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台灣上市櫃公司發行私募可轉債之動機及其宣告效果 / The motivation and announcement effect of Taiwan listed and OTC companies issuing convertible bonds privately陳仲愷 Unknown Date (has links)
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公共電視基金會獨立性及監督機制之研究 / The Study of Public Television Service Foundation's independence and supervision mechanisms謝妮珊 Unknown Date (has links)
其次,透過文獻及訪談分析我國公視以政府預算捐贈為主之財源模式設計及其所衍生的外部監督機制,在實務運作上可能造成政治力藉由預算監督權限和程序以干預公視獨立性與節目自主之情形。研究發現,公共電視之財源模式影響外部監督之規範密度,現行以政府預算為財源所衍生之外部監督機制,其實際運作與財源模式當初設計為保障公視獨立於政治力量之外之目的有所扞格;並探討立法院在財源監督過程對公視獨立性保障之影響。此外,對於我國公視需維持政府預算為財源模式,其外部監督機制如何再規範,以在公視的獨立自主與運用公共財源的績效課責之間尋求平衡提出政策建議。 / In this study, the focus of discussion is on the disputes that the budget of Public Television Service Foundation(PTS Foundation) was frozen breaking out at the end of 2008.It presents the conflicts among the model that PTS relies on the government budgets for financial resource,the surveillance jurisdiction of government for financial affairs,and the purpose to protect independence of public television by external oversight on actual operation.On the other hand,the series of controversial incidents during the 4th board of directors and supervisors recruitment of PTS Foundation in 2009,made the disputes to surface,such like the legitimacy of the board of directors and election procedures not sufficiently open.In addition,the present system of elected directors and supervisors of PTS,whether its operation brings the function of public television’s independence or not,and other issues have become the points in this study.
Through literature reviewing and interviews,this study confers the design for election system of Board of directors in domestic and foreign public television,reviews the disputes in the process of the recently elected directors and supervisors of PTS.This study finds that the election process of directors and supervisors in PTS are deeply influenced by the congress party and ruling authority’s deviation of implementation,also shows that the gaps of the election process of PTS board of directors and supervisors let the parties and executive power have the space to manipulate the elected process.Moreover,this study provides the suggestion how to amend the law and improve the shortage of the election procedure of the directors and supervisors in order to maintain the current system, and suggests the future election system can be reformed toward to the direction of professional diversity and responsibility politics.
Next,on the model design that PTS takes the government budgets as financial resources and the external oversight mechanisms derived,in practice,the operation may result in the situation that the politic power by the authority and the budget monitoring procedures could interfere with the public television’s independence and its programs.The study finds that the model of public television's financial resources affect the standard density of the external oversight.The current external oversight mechanisms taking government budget as financial resources breaks the purpose of protecting public television from the political power.This study discusses the impact that the Legislative Yuan’s monitors the procedure of financial resources to the independence of public television.In addition,regarding that PTS maintains to take government budgets as financial resources and how to re-regulate the external supervision mechanisms,this study provides the policy recommendations to find balance among the public television’s independence,and the public resources application and its performance accountability.
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台灣上市櫃公司股權募資方式之決定因素 - 公司治理機制的影響 / The determinants of public offerings v.s. private placements: corporate governance perspective黃必松 Unknown Date (has links)
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澳門中、小學及幼稚園教學督導工作研究 / Study on working environment of instructional supervision of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Macau鄧可心 January 2000 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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比較台灣上市櫃公司發行私募股權與私募債權融資工具之宣告效果及經營績效 / The comparison of announcement effect and performance of private equity and private debt: Evidence from Taiwan林牧螢, Lin, Mu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的有別於其他學者,為探討我國上市櫃公司發行有價證券時,選擇不同的融資工具帶給外部投資人不同的宣告效果,研究樣本包括發行日介於2003年至2009年之上市櫃公司,研究方法包括事件研究法、多元迴歸模型、羅吉斯迴歸模型、公司獲利能力之衡量指標。在國外文獻探討上,分別從代理理論、資訊不對稱假說及監督效果假說來驗證宣告效果差異的原因。本研究實證結果發現,發行公司在以股東會決議日為宣告日之股權融資的宣告效果大於債權融資,根據資訊不對稱理論,因為在私募市場中,資訊不對稱程度較大的公司,因其風險也較大,故發行私募股權,即發行普通股或特別股,較能減輕資訊不對稱問題,因此,較容易傾向發行私募股權(Gomes and Phillips(2012));而私募債權發行,即發行公司債或可轉債,其資訊不對稱問題減輕的程度較低,故宣告效果不若私募股權大,但若是董監質押比及負債程度越高的公司,其監督效果較顯著,對宣告效果為正面的影響。而在私募有價證券發行後,無論使用何種融資工具的發行公司,其獲利能力皆有改善或提昇的跡象,意味著專業投資人所提供的監督效益在公司的營運上有顯著影響,而經理人能夠更有效率地分配公司資源,而發行債權融資工具的發行公司,其獲利能力的提升大於發行股權融資工具的發行公司,可能因為債權人對發行公司的監督效果較顯著所致。
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我國社會團體設立與監督制度之研究 / A Study of a System to Establish and Monitor the Social Groups in Taiwan林素珍 Unknown Date (has links)
社會團體是國內數量最多、最受學術界忽視的一種非營利組織,相關的研究論述並不多見。近年來,社會團體之設立制度應適度鬆綁的呼聲甚高,政府輔導團體人力縮減難以因應團體數量之增加,同時,為健全社會團體發展,團體之課責制度有建立的必要。基此,本研究旨在探討社會團體對設立方式採「登記報備制」的接受程度、對主管機關訂定監督管理規範內容的看法、以及瞭解社會團體對健全發展團體的態度,再根據研究結果,提出改進國內社會團體設立與監督制度之具體建議。除文獻分析法外,本研究採取問卷調查法來蒐集資料,經由次數分配、卡方獨立性檢定法等統計分析方法進行研究,結果發現,在團體特性與團體行為方面,國內的社會團體呈現蓬勃發展的狀態,組織成員以個人居多,又多屬小型或中型組織,財源非常不充裕,以致相當程度地影響團體之健全發展。團體的類型主要為學術團體、經濟團體、社會服務慈善公益團體等,多屬開放性質團體,守法程度及對主管機關之依賴程度均相當高;非法人團體仍有存續的空間。同時,相當多的社會團體已體認到公開資訊透明化之必要性。在對團體設立改採「登記報備制」的接受度方面,多數傾向於不贊成,惟不贊成與贊成之比例相當接近,贊成的理由主要為「可維護人民集會結社自由」。在對主管機關訂定監督管理規範內容的態度方面,(一)同意增訂組成社會團體之最低個人會員人數與團體會員單位數,並認為地方性與全國性團體應分別訂定不同標準;此外,亦贊同對公益屬性團體訂定較嚴格規範。(二)對主管機關現行會務規範多表贊同,認為會員權利義務事項應由團體於章程中自訂,不必規範理監事會之召開次數,並贊同增訂理監事最低名額、理監事占會員人數之比例、理監事相互間親屬關係限制、聘任工作人員與理監事間親屬關係限制等規範,對於開放社會團體從事符合設立目的之銷售貨物活動,但不得分配盈餘給組織成員之做法也表同意。惟對主管機關不介入處理團體爭議規定,不表同意或呈現意見分歧情況。(三)贊同對年度收入達一定規模之團體,由主管機關強制委請會計師簽證,也同意增訂主管機關可對停止活動達一定期間之團體,直接廢止備案,對違反法令情節、章程或妨礙公益情節重大之團體處以罰鍰以及委請學術機構對社會團體作績效評鑑等規定,對於現行由主管機關自行辦理社會團體績效評鑑的方式也不反對。原則上,同意增訂強制社會團體主動提供大眾查詢資料,以及主管機關將團體資料提供大眾查詢等資訊公開規範,惟對提供會員名冊及由主管機關將財務相關表報提供大眾查詢等做法,不表贊同。在對健全發展社會團體的態度方面,同意現行法令有助社會團體之健全發展,也贊成增訂部分監督管理規範有助社會團體之健全發展,並認為社會團體成立後未能健全運作最主要的原因是財源不足。 / The social group is the most popular Non-Profit Organization (NPO) in Taiwan and ignored by the academy . Its related studies are few. Although the number of employees of the authorities regulating the social groups is limited, the demand for reforming the entry regulation of the social groups is increasing. Therefore, a well-established monitoring system of the social groups is necessary and urgent. Consequently, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the social groups’ willingness to accept registration and notification system, their opinions about the contents of the monitoring system and how to run the social groups efficiently. Then policy implications for the entry-regulating and monitoring systems will be suggested based the above empirical results.
This research employs questionnaire investigation to collect data. By using statistical analysis methods including frequency distribution and chi-square independence test, the empirical results of this research are stated as follows.
1.The social groups’ characteristics and behavior: the development of social groups in Taiwan is blooming. Most social groups with individual members are small or medium size. The shortage of their capital limits the level of groups’ development. The types of social group can be classified into literacy, economic, social service and charity groups. They belong to public groups, abide by the regulation and rely on governing authorities’ support. Most social groups agree to offer their information in public. Non-commonalty groups can survive and develop in current situation. Most social groups disagree the formation by registration and notification system. However, the ratio of acceptance and reject is close. The reason of acceptance is that this kind of formation can protect the freedom of civil gathering and forming an association.
2.The social groups’ attitude on the contents of monitoring and managing system of governing authorities:
2.1Most groups agree to establish regulation on minimum individual members or group members in forming a social group, set different standard level in local and national groups, and set more strictly regulation on public welfare groups.
2.2Most groups agree to abide by the current regulations such as member’s right and obligations should be stated in the stand rule by group itself, the frequency of director and supervisor’s convocation, minimum quota of director and supervisor, the ratio of director and supervisor to members, the restriction between director’s and supervisor’s relatives, and the restriction between staff personnel and director’s and supervisor’s relatives, allowing the social groups’ doing sale activities if those activities correspond with funding goal but not allowing the assignment of their earnings to members. Most groups disagree or controvert on whether governing authorities should get involved in dealing with groups’ disputes.
2.3Most groups agree to accept the appointed accountant by governing authorities to verify those groups when their annual revenue exceed certain level, to establish directly abolishment when social groups cease operation for a certain period of time, to increase the regulation of appointing academic association to evaluate their performance if they against the laws, stand rules or hinder public welfare, to establish the regulation on providing information for public research and governing authorities’ requirement. However, most groups disagree to provide member’s roll and financial related statement from governing authorities for public research.
3.Social groups’ attitude on the future development: most groups agree that the current laws are benefit to a well-developed social group, the establishment of monitoring and managing regulation is also benefit to social groups’ development. The reason for social groups which can’t be well developed after they form is shortage of their capital.
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行政罰上多數受罰對象之競合-以私法人之受罰為例簡佩珺, Jian, Pei-Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
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兩岸廉政機制及其比較研究 / A comparative study of the cross-strait Incorrupt government mechanism丁慶華, Ting, Ching Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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國家與地方間之委辦法律關係 / The legal relationship between State and local self-government in beauftraged function陳之昱, Chen, Chih-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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基於大數據資料的非監督分散式分群演算法 / An Effective Distributed GHSOM Algorithm for Unsupervised Clustering on Big Data邱垂暉, Chiu, Chui Hui Unknown Date (has links)
基於屬性相似度將樣本進行分群的技術已經被廣泛應用在許多領域,如模式識別,特徵提取和惡意行為偵測。由於此技術的重要性,很多人已經將各種分群技術利用分散式框架進行再製,例如K-means搭配Hadoop在Apache Mahout平台上。由於K-means需要預先定義分群數量,而自組織映射圖(SOM)需要預先定義圖的大小,所以能夠自動將樣本依照樣本間的變化容差進行分群的GHSOM(增長層次自組織映射圖)就提供了一個很棒的非監督學習方法用來針對某些資訊不完整的資料。然而,GHSOM目前並不是一個分散式的演算法,這就限制了其在大數據資料的應用上。在本篇論文中,我們提出了一種新的分散式GHSOM演算法。我們使用Scala的Actor Model來實現GHSOM的分散式系統,我們將GHSOM演算法中的水平擴增以及垂直擴增交由Actor來處理並顯示出顯著的性能提升。為了評估我們所提出的方法,我們收集並分析了數千個惡意程式在現實生活中的執行行為,並通過在數百萬個樣本上進行非監督分群後推導出惡意程式行為的檢測規則來顯示其性能的改進、規則有效性以及實踐中的潛在用法。 / Clustering techniques that group samples based on their attribute similarity have been widely used in many fields such as pattern recognition, feature extraction and malicious behavior characterization. Due to its importance, various clustering techniques have been developed with distributed frameworks such as K-means with Hadoop in Apache Mahout for scalable computation. While K-means requires the number of clusters and self organizing maps (SOM) requires the map size to be given, the technique of GHSOM (growing hierarchical self organizing maps) that clusters samples dynamically to satisfy the requirement on tolerance of variation between samples, poses an attractive unsupervised learning solution for data that have limited information to decide the number of clusters in advance. However it is not scalable with sequential computation, which limits its applications on big data. In this paper, we present a novel distributed algorithm on GHSOM. We take advantage of parallel computation with scala actor model for GHSOM construction, distributing vertical and horizontal expansion tasks to actors and showing significant performance improvement. To evaluate the presented approach, we collect and analyze execution behaviors of thousands of malware in real life and derive detection rules with the presented unsupervised clustering on millions samples, showing its performance improvement, rule effectiveness and potential usage in practice.
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