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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中藥產品在德國治療經痛的顛覆性潛力 / The disruptive potential of TCM products for dysmenorrhea treatment in Germany

彭世豐, Buttgereit, Stephan Unknown Date (has links)
14.5 million women in Germany between the ages of 15 – 44 are plagued from menstrual pain starting from minor discomfort to major pain and cramps. All those women share the same imperative wish: the pain should stop. We found a disruptive solution that acts as an alternative for synthesized medication and has the potential to revolutionize the market for dysmenorrhea remedies, functional foods with the properties revered of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM as a method to alleviate menstrual pains has not yet found its way to Germany (and the rest of the European Union). Thus we offer our customers a completely new solution to a problem as old as humanity itself. Our products are all based on TCM ingredients with thousands of years of tradition and successful practice that have also been clinically proven. Just over the last 25 years over a billion women in East Asia have fallen back on using herbs and functional foods of the Traditional Chinese Medicine as their remedy of first choice when comes to menstrual pain and other complaints. The research shows a great market potential for TCM products as a treatment for dysmenorrhea in Germany.

精實思維、產品開發流程與專案績效關係之研究-以B公司為例 / The Research on the Relationships between Lean Thinking, New Product Development and Project Performance: A Case study of Company B

胡智偉 Unknown Date (has links)
條碼印表機及自動識別產業在台灣發展僅20多年,然而台灣在豐沛的研發資源挹注下,國內各條碼印表機品牌產品在過去10數年間於全球市場上有相當亮眼之表現。條碼印表機需使用於工商業場所,產品特性要求品質穩定度高,生命週期長,產品生產須靈活且快速以滿足少量多樣之供貨,產品應用方面常須與系統業者調適後搭載供貨給專案或是企業用戶。業者於此客製、穩定、多樣化出貨之產品特性下,需要以不斷優化之精實系統完善產品開發流程以達成各種專案績效。 精實思維提供企業如何以最小化的投資,提升企業營運效率,創造客戶價值的作法。本研究透過書籍、文獻、報告等理論研讀後,說明精實思維對創造客戶價值之重要性,然後藉由個案分析法,從產業環境、SWOT分析、與個案公司高階主管訪談整理方式,瞭解個案公司之精實產品開發過程與績效表現之關係。從研究發現,從產品開發流程便導入精實思維及納入績效評估作法,可以讓產品開發由流程開始優化,讓企業內遵循精實原則進行產品設計、生產管理和出貨管理進而創造客戶價值達成專案及企業經營績效。


鄭月足, ZHENG,YUE-ZU Unknown Date (has links)
田口式品質工程方法在世界各國掀起學習研究與應用的熱潮, 最主要的原因在於田口 方法能有效的控制成本且提高產品品質, 對於新產品的研究開發也有卓越的貢獻。 田口方法主要包括生產線上品質工程方法與生產線外品質工程方法兩部分, 其中尤以 生產外品質工程方法最為重要, 因為若能在進入生產線以前將產品品質、制程設計規 劃好, 則進入生產線后對於整個制程品質及成本的控制較有效, 所以若欲在低成本的 條件下達到提高品質的目的, 學習生產線外品質工程方法實為當務之急。 生產線外品質工程方法主要包括三部分, 分別為系統設計、參數統計及允差設計。系 統設計主要目的在找出影響產品變異的因子, 參數設計主要在找出影響產品變異因子 之水準, 進而找出最佳因子水準之組合, 允差設計對於成本的控制并無功效, 然而當 參數設計結果不能符合要求時, 最后利用允差設計仍能達到提高品質的目的。 目前世界各國在國際市場上競爭激烈, 大家莫不絞盡腦汁欲在此市場上爭得一席之位 , 但欲生產具競爭力的產品, 除了要求品質的提高外, 成本是最主要的考慮因素, 所 以若能在具競爭力的價格下生產高品質的產品, 欲達目的當是輕而易舉之事, 而生產 線外品質工程方法正是達成此目的的最佳決策方案, 然目前國內普遍缺乏研究開發新 產品的觀念, 對我國經濟的發展實為一大障礙, 為了促進我國工商企業的繁榮, 使經 濟更具獨立性, 特就田口方法中之生產線外品質工程方法為研究之主題, 希望能引起 共鳴, 進而促成經濟的鵬勃發展。


謝永成, Xie, Yong-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
第一章概論。說明研究動機、研究目的、研究方法及研究架構。 第二章服務之概念。說明服務之定義、服務之動機、服務之功能、服務之種類以及保 證之意義、功能、類型、及保證期限之訂定。 第三章說明服務策略之型態、服務組織之建立以及收費政策。 第四章機械產品之服務內容。探討臺灣區機械廠商在售前服務、售後服務、信用融資 服務以及在售後零件的提供待方面的作法。 第五章服務要素之統計分析。以統計方法,分別從各構面來分析工業品之各種主要服 務要素。并評估目前廠商之服務績效。 第六章結論和建議。


陳建銘, Chen ,Chien-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業是台灣最重要的產業,對台灣經濟有很大的貢獻,近年來此產業的競爭日趨激烈,新科技迅速不斷的出現,產品生命週期的急遽縮短,以及市場需求的反覆變動,使得廠商在上市新產品之前,必須要審慎考量並擬定適當的上市策略,才能增加新產品上市後的成功率。 本研究選取「產品新穎度決策」、「產品定位」以及「上市時機」為討論的上市策略組合,探究不同的上市策略與新產品績效之間的關係,而從過去相關的文獻當中,亦發現公司內部的態度傾向是影響上市策略擬定的因素之一,故本研究亦將公司內部因素納入研究架構中,選擇「市場導向」、「技術機會主義」與「競食意願」三變數,分析三者對於上市策略擬定的影響性,並進一步分析其對新產品績效可能的影響。 針對本研究所回收之有效問卷所作之分析,得到以下幾項實証: 一、市場導向強度越強,則在產品新穎度決策上越傾向較低的新穎度。 二、市場導向強度越強,越能適當的掌握新產品之上市時機。 三、技術機會主義程度越高,則產品定位決策上高質感的程度越不明顯。 四、競食意願越高,在上市時機的掌握上越為準確適時。 五、產品新穎的程度,與新產品績效表現呈負相關。 六、上市時機掌握的越為準確,新產品績效表現越佳。 七、市場導向的強度越強,新產品績效表現越佳。 八、技術機會主義程度越高,新產品績效表現越佳。 九、競食意願越高,新產品績效表現越佳。 由於過去的研究較少著墨於影響上市策略擬定的因素上,而本研究的實証也發現公司內部因素不僅會影響上市策略的擬定,甚至是直接的關係到新產品上市後之績效,本研究的結果可提供給企業參考,希望能對新產品上市相關領域能有所貢獻。

消費者新奇追求動機、新奇屬性及產品新奇性對消費者態度之影響--以旅遊產品為例 / The effects of novelty seeking, novel attributes and product novelty on consumer’s attitude: Using tourism product as an example

許鈞凱 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究從新奇追求動機探討遊客對旅遊產品的態度會被什麼因素所影響。許多學者提到,遊客對於新奇追求的差異,會影響他們選擇不同觀光活動及旅遊目的地的決策,因此旅遊行程有否提供遊客新奇的體驗(亦即新奇屬性)或是基於旅遊產品本身的新奇性,應能吸引不同新奇追求程度的遊客前往旅遊。然而以往關於新奇屬性的研究多針對實體產品,鮮少從服務性產品的面向做探討,文獻中對旅遊產品新奇性的描述亦甚少著墨,因此本研究藉由操弄新奇屬性和產品新奇性,從旅遊產品的角度觀察對於不同新奇追求程度的遊客之態度會產生什麼影響。 研究結果發現,旅遊行程加入新奇屬性或是產品新奇性較高的旅遊產品並不一定能讓遊客對有較好的印象。當面對無新奇屬性的旅遊行程或低新奇性產品(團體旅遊)時,低新奇追求的遊客相較於高新奇追求的遊客有更好的態度,但其同時對有新奇屬性的旅遊行程及高新奇性產品(自由行)也抱持同樣的好感;而面對有新奇屬性的旅遊行程或高新奇產品(自由行)時,高新奇追求的遊客則相對較有提升好感的趨勢。值得注意的是,當旅遊產品為高新奇性(自由行)並同時搭配具有新奇屬性的旅遊行程後,反而會使消費者發生資訊過載的情形進而提高學習成本,導致消費者對產品的評價混淆甚至產生負面態度。 因此,如果廠商想要在市場上推出新產品,以適度的新奇性做為產品設計的主軸是較為理想的選擇,例如自由行對於高、低新奇追求程度的消費者都具有一定的吸引力,或是團體旅遊搭配具有新奇屬性的旅遊行程亦是保險的組合方式。要注意的是,過多的新奇資訊同時也會增加消費者的學習成本,一旦造成消費者的資訊超載,反而會造成負面的效果。 / This research focuses on what factors based on novelty seeking will be influencing tourists’ attitude toward the tourism product. Many scholars have already mentioned that different degree of novelty seeking among tourists may influence their choices of different sightseeing activities and trip destination. Therefore, whether the travel programs provide novel experiences to the tourists(namely novel attributes) or any novelty of the product itself should be able to attract tourists with different degree of novelty seeking. However, researches on novel attributes in the past mostly put emphasis on substantial products and seldom discussed on service products. In addition, there is a lack of literature regarding product novelty as well. For these reasons, the purpose of this research is to observe the factors which influence attitudes of tourists with different degree of novelty seeking by means of manipulating novel attributes and product novelty. The result of this research shows that travel journey with novel attributes or just a tourism product with high degree of novelty don’t necessarily make better impressions on tourists. When facing travel journey with no novel attributes or just a product with low degree of novelty (package tour), tourists with low degree of novelty seeking show more favor towards the product than those with high degree of novelty seeking, but they as well have positive attitude when there is travel journey with novel attributes or just a product with high degree of novelty (semi-independent travel). On the other hand, the tourists with high degree of novelty seeking comparatively tend to show preference for the travel journey with novel attributes or just a product with high degree of novelty (semi-independent travel). Here what calls our attention is that, when the tourism product is with high degree of novelty (semi-independent travel) and is combined with the travel journey with novel attributes at the same time, it may cause information overload for consumers thus raise their learning cost instead. This even causes consumers to produce negative or confused attitude when evaluating the product. Hence, for the (tourism product) suppliers who want to release new products to the market, I suggest that product design should be emphasize on adding appropriate novelty. For example, semi-independent travel attracts consumers with both high and low degree of novelty seeking; tour package with novel attributes is also safe for tourists. What we should be aware of is that too much novel information increases consumer’s learning cost, and once it causes consumer’s information to overload, it may cause negative effect instead.

企業對產品責任保險需求因素之分析-以我國上市公司為例 / On the Corporate Demand for Product Liability Insurance: Evidence from Listed Compaines in Taiwan

黃慧琳, Huang,Hui Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討我國企業對產品責任保險需求之原因,分別以四個構面來分析企業對產品責任保險的需求。包括企業經營動機、公司背景資料、產品安全風險管理與上市公司財務特性等四方面來探討企業的投保動機。本研究以我國上市公司為樣本,共計發放440份問卷,並以回收的90份問卷進行Logistic迴歸及複迴歸之實證分析。 研究結果發現,企業交易對象(買方)的要求、產品風險理財因素和產品市場行銷因素為影響上市公司投保產品責任保險之決定因素,呈顯著正向關係。另外,當上市公司過去曾發生過產品損害事件時,對產品責任保險之需求愈高;而且當公司的產品銷售本國地區、美加地區或同時銷售國內外地區時,對產品責任保險需求愈高。至於產品安全風險管理與產品責任保險需求之間的關係,實證結果顯示二者為互補關係,此與Ehrilich and Becker(1972)的理論假設一致。除此之外,本研究發現當公司規模愈大、產品銷售量愈大、負債對業主權益比率愈高以及公司無長期負債時,其對於產品責任保險的需求愈高。此外,當上市公司的財務危機成本愈高以及所面臨的損失頻率與幅度愈大時,其對於產品責任保險需求愈高。 / This paper investigates the corporate demand for product liability insurance in Taiwan. The motivations to purchase product liability insurance can be categorized into four groups, business operation incentive, features of the firm, product safety management, and financial management. The decision of insurance is analyzed based on the logistic model and multivariate regression models with a sample of 90 publicly traded companies in Taiwan. The empirical results of this study indicate that customers’ requests, product risk financing, and product marketing are the determinants for companies to buy product liability insurance. Further, the companies with previous experience of product liability losses have higher product liability insurance demand. Those companies selling their products to North America and Taiwan will purchase more product liability insurance. Moreover, the empirical evidences suggest significantly positive correlation between product safety management and product liability insurance demand, which is consistent with Ehrilich and Becker (1972) that market insurance and self-protection are complements. The results also show that the firm will purchase more product liability insurance when it has larger firm size, greater product sales, higher debt to equity ratio, and no long term debt.

應用消費價值理論分析小筆電的消費者行為 / Applying consumption value theory to analysis consumer behavior of the netbook

潘彥廷 Unknown Date (has links)
自2007年Eee PC刮出一陣小筆電的旋風,由07年一直紅到09年,這段過程中爭議不斷,很多廠商當作是金融海嘯下的神兵利器,也有很多廠商認為是讓筆電產業變紅海的致命毒藥;而眼前看到的事實包括07連續兩年亞馬遜網路賣場的熱賣,與華碩在08年第四季因庫存過多導致的首次虧損等,這些狀況更讓人覺得是霧裡看花,究竟小筆電的產業趨勢會如何發展,廠商又該如何制定競爭策略與規劃產品發展呢?本研究的目的就是要藉由研究小筆電的消費者行為,進而發掘小筆電的產業趨勢,並協助廠商制定競爭策略並規劃產品發展。 本研究以Sheth的消費價值(Consumption Value)模式為基礎,再配合消費者行為區隔(Segmentation)與Kotler產品屬性理論中的核心利益(Core Benefit)與基本產品(Basic Product)發展為本研究的研究架構,調查方式是以線上問卷的便利取樣法調查小筆電的潛在顧客,研究方法則先由因素分析找出樣本的消費價值,再藉由多變量分析以了解消費者的購買行為間消費價值的差異,藉以判斷不同購買時期、不同購買行為的消費者在數量與消費價值的趨勢,最後再檢定消費價值與產品屬性的相關系數來判斷該如何根據消費價值調整核心利益的發展方向與基本產品的規格,並配合檢定結果和敘述統計來分析小筆電的產業趨勢。 本研究透過實證分析得到以下的發現: 1. 四項消費行為在性別、年齡層、職業類型、年收入間至少有一項具有差異。 2. 消費者整體而言,較認同小筆電帶來的功能性價值與情境性價值 3. 四項市場區隔至少有一項消費價值具有顯著差異 4. 以調查的時間點來說,不同時期的已購者與未購者間的情境性價值有顯著差異,代表已購者受情境性因素決定購買小筆電。 5. 以調查的時間點來說,有意願在未來不同時期購買小筆電的消費者與沒有意願的消費者在社會性、情感性、情境性價值有顯著差異,代表未來影響消費者購買小筆電的因素以非功能性價值居多。 6. 已購者占有意願購買者的增加與已購者有六成比例不願意再次購買都意味著小筆電市場有可能逐漸成熟甚至衰退,廠商須重視情境性與情感性價值。 7. 有意願消費者的購買預算中位數落在一萬到一萬五千元之間,此價位購買者的新奇性價值顯著較高,而更高價位消費者的玩家專業性價值顯著較高。 8. 消費價值在消費者的各品牌偏好間無顯著差異。 9. 各消費價值與核心利益間至少有一項顯著相關,有意願購買的消費者最期待的核心利益是輕便可攜與價廉物美。 10. 各消費價值僅三項跟基本產品的升級意願有顯著相關,有意願購買的消費者最願意付費的產品屬性是品牌、處理器與電池。 / After Eee PC announced in 2007, the netbook blow a tornado until now. In this period, many people applauded and believe the netbook will be hot continuously. But, many people thought the netbook will fades gradually. The manufacturers had two different opinion, too. Many of them regarded the netbooks are sharp weapon under the financial crisis. Another though the netbooks were fatal toxicant and made the notebook industry became red sea. These opinions were confused. Beside these opinions, many facts made forecasting the trend of the netbook more difficult. We knew the netbook won the 2007 and 2008 best-sellings in Amazon online store. But we knew ASUS showed the first loss in 2008 Q4 because of excessively stock of netbook, either. All facts were just like fog, let us cannot figure out the netbook industry tendency. Therefore this research is to discover the netbook industry tendency and to help the manufacturer plan competition strategy and the product development. This research is based on the conceptual framework composed by the Sheth(1991) consumption value pattern as foundation, the consumer behavior segmentation theory and Koteler(2006) product attribute theory. We adopt on-line questionnaire to survey potential customer by convenient sampling method in this research. We use the factor analysis to find out consumption value, use MANOVA, ANOVA, Scheffe and Tamhan analysis to understand market trendancy among different periods and different consumer behaviors. Finally, we examine correlation coefficient between the consumption value and the product attribute to find the clue of product roadmap. This research obtains following findings: 1. Four consumer behaviors show at least one difference among sex, age, job and salary. 2. As for the whole, the consumers agree the functional value and the conditional value of the netbook. 3. Four segment approachs show at least one difference among seven consumer values. 4. The consumers who buy the netbook in the different period show remarkable difference in the conditional value. 5. The consumers who will purchase the netbooks in the future different time and those who won’t buy show remarkable difference among the social value, the emotional value and the conditional value. 6. Repeat buyer will become the majority of buyers in the future. And 60% buyer won’t purchase the netbook again. That mean the netbook market has the possibility become mature market even to decline gradually in the future. The manufacturers must focus on the conditional value and the emotional value. 7. The budget of the consumers who are willing to purchase fall on NT 10,000 to 14,999 dollars , whose epistemic value is remarkablly higher than others. The higher budget (NT$15,000 ~ NT$24,999) consumers’ player and perfessional value is remarkablly higher than others. 8. These consumers who perfer different brands show no difference among consumption values. 9. Consumer prefer convenient and cheap among six core benefits of the netbook. Each consumption value has at least a remarkable correlation with a core benefit. 10. Consumers prefer better brand, CPU and battery among ten basic product attributes of the netbook. Only three consumption values show the remarkable correlation with the basic product. Keywords: netbook, consumption value, consumer behavior, product attribute, segmentation, product life cycle, industrial tendency, innovation diffusion

產品專案創新類型與新產品開發關鍵成功因素及其管理之個案研究 / Product project innovative types and critical success factors of new product development case study

林冠亨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討新產品開發關鍵成功因素與其管理方式,以及產品專案創新類型如何影響新產品開發關鍵成功因素之重要性,並辨別在不同產品專案創新類型下可提升新產品開發專案績效之關鍵成功因素。本研究以國內某汽車製造公司為個案研究對象,並透過問卷調查與統計分析之結果提出以下四項結論: 一、新產品開發關鍵成功因素構面包含供應商、技術母廠、經銷商、高階主管與跨功能團隊、新產品開發管理、績效評估與獎酬等六大構面。於新產品開發過程中,企業針對各構面設有相關的管理作法。 二、新產品開發關鍵成功因素之重要性會受產品專案創新類型不同而有所差異。 三、在大改專案下,高階主管與跨功能團隊構面、新產品開發管理構面、績效評估與獎酬構面對新產品開發專案績效構面有顯著正向影響。 四、在小改專案下,供應商構面、高階主管與跨功能團隊構面、績效評估與獎酬構面對新產品開發專案績效構面有顯著正向影響。 / The study focuses on several topics: critical success factors of new product development, product project innovative type’s influence on relative importance of critical success factors, identification of critical success factors which improve project performance in different product project innovative types. The study applies case study based on one motor manufacturing company, questionnaire, and statistical analysis. The results are as follows: 1. Critical success factors of new product development include supplier dimension, technical parent company dimension, distributor dimension, upper management and cross functional team dimension, new product development management dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension. During the project time, the company establishes proper management regarding various dimensions. 2. The importance level of critical success factors is influenced by product project innovative types. 3. Under big projects, three dimensions which include upper management and cross functional team dimension, new product development management dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension, have positive impact on project performance dimension. 4. Under small projects, three dimensions which include supplier dimension, upper management and cross functional team dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension, have positive impact on project performance dimension.

筆記型電腦新產品開發之協同設計策略-以筆記型電腦品牌商為例 / Strategy in collaborative design for new product development in notebook PCs- a case study for a notebook pc company

李文裕, Lee, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球科技迅速發展及國際化競爭的日益升高,競爭型態已由過去個別廠商間的競爭轉變為整體供應鏈體系間的競爭,運用企業間綿密的協同合作關係來強化整體供應鏈的團隊競爭力,已是企業在面對產業競爭的生存之道。本研究以一家國際品牌的電腦品牌商為個案研究的對象,主要在探討企業的新產品開發協同設計策略及如何選擇合作夥伴。本研究透過文獻探討新產品開發流程、產業分析與產業價值鏈的理論、與策略形態法,再透過資料收集與個案公司人員訪談,來分析個案在新產品開發活動價值單元及不同階段的合作模式以了解個案公司新產品開發的協同設計策略、執行狀況與策略夥伴的合作模式。 經由分析本個案,本研究發現地理位置、能力與資源、產品策略與新產品開發流程的複雜度會影響策略合作夥伴的選擇與新產品開發協同設計的合作模式。 / In response to the rapid changing of the technology and market, firms intend to choose the perfect-fit suppliers to be the strategic partner to build their own ECO system. This study aims to explore the corporate’s strategy in collaborative research and development and strategic partner selection- a case study for an international branding PCs company. This study starts with literature review of the new product development, industry analysis, value chain analysis and strat-egy posture analysis. To understand a firm’s strategy selection, I conduct multi-ple interviews with key members of the company regarding key activities of the new product development and collaborative development model at the stages. Through the analysis of this case study, the study found that the geography, ca-pability and resources, a firm’s marketing strategy and complexity of new product development process are the key factors to the choice of strategic partner and the model of collaborative research and development.

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