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在型Ⅱ截略抽樣計劃下選擇較可靠韋伯分配之研究吳慧貞, WU, HUI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
假設π□、π□,....,πk 是K+1個獨立的韋伯母體,第i個韋伯母體πi
的可靠度函數如下:R(t;αi;βi)=exp(-(t╱αi)βi )假如R
(S* ;αi;βi)>R(S* ;α□;βυ)則稱母體πi比π□更具可靠度。
i)ゝ局部最適法則以便由π□到πk 中挑選比π□更具可靠度的母體。
當形狀參數β已知時,由Huang et al (一九八四)的局部最適法則來推導挑選法則
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理性預期下權衡性政策與自動穩定因子之有效性的理論與驗證方中柔, FANG, ZHONG-ROU Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在探討B.T.Mccallum & J.K.Whitaker (1979)及T.M.Supel (1981)、A.
Benavie & R.Froyen(1985)等,含有理性預期精神下的權衡性政策與自動穩定因子之
第二章:B.T.Mccollum & J.K.Whitaker(1979) 之權衡性財政政策與自動穩定因子之
第三章:T.M.Supel (1981)對Mccallum & Whitaker 模型,修正後之租稅指標模型。
第四章:A.Benavie & R.Froyen (1985) 對Mccallum & Whitaker 模型,修正後之最
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實證的貝氏理論在統計決策問題上之研究王宏鈴, Wang, Hong-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要討論實證的貝氏決擇在實證的貝氏領域裡的一些重要問題。全文分七章, 摘
第三章討論實證貝氏的漸近最佳性, 並其在統計檢定問題上之應用。
第四章討論實證的貝氏法則的效率問題, 並舉例說明平滑的實證貝氏法則求法。
第五章討論連續型分配的實證貝氏法則觀念, 並以實際數字上的計算比較, 和非貝氏
推定量T 。
第六章更進一步地, 討論混合決擇函數在實證的貝氏理論應用的問題。
第七章結論, 說出研究的結果, 並提出繼續發展的問題。
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韋伯母體可靠度之多重決策問題林富春, Lin, Fu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Weibull 母體的可靠度方面的問題, 是近些年來相當有興趣的問題, 在我們這篇文章
中, 將以Weibull 母體的可靠度做為檢定(test)的對象, 討論多重決策問題, 針對決
策者的目標, 同時考慮第一型錯誤(Type I error)和檢定力(power of test )以決定
樣本數的大小, 並以位置參數(location parameter)a=0,形狀參數(Shape parameter
)c=1的情形, 也就是指數分佈(exponential distribution)的情形來說明, 並舉圖表
說明之。而其結果是, 當兩母體樣本數愈大且愈接近, 則我們選取兩個Weibull 母體
, 那一個「比較好」, 所做的可靠度比較程序, 所需要做的調整比較小, 且其檢定力
愈大。本文第一節中探討一些選擇Weibull 母體的方法, 第二節中介紹Weibull 分佈
之一些性質及其MLE,第三節討論Weibull 母體可靠度之多重檢定問題, 且以附圖表說
明對一些特殊情況之檢定法則, 及其檢定力之變化情形, 並於第四節綜合討論之。
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財政政策與貨幣政策相對有效性-McCallum's rule與前瞻性預期在St. Louis model的應用朱琇妍, CHU SHIOU YEN Unknown Date (has links)
St.Louis model 於1970年由Andersen與Carlson提出,該模型由八條方程式構成。其中四條估計式分別為:總支出方程式(Andersen-Jordan equation)、物價方程式、長期利率方程式、及失業方程式;其他四條為定義式。該模型以一簡單縮減式(reduced-form)估計財政政策與貨幣政策對名目產出的影響,透過係數的比較、估計係數t值的大小、以及落後期結構的差異,發現貨幣政策較財政政策有較大、較快、較易預測的效果。在原始的St. Louis model中,並未考慮共整合(cointegration) 與誤差調整模型(error-correction model)的概念,變數間若能通過共整合檢定則隱含存在一長期均衡關係。過去St. Louis model採用backward-looking的方式,以前期物價變動來估計本期的物價成長率;而貨幣政策變數僅以準備貨幣、M2成長率直接對產出估計,並未考慮貨幣政策回饋法則。在財政政策變數的選擇上,本文嘗試以不同潛在產出估計法計算充分就業下的政府支出;貨幣政策變數方面,仍選擇準備貨幣作為政策工具,並以貨幣數量回饋法則的方式內生化於模型中。
原始的St. Louis model以最小平方法(ordinary least square,OLS)對個別方程式估計,為避免對單一方程式估計而忽略其他變數間的交互影響,本文將三條估計式視為一整個系統(system),對模型作完全資訊最大概似法(full information maximum likelihood, FIML)聯立估計,藉此比較單一方程式與模型聯立估計的結果,以判定模型是否產生誤置。總體經濟計量模型除了說明總體經濟現象外,尚能透過模擬分析得出各種政策效果。本文在估計出實證結果後,將配合Gauss-Seidel方法逐步收斂求解,比較開放性經濟下財政政策與貨幣政策的相對有效性。
無論是在共整合分析或是完全資訊最大概似估計法下,利用台灣資料估計皆顯示貨幣政策與經濟活動關係密切,貨幣政策確實較財政政策在穩定經濟過程中扮演重要角色,結果均支持St. Louis model的結論;而經由Gauss-Seidel收斂法求解發現,靜態模擬較動態模擬準確。主要是因為靜態模擬是以前期的實際值代入,故預測誤差較小;而聯立模型的模擬誤差大於單一方程式的模擬誤差是因前者包括聯立估計時產生的結構誤差,以及單一方程式本身的個別誤差。除了物價方程式的Theil係數偏高外,經濟成長率與準備貨幣成長率的趨勢皆能準確被預測。
本研究同時驗證了Mundell- Flemming之命題,在國際資本不完全移動的浮動匯率制度下,貨幣政策較財政政策有效影響國民所得。由於本文容許中央銀行在外匯市場干預匯率,因此是在管理式浮動匯率制度下考慮政策有效性;且依台灣現況,國際資本並未全部管制,亦未完全開放自由移動,因此財政政策對國民所得仍有正面的影響效果。
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The Rule Extraction from Multi-layer Feed-forward Neural Networks柯文乾, Ke, Wen-Chyan Unknown Date (has links)
神經網路已經被成功地應用於解決各種分類及函數近似的問題,尤其因為神經網路是個萬能的近似器(universal approximator),所以對於函數近似的問題效果更為顯著。以往對於此類問題雖然多數以線性的分析工具為主,但是實際上多數問題本質上是非線性的,所以對於非線性分析工具的需求其實是很大的。自1986年起,神經網路本身的運作一直被視為一個黑箱作業,難以判斷網路學習結果的合理性,更無法有效地幫助使用者增進其知識,因此提供一套合理及有效的神經網路分析方法是重要。
本文提出一套分析神網路系統的方法;利用線性規劃的技巧萃取及分析網路中的規則(rule),而不需要對任何資料集做分析;進而利用統計無母數方法-符號檢定-歸納出網路中的知識。以債券評價為例,驗證此方法的可行性,實證結果亦顯示此方法所萃取出來的規則是合理的,且由這些萃取出的規則中,所歸納出來有關債券評價的知識多數是合理的。 / Neural networks have been successfully applied to solve a variety of application problems including classification and function approximation. They are especially useful for function approximation problems because they have been shown to be uni-versal approximators. In the past, for function approximation problems, they were mainly analyzed via tools of linear analyses. However, most of the function approxi-mation problems needed tools of nonlinear analyses in fact. Thus, there is the much demand for tools of nonlinear analyses. Since 1986, the neural network is considered a black box. It is hard to determine if the learning result of a neural network is rea-sonable, and the network can not effectively help users to develop the domain knowl-edge. Thus, it is important to supply a reasonable and effective analytic method of the neural network.
Here, we propose an analytic method of the neural network. It can extract rules from the neural network and analyze them via the Linear Programming and does not depend on any data analysis. Then we can generalize domain knowledge from these rules via the sign test, a statistical non-parameter method. We take the bond-pricing as an instance to examine the feasibility of our proposed method. The result shows that these extracted rules are reasonable by our method and that these generalized domain knowledge from these rules is also reasonable.
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檢察官偵訊筆錄在證據法上之效力—以日本與我國刑事訴訟法規定為例黃郁文 Unknown Date (has links)
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In this research, we study flexible flow line scheduling problems with unrelated parallel machines and with a bottleneck stage. The measures of performances are to minimize makespan, to minimize the number of tardy jobs, and to minimize total tardiness, considered respectively. Several bottleneck-based heuristics are developed to solve these scheduling problems. A bottleneck-driven multiple insertion heuristic (BDMIH) is proposed to solve problems with makespan as the objective. The essential idea of BDMIH is that we think the scheduling of jobs at the bottleneck stage may affect the performance of a heuristic for scheduling jobs in all stages. Therefore, in this heuristic we let jobs entering the sequence at the first stage be driven by their sequence entering at the bottleneck stage. Given an FFL problem with a bottleneck stage, this heuristic first identifies the bottleneck stage, then generates an initial sequence of jobs by a variant of Johnson’s rule (SPT-LPT rule), and finally applies a multiple insertion heuristic to find the best schedule. Another heuristic, a bottleneck-based due-date decision heuristic (BBDDDH), is developed to solve problems with the number of tardy jobs as the objective. The heuristic consists of three steps: (1) Identifying the bottleneck stage, (2) Scheduling jobs at the bottleneck stage and the upstream stages ahead of the bottleneck stage, and (3) Using dispatching rules to schedule jobs at the downstream stages behind the bottleneck stage. A new approach is developed to find the arrival times of the jobs at the bottleneck stage, and two decision rules are developed to schedule jobs at bottleneck stage. This new approach neatly overcomes the difficulty of determining feasible arrival times of jobs at bottleneck stage. The last bottleneck-based heuristic, a bottleneck-driven adaptable multiple insertion heuristic (BDAMIH), is constructed to solve problems with total tardiness as the objective. The main idea of BDAMIH is combined with the ideas of BDMIH and BBDDDH. The main difference between BDAMIH and BDMIH is that BDMIH generates an initial sequence of jobs before performing the insertion heuristic; however, BDAMIH is adaptable to select a job within the process of the insertion heuristic. To evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristics, several well-known dispatching rules and heuristics are investigated for comparison purposes and computational experiments are performed on randomly generated test problems. Computational results show that the proposed heuristics significantly outperform all well-known dispatching rules or heuristics. Also, an analysis of the experimental factors is performed, and several interesting insights of the proposed heuristics are discovered.
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以啟發式方法解決具迴流性質之彈性流程式排程問題 / Developing Heuristics for the Scheduling Problem With Recirculation on Flexible flow shop陳俊吉, Chen, Chun Chi Unknown Date (has links)
在排程的問題中,用派工法則來解決排程問題的工廠類型,主要集中在零工式生產系統及流程式生產系統,而進一步加入平行機器概念,即是彈性零工式生產及彈性流程式生產。而現在許多的服務業也都是屬於彈性流程式生產的模式,而且還具有迴流(recirculation)之性質,而之前使用在不具迴流性質之彈性流程式生產的派工法則,在具有迴流性質之彈性流程式生產中是否仍然可以表現良好,是值得探討的。然而更進一步在此具有迴流性質之彈性流程式生產中加入多工的性質,使工作可以被兩個或兩個以上的機器或操作人員進行處理,則運用哪個派工法則讓機器或操作人員選擇工作來進行處理,可以使得選定的目標值有良好的表現,是相當值得研究之問題。 / As information technology advances, whole world environmental trend and the competition is more and more intense. The enterprise must face faster demand changes and the problem of shorter order fulfillment. Therefore, how to apply efficient production planning and shop floor scheduling to attain a better order fulfillment and real time production of shop floor capacity is the goal enterprises strive toward.
The shop floor scheduling problems using dispatching rules to solve are focus on job shop scheduling problems and flow shop scheduling problems. Moreover, those problems adding the concept of parallel machine will change into flexible job shop scheduling problems and flexible flow shop scheduling problems. Many service industries also belong to this type. In addition, those service industries’ processes also contain the important characteristic of recirculation. Now, there are two problems I would like to solve. First, Whether the dispatching rules which can get good results in flexible flow shop scheduling problems will also get good results in flexible flow shop scheduling problems with recirculation. Second, I add the characteristic of parallel machine into my problem, so it means jobs in the process can be operated by two or more workers. Therefore, which dispatching rule will get better results based on chosen achievement targets in the problem is very interesting to research.
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投資型保險稅制問題之研究林裕凱, Lin, Yu Kai Unknown Date (has links)
經問卷結果發現,受訪者對投資型保險之第一印象以「分離帳戶之獲利程度」最為普遍,各項租稅優惠項目亦影響受訪者對其之購買意願;現行制度下,濫用租稅優惠之現象亦普遍存在,並與租稅公平性有所違背;本研究建議現階段以投資型保險分離帳戶之資產為賦稅改革方向。設立門檻法則,作為投資型人壽保險之保單能否適用租稅優惠之標準。 / First, this study is clarifies the nature and functioning of investment-linked insurance, Secondly, discussing the controversy under present regulations. And the income tax norm of the United States, the U.K. and Japan will be introduced in this study in order to derive the solution plans. Finally, in order to let the conclusion be based on the international trends and the principles of tax and offer the concrete proposals of tax reform. The study uses questionnaires to collect the opinions from experts, tax collector and insurance personnel.
The results show that the first impression of investment-linked insurance for examinees is “the gains in separate account” in generality, and their purchase intention depends on the tax benefits of insurance. However, the present regulations violate the equity principle, the phenomenon of abusing of tax benefits of insurance is still common. Therefore, the study suggests that the assets in separate account should be taxed. Setting“The Corridor Rule” as the standard to evaluate whether the investment-linked life insurance contract can apply to tax benefits or not.
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