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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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社會風險與風險溝通之研究 / Social Risk and Risk Communication

高如月, Gau, Ru Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
十八世紀的工業發展富裕了人類的物質生活,生態環境卻也逐遭破壞 ;人們因科技文明引發的現代風險的多樣性、全球性、不易衡量與不易預 測性,遂將傳統注重資源分配的「階級社會」帶領到新的注重風險如何在 社會中平等並合法分配的「風險社會」(Risk society) (Beck,1992),社 會風險概念乃應運而生。從社會文明演進來看,現代風險與過去風險在本 質上有著極大差異,過去風險多以自然災害的威脅為主,而現代風險則以 科技進步帶來的威亦即公害佔多數,綜言之為風險的不確定性、風險承擔 的不公平性、影響的遲延性與風險產生的社會妥當性。也因如此風險管理 則具相當的「利益衡量」與「政策決擇」色彩,風險溝通遂乃成為有效風 險管理的主要因素,成為綜合其他風險議題如風險認知、風險評估、風險 管理等的橋樑。風險溝通與其他溝通議題的最大差別,前者尤強調人文層 面因素重於科學分析結果。建立一個合理可接受的風險水準與風險認知息 息相關,專家的科學分析結果固然重要,民眾對風險的了解卻多以一般知 識與過去生活經驗認知,再加上現代風險多涉及高度的科技性,專業術語 常令民眾產生距離與不信任感,在公害問題上糾紛多因而產生。風險溝通 除了儘量降低衝突外,更積極地為建立風險的正確認知,加強自我防禦機 能,故公共介入、民眾的參與對於事前與事後溝通的成效,可避免糾紛爭 端的發生。 從70年代起公害糾紛屢見不鮮,抗議者手段皆多由緩和 後因意見得不到適切回應始引發衝突性高的行動;抗爭者與被抗議者亦多 有組織化趨勢;不管是「事前預防型」或「事後補救型」活動,政府的溝 通方式多仍停留在技術層面單向說服性的宣導亦多為被動;反觀國外對溝 通的努力較為積極,坦誠公開的溝通態度,重視一致、簡明的訊息揭露, 並考慮到居民心理壓力的疏解,強調風險溝通的地方時效性,這是國內糾 紛處理不足之處。由於糾紛事件中多有金錢賠償、健康檢查之訴求,故糾 紛處理與公害賠償制度在事後溝通上就佔極重要角色。日本的公害糾處理 與健康受害補償制度是除了民事訟訴外另闢之行政救濟管道,為衝突解決 與公害損害補償提供了訊速有效的溝通管道。我國有關公害糾紛處理已於 82年二月完成立法,至於公害補償卻散見於法令中,盼儘快建立污染者 付費原則、賠償基金的設立及加強公害保險功能,健全風險溝通的角色。

以結構方程模式探討台灣地區堰塞湖災害預警與居民認知影響避難決策之研究 / A structural equation modeling study of the influence of dam lake disaster warning and residents perception on the evacuation decision in Taiwan

林宏立, Lin, Hung Li Unknown Date (has links)
為有效減少因不可預期的極端氣候災害所產生的傷亡,可透過提升災害預警機制與災害認知使民眾具備更佳的災害應變決策能力。本研究選擇以台灣地區仍不常見的堰塞湖災害為研究對象以呼應極端氣候不可預期的特性,首先整理出居民在進行災害應變決策時的思考模式與程序,並釐清影響最後決策的各項因素,作為本研究主要研究架構的初擬參考;在分析工具方面則選用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM),以同時解決將心理層面認知量化與各變項間直線迴歸關係的問題。 為將以上構想付諸實行,本研究先經由文獻回顧提出居民的災害應變決策概念架構,以此概念架構為基礎進行問卷設計,並在台東縣嘉蘭村與高雄市瑪雅里進行問卷調查作業,取得資料後再透過結構方程模式建立適合台灣地區民眾的堰塞湖災害決策模型;最後則針對本研究所建立的模型與分析,對現況風險溝通與預警機制提出相關政策建議。 在試圖達成前述目的的研究過程中,本研究發現台灣民眾在面對不熟悉的堰塞湖災害時,外在的預警訊息、過去的受災經驗,以及家戶狀況等三項因素對決策影響最大;另外雖然本研究所提出的決策架構在台東與高雄兩處受測範圍內均可適用,但仍會因聚落的受災經驗、居民屬性,以及交通區位等特性上的不同而在變項重要性上有所差異。最後,本研究提出相關風險溝通的策略建議,作為未來在面臨堰塞湖災害或其他極端氣候時的政策參考。 / In order to reduce the unpredictable and extreme weather disasters’ casualties effectively, we can improve disaster warning mechanisms and disaster awareness so that people have decision-making capacity for better disaster response. This study selects the Landslide dam’s disaster, which is not common in Taiwan, as the research object. First sorted out the residents’ disaster response policy and procedures of thinking, and clarified the factors affect the final decision as the beginning research framework of this study. Analysis tools are used in structural equation model (SEM), to address both the psychological aspects of cognitive variables to quantify and the question of the relationship between the linear regressions. On the research process, first put forward the residents’ conceptual framework for disaster response decision-making through the literature review, and using this conceptual framework as the basis for questionnaire design. Taitung County and Kaohsiung City are the questionnaire surveys in this study. After the data obtained, we established a suitable decision model for Taiwan’s Landslide dam disaster through the SEM tool. Finally, we can make recommendations on risk communication policy and early warning mechanism through this model. In the research results, this study found that the external warning message, past disaster experience, and household conditions are three of the most important decision factors when Taiwan public is facing the Landslide dam disaster. In addition, although this framework can be applied in Taitung and Kaohsiung areas, but there will still be differences because of the differences in some characteristics such as the affected experience, residents’ properties, and location of traffic. Last, this study proposes some strategies of risk communication as the policy reference when facing the Landslide dam’s disaster or other extreme weather disasters in the future.

風險溝通與審議式民主的連結─ 以「核廢何從電視公民討論會」為例 / The link of risk communication and deliberative democracy:The case of“Where Would the Nuclear Waste Go?” TV forum.

王憶萍 Unknown Date (has links)
面對高度科技化、工業化及專業化的社會,風險溝通已是政府面對環境爭議時難以規避的課題。回顧台灣近年來各項環境政策所遭遇的激烈抗爭,顯現政府風險溝通的不足。近年來興起的審議式民主,強調在理性與互惠的前提下,讓公民針對議題發表不同意見,成為政府替代傳統風險溝通的另一選項。尤其對於亟需完善風險溝通的高科技議題-「核廢料處置」而言,審議式民主似乎為其帶來契機。本研究透過分析「核廢何從電視公民討論會」審議活動過程政府與民眾的風險溝通關係,以及會議參與者的深度訪談資料,探討審議式會議如何落實風險溝通理念,藉此瞭解並反思審議式民主在台灣的實踐及其能否成為有效的風險溝通機制。 研究發現,在理論層面,審議式民主與風險溝通理論有許多相通之處;而在實踐層面,審議式民主得以落實風險溝通四項核心要素:「雙向互動」、「資訊公開、即時及更新」、「轉譯為常民語言」及「利害關係人參與」;除此之外,與會者及相關人員亦受到審議機制正向的影響;但在此會議中民眾與政府間信任關係的改善程度有限。本研究建議政府未來進行風險溝通時,應健全溝通管道、有效連結「會議結論」與「政策制定」、整合資訊公開管道並縮短數位落差、及處理與核能政策連動問題,方能有助於低放射性廢棄物的風險溝通。 / Risk communication is an unavoidable task when the government faces a highly industrialized and professionalized society. In the past years, environmental policies the government proposed and the protests these policies triggered show the deficiency of the government on risk communication. Recently, the rising deliberative democracy that emphasizes citizen dialogue on the basis of equality, rationality and reciprocity, could become an alternative to traditional risk communication for the government. Especially for the high-tech issue--disposal of nuclear waste-- which is desperate for comprehensive risk communication, deliberative democracy seems to bring the window of opportunity. Through examining the case of “Where Would the Nuclear Waste Go?” TV forum, this study explores risk communication between the government and citizens, and discusses how deliberative forum realizes the idea of risk communication in practice and delivers risk knowledge. Furthermore, this study rethinks the practice of deliberative democracy in Taiwan and accesses whether it could be an effective risk communication mechanism. This study discovers that there is no contradiction between the practice of deliberative forum and the theory of risk communication. Deliberative democracy facilitates four core elements of risk communication: “two-way communication,” “information disclosure, in time and update,” “transfer into the language of ordinary people” and “the participation of stakeholders.” In addition, the participants and staffs were empowered positively by the deliberative mechanism. However, the improvement of trust between the government and citizens is very limited. This study suggests that when conducting risk communication for the low-level radioactive waste issue, the government should enhance risk communication channels, link the conclusions of citizen forums to policy making, integrate various information disclosure mechanisms, bridge the digital divide, and deal with the problem related to the nuclear energy policy.

14與18個月嬰兒理解他人的溝通意圖 / Fourteen- and Eighteen-Month-Old Infants Understand Others' Communicative Intents

簡嘉慧, Chien, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
理解他人的意圖,指的是理解他人的行為背後蘊含著一個希望達成的具體目標,是嬰兒社會認知發展中一項重要的基礎能力,而此能力的發展應具有跨文化一致性。然而,過去國內外研究結果顯示,台灣與西方嬰兒透過非語言線索理解他人溝通意圖的能力有明顯的落差。因此,本研究為了瞭解台灣嬰兒理解非語言線索的溝通意圖之能力,並找出可能導致上述不同研究結果的作業差異原因,將藉由兩項實驗來探討此議題。實驗一以藏物遊戲為實驗派典,觀察14與18個月的台灣嬰兒,在「眼神注視」、「手指指示」及「意圖性語音」三種非語言線索情境中,是否可藉由對線索溝通意圖的理解而找出隱藏的意圖目標物。結果發現14個月的台灣嬰兒,可理解他人「手指指示」線索的溝通意圖,但無法理解「眼神注視」與「意圖性語音」線索的溝通意圖,而18個月的台灣嬰兒則是可理解他人「眼神注視」線索的溝通意圖,但卻無法理解「手指指示」與「意圖性語音」線索的溝通意圖。為了排除藏物容器設計可能造成的干擾因素,實驗二調整了藏物容器裝置,以同樣的實驗方式觀察台灣嬰兒理解他人非語言線索溝通意圖的能力。結果發現,14個月的台灣嬰兒仍只能藉由「手指指示」線索理解他人的溝通意圖,但18個月的台灣嬰兒則已可透過「眼神注視」、「手指指示」及「意圖性語音」三種非語言線索理解他人的溝通意圖。此結果說明,台灣與西方嬰兒透過非語言線索理解他人溝通意圖的能力大致相同,即嬰兒理解他人溝通意圖的能力確實具有跨文化一致性。 / Understanding the intents of others, to understand the existence of specific goals that people wish to achieve from their behaviors, is one of important basic abilities in the social cognitive development of an infant. The developmental time frames of such ability should be the same across cultures. However, previous domestic and overseas studies proposed that the abilities of infants to understand the communicative intents of others through nonverbal cues are different between Taiwanese and western cultures. Hence, in this study, two controlled experiments were conducted to explore the abilities of Taiwanese infants to understand the communicative intents of others through nonverbal cues and the factors of the tasks that may cause different results between domestic and overseas studies. In the first experiment, an experimenter used the cues of gazing, pointing, and intentional vocalization in a hiding-game task to examine whether fourteen- and eighteen-month-old Taiwanese infants could infer communicative intents expressed in the three nonverbal cues and find the hidden objects. Results showed that 14-month-old Taiwanese infants could only follow the cue of pointing to find the hidden objects, but not gazing or intentional vocalization. And 18-month-old Taiwanese infants could find the hidden objects by following only the cue of gazing. To exclude the possible interferences of the target containers, the experimenter used the same procedures and settings in the second experiment as the first one, but modified the containers to clarify the hiding-game task. Results showed that 14-month-old Taiwanese infants could still follow only the cue of pointing to find the hidden object, but 18-month-old Taiwanese infants successfully followed all three types of cues. Based on these findings, the abilities of infants to understand others’ communicative intents by following nonverbal cues are the same in Taiwanese and western cultures. That is, the developmental time frames of the abilities of infants to understand the communicative intents through nonverbal cues are the same across different cultures.

Facebook企業粉絲頁之危機溝通效果:探討 人性化語調、危機情境與危機回應策略之影響 / The communication effectivity with consumers in corporate crises on Facebook fan pages:the effect of conversational human voice ,crisis situations and crisis communication strategies.

吳懋嫻, Wu, Mao Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討Facebook企業粉絲頁進行危機溝通之效果。由於企業粉絲頁在訊息與互動策略上都與傳統官方網站截然不同,其中如同朋友般對話口吻的「人性化語調」(conversational human voice),可說是現今國內企業粉絲頁的主要溝通特色。然而,在危機溝通的情境下,企業粉絲頁卻往往採用官方口吻,使用較傳統的新聞稿模式,似乎未因應粉絲頁特性而採取相適的溝通策略,其溝通效果如何值得加以探討。同時,綜觀過去危機溝通文獻,多數研究仍聚焦於驗證危機情境與回應策略間對應關係,預測危機溝通效果的實用性,並未深入討論訊息策略的內容,也尚未有粉絲頁平台上的效果研究。因此,本論文即以「人性化語調」的概念切入,檢視該訊息策略於危機情境中的溝通效果,以探討企業於粉絲專頁上進行危機溝通的可能之有效策略,以及企業於社群媒體進行危機溝通之可行性。 實驗設計主要以「產品瑕疵」為危機情境,三個操弄變項包含危機責任程度(小╱大)、回應策略(遞減╱重建)、與人性化語調(低╱高),以2 × 2 × 2之組間設計實驗設計,驗證危機溝通的效果(組織聲譽,正負面口碑行為意向)。 研究結果發現,不論組織責任大小,重建策略皆帶來正面溝通效果;而人性化語調雖然在組織聲譽、正面口碑行為意向上無顯著的效益,但能有效減緩負面口碑行為意向,尤其在危機責任大的情境下,採取重建策略與人性化語調高的溝通組合能更加強其緩和負面口碑行為之成效。顯示危機回應策略相關理論在企業粉絲專頁的情境依然適用,但在具體溝通策略與內容的設計上,必須進一步考量危機情境與所使用之溝通平台,也表示國內企業對於社群媒體之公關管理必須加以重視。 / “Conversational human voice” is one of the key features in how Taiwan’s corporations communicate on their Facebook fanpages, which is quite different from how they communicate on their corporate websites. And yet, how such communication strategies work during a time of crisis remains unknown; thus, the current study aims to investigate the effect of conversational human voice in the scope of crisis communication. In the experimental design, the independent variables included: human voice (low/high), crisis responsibility (low/high), and crisis communication strategy (diminish/rebuild); the dependent variables included corporate reputation and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions. The key finding included positive effects of constructive strategies on corporate reputation and WOM intentions, which is consistent with past literature. Although human voice was found with no main effects on reputation or WOM intentions, human voice was effective in reducing negative WOM, when the crisis responsibility was high and constructive communication strategy was employed. This implies that consumers who are exposed to more human-tone messages on the fanpages are less likely to boycott the product should there be a relevant crisis, and thus, social media play an important role in crisis communication and should be valued and managed in corporate public relations efforts.

對話教學在高一數學課堂教學中的運用 / Dialogic teaching in Grade 10 Mathematical classrooms

肖芳 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

語言與手勢之溝通動態性 / Communicative Dynamism in Language and Co-speech Gesture

楊婉君, Yang, Wan Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討溝通動態與手勢之關係。本研究相較於過去的研究提供了中文口語語料的量化結果,除了檢視語言上的溝通動態值與手勢出現、手勢類型的關係以外,並加入手勢特徵進而檢視。語言上的溝通動態值分別以「資訊狀態」與「主題連續性」來決定溝通動態值之高低,並且將手勢所伴隨的語詞依詞性分開分為名詞與動詞,檢視是否手勢上會依循語碼原則(the coding principle):當溝通動態值越高,所使用的代碼材料便越多;當溝通動態值越低,所使用的代碼材料越少。結果發現,以決定溝通動態值的標準來看,資訊狀態較主題連續性更能依語碼原則反應溝通動態值。原因是因為資訊狀態反應訊息的新舊差異性,而主題連續性反應的是舊訊息當中的不同的「舊」的程度差異,因此前者較能反應溝通動態與手勢之關係;而以手勢伴隨的語詞而言,動詞較名詞更能依語碼原則反應溝通動態值。因為動詞相較於名詞而言,在語言上無完整的語碼系統以反應溝通動態值之高低,因此倚賴手勢出現與手勢特徵來反應語言上的溝通動態值之高低。 / The study investigates the correlation between communicative dynamism (CD) and gesture. Different from the previous studies, the present study provides quantitative analysis based on Chinese conversational data. The study examines the correlation between CD in language and the occurence of gestures, gestural types and gestural features. The various degrees of CD are deteremined by two separate criteria, namely “information status” and “topic continuity”. Morover, the study also distinguishes between the nominal affiliates of gesture and the verbal counterparts. The study found that gestures occur at the two extremities of CD. Gestures tend to co-occur with linguistic elements bearing the highest or the lowest CD. In addition, based on the criterion of “information status”, stroke duration and handedness were found to reflect the various degrees of CD. On the other hand, based on the criterion of “topic continuity”, all gestural features including stroke duration, gestural space, handedness and stroke frequency have no correlation with CD.

代言人網誌日記形式廣告之溝通效果研究 / Communication effects research of endorser advertising on blog diaries

黃子潔, Huang,Tzu-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網誌成為網路世界的新寵兒,一種新型態的廣告「代言人網誌日記形式廣告」也應運而生。本研究以「代言人類型」與「置入方式」兩變項對此新類型的廣告之溝通效果三面向「回憶效果」、「品牌態度」與「購買意願」做初步的探討,並設計了三種不同的代言人類型與兩種置入方式共六種實驗廣告,於網路上徵求受測者並進行問卷之收集。 本研究結果發現如下:在「回憶效果」與「購買意願」兩應變項上,「不同類型代言人」與「不同型式置入」均會對其產生顯著影響,而在「品牌態度」應變項上,僅「不同類型代言人」對其產生顯著影響。同時,在此三面向之溝通效果上,均呈現出「一般消費者代言人」效果最佳、「名人代言人」效果最差的情形;在「回憶效果」與「購買意願」上,則均呈現出「文章中置入」形式效果優於「文章外置入」形式的情形。「代言人類型」與「置入方式」間的交互作用在此三面向之溝通效果上均未達顯著性。 / “Blog diaries written by product endorsers” is a new form of advertising promotion as blog becomes more popular in Internet world than ever. ”Endorsers types” and “product placement types” are the two independent variables in the study to investigate the three aspects of advertising communication effects—“recall effects”, “brand attitude”, and “purchase intention.”— which are the dependent variables in the study. The formal experimental commercials are six different kinds in total based on three endorser types and two product placement types and posted in Internet for questionnaires collecting. The results are both the different endorser types and the different product placement types have significant influences on “recall effects” and “purchase intention” aspects, but only different endorser types caused significant influences on “brand attitude” aspect. The typical consumer endorser is most effective type in all of three kinds and the celebrity endorser is the worst one on every advertising communication effect aspects. “The inside placement” has the better effect than “the outside placement” on “recall effects” and “purchase intention” aspects .The interact between “the endorsers types ”and “product placement types” are not significant in the three aspects of advertising communication effects.

公共領域的公共再現:公視報紙報導與評論之分析(1990年~2013年) / Public representation of the public sphere in Taiwan: An analysis of newspaper commentaries and reports on the Taiwan Public Television Movement between 1990 and 2013

丘忠融 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在分析在我國公視建構過程中(1990~2013年)的報紙相關評論與報導。從1915年開始,台灣就有許多透過媒體改革來爭取發言權的運動。然而,直到1990年,公民社會才出現了以產權為目標的媒改運動,亦即1990年代起的公視運動。因此,我們認為公視運動可被視為公民爭取「公共領域」的重要歷程,值得進行深入分析。 其次,本文主張公視這種「公共領域」的建構過程,應以公共對話為基礎。經文獻檢閱,我們認為公媒體與公共領域有以下關聯。以制度面而言,Habermas的晚近公共領域概念強調國家必須透過立法過程來保障溝通行動,這正和公媒體的制度契合。以公共論述判準而言,Habermas的「合理政治意志形成過程」與「理性溝通」則可用來檢視,關於公視制度的討論是否符合公共性。 此外,本文選報紙評論進行分析,不是為了比較各報論述的差異,而是報紙長時間地記載各報社、社運團體成員、學者專家與社會大眾對公視議題的論述,這可讓我們檢視及反思不同階段公視運動的論述目標與特徵。另一方面,我們也檢閱了公視相關的立法院、監察院公報等資料,藉此釐清政府、媒體與公民社會三者的關係。 本研究有以下三點發現。第一,政府政策意圖是引導公視論述的關鍵因素。只有當政府對公視採取較正面態度,公民社會才有機會對公視進行深度的討論。第二,公視議題的主要論述者是報社人員與學院知識份子,其中學知對於公視向來採取支持立場。相對而言,只有在公視處於不利局面時,各報才會較積極地對公視表達支持。第三,當報社與學知對公視議題進行討論,報社較支持「商業化」與「數位化」,學知則較重視「公共理念」。 / This paper aims to analyze newspaper commentary and reports published during the Taiwan Public Television Movement between 1990 and 2013. Since 1915, Taiwan has had a lot of media reform movements that fought for freedom of speech. But there were no media reform movements with the aim of dealing with media ownership until the Taiwan Public Television Movement happened in 1990.We believe that the public television movement was a very important process that structured" public sphere “in Taiwan and is worth an in-depth analysis. As a public sphere, Taiwan Broadcasting System (TBS) should be constructed on the public dialogue. After reviewing the literature, we think that the public media and the public sphere have the following correlations. In terms of institutional designs, Habermas emphasized recently that the state needs to protect the communicative action through the legislative process. We think this is similar to the idea of public television. With regard to public dialogues, Habermas' concepts of “a process model of rational political will-formation” and "rational communication ideal " can be applied to analyze the discourse of Taiwan Public Television. In addition, we analyzed newspaper commentaries, not to compare the differences of representation between newspapers, but to document different kinds of discussions of public television by media, social movement organizations, scholars and the public over a long period of time. Whereby, we can examine and reflect on the discourse goals and characteristics of the Taiwan Public Television movement in different stages. We also reviewed the official gazettes of the Legislative Yuan and the Control Yuan in order to clarify the relationship between the government, the media and civil society. In this paper, we provide readers with three findings. First, the intent of government policy was a key factor in leading the discourse of public television. Only when the government adopted more positive attitudes towards the TBS did civil society have chances for more in-depth discussions. Second, the discussions of TBS were mainly made by newspaper staffs and college intellectuals. Furthermore, college intellectuals had always taken a stand that supported public television. In contrast, only when TBS was in an unfavorable situation did newspaper staffs become more active in offering support. Third, whenever newspaper staffs and college intellectuals participated in the public discussion, the former tended to support the "commercialized" and "digitized" TBS, but the latter were inclined to favor “the ideal of public sphere” of TBS.

兩人團隊創意交融系絡之比較個案研究 / Creative collaboration within two-person teams: A comparative case study

樊學良, Fan, Hsueh Liang Unknown Date (has links)
「兩人」是團隊組成的最小單位,回顧人類社會經濟活動的發展,許多重要的創新,經常是從兩人團隊開始。特別是以創意為核心的任務或作為,更易於以兩人為基礎,個別尋覓契合自我價值觀、專業能力,和人格特質的合作搭檔。雖然兩人團隊是人類社會經濟活動的常態,存在著重要的學理和實務意涵需要探討;但是,目前有關兩人團隊的文獻仍不多見。本研究的目的,即在回應此一文獻缺口,探討兩人團隊創意交融的系絡。 研究採取比較個案研究法,以八個兩人設計團隊進行半結構的深度訪談,正式研究前則進行了兩個前導個案的研究。經彙整訪談逐字稿之文本分析內容後,本研究有三個主要發現。第一,兩人設計團隊創意協作的歷程,從成員對產品核心概念的探索開始,之後會經歷共同建構創意、精緻化創意和實踐創意等過程。而產品核心概念的頓悟,通常是兩人在相近的問題意識下,從參與共享的情境當中浮現。此一情境浮現之頓悟並不專屬哪一方,但又必須仰賴兩人共同參與情境而獲得。第二,友誼是促進兩人設計團隊發展交融記憶系統的重要因素,友誼不僅帶動了兩人從玩票接案到正式形成團隊,同時也在團隊運作過程中,增強交融記憶系統本身的能量。第三,成員會透過不同形式的溝通互動,促進資訊的交流並精緻彼此的創意,這些形式包括了競爭型互動、合作型互動,和基於玩興的互動。 整體而言,本研究拓展了吾人對於兩人團隊及其創意交融的理解,也對團隊經營和團隊創意管理的實務有所貢獻。團隊發展實務上,可培養交融記憶系統成為團隊賴以運作的核心能耐,並透過成員共同參與情境的方式,營造有利於兩人從事創意交融活動的場域。 / ‘Two person’ is a basic unit of the composition of a team. Looking back on the historical development of the social and economic activities of the human, many radical innovations were often invented by two-person teams. Especially, creative workers, based on the two-person team structure, are more likely to search for the right partner that whose vision, value, expertise, and personality are best fit with each other. Despite the research on two-person team could provide valuable theoretical and practical implications for team literature; very little attention has given to such phenomena. Using a multi-case of eight two-person design teams, this dissertation explores the creative collaboration within the two-person teams. Through the qualitative analysis of the data, this dissertation provides three major findings. First, the creative collaboration processes within the two-person team contain four stages which begin exploring the core concept of the product. Then, team members collectively co-construct, elaborate and execute the core concept of the product. The insight of core concept of the product usually emerges from the two persons who have similar problem awareness and collectively engage in a shared context. This insight is not exclusive which party, but must rely on both sides to collectively engage in the shared context to develop. Second, friendship plays an important role for facilitating the development of the team’s transactive memory system (TMS). Friendship not only helps the two persons to build a team, help the team’s TMS function well in the team development processes. Third, members within the two-person team use three kinds of dialogue communication for exchanging information and elaborating creative ideas of the members. The three kinds of dialogue are: competitive dialogue, collaborative dialogue, and playfulness dialogue. Overall, this dissertation extends the current knowledge in management area about the creative collaboration within the two-person teams. Results of this dissertation also contribute to the management for two-person teams and the management of team members’ creative ideas. This dissertation suggests the two-person teams can build TMS as a team’s core capability and engage in shared contexts where beneficial for the creative collaboration.

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