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企業網路下之資料發掘 / Data Mining in the Intranet Enviroment金士俊, Chin, Shi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,企業網路在各大小企業中蓬勃發展,因此而產生在企業網路上尋找資訊的問題。對於許多掌握其企業網路的複雜程度尚存在困難的企業來說,要從其企業網路上大量的文件中找出真正有用的、潛在的資訊與知識,誠非易事。因此有待以較深入的思考構面對於各企業的企業網路架構進行檢視,才能找出適當的資料發掘做法與技術,以解決此一難題。本研究先對資料發掘,企業網路等文獻與現況進行整理分析,並提出與企業網路複雜程度相關之參考思考構面並定義簡單型與複雜型的企業網路。然後以Han(1995)之概念樹及多層次資料庫的觀念,採用我們對於網際網路資料發掘所提出的理論架構與作法(楊亨利與金士俊,民90),特別著重企業在授權與知識視野上的思考,提出簡單型與複雜型企業網路下對資料內容發掘的架構,設計適用於簡單型與雜型企業網路之資料發掘系統,並部份實作其雛形,以驗証其可行性,並評估其日後實務操作之其他可能。 / In recent years, with the widespread use of the Intranet, Intranet data searching has become an important but problematic issue. Since a lot of enterprises still have difficulty in evaluating the complexity of their Intranet systems, it is an extremely demanding task for them to identify valid and potentially useful patterns from the huge amount of documents in the Intranet. In order to solve this problem, it is essential to take a close and careful examination of the different Intranet frameworks, so that appropriate data mining approaches and techniques can be worked out.
This research began with a literature review of the fields of data mining and Intranet applications in Taiwan. Based on the review of current theories and practices, the second part of the research focused on the dimensions which we need to consider for evaluating the complexity of Intranet systems. In the third part of the research, basic frameworks for simple and complex Intranet data mining systems were then proposed, three types of data mining approaches suitable for simple and complex Intranet systems were designed and a prototype for implementing two approaches were developed. Han’s (1995) “concept hierarchy” and “multiple layered database” and Yang & Chin’s (2000) approach of Internet data mining were adopted as the major bases. Besides, this research also paid particular attention to the issues of “authorization” and “knowledge view” when designing the software and developing the prototypes. In the last part of the research, the feasibility, practicality and potential uses of the ata mining approaches and prototype were discussed and some directions for future research were suggested.
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知識分享網路之研究湯令儀, Tammy Tang, Ling-I Unknown Date (has links)
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網路設備業外部知識取得策略之研究-以思科系統公司購併及策略聯盟為例 / The Research of Outside Knowledge Gaining Strategies In Networking Vendor Industry--Take Cisco Systems Inc. Example王展宇, Wang, Tsan-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為外部知識取得策略之研究,而以思科系統公司(Cisco Systems Inc.)為研究對象,觀察其在購併以及策略聯盟的行動中,從外部取得的知識,以及購併及策略聯盟對其企業成長的影響。
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多國企業在臺子公司知識來源型態影響因素之研究 / Sourcing of Knowledge-The Cases of MNCs’ Subsidiaries in Taiwan邱雅萍, Chiu, Ya-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論……………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機………………………… 3
第二節 研究問題與研究目的………………………… 8
第三節 研究範圍與研究限制………………………… 11
第四節 相關名詞說明………………………………… 14
第五節 研究程序……………………………………… 19
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………… 23
第一節 知識的意義與內涵………………………………… 23
第二節 知識來源型態之分類架構………………………… 28
第三節 子公司知識環境與知識來源型態……………… 33
第四節 母公司因素與知識來源型態……………………… 41
第五節 子公司因素與知識來源型態……………………… 50
第六節 知識特性與知識來源型態………………………… 64
第七節 文獻探討與初步研究架構………………………… 70
第三章 個案分析………………………………………… 73
第一節 個案研究方法………………………………… 73
第二節 個案說明……………………………………… 75
第三節 個案比較分析………………………………… 93
第四章 研究設計………………………………………… 96
第一節 研究架構的建立……………………………… 96
第二節 研究假設……………………………………… 102
第三節 研究變項定義與問卷設計…………………… 122
第四節 研究樣本與資料蒐集………………………… 131
第五節 資料分析方法………………………………… 134
第五章 實證研究結果…………………………………… 139
第一節 樣本描述……………………………………… 139
第二節 問卷之信度與效度…………………………… 150
第三節 子公司知識來自母公司集團或非母公司集團
的影響因素分析……………………………… 156
第四節 影響子公司知識來自自行發展或策略聯盟的
因素分析……………………………………… 175
第五節 其他相關因素之影響………………………… 181
第六章 結論與建議……………………………………… 190
第一節 研究結論……………………………………… 190
第二節 理論與實務涵意……………………………… 203
第二節 後續研究建議………………………………… 210
參考文獻…………………………………………………… 216 / By coming of the knowledge age, to acquire knowledge is a key capability. A potentially important source of competitive advantage for multinational firms is the capacity of their foreign subsidiaries to generate knowledge and innovations based on stimuli and resources resident in the heterogeneous host country environments in which they operate. In this sense, sources of knowledge of subsidiaries become an important issue. The purposes of this research are to identify the influential factors in the choice of knowledge-sourcing mode and proceed empirical tests.
The research develops a hierarchical model of knowledge-sourcing decision and argues that managers have a limited analytical capacity when making complex decision. Mode of knowledge-sourcing decision for MNCs’ subsidiaries can be first classified as MNC-based and nonMNC-based. At the next level of hierarchy, nonMNC-based modes are further split into internal development and strategic alliances. Moreover, there are factors that influence the choice at first level, and that all of these factors do not influence the choice at the second level of the hierarchy. This model can provide a more precise picture of what affects the choice of knowledge-sourcing modes under the information overload and the complexity of the choice decision.
By reviewing literatures on the theory of MNCs, transaction cost economics, resource-based view and the theory of social network, and integrating the result of case analysis, we develop the research framework. We argue that both subsidiary knowledge environment and knowledge specificity are the main factors affecting knowledge-sourcing mode likely to MNC-based or nonMNC-based sources. There are moderators, resource factors. and organizational context factors, affecting the front relationship. Furthermore, subsidiary factors and knowledge uncertainty affect knowledge-sourcing mode likely to internal development or strategic alliances.
The empirical samples were MNCs’ subsidiaries in Taiwan. The unit of analysis was an item of knowledge. By questionnaire survey, the total number of samples is 234. We apply two analysis methods, including the logistic regression and the regression analysis, to make sure the robustness of our results. The empirical results reveal six findings: (1)Strong ownership advantages will promote subsidiary to adopt the MNC-based mode; (2)strong location advantages of the host country will promote subsidiary to adopt the nonMNC-based mode; (3)high location specificity of knowledge will promote subsidiary to adopt the nonMNC-based mode; (4)the extent of headquarter control and social capital of subsidiary managers are moderators affecting the relationship between ownership advantages, the global strategy, location advantages separately and the knowledge-sourcing mode; (5)rich subsidiary resources will promote subsidiary to adopt the internal development mode; (6)high uncertainty of knowledge will promote subsidiary to adopt the strategic alliance mode.
To conclude, the theoretical model possesses a high explanatory power in associating the determinants and the choice of mode. The study has two key contributions. First, it provides a knowledge-sourcing typology that is suitable for MNCs’ subsidiaries. In addition, the results provide supportive evidence for the hierarchical model of knowledge source. Second, for managers, our study shows that there are many factors that affect the adoption of knowledge-sourcing mode and provide a guideline for headquarter managers to adjust their global strategy, design the control system and position their subsidiaries.
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知識屬性 網路關係與知識移轉關連之研究 / The research of the connection between Knowledge property /Networking relationship and knowledge transfer陳世運, Shin Yun Chen Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 9
第一節 研究動機 9
第二節 研究問題 11
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 知識管理相關文獻 15
壹、知識屬性 15
貳、知識移轉 17
參、知識流通 25
肆、知識創造 27
第二節 合作網路相關文獻 33
壹、網路定義 33
貳、網路類型 36
參、網路衡量方法 39
肆、網路關係的建立 44
伍、網路關係的維持 46
第三節 創新相關文獻 51
壹、創新定義及類型 51
貳、小結 53
第三章 研究方法 55
第一節 研究架構 55
第二節 研究變數定義 56
壹、知識流通來源 56
貳、知識屬性 56
參、網路關係 57
肆、知識移轉 57
伍、企業創新 59
第三節 研究方法 60
第四節 研究對象與資料蒐集 60
第五節 研究限制 61
第四章 個案介紹 63
第一節 旺旺公司 63
壹、公司簡介 63
貳、公司沿革 64
參、公司產品 66
肆、知識移轉 68
伍、網路關係 78
陸、知識屬性 84
柒、企業創新 85
第二節 上上公司 87
壹、公司簡介 87
貳、公司沿革 88
參、公司產品 89
肆、知識移轉 89
伍、網路關係 100
陸、知識屬性 104
柒、企業創新 106
第三節 福福公司 108
壹、公司簡介 108
貳、公司沿革 109
參、公司產品 110
肆、知識移轉 112
伍、網路關係 119
陸、知識屬性 123
柒、知識創造 124
第四節 陽陽公司 127
壹、公司簡介 127
貳、公司沿革 129
參、公司產品 130
肆、知識移轉 132
伍、網路關係 145
陸、知識屬性 148
柒、企業創新 149
第五節 統統公司 151
壹、公司簡介 151
貳、公司沿革 152
參、公司產品 154
肆、知識移轉 155
伍、網路關係 163
陸、知識屬性 166
柒、知識創造 168
第六節 宏宏公司 170
壹、公司介紹 170
貳、公司沿革 171
參、公司產品 173
肆、知識移轉 174
伍、網路關係 182
陸、知識屬性 186
柒、知識創新 187
第七節 達達公司 189
壹、公司簡介 189
貳、公司沿革 190
參、公司產品 192
肆、知識移轉 192
伍、網路關係 199
陸、知識屬性 203
柒、知識創造 204
第八節 積積公司 206
壹、公司介紹 206
貳、公司沿革 207
參、知識移轉 208
肆、網路關係 215
伍、知識屬性 220
陸、知識創造 220
第九節 邦邦公司 223
壹、公司介紹 223
貳、公司沿革 225
參、知識移轉 226
肆、網路關係 233
伍、知識屬性 238
陸、知識創造 239
第五章 個案分析與命題發展 243
第一節 知識流通來源與知識屬性分析 243
第二節 網路關係分析 245
壹、交流資源豐富度分析: 245
貳、參與層級分析 249
參、參與廣度分析 251
肆、網路關係維持分析 253
第三節 知識移轉分析 256
壹、知識移轉介面分析 256
貳、知識蓄積方式分析 259
第四節 網路類型分析 265
第五節 企業創新分析 270
第六章 結論與建議 271
第一節 結論 271
第二節 後續研究建議 274
文獻資料………………………………………………………………………… 277
附錄……………………………………………………………………………… 283 / Abstract
The main purpose of this thesis wants to discuss that the difference of knowledge flow and knowledge property whether will have influences on the relationship of networking and networking type. Furtherore, hoping to analyze the knowledge innovation of the case study companies.
The methodology of the thesis is by case study. There are nine case study companies in this thesis. The case study companies include computer companies 、IC manufacturing companies 、and IC design house in Taiwan. Through the gathering of local and foreign thesis 、periodicals、magazines、newspapers、books etc. And the analysis of the case study to get the important discoveries.
There are five important discoveries in the thesis:
一、 The difference of knowledge flow and knowledge property will have influence on the relationship of networking
When the knowledge flow is coming from the industry and the knowledge property is tacit , the cooperate company will send high level managers 、wide width of departments to involve the project of strategic alliance and the resources flowing between the companies are richer。
On the contract, when the knowledge flow is coming from the universities 、research institutes and the knowledge property is explicit ,the cooperate company will not send very high level manages 、and often just one department ,such as R&D department to involve the project of strategic alliance .Besides, there are very few resources flowing between the companies。
二、 The difference of knowledge flow and knowledge property will have influence on knowledge transfer
When strategic alliance is industrial companies , the knowledge is more tacit .Especially the equipment and material suppliers、and the suppliers of technique. Because the knowledge is very tacit, it is not easy to transfer all the contents and knowledge by documents. So, it is very necessary to communicate by people face to face 、formal and informal meetings、and other communicating tools ,such as telephone 、e-mail、Veda conference etc.. 。
On the contrary , when the strategic alliance is universities 、research institutes ,the knowledge is more explicit . So it is easier to transfer knowledge by documents. There are two reasons why the knowledge is more explicit; one is because the knowledge from the universities and research institutes focusing on basic research. But these knowledge is not so high end comparing to foreign countries. The other reason is the case study companies are belonging to computer companies 、IC manufacturing companies、and IC design house , so the ability of R&D in their companies are very strong。
三、 Knowledge transfer from outside company and the investment of R&D will lead to the innovation of knowledge
If companies want to have knowledge innovation ,it is a good way to get knowledge from outside companies 、universities、and research institutes .But because the environment is very dynamic , it is very important to invest on R&D for a long time. Through the two ways to improve the R&D abilities will make companies' having leading abilities in the industry forever。
四、 Complementary resources is the main factor to maintain good networking relationship
There are many good ways to maintain good networking relationship , such as high level manages and more departments involving the project and provide more different resources to your strategic alliacne's companies. But the most important factor is your own unique and complementary ability. So, if you hope your accompany will have loyal to you ,you must have the ability they don't have ,even other companies don't have in the same industy. That will make them embed to you。
五、 The difference of networking type will have influences on the level of involving managers 、the width of involving departments、and the richness of resources flowing between strategic alliance
When the networking type is knowledge network embedded to product network ,the level of involving managers are high、the width of involving departments are wide 、the resources flowing between strategic alliance are rich ;When the networking type is knowledge network embedded to the transaction process ,the level of involving managers are high、the width of involving departments are wide 、the resources flowing between strategic alliance are rich. That is because involving the transaction of buying machine、material ,and the total amount of money is very high ; When the networking type is pure knowledge network (with universities、research institutes) , the level of involving managers are low、the width of involving departments are narrow 、the resources flowing between strategic alliance are few。
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報社組織知識儲存與分享之研究張文強, Chang Wen-chiang Unknown Date (has links)
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代工模式與創新能力關聯之研究--知識管理觀點 / The relationship between OEM model and innovation capability卓秋季, Cho, Chiou-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
在電腦及其週邊產業,台灣是全球專業委託製造的重鎮。乍看之下毫不起眼的經營模式--代工,一直是台灣多數企業賴以為生的方式。從十多年前台灣的電腦工業萌芽以來,成本低、速度快,再加上產業結構完整,一直是委託製造的競爭優勢。以資訊硬體產業而言,近三年來代工所佔之比值為 66%、73 %、73.86%,且逐年增加中。近年來,台灣的 IC 產業亦走向晶圓代工之專業委託製造,所佔的比例亦佔 IC 產值 45% 以上,同時也不斷在提高。回顧整個台灣資訊電子產業之成長史,不難發現與代工息息相關。
為何我們能在成本快速的降低、不斷推出新產品呢?依據知識管理觀點,研究者認為台灣廠商必定在此建構了某種程度之專業與知識,如此才能在眾多的競爭者下脫穎而出。因此,本研究將以資訊電子及 IC 代工產業為主體,以知識管理觀點回答以下問題:代工類型分為那幾類?不同類型下之知識流通方式為何?累積之何種知識?以及對創新能力之影響?並希望能由台灣代工模式之發展歷程,提出其演化模式。
研究發現包括以下數點:1)代工模式除了以 OEM 及 ODM 劃分,可以由知識管理角度劃分為 「準整合型」、「合作型」、「寄生型」攻 「準買賣型」四種類型;2)代工買主之知識專精度及代工買主評估權重組合會影響代工之合作模式;3)代工合作是知識引入之重要來源之一;4)不同代工模式下,其知識流通介面及關係維持機制不同;5)不同代工模式下,因為知識流通方式不同,其蓄積知識類型不同;6)不同代工模式下,其蓄積知識類型不同;7)代工模式具有動態演化之現象。
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連鎖服務業合作網路中知識移轉與擴散模式之研究 / The research about knowledge transfer and knowledge diffuce in Frainching service network侯勝宗, Hou, Shang Tuang Unknown Date (has links)
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文章結構的提示與主題知識對兒童說明文寫作表現的影響 / Effects of text structure and topic knowlrdge on children's expository writing洪金英, Jin-Ying Hong Unknown Date (has links)
正式實驗的受試包括台北縣秀朗國小五年級三個班級共 138名學童,分別
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領導者知識創造能力之研究王祥懿 Unknown Date (has links)
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