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企業併購下目標公司董事之受任人義務 / The fiduciary duty of the directors under mergers and acquisitions林芝君 Unknown Date (has links)
董事相關受任人義務內涵在併購過程中是否會有所不同,亦為本文關注之重點,故區分為合意併購與敵意併購兩種情況加以分析。合意併購時著重於探討董事如何於併購過程中為公司及股東爭取最佳的利益,並藉由分析我國實務判決提出若干建議。敵意併購時則著重分析目標公司董事採行之防禦措施適法性,期能藉由參考美國實務上審查標準,將來可引用作為我國處理相關案例之一套準據。 / When corporations go public, a large number of investment shareholders who separate around everywhere own the corporation. Because shareholders don’t have enough time and talent to corporate the company, they deliver the works to professional managers. It appears “Separation of business and all”. At the same time, there come conflicts of interest between the principal and the agent, which called agency problems. In order to produce the agency problems, the principal has to pay for some costs which called agency costs. Recently, the popular corporate governance issue has emphasized the importance of the liabilities of the directors. Hence, to figure out how to build directors’ responsibilities and to know the content of fiduciary duty of the directors is a significant issue.
Fiduciary duty of the directors consists of two sub content: duty of care and duty of loyalty. The former focuses on the level of attention of the directors take when they conduct. And the later focuses on when it faces the conflicts of interest between the company and the directors, the directors should take the company’s interest for priority. In this paper, I try to analysis the lack of the fiduciary duty standard in our country through comparing the U.S relevant standard, and to give some personal suggestion. Then I want to introduce the obligation of disclose of the directors. Because the shareholders need plenty of information to help them making informed decisions. Usually the directors can provide information under relatively low cost, and the fiduciary relationship between the directors and the shareholders gives a good reason to provide any necessary information to improve the shareholders’ best interest.
If the fiduciary duty of the directors would be different during the takeover process is also what this paper wants to emphasize. In this paper I divided takeover into merger agreement and hostile takeover, and discuss under these two kind of takeover how should the directors conduct to meet the duty. When talking about merger agreement I focus on how the directors to seek for the best interest of the company and the shareholders during the whole merger course. And I try to give some suggestion through discussing one court judgment. Finally, when talking about hostile takeover I will emphasize on the anti-takeover conducts which the directors make, and try to analysis these conducts’ legality. Meanwhile I hope that with critiques and dissertations from American scholars and experts as reference can provide our court some useful and specific criterion in the future.
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不同的交易機制對於預測市場運作表現之影響分析:以2009年縣市長選舉為例 / The analysis of different trading mechanisms for prediction market performance: the case of 2009 mayoral elections郭峻宇, Kuo, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現:若交易機制是連續雙向拍賣,則「0-100型」合約價格的預測準確度較高;若交易機制是市場計分法則,則「落點預測型」合約價格的預測準確度較高。連續雙向拍賣機制具有市場流動性不足的問題;市場計分法則機制面臨莊家風險的危機且不適用於市場競爭度高的環境;而上述兩種交易機制皆會出現價格炒作的現象。 / “Prediction market” is a research method based on immediate information collecting and organizing on the internet platform. With future events as the object of transaction, variations of the price of each transaction thus immediately provide the prediction of the development of future events. Therefore, this method has two properties including “appropriate incentives” and “continuous correction”.
In this study, document analysis is first conducted to review the operation modes of different trading mechanisms for prediction markets and the process of price making. Accordingly, differences between trading mechanisms and the factors that affect the operation of prediction market will also be analyzed. Furthermore, comparisons of the price accuracy, market liquidity, price speculation, incentives and maker risks between "continuous double auction" and "market scoring rule" are discussed in case study.
The findings of this study: if the trading mechanism is “continuous double auction”, the price accuracy of “winner-take-all” contract is higher; if the trading mechanism is “market scoring rules”, the price accuracy of “index” contract is higher. There exists insufficient market liquidity in “continuous double auction;” while in “market scoring rule,” there exists maker risks and it is hard to be applied in highly competitive market. The phenomenon of price speculation exits in both trading mechanisms.
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論刑事訴訟法之勘驗-以勘驗權限分配與勘驗筆錄之調查為中心 / A study on the inspection of the Code of Criminal Procedure - Focusing on the allocation of inspection authority and the investigation of inspection records張建強 Unknown Date (has links)
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論自白信用性之分析與審查標準-以江國慶案為例 / 無陳先成 Unknown Date (has links)
本文引用日本有關自白信用性之學說、研究結果以及現行實務,配合我國實務現狀,再藉由江國慶案卷證,描繪自白信用性審查標準。江國慶案因受限軍事審判法規定,不得上述上訴最高法院審酌,其中有關江國慶自白部分具有相當疑義,包括自白之成立係在高壓偵訊環境中所生, 自白與證物不一致等。本案為密室偵訊之典型案例,其中雖自白任意性之爭議極大,但因任意性舉證極為困難,導致歷審軍事法院均三言兩語駁回被告有關任意性之調查證據之聲請,此即為自白任意性在實務操作最大的問題;就自白信用性部分,歷審法院認定方式較無標準,這也是我國實務上之通病。綜合文獻及實務,研究者認為在審查自白信用性的標準應包括:(1)自白成立過程 (2)自白內容變動之合理性 (3)體驗供述之陳述 (4)秘密的暴露 (5)自白與客觀證據之一致性 (6)可供證實之物證不存在與欠缺相關情況證據 (7)犯罪嫌疑人對犯行前後偵訊者以外之人言行與被告的辯解等7項標準。
希望藉由本研究所訂定之標準,提供從事司法實務者在審判審案件時有一清晰客觀的標準,以達成維護公共福祉與保障人權。 / The focus of this study was to describe the dilemma regarding the abusive use of confessions and its solution. In the past, a great emphasis has been placed in course on the confessions of the accused. However, an overemphasis on confessions may violate the principles of presumption of innocence and just court, resulting in miscarriage of justice. Determining the credibility of confessions has been one of the most controversial issues in the criminal law and in the investigation and trial practice. However, limited studies have explored on this issue. In Taiwan, one of the most well-known cases of injustice is the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching. The primary reason for the injustice was the over-reliance of the court and investigation agency on the confession of Chiang Kuo-Ching. As an inquisitor at the Control Yuan, the researcher was involved in the investigation of the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching in 2003. During the investigation, the researcher began a more in-depth study on the issue of abusive use of confessions. Latin law principles proclaim that “confession is the king of evidence”. Involuntary confessions have been commonly used in the past as a foundation for judicial judgment. However, the strategies for acquiring confessions were not stressed. Torture was used in the past for the acquisition of involuntary confessions, while it is not a current practice. Currently, judges and prosecutors greatly value confessions due to their greater capacity of providing an overall picture of the criminal facts, as compared to other strategies. In many cases, false confessions are commonly present. To understand the causes of false confessions and to develop standardized determining criteria for false confessions, it is critical to explore the psychological impacts of the processes and strategies of acquiring confessions on the criminal suspects. Such exploration will provide an understanding that a confession is the product of the interactive communications between the investigator and the suspect, involving the subjectivity of the investigator. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the credibility of confessions and to develop an evaluation criteria based on an analysis of the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching.
A Japanese theory of credibility of confessions, research findings, current practice in Taiwan and the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching were used to develop credible evaluation criteria for confessions. Due to the restriction from the military trail law placed on the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching, appeal to the Supreme Court was not permitted. Several elements of the confession of Chiang Kuo-Ching were questionable, such as the highly stressful interrogation environment for the confession, and the inconsistency between the confession and evidences. The case of Chiang Kuo-Ching is a typical case of secret interrogation, which generates great controversial on the voluntary nature of confessions. Due to the difficulties in obtaining evidences for voluntary confessions, the requests to acquire evidence for voluntary confessions were denied by the military court. This is the greatest problem related to the practical operation of voluntary confessions. Currently, there are no standardized evaluation criteria to review the credibility of confessions, which has been a common issue in the practical judicial operation. Derived on the literature and practice experiences, the researcher proposed the application of seven criterions in the evaluation of the credibility of confessions: (1) process of acquiring confessions, (2) rationality of changes in the contents of confessions, (3) existence of criminal experiences, (4) exposure of secrets, (5) consistency between the confessions and objective evidences, (6) lack of evidence to proof the crime of the accused, and (7) the words and actions of the suspect toward the individuals other than the investigators before and after the crime, and the argument of the defendant.
The finding of this study will provide an objective and standardized criteria for judicial practice for the purposes of protecting public welfare and human right.
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表見證明之研究 / A Study on “Prima-Facie Beweis”邱玉樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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市場交易淺薄下之錯誤評價及其校正-以預測市場為實證基礎吳偉劭 Unknown Date (has links)
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多重移動平均選股法理論與實證 - 以台灣50、中型100及富櫃50成份股為例 / Theory and Evidence for Multi-period Moving Average Stock Selection - a Case Study of Constituent Stocks from Taiwan 50, Mid-Cap 100 and Gretai 50官佑謙, You-Cian Guan January 1900 (has links)
本文改良金融投資技術分析操作方法中, 傳統的「單一移動平均」選股法為「多重移動平均」選股法, 其係以道氏理論上, 所謂的市場同時存在三種趨勢 (主要趨勢, 次級趨勢, 小型趨勢) 為基礎, 建立多重時間架構, 輔以移動平均線為股價趨勢判斷, 以及葛蘭碧八大法則之股價突破 (或跌破) 判斷原則作為操作訊號, 所彚整而提出。實證上, 採用2014年12月31日台灣證券交易所公告之台灣50、中型100, 以及富櫃50成分股為樣本, 並以2001年1月1日至2014年12月31日為回溯期間。在進行策略交易的模擬分析與績效差異檢定後, 實證結果發現, 多重移動平均選股法投資策略績效, 在統計分析上並無法較單一周期投資策略績效為優, 但卻能有效過濾沒必要的交易行為, 使突破買進之假訊號降低, 間接的降低交易次數及減少交易成本。 / This study enhanced from the traditional single period moving average for stock selection into multiple-period moving average counterpart. The theoretical foundation comes from the Dow Theory, which states that there exist three trends simultaneously, that is, major trend, secondary trend, and minor trend. Also, the Granville Rules suggest stock price breaking out may serve as entry and exit signal for trading. Our sample are grouped into three subsamples, Taiwan 50, Mid-Cap 100, Gretai 50. The sample period ranges from 2001/1/1 to 2014/12/31.
Our empirical backtesting and performance test suggests that, contrary to our expectations, the multiple period method does not outperform its single period counterpart. However, the multiple period stock selection method may filter out false signals, and thereby reduce not only possible price risk associated with noisy trades but the accompanying transaction costs. / 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝詞 III
目錄 V
圖次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究對象與範圍 2
第四節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 技術分析理論 6
一、技術分析基本邏輯 6
二、技術分析主要的型態類型 7
第二節 移動平均線的原理 9
一、簡單移動平均線的計算 9
二、移動平均線的常見應用 9
第三節 多重移動平均理論及選股法 11
一、多重移動平均的原理 11
二、多重移動平均的選股模式 11
第四節 相關研究文獻回顧與評析 11
一、過去研究文獻 11
二、文獻評析 16
三、本文假說推論 16
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 傳統移動平均線選股模式 17
第二節 YC指標選股模式 17
第三節 選股模式績效差異檢定 19
第四節 資料來源與變數選取 19
第四章 實證分析 20
第一節 操作策略績效估計 20
第二節 操作策略績效比較 28
第三節 多重策略模型之適性歸納–由規模的角度 36
第五章 結論與建議 43
參考文獻 44
中文部份 44
英文部份 46
參考網址 46
圖1-4-1 研究流程圖 5
圖2-1-1 型態類技術理論的基本分類 6
圖2-1-2 市場同時存在三種趨勢 7
圖2-1-3 K線的基本構造 8
圖2-2-1 葛蘭碧(Granville)八大法則概念圖 10
表1-3-1 台股之台灣50成分股 2
表1-3-2 台股之中型100成分股 3
表1-3-3 台股之富櫃50成分股 3
表2-4-1 過去研究文獻的整理 14
表4-1-1 台灣50成份股總交易次數及成本 20
表4-1-2 中型100成份股總交易次數及成本 22
表4-1-3 富櫃50成份股總交易次數及成本 26
表4-1-4 單一與多重模式下交易次數與進出場交易成本彚整 28
表4-2-1 台灣50成份股總報酬及總報酬率 28
表4-2-2 中型100成份股總報酬及總報酬率 30
表4-2-3 富櫃50成份股總報酬及總報酬率 34
表4-2-4 單一與多重策略下的平均總報酬與平均總報酬率彚整 36
表4-3-1 多重策略下總報酬率與市值之迴歸分析 36
表4-3-2 多重策略下總報酬率與股本之迴歸分析 37
表4-3-3 台灣50股本前20%成份股之策略績效及差異比較 37
表4-3-4 台灣50股本後20%成份股之策略績效及差異比較 38
表4-3-5 中型100股本前20%成份股之策略績效及差異比較 39
表4-3-6 中型100股本後20%成份股之策略績效及差異比較 40
表4-3-7 富櫃50股本前20%成份股之策略績效及差異比較 41
表4-3-8 富櫃50股本後20%成份股之策略績效及差異比較 42
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數位證據之刑事證據調查程序 / The admissibility of digital evidence in criminal proceedings劉秋伶 Unknown Date (has links)
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控制權溢價之研究—從凱雷收購東森媒體科技一案出發 / Discussion on control premium – the carlyle group cash-out the Eastern Media international corporation case report陳盈良 Unknown Date (has links)
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董事受託義務與經營判斷法則之研究 / A study on the Fiduciary Duty and the Business Judgment Rule劉耀文, Liu, Yao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
我國公司法第23條係忠實義務與注意義務之規定,惟對於經營判斷法則尚無明文規範,學說見解對於我國是否應引進經營判斷法則仍有爭議,法院實務雖早已援用經營判斷法則作為公司經營者之責任標準,卻存在諸多誤解導致誤將該法則視為行為標準。因此,似有必要重新審視經營判斷法則之定位,故本文嘗試提出對於經營判斷法則於我國之應用的見解與省思。然經營判斷法則與我國現有法制應如何相互融合仍有待立法配合與後續觀察。 / In recent years, the world has been engulfed by international economic crises, resulting in a wide range of corporate governance matters. The rise and rapid development of the global business model has made the management of enterprises go from a single country toward the whole world, making corporate governance an important international issue. The transplantation of corporate governance of America legal model has emerged as a global trend.
Under the framework of corporate governance and in view of the principle of separation of ownership and control, the directors empowered decision-making authority are the core of the company. To avoid the expanding of directors’ decision-making authority and protect the interests of both the corporation and its shareholders, the directors has fiduciary duty which includes duty of loyalty, duty of care and duty of good faith. However, based on the complexity of the business environment and the limit of the capability of the judicial review, if the directors burden the responsibility for making wrong decisions will make capable people unwell to be directors and affect the development of the economy. The business judgment rule is the presumption that in making decisions not involving self-interest and self-dealing, corporate directors act on an informed basis, in good faith, and in the honest belief that their actions are in the corporation’s best interest.
Article 23 of Taiwan Company Act is the regulation of duty of loyalty and duty of care. However, the business judgment rule is not regulated in Taiwan Company Act. The opinion of whether the business judgment rule should be introduced to Taiwan is still controversial. Therefore, it is necessary to reexamine the position of the business judgment rule in Taiwan legal structure and this article attempts to provide points of view in the issue. Last but not least, the interaction of business judgment rule and Taiwan legal structure still needs the cooperation of the legislation and following observation.
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