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民營企業經理人員價值觀與生活型態之研究丁虹, DING, HONG Unknown Date (has links)
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大學生錄音帶購買行為與其價值觀及生活型態關係之研究潘明全, Pan, Ming-Quan Unknown Date (has links)
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文化創意產業體驗行銷策略研究-以台北啤酒文化園區為例 / The Study of Experiential Marketing Strategy for Cultural and Ceative Industries:The Case of Taipei Brewery黃聖涵, Huang, Sheng Han Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化浪潮的影響下,世界各國紛紛開始注意到「文化延續」的重要性,使得如何保存在地文化成為各國必須面臨的課題之一,創意產業與流行文化於是成為各國首推發展的產業。台北啤酒文化園區身為啤酒產業的發源地,奠定了台北啤酒文化園區於文化創意產業中所具有之重要性,但一項成功創意產業必須有賴於適當的經營方式,才能獲得消費者的支持與肯定。故本研究結合Schmitt之「體驗行銷」理論進行實證研究,根據「體驗行銷」、「生活型態」、「顧客滿意度」以及「品牌忠誠度」等理論基礎發展觀念性研究架構及問卷,研究目的在探討消費者的人口統計變項與生活型態對台北啤酒文化園區策略體驗模組、 顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度的之影響,並分析策略體驗模組對於台北啤酒文化園區消費者之顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度的關係。研究調查共回收樣本330份,有效樣本為297份。研究主要發現為:(1)不同人口統計變項與生活型態消費者對策略體驗模組感受有部份差異。(2)不同人口統計變項與生活型態消費者在顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度有部份差異。(3)策略體驗模組與顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度具中度相關及解釋力。最後,本研究對業界與未來的研究者提出適當的行銷策略與研究上的建議。 / In the trend of Globalization, the characteristics of local culture have become more and more important. The development of cultural creativity industry is thought to be the most important factor of national economy development and the promotion of quality of life. There are many countries that are starting to pay attention to how to preserve local culture. This study is aimed at the cultural creative industry, hoping the basic background and uniqueness of local culture in Taiwan can be understood through the characteristics of local culture. “Taipei Brewery” is the birthplace of Taiwan beer's local culture, so this study took “Taipei Brewery” as a case study.
This thesis is based on the theory of "Experiential Marketing" built by Schmitt(1999),to proceed to a concrete investigation on the influence of SEMs(strategies of experiential modules) on Taipei Brewery's customers. The conceptual framework of this research is based on a literature review of the “Experiential Marketing”, “Life Style”, “Customer Satisfaction” and “Brand Loyalty”. This research uses a questionnaire to survey the customers of “Taipei Brewery”. The statistical package for the social science (SPSS12.0) system was utilized for the Descriptive statistics analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation, T-test match-pair, one-way ANOVA, Regression Analysis, Scheffe multiple comparisons, and a Cronbach α.. In total, 297effective questionnaires out of 330 were collected, and the effective response rate was 90.303%.
The findings of this research are as follows: (1)The different demographic variables and lifestyles of consumers have a significant contrast between strategies of experiential modules. (2)The different demographic variables and lifestyles of consumers have a significant contrast between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. (3)There is a positive correlation between strategies of experiential modules, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Finally, according to the results of the study we came up with a connotation for the theories and actual situations in running a business.
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消費者生活型態、生活風格與智慧型手機品牌形象關聯性研究 / A Study on Relationship among Consumer Life Style and the Brand Image of Smartphone王彥荏, Wang, Yen-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
此外研究亦發現智慧型手機各品牌之間的品牌形象,與不同智慧型手機品牌偏好消費者,在本國中心主義傾向上均有顯著差異。最後,本研究針對不同集群下的智慧型手機消費者,根據本研究所論述之生活型態、生活風格和品牌形象等因素,提出相關行銷建議與策略。 / Smartphone have gained considerable popularity in daily life because of the cheap cell phone plans and the Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) convenience. While many people use smartphone to make and receive calls, a great segment of society has view smartphone as a stylish device conveying the their own lifestyles and personal image. Previous studies show that the lifestyle and the lifestyles of users as well as the brand image of smartphone are the three reasons that guide the consumer choice of smartphone. To understand consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice, this study conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate Taiwan mobile users’ habits and preferences.
The survey asked respondents for their smartphone usage behaviors by online questionnaires. One thousand and eighty-five questionnaires were returned. Six factors of the lifestyle scale are extracted by the factor analysis, including pursuing fashion trends, demanding for health and sustainability, proactive for new products, having challenges and creations, and searching for information. Six factors of the lifestyles scale include the desire to own a smartphone, the attraction of the best design smartphone, the experience of pleasures, the preference of brand, and the attraction of commercial. Brand image scales include three factors: Functional, Symbolic, and Experiential.
The respondents are divided into four clusters by the three reasons and the population characteristics, including stylish teenagers, function-orientated consumers, domestic products embracers, and fashion-orientated women. The results showed that four clusters of respondents have significant different preferences between the mobile phone brands.
In addition, the brand images and consumers with different preferences of smartphone brands have significant difference in ethnocentrism tendencies. This study would conclude consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice to address the marketing strategies of smartphone.
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臺灣地區家庭低涉入產品之市場區隔研究-以家庭食用油為例 / Market segmentation study by hosuehold's low involvement product in Taiwan魏淑玲, Wei, Su-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以市場規模近百億元的家庭食用油為探討產品。家庭食用油為品牌間產品差異性低、低關心度之家庭日常烹飪用品。本研究的主要研究目的為:1. 探討家庭食用油市場之消費者行為,2. 將食用油市場以適當區隔變數劃分成有不同市場特性及外顯行為的數個區隔,3. 探討各區隔市場的特徵及消費行為。研究對象為臺北縣市、臺中縣市、高雄縣市30~49歲家庭食用油購買者或主膳者。
本研究以生活型態╱產品利益混合變數為區隔變數,以產品態度、人口特徵、地理變數、行為變數(使用者、使用者狀況、使用頻率、使用量、忠誠度) 等為描述變數。整合次級資料及經由焦點團體研究所得之初級資料發展問卷,以配額抽樣的方法至各指定賣場進行問卷調查。以因素分析由54個變數萃取出10個生活型態/產品利益因素,再以非層次集群分析法將樣本區隔為三個區隔。
三個區隔分別為:「健康賢妻」共 157人佔 樣本之39%,「保守經濟」共 74人佔樣本之18%,「認真生活」共 173人佔樣本之43%。除年齡在各區隔間無顯著差異外,其他描述變數在區隔間皆有顯著差異。健康賢妻:平均家庭生命週期最年輕,是最大的潛在市場,十分注重食用油的健康因素,甚至連烹飪方式亦傾向於低油脂的方式。保守經濟:生活態度保守,會在其認識的品牌當中選擇價格較便宜的食用油購買,忠誠度低,以食用油的市場來看,此區隔的消費量最小。認真生活:此區隔中48%的受訪者其家庭生命週期為滿巢二期,食用油的消費量最大,對食用油或日用品會嚐試不同的品牌,其對食用油的知識可能來自廣告、報章雜誌、口碑。本研究推論影響食用油的最大變數為家庭生命週期。
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台灣職業棒球消費行為研究劉美稚, Liu, Mei-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
一、 描繪出職棒現場觀眾的人口統計項目。
二、 整體描繪出職棒現場觀眾之職棒特殊生活型態。
三、 整體描繪出職棒現場觀眾之觀賞動機。
四、 整體描繪出職棒現場觀眾之對球賽的滿意程度。
五、 探討職棒球迷之不同的人口統計變項在特殊生活型態、觀賞動機與滿意程度是否有影響。
六、 找出台灣職業棒球的問題點。
七、 為台灣職業棒球做行銷策略規劃。
一、 人口統計方面,職棒現場觀眾以男性為主。
二、 在特殊生活型態方面,對職棒較熱衷的是年齡在26-30歲及36歲以上的男性,教育程度為高中高職,職業並非學生,每月收入在30,000元以上的族群。
三、 在職棒現場比賽觀賞動機方面,最重要的動機是「特別喜歡某球隊的演出」、「球賽精彩刺激吸引」及「比賽時加油的熱烈氣氛吸引」。
四、 在職棒現場比賽觀賞滿意程度方面,最令觀眾滿意的是「球場看球氣氛」,最令觀眾不滿意的是「比賽場地硬體設備」。
五、 職棒票房不振的主要原因是「簽賭事件」、「球員水準」、「兩聯盟惡性競爭」及「場地設備不良」。
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高科技品牌體驗行銷價值之研究 / Experience marketing in high-technology industry陳欣微 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣與法國消費者生活型態及消費價值觀之比較 / A comparison of lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and French consumers柯佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
價值觀與生活型態是消費者從事各項消費行為的基礎,透過價值觀及生活型態可以解釋及預測消費者行為,因此對於研究消費者行為是相當重要的基礎主題之一。Rokeach (1973) 認為價值觀是一種持久的信念,這樣的信念使個人或社會對於某些特定的行為模式或是事情的結果產生偏好。Lazer (1963) 將生活型態定義為一種有特性的生活模式,代表某一個群體或社會有別於其他群體之特徵,這些特徵之差異來自於文化、價值觀及資源等綜合影響的結果。過去學者研究消費者的價值觀及生活型態時,多半以單一國家的消費者為主,雖然也有學者比較跨文化的消費者生活型態,但仍以美歐等地之研究居多。因此,本研究藉由交換至法國的機會,於當地進行消費者調查,取得第一手資料,以瞭解當地消費者生活型態及消費價值觀,並與台灣消費者進行跨文化比較。
藉由本研究可瞭解兩地消費價值觀及生活型態之差異,廠商進入兩地市場時,可參考本研究結果設計適合當地消費者之行銷策略,以期更貼近消費者需求。 / Values and lifestyles can be the foundation of most kinds of consumptions. Therefore, studying values and lifestyles is of importance for marketers to explain and predict consumers’behavior. According to Rokeach (1973), a value is defined as “an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.”As for lifestyle, it is defined as“a distinctive or characteristic mode of living (Lazer, 1963). Past studies concerning values and lifestyles mostly focused consumers in one country. Even though some studies dealed with cross-cultural comparison, they usually compared two or more markets in American and European. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the lifestyles and consumption values of consumers in Taiwan and France to do a cross-cultural comparison between Taiwanese and French consumers.
Thirteen French consumers and nineteen Taiwanese consumers were interviewed during this study. The interview questions were regarding to lifestyles and consumption values, such as respondents' work and leisure life, relations with family and friends, consumption patterns and the way to allocate money. Some important propositions are derived based on content analysis: Taiwanese consumers have higher price sensitivity, more brand consciousness, higher other-oriented degree and more saving and investment concept than French consumers. Besides, Taiwanese people place more importance on the salary of work and have higher expectation about marriage than French consumers.
Furthermore, this study also discusses how consumption values influence consumers' lifestyles and consumption patterns. It reveals that consumers with higher price sensitivity will adjust their consumption patterns according to discount frequencies. Besides, people-oriented consumers tend to choose prestige brands and have more impulsive consumptions under the influence of friends. The findings of this reseach can provide suggestions to marketers in these two markets to develop marketing strategies corresponding with the values and lifestyles of local consumers.
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台灣與波蘭消費者生活型態及消費價值觀之比較 / A comparison of lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and polish consumers陳咨良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果在學術上有助於拓展國內碩士論文的跨文化研究領域,以及建立跨文化消費價值觀與生活型態之訪談大綱;在實務方面,能夠提供欲進入兩地市場的廠商一些開發市場與行銷策略的建議。 / Central and Eastern European countries have attracted worldwide attention since 10 Central and Eastern European countries joined the European Union. Among these countries, Poland, the country with the largest population among these nations, gains the most attention. In recent years, the middle class in Poland has increased, and consumer purchasing power has enhanced. These have raised more and more researchers’ interests to investigate Poland consumer’s bevaviors.
Values and lifestyles affect consumer behavior. Therefore, Values and lifestyles are important subjects in consumer behavior research. However, past studies concerning values and lifestyles mostly focused on consumers in a single country. Furthermore, the literature about cross-cultural comparative analysis emphasizes on comparing more than two markets in American as well as those in Europe. Thus, this study aims to compare the lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and Polish consumers.
This study uses snow ball method to find appropriate samples. 15 Polish respondents and 19 Taiwanese respondents were interviewed in this study. The interview covers various aspects with regards to lifestyles and consumption values. The results showed that there are differences between Polish and Taiwanese consumers in money arrangement, credit card usage, clothing consumption patterns, brand perception and so on. Besides, some propositions that are derived from content analysis include: Taiwanese consumers are more price sensitive and other-oriented, and have higher expectations about marriage, closer relationships with their family of origin, and are more conscious about environmental protection than Polish consumers.
This study also discusses the relationship among consumption values, lifestyles and consumer behavior. It reveals that consumers with higher price sensitivity prefer to make purchases in places that sell cheaper things, and in stores with discounts. They expend less frequently than most people, and seldom have impulsive consumption behaviors or reward themselves. They do not really care about brands and usually buy cheap brands. Furthermore, people who are environmentally friendly tend to go shopping only when they have actual needs. In clothing aspect, they do not buy frequently, and put emphasis on quality, material and persistence. They are not willing to buy clothes from street vendors, but they also do not buy from expensive brands. Moreover, they do not follow the trend. Compared with others, they pay more attention to keep their health well.
This study helps to expand the domain of cross-cultural research and develops an interview outline for cross-cultural consumer values and lifestyles. More importantly, this study provides some suggestion to those who are willing to enter Taiwanese or Polish markets.
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從生活型態觀點探討旅遊網站消費者購買決策過程與使用意願之研究黃美蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
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