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學習社群在電腦支援合作學習環境中的知識共構--以自然科學史為例 / Learning community constructing their knowledge of natural science history in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment吳佳蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
為協助學生發展更主動與合作的學習方式,透過「學習社群」(learning community)以共構知識,本研究運用以知識翻新(knowledge-building)(Scardamalia, 2002)理念為基礎所建立的數位學習環境—知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)—進行教學。研究目的主要在於探究學生如何透過數位學習平台以進行合作學習、並共構自然科學史知識。研究對象為修習自然科學基礎課程的大學生(N=42)。教學目標主要在幫助學生瞭解自然科學的內涵與歷史發展,並希望藉由知識分享與共構活動讓學生在平台上合作建構科學史。資料來源主要為:(1)授課教師和學生在知識論壇平台上的活動紀錄;(2)學生在知識論壇平台上的貼文與討論;(3)學生共構的科學故事;以及(4)學生對自我學習歷程的期末反思。資料分析主要透過:(1)描述統計—以計算學生在平台上所共構的科學史故事數目貼文數、回文數、與文章閱讀百分比等;(2)內容分析法—以分析教師如何營造知識翻新環境和學生如何發展對科學理論的理解;以及(3)史皮爾曼等級相關分析—以瞭解學生在知識論壇上的活動情形與期末反思強度間之相關性。研究結果發現:(1)以知識翻新原則為取向的課程設計有助於促進學生主動學習;(2)學習社群集體共構科學史可以促進學習者以較宏觀的視野看待科學史;(3)提供合作學習與知識翻新環境(即知識論壇平台)能有效幫助學習者共負集體合作的責任;以及(4)使用知識論壇平台有助於學習者進行更有效益的集體知識建構活動。本研究根據研究結果提出以下幾點建議以供未來有興趣進行知識創新教學的教師之參考:(1)教師應適當採用彈性的課程設計、同時避免過度使用傳統劇本式教學,以培養學生主動學習的習慣;(2)教師應讓學生學習如何面對較彈性、多元的學習內容,使其對某一學習主題可以有機會做更深層的理解;(3)教師應為學生營造知識共構的學習環境,協助學習者創建集體知識;以及(4)教師應善用電腦支援合作學習環境的相關工具以協助學習者進行知識共構與翻新。
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知識經濟時代的品質管理 / Quality management of knowledge-based economy era陳東賢, Chen, Tung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
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論責任保險之保險事故與危險發生通知義務 / A study on the insured peril and occurrence notification obligation in liability insurance黎家興, Li, Chia Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
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透過知識翻新活動以提升國小學童對節能減碳概念之理解 / Effects of knowledge building activities on elementary school students’ conception of energy saving and carbon reduction蔡佩真 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探究知識翻新活動對小學生節能減碳概念理解的影響。以知識翻新理論 (knowledge building) 作為教學核心理念,並以知識論壇(Knowledge Forum,KF)─電腦支援協作學習工具─來輔助與紀錄學生的學習。研究方法採個案研究法,研究對象為台北市某國民小學五年級某班學生(N=34),研究時程為一學年,課程以節能減碳為主題。資料來源包括:(1) 知識論壇上之想法討論與互動歷程;(2)知識論壇平台之溫室效應與節能減碳想法貼文;(3)節能減碳概念理解之測驗。資料分析包括:(1)以知識論壇的分析工具(Analytic Toolkit, 簡稱ATK)分析學生在平台上想法討論與互動的行為;(2)分析學生在平台上所發表的貼文內容之階段性發展,並將學生所討論的概念與環保署所提供的溫室效應與節能減碳國中教材進行比較,以檢測學生所提的概念之完整性與豐富度;(3)使用創造力概念的流暢性、變通性、獨創性、精密性等四個面向,檢驗學生共構的知識品質;(4)分析課程結束後所進行的節能減碳概念測驗,檢測學生在知識翻新活動下對節能減碳概念的理解。研究結果發現:(1)知識翻新教學有助於促進以「想法」為單位的學習與互動模式;(2)知識翻新的學習環境有助於學生共創豐富的知識;(3)在知識翻新的學習環境中,呈現學生的想法數量漸趨減少但品質漸趨提升的情況;(4)讓學生自己翻新知識以主動學習,相較於被動的學習方式,更有助於提升學生在科學學習上的成效。根據上述結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)教師應重視學生的想法;(2)教師應鼓勵以想法為中心的互動與學習;(3)教師應幫助學生發展創新知識的關鍵能力;(4) 教育相關單位在設計課程與測驗時,更應重視學生的深層理解;(5)教師在教學上應善加利用網路學習資源。 / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of knowledge building activities on elementary students’ concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction. Knowledge building pedagogy and Knowledge Forum (KF)─an computer-supported collaborative learning environment─was employed in this study to document the process of students’ idea generation and development. This study employed a case-study design. Participants were a class of fifth graders from an elementary school in Taipei (N=34). They participated in a natural science class for a year and the topic of inquiry was about energy saving and carbon reduction. Data sources included: (1) Students’ online discussion recorded in a KF database; (2) Student’s ideas about energy saving and carbon reduction; (3) Students’ final test about energy saving and carbon reduction. Data analysis include: (1) descriptive analysis using Analytic Toolkit (ATK) and Social Network Analysis to document students’ interactive processes online; (2) qualitative analysis on the content of notes posted in KF; (3) content analysis, using the four aspects of creativitiy--fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration--to examine the quality of ideas generated by students; (4) learning assessment using the final comprehension test to evaluate students’ level of understanding about energy saving and carbon reduction in knowledge building environment. The main findings were as follows: (1) Knowledge building instruction was found helpful for supporting students’ work with “ideas”; (2) Knowledge building environment was conducive to knowledge advancement; (3) In the process of knowledge building, it showed the number of ideas was decreasing but the quality of ideas was improved; (4) Knowledge building environment was helpful for students to enhance science learning. Building on the findings, this study made the following suggestions: (1) Teachers should value students’ ideas; (2) Teachers should encourage students to interact and work with ideas; (3) Teachers should help students develop capacity for creating new knowledge; (4) When designing instruction, it is essential to emphasize deeper understanding; (5) Teachers should make good use of the online learning resources.
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知識管理對企業產品與製程創新影響之研究--以資訊科技與晶圓代工產業為例方文玉 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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消費者商品知識與商品屬性對網路口碑效應之影響 / The effects of product knowledge and product attribute on e-WOM effects陳慶緯, Chen, Ching Wei Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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智慧型手機新聞類APP之滿意度與購買意願研究-以《蘋果日報》為例 / The research of satisfaction and purchase intention in news App of smartphone-A case study of “Apple Diary”林宏曄 Unknown Date (has links)
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澳門初中不同年級聽障學生後設認知與代數解題歷程之相關研究 / Correlational study of the metacognition and algebraic problem-solving competence among deaf of hearing-difficulty students who are studying in different junior secondary grade in Macao董志文 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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ロボットの知的制御方法福田, 敏男, 下島, 康嗣, Fukuda, Toshio, Shimojima, Kouji 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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資源基礎、跨組織間知識共同演化行為與創新績效之研究 / The study of Resource Base, Inter-organizational Kowledge Co-evolutionary Behavior and Innovation Performance方亮淵, Fang,Liang-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
從理論而言,本論文企圖從生態演化的觀點,針對組織與組織間,或事業體與事業體間,觀察組織是否具有同生物物種間共同演化的現象,並從組織知識與學習的觀點,探討組織與組織間知識共同演化的行為機制與其對創新績效的關係。過去的文獻中,針對組織或事業體間之策略與績效間的關係,多數均從多角化的觀點出發,探討組織、市場或產品間的相關度,來預測績效的成果,但從資源基礎的角度觀察實務的現象,組織間的資源基礎,並非均可在組織間自由的流動或轉移,組織亦非只單純依賴於相關度高的其他事業組織才足以創造績效。因此,組織如何與其他的事業體組織進行資源的移轉以創造策略績效,特別是對於創新績效相關的知識資源,在現今的理論及文獻中,並沒有特別的加以探討。本研究針對此一研究的缺口,乃試圖利用生態學說之共同演化的觀點,奠基於Eisenhardt and Galunic(2000)之共同演化策略的文獻作出發點,來探討組織與組織間知識共同演化的行為機制,以及其對組織創新績效的影響。
1. 從資源基礎論的觀點,對於組織的創新績效,除自我組織的實體設備、技術知識及網絡關係資源有正向助益效果外,組織的資源亦可跨越組織疆界的概念,延伸至組織生態系統中其他對偶組織之資源基礎的層次。
2. 組織與其生態系統中其他對偶組織間的知識共同演化行為活動愈強,對偶組織之實體設備資源、技術知識資源及網絡關係資源,愈有助於組織之創新績效表現
3. 組織與對偶組織間之知識屬性不同,其彼此間之知識共同演化行為的強度亦有所不同。知識領域相似性愈高,功能互補性愈高的組織,其知識共同演化的四個構面(交互學習吸收、自我學習強化、相關變異適應及共有例規保留)行為強度均較強。
4. 具有深度知識共同演化行為的事業部組織,其在創新的件數及創新的產業競爭力上,表現均會較其他中度知識共同演化或低度知識共同演化的事業部組織來得佳,且在新產品創新、新製程創新及新技術創新等方向上,與其他事業部具有深度知識共同演化的事業部組織,其創新績效較佳。 / The research, based on the evolutionary theory, tries to find is there any kind of the co-evolution relationship between organizations or business-units. Starting from the organization knowledge management and organizational learning, the research studies the co-evolution behavior mechanism between dyad organizations and also studies the impact of the knowledge co-evolution behavior on innovation performance.
Reviewing the research which study the strategy and performance mechanism between organizations or business units, lot of them use the diversification point of view to propose the market relatedness or the product relatedness are important on estimating the performance of organization, especially the new market that organization will enter. The researcher finds there is a theatrical gap between the resource transferability of dyad organizations and innovation performance creating. However, based on the research of Eisenhardt and Galunic (2000), the research will use the evolutionary theory to study how organization adopting the knowledge resource from another organization to create organization innovation performance.
The research concept structure proposed by the research will have four constructs. The first one, in resource based construct, this research propose three kinds of resource in self-organization and dyad organization: (1) tangible resource and asset in practice facility; (2) intangible resource and asset in technical knowledge; (3) network resource and asset between organizations. The second construct is the knowledge attribute. This research proposes two kind of attribute between organizations, (1)similarity of field knowledge and (2) complementarity of functional knowledge. In the dependent construct, the research proposes innovation performance in innovation success cases, innovation growth and competence of product innovation, technical innovation, process innovation and market innovation. In the final construct of moderator variable, the research propose four dimensions of the knowledge co-evolutionary mechanism: (1) knowledge learning and absorbing; (2) knowledge combining and creating; (3) knowledge adapting on relative variance; (4) practicing on mutual organization routine.
The methodologies of the research are case study and questionnaire interview and analyze. We review 14 organizations of textile division and civil engineering divisions of Ruentex Group. After analyzing the questionnaire of 28 interviewers, the research generates four conclusions as below:
(1) From the resource-based view, not only the resource of self-organization could have positive benefit on the performance of organization innovation, but also the resource from dyad organization could contribute on innovation performance. The concept of organization resource could break through the organization boundary and extend to the dyad organization in the same organizational environment.
(2) The more knowledge co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance.
A. The more knowledge learning and absorbing on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance.
B. The more knowledge combining and creating on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance.
C. The more knowledge adapting on relative variance on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance.
(3) The knowledge attribute of the two dyad organizations will effect on the degree of the knowledge co-evolutionary behavior. The higher the similarity of field knowledge and complementarity of functional knowledge, the heavier the inter-organizational knowledge co-evolutionary behavior.
(4) The innovation performance of the organization which have heavier knowledge co-evolutionary behavior will better then the ones have medium or lighter knowledge co-evolutionary behavior, especially on the product innovation, process innovation and technical innovation performance.
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