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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

故事衝突的程度對於品牌態度與信任的影響-產品種類的干擾效果 / The Impact of Brand Story-Conflict on Brand Attitude and Trust: The Moderating Effects of Product Type

王之佑, Wang, Chih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
故事能夠深入人心,為因應數位行動平台的蓬勃發展,廠商將自家品牌產品的故事應用在微電影、微小說…等新式廣告手法在近年來競相而出,「故事行銷」儼然成為品牌商在行銷應用上的新寵。另一方面,品牌產品依據屬性的不同可大致分為三個種類:搜尋品、經驗品與相信品。消費者在不同種類產品上因為能力與動機的不同,在產品上投入的成本亦不盡相同,故事行銷在不同種類的品牌產品應用上是否能夠一概而論?實屬本研究所探討的一大重點。 本研究旨在分析如何能夠有效將故事行銷應用在不同種類的品牌產品上。在進入研究主題前,本研究整理了過去文獻,並將故事一般化地拆解成四大元素:訊息(Message)、衝突(Conflict)、故事角色(Characters)與故事劇情(Plot)。接著,在限制其他因素不變之下,操弄衝突這項故事元素,並以相信品、搜尋品為例,探測不同衝突大小的品牌故事對於不同種類的產品是否存具有不同的適用性。 本研究採2(故事衝突程度:大、小) ╳ 2(產品種類:相信品、搜尋品)的二因子實驗,加上兩組不同產品種類的無故事版本控制組,共分6組。 本研究發現,品牌故事的植入對於品牌產品是有幫助的,且衝突程度不同的品牌故事對於不同種類的產品存在著適用上的差異性。 在相信品的應用上,消費者對於品牌產品的整體信任感可藉由衝突程度較大的品牌故事來提升;在搜尋品的應用上,衝突程度較大的品牌故事對於品牌產品的整體喜好、整體觀感以及整體信任感皆有負向的影響。 整體來看,相信品較適用於衝突程度較大的品牌故事;搜尋品的故事衝突程度則不宜過大。 關鍵字:故事元素、故事衝突、產品種類、相信品、搜尋品 / Storytelling is a powerful tool for marketing, with the explosive growth of social media and content marketing, more and more companies have begun to paint a picture of their culture and values toward their target customers through storytelling. According to the literature, there are four elements that make up the core basis of storytelling: Message, Conflict, Characters and Plot. These elements can be mixed, matched and applied in variety of ways depending on the context in which the story is told, and company’s purpose. This article focus on manipulating one of these elements: Conflict, using 2 ╳ 2 factorial design to test if there are statistical significance between different degrees of conflicts(high level, low level) and different types of products (search goods, credence goods), on the other hand, this article also set contral groups which without brand story to see if storytelling really makes the difference to customer behavior or not. From what has been discussed, this article finds out that storytelling is significantly good for branding; the result of this article also tells about that the higher level of brand story-conflict creates higher level of the overall trust between brand product and customers on credence goods; on the other hand, the higher level of brand story-conflict decreases the overall trust, preference and perception between brand product and consumers on search goods. Key words: Elements of story, Conflict of story, Product type, Credence goods, Search goods

電信加值服務新產品發展之研究 / Developing New Value-Added Services—The Case of the Telecommunications Industry

葉冠義 Unknown Date (has links)
新產品開發與研究為企業創造企業價值的重要策略之一,在面對電信加值服務產品急遽變化的特性下,唯有以積極的創新精神,不斷研發新的技術、開發新產品、提高產品的附加價值,才能為企業創造出更高價值。然而新產品開發的過程繁瑣,牽涉到的單位眾多,加以各產業特性不同,其影響之因素也不同,因此本研究主要在探討其成功的關鍵因素及導致失敗的因素。 本研究以新產品開發的主要構面,結合新產品成功的關鍵因素,而形成一個針對電信加值新產品的開發模式。希望以簡單的模式,指引新產品開發的目標與路徑,並提供產業界成為開發新產品的策略思考工具。 本研究以個案訪談的方式,分享產業專家對電信加值新產品開發的經驗,並分以同公司或不同公司間成功、失敗之案例進行交叉比對,來驗證所歸納之成功、失敗模式中之關鍵因素具周延性,經由三個分屬台灣及中國的個案公司分析探討,本研究可以歸納下述幾個結論與建議 : (1) 適時切入市場,服務一旦熱絡後加入者眾,但領先族群括分了大部分收益,後面80%的廠商追逐僅剩的20%營收。 (2) 建立上下游良好的關係才能取得產品的快速上架、行銷資源,跟下游的內容供應商上保持良好關係,才能有好的內容獨家使用權。 (3) 建立專業的產品品牌與形象可以在數以千計的服務中脫穎而出。 (4) 建立特殊行銷通路讓新產品大量曝光! (5) 不斷以活動促銷來刺激目標客戶,不斷的提醒用戶你的產品特殊有趣之處,用使用者分享心得的方式更容意打動潛在用戶。


陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,產品置入之行銷手法開始大行其道,除了電影之外,在各種型態的電視節目中,尤其是戲劇類節目,隨著偶像劇的熱潮,也常常出現劇中人物的對話內容穿插著產品訊息的情形,鏡頭也常常帶到商品或品牌的特寫,讓觀眾在收看節目時,同時達到廣告宣傳的效果。 然而,過去對產品置入效果之研究,大多均選擇單一電子媒體作為置入媒介,顯少出現比較性的研究。因此,本研究欲利用產品置入方式之差異,分析當使用不同電子媒介來進行產品置入時,對置入效果之影響,並進一步探討觀眾對影片劇情喜愛程度對置入效果及產品置入接受度之影響程度,而本研究所稱之置入效果,主要包括了品牌回憶度、品牌態度與購買意願三個衡量變數。 研究結果發現置入媒介與置入方式僅對於置入效果中之品牌回憶度有顯著影響,即當產品置入方式為視覺與聽覺並行置入時,產品置入電視劇相較於產品置入電影,對觀眾而言會有較佳的回憶度,但對於品牌態度與購買意願之影響不顯著,而劇情喜愛程度對於置入效果與產品置入接受度之影響亦呈現不顯著的情形。

產品服務化對傢俱零售產業供應鏈管理之影響 – 以A公司為例 / The influence of servitization on supply chain management in the furniture retail industry: A case study of Company A

蘇國棟 Unknown Date (has links)
產品服務系統的概念是在八十年代被提出,當時基於國際化導致各國產業日趨競爭,企業因而積極尋求更多的途徑來創造成長,而當時許多企業,如: IBM、Xerox 等,由原本的產品銷售事業逐漸 跨足服務的提供,這帶給這些企業許多市場競爭優勢,進而促使更 多不同產業的企業開始應用類似的策略實施。 有鑑於國內產業目前積極地推廣產品服務系統,以創造各個領域的產業升級,因此本研究以產品服務系統的供應鏈管理做為討論的核心,希望了解企業在產品服務系統的落實中,應如何應對這商 業模式的變化。對此,本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討 以整理出研究的分析模型,再配合產品服務系統實施成功的國內傢 俱零售廠商做為研究個案,以進行調查。其中,分析模型主要由三個面向所構成,分別為下游供應網絡、焦點企業與上游供應網絡 , 並且在下游供應網絡的環節重點討論企業與顧客的互動模式,在焦 點企業的部分探討企業內部的管理措施,而在上游供應網絡探究企業與供應商的合作模式。 本研究發現產品服務系統的採行會直接地改變企業與顧客之間的互動關係,這促使企業必須與顧客進行密切的溝通,同時還需要積極獲取顧客的資訊。而由企業內部角度來看,則需要創造服務能力,調整績效管理模式,以及培養服務導向的組織文化。最後,企 業應與供應商應建立作業連結、資訊共享管道與誘因同盟,使彼此促成長期的合作關係,並讓整合方案能夠更效率地傳遞給顧客。 本研究透過實際案例的深入探討,了解到企業在執行產品服務系統的過程中,對於供應鏈採行了何種管理因應,其結果不但擴充 了“產品服務系統供應鏈”的理論探討,同時能夠也提供給未來相關領域的研究者與其他相關企業發展的參考。 / The concept of Product Service System (PPS) has been expanded since 1980s, when the globalization boosted the competition of various industries. Therefore, companies were longed to explore new business model to facilitate their performance within the market and at that period several companies (including IBM, Xerox) successfully obtained outstanding competitive advantages through providing service, which is derived from their product business, and formed the idea of PPS and Servitization. And so, more and more companies involve in PPS, hence PPS have already applied in numerous industries nowadays. Previously, Taiwan’s local market put a lot of emphasis on PPS, in order to promote upgrade in various industries. Therefore, this paper is aim to discover implementational insight of PSS in the perspective of supply chain management (SCM) and realize how should company responds, when facing the change of business model. In this case, this paper utilize case study methodology with analysis model, which is contrived by desk research on PPS supply chain related paper, and execute in-depth analysis on case study of local furniture retailer, which possess successfully experience in PPS. In this research, the analysis model is consisted with three major dimensions, that is upstream supply network, focal company and downstream supply network. In the aspect of upstream supply network will focus on the discussion of customer interaction, but when it comes to the aspect of focal company will put emphasis on inner management and last would be the dimension of downstream supply network with understanding of supplier relationship management in the background of PPS. The research results indicate that the application of PPS would bring direct change on the interrelationship of customer and focal company, this would cause the company to have frequent communication with customer and shall obtain customer information during interaction. And in the viewpoint of focal company, it should alter the performance evaluation model and acquire new ability of service and service-oriented culture. Last but the least, focal company should establish comprehensive operational linkages, information sharing methods and incentive alignment with supplier to deliver integrated solution to the customer efficiently. With in-depth case study, this paper unveils the SCM detail information of Servitization and the result is not only contributive toward the academic research of PPS, but also provides valuable insight for industry with further expansion on PPS.

從眾傾向、憂慮產品過時與創新採用之研究-以智慧型手機為例 / Conformity, Fear of Obsolescence and Innovation Adoption: A Study of Smartphone Purchases

朱崇文, Chu, Chung Wen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,消費者對於高科技產品,往往會聽從他人意見,選擇主流的品牌與機型,尤其是具有相同背景與生活方式的消費者,所選擇的高科技產品通常非常相近。其次,更可以發現,高科技產品之使用年限不斷地縮短,推出新規格產品的速度越來越快,導致消費者越來越憂慮高科技產品之過時。 本研究智慧型手機為例,經由回顧文獻與理論,再以實證資料探討造成高科技產品具有從眾傾向之成因、分析消費者的特性(主觀產品知識、從眾傾向、獨特性需求)對於產品過時之不同憂慮(憂慮技術性過時、憂慮經濟性過時、憂慮心理性過時)的關係,以及了解新一代高科技產品的採用意願之影響因子。 本研究利用問卷發放的方式蒐集資料,得到之結論如下: 1. 消費者購買智慧型手機時較有從眾傾向 2. 使用者網路外部性增強消費者購買智慧型手機之從眾傾向,而主觀產品知識降低消費者購買智慧型手機之從眾傾向 3. 消費者主觀產品知識越高,對於智慧型手機過時之擔憂越低 4. 獨特性需求較高之消費者,較憂慮技術性與心理性過時;從眾傾向較高之消費者則較憂慮經濟性過時 5. 消費者憂慮經濟性過時與主觀產品知識越高,採用創新智慧型手機之意願越高;消費者憂慮技術性過時越高,採用創新智慧型手機之意願越低 最後,本研究根據分析結果,提出整體行銷建議供相關業者參考。

企業開發創新性產品之研究—以宏碁迷你筆電Aspire One 系列為例

盧麗玉 Unknown Date (has links)
在新興市場逐漸蓬勃發展及2008年金融海嘯發生後,低價電腦商品需求開始大增,低價迷你筆電由台灣電腦廠商華碩率先開發出來,但競爭對手宏碁在半年後推出同類型產品,出貨量及產品銷售成績屢創佳績,超越市場先進者華碩,讓人不禁思考,何以華碩表現卻不如後進者宏碁?創新產品若要為企業帶量龐大利潤,除了創新這項元素外,還有哪些因素值得讓企業學習仿效? 研究問題包括,一、企業在發展創新性產品時,對「先行競爭者產品」的知識為何?二、企業在推出創新性產品前,對「整體市場」的知識為何?三、企業的組織策略在創新性產品開發流程中所扮演的角色為何?四、企業在發展創新性產品的過程中,其合作伙伴的角色為何? 本研究從過往眾多文獻中,整理出市場面、組織面及產品面等三大重要構面,做為研究架構,並以宏碁迷你筆電Aspire One系列為例,從產品開發流程中,尋找產品開發成功的重要因素。本研究藉由關鍵人物訪談及次級資料蒐集取得資訊,建構起研究的主體。 本研究所得到的結論包括,一、企業在開發創新性產品時,若能注重市場導向及消費者需求,可提高創新性產品開發之成功機率;二、企業在開發創新性產品時,上市速度是影響產品銷售成功的關鍵;三、企業售後服務可提升顧客忠誠度,有助創新產品的銷售;四、高階主管的支持是推動創新性產品上市重要的動力;五、企業成立跨部門組織專責處理創新性產品開發事宜,有助溝通與縮短產品推出時程;六、豐富的行銷、通路及技術等組織資源,有助創新產品開發的成功;七、企業產品出貨量到達經濟規模,有助創新性產品開發時,提高對外談判籌碼多及成本優勢;八、產品競爭力及消費者需求並存時,將會提高創新性產品的成功機率;九、企業與供應商關係良好,有助維持新產品品質及上市時程。

閱聽人對電視新聞創「議」置入產品訊息接收之研究 / A study on audience’s reception of product placement on tv news a study on audience’s reception of product placement on tv news

許臻耘, Hsu, Tseng Yun Unknown Date (has links)
電視新聞置入性行銷雖是新興現象,但在新聞界蔓延已成為普遍現象,成為影響新聞產製的重要力量。電視新聞置入性行銷,以較為迂迴、精心設計,與新聞內容融合一體,使消費者難以區辨到底是新聞,還是為商品廣告的行銷訊息。國內目前研究,多是探討此種行銷方式,對新聞專業與新聞工作者的影響,尚未見對閱聽人接收與影響面向的研究。是故,本研究欲探究閱聽人對於產品置入性新聞之接收評價,在溝通效果中扮演的角色。 本研究以實驗法進行,採取三因子實驗設計,為2(置入型態:顯性/隱性)*2(論點品質:強論點/弱論點)*2(產品涉入度:高涉入/低涉入)*2=8個產品置入策略組合,為避免受試者觀看不同產品的效果差異,故讓每位受試者觀看分別看高低二種產品涉入度的實驗影片,形成4個實驗組別,共邀集185位受測者參與,回收有效問卷164份,有效回收率為88.65%。  研究結果發現,「產品置入型態」對置入性新聞溝通效果未有顯著影響。「訊息論點品質」是影響產品置入性新聞的關鍵因素,對產品置入性新聞之溝通效果影響最為顯著;採取強論點訊息,能引發閱聽人較正向的接收評價,不論是訊息接受度、可信度與資訊性皆有較佳的評價,進而影響消費者對品牌的態度,對訊息的記憶程度亦有相對較佳的表現。閱聽人對「置入性行銷的既存態度」影響閱聽人接收不同論點品質的溝通效果:即置入性行銷持以高既存態度者,暴露於強論點品質之產品置入性新聞,比暴露於弱論點品質時產生更多支持性的想法、較高的記憶效果與較佳的訊息態度。 / Although being an emerging phenomenon, the product placement on TV News has spread into an universal phenomenon in the News circles, and become an important force influencing News production. With relatively roundabout and meticulous design, the Product Placement on TV News is well integrated with the News content, making consumers difficult to distinguish it from News and Marketing message of product. Present domestic researches are mainly investigating the impact of such marketing method on journalism and the News workers, but still haven’t focused on the reception and the influence of the audience. Therefore, this study is to investigate the audience’s reception comments on the Product Placemen on TV News and their roles in communication effect. This study adopts the experimentation of three-factor experimental design, which are 2 Placement Types (prominent/subtle) *2 Argument Qualities (strong /weak) *2 Product involvements (High /Low). A total of 185 participants were invited and all of them were randomized to watch the experimental films, and required to fill out the questionnaires after watching. A total of 164 effective questionnaires were returned, with a valid return rate of 88.65%. The results of this study show that the “Type of PPL” has no significant impact on the communication effect of the Product Placement on TV News. The “Message Argument Quality” is the key factor influencing the Product Placement on TV News. Using strong argument messages can trigger the audience’s relatively positive reception comments in message acceptability, News credibility and message informativeness and then impact the consumers’ attitudes towards brands. Also, it has relatively better performance on the recall degree towards messages.The audience’s existing attitudes towards the Placement Marketing impact their communication effects in receiving different argument qualities. The Placement Marketing with high existing attitudes will produce more supportive thoughts, higher recall effect and better message attitude when exposed in Product Placement on TV News of strong argument quality than that exposed in product placement news of weak argument quality.

引導式關鍵字行銷-影響消費者搜尋意願因素之研究 / Orienting-marketing-a study of effects of consumers' search intention

張逸婷, Chang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字廣告現已成為搜尋引擎最大的收入來源,全球付費搜尋廣告的年增率被預測有37%,並將在2010將達到330億美金的市場。現今,關鍵字廣告已發展成跨媒體的形式。大眾媒體除了以傳統的形式傳達廣告訊息以外,同時誘使消費者進一步上搜尋引擎搜尋商品資訊。並藉由此形式而發展出新型態的「引導式關鍵字行銷」。因此,本研究採用多元性研究方法(Pluralistic Research Methodologies)以探討此種新型態廣告的效果及如何提升消費者的搜尋意願? 本研究結合質化及量化研究。第一階段透過質化研究的焦點團體訪談法(FGD,Focus Group Discussion)蒐集消費者對整合性關鍵字行銷的意見,以釐清本研究之問題核心,並與業界人士進行深入訪談以了解實務運作模式及成功關鍵。第二階段則採實驗法進行研究,將「關鍵字類型」(分為兩層次:品牌名稱相關、產品屬性相關)以及「產品類型」(分為三層次:低度創新產品、中度創新產品、高度創新產品)設為自變項,並將廣告溝通效果作為應變項,分別為「廣告記憶」與「搜尋意願」。除此之外,並將可能干擾實驗結果的兩項因素視為個人差異變項加以分析,分別為「產品涉入度」與「先前產品知識」。 研究結果顯示,消費者產品涉入度及先前產品知識對搜尋意願有顯著的正向影響。同時,消費者在對產品有需求時會有較高的搜尋意願。而關鍵字類型及產品創新性對消費者的搜尋意願並沒有造成顯著影響。 / Keyword advertising has become the largest source of revenue for search engines. Now, keyword advertising has developing into a new cross-media style. Mass media not only release advertising messages but also orient consumers to search more details of merchandise online. As the result, the study use Pluralistic Research Methodologies to investigate how to Increase consumers’ search intention. The first stage we use Focus Group Discussion to clarify the research questions. And do Depth interview with Industry to understand the Practical operation and the Success Factors. In the second stage, the study proceeded in experiment method. Two factors “Keyword Type” and “Product Type” are used to compose a 2X3 factorial design experiment, and then bring “Product involvement” and “Prior Product Knowledge” in as the Moderator. Furthermore, the study adopted “Memory in Advertising Message” and “Search Intention” as the depend variables. Result shows that, product involvement and prior product knowledge have a significant positive effect to the search intention. In addition, results of keyword type and product type are not remarkable overall. Keywords: Orienting-


于昌民 Unknown Date (has links)
國人自我贈禮的風氣方興未艾,但在資源的束縛與傳統價值觀的影響下,使得消費者不免陷於困窘之境,而本研究即欲探討消費者自我贈禮與消費罪惡感之間的關係。本研究目的有四:其一,瞭解國人引發自我贈禮的主要背景情境與動機,並試圖對自我贈禮加以分類,以求得主要的背景情境與動機所對應之自我贈禮類型;其二,發展消費罪惡感之構面與發生時機;其三,瞭解不同自我贈禮類型與消費罪惡感的對應關係;其四,探討在不同產品類型的影響之下,自我贈禮與消費罪惡感的對應關係是否有所不同。 本研究以關鍵事件法設計問卷,透過三次前測得到正式問卷,針對60位消費者進行訪談及問卷施測,共收集了60個自我贈禮事件。經資料分析過後,得到研究結果可歸納成四大方向: 首先在自我贈禮方面,背景情境按發生頻次多寡依序為:發生重大事件、有成就感、工作辛苦、壓力負荷、心情低落、有額外資源、週期性自我回饋;背景情境與動機之間呈現一對一的關係,分別是為了留下紀念、犒賞自己、慰勞自己、抒解壓力、愉悅自己、維持好心情、對自己好一點。另外,若依照產品導向程度的強弱以及資訊準備程度的高低針對自我贈禮進行分類,國人進行最不常發生的自我贈禮類型為「高度產品導向—低度資訊準備」—驚鴻一瞥型。 其次在消費罪惡感方面,其構面為猶豫感、金錢疼惜感、愧疚感,時機為購買之前的預期性罪惡感,購買當下的進行性罪惡感,以及購買之後的反應性罪惡感,而雖然各時機都會有各構面的成分,但預期性罪惡感最主要的構面為猶豫感,進行性罪惡感最主要的構面為疼惜感,反應性罪惡感最主要的構面為愧疚感。 接著在自我贈禮與消費罪惡感之關係方面,當消費者進行週期性自我回饋時,會感受到程度最高的預期性罪惡感;而當消費者因有成就感或心情低落時所進行之自我贈禮,其感受到的是程度最低的預期性罪惡感。至於,若是屬於高度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上的類型最主要為財務類罪惡感;若是屬於低度產品導向類型者,比較有可能不會產生消費罪惡感。 最後,若是受到不同產品類型影響的情況下,由於自我贈禮之禮物類型皆為奢侈品,因此以功能型與享樂型產品做為產品分類的標準。對於購買功能型奢侈品做為自我贈禮禮物的消費者而言,無論是高度產品導向或是低度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上,最主要的類型為財務類罪惡感;對於購買享樂型奢侈品做為自我贈禮禮物的消費者而言,若是高度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上,最主要的類型為財務類罪惡感;若是低度產品導向者,則傾向完全沒有罪惡感。 整體而言,本研究不僅為國人自我贈禮的背景情境與動機之先導研究,亦開啟了消費罪惡感研究之先河,並建立消費罪惡感的構面與時機,著實為後續研究奠定了相當的基礎。 / People in Taiwan have tended to buy themselves gifts recently. However, under the constraints of resources and the influence of traditional values, they would hesitate to buy or not to buy. This study focuses on this interesting theme-the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. The objectives of this study are to explore consumers’ motivations of self-gifts, the dimensions and evolution of consumer guilt, and the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. Product categories are also under the consideration of this study to examine the effects of different products on the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. This research employed the critical incident techniques. A questionnaire was first designed and pre-tested three times before the main field work. Through collecting, sorting and analyzing 60 self-gift giving events, the results pointed out four main parts as followed. To begin with, the results indicated that consumers will buy gifts for themselves when the important events happened, something achieved, some hard work finished, feeling stressed, being depressed, gaining some extra resources, and purchasing periodically. These situations were one-to-one corresponding to some motivations, respectively to remember, to reward, to compensate, to relieve, to revive, to keep in a good mood, and to be nice to oneself. In addition, self-gift giving behavior might be divided into four types by the degree of product-oriented (high vs. low) and the degree of information-prepared (high vs. low). However, few Taiwanese were classified by “high product-oriented and low information-prepared”, called “Glance”. Secondly, the consumer guilt had three dimensions-hesitation, anguish, and remorse. Also, it had three moments of occurrence. The anticipatory guilt occurred before purchasing; the proceeding guilt occurred when purchasing; and the reactive guilt occurred after purchasing. Although each moment of consumer guilt included three dimensions meanwhile, what’s more important, the major dimension of anticipatory guilt was hesitation, the major dimension of proceeding guilt was anguish, and the major dimension of reactive guilt was remorse. As for the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt, consumers had the highest degree of anticipatory guilt when they bought gifts for themselves under periodical purchase. However, consumers had the lowest degree of anticipatory guilt if they bought self-gifts under achievements or depression. Besides, if self-gift giving behavior was highly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt. Moreover, if self-gift giving behavior was lowly product-oriented, consumers would have no consumer guilt. Finally, this study concerned the functional/hedonic products moderating the relation between self-gift giving and consumer guilt. For those who bought themselves functional gifts, no matter this self-gift giving behavior belonged to highly or lowly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt. For those who bought themselves hedonic gifts, if this self-gift giving behavior was highly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt; however, if this self-gift giving behavior was lowly product-oriented, consumers would have no consumer guilt.

電子商務物流營運之研究─以資訊產品通路商精技電腦為例 / A Study of E-Commerce Logistics Operations– A Case Study of Unitech in Taiwan

蔡志強 Unknown Date (has links)
在電子商務競爭的環境下,3C產品零售商的的供應鏈管理充滿挑戰。3C代理通路商、或電子商務業者往往必須自行建立物流中心,進行進貨、出貨、及存貨管理等作業,甚至自己建立運輸車隊,及時調度車輛運轉,加上資訊系統以及科技產品的應用,才能滿足從銷售端到客戶端的快速到貨需求。 本研究針對國內3C通路產業,探討電子商務物流營運模式的發展及現況並藉個案公司分析電子商務物流營運的績效可以如何評估與改善。本研究所選擇研究的個案公司為B2B類型電子商務。研究中,分析個案公司現行的物流營運模式,自多重面向包括物流策略、物流中心規劃、倉儲作業管理、運輸管理、物流資訊系統、以及物流績效指標管理等構面,探討個案公司物流中心面對電子商務之競爭,以及人力市場缺乏的環境下,在倉儲及運輸作業中,透過資訊系統及作業流程的不斷改善,達到降低成本、提升作業效率、滿足客戶到貨時效的競爭力。 本研究運用實際蒐集的資料,從世界級的物流中心中,分析倉儲作業流程各項營運指標,以及在自動化設備及資訊系統的應用上,找出各項作業的業界標竿,以此標竿作為基礎和個案物流中心各項流程、系統逐項作比較,找出其中差異(缺口),比標竿指標優秀與不足的部分,提供給個案物流中心做為改善的參考。 經過個案分析驗證,在研究結論提出電子商務物流營運的績效在倉儲作業實務流程、倉儲營運績效指標、及物流資訊系統等面向上,可以用作業流程隸屬何種階段、各項績效指標的評分、及作業無紙化、設備自動化之程度的角度評估,並依據個案中提出之各面向,與業界頂尖及業界平均標準參考比較並研擬改善方向。

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