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團隊創新氛圍、團隊工作動機及團隊創造力傾向對團隊研發績效關聯性之實證研究 -- 以K公司研發團隊為例王臣名 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用匯合取向(confluence approaches)的觀點來研究創造力,以T. M. Amabile、M. Csikzenmihaly以及R. J. Sternberg等三位當代以匯合取向研究創造力的重要創造力理論大師的理論架構為基礎,強調創造力發生與組織的氛圍、組織氛圍與個人的交互作用以及工作者動機傾向有關,作為本研究探討創造力的理論觀點,來探討電子資訊公司研發團隊工作績效與團隊工作動機、團隊創造力傾向及團隊創新氛圍之關係。
1. 團隊內在工作動機與團隊外在工作動機對團隊創造力傾向及團隊研發績效有顯著正向關係。
2. 團隊內在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊創造力傾向之關係具中介效果不顯著,團隊外在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊創造力傾向之關係具中介效果;團隊內在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果不顯著,團隊外在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。
3. 團隊創造力傾向對團隊內在動機與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果,團隊創造力傾向對團隊外在動機與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。
4. 團隊創造力傾向對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。
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醫療器材業作業基礎成本制之研究-以個案公司研發管理為案例 / A Case Study of Activity-Based Costing System for R&D Cost in Medical Devices Industry劉志平, Liu,Chih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
1. 作業基礎成本制度是否適用於醫療器材產業。
2. 為個案公司研發管理流程建構作業基礎成本制度。
3. 經由建構與導入作業基礎成本制度嘗試分析找出最佳動因之方法與相關應注意事項。
4. 經由建構與導入作業基礎成本制度分析動因選定與資料收集效率之間的平衡取捨。 / Biotechnology is at the apex of the top-ten industries list of the 21st century. The profound foundation of electronics in Taiwan is suitable for the development of medical equipment industry in the field of biotechnology. Long product development time is the trait that separates electronic medical products from electronics (consumer, IT ,etc) , especially, the complicated and lengthy validation and certification process. The process of clinical testing consumes more resources in comparison to actual product development and design. Except for homecare device, medical equipment is small in volume and big in diversity. In addition to R&D capability and quick response to market, Taiwan’s electronics industry will be able to achieve more if additional resources are invested.
Each industry is unique in its own way. There are many studies furnished on activity-based costing system of various industries ,but they are lacking for medical equipment industry. It is the attempt of this research to construct and introduce activity-based costing system with a case study in order to confirm whether the activity-based costing system is applicable for medical equipment industry and what the influences of activity-based costing system on medical equipment industry.
1. Whether the activity-based costing system is applicable for medical equipment industry or not?
2. Construct an activity-based costing system for R&D management procedure of the subject in this research.
3. Try to analyze and seek for the best driver by constructing and introducing an activity-based costing system.
4. Try to analyze the balance between driver selection and data collection efficiency by constructing and introducing an activity-based costing system.
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個人與團隊創新之比較研究 — 以資策會專利為例 / A Comparative study of individual and team innovation - An Empirical study of patents in III李昆鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來關於創新研究的相關文獻,多半著墨於團隊創新之探討,包括團隊知識分享、團隊信任、團隊領導與團隊互動等議題;但「個人」所產生的創新力量,事實上也應不容小覷。本研究將透過資策會的專利提案,針對近十年間所提出的專利資料與訪談進行分析,以探討個人與團隊在研發創新所扮演的角色,以及個人與團隊創新的適用情境、組成特徵與互動歷程特徵。 / 根據資策會1995-2005間專利數據(共426件。專利從申請到取得時間經常需要2至3年,因此,本次研究僅統計至2005年)初步分析後發現:(一)民國90年以前,個人專利總件數比兩人以上組成之團隊的專利總件數多。(二)民國91年起,資策會的專利件數快速增加,而此時兩人團隊所獲得的專利件數最多;到了93、94年,三人或四人以上團隊所獲得的專利數,則超越個人或兩人團隊所獲得之專利。(三)個人專利佔全部專利數的32%,而由2~4人團隊所取得的專利數則佔64%。(四)個人專利共70件;這些由單獨個人提案的獲證專利中,有將近六成(41件)的專利,該提案人只提了這一項專利而已,往後並未有其他專利,表示這些人很可能只是偶然靈光乍現而獲得專利,抑或表示個人專利提案的創新方式有所侷限。(五)另一方面,有部分曾經獲得個人專利的研發人員,也樂於與其他人組成團隊來一同申請專利,並獲得146件專利;(六)有些人不曾獲得個人專利,但透過團隊合作,也獲得210件專利,佔資策會總專利數的近半數。 / 由此可見,個人創新與團隊創新是研發創新的兩種重要途徑,不應偏廢。而個人創新與團隊創新的優劣與適用情境,則值得進一步探討。本研究除了以資策會專利數據比較個人與團隊在創新的效率與品質上的差異之外,進一步也透過實地訪談之方式,分別探究研發創新過程中,個人與團隊創新的組成特徵與互動歷程特徵,並嘗試歸納資策會在專利提案與專利構思的理想方式,作為研發機構進行創新管理、任務指派與團隊編組之參考,以促進研發同仁的創意效能,提升研發創新能量,進而提升專利價值。 / In recent years, the majority of innovative research literature focuses on team innovation such as team knowledge sharing, team trust, team leadership, and team interaction. The contribution of individual innovation, however, should not be overlooked. This study will explore roles of individual and team efforts in innovative research, adequate applications of individual and team innovations, and characteristics and interactive features of individual and team innovations through an analysis of patent cases proposed by III (Institute for Information Industry) in past ten years and personal interview with patent inventors. / According to the patents data between 1995 to 2005, results of III preliminary analysis indicated that (1) The total number of individual patents obtained was more than the total number of patents obtained by innovation teams with two or more members before 2001. (2) After 2002, the number of III’s patents increased rapidly. During this period, the innovation teams with two members received the largest number of patents. Between 2004 and 2005, the number of patents received by teams with three or four members exceeded the number of patents obtained by an individual or teams with two members. (3) Individual patents accounted for 32% of the total number of patents, whereas, patents obtained from teams with two to four members accounted for 64% of the total number of patents. (4) The total number of individual patents obtained between 1995 and 2005 was 70. Of these certified individual patents, nearly 60% (41) of patent inventors mentioned that they had only one and no other future patents. This suggests that these people are likely to obtain a patent because of an occasional spurt of ideas. It also demonstrates the limitation of creativities among individual inventors. (5) The III’s data also shows that about 40% of research and development specialists who had obtained an individual patent were delighted to team up with other members to apply for a patent. These people received a total of 146 patents. (6) Those individuals who had not had any patent in the past also acquired 210 patents through team works. These patents accounted for about half of III’s patents. / The above evidence shows that individual innovation and team innovation are both important venues to research and development and they should not be disregarded. The advantages, disadvantages, and adequate applications of individual and team innovations, however, should be explored further in future innovation studies. In addition to the analysis of patents data acquired from III to compare the efficiency and quality between individual and team innovations, the current study also utilizes personal interview to understand the characteristics and interactive features of individual and team innovations during the process of research and development. This study also attempts to summarize ideal patent proposals and conceptions in III and provide exemplars of innovation management, task assignment, and team grouping to research and development institutions. Finally, this study will help promote the efficiency of innovative performance among research and development specialists, enhance research and creative ideas, and consequently increase the values of patents.
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考量專利品質下之台灣IC設計產業研發效率分析 / R&D Efficiency Analysis of IC Design Industry in Taiwan with Patent Quality Consideration臧友文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討民國88年至94年台灣IC設計產業之研發效率分析。採兩階段資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA):第一階段以保證區域資料包絡分析法(Assurance Region DEA,AR/DEA)衡量績效,以避免傳統DEA方法可能出現產出或投入的乘數為0之狀況。第二階段採資料切齊的(censored) TOBIT迴歸模型探討影響研發效率值的效率因子。
率表現。 / This study investigates R&D efficiency analysis of IC design industry in Taiwan from 1999 to 2005 by using the two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). To avoid the situations that the multiplier of the input or output might be zero, we adapt the method of Assurance Region DEA (AR/DEA) to measure achievements in the first stage. We then use censored TOBIT regression model to study the factors that influence the efficiency value in the second stage. Through our study, we conclude that:
(1) Although there is no significant difference in the
results of statistical test whether we take patent
quantity into account or not, both the value of R&D
efficiency and ranking of a few firms do change. We can
grasp more information of research and development and
understand the true value of firm’s patent as we put
patent quality into account.
(2) The correlation coefficient between the amount of
patent cited and the value of R&D efficiency is
positive significantly.
(3) The empirical results of TOBIT regression show that:
a. There is no significant relationship between the R&D
efficiency and the company’s scale.
b. There is no significant relationship between the R&D
efficiency and the density of R&D workers.
c. There is a negative relationship between the R&D
efficiency and the ratio of R&D expense.
d. The yearly revenue of R&D workers does not
significantly influence the R&D and technology
e. The ratio between the flow rate of external knowledge
and the owned knowledge storage affects positively on
R&D efficiency.
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國際型臨床研究專業服務機構選擇進入台灣或新加坡市場模式之探討 / An Investigation into Market Entry Options Contemplated by International尹繼源, Edward C. IAN Unknown Date (has links)
Contract Research Organization (CRO) industry has been a fast growingservice sector within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry since the early 1980’s. Aiming at assisting its clients in obtaining product registration and market approval from the health authorities (i.e. Food and Drug Administration of the US and Department of Health of Taiwan), CRO’s provide extensive consultations as well as clinical research and management services, covering both pre-clinical and clinical arenas.
In recent years, global CRO’s have been expanding towards the Southeastern Asian (thereafter “SEA”) region targeting, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and South Korea. While most of the empirical research on market entry mode has targeted the manufacturing industries, more recent studies have been completed on service sectors targeting advertising and financing industries. Since the history of CRO is relatively short, limited study has been performed on this industry, especially on the international entry patterns and behaviors for the CRO industry. This research document examines the current environments of CRO industry in Taiwan and Singapore and the factors influencing international company’s decisions on the entry mode. A recommendation of the best options to enter Taiwan and Singapore for the international CRO’s is presented. The paper concludes with findings as well as recommendations for further investigation directions.
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研發機構知識分享機制之研究-以工研院光電所研發團隊為例 / A Research of Knowledge Share Mechanism in Research and Development Institution汪金城, Wang, Chin-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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研發/製造間互動對技術成功之影響-從TQM觀點的研究 / The Impact of Interaction Between R&D and Manufacturing on Technical Success -- From the Viewpoint of TQM林培文, Lin, Pei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
1. 領導統御:高階主管參與程度、專案經理經驗程度及人際關係
2. 資訊收集分析:資訊的管理、資訊約有效性、資訊的分析與運用
3. 策略品質規劃:方針展開、策略品質規劃、品質改善全員參與
4. 人力資源管理:人力資源的規劃與管理、員工參與、教育訓練、績效獎賞、員工的福利與滿足
5. 程序品質管理:設計導入、開發程序管理、支援系統的貢獻度
1. 在數量方面:如技術文件數;專利數目;設計變更數目等
2. 在時效性方面:如進度控制;設備停機時間;技術移轉時間
3. 在成本方面:例如成本降低;預算控制
4. 在品質方面:例如品質的確認;可製造性;與競爭者比較
1. 欲得到較佳的數量績效,可由下列工作著手:易裂性設計的導入、試製前做好各項準備工作、高階主管的參與程度、績效評估與獎賞系統。
2. 想得到較好的時效性績效,可由下列工作著手:高階主管的參與程度、專案經理的經驗程度與人際關係、資訊的管理、分析與運用、人力資源的規劃與管理、員工參與、績效評估與獎賞系統、易裂性設計與同步工程、程序管制、支援系統的貢獻度。
3. 想得到較好的成本績效,可由下列工作著手:資訊的管理、分析與運用、易裂性設計與同步工程、模組化設計、程序管制、績效評估與獎賞系統。
4. 想得到較好的品質績效,可由下列工作著手:品質方針展開能力、策略品質規劃程序管理、品質改善全員參與、資訊管理、分析與運用、教育訓練、易裂性設計及試製前準備工作、程序管制、績效評估與獎賞系統。
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監視器產業技術策略之研究 / Research of Technology Strategy on Monitor Industry徐永道, Hsu, Yung Daw Unknown Date (has links)
技術策略(Technology Strategy)大約是從1970年代起才開始被考慮,並被當作公司整體策略的一部份。在此之前技術策略只是被當做R&D活動的一部份。
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台灣電子業研發策略改變之研究 / The changes of R&D Strategy:A case of electronics industry李益昌, Lee, Yih Chang Unknown Date (has links)
1. 在技術發展的重點上,一直以「產品技術」為重點,且有逐漸增加的趨勢。
2. 在關鍵技術來源方面,「模仿競爭者產品」的情況顯著的減少,「與國內研究機構合作開發」、「與國外廠商技術合作」的情形有顯著增加的趨勢。
3. 在主要技術專案之決策單位方面,隨著時間的演變,「由相關部門會議決定並呈報上級核准」、「由一特定委員會決定」以及「由特定部門決定」有顯著增加的趨勢。
4. 在技術專案的管理方式上,「由研發部門統籌管理」有逐漸式微的趨勢;而「成立委員會管理」、「矩陣式的新產品專案管理」等兩種情境,有隨時間演進而顯著增加的趨勢。可見,隨著時間的演進,企業常用的技術專案之管理方式,已漸漸走向整合協調各部門資源的管理模式。
5. 個案公司所進行的研究以應用研究為主(除了宏碁與聲寶有從事基礎研究),而研發經費佔營業額的比例約在3%左右,可見電子資訊業研發經費比例有較高的傾向。
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我國廠商參與政府主導共同研究發展聯盟的動機,類型和管理機制的相關研究 / The sutdy on the relationship among firms' motivation , consortia categories and management mechanism of government dorminated con- sortia in R.O.C.謝龍發, Hsieh, Lung - Far Unknown Date (has links)
制, 達到降低成本和掌握開發時效的優點。 我國研發聯盟尚處於剛起步
階段, 廠商參加研發聯盟究竟應以何種動機加入聯盟, 採行何種研發管
理機制, 過去文獻 ( 包含國外研究 ) 均未深入探討。本文首先區分我國
統產品等不同聯盟。 廠商參加聯盟動機分為三類-成本導向型、學習導
向型、策略導向型。 廠商所採取的研發管理機制, 分為傳統的循序工程
型和多部門整合運作的同步工程型。 根據文獻推理和個案研究推導出研
究假設, 再發展出問卷,調查近年來參加研發聯盟的我國廠商。研究發現,
商所選用的研發管理機制亦與本研究假設預期一致, 即學習導向的廠商
會採用同步工程型的管理機制。 而關鍵零組件, 前瞻技術和傳統產品研
發聯盟以採用循序工程型管理機制之效能較佳, 但是科技產品研發聯盟
的廠商並未明顯偏向同步工程型的管理機制。 本研究初步証實了廠商需
要因應不同的聯盟類型, 透過不同的動機和截然不同的管理機制才能獲
為, 以「動機-管理作為-效能 」的新模式進行研究, 有理論上的新涵
意。同時針對廠商負責人、 研發部門主管、政府研發專案主持人、科技
政策決策者等均提出實務上的建議, 以期能提高研發聯盟的效能。
Finally, this study takes the integral perspective on firm's
participation in the whole process of consortia to study
the management activities by the new model of "
motivation- management activities -effectiveness " In addition
to theoretical implications, this study proposes
sereral practical recommendations for the executives of the
firms, the managers of the R&D departments, the leaders of the
government R&D projects and the decision makers of
government technology policy to improve the consortia
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