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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國大陸西部地區吸引外來投資的決定因素 / The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in West China

黃霈芝 Unknown Date (has links)
1978年中國大陸在經濟上採取改革開放政策後,中國大陸克服資金不足、技術落後等問題,經濟快速成長、人民生活水準和人均生產總值皆大幅提升。但中國大陸內部卻面臨各地區經濟發展的程度有極大落差的困局。為此,中國大陸政府提出多項區域發展政策,期能撫平區域發展不均衡的差距,「西部大開發」即為其中之一,希望能藉此一舉改善西部目前發展上的弱勢。但是西部地區要脫離落後狀態朝向發展所需要之條件究竟為何?西部大開發政策所切入之角度是否正中西部所需?本文將由影響外商投資西部的決定性因素,來評估西部大開發政策之成效。透過1997至2005年外商對中國西部地區投資的追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型的估計,分析影響外商至西部進行投資的趨勢及決定性因素為何,並以估計之結果檢視「西部大開發」政策是否切中西部發展所需,確實改善西部投資環境。 根據實證結果顯示,吸引外商至西部進行投資的決定性因素有四,分別為相對工資率、基礎建設、礦產資源,以及外資開放程度。其他的變數如市場大小、勞動力素質、國營企業比重、中央移轉性支付比例以及優惠政策等,皆未有顯著影響。 關鍵詞:西部大開發、外來直接投資、固定效果模型、決定因素 分類號:B23、C33、F21、R58 / Since China has adopted the so-called “open door policy” in 1978, it has overcame its shortage of economic investment and lagged technology by accepting foreign direct investment(FDI) and the “east-tilted” policy. Two decades later, while China enjoys its high economic growth rate, it has to solve the dilemma of keeping economy growing or balancing the regional disparity. Hence the China government has proposed the “Western Region Development” policy to facilitate the slow-growing economy in west China. Since FDI has played an important role in China economical development, the purpose of this study is to investigate the foreign direct investment in West China, and the flowing issue is using the results to evaluate the efficiency of Western Region Development policy, to see if the policy meet the need of western regional development. This study has based upon the panel data for western region during the period of 1997-2005 and fixed-effect model to investigate the determinants of FDI in West China. The result shows relative wage rate, infrastructure, mine resource, and openness to the rest of the world. Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in models and enable the study more rigorous, uses more methods to test the models and the result. Keywords: Western Region Development, Fixed-Effect Model, Foreign Direct Investment, Determinants JEL Classification: B23、C33、F21、R58


徐佳君, Shiu, Jia Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國早期的都市社會學與社會心理學的理論,瞭解都市化對都市生活影響的一些表徵,包括大量的人口、差異化的個體、高人口密度,以及有別於鄉村的都市生活面貌,例如冷淡、拘謹、膚淺、利益導向、理性的社會情境等。由於台灣快速都市化讓社會整體進步與發達,但都市的意象不免讓人感到冷漠、疏離與隔離,此是否誠如過去西方的都市社會研究結果一般,源於都市空間會影響都市人的心理與外顯的生活方式,此引發本研究進一步探究之動機。有鑑於過去以都市空間規劃為研究主軸之文獻,顯少有學者直接將「生活方式」與「都市空間」兩大議題做關聯性的探討,而台灣早期60、70年代的都市社會學者,曾以社區凝聚、社區發展、社區意識或是鄰里關係進行討論,但時至今日此類的研究亦顯得零星且分散。因此,本研究關懷都市空間與都市人的議題,以西方文獻中的實證經驗來觀察台灣都市社會的情況,並予以驗證假設一:都市人的空間使用行為會因不同社經背景而有差異;假設二:移入都市生活的居民其自身價值觀將會有所改變;假設三:價值觀的改變會對生活方式與使用都市空間的行為產生影響;假設四:都市人的生活方式會對空間使用產生影響,並與空間課題的產生有所關聯;假設五:都市空間與生活方式有所關聯。 因此,本研究在文獻回顧與推演台灣都市社會的情境後,抽樣台北市大安及士林兩區的居民,瞭解遷移者在價值觀、生活方式與空間使用的情況,並以敘述性統計分析與結構方程模式(SEM)歸納問卷結果,回應研究假設,並驗證都市空間與生活方式之關聯。最後,參照實證結果研擬重塑都市空間新風貌之目標與對策體系,做為提昇都市空間品質的建議;而此建議亦可供政府與規劃單位及後續研究者在政策操作上與研究時之參考。最後,獲致以下幾點結論: 一、本研究認為遷移者進入都市生活後,其價值觀可能被改變或是強化的面向,包括自我防衛、個人主義、經濟報酬、理性、容忍五大價值觀。而生活達一定時間後,生活方式將會受到都市環境的影響,以致呈現較互不干涉(疏離)、社區意識缺乏、務實生活(精確計算),以及重娛樂休閒的傾向。 二、本研究提出都市空間諸多課題,例如社區空間意識衰頹、公共空間私有化、人行空間被遺忘、消費空間主導地方空間的興衰、人工空間取代生態空間,以及空間的過度與不當利用,可能與都市人被強化或改變後的價值觀與生活方式息息相關。而經由敘述性統計分析及SEM的分析,已驗證本研究所提出之五大假設。 三、本研究認為都市空間是自變數亦是應變數。因此,經由實質與非實質規劃策略之研擬,將可重塑都市空間的面貌,並經由影響生活方式來發掘與提高都市社會互動和社會資本的發展,從而再次影響都市人使用空間的行為與態度。本研究研擬實質空間規劃策略,分成三大目標、三項標的與六大對策--提供適當合宜的公共空間、營造巷弄的春天、提高都市空間水平流動性、形塑友善人行空間的元素、增加非機動車的通行空間、經營都市的精耕主義。同時亦認為,都市人的生活方式亦應搭配做一調整(此屬非實質的規劃策略),例如建立具有社區鄰里道德規範與共識之生活方式、提高民眾參與度之生活方式、推廣植栽與綠化生活方式,或是推展永續的旅行行為,亦即步行生活方式。 / Based on theories of urban sociology and social psychology, this study explores the effects of urbanization on the urban life, including large population, heterogeneous, and high density. The differences of life style features between country and urban areas are discussed, such as indifferent, reserved, superficial, self-interest, and intellectuality and so on. With the rapid urbanization in Taiwan, society has been entirely improving and developing. However, the image of urban area makes people feel indifferent and segregation. Whether this result is the same as which of the studies found in western society brings me to conduct this study. According to literature review, there lacks scholars directly putting “lifestyle” and “urban space” into a relative discussion. The urban sociologists in 60s and 70s in Taiwan had discussed about community coherence, development, consciousness or neighborhood relationship, while to now this kind of research becomes fragmentary. Hence, this study concerns with issues between the urban space and urban residents. With the western literature review, this study observes the conditions of urban society in Taiwan and proposes the following hypotheses. First of all, the behavior of urban residents who utilize the space will be different due to the social economic status. Second, the self-value will be changed after the residents move to urban areas. Third, the change of value system will influence lifestyle and the utilization of urban space. Forth, the lifestyle of urban residents will affect the way of using urban space. Fifth, there is a connection between urban space and lifestyle. This study conducts a survey in Daan and Shilin districts to explore the value system, lifestyle, and the way of using urban space of immigrants. It employs statistic analysis and SEM to generalize the result of questionnaires in order to verify the above hypotheses and the connection between urban space and lifestyle. Then, based on the outcome of verification, this study suggests several strategies for reshaping the image and functions of urban space. Consequently, this study provides conclusions as follows. 一、The value system of immigrants, such as self-protection, egoism, economic reward, rationality, and toleration will be changed or intensified after people move into urban areas. The lifestyle, however, will be influenced by urban environment after a certain time of living in urban areas. And the characteristics of lifestyle include the sense of aloofness, the lack of community consciousness, material life, and the tendency of focusing on entertainment. 二、According to the SEM analysis, this study has verified the five hypotheses. This study also infers that the degenerative consciousness of community, the personalization for public space, the pedestrian space into oblivion, the wax and wane of regional space led by consumption space, artificial space replacing ecologic space, and the overuse and misuse of space are all relevant to the change of value system and lifestyle of urban residents. 三、This study develops several strategies for reshaping the image of urban space which may further influence urban residents’ lifestyle, attitude, and behaviors toward space utilization and urban environment. In order to create a livable urban space, this study suggests relevant strategies, such as providing decent public space, improving the accessibility of urban space, ameliorating friendly pedestrian space, increasing the walking space, and embellishing urban space through new urbanism.

Coréens du Japon et Japonaises partis vivre en Corée du Nord (1953-2001) – Contribution à l’analyse de la politique étrangère du Japon – / The Repatriation of Koreans Living in Japan to North Korea (1953-2001) : A Contribution to the Analysis of Japan's Foreign Policy

Carbonnet, Adrien 12 September 2014 (has links)
Au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les Coréens représentaient la première communauté étrangère au Japon. Beaucoup d’entre eux y subissait des discriminations et vivaient dans la précarité, voire dans l’indigence. Dans la deuxième moitié des années 1950, alors que les dirigeants nord-Coréens se proposaient de les accueillir, le rapatriement en Corée du Nord représenta pour nombre de ces Coréens l’espoir d’un avenir meilleur. De 1959 à 1984, plus de 93000 personnes – dont environs 2000 Japonaises mariées à des Coréens – gagnèrent le Nord du 38e parallèle. Toutefois, le gouvernement japonais, confronté dès 1974 aux demandes des familles de ces Japonaises, tenta d’obtenir des informations sur leur sort et leur retour au Japon. Le présent travail établit une cartographie des acteurs impliqués dans le processus décisionnel autour des rapatriements vers la Corée du Nord, mais également dans les négociations touchant à la question de ces femmes japonaises. Plus particulièrement, cette étude met en lumière le rôle d’ « acteurs subsidiaires » – notamment la Société de la Croix-Rouge du Japon et les parlementaires nationaux – intervenant là où les marges de manœuvre du gouvernement sont restreintes en l’absence de relations diplomatiques officielles entre le Japon et la Corée du Nord. Cette contrainte institutionnelle a eu pour conséquence l’investissement des champs d’action traditionnellement dévolus au Ministère des Affaires étrangères (négociation, protection de ses nationaux à l’étranger, renseignement) par ces « acteurs subsidiaires » dont l’analyse permet d’établir une image à la fois plus complète et moins stato-Centrée de la politique étrangère du Japon. / At the end of the Second World War, Koreans constituted the main foreign community in Japan. Many of them were subjected to discrimination, and lived precariously or even in abject poverty. From the latter half of the 1950s, when North Korean leaders were welcoming them and guaranteeing them decent living conditions, repatriation to North Korea represented hope for a better future for many of these Koreans. Between 1959 and 1984, more than 93,000 people – of whom 2,000 were Japanese women married to Koreans – arrived at the 38th Parallel North. Nevertheless, the Japanese government, confronted by requests from the families of these Japanese women from 1974, tried to obtain information on their whereabouts, and asked for their return to Japan. The present work establishes a mapping of the actors implicated in the decision-Making process concerning repatriation operations to North Korea, but also in the negotiations retated to the Japanese women. More specifically, this study highlights the role of the “subsidiary actors” – of which the Japanese Red Cross and national parliaments are the most prominent – those that intervened where the government’s margins for manoeuvring were narrow in the absence of official diplomatic relations between Japan and North Korea. This institutional constraint led to an investment in fields of action that had traditionally been relegated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (negotiation, protection of nationals abroad, intelligence, etc.) by these “subsidiary actors”, and a subsequent analysis of these actors provided both a more complete and less state-Centred image of Japan’s foreign policy.

兩岸保險契約當事人告知說明義務比較研究 / Comparative study of insurance contracting parties’duty of representation and disclosure between Taiwan and Mailand China

蕭冠中 Unknown Date (has links)
保險契約性質上為最大善意契約,以此為中心思想,發展出有別於一般契約的告知義務,由資訊不對稱之角度思考,雙方當事人理應均有揭露資訊的義務,但由我國保險法立法方式觀之,卻有偏重規範要保人一方之趨勢,進而也導致實務上保險理賠糾紛頻傳,如何平衡保險人與要保人間,對於保險契約認知之落差,參酌各國立法例,各有不同背景,仔細探究,更可發覺台灣保險法關於告知義務規定有改進之必要。 中國大陸自80年代改革開後逐漸恢復保險制度,1995年始完成保險法之立法,在十幾年之間,歷經數次修法,其中關於告知義務主客觀要件及違反之效果,與台灣保險法規範均有不同,另外更將保險人說明義務明文規範,相較於台灣保險法將保險人說明義務置於行政規範下,大陸保險法此種立法方式並非創見,觀察英美日保險法及判例法規定均有類似規範。本文欲從各國立法例先比較兩岸保險法關於要保人告知義務之主客觀要件及其效果,並從中探討幾個癥結問題的解決方法,再就我國保險法所無明文規範之保險人說明義務探究其根源,以及相關規範套用在我國保險法之中的可行性。 本文首先就資訊不對稱之角度討論告知義務對於保險契約當事人之利弊所在,並由告知義務之根源「最大善意原則」由英國法立法例談起;再就人、事、時三方面比較兩岸與其他各國法制之異同,其中關於義務主體、履行時期、告知義務範圍及違反之效果分析我國法制若干不合理之處;進而介紹一些配套制度,來加強告知義務規範的合理性。另外,對於保險人說明義務,介紹英美日以及中國大陸之立法方式,並且分析大陸現行制度實行的案例,由其具體規範中評估我國保險法立法的可行性。最後,統籌就要保人告知義務以及保險人說明義務提出對於我國保險法之立法建議,以期平衡保險契約當事人之間不對等的地位。

台灣地區銀行業企業貸款利率之決定因素-以A銀行為例 / Determinants of commercial loan interest rate of banks in Taiwan-Evidence form A bank

陳材燦 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣利率自由化的演進過程,是採取循序漸進的方式,先由貨幣市場實施,再逐步推及到存放款市場。自1989年利率自由化及1991年政府開放新商業銀行設立以來,台灣銀行業的競爭就進入了白熱化的春秋戰國時代,金融版圖重新調整,產業的競爭有增無減。這期間經過兩次的金融改革,體質較弱的銀行紛紛走向讓售及被併購的命運,尤其是2008年發生金融海嘯,對銀行業的經營更是一大挑戰。觀察近年來銀行業的經營困境,存放款利差持續走低,多數銀行採取價格競爭策略,企業授信市場採用低利削價的手段,造成銀行業獲利率降低,危及銀行健全經營體質。所以本研究從文獻回顧探討影響放款利率定價決定因素,從樣本銀行實務授信政策及放款定價辦法探討影響放款利率定價決定因素,並利用樣本資料從實證模型的估計及檢驗來推估假設變數與企業貸款利率定價之間的具體關係及影響方向與程度,最後將實證結果提供予銀行管理當局擬定授信政策及建立完善放款利率定價模型之參考。 / From money market to deposit and loan markets, the development of interest rate liberalization in Taiwan has been in gradual progress. Since interest-rate liberalization in the year of 1989 and governmental approval on the establishment of new commercial banks in 1991, the competition among banks in Taiwan has become severe. Market shares among banks have thus changed. During the period, the financial market experienced two banking reforms. Banks with relatively weak financial nature have been forced to be sold or merged. Moreover, the financial turmoil in the year of 2008 made the business environment of banking industry even more challengeable. Running business in banking has been more difficult in recent years. Interest rate spread for banks has been narrowing. Most banks have adopted price competition strategies. Such price-cutting policy in commercial loan market has resulted in the deterioration of bank management in the industry. This research reviews study-papers focusing on the factors affecting commercial loan interest rate pricing, using bank A as a sample to review its actual operation of credit policy and loan pricing means. In addition, by adopting technique of empirical model measurement and statistical test on the sample data, the concrete correlation and extent of influence between hypothetical variables and pricing on commercial loan interest rate are also estimated. The aim of this paper is to provide empirical tested results to the banking authorities for their reference when designing fine credit policies and commercial loan pricing model.


林永瀚, Lin,Yung Han Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 行政機關為求順利行使其行政權,需有蒐集資訊的行為,國內稱為行政調查,由於對人民基本權利的著重,對於行政調查的限制也逐漸增加,在學說上逐漸出現應適用刑事訴訟法中令狀原則及不自證己罪的聲浪。又刑檢察機關欲為刑事偵查時,需有犯罪嫌疑的存在,因此嫌疑可說是刑事訴訟中的核心要件,刑事訴訟法第二百二十八第一項所稱「....知有犯罪嫌疑者,即應開始偵查。」屬於檢察機關的義務,德國學說則稱之為法定原則(Legalitätsprizip),符合法定原則的嫌疑程度,因可開啟偵查程序,又稱為初始嫌疑(Anfangsverdacht)。由於嫌疑本身是個範圍相當不確定的概念,亦無法量化,僅能確定需達一定的程度後始得稱為刑事訴訟法第二百二十八條第一項的犯罪嫌疑。 由於在現實中,國家機關於行使行政調查權時(尤以警察於臨檢時最容易發生),時有無意中發現有觸犯刑事犯罪的情形,但因「嫌疑」本身的不確定性,而國家機關在發現有犯罪可能後所為的行為常處於行政與刑事法間的灰色地帶。為有效間隔出行政與刑事區別,以明確定性國家行為並得出正確的救濟管道,特將兩者間的灰色地帶單獨類型化,此種雖有犯罪的可能性,卻尚未達到初始嫌疑程度的行為,德國則是將之稱為前偵查(Vorermittlung),而刑事追訴機關於此種情況下所為的資訊調查行為,就其整體則稱為前偵查程序(Vorermittlungsverfaren)。 本文引用德國前偵查的概念,以比較、區隔行政調查行為及刑事偵查行為,並以前偵查的概念,針對我國與德國法制面上相異之處做出對前偵查概念不同的解釋,並由前偵查的角度評析我國警察職權行使法。 關鍵字:前偵查、前偵查程序、行政調查、刑事偵查、起訴法定原則、初始嫌疑、資訊自我決定權、警察職權行使法


張小鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
家族企業是台灣企業的重要組織型態,近年來全球化市場競爭帶給台灣家族企業主及其後代極大的挑戰,而這些企業主後代之生活條件和教育程度迥異於創業業主,企業後代的接班狀況是否會因環境與個人條件的變化而與過去不同,進而產生有別於傳統的生涯選擇?為瞭解上述問題,研究者曾經以質性研究方法針對某本土組織為對象完成「台灣家族企業中三代業主經營理念之變遷」的探索性研究。此個案分析結果顯示該家族三代信念相同,完全建構出該企業的特色,且傳承使命感強烈,不分世代都顯示出利家、護家的行為。因此本研究之目的是以量化研究方式來驗証「家族主義認同與後代接班行為之密切關係」是否也存在於一般台灣家族企業中,即針對企業後代探討「家族主義的認同」與接班行為(意願與結果)的關係,並欲進一步瞭解「個人評估」和「環境評估」如何調節這兩者間的關係。 本研究採問卷調查法進行,樣本為台灣上市公司及規模近似之企業主之後代94人。結果分析所得的重要結論為:(一)企業家後代「家族主義認同」和「接班行為」有正相關。(二)「家族主義認同」與「個人評估」、「環境評估」對於「接班行為」並無交互作用效果。(三)「個人評估」中之「資源利益」因素對「接班意願」最具解釋力,「環境評估」中之「家族支持」因素對「接班結果」最具解釋力。(四)年齡層在四十歲以上者,在「家族主義認同」和「接班意願」上,均高於較年輕的企業家後代。(五) 不同性別在「家族主義認同」、「接班意願」以及「家族支持」上有所差異,但在「接班結果」上並無差異。 / Family business is an important organizational context among Taiwan entrepreneurs. Global competition brings a huge challenge to owners and the succession across generations for the family business. The second or third generation has a different living standard and educational background than the original business founder. Will the succession be influenced by environmental and personal characteristics? Will the family business heirs not follow the traditional career choices of the family business founder? A pilot study used a qualitative research methodology to explore these questions in a local family business organization in Taiwan, interviewing three generations of family members. Based on the family member’s characteristics and beliefs this business developed its own culture. Because of their commitment to the family, every generation protects and profits the family. The purpose of this research is to use a quantitative method to understand how familism and succession across generations are closely related among Taiwan entrepreneurs. Will personal and environmental assessment influence the relationship between familism and succession? This research uses a self-report questionnaire completed by 94 younger generation members of the family business stock companies. The findings of this research are: 1) Identification of familism and succession behavior is positively related. 2) Familism, personal assessment and environmental assessment are independent from succession and showed no interaction. 3) In the dimension of personal assessment, the resource-benefit can best explain the will to succeed and in the dimension of environment assessment family support can best explain the result of succession. 4) Those above 40 years of age were more likely to identify familism and had more willingness to succession. 5) Males and females are different in identifying familism, the will to succession, and family support, but not much different in the result of succession.

教師支持對學生需求滿足與學習投入之影響 - 以台灣地區高中學生為例 / The effect of teacher support on basic needs and learning engagement in Taiwanese high school context

林哲立, Lin, Che-Li Unknown Date (has links)
教師支持對學生需求滿足與學習投入之影響 - 以台灣地區高中學生為例 本研究之目的在探討在自我決定理論架構下,教師支持(teacher support)、心理需求(basic needs),以及學習投入(learning engagement)三變項間的關係。本研究針對台灣地區共八所高中之高中學生為研究對象,進行問卷調查有效樣本為945人。針對研究工具進行探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析,並以結構方程模式檢驗本研究之假設模式,研究結果如下。 教師支持與基本需求的關係方面,教師的自主支持(teacher autonomy support)可以顯著的預測能力需求的滿足與學習投入,此結果呈現了自主支持的教學在台灣地區高中情境的跨文化應用。其次,教師投入(teacher involvement)可顯著的預測關連性的需求滿足與學習投入,此結果說明了教師的關心與支持對高中學生的重要性。 再者,不同過去的研究結果,能力需求的滿足則負向的預測行為投入與情緒投入;此結果呈現了課堂情境因素的重要性,可能影響學生之上課投入情形的因素,包括教師的教學方法、教室目標結構,以及學生知覺課堂活動的挑戰性與重要性等。 最後,本研究也發現,教師支持中的結構(structure)對於自主需求(need of autonomy)有負向的影響,即學生對於自主的需求較高者,對於教師的結構性教學會有負向的回應,這也說明了學習者在需求滿足(我覺得)與需求(我想要)兩者上的差異。 本研究建議未來的研究進一步探討需求滿足與需求對於學習與教師知覺上的差異情形,並且針對教師結構之問卷進行本土化的概念建構,亦可進一步探討教師支持與需求滿足間的調節效果或針對這些變項進行長期的調查或課室觀察。 / The effect of Teacher Support on Basic Needs and Learning Engagement in Taiwanese high school context Abstract Based on self-determination theory, the relationships among teacher support, basic needs, and learning engagement were examined. With a total of nine hundred and forty five valid participants from eight Taiwanese high schools, structure equation modeling was used to explore the propose model. The main results of the present study are as follows: Teacher autonomy support was the most predictive variable in explaining both behavioral and emotional engagement, which indicated the cross-cultural application of autonomy-supportive teaching in high school context in a collectivistic country. Moreover, teacher involvement could significantly affect basic need of relatedness and learning engagement, which showed that teachers’ caring and understanding should not be ignored in high school context. Also, this study found the differences between need satisfaction and needs among learners, which leaded to distinct results in reacting to teaching behaviors. Additionally, different from previous studies, this study found that basic need of competence predicted negatively to learning engagement. The specific features of classroom goal structure or teaching methods in Taiwanese high school classrooms might be the plausible explanations.

勞工參與作為公司治理模式—理論、實踐與中鋼個案分析 / Codetermination as a Corporate Governance Model —Theory、Practice and the Case Study of China Steel Corporation (CSC)

陳耿漢, Chen, Keng Han Unknown Date (has links)
勞工參與制度之實踐,有助於達成勞資平等及保障勞工權益。然因勞工參與制度之推動涉及公司治理法制及公司經營上之廣大利益,須在社會各方成員達成共識之後,才有透過立法推動之可能,亦即釐清社會各界疑慮及提供資方足夠誘因,為勞工參與企業經營制度於我國擴大實施之關鍵。 我國公司治理法制及公司法領域之專業意見,皆對勞工參與企業經營制度作為公司治理模式抱持懷疑的態度,主因在於我國公司治理主流之美國法思維。但事實上反對觀點所呈現者,並非勞工參與企業經營制度本質上之瑕疵,僅是身為法律繼受者在思考上之侷限。 觀諸德國勞工參與制度之經驗,在共同決定制度逾50年之發展中,雖面臨諸多質疑,近年亦因歐洲公司成立亦引起勞工參與制度彈性化之論爭。但在歷經金融風暴等全球性經濟危機後,德國企業之快速重建卻證明共同決定制度塑造之和諧勞資關係確實有助於公司永續發展;而德國勞工代表長期參與公司監事會之運作亦提供勞工參與作為公司治理模式之正當性。 雖然我國勞工董事制度實施至今,適用主體仍限於國營及公營轉民營企業,但在這些少數企業中,仍有勞工董事制度實踐之成功案例。本文即藉由中鋼勞工董事實踐之經驗,說明中鋼勞工董事參與公司經營後帶來之效益,破除國內反對見解之疑慮並提供資方實施之誘因。希望在德國與我國經驗之背書下,能夠促進社會共識之凝聚,以利勞工參與企業經營制度之推動,改善勞資關係,達成公司治理促進公司永續經營之目標。 / The practice of the labor participation system helps to achieve equality of labor and capital and safeguard labor rights. However, the promotion of the labor participation system involves the change of Corporate Governance System and the interests of the company, it is only after the consensus reached among the community, there is a possibility to promote it through legislation, that is, clarifying the concerns of the community and providing sufficient incentives for the emlpoyers turn into of the key to the promote Company Level Labor Participation System . Based on the viewpoint above, this study uses the experience in implementing the labor participation system of Germany and China Steel Corporation to verify that the labor participation system can and should be the model of corporate governance to break the doubts of the opponents and provide sufficient incentives for the emlpoyers. It is hoped that under the endorsement of Germany and China Steel Corporation's experience, can help the community reach the consensus, accelerate the promotion of Company Level Labor Participation System, improve the labor-management relations, and achieve the goal of Sustainable Operation.


田村, 篤 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22435号 / 工博第4696号 / 新制||工||1733(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 金多 隆, 教授 竹山 聖, 教授 平田 晃久 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

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