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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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選址政策中的信任與風險溝通: 以台灣低放射性廢棄物最終處置場為例 / Trust and Risk Communication of Site Selection Policy: a Case Study of Taiwan's Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

朱文妮, Chu, Wen Ni Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以台灣「低放選址政策」的信任問題為主題,採用文獻研究、調查訪談、焦點座談、問卷調查等多元研究方法,一方面參照並補充TCC模型作為理論架構,分析「信任」如何分別透過其知識與非知識屬性,影響台東與金門兩縣民眾的最終處置場設施接受度,藉以充實對公共政策中不行動面向之理解,並增加對非科學理性因素之重視。另方面,則綜合實證分析結果,並參酌近期國/內外選址的風險溝通經驗,探討「低放選址政策」如何納入重建信任的風險溝通模式,以協調科學與民主、專家與民眾在決策過程中的關係。研究結果指出,「低放選址政策」的信任問題,彰顯了過去人們用以確保政府機關不負所託的科學理性及專家決策模式,在現代風險社會中,不再足以讓民眾繼續作出授予信任的判斷,並在風險議題中合作。有鑑於在信任的分類與運作模式中,受價值相似性啟發的信任,主導了對科學證據與信心的詮釋。因此,對風險議題進行社會選擇的決策模式,必須能夠重塑集體的價值相似性,形成新的信任穩定機制。本論文乃建議一個重視「代表性、共同框架、決策影響力」的參與式對話平台,將可藉由政策審議架構,尋求在共享價值下,可被普遍接受的正義原則及解決之道,以提升「低放選址政策」的接受度與正當性。 / In this study, the author focused on the trust problems related to the “low radioactive waste disposal site selection” topic and adopted the literature review, survey interview, focus group, and questionnaire survey study methods. One of the objectives was to reference and supplement the TCC model as the theoretical framework to analyze how “trust” as well as its knowledge and non-knowledge attributes can affect acceptance for the final disposal site by the people of Taitung and Kinmen in order to enrich our understanding of the inaction in public policies and strengthen the emphasis on non-scientific rationality factors. The other objective was to incorporate the analysis and empirical results, reference the recent domestic/foreign disposal site selection risk communication experiences, and explore how to incorporate a trust rebuilding risk-communication method into the low radioactive waste disposal site selection, in order to coordinate the relationships between science and democracy as well as the experts and citizens throughout the policy-making process. The trust problems related to low radioactive waste disposal site selection discussed in this study highlight the fact that the scientific rationality and expert policy-making mode relied upon by the government agencies are no longer sufficient for the people to trust the government’s judgments or cooperate in the risk topics during the modern risk society. In terms of TCC model, trust inspired by value similarities drives the interpretation of scientific evidence and confidence. Therefore, the policy-making process that enable to risk-topic related social choice must be able to reshape the shared value and form a new trust stabilization mechanism. In this study, the author proposed a participative discourse platform that emphasizes on “representation, collaborative framing, and decision impacts” may adopt the framework for policy deliberation in search of shared values, as well as generally accepted justice principles and solutions, in order to enhance the acceptance and legitimacy for the low radioactive waste disposal site selection.

中國信訪制度研究 :以四川省A 鎮為例

李雨辰 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences. / Department of Government and Public Administration

台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制之研究 / A Study of Establishing Military Confidence Building Measures Across the Taiwan Strait

許舜南, Hsu, Shun-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
身為一位學習「戰略及國際安全」並從事「野戰戰略」與「中外戰史」研究與教育的軍人,深知唯有堅實的國防武力,才能在中共不放棄以武力解決台灣問題的文攻武嚇下,以「勝兵先勝」之作為,來達到「止戰而不懼戰,備戰而不求戰」,確保「有效嚇阻、防衛固守」戰略構想之達成,然基於深切體認到「兵凶戰危」,不忍國人與大陸之對立紛爭而引發戰火,導致同胞「生靈塗炭」。自當從「避免戰爭」、「防止戰爭」等戰略及國際安全之考量,研究「台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制」,藉由國際間已實施多年的「信心建立措施」(Confidence-Building Measures,以下簡稱CBMs),期能喚起台海兩岸之領導人,本著同根同源,藉展現誠意、溝通、協商、交流,進而建立互信,以降低兩岸緊張情勢,避免因誤判而引發衝突,進而導致戰爭發生。 「信心建立措施」的主要概念,在於透過資訊交換與交流,增加彼此的瞭解,避免雙方因對彼此軍事意圖的誤解,而導致擦槍走火,引發衝突與戰爭。並希望透過「軍事互信機制」等交往原則的確立、軍事行動的規範,以及檢證措施的運用,建立台海兩岸彼此信任之關係,以達到避免戰爭、防止戰爭,確維台海兩岸安全與永久和平之目標。 本論文「台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制之研究」,其主要的理論基礎是參考國際間已施行多年的「信心建立措施」(CBMs),該措施見諸於1975年「赫爾辛基會議」(Helsinki Conference)的「最終議定書」(Final Act)。而在歐洲中立及不結盟國家提議下,至1986年「斯德哥爾摩會議文件」(Document of the Stockholm Conference),第二代的「信心建立措施」被歐洲各國改稱為「信心暨安全建立措施」(Confidence and Security-Building Measures, 以下簡稱CSBMs )。一般而言,後者較前者更強調軍事意涵的重要性及查證措施的使用,也意味脫離前者的萌芽階段,進入較繁複、具體、強制發展的階段。除歐洲與亞太地區外,非洲、拉丁美洲、中東地區都有相關類似的安排。1991年,南北韓所簽訂的「和解、互不侵犯及交流合作協議」與「朝鮮半島非核聯合宣言」,中共、俄羅斯及其他三個中亞國家於1996年4月26日所簽訂的「關於邊境地區加強軍事領域信任的協定」,均屬於「信心暨安全建立措施」。冷戰結束後成立的「東協區域論壇」及「亞太安全合作理事會」所倡導的安全對話,也是「信心建立措施」的一環。 台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制可採用「信心建立措施」(CBMs)各類作法,即(一)宣示性措施(declaratory measures)、(二)透明性措施(transparency measures)、(三)溝通性措施(communication measures)、(四)海上安全救援措施(maritime measures)、(五)限制性措施(constraint measures)、(六)查(檢)證性措施(verification measures)…等,並參考國際間建立互信之成功案例,區分目前已在執行的公布「國防報告書」、宣布「軍事演習之種類、範圍、時間、地點」、遂行「海上救難行動」、建立「海峽中線共識」…等,並配合國統綱領的進程,再分為近、中、遠程軍事互信作為,逐步建立台海兩岸軍事互信,降低緊張,化解衝突,以避免導發台海間之戰爭,共創台海兩岸中國人之雙嬴。 當前台海兩岸之紛爭,乃導因於雙方領導人及政府之互信不足,故在推動台海兩岸互信機制時,初期階段,須由單方面展現誠意、培養互信,在時機及條件成熟後,則雙方展現誠意、建立互信,當然我方應審慎規劃,並時時觀察,若中共仍抱持傲慢心態,未能遵守相關協定,必要時可以停止各項交流,以免單方面對中共做出過多的讓步,以確保我國家安全與利益。 從研究中可以深切體會,台海兩岸維持和平與穩定,是台海兩岸中國人的共同期盼,也唯有「台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制」,才能避免雙方因誤解、衝突,而刺激中共以武力犯台,或引爆戰爭。故僅提出具體建議,供決策單位及後續研究此一問題者參考: 壹、台海兩岸不可輕啟戰端。 貳、推動兩岸間制度化互信機制。 參、藉助國際友人加強多邊協商促進兩岸交流。 肆、審慎擬定建立軍事互信措施之優先順序。 伍、推動兩岸建立軍事互信立法逐步執行。 陸、賡續研究集思廣益尋求兩岸雙贏策略。 台海兩岸建立軍事互信機制,雖然還有相當多的困難與窒礙,但相信只要台海兩岸領導人有決心,必可早日達成兩德統一與兩韓和解的光明坦途,這也是台海兩岸中國人所衷心期盼的抉擇,但願不久的將來,台海兩岸的中國人,均可走出免於戰爭與殺戮之夢魘,進而同享自由、民主與均富的和平幸福生活,共創台海兩岸的繁榮與發展。

團隊建立法應用於非營利組織運作之研究 / The Research Of Applying Team Building Interventions To Non-profit Organizations’ Operation

鄭瓊芳, Cheng, Chiung-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
公益性非營利組織在國家社會整體的運作中承擔重要的責任,在國外它早已成為社會的主流,在台灣社會於解嚴以後,它的蓬勃發展亦成為一股莫之能擋的社會力;在公共行政的研究中,它更是當今的趨勢議題之一。而將現代經營管理的理念,運用於各類非營利機構中,已愈來愈受到重視,其實那是因為非營利組織之「非營利」性質使然,使得它比任何組織都需要管理的概念;然而在這方面相關的研究卻十分不足。因此,本文主要在探究與非營利組織價值理念相容的團隊建立法的理論與技術,提供非營利組織運作上一個可資應用的管理途徑。 透過探究團隊建立與非營利組織的理論基礎、緣起與發展、運作的內涵等,發現二者在許多特質上非常相似,包括對人性尊嚴與個人價值的重視、使命的確立與履行的重要性、強調人員的參與及承諾、具有彈性與開放等精神、創新的作法與思考方向、充分的溝通與對話模式、共同合作與授權賦能、重視品質管理與顧客的感受等;這是團隊建立對於非營利組織運作適用性的論證基礎。 從理論的演進與發展、內涵的分析、歸納中,界定團隊建立的步驟或要素是:尋找適當的成員、進行團體活動與相關訓練、召開團隊會議;透過這些要項在各方面細節的掌握,可以使團體逐步形成團隊。而在團隊的發展過程中有各個必經的階段—定位或組建、衝突或動盪、協作或規範、生產力或實施、變化或轉變。 非營利組織的「運作」所包含的面向十分廣泛,本文僅針對願景與目標建立、溝通與領導、激勵與授權賦能、決策與品質管理等議題進行探究,從組織狀況的說明及相關運作的困境切入,以前述理論與原則為基礎,提出團隊建立在各方面適用的原因,以及應用的技術與方法。 在實務方面,除了就國外實際個案作說明與分析外,並就團隊建立的過程要素及「運作」的研究焦點面向,擬定題綱,以「理論」及「立意」抽樣法,對所選取的四個以婦女議題為主軸之非營利組織的重要幹部進行訪談,以瞭解非營利組織的實際運作狀況;訪談資料顯示這些非營利組織的運作與團隊建立方式的應用十分相似,而所有受訪者根據他們的經驗及其組織實際的運作狀況,皆對團隊建立的運作方式表示肯定與支持。 總而言之,本研究從理論與實務的探究中發現在非營利組織的運作中,團隊是自然產生而存在的事實,是故,團隊建立法是實務運作者一個價值極高的參考途徑,裨益非營利組織永續經營,提供國家、社會更多、更好的服務。 隊建立法應用於非營利組織運作之研究 目 錄 第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………. 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 …………………………………… 1 第二節 研究範圍、途徑、方法 ………………………………… 8 第三節 研究架構、流程、限制 ………………………………… 13 第四節 重要文獻檢閱 …………………………………………… 17 第五節 相關名詞界定 …………………………………………… 28 第二章 團隊建立理論與技術的探析 ……………………………… 45 第一節 團隊理論的演進與應用 ………………………………… 45 第二節 團隊的內涵 …………………………………………….. 67 第三節 團隊建立的過程 ………………………………………… 79 第四節 團隊運作的限制與成功的要件 ……………………….. 101 小結 ……………………………………………………………….. 111 第三章 非營利組織理論與內涵的探析 ………………………….. 113 第一節 非營利組織的緣起 …………………………………….. 114 第二節 我國非營利組織的發展情形 ………………………….. 125 第三節 非營利組織的基本內涵 ……………………………….. 132 小結 ……………………………………………………………….. 144 第四章 非營利組織的運作:團隊建立途徑 ……………………. 149 第一節 建立共同願景與目標 …………………………………. 149 第二節 溝通與領導 ……………………………………………. 159 第三節 激勵與授權賦能 ………………………………………. 175 第四節 決策與品質管理 ………………………………………. 186 小結 ………………………………………………………………. 198 第五章 個案研究 …………………………………………………. 201 第一節 國外個案探討 …………………………………………. 201 第二節 訪談設計與訪談對象 …………………………………. 209 第三節 國內個案訪談資料分析 ………………………………. 219 小結 ………………………………………………………………. 253 第六章 結論 ………………………………………………………. 257 第一節 研究發現 ………………………………………………. 257 第二節 研究檢討、貢獻與建議 ………………………………. 270 結語 ………………………………………………………………. 279 參考書目 ……………………………………………………………. 281 附錄 附錄一 訪談聯絡信函 …………………………………………...312 附錄二 訪談綱要 ………………………………………………...315 附錄三 訪談紀錄(一) …………………………………………… 318 附錄四 訪談紀錄(二) …………………………………………… 333 附錄五 訪談紀錄(三) …………………………………………… 353 附錄六 訪談紀錄(四) …………………………………………… 373 圖、表目次 壹、圖目次 圖1-1 研究途徑示意圖………………………………………………. 10 圖1-2 研究架構 ……………………………………………………… 14 圖1-3 研究流程 ……………………………………………………… 15 圖1-4 團體與團隊的比較 …………………………………………… 34 圖2-1 全面品質管理模式 ………………………………………….. 62 圖2-2 學習的層次 ………………………………………………….. 64 圖2-3 學習型組織的運作核心 …………………………………….. 65 圖2-4 團隊運作過程 ……………………………………………….. 68 圖2-5 團隊績效曲線圖 …………………………………………….. 78 圖2-6 團體活動與訓練的進行 …………………………………….. 87 圖2-7 團隊型態發展模型圖 ……………………………………….. 94 圖2-8 群體發展階段 ……………………………………………….. 97 圖3-1 我國非營利組織的種類 …………………………………….. 128 圖3-2 非營利組織有效管理的流程 ……………………………….. 135 圖3-3 非營利組織的人力資源發展模式 ………………………….. 137 圖4-1 建立共同願景的意涵與方法 ………………………………. 152 圖4-2 六步溝通模式 ………………………………………………. 161 圖4-3 人際溝通三部曲 ……………………………………………. 163 圖4-4 逐步邁向團隊領導 …………………………………………. 169 圖4-5 團隊領袖角色 ………………………………………………. 170 圖4-6 今日組織環境下的授權賦能 ………………………………. 185 圖5-1 個案實證之五性分析法 ……………………………………. 220 貳、表目次 表1-1 深度訪談對象一覽表 ………………………………………… 12 表1-2 國內團隊組織相關研究論文摘要表 ………………………… 19 表1-3 國外團隊相關研究書籍摘要表 ……………………………… 21 表1-4 國內非營利組織相關研究論文與報告摘要表 ……………… 24 表1-5 美國的非營利組織相關研究摘要整理 ……………………… 26 表1-6 非營利機構與公部門、私人部門之差異 …………………… 43 表2-1 團隊研究的歷史發展與應用 ……………………………….. 67 表2-2 由團隊導向劃分的團隊種類 ………………………………...77 表2-3 團隊會議形式範例 …………………………………………...91 表2-4 團隊發展的階段性特徵 ……………………………………...96 表2-5 團隊失敗的原因 ……………………………………………. 102 表3-1 我國人民團體性質分類 ……………………………………. 129 表3-2 我國各類人民團體統計表 …………………………………. 130 表3-3 我國各類基金會統計表 ……………………………………. 131 表4-1 馬郡社會服務部門價值的聲明 ……………………………. 158 表4-2 單向溝通與雙向溝通之比較 ………………………………. 164 表4-3 當代的激勵研究 ……………………………………………. 176 表4-4 品質的面向 …………………………………………………. 196 表4-5 成功品質團隊的特質 ………………………………………..197 / The non-profit organizations focusing on public interest bear important responsibility in the operations of the whole nation and society. In other countries, the operations of the non-profit organizations have been become the main stream of the society. In Taiwan’s society, after abolishing the martial law, its exuberant development has become a non-blocking social power, too. In the study of public administration, it is also one of the modern trend issues. Applying business management to non-profit organizations has been more and more emphasized. In fact, it is the “non-profit” nature making that. It needs the concept of management more urgent than any other organization, but the relative studies in this area are insufficient so for. This thesis mainly investigates the theories and interventions of team building, because they are matching with the values and ideas of non-profit organizations and provide a useful management approach for the non-profit organizations’ operation. Through the investigation of basic theories, origins, developments, and the content of operation for both team building interventions and non-profit organizations, the author finds that they have many resembling characters, including emphasizing of human dignity and individual values, establishing and fulfilling missions, stressing the individual participation and commitment, possessing the spirit of flexibility and openness, creative conducts and thinking direction, adequate communication and discourse, using cooperation and empowerment, emphasizing quality management and the feeling of customers. Those all are argument bases for supporting the fitness of team building interventions being applied to the operation of non-profit organizations. From analyzing and inducing the development of theories, the author defines the steps or essential factors of team building interventions are as follows: to select the right persons, to proceed group activities and relative trainings, and to hold team meetings. By mastering the details of these key elements, it can make groups become teams progressively. In the developing process of a team, it contains some requisite stages – forming, storming, norming, performing, and transforming. The aspects of the non-profit organizations’ operation are quite extensive, and this thesis focuses only on such issues as vision and goal establishment, communication and leadership, motivation and empowerment, decision making and quality management and so on for investigation. By explaining the conditions of the organization and the difficulties of relative operations, the author brings up the reasons of team building interventions being suitable for every aspect, and the applied techniques and methods. In the aspect of practice, in addition to illustrating and analyzing the actual cases of other countries, the author draws up two categories questions (the key elements of the team building process and the organizations’ operation) to interview the important cadre members of four selected non-profit organizations, which focusing on women’ issues. These interviewed organizations are selected by purposive and theoretical sampling method. These interviews conform that the actual operational conditions of non-profit organizations are very similar to the applying ways of team building interventions. According to their experiences and organizations’ actual operating conditions, all interviewed persons expressed their approving and supporting for the usefulness of the operational ways of team building interventions. In sum, the findings of this study indicate that team building is a natural product in the operations of non-profit organizations basically. Therefore, the author suggests that team-building can be an valuably alternative approach in running organizations for the practitioners. It can benefit non-profit organizations in sustaining operation, and provide better services for the country and society.

溝通恐懼與使用電子技術對腦力激盪效果之影響 / Communication apprehension and electronic technique in brainstorming groups

陳玉樺, Chen, Yu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
「腦力激盪技術」(brainstorming)是 Osborn(1957)所提出的思考或開會技巧,並且被廣泛地使用,特別是用於進行團體創造。但晚進關於腦力激盪的研究發現;傳統腦力激盪團體(真團體,面對面接觸、互動式團體)的創造力表現不如名義式腦力激盪團體(假團體,結合個別腦力激盪成果)的原因之一是:受試者在真實的團體中會害怕被評價,因此,Camacho(1991)探討評價恐懼(communication apprehension) 與腦力激盪形式的交互影響,而 Dennis 和 Valacich (1993)則設計了一個避免評價恐懼的實驗,將電子暨運用於腦力激盪團體,稱之為「電子腦力激盪」(electronic brainstorming)。 本研究主要是綜合 Camacho (1991)與 Dennis 和 Valacich (1993)的研究為基礎,以 312 名大學生為研究對象,進行 2 (高、低溝通恐懼)×2(互動式、名義式腦力激盪)×2(電子、非電子)之三因子受試者問實驗設計,探討溝通恐懼、腦力激盪形式、採用電子腦力激盪技術與否對於團體創造力與成員對團體歷程感受的交互作用之影響。經分析後所得到的結果如下: 1.當 4 人一組時,低溝通恐懼組的團體創造力顯著高於高溝通恐懼組,且對於團體歷程的感受有:自在、放鬆、興奮,較喜愛在團體中進行腦力激盪,認為其他成員可以刺激自己想出更多的觀念等。但高溝通恐懼者對於團體歷程的感受則有:擔心、煩躁不安、焦慮,較喜愛獨自進行腦力激盪,且在意其他成員認為自己的觀念是「愚蠢的」等。 2.電子式腦力激盪的團體的創造力顯著高於非電子組,且電子組在互動歷程中較機警、有壓力要和別人想出的觀念一樣多,較容易擔心、焦慮。 3.名義式與互動式腦力激盪的團體創造力並沒有顯著不同,但成員對於團體歷程的感受卻有明顯差異。受試者在互動式腦力激盪團體中會有:緊張、煩躁不安、焦慮、不自在、怕難為情等感受,且容易因為擔心其他成員給予自己負面的評價,因而不敢把自己的想法表達出來。相對地:名義式腦力激盪組的受試者對於團體則有機警、鎮定、放鬆、隨時覺察到自己、興奮等感受。 4.不論受試者溝通恐懼的程度如何,採用電子腦力激盪技術時,互動式與名義式腦力激盪組的團體創造力並沒有顯著差異,但互動組顯著出現緊張、煩躁不安、不自在等感受。而當不採用電子技術時,名義式的團體創造力則顯著高於互動式腦力激盪組。 5.對低溝通恐懼者而言,使用電子腦力激盪時,無論腦力激盪形式(互動式或名義式)為何,團體創造力都顯著地較未採用電子技術時好,且成員對於在團體歷程中較容易隨時覺察到自己。而對高溝通恐懼者而言,雖然使用電子技術時,受試者容易對團體歷程產生:緊張、煩躁不安、焦慮、不自在、怕難為情等感受,但只有採取「電子--互動式」腦力激盪時,才能提昇高溝通恐懼受試者的團體創造力。

社交網站與組織內人際關係改變之關聯性研究─以Facebook為例 / A study of how social networking sites change interpersonal relationships in business organizations: an example of Facebook

許慈雅, Hsu, Tzu Ya Unknown Date (has links)
社交網站,尤其是Facebook,在近幾年使用人口日趨增加,變得非常熱門。本研究觀察到在組織內,許多人運用Facebook這類社交網站與同事維繫人際關係。有趣的是,當Facebook進入組織情境後,這種以電腦中介傳播為基礎的人際互動方式,與實體人際關係模式不同,也迥異於全然線上的人際互動模式,其特殊性進一步帶來組織內人際關係的重要改變。   本研究共分三方面來探討Facebook進入組織情境後,對組織內人際關係所造成的改變。首先,受Facebook科技屬性影響,組織成員在Facebook上人際關係樣態根基於「虛實交錯」此一概念。由於同事間相互認識,其人際關係發展歷程從線下的實體互動開始,蔓延到Facebook的線上互動,而眾人在線上互動結果又會再度影響實體關係。換句話說,組織成員在「虛擬」和「實體」不同場域來回擺盪,造成「虛實交錯」情形,也讓組織內人際關係模式產生改變。   在這基礎上,本研究進一步發現Facebook「虛實交錯」的人際關係模式展現在兩個層面上。從整體角度來看,當Facebook出現後,在組織內形成另一個人際關係場域,彷彿是辦公室內的「線上茶水間」,組織成員在該場域互動、維繫人際關係的方式與實體茶水間有所不同,有其獨特性,因此我們用「線上茶水間」來描繪Facebook「虛實交錯」下的人際關係場域特性。在線上茶水間,組織成員以大量且多樣化資訊做為連結人際關係基礎,達到不同於實體茶水間的社交功能,如大量且速成的安慰與支持、跨越時空的陪伴感等,也使得線上茶水間的人際關係具有一定特色,例如淺層情感交流等。從個人層次來探討,組織成員的形象在此人際關係場域內也有不同展現方式,當Facebook出現後,它的科技屬性提供組織成員「另一個舞台」,讓個人得以展現出在正式組織場域中難以呈現的某種形象,因此我們用「另一個舞台」來描繪其轉變與特性。然而Facebook終究位於組織體系內,因此組織成員無法扮演一個全新或不真實形象,在舞台上的「演出」難免受到束縛。儘管如此,組織成員仍可透過Facebook調節自己在實體組織場域予人的形象,展現出欲呈現面貌。 / This study discusses the impact and influence of Facebook on interpersonal relationships at the work place. Social networking sites (SNS), Facebook in particular, have grown in popularity in recent years. In addition to personal usage, many use Facebook as a tool to interact with their colleagues in corporate settings. When used in this manner, the mode of interaction is based on computer-mediated communication (CMC), which is distinct from physical interactions or from virtual online interactions. This study focuses on three aspects of Facebook that influence and shape the relationships among employees in a corporation. Firstly, the members of a business organization know each other, so the process of interaction begins with physical acquaintance. The interaction then migrates online through Facebook, which, in turn, shapes the nature of the physical interaction. In other words, aided by technology, the corporate personnel interact both in "virtual (online)" space and in "physical" space, resulting in a mode of interaction that can be called "virtually and physically interlaced" interaction. On this basis, this study examines the effects of "virtually and physically interlaced" interaction from two perspectives. First, from the overview perspective, the introduction of Facebook in a corporate setting creates a space for a new form of interaction, an "online break room" of sorts, in which the corporate personnel's interaction is experienced differently than in a physical break room. Employees in "online break rooms" communicate with each other in multiple modes and methods such as videos, music, forwarded articles and so on. Unlike in a physical break room where the conversations are limited in number and also limited by the necessity of shared space and time, the online break room offers unconstrained space where employees can readily exchange their thoughts, opinions, as well as their feelings with others. The experience creates a new social dimension to the "online break room" at hand that employees can be accompanied by colleagues anytime and anywhere and also be able to receive much comfort and support from the coworkers. However, the level of communication remains superficial because employees do not interact in person. Second, from the individual perspective, an employee's experience of interaction with others in an "online break room" is changed. The introduction of Facebook in a corporate setting provides its personnel an alternate platform to express themselves more personally, in ways which may have been difficult to do in a rigid and formal business environment. We use the term "alternative stage" to describe the changes in interactions afforded by the addition of another platform. On the "main stage" of a conventional corporate environment, a person may feel compelled to conform to the corporate culture, and the expression of individuality may be limited, which results in a projected image that tends to be formal. In such an environment, Facebook becomes a stage/place where individuals can express and highlight their own personality or hobbies, giving a more personal and informal image to adjust the physical and conventional formal images.

網路廣告的溝通效果研究 / The study of internet advertising communication

林建志, Lin, Elton Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路快速發展,自2007年起網路就已經超越報紙、成為台灣第二大消費者最常接觸的媒體,2010年台灣網路廣告投資量為新台幣85億元(預估2012年更高達117億元),但卻僅占台灣整體廣告量的9.1%、屈居第四名,落後傳統電視、報紙、雜誌的廣告投資量,其中很重要原因之一就是網路廣告的價值仍被許多廣告主質疑,且尚無被公認接受的網路廣告效益評估標準。 若以目前最常被用來評估網路廣告效益指標:CPM (每千人廣告曝光成本)及CTR(廣告點選率)而言,由於網路廣告的“曝光”不代表一定被看見,因此CPM只能作為媒體採購成本的參考;若以CTR作為評估標準,台灣目前平均廣告點選率已低於0.1%(2012年業界實際經驗值),是否就可以直接推論:『99.9%的廣告曝光是無效的?』(因為99.9%的曝光並不會吸引網友點選) 由於網路廣告的曝光一定有其價值性,因此期望透過本研究證明以下假說: 假說一: 曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者,比沒有曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者更容易回答有看到廣告中的指定品牌。 假說二: 曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者,比沒有曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者更容易回想到廣告中的指定品牌。 假說三:曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者如果家中有液晶電視,會比沒有曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者更容易提高對廣告中指定品牌的記憶度或偏好度。 假說四:曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者,比沒有曝露在指定品牌廣告下的消費者更容易引發聯想其他競品品牌(廣告外溢效果)。 研究結果證明:『即使網友在一般網路瀏覽行為中不刻意瀏覽網頁中的附帶廣告、甚至點選廣告,但只要在廣告上明顯揭露指定品牌名稱,就會有一定比例的網友對廣告留下印象』,因此即可推論:『即使平均廣告點選率= 0.1%,也不能直接推論 99.9%的廣告是無效的』。只要在廣告的設計上明顯揭露品牌/產品/活動名稱,就會有一定比例的消費者對廣告留下印象,但若廣告設計時無明顯揭露品牌名稱,則結果就如同本研究中的“無廣告操弄”,對提升品牌印象/價值毫無加分作用,更遑論可以提升偏好度/購買意願。 根據本研究結果顯示,即使消費者在搜尋網路資訊時已有特定目的,但仍會稍事注意到一旁的網路廣告(雖不一定很明確地意識到廣告的存在),因此建議廣告主不要以“廣告點選率CTR”作為唯一評估網路廣告成效的指標,以本研究證實,即使所有的受訪者皆無點選廣告,網路廣告曝光仍會有具有一定的價值。 最後有關“廣告外溢效果”的探討,雖然本次研究結果無法證明:『若是一個中等品牌偏好度的品牌在做廣告時,其產生的外溢效果會加惠於該產業的知名品牌,讓消費者因 “中等品牌偏好度的廣告” 而自動回憶起原本即喜歡的他牌,尤其是高知名度的領導品牌』,但如果後續能持續研究此議題並證明其假設成立,則領導品牌的媒體廣告投資週期就可適度避開二線品牌的廣告曝光期,因為當二線品牌刊登廣告可能也會同時喚起對領導品牌的回憶,領導品牌的廣告就可延後刊播,待二線品牌廣告停止時再接續播出,有可能達到整體媒體投資效益最大化(最佳化)、拉長廣告影響期間的目標。

邁向理性的企業組織-以哈伯瑪斯的社會批判理論來透視組織變革管理的挑戰 / Toward a Rational Business Organization - Perspective of Changing Management Applying Jürgen Habermas’Social Critical Theory

陳致曉, Chen, Chih-Hsiao Unknown Date (has links)
成功的企業變革蘊涵著規範、觀念、與文化上的改變,其最終目的是要達成新規範的運作、成員對新組織的再認同、與新組織文化的再建構。一般如常管理主要考慮的是如何創造競爭優勢與提高效能,主要參照的「企業策略科學」與「科學管理學」並無法處理價值與信仰的課題,也未注重資訊與知識的流動與管理。單憑這兩類管理理論,無法因應變革管理的挑戰。本論文分析科特與彼德˙聖吉等管理學者提出的變革失敗原因,並將其歸納予批判社會學者哈伯瑪斯所述「生存環境的意義生產」的失效。作者檢討組織變革過程中的「社會規範」、「成員主觀」、與「客觀環境」等三個面向,認為有效溝通與真正共識為成功企業變革之所必需。 作者認為組織內的活動可以區分為「溝通」與「執行」兩個面向,各別對應到哈伯瑪斯所述的「實踐性理性」與「工具性理性」。本論文批判缺乏「實踐性理性」制衡的「工具性理性」妨礙企業的執行效能與知識生產,並闡述實踐性理性不可或缺的價值。唯有摒除由工具性理性發展的階層權力對溝通過程的干預,有效溝通與真正共識才能達成。作者亦就實行的層面提出在組織內建立「理想言辭情境」的方法。本論文從「實踐性理性」的觀點檢視組織變革,以「變革之輪」來闡明各變革階段應注意的工作。作者結合「生存環境的意義生產」與野中郁次郎的「組織知識創造論」檢視變革過程中,包含認知、價值觀、信仰、規範遵從、組織認同等「意義」的創造過程。如果變革過程中「實踐性理性」能得到彰顯,成功的變革會使成員得到意義生產的正向迴饋。這個「正向意義迴饋系統」將使企業進入一種得以持續對應新競爭局勢的動態平衡。 本文藉由Intel在1985年策略大轉折的實際案例來檢驗本文論述。對「導致組織變革失敗的根本原因為何?」、「如何建構適合因應外在環境的變化,並能成功完成變革的組織?」、「如何成功地完成組織的變革?」等三個組織變革管理的根本問題提出有系統的答案。本論文終結於對自我論述的批判。 / Organizational change is essential for the modern business entities to survive in the dynamic economical environment. However, many companies, which are successful in day-to-day operation, cannot accomplish the organizational change process, and result in fading out in the new competition environment. During organizational change processes, authority swinging and uncertainty about future make rumors prosperous; new rules and tactics have not been proved and are doubted; mutual trust between staffs and organization is shaky; and staffs become difficult to identify themselves with the organization. The above challenges are related to the dynamic management of information sharing, knowledge creating, staffs’ cognition, emotional consideration, mutual trust, and common consensus about new rules and the business entity’s future. The above conditions make changing management to be fundamentally different from the routine operational management. Strategic science and science management principles, which are generally adopted by companies to increase competition advantages and operational efficiency in the routine management, do not take account for the information and knowledge management, and cannot deal with the values and belief issues. Companies cannot just rely on the above two management principles to face challenges of the organizational change. The thesis analyzes the failure factors of changing management, which are disclosed by scholars like John P. Kotter and Peter M. Senge etc. The author correlates them with “meaning reproduction of living situation”, which was introduced by social critical philosopher Jürgen Habermas. Habermas believes efficient communication and true common consensus are essential to revive the meaning reproduction and to coordinate the social operation. The author inspects the “social”, ”subjective”, and “objective” aspects of the “living situation” of companies’ change phases, which were inferred from the eight steps of successful organizational changing addressed by John P. Kotter. The author elucidates that efficient communication and true common consensus are requisite for organization changing management. Habermas based on the two human basic actions, “labor” and “communication”, to categorizes rational into “instrumental rational” and “practical rational”. Instrumental rational aims at environment control and material productivity. Practical rational endeavors mutual understanding and common consensus. Habermas argued that the power developed by instrumental rational should be balanced by the values generated by practical rational; otherwise the power will oppress human society. The thesis criticizes that companies’ hierarchical power obstructs organizational operation, policy execution, information sharing and knowledge creation, as organizational instrumental rational is not tempered by corresponding practical rational. The irreplaceable values of organizational practical rational are further illustrated. To illuminate practical rational, it is necessary to eliminate the intimidation and temptation, which are induced by hierarchical power, from the communication actions. Habermas believes that comprehensive speech, true statement, right position and sincere attitude are the four valid assertions for the communication actions. If only all communicating participants have equal opportunities to partake, declare, interrogate, and explain, authorities and ideologies can be excluded from the communication actions. Habermas defined the above circumstances as the “idea speech situation”. The thesis argues that organizational activities can be categorized into the “execution” and “communication” dimensions, which correspond to the organizational “instrumental rational” and “practical rational”. Communication actions should not be interrupted by the hierarchy power of execution dimension. Rules and tactics should be supported by common consensus and thorough communication. Staffs should apply instrumental rational to execute the rules and tactics without objection. If only the organizational culture and merit system can ensure the above working principles, the business entity can achieve the advantages of both instrumental and practical rational. In additional to the theoretical elaboration, the thesis proposes manners to establish organizational ideal speech situation from “managers’ attitude”, “staffs’ consensus”, and “discussion processes” aspects. The author applies the above ideal speech situation exposition to different organizational changing management phases. The thesis constructs the organizational changing wheel to illustrate the key executive points to successfully drive continuous organizational evolution. Furthermore, the author integrates the above argumentation with the “organizational knowledge creating theory”, which was proposed by Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi. The “meaning reproduction” flow of the organizational changing wheel is constructed by investigating the internalization, externalization, universalization, and integration processes of meanings, which include information, knowledge, interests, intuition, values, belief, cognition, emotion, identification, obedience, and consensus etc. If the communication processes of the organizational change follow practical rational, and the organizational changing is successfully accomplished, staffs will received positive feedback from the intrinsic meanings they generated. The author expounds that the “positive meaning feedback loop” will accelerate the iteration of meaning reproduction cycles. The dynamic stability, supported by the “positive meaning feedback loop”, will ensure the business entity to continuously adjust itself to conquer new competition circumstances. To exam the above theorem, the author adopts Intel’s strategic transition in 1985 as an example. The case is interpreted fro

自閉症類疾患兒童自閉症狀變化與認知及適應行為關係之縱貫研究 / A Longitudinal Study of Autistic Symptom Severity and its Relation with Cognitive and Adaptive Functions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

許立懿 Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:欲瞭解自閉症類疾患兒童,橫跨幼兒期、學齡前期至學齡期的自閉症狀發展軌跡,探究當中是否存有不同的發展軌跡,並檢視不同發展軌跡的群體在認知功能與適應行為隨時間的變化型態是否有差異,以及不同群體在早期的社會溝通能力或療育經驗上是否有差異。 方法:本研究有37名自閉症類與24位非自閉症類受試者納入分析,共測量三次:時間點一平均生理年齡為2歲半、時間點二為4歲、時間點三為8歲半。於三個時間點皆以自閉症診斷觀察量表評估自閉症狀嚴重度、以及穆林發展量表或魏氏兒童智力量表第四版評估認知功能,在時間點二與時間點三以文蘭適應行為量表第二版評估適應行為;另外,在時間點一以台灣版兩歲期自閉症篩檢工具評估社會溝通能力,以及在時間點一至時間點二之間,以電話訪問的方式紀錄兒童每週參與療育的時數。 結果:由階層式集群分析結果顯示,社交情感嚴重度校正分數可將自閉症類與非自閉症類兒童分群,並於自閉症類兒童中可再分為維持高嚴重度組與退步組。兩組自閉症類兒童於學齡時期在社交情感症狀皆呈現嚴重度明顯上升的趨勢,在認知功能與適應行為隨時間的變化型態相似,不過維持高嚴重度組在認知功能與適應行為有較低的分數(但未達統計顯著)。此外,兩組自閉症類兒童於時間點一的意圖溝通能力即有差異,不過僅共享式注意力可預測日後社交情感症狀發展軌跡之分群。 總結:由結果可見自閉症狀維持高嚴重度組,於認知功能與適應行為有較明顯缺損,推論自閉症類兒童的自閉症狀嚴重度與認知功能及適應行為並非完全獨立的變項。兩組自閉症類兒童於學齡期症狀嚴重度上升,而此趨勢在退步組兒童更為明顯。雖然本研究並未發現早期療育經驗對於社交情感症狀發展的影響,不過共享式注意力對於日後社交情感症狀有預測力。進一步討論此結果在理論與臨床實務上的應用。 / Purposes: the purpose of the study was to plot longitudinal developmental trajectories of autism symptom severity in the children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) from toddler age to school age. And to examine whether these different trajectories are associated with the cognitive function, adaptive behavior, early social communication skill, and early intervention experience. Methods: Thirty-seven children with ASDs and 24 children with developmental delay participated at time 1 (mean chronological age was 2.5 years old), and then followed at time 2 (mean chronological age was 4 years old) and time 3 (mean chronological age was 8.5 years old). The study assessed the autism symptom severity by ADOS and cognitive function by MSEL or WISC-Ⅳ at three time points; adaptive behavior by VABS-II at time 2 and time 3; and early social communication skills by T-STAT at time 1 and also used telephone interviews to record participants’ weekly intervention hours during time 1 to time 2. Results: In hierarchical cluster analysis, social affect calibrated severity score (CSS) could discriminate ASDs and Non-ASDs groups, also could divided ASDs into two groups, called persistent high and worsening groups. The social affect symptom severity increased at school age in both groups. On the other hand, the change of cognitive function and adaptive behavior with time showed similar pattern in the two groups. However, participants in the persistent high group have relatively lower scores of cognitive function and adaptive behavior, although did not rearch statistically significant. Furthermore, two ASDs groups at toddler showed difference in intention communication skills; however, only joint attention could predict social affect trajectory subgrouping. Conclusions: In summery, the study showed that persistent high group has more cognitive and adaptive function impairments than the worsening group in the children with ASDs. It seemed that the autistic symptom are not entirely independent with cognitive function and adaptive behavior. Moreover, the symptom severity increased at school age in both the persistent high and the worsening groups, and this trend was more significant in the worsening group. Additionally, the experience of early intervention showed no significant effects on developmental trajectories of social affect symptom; however, the joint attention was found to be an index to predict the development of social affect symptom in ASDs groups. The theoretical and clinical implications were discussed.

阿根廷華語文學習者的需求分析與教學建議 / Analysis and Suggestions for Chinese Teaching Materials in Argentina

郭恩光, Kuo, Silvia Luz Unknown Date (has links)
在過去幾十年的時間,西方國家逐漸興起華文熱。拉丁美洲則到2000年代才漸漸開始看到越來越多的華語課程,因此如今華語教學在此地區仍處於一個不斷變化的階段。在阿根廷,由於華語教師以及華語教材的需求日益增長,當地的華語教師經常必須自備教材或是遷就於不適合的教材。筆者在阿根廷實際從事過華語職業教師數年,於此時期內發現當地使用的對外華語教學教材之理念與教學的實際做法之間存在明顯的差異性。筆者在教學中發現阿根廷學習者具有獨特的語言學習需求與習慣,因此教學法應該迎合學習者的特色與需求。如今阿根廷的華語教學界裡所面臨的問題涉及以下三方面:一是要如何滿足學員的需求、再者是要如何迎合當地學員的語言學習習慣與當地華語教師所使用的教學法、三是要如何突破教目前所使用的教材之無相關性和無效性。目前阿根廷的華語學習者所使用的教材中,有一半是以英語編寫,主要對象是以英語為母語者。另一半是來自中華人民共和國,並以西班牙文編寫的教材。在2009年間,當地的教師出版了一本號稱針對拉丁美洲華語學習者所寫得教材,但是本教材在教學品質及內容相關性皆有缺失。雖然這些教材在阿根廷被廣泛使用,然而對於當地學習者而言卻稱不上是最理想的教材。阿根廷目前所使用的教材主要的缺失,首先在於議題和語言內容與學習者的生活毫無相關。再者,此類教材的設計與教學法不符合當地學習者的需求。最後,教材所採用的練習題無法激勵學習者的思考和溝通能力。本研究的目的為初步分析阿根廷目前所使用的華語教材,並探討其實用性(或有效性)及相關性。藉由了解學習者的需求和當地教師們對於教材的意見,筆者將提出較有效的教學法和相稱的教材。本論文結合了筆者本人在阿根廷教學的實務經驗和當地學習者之意見。在經過教材分析後,筆者以最適合當地華語學習者的溝通教學法(特別採用溝通性教學法)設計出一個課程單元教案,希冀能提升往後西班牙語為母語者的華語學習效果,並對推動區域化華語文教材的編制能有些許貢獻。 / In the past decade, most countries of the Western hemisphere witnessed the surge of the “Chinese Language Fever”. Such a wave arrived in Latin America in mid 2000, with the emergence of Chinese language courses. At present, the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language in this part of the world is still at an early stage of development. In Argentina, the need for qualified Chinese teachers as well as adequate teaching materials is nowadays most urgent, as local teachers find themselves having to adjust to available teaching materials, or in need of preparing additional teaching material to compensate for the shortcomings of currently used course books. During my years as a teacher of Chinese in Argentina, I realized that the underpinnings of the Chinese pedagogical materials are in stark contrast with the practices in the actual classroom. Through my teaching it became apparent that Argentine learners possess distinctive language learning habits and needs, which had to be catered for by means of a suitable teaching methodology. In order to improve the current situation, teachers of Chinese in Argentina must seriously address the following three questions: How should learners’ needs be addressed? How should we reconcile the discrepancy between teaching methodologies and students’ language learning habits? And lastly, how should we reconcile the lack of relevance and effectiveness of Chinese teaching materials? At the moment, half of the materials used by local learners are written in English, i.e. with an English speaking learner in mind. The other half is published in the People’s Republic of China with explanations and instructions written in Spanish. Although circa 2009 a book published by local teachers emerged claiming to be designed specifically for the Latin American learner, the pedagogical quality and relevance of the content are highly questionable. Although these materials are widely used in Argentina, they are far from being ideal for the local learner. The main flaws of Chinese teaching materials currently used in Argentina are namely, the lack of relevance of the themes and linguistic content with respect to the learner’s world experience, and last, but not least, the failure of the practice activities to encourage significant intellectual processes and the development of communicational skills. The aim of this research is, therefore, to analyze the pedagogical materials currently in use in Argentina, in order to evaluate their effectiveness and relevance. In view of the needs revealed by local learners and the opinions of Chinese teachers in said country, I intend to propose a more adequate methodology, as well as a set of sample materials. Thus the present paper is the result of my personal experience as a teacher of Chinese in Argentina and the integration of the opinions of local Chinese language learners. After having analyzed the materials currently available, I will present a set of sample materials, in the hope that it will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the Chinese learning process for Spanish speakers, as well as to promote the future development of localized Chinese teaching materials.

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