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公關實務工作者如何看待大學公關課程 / A study of public relations professionals' views on public relations curriculums in universities嚴曉翠, Yen, Hsiao-Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:公共關係、公共關係教育、核心知識技能、課程目標、領域知識、情境知識 / This study aims to learn public relations professionals’ 1) perspectives on core knowledge and skills that students majoring in public relations should be equipped with; and 2) viewpoints on whether current university public relations education has been sufficient to assist public relations graduates for related job qualification. Through in-depth interviews with public professionals who currently teach public relations-related courses in universities, I probe their philosophies of teaching, perspectives on course objectives, strategies and plans of teaching.
The results of the study indicate that organization theory and business administration were the frequently mentioned as essential knowledge. Meanwhile, getting to know of ever-changing media environment and ability of agenda setting among various communication contexts were essential capability that had been particularly emphasized by all interviewees. On the other hand, research methods, writing skills, and language proficiency were skills frequently addressed by interviewees. Interviewees point out the importance of advancing public relations students’ ‘domain knowledge’ as well as communication scenarios in public relations education. In other words, for the purpose of understanding the strategies and tools of public relations, ‘knowledge of contexts’ in public relations case studies, instead of knowledge of standard operating procedures of public relations practices, should be provided to students during teaching cases.
This study also shows that public relations graduates have not owned advantages in competing for public relations job applications. However, professionals who also teach in universities tend to value public relations education more and favor recruiting public relations majors than those who haven’t had the experiences of teaching. Interviewees also expressed their concern of lacking of the public relations course objectives, basic course supplement information, and curriculum linkage, it is why they tend to think public relations education still have much room to improve. They stated that students will not be able to grasp the meaning of learning if they have not developed a knowledge map of public relations. In addition, public relations educators’ contributions to the learning of public relations should be better leveraged.
Based on the study, the author offers the following suggestions.
1. Instructors should make teaching objectives and class management strategies clear, as well as course assignments and project arrangement logical. This will benefit lecturers in teaching, students in learning, and public relations professionals, who may serve as guest speakers in class.
2. Department should make the best use of the resources of lecturers from public relations practicum to strengthen the education of both domain and contextual knowledge in the public relations industry.
3. Department should encourage students to take the opportunities of internship programs and to compete for off-campus public relations contests so that students will have chances to reflect what they have learned in classroom.
4. Departments should provide core public relations courses based on what public relations has to offer.
Key words: public relations,education,core knowledge and skills, course objectives, domain knowledge, knowledge of contexts
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知識密集服務業之知識管理與服務創新之關聯性研究 / The relationships among knowledge management and service innovation in knowledge-intensive business service firms洪鳳儀, Hung, Feng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
4.知識密集服務業將知識管理作為創新服務的策略性工具時,有助於加速實現服務創新的目標。 / In the 21st century, the world economy has two highly important developments: the rise of the service sectors and the growing role of knowledge. Especially, the service sectors have increased dramatically in recent years and they occupy a large share of the economy of advanced industrial societies. Among the service sectors, knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) is strong momentum of the economic growth. As “knowledge” is a basic element of KIBS’s innovation, how to implement knowledge management effectively to enhance the value of organizational knowledge and make KIBS continually produce innovative products or services as well as create a competitive advantage is an important issue on business management for enterprises.
This research aims to combine knowledge management with service innovation and to analyze when KIBS firms adopt knowledge management as a strategy to achieve the objective of service innovation, the relationships between knowledge management and service innovation. This research also describes the issues of knowledge management enablers, knowledge management activities and service innovation implemented in KIBS firms. Additionally, this research, through a case study conducted on a successful law firm in Taiwan, further explored the relationships between knowledge management and service innovation. The conclusion of this research may include in four aspects:
1.The findings of the research regarding relationships between knowledge management enablers and knowledge management in KIBS are as follows:
(1)Leadership and clear knowledge management strategy are critical success factors in knowledge management.
(2)The more teamwork culture and trust culture existed in KIBS firms, the easier knowledge creation and diffusion activities implemented.
(3)Application of appropriate information technology in KIBS firms can enhance the speed of organizational knowledge absorption, accumulation and diffusion.
(4)Whether enterprises can offer long-tem incentives to employees will affect employees’ participation willingness and contribution degree for knowledge absorption, creation and diffusion activities thereof.
2.The findings of the research regarding knowledge management activities in KIBS are as follows:
(1)In KIBS firms, input and absorb knowledge from external sources is an important manner of continually facilitating knowledge creation.
(2)Based on KIBS’s characteristics of high professional and high knowledge-intensive, personnel’s knowledge and skills are main carriers of knowledge accumulation in KIBS firms.
(3)In KIBS firms, adoption of “mentoring-based, education and training-supplemented” as staff training methods will make positive impact on knowledge diffusion activities.
3.The findings of the research regarding service innovation in KIBS are as follows:
(1)To enhance the core competitiveness, KIBS firms will create “new service concept” in accordance with market changes and customers’ needs.
(2)In KIBS firms, a critical innovation factor of “new client interface” is whether they can build a value-added service platform in accordance with actual and potential customers’ needs so as to enhance customer satisfaction.
(3)Successful education and training on employees is a critical innovation factor of “new services delivery system” in KIBS firms.
(4)In successful KIBS firms, organizational interaction and coordination between “new service concept”, “new customer interface” and “new service delivery system” would be excellent.
4.The findings of the research regarding relationships between knowledge management and service innovation in KIBS are as follows:
(1)In KIBS firms, through knowledge absorption and creation activities, it can speed up the formation of “new service concept”.
(2)Through Knowledge absorption and creation activities between KIBS firms and their clients, it can assist KIBS firms in building “new client interface” and reducing potential risk in the innovation process.
(3)In KIBS firms, knowledge accumulation and diffusion activities may make a significant positive impact on “new service delivery system”.
(4)When KIBS firms adopt knowledge management as a strategy to innovate services, it can speed up to achieve the objective of service innovation.
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外部技術成為A銀行核心能耐之專案研究陳勝宜 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀的世界裡,大量利用知識經濟的創新加上資訊網路的日新月異,使市場加快建立更具效率化的商業模式、平台和電子交易。金融業也不例外的在各相關領域裡依賴科技技術的創新,增加金融服務業的效率及競爭力。尤其,繼民國九十年七月通過的「金融控股公司法」的法令開放後,結合國內金融相關產業的金融控股公司紛紛掛牌上市,每家金控都積極努力在找尋新的藍海策略與建立不同的商業模式與提供跨國金融服務平台,以期在這一場激烈的合併戰役中勝出。在複雜的融資交易或是投資服務活動後面,金融業面對的是如何客制化和建立屬於自己企業專屬的金融服務平台,不僅僅是在金融專業形象建立或是產品服務的多樣化,更用以滿足各層次的客戶需求、加快交易服務和在市場上擁有獨樹一格的企業核心能耐。筆者深信,在未來新金融商品發行的速度上每家金控大都不至於有太大的落差,但唯獨在資訊平台的競爭距離上卻是可以拉大的。這裡面的原因不外乎是因為:1. 資訊平台的建置需要投入大量的人力及財務資源、知識的投入整合並且需要花費較長的時間,2. 金融商品的know-how可藉由資訊整合後更加系統化並在使用上更具效率性,3.建置兩岸三地或全球性的平台服務將是必須,因為在產業競爭全球化趨勢之下,客戶更需要的是跨疆界的金融服務。
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知識翻新學習對師培生教學信念與實務知識之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on teacher-education students’ teaching beliefs and practical knowledge張芷瑄, Chang, Chih Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在知識急速進步與變動的時代,知識共享與共構是未來的新趨勢。傳統師資培育偏重理論與知識傳遞的教學方式,固然有其優點,但面對未來知識社會的挑戰,師培課程也需要不斷進行反思與改進。為了改善傳統偏重知識傳遞的教學模式,本研究嘗試運用知識翻新(knowledge-building)理論於師資培育課程,並使用知識論壇平台(Knowledge Forum©)作為本課程的線上輔助學習環境。研究目的在讓師培生於課堂中實際進行體驗教學,並利用教室與線上知識論壇的學習環境進行大量教學反思,以期能幫助師培生發展更多元創新的教學信念,並且實踐於教學活動中。
研究對象為修習國民小學自然科教材教法的28位師資培育生,以個案研究法進行資料的蒐集和分析,資料包括:(1)整學期師培生在知識論壇平台上的互動與對話--使用知識論壇分析工具(Analytic Toolkit, ATK)計算學生於知識論壇平台進行知識建構的互動次數,亦使用社會網絡分析軟體(social network analysis)分析閱讀與回文訊息的流通情況,最後透過知識論壇學生的實際貼文內容,呈現師培生在平台上的互動情形;(2)師培生試教結束後在知識論壇的教學回饋內容--透過對教學回饋品質與教學回饋信念的質性編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗進行分析;(3)期初與期末的自我檢核表問卷--以質性分析軟體Nvivo進行開放式編碼,依據師培生對於問題的陳述內容進行編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗;(4)期初與期末的教學本質問卷--以質性分析軟體Nvivo進行編碼,依據師培生對開放性問題的陳述內容進行編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗;(5)期末試教反思問卷--計算師培生在試教活動中,教師中心與學生中心活動所佔時間的百分比,進行兩階段相依樣本t考驗,並根據師培生在教學設計、教法、教材和評量的反思內容,以貼文為分析單位,進行編碼和描述性統計。
根據本研究結果,提出以下幾點建議供未來師資教育之參考:(1)教師可善用數位學習平台(如知識論壇)以輔助教學,促進學生想法的分享和改進;(2)營造開放自主的師資培育環境,可以建構多元的教學信念;(3)師資培育課程應提供更多實際體驗教學的機會,讓師培生檢視自我如何將教學信念付諸實踐;(4)課程革新應進一步思考如何促進教師教學信念與課程理念間的聯結,以協助教師在教學現場有效的落實課程。 / We are entering into a knowledge age, during which knowledge changes rapidly; accordingly, sustained knowledge sharing and constructing is essential. Although the traditional teacher education--that tends to emphasize more of the learning of educational theory than practical knowledge--has its advantage, teacher educators still need to reflect on and improve teacher preparation approaches continuously in order to face the challenge in the knowledge society. To this end, this study employed knowledge-building theory and Knowledge Forum© technology in a teacher education course. The purpose of this study was to help teacher-education students develop more informed science teaching beliefs by guiding them to effectively practice their teaching in classes, and to discuss and reflect on their teaching both in class and online.
Participants were 28 teacher-education students who took a course about science teaching. Data sources (and analysis) mainly came from: (1) Teacher-education students’ interaction and discourse on Knowledge Forum (KF) (using the Analytic Toolkit to calculate the students’ frequency of activities on the KF platform; then, social network analysis was used to analyze the betweenness centrality and network density. Finally, examples of teacher-education students’ notes was analyzed to understand the interaction of teacher-education students in the KF platform); (2) Teacher-education students’ teaching feedback posted in Knowledge Forum (based on students’ answers, quantitative analysis was performed by means of paired-sample t tests); (3) An open-ended questionnaire that surveyed teacher-education students’ practical knowledge at the beginning and the end of semester was coded using key concepts as unit of analysis (quantitative analysis was performed via paired-sample t test); (4) A questionnaire with 6 open-ended questions that surveyed teacher-education students’ teaching beliefs at the beginning and the end of the semester was coded (quantitative analysis was performed via paired-sample t tests); (5) A questionnaire that surveys teacher-education students’ reflection on teaching practices (analysis was done by calculating the percentage of time on teacher-centered and student-centered teaching/learning activities using paired-sample t tests; and in addition, students’ texted answers were analyzed qualitatively).
The results showed that: (1) using Knowledge Forum was helpful for teacher-education students’ sharing of their knowledge and reflection on their teaching; (2) Engaging in knowledge building could help improve teacher-education students’ teaching feedback quality; (3) Engaging in knowledge building could help teacher-education students’ development of their practical knowledge; (4) After engaging in knowledge building for a semester, teacher-education students developed more constructivist-oriented learning beliefs; (5) It was time-consuming to help teacher-education students develop more informed teaching beliefs.
Building on the results, this study made the following suggestions: (1) Teachers should make good use of online learning platforms (e.g., Knowledge Forum) to facilitate students’ idea sharing and improvement; (2) Teacher education programs should help foster an open learning environment, in order to foster the development of multiple teaching beliefs; (3) Teacher education programs should provide teacher education students with more opportunities for teaching practice and for reflection on their teaching beliefs; and (4) Curriculum reform should try to better relate curriculum development and teachers' beliefs development.
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廠商創新研發競合與知識互動之研究–以台灣中部地區工具機暨零組件產業為例 / R&D and innovation co-opetition and knowledge interaction among industrial firms : the case of machine tool industry in Mid-Taiwan吳健鑫, Wu, Chien-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本研究將「競中帶合」與「合中帶競」做清楚的定義,進一步地以知識作為廠商進行創新研發競合的根本要素,並提出第三方單位的重要性。在實務上,提供知識互動的影響因素作為廠商進行競合與知識互動時的參考依據。 / Management strategy has gradually transformed from “pure competition” to the coexistence of competition and cooperation, also known as co-opetition, where “co-opetition strategy” has become a popular research focus for scholars who study management. Scholars, upon observing such trend where “peace” and “warfare”- or “yin” and “yang”- exists either at the same time or occurs alternatively, begin to add the “cooperative” element (yang) into the traditional concept of “competition” (yin). Although immense theories and researches on the concept of co-opetition exist, researches that attempt to reveal the co-opetition relationship in the realm of R&D and Innovation among firms from the standpoint of knowledge have been scarce. Regional Innovation Systems is a field full of cooperation and competition, yet past research mostly focused on cooperation and innovation instead of discussing the competition among firms in the region. That is, few researches focused on discussing the cooperation and competition coexisting at the same time in the realm of R&D and Innovation among firms. Moreover, researches that particularly discuss the situation of knowledge sharing and knowledge protection among firms from two R&D and Innovation co-opetition types of “Competition-dominated cooperation” and “Cooperation-dominated competition” relegate said situations to the category of things unknown. Therefore, this research aims to fill the gap in such literature by conducting deep explorations into knowledge interaction among firms in one region, particularly from two R&D and Innovation co-opetition types.
This research adopts a multi-case study method while the main field of research focuses on one of the most renowned global Regional Innovation Systems: the machinery cluster in central Taiwan. During the process of the research, a two-stage, in-depth interview was conducted to understand the co-opetition relationship among the machine tool and component firms in the central Taiwan, and has identified two special case studies of R&D and Innovation co-operation. Furthermore, this research focus on the R&D and Innovation co-opetition relationship among firms and their practices of knowledge interaction in these two cases, and conducts in-depth comparisons and analysis.
By conducting two-stage in-depth interviews, this study summarizes the research propositions and further obtains the following conclusions:
1.Third party plays an important role in R&D and innovation co-opetition knowledge interaction among firms in the same region, including the roles of intermediary coordination, taking the initiative to spawn and manage projects, and transferring, testing and verification of technology.
2.In different “co-opetition” types, the types of knowledge sharing and exchange channels among firms are different according to how similar they are in operational scope. In the case of high similarity in operational scope, basic and theoretical knowledge is shared, and formal meetings are the main channel of knowledge exchange. In the case of low similarity in operational scope, technical and applied knowledge is shared, and the channels of knowledge exchange do not only have formal meetings, but also communicate informally.
3.In different “R&D and innovation co-opetition” types, firms will take different approaches in sharing knowledge (either being selective, not willing, or actively sharing) due to future competition possibilities and trade secrets.
4.Firms differ in their reasons for knowledge protection in different “R&D and innovation co-opetition” types, but will mostly rely on confidential agreements within their contracts as the main measure for knowledge protection.
While past academic research mostly explores "co-opetition relationship" from the perspective of "market" or "resource", this research explores R&D and innovation co-opetition with the most essential element, “knowledge”. Not only is it understood that third-party units are important promoters of competitive firms in forming R&D alliances, "the influencing factors of knowledge interaction" from the perspective of their knowledge interaction under different co-opetition types is concluded. Therefore, this research aims to produce the following contributions in the academic field:
1.Past co-opetition researches mostly focus on generic and strategical fields, this research focuses particularly on bahviors of “co-opetition in R&D and innovation” among firms.
2.Past co-opetition theories’ definitions on markets and resources are insufficient and imprecise, for they describe markets and resources as different factors that affect competition and cooperation. This research offers a finer exploration from the aspect of “knowledge”. This research finds that “knowledge” has an immense impact on co-opetition behaviors. In addition, the knowledge-level viewpoint further blurs the boundary between markets and resources.
3.Past co-opetition theories offered the generic concept of simultaneous competition and cooperation This research further provides empirical research results of two scenarios: "competition-dominated cooperation" and "cooperation-dominated competition".
4.Past researches seldom discuss the role that third parties play in co-opetition. This research states the importance of third parties in the firms’ “co-opetition relationships” through empirical evidence when it comes to R&D and innovation in the region.
5.Past researches of regional innovation systems or clusters primarily focus on cooperation between firms, this research adds the factor of “competition” as a research basis for understanding firms’ co-opetition relationships in and R&D and innovation.
Overall, this research clearly defines "competition-dominated cooperation" and "cooperation-dominated competition", and views “knowledge” as a fundamental element of R&D and innovation co-opetition, putting forward the importance of third-party units. In practice, provide the influential factors of knowledge interaction as a reference for firms to conduct co-opetition and knowledge interaction.
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曖昧な大きさ知覚を支える視聴覚相互作用の諸相山﨑, 大暉 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第22192号 / 文博第839号 / 新制||文||692(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 蘆田 宏, 准教授 黒島 妃香, 教授 西田 眞也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM
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A Knowledge-Creating City : The Case of Mitaka City / 知識創造都市 : 三鷹市の事例HIROSE, Ayano, 廣瀬, 文乃 26 August 2011 (has links)
経営博士(DBA) / 243 p. / Hitotsubashi University
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并购背景下教育行业品牌价值研究January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 企业并购是经济管理领域长盛不衰的研究话题,也是企业高投资与高风险并行的战略举措。并购后对品牌进行有效整合是实现并购价值的重要过程,只有对并购后的品牌进行整合,才能使并购取得应有的并购协同效应。在消费者导向意识不断深化,服务导向逐渐成为服务行业的主流导向的背景下,研究品牌并购中消费者感知及其忠诚显得尤为重要。企业并购过程中面临的风险与挑战之一就是消费者未必对商家的品牌并购行为买账,消费者忠诚受到影响。尽管已有学者提出品牌并购的企业更应关注消费者及其忠诚,但目前从消费者感知角度研究企业或品牌并购行为的研究较少。为了揭示消费者感知品牌并购的过程,探究品牌并购是否及如何影响消费者感知及忠诚,本文基于深度访谈法与情境下问卷调查法分析了消费者对品牌并购的感知及结果,并设计两项研究:研究一在理论分析与前人研究基础上,通过对消费者的深度访谈,确立了消费者感知的品牌并购价值的四个维度,分别为品牌联想、产品联想、组织联想与人员服务品质,并在借鉴前人研究结合本研究的具体背景,得出消费者感知的品牌并购价值的测量条目。研究二通过情境模拟下的问卷调查法,检验了消费者感知品牌并购价值、感知质量、感知价值、品牌忠诚、产品涉入以及品牌知名度之间的关系。在此基础上,本文对L教育集团在实践运营过程中的品牌并购案例进行详细分析,发现了L教育集团发起品牌并购的原因以及并购过程中存在的问题和改进建议。
研究结果显示:(1)消费者感知的品牌并购价值的四个维度分别为品牌联想、产品联想、组织联想与人员服务品质;(2)消费者感知品牌并购价值与感知质量有显著正相关关系,表明消费者感知品牌并购价值能够提高消费者的感知质量;(3)消费者感知质量对其感知价值有显著的正向影响,表明感知质量正向预测消费者的感知价值水平;(4)消费者感知质量对其品牌忠诚有显著的积极作用;(5)消费者感知品牌并购价值与消费者感知价值存在显著的正相关关系;(6)消费者感知品牌并购价值对消费者品牌忠诚的路径系数达到显著性水平;(7)消费者感知质量在感知并购价值与感知价值、品牌忠诚之间起部分中介作用;(8)产品涉入与品牌知名度在消费者感知并购价值与感知质量的关系之间起调节作用。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019
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図書館の倫理的価値「知る自由」の歴史的展開福井, 佑介 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第18736号 / 教博第174号 / 新制||教||153(附属図書館) / 31687 / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)教授 川崎 良孝, 准教授 佐藤 卓己, 准教授 服部 憲児, 教授 塩見 昇(大阪教育大学) / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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伝統的ナレッジ・プロフェッショナルの変革につながる知識の獲得と活用 : 大学図書館員のソーシャル・ネットワーキングに着目して / デントウテキ ナレッジ・プロフェッショナル ノ ヘンカク ニ ツナガル チシキ ノ カクトク ト カツヨウ : ダイガク トショカンイン ノ ソーシャル・ネットワーキング ニ チャクモク シテ / 伝統的ナレッジプロフェッショナルの変革につながる知識の獲得と活用 : 大学図書館員のソーシャルネットワーキングに着目して天野 絵里子, Eriko Amano 21 March 2015 (has links)
博士(技術経営) / Doctor of Philosophy in Technology and Innovative Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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