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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1949大遷徙與臺灣戰後的發展(1949-1996) / 1949 Migration and Development of Taiwan (1949-1996)

王槐仁, Wang, Huai-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
在正常的情形下,人類預期新地區的生活條件會更好,才會決定從原居住地遷移到另一個地區生活,就理論的觀點分析,人類遷徙的因素大致可區分為個人因素與結構因素,而此二者所導致的遷徙,勢將改變社會的發展,特別是移民所遷入的社會。 1949年,中國大陸超過百萬的人口遷徙到臺灣,顯然的,這是結構因素所致,這是一群人受到政治因素的推力而形成的大遷徙;由於當時移民占臺灣總人口數相當的比例,於是形成所謂的「外省人」族群,此族群對臺灣戰後的發展產生相當程度的影響。 本文試圖從遷徙作為的研究途徑,依循歷史演進的脈絡,以質性研究的方法,探討自1949-1996年移民與臺灣戰後的發展情形,並檢視近半個世紀以來,移民在臺灣政治、經濟與社會發展過程中所扮演的角色。 / Generally speaking, people believe that the living conditions of the new area will be better, then they make decision to migrate to another place to live. In the theory of migration, it can be divided into individual factors and structural factors. No matter which factor, migration will have an effect on the development of immigrant society. In 1949, there were over 1.2 millions of the people who migrated from mainland China to Taiwan. Undoubtedly, it was caused by the structural and political factors that pushed the “great migration”. Because the immigrants moving into Taiwan accounted for a considerable proportion of the population, they formatted an ethnic group so-called "mainlanders". This paper attempts to use migration as an approach to review and explore the development of society in Taiwan in the second half of the 20th century. The time frame is between the year of 1949 when the Nationalist government immigrated to Taiwan and the year of 1996 when direct presidential election took place in Taiwan.

香港身份認同想像:本土主義vs.愛國主義之分析 / Hong Kong Imaginary: Nativism vs. Patriotism

游梓峰, Yau, Tsz Fung Unknown Date (has links)
2014年12月的「雨傘運動」中,不時看到「支持本土、以香港為家」的口號和標語,如「自己香港自己救」、「守護香港拒絕沉淪」以及「撐(支持)香港」等等,都反映出年輕一輩對香港的歸屬情感,顯示出本土主義是這場運動論述的核心內涵,意在對抗北京的愛國主義論述,同時也反映出本土意識是目前香港認同與社會集體想像的重要內容。本論文採取文獻分析法,旨在針對透過公共討論中與香港身份認同相關的論述進行脈絡式分析,探討香港身份認同的演變,剖析香港社會自英殖時期至今關於香港人的集體想像。本論文針對英殖管治時期、戰後至回歸、一國兩制實施至今三個主要歷史時期進行研究,探討香港人的集體認同及其演變。本研究結論指出,強調多元族群社會想像的認同論述有助於形塑具包容性的香港本土認同。 / In the 2014 Umbrella Movement, nativism, aimed to contest with the patriotism advocated by Beijing, appeared to be the core of the discourse of the movement. It is embodied in slogans such as ‘Supporting the native; Hong Kong is our home’ and ‘Preserving Hong Kong.’ This reflects the sense of belonging of the Hong Kong youth. Nativism therefore appears to be an important element in the formation of collective identity and social imaginary of Hong Kong. This dissertation, through a contextual analysis of discourses on Hong Kong identity, aims to probe into Hong Kong identity in different historical periods, including the period of British colonial rule, the period from the end of World War Two to the 1997 handover of Hong Kong, and the period when ‘One Country and Two Systems’ is practiced in Hong Kong. In the conclusion, it is argued that the nativist discourse that emphasizes multiethnic social imaginary contributes to the formation of an inclusive form of Hong Kong identity.

族群衝突與政治整合:比利時與台灣之比較研究 / Ethnic Conflict and Political Integration : A Comparative Study of Belgium and Taiwan

劉華宗, Liu, Hua-tsung Unknown Date (has links)
東西冷戰結束後,族群衝突問題躍為國際政治社會最主要的焦點。比利時和台灣的族群衝突,共同點為少數族群為優勢族群,對多數族群進行強勢支配,多數族群在經過一段時間後,為爭取自身權益群起抗爭,少數族群為維護相對優勢地位及利益,對多數族群的抗爭起而反制,於是族群衝突問題加劇。族群衝突的結果,兩敗俱傷,於是乃有走上政治整合之路以解決之。 本文以權力分享途徑、政治體系環境因素、政治社會學的分析法與比較法,比較研究比利時和台灣的族群衝突問題,包括衝突的背景、衝突的事實,以及解決之道。研究結果,比利時的制度化政治整合,雖保障了族群權益,卻也造成族群隔閡的制度化與永久化。台灣未來解決族群衝突問題,有自然融合與政治制度化保障兩條途徑,兩者各有其利弊得失,惟從過去十餘年的發展歷程來看,未來採族群自然融合發展的可能性較高。


曾麗芬 Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀各研究均揭示,台灣原住民在大社會就業市場中普遍從事職位低、待遇差、流動性大的勞動性或其他非技術性工作,形成一種特殊的「族裔別就業區位」,同時連帶影響都市原住民的社會心理處境,形成「污名的」(stigma)認同。 根據「中華民國台灣原住民族文化發展協會」、「山海文化雜誌社」一項針對「北台都會區原住民文化據點暨創業人才發展研究計劃」的調查結果顯示,截至民國八十七年止大台北地區由原住民經營的商家店舖至少有一百五十至兩百家左右,營業項目涵蓋餐飲、服飾、旅遊、美容美髮、卡拉OK、手工藝、雜貨店、安養中心等;另調查中也發現,不少原住民創業者在一般商店外,積極利用傳統文化要素,使其與商業生產經營銜接,經營具有原住民特色的商店。 相較以往主流社會對原住民多為「體力工」、「勞工」的刻板框架與負面圖像,或側重於遷移、適應、就業結構等附屬地位之研究,都市原住民創業之研究,不啻提供一展嶄新的觀察面向與研究途徑,其對都市原住民未來發展與族群認同意識之形塑、建構,實具深意。 根據前述,本論文希望結合創業者自我陳述與研究者個人觀察,達成下列目的: (一)、都市原住民創業現象描述。 (二)、勾勒都市原住民的創業形貌與特質。 (三)、觀察都市原住民創業的經營模式。 (四)、了解都市原住民創業之困境與限制。 (五)、探究原住民在創業活動中的文化體現及其對族群認同意識之影 響。 最後,擬根據前述研究成果,提供重構都市原住民圖像之可能途徑。


柯文麗, Ke, Wen-Li Unknown Date (has links)
社會變遷的快速,推波助瀾學校教育改革的腳步。學校教育不能原地踏步,必須有所創新;學校教育必須能掌握社會脈動,才能提供學子隨機應變的能力。因此,教育改革勢在必行。 中央統籌規劃的課程是一套統一的架構,並未考量學生生活經驗、學生成長背景、學生民族身分..,所以,為了改善上述缺失,教育部現今推行的九年一貫國民教育,在課程規劃上,安排一周兩節課的彈性學習時間,提供給各小學彈性運用課程的設計,也就是鼓勵學校妥善運用這兩節課時間,設計規劃適合該校學童學習的課程活動。精神上強調培養學生帶得走的能力、期望學生從此課程學習中找到學習的樂趣,從而喜愛上學、更有自信面對挑戰。課程的內容可以是各學科的補救教學活動;或是結合社區發展、自然生態資源、機關團體的課程設計;還是民族文化相關的課程發展活動…。因此,學校本位課程的推動,彰顯了各學校的發展特色。 不同的民族,有不同的風土民情;語言、習俗上的不同,讓台灣境內各民族有了各自不同的特色。學校本位課程所提供各學校彈性的自主課程設計,造就了原住民小學與漢人小學在課程設計方向上不同的發展。原住民小學發展了與該學校學童民族身分相關的民族文化課程活動,有的是民族語言課程、民族舞蹈活動、原住民合唱社團、還有原住民祭儀活動,以及傳統編織、織布技藝等課程。漢人小學則多是結合社區發展鄉土人文、自然生態,或是與社區機關、社團結合的課程活動。 本論文是以比較分析台灣中部以北地區,八所原漢國民小學所推動的學校本位課程活動,透過訪談、問卷調查,綜合歸納後得到下列點結論: 壹、原住民小學學校本位課程發展傾向於民族文化相關課程。 貳、漢人小學學校本位課程發展多與社區資源相結合。 參、原住民教師比漢人教師關心民族教育。 肆、學生喜愛主題活動式課程。 伍、學校本位課程活動設計打造學校特色。 / Study and Analyze the School-based Curriculum of Aboriginal Schools and General School for the Northern of Taiwan Elementary Schools The modern society changes so fast that it accelerates the revolution in our system of education and the school education system should innovate in order to make progress instead of regression. To provide students with the ability to adapt modern society, which changes all the time, revolution in our educational system is imperative. The central government designed curriculum, a prevailing uniformity of educational skeleton, concerns nothing about the living experience, backgrounds and special racial dignity of the individual, so the Department of Education promotes the nine-year integrated education, an educational frame, in order to correct the flaw that ignores individual characteristics. The nine-year integrated education provides the flexibility in program design by arranging elastic courses two times a week. In other words, the purpose on this special educational frame is that appropriate arrangement for activities and programs which suit students. Moreover, the essence of the nine-year integrated education puts emphasis on the spirit that the individual can see the fun of learning. In additionnine-year integrated education, students love to go to school and act with confidence to face challenges. The ingredients of the program may contain tutorial class or cooperate with community development, nature resources, and public welfare organizations. Therefore, advocating the school-based curriculum makes traits of every single school more obvious. Generally speaking, diverse races have dissimilar cultures which are unique. The variety of historical backgrounds, languages and custom contribute the special feature which belongs to natives in Taiwan. The school-based curriculum which offers flexibility in program design makes the difference in curriculum arrangement between aboriginal elementary school and general elementary school. The aboriginal elementary schools have developed the cultural programs, which include mother language, folk dance, chorus, ritual ceremony and traditional weave skill, relating to their historical background according to the traits that students present. On the other hand, the general elementary schools combine their programs with native humanism, environmental concerns or cooperate with community activities and public welfare organizations. The thesis analysis and compares the school-based curriculum of eight schools which include aboriginal and general elementary schools in north and central Taiwan by interviews, questionnaires and then obtains conclusions represented below. 1. The school-based curriculum of aboriginal elementary school inclines to develop cultural programs. 2. The school-based curriculum of general elementary school chiefly combines with community resources. 3. The aboriginal teachers concern more about national education than other teachers. 4. The students prefer topical subject curriculums. 5. Designing school-based curriculum forms characteristics of schools.


黃錫璋 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸關係無法有效的開展與台灣各主要政黨的大陸政策的停滯,可以說是與大陸堅持「一個中國」、「一國兩制」有關。本研究的主要目的,是從民意的角度就台灣民眾希望的政治關係如何定位加以解析,而有別於其他研究是從兩岸政治精英的角度去探討兩岸問題;換言之,是一種由下而上的研究,而非傳統的由上而下的探討。 本研究從民意長期資料中擷取「統獨態度」、「族群認同」、「一國兩制支持度」等三項資料,分析台灣民眾究竟希望兩岸關係如何定位,是「邦聯制」、「聯邦制」、「中程協議」或「歐盟模式」。從民意分析的結果,本研究認為民眾最希望的是先採行「邦聯制」,而在兩岸差距拉近以後,再思考如何進行整合工作,惟必須在不影響台灣2300萬民眾利益下才能接受,否則寧可「維持現狀」達到實質獨立或宣布台灣獨立。 另外,本研究利用系統論來解析民進黨政府在陳水扁總統第一任期及第二任期大陸政策的修正原因,並預測在第二任期中,大陸政策將逐漸往中間移動,亦即最多只維持實質獨立,而不再堅持「一邊一國」的論述,同樣的,泛藍陣營將會因為民意趨勢而與泛綠陣營的大陸政策趨同。 關鍵詞:一個中國、一國兩制、民意調查、統獨態度、族群認同、邦聯制

土石流災害下行動弱勢族群疏散避難決策行為之研究 / Study of Disable Groups Evacuation Decision-making behavior in Debris Flow Vulnerable Area

秦立林, Chin,li-lin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來發生許多土流災害,導致許多傷亡與損失,而行政單位在救災時,卻忽略了土石流潛勢地區民眾的疏散避難決策需求,尤其是行動弱勢族群。本研究透過問卷調查與訪談的方式,針對三處土石流潛勢地區之一般家戶行動弱勢族群以及全省十個土石流潛勢溪流較多縣市之社福機構行動弱勢族群,瞭解其對於土石流災害的認知情形以及疏散避難之決策行為特性,並以二元羅吉斯特迴歸方法,建立疏散避難的決策行為模式,協助行政單位瞭解其疏散避難之需求與決策行為,設計更完善之疏散避難計畫。 在與美國Lili颶風案例進行分析比較後,發現一般家戶與社福機構之行動弱勢族群最相信的資訊來源都是行政單位的宣導,Lili颶風案例則是地方平面媒體的報導,而三方最不相信的都是網際網路。在疏散避難的決策行為模式方面,發現「獨居」對於一般家戶行動弱勢族群是否需要協助,有非常顯著的影響,表示獨居的行動弱勢者在避難時非常需要他人的協助。而「前往其他地區同性質的機構避難」對於社福機構行動弱勢族群避難過程所需長短,有非常顯著的影響,並會增加整個避難所需的時間。 / Debris flows cause a lot of injuries, deaths and property losing in recent years in Taiwan. When the government was providing disaster relief, it lacked for paying attention to the real evacuation behavior and perception of vulnerable area, especially the disable groups. This study conducted a questionnaire survey for two disable groups to understand their disaster perception and evacuation decision-making behavior. One disable group is living in general households in three debris flow vulnerable townships; another is living in social welfare organization in ten debris flow vulnerable counties. A decision model was built by using Binary logistic to estimate the evacuation decision-making behavior. Research result can be contributed to evacuation planning and policy implementation. Comparing with the evacuation behavior case of hurricane Lili in U.S.A, This study finds that the most reliable channel of evacuation information for two disable groups in Taiwan are from governmental authorities, but for the case of hurricane Lili is from local news media. No matter the case in Taiwan or in U.S.A, the most unreliable channel of evacuation information is from internet. Research result by evacuation decision-making behavior model, “living alone” is an outstanding factor that disable group who live in general households need help or not when they’re evacuating. It shows that people who live alone need others' help very much while taking refuge. “Evacuating to the other organizations in the other area” is an outstanding factor that disable group who live in social welfare organizations need longer time to evacuate. It shows that if organization evacuate to the other organizations in the other area, they will raise the total evacuation time.


洪薇晴 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,經濟進步,但貧窮問題仍為我國政府關注之焦點。低收入族群面臨更高的生、老、病、死及財產減損等風險,然而,由於商業保險公司之營利取向及保險費過於昂貴等因素,這些最需要保障之人卻往往無法獲得保險保障。 為此,我國金管會於2005年,於提高國人保險保障方案中將「協助低收入民眾購買人身保險保障事宜」列為主要政策,而為使低收入族群能以相對低廉、可負擔的保費獲得基本保障並提高企業參與低收入市場之意願,微型保險─由各種不同機構針對低收入戶族群所提供的保險,其經營必須遵循一般公認之保險原則,為一相當可行之方案。惟於觀察國際保險監理官協會(IAIS)之保險核心原則、微型保險監理議題及其他國家推行現況後,發現我國現行商業保險之監理措施對於微型保險之適用有所牴觸,而有修正之必要。 因此,本文基於假設微型保險之發展具備可行性且以商業保險模式推行的前提下,從微型保險性質、制度與經營等層面出發,了解微型保險監理之核心,再進一步參考他國實施概況及國際保險監理官協會(IAIS)對微型保險之監理修正,探討於我國推動微型保險時,可能面臨之商品及行銷相關監理法規之議題,並以國際保險監理官協會保險核心原則為中心,輔以各國微型保險商品及行銷監理經驗,提出修法方向與建議,使微型保險之推行更為順利。


張蓓琳 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究發現,媒體是以偏差、負面、我族中心主義的角度處理移民族群的新聞,然而,這些媒介內容卻是閱聽人評估移民族群的重要依據。因此,本研究的主要目的即在探討青少年的媒介使用與東南亞籍配偶的形象認知、態度間的關係。此外,族群認知是由多重機制建構而成,本研究同時將青少年和東南亞籍配偶子女的人際接觸納入研究,探討人際接觸對東南亞籍移民族群認知的影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,共訪問台北縣市青少年國中生共550 人。研究結果發現,青少年對東南亞新移民的族群認知與其弱勢情境有關,包括:負面、他者、社會問題、能力不足的形象認知。此外,青少年的電視新聞暴露、注意程度對東南亞籍配偶和其子女的族群認知、評估的預測力較佳:青少年的電視新聞暴露時間愈長、注意程度愈高,對東南亞籍配偶和其子女的認知、評估愈負面。青少年的報紙新聞暴露時間和東南亞籍配偶認知有關,其報紙新聞的暴露時間愈長,對東南亞籍配偶的負面形象程度愈低,顯示媒介暴露時間的多寡和媒介效果未必成正比。網路對於建構族群認知、評估的效果則未有電視新聞、報紙一致,未來若將網路使用內容納入研究範疇,將能進一步了解網路對於建構閱聽人族群認知、評估的效果。 / Since mass media has distorted ethnic groups in the news for a long time, this study examines how teenagers perceive the south-east foreign brides and their children and the relation between teenagers’ racial perceptions and media use. Therefore, teenagers’ interpersonal contact with the south-east foreign brides’ children is also a variable in the study so that we can further examine the effect of interpersonal contact toward teenagers’ racial perception and attitude. Using a random sample technique, a total of 550 teenagers were surveyed in 2008. The results of the study showed that teenagers perceived the south-east migration as the negatives, others, social problems and inabilities. In addition, the more television news exposure and attention teenagers have, the more negative perception toward the south-east migration teenagers hold. As for the newspaper, the more newspaper exposure teenagers have, the more positive perception toward the south-east migration teenagers hold. However, there’s no identical result in terms of the internet. Future research may find out how the internet impact the audience’s racial perception if the internet content is measured.


李儒林 Unknown Date (has links)
至今成立六年的「客家電視台」是國內第一個以全客語方式露出新聞暨節目內容之族群頻道;而依據「無線電視事業公股處理條例」修正案第十四條第八項之規定:客家電視台目前是以「標案」性質加入公廣集團,成為兼具公共價值與族群特性的電視頻道。   面對商業媒體的競爭環境,國內公共族群頻道的新聞暨節目收視率普遍偏低而,但單以收視率論斷族群頻道是否發揮應有功能不盡公允;另一方面,從少數族群的角度觀之,「多元化」的理念似不足以發揮保障弱勢權益的功能,而必須更進一步的發展「多元文化」的觀點,才能從媒介頻道、所有權、聘雇權、以及內容表現各層面落實對於弱勢族群的保障。換言之,依平等競爭的傳統個人自由主義觀點,卻忽略少數族群缺乏社會資源及立足點不平等,且無平等競爭之機會而生成之多元化概念,實難落實平等之社會參與機會。   本研究援引客家暗夜新聞為例,以內容分析法檢視其「多元文化」概念新聞之呈現。結果發現:加入公廣前後期間,無論是在多元文化新聞呈現比例(報導數量)、多元文化團體(如新移民族群、兒少團體等報導主角),甚至是報導類型(如純新聞、專題、深度報導等)都達顯著差異,顯示客家電視頻道逐漸自我形塑成以多元文化價值為內涵之族群頻道;然而,其新聞內容之嚴謹度表現仍有努力的空間。 / Been established in 2003,the Hakka TV station is the first ethnic TV channel broadcasting by the entire hakka language in Taiwan.  Facing commercial competition environment, it is unfair to judge and evaluate an ethnic TV channel by TV ratio. Standing on the viewpoint of minority , the most important is “multiculturalism” instead of “pluralism” , to protect their right to access to the public.  Hakka TV joined in Taiwan Broadcasting System (TBS) in 2007, researcher takes the “Hakka night news” as samples from 2005 to 2008; methods employed by this paper include literature review, and content analysis. It concludes that no matter on the proportion in the multicultural news , or on multicultural association (for example “new immigration group”, “disabled group” ,and so on) , even on the types of reports, the results obtained statistically significant by this research .  It seems that the Hakka TV channel steps towards a multicultural model gradually . However, there still is a space to make it more specific and exact on their news content.

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