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鳥類視知覚の比較形態認知科学的解析大瀧, 翔 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第18716号 / 文博第674号 / 新制||文||614(附属図書館) / 31667 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤田 和生, 教授 板倉 昭二, 准教授 蘆田 宏 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM
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日本語の時間表現に関する認知意味論的研究寺﨑, 知之 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第19796号 / 人博第767号 / 新制||人||185(附属図書館) / 27||人博||767(吉田南総合図書館) / 32832 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)准教授 谷口 一美, 教授 東郷 雄二, 教授 齋藤 治之, 教授 山梨 正明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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王陽明「致良知」教之繼承與發展──王龍溪先天正心學之衡定呂政倚, Lu,Cheng-I Unknown Date (has links)
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組織知識管理能力之研究--社會資本的觀點 / Knowledge Management Capabilities in Organizations--Social Capital Perspective彭安麗, Peng,An-Li Unknown Date (has links)
迄今「知識」已然成為現代化組織在面對全球化市場時能否具備創新能力與競爭力的首要資源,會以不同形式存在於組織內部及個別成員中。根據公司的資源基礎觀點(RBV),組織的策略性資產乃是決定本身是否有能力持續維持競爭優勢之先決條件,而在符合策略性資產特徵的前提下,知識的角色與意義將改變以往組織偏重對有形資產之資源利用與倚賴,而愈趨傾向策略性創造和發揮知識此一無形資產之無限價值與成長潛力。基此,為了因應瞬息萬變與高度競爭的全球化市場,愈來愈多組織竭力於進行各種形式的資本投資與規劃,尤其關注於組織知識資本(intellectual capital)的創新與管理,藉由利用動態的知識流程與知識基礎結構,開發組織內部的知識市場,培養組織學習能力,力求知識管理能力之迅速提升與發展,遂使知識資本成為目前組織利基之所在,而如何有效建構組織知識管理能力以善用本身的知識資產,實為當代組織管理研究之首要課題。
有鑑於當前論及知識管理的理論基礎、方法或實務應用之研究多半從資訊科技、結構制度或法令權利等面向呈現知識的創新、擴散與儲存,而鮮少透過道德秩序、價值規範等社會面向,深入剖析知識管理的相關議題。尤其將組織社會資本與知識管理相互結合的研究論文,在國內則是付諸闕如,係屬值得開發的新領域。基此,為了探究組織知識管理能力,本研究欲跳脫知識管理的迷思,採取「社會資本」(social capital)的觀點,剖析知識管理的社會動態面,闡釋在以「信任」為前提的知識經濟時代,社會資本對組織管理能力的提升所能發揮的槓桿效應(leverage),破除“資訊科技是知識管理唯一可行的機制”之思考窠臼,在知識管理的科技平台之外新闢一個以「人」為核心的「高信任平台」,營造一個強調知識創造(knowledge creation)與學習分享的組織文化與網絡環境,藉以提升組織本身的知識管理能力,並提供知識管理推動者一個整合性的知識創造藍圖。
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非營利組織的公共性與知識分享意願之研究-以主婦聯盟之共同購買為例 / A Study of Publicness and Willingness of Knowledge Sharing for the Nonprofit Organization: A Case of Homemaker’s Union Consumer Cooperation.竇仁君, Tou, Jen-chun Unknown Date (has links)
建議對於後續的研究,可依據本研究的架構,針對「公共性不高的非營利組織」或「營利組織」進行比較、分析與研究。 / In recent years, there are two important developments impacting on our society. One is the rise of non-profit organizations (NPOs); the other is the coming of knowledge economic age. These two seemingly unrelated phenomena give us some revelations.
Although the government has monopolized the public sphere, the rise of NPO changes the situation. The knowledge economy is a ‘New Economy’ based on knowledge. It also changes the traditional business operation model, which depends on three production factors—land, labor, and capital.
In knowledge economy system, one important issue of every organization is how to do knowledge management effectively, so that the organization will increase its work efficiency. The key is ‘knowledge sharing’. NPO’s publicness forms a public sphere, which means the discussion, learning and discourse among community’s members about the public matters in their daily living sphere. This process is related to knowledge sharing. Obviously, ‘publicness’ and ‘knowledge sharing’ exist in NPO simultaneously. Is there any relation between these two factors? The question provides the motive of this research.
The research, therefore, would like to probe further and take ‘publicness’ and ‘knowledge sharing’ as the main shaft, and investigate the relevant subjects of the publicness and the willingness of knowledge sharing in NPO. The research will define the six major factors of publicness, which includes transparency, credibility, participation, celebrity, unprivitization, and public interests. It will also construct a mechanism of knowledge sharing in NPO and the connotation of publicness. The connotation of publicness includes, (1) establish a reward system of knowledge sharing, (2) establish a operative relationship between organization and its members, (3) establish a common knowledge among organization members, (4) provide a place and time for knowledge sharing among members, (5) establish knowledge agents of organization, and (6) establish a leadership of knowledge sharing culture in the organization.
The research is a case study of a representative organization in Taiwan, Homemaker’s Union Consumer Cooperation. The result shows clearly about publicness and knowledge sharing:
Publicness is the nature and an important characteristic of NPO. Since knowledge sharing is based on publicness, if NPO can raise its publicness, then it can overcome the obstacles of knowledge sharing, enhance knowledge sharing in the organization, and promote the willingness of knowledge sharing among its members. NPO can also take its publicness as an axis of the knowledge market in the organization. Having the axis, it can use personal motive, trustful relationship among members, and organizational culture, to construct the organization’s mechanism of knowledge sharing.
The publicness of NPO will facilitate an effective knowledge market and enhance knowledge sharing in the organization. Moreover, since publicness is the characteristic of knowledge market, so when the organization carries out knowledge management, it will increase publicness at the same time. Consequently, the relation of publicness and knowledge sharing in NPO can be seen as two aspects: one is a cause and effect relation between publicness and knowledge sharing. The other is a relation between the internal (connotation) and the external (representation). Firstly, the publicness of NPO enhances knowledge sharing in the organization, and the knowledge sharing activities strengthen its publicness. It’s a reciprocal relationship between publicness and knowledge sharing. Secondly, NPO’s publicness is the connotation of knowledge sharing, while the knowledge sharing is a representation of its publicness.
The contribution of this research is addressing that NPO can promote the willingness of knowledge sharing of its members by increasing its publicness. Meanwhile, it can also strengthen its publicness through the activities of knowledge sharing. A suggestion of further study is using this research as a basis, then compare, analyze and study NPOs, which possess lower publicness, or profit organizations.
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建構媒體知識管理架構之研究―以平面媒體為例李雪雯, Lee,Sheue-wen Unknown Date (has links)
企管大師Michael Porter一再強調「差異化」是企業之所以能勝出的主要關鍵,Peter Drucker更宣稱:「知識」將是未來企業唯一,且能夠生產社會與經濟利益的最重要資財。
綜合有關知識管理的理論架構,再配合平面媒體產業的特性,本研究試著為傳統平面媒體,規劃出兩種未來可能獲利的經營模式―「新聞來源供應商」與「綜合新聞供應商」,同時為其擬出可行的知識管理架構,以及分4個階段―「認知覺醒與發展策略」、「經營模式與知識確認」、「設計、規劃與導入」,以及「評估與調整」階段,與3大層面―「策略」、「知識」與「科技」的建議。 / Michael Porter, Professor at Harvard Business School and one of the top 50 business intellectuals of our time, claims that “differentiation” is the key to stand out in a highly competitive environment. Peter Drucker, professor of management and the founder of California-based Leader to Leader Foundation, suggests that “knowledge” is the only asset the future businesses could depend on in generating social and economic benefits.
Knowledge management is the one way to preserve the knowledge generated in the process of management for an enterprise. It decreases management cost and generates revenue at the same time. Therefore, knowledge management is also a way to enhance competitive edge. Mass media, like other management entities, could also apply principles of knowledge management to enhance their competitive edge. How to integrate the intellectual capital through mechanisms of knowledge management, how to share the knowledge stored in the mechanism in more efficient ways, and, how could the media differentiate themselves from their competitators to enhance competitive edge, have become critical issue not only for management, but also for survival.
However, the mechanism or infrastructure of knowledge management is varied for different industries due to the nature of different management requirements. What can be applied in a software company may not be suitable at all for mass media.
Two significant changes accelerate and reinforce the innovation of the Press: the law that limits the numbers of content providers and the law that limits the amount of contents were both banned. In the mean time, the overall reading habit change enabled by the innovation of digital technology also facilitates the renovation of Press. News providers are now facing challenges in providing diversified contents for readers of different habits and tastes.
This research aims at proposing appropriate knowledge management infrastructures by synthesizing the dilemma as well as opportunities media confront in a digital era. Classical literature regarding knowledge management infrastructure and media studies, especially the properties of the Press, help me frame and identify two profitable knowledge management infrastructures: News Supplier and News Content Provider. More than providing the possible infrastructures, I also concluded four phases to implement the infrastructure and three perspectives as lenses to examine the infrastructures. The four phrases are (1) awareness and strategic development; (2) management model and knowledge assurance; (3) design, plan and implementation and (4) evaluation and adjustment. The three perspectives are (1) strategy, (2) knowledge and (3) technology.
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應用遺傳規劃法於知識管理流程之知識擷取和整合機制 / GP-Based Knowledge Acquisition and Integration Mechanisms in Knowledge Management Processes郭展盛, Kuo,Chan Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
此外,在兩個所提的知識整合方法中,第一個方法,能自動結合多重的知識來源成為一個整合的知識,並可匯入知識庫中,但是此方法只考慮到單一時間點的整合。第二個方法則是可以解決不同時間點的知識整合問題。另外,本論文提出三個新的遺傳運算子,在演化過程中,可用來解決規則集合中有重複、包含和衝突等常見的問題,因而可以產生較精簡及一致性高的分類規則。最後,本論文採用信用卡資料及乳癌資料來驗證所提方法的可行性,實驗結果皆獲得良好的成效。 / In today’s business environment, many enterprises make efforts in managing and applying organizational knowledge to sustain their core competence and create competitive advantage. The effective management of organizational knowledge can reduce the time and cost of solving problems, improve organizational performance, and increase organizational learning as well as innovative competence. Moreover, due to the need to accumulate knowledge resources, many enterprises have devoted to developing their knowledge repositories. These repositories store organizational and individual knowledge that are used to increase overall organization efficiency, support daily operations, and implement business strategies.
Knowledge management (KM) is the modern paradigm for effective management of organizational knowledge to improve organizational performance. The intent of KM is to emphasize knowledge flows and the main process of acquisition, integration, storage/categorization, dissemination, and application. Furthermore, extant information technologies can provide a way of enabling more effective knowledge management. One of the important issues in knowledge management is knowledge acquisition. It is an extra burden for knowledge workers to contribute their knowledge into repositories, such that designing an effective method for abating an extra burden to automatically generate organizational knowledge will play a critical role in knowledge management. A second rather important issue in knowledge management is knowledge integration from different knowledge sources. Designing a knowledge-integration method to combine multiple knowledge sources will gradually become a necessity for enterprises.
Classification problems, such as financial prediction and disease diagnosis, are often encountered in many applications. In the past, classification trees were often generated by decision-tree methods and commonly used to solve classification problems. In this dissertation, we propose two GP-based knowledge-acquisition methods and two GP-based knowledge-integration methods to support knowledge acquisition and knowledge integration respectively in the knowledge management processes for classification tasks.
In the two proposed knowledge-acquisition methods, the first one is fast and easy to find the desired classification tree. It may, however, generate a complicated classification tree. The second method then further modifies the first method and produces a more concise and applicatory classification tree than the first one. The classification tree obtained can be transferred into a rule set, which can then be fed into a knowledge base to support decision making and facilitate daily operations.
Furthermore, in the two proposed knowledge-integration methods, the former method can automatically combine multiple knowledge sources into one integrated knowledge base; nevertheless, it focuses on a single time point to deal with such knowledge-integration problems. The latter method then extends the former one to handle integrating situations properly with different time points. Additionally, three new genetic operators are designed in the evolving process to remove redundancy, subsumption and contradiction, thus producing more concise and consistent classification rules than those without using them.
Finally, the proposed methods are applied to credit card data and breast cancer data for evaluating their effectiveness. They are also compared with several well-known classification methods. The experimental results show the good performance and feasibility of the proposed approaches.
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從技術知識特性的觀點探討太陽能技術領域之知識創新管理 / Innovation management of knowledge in solar industry--From the view of characteristics of technology knowledge龔明德, Kung, Ming De Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所選取的研究對象是太陽能技術領域中的相關研究單位,之所以選擇太陽能產業主要有幾點原因:1. 全球可利用能源有限,各界紛紛發展相關再生能源技術,而太陽能技術領域為目前最被看好的方向,所以太陽能技術之議題研究實為刻不容緩。2. 以往探討太陽能相關文獻,大都從太陽能的產業面及發展商機等做一探討,而鮮以從專案層次的技術管理層面切入,本研究認為欲探求太陽能領域之技術發展,必須從技術知識的基本特性著眼,並深入研討其技術管理過程為何,另外,技術也是知識的一種,故而技術管理自然會牽涉到知識管理。3. 一般技術在發展歷程中,會依循特定軌跡來累積成長,這個特性在太陽能產業尤其明顯,而國內卻一直沒有專門研究太陽能技術的系所,所以,有關太陽能產業中其技術來源及發展軌跡,實為一有趣而值得探究的議題。
1. 太陽能技術領域中,關鍵的技術知識特性為何?
2. 太陽能研究單位在技術發展過程中,其知識創新的管理活動為何?這些活動又如何受到技術知識特性的影響?
1、 技術知識的創新程度會影響知識創造活動的團隊型態
2、 技術知識的變動程度會影響知識創造活動的外部網路關係
3、 技術知識的複雜度會影響團隊成員的多元化程度
4、 技術知識的專質性會影響知識創造活動的新工具/程序之產生方式
5、 不同的技術生命週期會影響知識創造活動的實驗或原型試製的方式
1、 太陽能領域的技術研究單位會依循特定路徑累積其動態能耐
2、 依技術研究單位願景與定位的不同,其技術策略發展也有所不同 / This thesis focuses on the photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, especially for the research unit of solar tech. The reasons are several aspects listed. 1. The energy in the world is limited, and more and more firms start to find the way to new kind of energy. Among lots of renewable energy technologies, solar tech. is most emphasized. To find more details about the solar tech. is important. 2. Most of formal thesis focused on the opportunities about the solar market, but few discussed about the technology characteristics and management of solar tech. But as we know, technology is one kind of knowledge, and tech. management is certainly related to knowledge management. 3. The technologies in many fields always follow the special trajectory, and the solar tech. is no exception. So it’s interesting to find the sources of solar tech. and to find how the solar technologies make further progress.
The solar industry in Taiwan mainly includes technologies of wafer, cell, module, and system application. The main goal of this thesis focuses on the research units that deal in solar technology, and the thesis has two principal questions for discussion as followed:
1. What are the key characteristics of technology in solar field?
2. What are the activities of knowledge management in solar field?
And the thesis has structural frame consists of two elements: the characteristics of tech. knowledge and the knowledge management. By interviewing the related research units in solar field and other data for assists, the research has discovered some interesting results:
1. The degree of tech. innovation would affect the team type.
2. The degree of tech. variation would affect the connection to external units.
3. The degree of tech. complexities would affect the diversification of team numbers.
4. The degree of tech. exclusion would affect whether the research units make new tools/procedures by oneself or directly buy in.
5. Different stage of tech. life cycle would affect the experiment ways or different prototype.
Besides, by the analyses of the cases, the thesis also finds other two results about the characteristics of solar industry. They are listed as followed:
1. The research units of solar field would follow specialized trajectories to build their core competence.
2. Depending on different vision in the solar field, the research units have different development strategies.
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知識型團隊特性與知識管理策略關聯之研究楊曙維, Yang, Sue-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
管理大師彼得。杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)在1960年代即提出『知識工作』與『知識工作者』等觀點。之後,更在1993 年其著作-『後資本主義社會』(Post-Capitalist Society)當中表示,『我們正進入一個知識社會,在這個社會當中,基本的經濟資源將不再是資本(Capital)、自然資源(Natural Resources)或是勞力(Labor),而將是知識,而知識員工將成為其中的主角』。
在知識經濟的年代,創造力比生產力重要,再加上,知識工作者所想要的是挑戰性較高的工作,所以喜歡在成功的團體中工作(Dick Dove,1998)。今日,許多由知識型工作者組成的知識型團隊紛紛出現,也是因為一個案子的成功已不太可能是只靠一人之人所達成,而是集眾人之力,因此,本研究以知識型團隊為主角,欲了解知識型團隊的運作的過程。
期望這幾點研究發現能對未來後續研究有任何啟發,並能對「知識管理」領域有些許貢獻。 / In 1960s, Peter F. Drucker was the first person who mentioned that “knowledge worker”. Afterward, he proposed that “now the society is a knowledge society. In knowledge society, the most important resource is not capital, natural resources and labor, but knowledge. Knowledge workers will become the main actors.” in “Post-Capitalist Society” in 1993.
In knowledge economy era, creativity is more critical than productivity. Besides, knowledge workers want to work in more challenge environment, therefore, they want to work for successful teams. (Dick Dove, 1998)
Nowadays, many knowledge teams emerge, because one project could not succeed by only one man’s effort. Therefore, knowledge team was selected as main actor in this investigation. In addition, it uses different types of knowledge workers as starting point in this work. It hopes to find some connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “knowledge management strategies”. Also, it uses “case study method” to develop and summarize primary and secondary materials in this investigation. The aim of this study is as the follow:
(1) To summarize “knowledge team’s characteristics” from practice of four cases.
(2) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “learning mechanism”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “learning mechanism” selections.
(3) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the knowledge depending way”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the knowledge depending way” selections.
(4) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the knowledge storage and coordination way”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the knowledge storage and coordination way” selections.
(5) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the knowledge integration model”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the knowledge integration model” selections.
(6) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the knowledge integration mechanism”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the knowledge integration mechanism” selections.
(7) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the types of knowledge integrator”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the types of knowledge integrator” selections.
(8) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the role of knowledge integrator”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the role of knowledge integrator” selections.
(9) To find the connections between “knowledge team’s characteristics” and “the time ratio of opening and integration thinking”. Also, it will analyze which “knowledge team’s characteristics” effects the knowledge team’s “the time percentage of opening and integration thinking” selections.
After doing interview and analysis, it gets several conclusions in this investigation:
1、“Knowledge team’s characteristics” can be divide into three parts:
A “The composition of team”
B “The task of team”
C “The interrelation of team”
There is an interesting thing among those three parts. “The task of team” is proportional to “The interrelation of team”. In other words, if “The task of team” is very hard, all teammates will interact frequently and job overlap is often. Then, “The interrelation of team” will be very closed.
2、“Knowledge team’s characteristics” influence knowledge team’s “Knowledge Management Strategy”. In this investigation, “The task of team” effects knowledge team’s decision about “Knowledge Management Strategy” in several aspects, “The knowledge depending way”, “The knowledge storage and coordination way”, “The knowledge integration model”, ”The knowledge integration mechanism” and “The role of knowledge integrator”.
3、“Knowledge team’s characteristics” influence knowledge team’s “Knowledge Management Strategy”. In this investigation, “The composition of team” effects knowledge team’s decision about “Knowledge Management Strategy” in several aspects, ”The knowledge integration mechanism” and “The time ratio of opening and integration thinking”.
4、There is not any correlation between “Learning mechanism”, “The types of knowledge integrator” and “Knowledge team’s characteristics”.
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公營事業民營化員工權益認知之研究 / The Employee's Perception for Rights under Privatization of Public Enterprises孫文旺, Sun, Wun-Won Unknown Date (has links)
營運和六萬多員工權益補償, 而民營化為政府既定政策, 以及不可避免的趨勢。本研究乃針對員工對民營化後權益補償之認知; 而此應得認知與與實際補償之認知之間差距, 會影響人們之工作態度或行為改變。這些態度如工作滿足以及動機行為如離職、缺勤和故意遲到、早退等行為, 一直為組織行為學者所興趣研究之問題, 因此本研究冀望在理論及實証上, 能有所貢獻。本研究針對正進行民營化之中華工程公司之正式員工( 約2260人)進行隨機系統抽樣之問卷調查, 得到有效問卷 144份, 並以相關分析以及複迴歸等統計方法, 而所得主要結論如下:
5.年資、內外控人格與總缺勤數成負相關, 教育程度與總缺勤數成正相關 , 即此結論與學者對此三項變項與工作滿足之關係之研究結果相符合。
6.工作角色清楚性各構面中, 工作內容及工作進度對應得認知有顯著正相關; 工作職掌、工作內容及工作進度皆與實得認知及重要性有顯著正相關; 整體而言, 工作角色清楚性與應得認知、實得認知及重要性之間呈顯著正相關。 7.工作進度之清楚性與認知差距呈顯著正相關。
8.長期雇用制度認同各構面, 皆與實得認知呈顯著正相關。
9.以實得認知而言, 工作角色清楚性對實得認知之解釋力略低於長期雇用制度認同之解釋力, 而長期雇用制度認同之構面「提供教育訓練機會」有顯著之影響。
11.因公撫卹之認知差距與請病假日數為顯著負相關; 而退休制度之認知差距與請病假日數為顯著正相關。
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