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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣原住民的遷徙:鵬飛抑或蓬飛 / Migration of Taiwan aborigines: clime-up or stumble in life course?

劉千嘉, Liu, Chien Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用多元資料,自不同面向揭露臺灣原住民的遷徙樣貌,並連結遷徙與原住民個人社會地位取得的關連。藉遷徙多層次社會鑲嵌的特質,以解開原住民頻繁遷徙但並未對等呈現向上社會流動的弔詭。本研究同時檢視原住民族於臺灣大社會的位置,包含其空間分布、流動趨勢及其社會經濟地位。研究主要發現如下:(1)歷經卅年的遷移,原住民族大量移徙西半部,並集中在三大都會區,不同遷徙類型在各區域形成流動體系,以北部體系及東部體系擁有較大的遷徙流量;(2)原住民族較一般民眾更易集中在中低度現代化區域,主要係往都會區周邊移動,臺北縣與桃園縣對初級與連續遷徙有極大的拉力;(3)原住民族與一般民眾的遷徙模式相近,遷徙主要是朝鄰近區域與核心縣市移動,但原住民族重複遷徙行為較為獨特,連續遷徙與回流遷徙呈相反的流動;(4)自遷徙決策模型可發現,遷徙受多重因素影響,除工作要素外,家庭居住安排、生命階段的居住區位、區域性資本、社會網絡與遷徙成本及預算皆會影響其遷徙決策;長遠而言,遷徙有助於個人取得教育資源、提升社經地位,無力遷徙者與遷徙者間貧富差距逐漸拉大;(5)與理論預期相反,初級與回流遷徙對個人地位取得具正面效益,連續遷徙則為負向作用,此與原住民族社會網絡有限鑲嵌及累積資本困難所致;(6)隨著人口移動,原居地與移入地社群重組,原居地經歷了人口老化、祖孫家庭增加、傳統部落秩序瓦解,移入地蓬勃的制度化社群組織、族群聚落、同鄉會與協進會扮演都市原住民與原鄉的橋樑,遷徙所生成的脈絡亦將影響後續移動者的社會處境。奠基以上研究發現,提出政策建議與未來研究方向。 / Mainly based on a variety of data, this research aims to study several aspects of migration of Taiwan aborigines and to explore the association and causal relationship between migration and the advance of socioeconomic status. This study is originally inspired from an observed paradox that, according to the theoretical expectation and a body of existing empirical evidences, it has long been confirmed that migration is an effective means of promoting individual social mobility and lifetime wellbeing; nevertheless, the fact that the Taiwan aborigines are associated with lower socioeconomic status does not fit the fact of Taiwan aborigines being more mobile than the ordinary people. The purposes of this dissertation are (1) to characterize migration types and pattern of Taiwan aborigines, including spatial pattern, migration and mobility tendency and likelihood, and their social economic status, (2) to distinguish determinants of aborigine migration, and (3) to examine the outcome of migration whether it helps or stumbles the advance of aborigine’s socioeconomic status and mobility. Main findings are as follows: (1) in the past three decades, voluminous aborigines migrated to the western urbanized area, with the three major metropolitan areas of Taiwan as the major destination for aborigine migrants; it also forms migratory system in each area, with northern Taiwan and eastern Taiwan gaining the most number of migrants; (2) Although metropolitan areas serve as major destination for aborigine migrants, the study finds that they tend to concentrate more on the periphery than on the core area. Both counties of Taipei and Taoyuan are very attractive for primary and onward migrants; (3) the migration pattern of ordinary people is similar to that of aborigines. People usually tend to move to neighborhood and the core city. In addition, repeat migration is much more noteworthy than its primary counterpart, and onward migration is totally opposite to return migration; (4) The model of aboriginal migration indicates that migration is affected by various factors. The most salient ones include work status, living arrangement, attributes of residential location, location-specific capital, ethnic network, and availability of migration budget. Because migration help acquire educational resources and improve one’s socioeconomic status, the gap between migrants and people who are not capable of making migration will become exaggerated; (5) in opposition to theoretical expectation, primary and return migrations exhibit positive effect on the improvement of individual socioeconomic status, whereas onward migration should have negative effect. This finding is not counter to various schools of migration theory, rather, it reflects a result of limited embedded inter- and intra-ethnic network and barriers of capital accumulation; (6) migration affects both communities of origin and destination. Aging population, increasing grandparent-grandchild family, collapsing tribal authority become prevalent in original community; on the other hand, flourishing ethnic enclaves, associations, and institutionalized organizations connect urban and hometown in destination community. The context which migration results from is changed by migration itself and further affects the situation of subsequent migrants. According to empirical findings, the dissertation further suggests corresponding policy implications and proposes future research direction.

台灣地區人口遷徙與地區發展之研究-以台北都會區為例 / A Study of Migration and Regional Development in Taiwan - A Case Study of Taipei Metropolitan

劉念華, Liu, Nien Hua Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的人口分佈,近三分之一集中於台北都會區,每年仍吸引大量的遷徙人口進入,不僅在量上可觀,遷入者之質上多屬各地區年輕、教育程度高、所得高的人,使得台北都會區之發展條件與資源遠非其他區所能比擬,大量的人口遷入,雖可提供所需人力,加速發展,但也因此使得都市建設無法趕上發展速度與之配合,種種不經濟的現象已逐漸浮現,並且造成區域差距的擴大,而付出許多額外的社會成本。   台灣地區跨縣市之人口遷徙,以數量而言,仍是以遷往台北都會區為主要流向,但比較八十一年與七十八年之遷入情形,已有緩和之趨勢,在數量上已減少了近三分之一。而由於台北都會區之政經中心的地位,政策上總是投入大量資源改善其擁擠情形,但卻吸引更多的人口遷入,成為惡性循環,應趁此遷入人口緩和之際,在資源的分配上作一調整。   整體而言,驗証台北都會區之遷入人口,特別具有遷徙傾向者之共同性質為年輕、教育程度高、家庭束縛力輕、男性。   各縣市之地區特性會對不同屬性之個人遷徙產生影響,以往之研究多僅就遷徙數量探討,而未區分出遷徙傾向人口,本文即因此分別探討不同屬性個人遷入台北都會區,所受地區特性之影響不同。   就台北都會區內遷徙而言,雖然台北市遷往外圍市鄉鎮之人口,在數重上雖大增,但現階段以遷徙者之個人屬性來看,與國外都會區之郊區化中,中產階級紛紛遷離中心都市之現象並不相同。


李貞儀 Unknown Date (has links)
Tiebout(1956)提出,個人因為有遷徙能力,所以透過以足投票的方式去定居在他們最偏好的社區內,而他們也藉由選擇居住地點,來滿足自己對公共財需求的慾望,就像可以到市場上購,買到私人商品一樣。在均衡情形下,人們基於自己對公共財的需求,分佈在各個社區之間。換句話說,一個典型的消費投票者在選擇居住地區時,會因為該地區的教育、警力、道路、公園、橋樑、停車場等公共服務設施來做決定。那麼實際社會上,是否真的存在這種準市場似的遷徙情形呢? 近年來,已有不少文獻做過實證的分析,國外學者針對白人、老人做過分析,甚至是弱勢團體也曾經加以研究探討,他們採用的對象是黑人、貧窮家庭或是單親女性家長家庭,所得出的結果並沒有一定的結論。至於國內雖有學者對於家戶的遷徙行為做過分析,但針對弱勢的原住民尚無文獻出現,而這些弱勢族群中,以直覺推測,應該會比一般家庭更容易受到政府福利支出的影響而有不同的遷徙決策。因此本文不同處在於加入了國小生師比、平均每人教育科學文化支出、平均每人社會安全支出與平均每人家庭生活輔助四種變數,特別針對教育面與社會福利面的公共支出,探討對原住民遷徙行為是否有顯著影響力。 在採用兩階段估計方法的實證分析後,發現到在第一階段的個人特質方面,原住民的實證解果除了受教年限與預期相反外,其餘都與預期相符。在第二階段的分析中在本文主要想探討的變數裡,若對單一變數作迴歸,只有平均每人教育科學文化支出、平均每人社會安全支出與原住民人口數會顯著影響原住民家戶的遷徙決策。 總結來說,本文對於Tiebout假說(以足投票)提供了少數正面的證據,但是,也有不少結果並不支持這項傳統理論,也許原住民並不適用這個假說。


許雯錚 Unknown Date (has links)
民國五十年代起,工業取代傳統農業生產,經濟大幅成長,加以原鄉謀生困難,原住民族從原鄉遷移到都市的人口也日漸增加。但是,隨著原住民族遷往與原鄉環境大不相同的都市生活時,便產生了許多例如就業、居住、人際關係…等方面的適應問題。而臺灣近年的經濟環境變遷,逐漸朝向國際化、自由化的腳步邁進,以及外勞政策的相繼實行,使得原住民族就業機會減少等等原因,更使得都市原住民在都市生活的處境更為艱難。因此,都市原住民回流部落現象更為顯著。 本研究主要以「推拉理論」說明影響都市原住民移入都市和遷回原鄉的各項因素,並且以過去學者研究了解都市原住民的適應問題,其中包含「邊際人」的身分如何影響都市原住民的都市生活,以及利用「標籤理論」說明族人自身如何解讀社會上對原住民族的負面刻板印象,甚至是否為形成他們回流的原因之一。 因此,本研究經由上述分析與訪談調查,獲致下列結果: 一、過去學者研究結果多發現因為原鄉發展環境不佳,都市工作機會較多,都市生活品質良好,導致族人往都市遷移。雖然,現今的原住民族都市遷移因素仍是因為原鄉就業機會的不足,但是,也由於都市原住民多已經具有一定程度以上的教育水準,並且自我強化觀念的具備,也造成了都市適應問題相對減少。 二、都市原住民回流因素,主要是因為落葉歸根的思鄉之情,亦即原鄉拉力是造成都市原住民回流的主要原因,這也與過去學者研究結果一致。另外,也由於現今交通與聯絡管道的普及,在都市生活中的族人仍與原鄉密切聯繫,因此不致於造成回鄉後的適應困難。 三、依據美國、澳洲、紐西蘭三國原住民族就業與經濟發展政策中「國族建構」的概念,創建一個適宜原住民族長期發展的環境,並且以「能力建構」的原則,強化原住民族發展能力與競爭能力,做為日後台灣原住民族政策制定的主要思考方向。因此,以上述相關概念與原則對原住民族實際需求的就業與經濟發展、土地、教育、部落關懷等面向提出建議,期望對原住民族的未來生存有實際改善。 四、回流族人雖有都市生活經驗,但是對原鄉仍有相當程度的認同,因此在部落文化的傳承上,不遺餘力。再者,回流族人也以其實際都市生活經驗,改進族人觀念,鼓勵族人,強化自我發展能力,培養競爭力。 關鍵字:都市原住民、原住民族、適應問題、回流、遷徙

家戶住宅居住時間分析-存活模型之運用 / The Study for Household Duration of Residence-Apply the Survival Analysis

黃文祺 Unknown Date (has links)
在過去文獻中多有討論遷徙行為者,但少有對家戶的居住時間進行分析,本研究首先檢視自有者與租賃者之居住時間,其次為瞭解家戶對實質住宅的經濟需求較大,還是對已建立的社會關係網絡需求較大,提出居住時間的時間相依性問題,即隨著居住時間的增加,家戶會因為對住宅需求改變而愈容易遷徙?還是在累積惰性下愈不易遷徙?最後則是探討家戶居住時間的影響因素,藉由不同的住宅與家戶特徵來瞭解家戶可能的居住時間,以作為住宅遷徙、流動性及其他住宅政策分析之參考。 本研究在實證方法上採取存活分析法,並利用華人家庭動態資料庫的橫斷面跨時資料進行研究。實證結果顯示,自有者的存活函數明顯大於租賃者,且自有家戶之居住時間為租賃家戶的3.11倍。另外,家戶遷徙機率具有正時間相依性,反應出家戶隨著居住時間的增加,遷徙機率會增加,然而自有家戶模型的遷徙機率卻呈現負時間相依性。居住時間影響因素實證結果,每人坪數較大,居住時間會較短,而年齡愈大與居住人數愈多者,居住時間會較長。 / Although there are lots of studies exploring migration, few of them focus on analysis household duration of residence. Duration of residence is an important source of information for a variety of private and pubic decisions and for the understanding of various social and economic phenomena. This study makes a residence duration comparison between owners and tenants. Due to cumulative stress and inertia, moving probability will be increased or decreased. We attempt to describe the duration of residence is positive or negative time dependent. This study also provides the evidence that house and household characteristics determine the duration of residence. This empirical study employs the survival analysis and uses the data from Panel Study of Family Dynamics. The result indicates that the survival function of owners is larger than of tenant. Duration of owner residence is 3.11 times longer than that of tenants. Generally, household moving probability is positive while the owner’s is negative. Research finding further reveals that ping per person is negatively related to residence duration. Age and household size are positively related to residence duration.


楊凌竹 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年元月實施的《中華人民共和國勞動合同法》,是中國大陸政府當局宣告擺脫過往提供低廉人力資源的新興國家形象,挑選更願意肩付企業社會責任的企業,轉型成為真正大國。這部勞動合同法在更全面保障勞工權益時,被資方及部分學者視為一部親勞方遠資方的法令,執行後衝擊許多外商,其中包括台商。 2008年元月實施的《中華人民共和國勞動合同法》,是中國大陸政府當局宣告擺脫過往提供低廉人力資源的新興國家形象,挑選更願意肩付企業社會責任的企業,轉型成為真正大國。這部勞動合同法在更全面保障勞工權益時,被資方及部分學者視為一部親勞方遠資方的法令,執行後衝擊許多外商,其中包括台商。 本論文針對勞動合同法對台商造成的影響進行探討,不同產業的台商受到影響的差別性,並研討台商因應之道,例如作出內部制度改革及遷徙廠房等,遷徙路線是本文探討焦點。 本論文透過與台商的深度訪談獲得相關資訊,歸納出台商在勞動合同法實施後,決定西移入中國大陸內地、南移向東南亞國家、或是向東返回台灣投資的三個遷徙路線,與作出這個決定的背後考量。 2008年台灣總統大選後再次政黨輪替,馬政府團隊重新開啟與對岸的交流,台灣當局也利用這個台商思動和兩岸融冰的時機,提供優惠政策吸引台商返台投資。勞動合同法的頒布也牽動台商在兩岸的移轉和經營的變革。 / Law of The People’s Republic of China on Employment Contracts is executed to get rid of the image of offering cheap human resource, Mainland China’s stereotype for investors in majority. After practicing the Law, the government expects to attract enterprises with more willing of taking social responsibilities to transform as the modern country. The Law protects labors’rights more completely, but is regarded a bias against investors. The consequence of practicing the Law impacts many foreign investors, including Taiwanese businessmen. This thesis discusses how the Law impacts Taiwanese businessmen, various effects to different businesses, and the responses from Taiwanese investors, such as the innovation of internal system and removal of business. Where do those Taiwanese businessmen remove their investment is the key point of this thesis. The conclusion of this thesis is based on one-by-one interview with selected Taiwanese businessmen among various businesses. If they decided to remove the investment, three routes are mostly considered: east to interior land of Mainland China, south to East Asia countries, and east to Taiwan. This thesis also indicates why they do such considerations. 2008 Taiwan Presidential Election rotated ruling party. KMT Ma government restarts the interaction with Mainland China and takes advantage of ice-breaking timing to offer favorable policies to attract Taiwanese businessmen to return to Taiwan. The execution of Law of The People’s Republic of China on Employment Contracts also affects the move of Taiwanese businessmen and the mode of business operation.

心的地圖與家的記憶:在臺蒙古人的民族認同 / Heart Map and Home Memory:Ethnic Identity of the Mongols in Taiwan

許乃元 Unknown Date (has links)

1949大遷徙與臺灣戰後的發展(1949-1996) / 1949 Migration and Development of Taiwan (1949-1996)

王槐仁, Wang, Huai-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
在正常的情形下,人類預期新地區的生活條件會更好,才會決定從原居住地遷移到另一個地區生活,就理論的觀點分析,人類遷徙的因素大致可區分為個人因素與結構因素,而此二者所導致的遷徙,勢將改變社會的發展,特別是移民所遷入的社會。 1949年,中國大陸超過百萬的人口遷徙到臺灣,顯然的,這是結構因素所致,這是一群人受到政治因素的推力而形成的大遷徙;由於當時移民占臺灣總人口數相當的比例,於是形成所謂的「外省人」族群,此族群對臺灣戰後的發展產生相當程度的影響。 本文試圖從遷徙作為的研究途徑,依循歷史演進的脈絡,以質性研究的方法,探討自1949-1996年移民與臺灣戰後的發展情形,並檢視近半個世紀以來,移民在臺灣政治、經濟與社會發展過程中所扮演的角色。 / Generally speaking, people believe that the living conditions of the new area will be better, then they make decision to migrate to another place to live. In the theory of migration, it can be divided into individual factors and structural factors. No matter which factor, migration will have an effect on the development of immigrant society. In 1949, there were over 1.2 millions of the people who migrated from mainland China to Taiwan. Undoubtedly, it was caused by the structural and political factors that pushed the “great migration”. Because the immigrants moving into Taiwan accounted for a considerable proportion of the population, they formatted an ethnic group so-called "mainlanders". This paper attempts to use migration as an approach to review and explore the development of society in Taiwan in the second half of the 20th century. The time frame is between the year of 1949 when the Nationalist government immigrated to Taiwan and the year of 1996 when direct presidential election took place in Taiwan.


蔡基文 Unknown Date (has links)
人民基本權利之保障,無不受到世界各先進國家之重視與積極追求,並以之作為普世價值,及衡量一個國家民主發展的程度。人身自由權與遷徙自由權,為我國憲法所明定之人民基本權利,應予以最大保障,惟仍非不得於合乎憲法第 23 條要件之情形下,對其為必要之限制。 國家債權之實現與法治國原則之維護,均為國家重大之公益目的。公法上金錢給付義務之履行,攸關國家財政歲收之健全及發展建設之推行,其與全體國民之福祉息息相關。前揭義務之強制執行,即在確保國家債權得以實現,俾能順利完成國家建設或其他行政給付;在法治國家,人民負有守法的義務,對違反守法義務之人民,透過強制執行之程序,達到與其履行前揭義務之相同法律效果,以維護法治國公平正義之原則並建立行政法秩序。   行政執行法中有關拘提、管收、暫予留置及限制出境等規定,乃係國家執行機關為追求實現前揭兩大公益目的,所採取限制人民人身自由與遷徙自由之執行措施。在確保人民基本權利之前提下,應如何認定其符合憲法第 23 條之形式要件並通過違憲審查之檢驗,以確實取得該等執行措施之合法性與正當性,為本論文之研究主軸。 論文伊始,先介紹公法上金錢給付義務強制執行之實務概況,嗣分別論述:(一)、人身自由與遷徙自由之保障,及對其為限制時之違憲審查。(二)、採取拘提、管收、暫予留置、限制出境等執行措施之相關問題。(三)、人身自由權與遷徙自由權作為基本權利所發揮之功能。最後,基於建構「立法者改善義務」之憲法上理論依據,提出修法建議。 / All developed countries in the world pay attention to and pursue to the protection of human rights. It becomes a general value worldwide and it is an index measuring the democracy of a country. The personal freedom and movement freedom are the fundamental human rights stated in the Constitution of our country and they should be protected strictly. However, they still should not violate the restriction stated in Clause 23 in Constitution. The realization of creditor's right of the country and the protection of the law and order of the country are the major items for public benefits. The obligation of payment in Public Law is closely related to the integrity of the national revenue and implementation of the development. It is closely linked to the welfare of all citizens. The coactive execution of the above-stated obligation is to ensure the realization of the right of creditor of the country so that the national development and other administrative payments can be completed smoothly. In the country governed by law, it is the obligation of the citizens to obey the law. If the citizens violate the law, the coactive execution will be conducted in order to achieve the equivalent juridical of the above-stated obligation, and maintain the fair and just principle of the country governed by law and establish the order of administrative law. Regarding the arrest, detention, temporary detention and departure restriction in administrative executive, it is the execution authority of the country to restrict the personal freedom and movement freedom in order to realize the two major benefits stated above. The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss how the important conditions of violation of Clause 23 of Constitution can be reviewed to obtain the legitimacy and justifiability of those executions under the protection of fundamental human rights. At the beginning of the thesis, the overview of coactive execution of obligation about payment in Public Law is introduced. It includes: (1) the protection of personal freedom and movement freedom, and the corresponding restriction in accordance with the review of violation of Constitution; (2) the relevant issues for the execution of arrest, detention, temporary detention and departure restriction; (3) the effect of personal freedom and movement freedom on the fundamental rights. Finally, according to the "obligation of legislator on improvement" on Constitution, the amendment will be proposed.

老人的分布狀況與居住安排選擇-「在地老化」探討 / The distribution of the elderly and the living arrangments of elderly choose-to discuss 「aging in place」

陳亮言 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用2000年的人口普查資料和2008年人力資源暨中老年人狀況調查,對於老人的分布狀況以及居住安排選擇進行分析,由於平均餘命的增加,70歲以上的老人人數也逐漸攀升,因此單就65歲以上的老人為研究對象可能過於籠統,因此本研究將老人群體分為65~74歲的「年輕老人」,75~84歲的「中年老人」以及85歲以上的「老老人」三個群體,本研究依據這樣的老人分類來看他們在空間分布狀況是否不同,以及在居住安排上是否有不一樣的選擇,在國內外的研究較少將老人空間分布和居住安排的選擇結合進行探討,而本研究者認為老人在空間分布和居住安排上的關聯性是相當強烈的,因此本研究試著連結老人的地理分布狀況與其居住安排來討論。本研究目的是從三個群體的老人來看影響他們在台灣地理分布上不同的因素,再從三個群體的老人在地理分布狀況的不同來探討居住安排選擇,最後從分布狀況和居住安排情況的分析結果與現今政府極力推廣的「在地老化」進行探討。 本研究主要假設為,老年人的健康狀況和年齡為最主要影響老人分布狀況不同的因素,使得在年輕老人的分布狀況是分散,而越到老老人階段時,其分布情形越趨於集中在台北、台中和高雄的趨勢;之後再依據三個老人群體的地理分布狀況,來推斷各群體老人因為受到年齡增長以及健康狀況衰退的關係不但分布情形改變,其居住安排的選擇也跟著變動,最主要是往都市地區與子女同住。從研究結果以及參照Litwak和Longino (1988)所歸納出的老人三階段遷徙,證實了健康狀況影響了老人分布狀況,是從分散逐漸往都市地區集中的趨勢,而老人分布情形的改變主要可能是為了往都市地區尋求子女的協助幫忙,因而與其同住。「在地老化」主要強調的是老人應在其社區中自然老化,然而依據本研究結果,台灣老人的分布以及居住安排的慣性上是與「在地老化」概念有所衝突的,因此在未來政府在推廣「在地老化」上是必須要注意且克服這樣的情況。

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