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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

產業升級與公共研發機構—以台灣工具機產業為例 / Industrial Upgrading and Public Research Institutes — The Case of Taiwan’s Machine Tool Industry

何翊寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以台灣工具機產業為例,來分析國家產業政策與公共研發機構的轉變,以及對工具機產業發展的影響。1990年代以後,世界上先進工具機國家均逐漸朝向高階工具機技術發展,台灣工具機產業亦面臨南韓和大陸等工業化國家的追趕,而不得不進行技術學習和升級。此外,台灣工具機產業有90%是屬於中小企業,但是高階工具機技術複雜、研發困難,費用龐大,企業多無法負擔。因此,本文欲探討國家角色,亦即產業政策與公共研發機構對台灣工具機產業發展的影響。 本文的研究成果可以歸納如下:第一,國家逐漸扮演起產業輔導者的角色,產業政策與工具的轉變則是於1980年代起廣泛運用各種政策工具達11種類型,1990年代以財政補助為主要誘因鼓勵業界投入技術研發,2001年以後則是將組織聯盟作為主要的政策工具,為台灣工具機產業的發展開啟了另一種新的技術學習型態。其次,機械所的研發策略轉變為高階工具機技術與工具機關鍵組件技術的雙軸技術研發模式。中區技術服務中心普遍獲得中部工具機業者的信任與肯定,也使得機械所能夠順利協調廠商形成整合性研發聯盟。第三,整合性研發聯盟促使廠商水平合作共同降低研發成本與風險,並藉由產業上下游整機的垂直整合,提升專業模組廠的技術能力,降低模組成本,和提升整機廠的競爭力。 / This thesis is about the upgrading of Taiwan’s machine tool industry and the role of the state on this industry’s transformation. Taiwan’s maching tool industry faced an urgent challenge after the 1990s, as the counterparts in advanced countries have made rapid progess on technological level, while other industrializing countries, such as South Korea and China, had also been catching up quickly. Due to the fact that most of the firms in Taiwan’s machine tool industry were small and medium-sized enterprises that were not affordable financially to do cutting-edge technology research, the burden therefore fall upon the state. This essay has three major findings. To begin with, the state has gradually become an instructor in helping the development of the industry. The state’s role has changed from being an aloof promoter by using various policy instruments to help developing the industry as a whole, to utilizing fiscal incentives to encourage enterprises to engage into R&D activities, and to encouraging the formation of industrial consortia after 2001. Secondly, the role of the major pubic research institute, the Mechanical Industrial Research Laboratories(MIRL)of the Industrial Technology Research Institute has changed from a remoted research oriented institute to one that engage heavily with local firms, from paying attention only to develop new machine models to ally with local firms to develop core components in the machine tool. Thirdly, the formation of R&D alliances, led by MIRL, has largely upgraded the capability of the domestic enterprises. This not only shows in the upgrading of local firms’ technological competence, but also in the improvement of organizational capability of specialized module suppliers and, the reduction of cost structure of the products.

我國科技公司採用產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統下的研發知識管理活動之探討 / Knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system: The case of Taiwanese high-tech companies

廖柏侖 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產業與經濟的全球化的浪潮下,「研發」與「創新」成為我國科技產業對抗全球的競爭壓力與推動組織營運的重要後盾,在新產品不斷推陳出新的帶動下,愈來愈短的產品生命週期,以及愈來愈多變的顧客需求,「速度」成為企業取得競爭優勢的關鍵因素,因此,我國企業紛紛透過導入產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統以縮短產品開發時程,使企業掌握新產品上市的先機。此外,透過PLM系統快速連結與蒐集研發知識,有助於企業實踐知識管理,加速組織與科技的融合與智慧財產的傳承,二十一世紀是知識經濟時代,企業能活用個人與組織內、外部的知識,則可創造價值並提昇企業競爭力。PLM系統使組織內研發之知識可有效的管理,並運用逐漸累積的資源形成的珍貴之研發知識,有效整合與串連成組織重要的知識資產;然而,知識管理之推展除資訊系統外,亦需要組織活動的配合。 本研究同時從組織與資訊科技(PLM)兩構面來探討研發單位的知識管理活動,旨在剖析台灣科技公司採用PLM系統下的知識管理活動,並瞭解影響研發知識管理的關鍵因素。本研究採個案研究法,首先經由文獻回顧導出實證研究的觀念性架構,再以此理論觀念模式為主軸進行個案訪談,實地深入訪談四家科技公司,瞭解其研發知識管理活動及運作模式。 本研究所得到的初步研究發現包括:(1)在研發知識管理推行實務上,企業需同時重視組織與資訊科技兩構面的作為,並將兩者平衡使知識管理達到真正的效益;(2)企業的知識分享文化與高階領導者態度等內部因素,對於研發人員的知識管理活動具關鍵影響力;(3)績效評估制度知識管理目標的配合,有助於知識管理效益的提昇;(4)企業研發創新的程度影響其知識創造的來源;(5)企業透過供應鏈的多元合作關係,形成知識創造的網路關係;因此,品牌廠商與代工廠商兩者的知識管理活動具有相依性;(6)企業透過PLM系統的採用將知識管理結合於作業流程之中,並使研發過程中個人之知識轉化為組織之知識;(7)企業的知識管理策略影響其知識擴散之作為。本研究最後並對企業經理人與後續研究者分別提出實務上與研究上之建議。 / Taiwanese high-tech industry has been emphasized the value of R&D innovation since 2000 in order to survive under the strong competition in globalization environment. The capability of innovation and efficiency of product development have been on the highly priority of companies. Hence, Taiwanese companies implement the product lifecycle management (PLM) system to improve product development schedule. Knowledge is an important intangible asset for companies in the 21th century. Because of PLM system, companies could manage R&D knowledge through collecting and linking R&D project or event. However, the promotion of knowledge management could not exist without the information systems and organization activities. This article considers the knowledge management activities from organizational and technical aspects. The purpose of the research is to examine the knowledge management of R&D division under the implementation of PLM system, and find out the key factors which influent R&D knowledge management. The research adopts four Taiwanese high-tech companies as Case Studies and has interviews with managers to understand knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system. By knowing inside information of knowledge management in the R&D division of companies would make my research more practical and well-organized to give examples and facts to the future implementation of PLM system for Taiwan industries.

新產品快速研發之組織配合 / Organizational Design for Fast New Product Development

李文豪, Lee, Wen Hao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的快速革新、消費者的喜好快速變遷、與競爭程度日趨激烈等產業環境趨勢演進,快速的推出新產品這項議題,已是愈來愈重要,甚至攸關廠商的獲利與存續與否。因此為求快速的推出新產品,廠商必須在組織各方面予以適當的配合因應,才能達成此目的,本研究就在探討這些重要的組織因應措施。本研究首先在不考慮情境因素之情形下,探討何種組織因應措施可有效加速研發;其次觀察情境因素與組織因應措施的相對重要性;再者研究在同時考慮所有情境時,當採取何種措施較為適當;最後,則指出單獨考慮個別情境之適用措施。本研究將組織的因應措施分為六類,分別為:研發單位的結構、與外界群體的連結、新產品開發團隊的運作方式、效率性、開發團隊的氣氛、與支援的措施。同時本研究考慮了當組織在採行上述因應措施時,會受到哪些情境因素作用,而影響新產品研發速度。這些情境因素為:新產品研發策略、組織內部的風格、與公司資源 。而在本研究的最後,在管理的含意方面可獲致下列的結論:一、若廠商為求超越競爭廠商的研發速度或符合公司內部所設定之進度,應加強有利情境的塑造。二、台灣的大部份廠商所面臨的情境為:較具開拓性與中度創新的策略、以及較為開創的公司文化、較積極的高階管理風格與較為充裕的公司資源。而若為加速研發,最重要之處在於減少運作上的延遲。三、較為開創積極的公司應當加強掌握外界群體的資訊;較為保守穩健的公司則應當加強開發團隊成員的有關時間概念。

跨國研發區位選擇與研發網絡治理之研究-以海峽兩岸台商為例 / A study of transnational R&D location choice and R&D network governance: Examples for Taiwan’s manufacturing industry across Taiwan strait

林淑雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以區域創新系統觀點,分析在兩岸區位優勢差異下,影響台灣製造業廠商兩岸研發區位選擇及廠商研發網絡治理情形,強化既往研究未同時關注台商、兩岸地區及偏重個案研究的不足之處;經實證結果發現,區位優勢、研發部門類型、市場規模、政策條件、產業群聚、知識流通及研發經費投入等變數為台商兩岸研發區位佈點的影響變數,除了市場規模及市場型研發部門與研發區位選擇呈現負向關係外,其他皆與區位選擇呈現正向關係,顯示除因台灣市場規模太小造成台商選擇至對岸設立研發部門外,台灣在其他表現上皆較對岸具有吸引力,台灣仍具有不可忽視的區域創新能量,建議政府部門應在產業政策上有新作為,提供廠商各項研發所需要的協助,以吸引更多本土企業於台灣設立研發部門,以不斷累積及提升台灣的研發競爭力。 區域創新系統強調區域內行動者的網絡連結及互動,形塑該地區無可取代的區域特色,為彌補研發區位選擇的量化研究,無法表達出區域創新系統內廠商在地化網絡連結及互動的情況,本研究在研發網絡治理部分以華碩企業集團為研究對象,探討其如何運用本身及當地資源,建立在地化網絡及維持網絡關係運作等網絡治理議題,經研究結果發現,由於華碩企業集團具有豐富的研發經驗、高水準的研發人員及雄厚的資金,扮演在地化網絡主要行動者的角色,掌握與其他行動者(例如政府部門、研究機構、大專院校及其他廠商等)間關係建立的主導權,在研發技術的傳遞上係以公司內部的垂直組織網絡為主要傳遞路徑,與區域創新系統內各行動者的網絡關係及在地鑲嵌程度不強。 / With the viewpoint of regional innovation system, this paper analyzes the impacts of R&D locational choices and enterporises’ R&D network governance that manufacturing firms in Taiwan have under the differentiation of locational advantages between China and Taiwan as well as consolidates some points which are incompletely focused in the past on Taiwanese firms, two sides of Taiwan Strait, and overweighing case-studies. The empirical evidences bring that the impacts of variable to locational distribution of Taiwanese manufacturing firms across the strait are many: locational advantages, the types of R&D unit, the scales of market, policy conditions, industrial clusters, knowledge flows and R&D investment. Except for the negative correlations between the scale of market/type of R&D unit and R&D locational choices, the rest variables have the positive correlation with R&D locational choices, which means that, barring that the scale of market in Taiwan is so small that Taiwanese firms choose to institute R&D spots in China, other variables in Taiwan are more attractive than those in China; Taiwan possesses innegligible energy of regional creativity. The suggestion is that the government has to take new actions on industrial policy, providing the assistance to R&D that enterprises need, in order to attract more and more local enterprises to set up their R&D functions in Taiwan for accumulating and advancing Taiwan’s competitive power continuously. Regional innovation system emphasizes on actors’ network linkages and interactions within one region, shaping irreplaceable regional characteristics for that region in order to atone for the quantitative research of R&D locational choices which cannot express the situation of enterprises’ localized network linkages and interactions within regional innovation system. Taking ASUS as example, this research, in terms of network governance, confers how ASUS draws on own and local resources for network governance issues like establishing localized networks and maintaining the operation of network relations. After the analysis, it is found that, on account of ASUS with abundant R&D experiences, high-level R&D staffs and tremendous funds, ASUS plays the role as key actor in the localized network, controlling the predominant power established by relations between other actors (i.e. public sectors, research institutes, colleges/universities, other enterprises and so on). In terms of R&D technology transfer, vertical networks in the inner company as main transfer passage is less attached with every actor’s network relation and its local embeddedness within regional innovation system.

我國生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商研發合作關係之研究 / R&D Collaboration of biopharmaceutical firms between taiwan and other countries

許芯沛 Unknown Date (has links)
根據KPMG的研究顯示(2014),生技製藥廠商間的合作是產業發展的趨勢,但合作的目的已經從原先的降低成本,發展到加速創新的產生。眾多國際製藥公司已經與外部夥伴進行合作,其中合作研發最能發揮合作夥伴間的效用,越緊密的合作越能使得合作網絡中多樣化的技術、能力結合,從而增強對於未被滿足醫療需求的理解。由此可見,跨國研發合作成為全球生技製藥廠商的企業策略。過去已有許多學者研究我國科技產業與國際廠商之研發合作,但甚少探究生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商間的研發合作。 本研究選定具有跨國研發合作豐富經驗的台灣生技製藥廠商為研究對象,探討其企業策略、核心能力及跨國研發動機如何影響跨國研發合作的管理。本研究從跨國研發合作影響因子以及跨國研發合作管理之內容兩個構面探討台灣生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商進行研發合作的互動關係。研究方法採取多重個案研究法,文獻探討部分包含生技製藥產業、企業策略與核心能力、國際研發合作、合作夥伴篩選因素、知識移轉與智財管理,研究者結合研究問題與文獻回顧導出觀念性研究架構,再依研究架構為主軸進行個案訪談與資料收集,實地深入訪談我國兩家生技製藥廠商,得出以下結論: 本研究發現,台灣生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商研進行發合作的動機一致,為降低及分散風險、分攤固定成本、技術與資源的互補與移轉、夥伴間營運策略的互補與相容性。篩選合作夥伴的主要考量也大致相同,包含資源及技術的互補、過往合作經驗、夥伴間營運策略的互補及相容性及財務能力。另外核心技術能力會影響台灣生技製藥廠商與合作夥伴合作起始的階段,研發合作起始階段的差異,更會影響知識移轉機制、以及合作方式的不同。另外,本研究也發現到,台灣生技製藥廠商在國際合作夥伴上的選擇會以不具直接競爭關係者為主,且與合作夥伴選擇以營業秘密的方式來保護技術知識。 / According to the research of KPMG in 2014, R&D collaboration between biopharmaceutical firms is the trend of biopharmaceutical industry. Under the circumstance of globalization, product life-cycles are gradually shortening. The purpose of R&D collaboration change from cost reduction to speeding up innovation. Therefore, multinational R&D collaboration has become a global business strategy for biopharmaceutical firms. Most of the past studies of multinational R&D collaboration focus on ICT industry in Taiwan. Few specially investigate biopharmaceutical industry. Consequently, a research gap can be found as multinational R&D collaborating between biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan and biopharmaceutical firms of other countries. This research focus on the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan, explore how multinational R&D collaboration influence factors (business strategy, core competencies and the motivation of multinational R&D collaboration) affect multinational R&D collaboration management of firms. This research adopts two biopharmaceutical firms in Taiwan as case studies and conducts interviews with managers to understand multinational R&D collaboration influence factors and multinational R&D collaboration management. The conclusions of this research are as below: This research finds out that the motivations of multinational R&D collaboration of Taiwan firms are coincident, including cost reduction, diversification of risk, resources and technologies complementarity. The evaluations of partner selecting are also coincident, including resources and technologies complementarity, collaboration experience, operating strategy complementarity and financial capability. In addition, core competencies may affect the initiation stage of R&D collaboration and the initiation stage of R&D collaboration may affect the mechanisms of knowledge transfer and the way of multinational collaboration. Moreover, this research also found out that the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan might primarily choose to collaborate with international partners who have indirect competitive relationship with them. Last, the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan and their partners protect their intellectual property in the way of trade secret.

海外子公司技術來源對臺灣海外投資廠商研發配置之影響 / The Effects of Sources of Subsidiary Technology Acquisition on Research & Development Allocation in Taiwan FDI Manufacturing Industry

鄭寶珠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經貿全球化與自由化,各項商業活動漸無國界概念,跨國企業遊走各國,善用全球生產要素,但資源有限,企業永續經營與成長,不能只靠有限的土地、勞動力與資本等傳統生產要素,創新研發與知識累積能力成為比傳統生產要素更重要的關鍵,研發國際化更是全球經貿發展不可逆的趨勢。 本研究以2007年臺灣1,770家製造業廠商為對象,運用Probit及Tobit二種模型,分別探討在不同技術來源下,海外投資廠商決定投入海外研發以及投入資源多寡的決定因素。研究結果發現,「廠商規模」、「行業別」、「進入模式」、「國際化深度」、「投資地區」、「市場考量」以及「母國提供技術」為臺灣對外投資廠商決定投入海外研發與否之重要影響因素。一旦決定投入海外研發後,研發資源投入多寡的決定因素則有所變化,廠商規模大小與投資行業、獨資或合夥、市場夠不夠大等重要性降低成不顯著,相對的盈利與否影響性提升,但卻是負向影響關係。同時,本研究參考社會心理學領域的「調節變數」概念,探討「技術來源」是否具有調節效果,實證結果也證實不同的技術來源,確實會影響解釋變數與被解釋變數(海外研發配置)之間的因果關係,具備調節效果,這也表示技術來源對於海外研發配置確實扮演重要的關鍵角色。 / Along with globalization and liberalization, the trade goes around the world borderlessly. In order to take advantage of relatively cheap land and labor, multinational corporations extend business worldwide. However, due to the limitation of natural endowments and human resource, Innovation becomes the key factor, which plays a more-important-than-ever role for business sustainable development. This paper examines the determinants of overseas R&D of Taiwanese multinationals; including whether to invest in R&D and how to allocate. Our empirical results indicate that the firm size, IT industry, entry mode, internationalization level, investment location, market motivations and technology acquisition are the determinants of overseas R&D investment. Furthermore, whether above determinants remain significant when Dependent Variable turns to be overseas R&D allocation? The empirical results suggest that firm size, industry category, entry mode and market motivations are no more significant. Instead, profitability becomes significant with negative affect. Besides, we also found the strong effect of technology acquisition on overseas R&D investment and allocation. Different technology source acquired does play a moderating role in the relationship between independent variables and overseas R&D.


江佳玶, Chiang, Chia-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在一般定義上,新藥通常指稱「新發明之成分」,也就是所謂專利藥或品牌藥。值得關注的是,1990年代起,歐美傳統製藥公司將新藥研究開發活動委外,或以合作研發方式與小型專業生技公司或學術機構合作,使得全球製藥產業結構走向專業分工,這些小型專業生技公司專注於新藥探索階段及新藥早期開發階段,例如尋找創新的藥物標的、快速自動化篩選先導化合物、進行臨床前研究,本研究將其定義為「生技新藥研發公司」,傳統製藥公司則有機會購買、引進授權或以併購方式取得其先導化合物、候選藥物進行較晚期開發及臨床試驗,最後通過審核許可上市行銷。 智慧財產權策略,實為企業考量其規模大小、技術水準等因素後,所訂定專利權、商標權、營業秘密、著作權四項法定權利「取得」、「授權」、「訴訟」的指導性原則,擬訂合適有效的智慧財產權策略,將有助於排除喜擅模仿的競爭對手、增加營業外收益,及保護企業受到不當攻擊及榨取。 本研究訪談三家我國生技新藥研發公司,首先初步了解其智慧財產權管理概況,並且以較有系統的方式描述出企業策略、智慧財產權策略的形貌,並對企業策略與智慧財產權策略互動進行整理與分析。 事實上,我國新藥研發公司的目標市場大致相當類似,但企業策略則略有差異,主要受到其切入產業價值鏈位置之影響。在企業策略與智慧財產權策略互動方面,早期布局的卡位申請策略,有助於放眼國際成長性市場;不倚靠單一內部來源取得智慧財產權,更能加速整合互補性資源;積極尋求向外授權、不排除權利共享,能使企業有機會爭取短、中期資金收益,幫助企業建立較為穩定的基礎。


林瑩玲, lin,amy Unknown Date (has links)
TFT-LCD產業發展的過程中,除了企業主本身的努力之外,政府適當的輔導與協助也是一個重要的助力,這也是政府提出的「六年國家總體建設計畫」即把「兩兆雙星」列為重要政策推動重點。而在推動研發活動,實證結果顯示,屬於高技術之產業,由於面臨日本、韓國強烈的國際競爭壓力下,政府在扮演輔導角色的同時,必須將對象擴及上游零組件廠商的產業,對向上垂直整合,降低關鍵零組件成本、交易成本,穩定關鍵零組件之供給,將有所助益。 本研究以TFT-LCD產業為樣本,採普通最小平方法,進行迴歸分析,探討決定TFT-LCD產業研究發展支出的因素。實證結果摘要如下: 一、企業營業收入淨額與研發支出有顯著正向之關係。 二、營業毛利率與研發支出呈現負向且顯著之關係,與預期的結果不一致。雖獲利是企業取得自有資金的主要方式之一,研究發展支出通常都會由企業內部自有資金來支應,故企業獲利能力愈好,研發支出愈有正面的幫助。惟因TFT-LCD產業為高技術新興之產業,不論面板或其上游零組件廠商,皆為新成立。初期營收額不大,且初期研發費用亦較高,致發生毛利率為負數現象,營業毛利率與研發支出呈現負向且顯著之關係。 三、外銷比例與研發支出呈現顯著正向的關係,為TFT-LCD產業面臨日本、韓國強烈的國際競爭壓力,會透過投入研發活動,研發新產品及新製程,以達到增加市場佔有率、降低生產成本及提高生產效率等目標,因此研發支出會較高。 四、企業成立時間長短與與研發支出有顯著負向之關係。乃此產業為了要在市場上佔一席之地,愈會透過研發活動的投入,以提高技術能力及開發新產品。 五、上游產業與其研發支出有顯著正向之關係。意謂著向上垂直整合關鍵零組件之重要性,亦能穩定關鍵零組件之供給


李慧珍, Hui-Chen,Lee Unknown Date (has links)
分析師扮演著公司與投資大眾之間的資訊中介者角色。本文旨在探討企業研發支出對分析師預測品質的影響,以及企業聘雇屬於產業專家會計師是否能夠緩和研發支出所引發的盈餘管理及代理問題,並進而改善分析師預測品質。本文援引Balsam (2003)之定義,計算會計師事務所於各產業之市場佔有率(auditor industry market share)。作為產業專家之代理變數。實證結果發現:(1)分析師離散性與整合分析師間私有利益的程度,與公司研發費用多寡有關。研發費用愈高的公司,分析師的離散程度及整合分析師間的私有利益也愈高;(2)透過產業專家查核,可以緩和研發費用支出所引發的盈餘操縱及代理問題,因此研究發展費用透過產業專家會計師查核,可以提升企業的會計盈餘資訊品質,以降低分析師盈餘預測的離散程度及降低分析師間整合私有資訊的利益。 / Analysts, as an informational intermediary, produce research reports that include forecasts of future earnings, thus fulfill an important role in capital market. The objective of this paper is to investigate the association between analyst forecast’s quality and firm’s R&D expenditure. Recent work has hypothesized that intangible assets affect analyst forecast’s quality. Extending this literature, we hypothesized that firm seek to reduce the degree of earnings’ management and agency’s cost from R&D expenditure by retaining high quality auditor firms, auditor industry expertise, and then increase analyst forecast’s quality. We measure auditor industry expertise based on Balsam (2003). We find that more R&D expenditure increases analyst forecast’s dispersion and enhances the benefits of aggregating individual analysts’ forecasts. Consistent with our hypothesis, we document that auditor industry expertise can mitigate the degree of earnings’ management and agency’s cost from R&D expenditure. We also find that firms retaining auditor industry expertise are more likely to enhance the accounting information quality, decrease analyst forecast’s dispersion, and eliminate the benefits of aggregating individual analysts’ forecasts.


洪靜宜, Hung, Jin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
經濟部技術處長久以來為推動產業研究發展工作、強化產業之技術開發能力,每年均委託法人機構執行「科技研究發展專案計畫」(科專計畫),對國家科技水準及人才培育,貢獻斐然,以為我國科技研發能力奠定良好基礎。為能對民間所具有研發能力之廠商加以整合應用,以利政府達成協助國內產業升級轉型,以提升國家整體競爭力的目的。自86年度起,經濟部科專計畫以開放給民營事業申請,一方面希望能夠借重民間企業的研發能力與資源優勢,提升原財團法人較不具執行優勢之科專計畫研究成果品質。另一方面藉由政府與民間企業研發單位之間的合作,亦可藉由產業界本身對科技研究之投入與努力,達到政府藏技於民的美意。其計畫目的以導引企業投入研究發展工作,並期以發揮相乘效果,促進企業進一步參與及進行投資,達到強化研發能量之目的。由於86、87試辦年度廠商反應熱烈,為擴大業界參與科技專案計畫,自88年度起,新作法改為以補助款方式來鼓勵業界投入研發活動(原為委辦方式),推動「業界開發產業技術計畫」(原業界科專)。且放寬申請資格、及智慧財產權下授給廠商…等變革。 由於88以後年度業界科專制度設計的改變,為瞭解兩套制度設計如何影響廠商參加業界科專的動機,本文應用理論模型、實證、深入訪談的方式來探討,得到若干結論如下: 1.由本文理論模型分析可知,86、87委辦年度時,從模型中推論可知,廠商申請業界科專為研發投入規模較大時,個別或會員廠商參加業界科專的意願較高。而88以後年度時,廠商參加業界科專後,由模型推論為不論此專案的研發規模為何,個別或會員廠商皆願意參加業界科專,這也符合經濟部擴大申請範圍的立意,而實證分析結果也大致上符合模型的推論。 2.委辦年度所設計的機制,較能鼓勵研發投入龐大及規模制度良好的廠商參加業界科專。若廠商參加業界科專研發的主要目的是希望政府共同分攤高風險、金額龐大的研發成本,或其研發成果較偏向基礎研發,或原先就具相當好的研發體制,在市場已佔一席之地而希望取得技術領先的地位者,在88以後年度的設計下,反而會降低其來申請業界科專之動機。 由於88以後年度的設計,下放智產權給廠商、提高廠商配合款比例及簡化申請手續。若參加業界科專主要目的在於以研發成果(應用研發)來獲取商業利益,及完全擁有智產權,且參加科專不但能與政府一起分攤研發成本、更能改善廠商體制,故較能吸引較新成立或規模較小的廠商來參與。 3.為瞭解廠商為何很少以共同研發的方式來參加業界科專,本文輔以深入訪談廠商的方式來瞭解。在委辦及補助年度各選取一家廠商來訪問。台中精機因研發成果技術上的需要,需與跨領域的錸德公司合作。由於此共同研發為獨立作業,除了在評鑑時台中精機有等待錸德外,共同研發並無太大問題。其參加主要的目的為研發經費的補助,並認為由於為私人企業,老闆較重視短期的利益,且研發又具高度風險,經濟部能給予廠商一筆經費來從事研發,老闆較不會限制其經費的運用,對業界研發助益很有幫助。但由於廠商自籌款的要求增加,並無再參加業界科專的動機。 另漢翔航空工業則表示,其研發聯盟伙伴皆為其下游廠商,由於此專案為建立一標準化作業系統,也因為如此,對其研發伙伴的包容性較一般研發聯盟還大。因其為領導廠商,相對的付出成本也更多。漢翔也是希望政府的補助款能再增加,否則對於領導廠商而言,參加業界科專成本反而更增加了!

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