發展程度的差異加深區域間發展不均衡情形。 關鍵字:都市成長、產業發展、累積因果理論、聯立方程式模型

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