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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國現行司法官口試制度之研究 / The research of judge oral examination system

盧逸斌 Unknown Date (has links)
考選的目的在獲取優秀的人才,蔚為國用。新時代公務人力資源發展的新策略在於重建人力管理法制、加強訓練發展、內化行政倫理與行政中立以及對考選體制將能有所突破創新,以優質考選方式替國家社會選拔更多人才。其中有關彈性人力考選方法一定要能符合「效度」(validity)與「信度」(reliability)的要求。 有鑑於現行司法官口試制度的執行技術仍須改進,期透過本研究能夠瞭解我國現行司法官口試制度之全貌及其主要的問題,並透過相關人事與考選制度理論,與深度訪談的資料分析結果,希望能夠拋磚引玉,於制度面與實務面提出口試制度改進之可行性建議。


梁益民, LIANG,YI-MING Unknown Date (has links)
貿易之快速發展為我國近年經濟得以持續穩定成長之基礎。鑒於我國與世界大多數國 家均無正式外交關係,因而以半官方之民間社團組織型式來推動對外經貿實質關係即 成為一重要之模式。本文之研究目的,即以中歐貿易促進會為研究對象,針對該會之 組織結構與職能運作,以探討我國半官方經貿推廣機構於經貿發展中所扮演之角色與 功能。 全文共分五章,各章內容如下: 第一章「導論」:說明本文之題目界說及研究動機、目的、架構及限制。 第二章「中歐貿易促進會之組織結構」:本章就中歐貿易促進會成立之背景、法令依 據及組織現況,探討半官方機構之組織設計與角色地位。 第三章「中歐貿易促進會之職能分析」:本章以靜態及動態兩個層面,就中歐貿易促 進會之職能運作及運作上所可能發生之問題做一探討。 第四章「我國半官方經貿推廣機構之比較」:本章就我國現有之主要半官方經貿推廣 機構之現況做一說明,並就其組織與職能之差異做一比較。 第五章「結論」:說明本文之研究發現,並針對我國半官方經貿推廣機構之現狀做一 檢討並對未來之發展提出建議。


林秀芬, LIN,XIU-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業規模的擴大,股權逐漸分散,所有權與經營權的分離成為必然的趨勢,擁有 專業知識與經驗的「專業經理人」因而取得了企業的策略控制地位,成為企業的真正 統治者。他們與傳統企業的「資本主經理」所扮演的職能角色及所選擇的經營策略是 否有所差異,及專業經理人的「代理人」角色是否產生了所謂的「代理問題」,是一 個值得吾人關心的問題。觀乎台灣目前企業之發展情形,已有部份企業已出現所有權 與經營權分離的現象,即已有專業經理人的出現,而此種趨勢在未來亦必持續發展。 因此本研究即探討: 1.台灣企業目前的統治類型與其高階主管的職能角色之間的關係為何。 2.台灣企業目前的統治類型與其經營策略之間的關係為何。 以做為預測未來台灣企業行為之根據。 本研究以結構式問卷訪問台灣大企業的總經理,以收集相關資料,分析方法主要採用 相關分析、迴歸分析及變異數分析。預期研究成果將可了解台灣企業的專業經理人與 資本主經理的職能角色與其企業經營策略之選擇之關係。

約翰密爾(JOHN STUART MILL)財政理論之研討

王高雄, Wang, Gao-Xiong Unknown Date (has links)
本文凡六章,除諸言及結論外,分章就政府職能理論,租稅總論租稅各論及公債理論。加以研討。 一、關於政府職能及經費理論: 密爾將政府的職能劃分為必要的與法定稅率之比,則為累退稅。 ( 二 )假如納稅人的邊際儲蓄傾向等於一減較小級距約有效稅率與法定稅率之比,則為比例稅。 ( 三 )假如納稅人的邊際儲蓄傾向小於一減較小級距的有效稅率與法定稅率之比,則為遞減累進稅。 三、租稅各論: ( 一 )所得稅: 他曾明確指出,實行所得稅必須具備四個要件: (1) 最低生活費免稅; (2) 就超過最低生活費以上部份,按此例課稅; (3) 儲蓄投資部份不計入課稅所得; 及(4) 公眾道德良好。人人皆誠實申報。而第(4) 個要件為先決條件。他一再地說,儲蓄投資不予免稅的所得稅,不能算是公平的。因為他認為若無此項免稅,則對於儲蓄不無重複課稅之嫌。 ( 二 )土地稅: 對於非因勞力或資本支出所致的土地增值( 應剔除貨幣貶值兩增值的部份 ),國家得視需要,課以百分之百以下( 含100% )的任何稅率。亦即土地( 包括市地及農地 )因自然因素而引任意的兩種。他以為政府除了國防、司法、治安及教育等必職能外,不宜做得大多。因此主張政府的課稅職能愈小愈好。換言之,既持經費縮小論。然則,他認為政府對於攸關公眾利益而為人民所不願經營者,應責無旁貸的負責執行,諸如道路、橋樑、港埠、水利工程等基本公共設施,應加建設,以利經濟發展的嘉惠百姓。他指陳法律規定未盡完善與司法行政效率低落將產生不良的經濟後果。但暴君誅求,貪官斂財,其為害尤甚。自由約喪失較之生命財產保障的不足,其弊損為大。他不贊成政府對高利貸及工人為工資問題所採取的集體行動而加以干涉。 二、租稅總論: 他贊揚亞當斯密司的課稅四原則,然而,關於公平原則,他卻主張採能力說,而按此課稅,也就是平等犧牲的原則。他所謂比例課稅,係指就超過最低生活費以上部份比例課征。但又主張儲蓄與投資的部份應予免稅,故實質上,可能是遞減累進稅,或比例稅,或累退稅,端視納稅人的邊際儲蓄傾向而定: ( 一 )假使納稅人的邊際儲蓄傾向大於一減較小級距約有效稅率與額度等兩個原則,則未嘗不可發行公債。

中華郵政公司人力彈性運用之研究 / Research on Manpower Flexibility of Chunghwa Post Corporation

鄭至能, Cheng,Chih-Neng Unknown Date (has links)
這是一個高度競爭與不確定的年代,隨著全球化與自由化時代的來臨,配合資訊科技的日新月異與交通工具的發達,無論是政府部門或是公民營企業,為順應世界潮流,在組織結構與人力資源運用上,都必須有適度彈性,以維繫組織的生存。 走過ㄧ個世紀的中華郵政亦配合政府組織再造政策,於民國92年1月1日由官署型態轉型為國營的公司體制;但在改制公司後,相關組織員額及用人費用仍受相當限制,因此在配合政府精簡用人政策下,尋求更靈活的人力運用方式做好更適切的人力配置及人力彈性運用的規劃,以降低用人費用,健全公司營運,即成為中華郵政公司在人力資源管理上的一大挑戰。 本研究以「文獻探討法」暸解過去學術界對於人力彈性運用的相關理論外,針對個案公司-中華郵政公司人力彈性運用現況探討,並選擇中華郵政公司各類工作人員進行深度訪談,彙整分析該等人員意見,印證相關文獻、理論及政府政策,進而提出本研究之結論及建議,以供中華郵政未來人力彈性運用參考。 本研究結果發現:一、郵政人力不足源於人事行政局員額管制不當。二、郵政核心業務定義不清,致對於外包項目尚有爭議。三、對於目前外包項目及數量均有檢討必要。四、人力彈性運用層面尚有改善空間。 本研究依據上述研究結果,提出建議如下:一、建請人事行政局以「用人費」代替「預算員額」管制。二、釐清郵政核心業務,並評估核心人力與外圍人力比例,以規劃公司整體戰略與長期的策略性人力資源。三、各種人力彈性運用措施的落實與推廣。四、人力資源彈性運用,除財務指標有形成本外,尚應結合非財務指標無形成本做綜合考量,避免爭議。五、對於外包公司應善盡監督責任。 / The Chunghwa Post Corporation, which exists for one century, also cooperates with government re-organizing policy. In 2003, Chunghwa Post Corporation was changed from a government department to a state-run company. Although it is already a company structure, the relevant organizational structure and personnel expense are still quite limited. With obeying the government policy to reduce human cost, the challenge in human resource management for Chunghwa Post Corporation is to seek for more flexible and appropriate human resource arrangement and planning, to reduce the personnel expense and to make company operation healthy. In this research, besides the using of literature analysis method to understand related theories about the manpower flexibility in former researches, we also study the current manpower flexibility in the target case company, the Chunghwa Post Corporation. We interview all kinds of staff members in this company, summarize and analyze their opinions, reference to related documents, theories and government policies. After all, we provide our conclusion and suggestion to Chunghwa Post Company for future manpower flexibility. We found 4 results in our study: First, the shortage of postal manpower is due to the personnel quota is not proper handled by Central Personnel Administration. Second, the core postal business is not clear and that makes the outsourcing item controversial. Third, it is necessary to re-exam current outsourcing items and quantities. Last, there is still the space to improve the manpower flexibility. Due to the results of our research, we provide following suggestions: First,to suggest Central Personnel Administration use personnel costs instead of buddget personnel to make control. Second, we should make clear the core postal business, so we can evaluate the ratio of core and outside manpower, to plan the whole strategy and long-term human resource. Third, all kind of manpower flexibility arrangements should be well implemented. Forth, manpower flexibility is not only about the visible financial indexes, the invisible, non-financial indexes should be measured together to avoid dispute. Last, we should well monitor the outsourced company.

警察人員初任國家考試制度之探討 / A survey of Taiwan's national examination system for entry-level police officers

黃愉如 Unknown Date (has links)
「警察是人民的保母」不是口號,而是一種生活方式。考選為用人程序的第一步驟,人力資源管理的成敗,端賴考選政策的良窳及考用能否配合。隨著臺灣政治民主,經濟發達,社會多元後,也使得社會結構、價值觀改變,社會資源也重新分配。這些變化不僅把社會治安種種問題浮上臺面,也凸顯了警察人員養成教育不再只是訓練出服從度高的警察,而是要培養具有文化內涵與洞悉法律民主與社會之關係的警察;而這些改革中,最為警界重視的便是警察人員初任國家考試制度。 本文選擇考試制度為研究重點,係因考試制度居於整體文官制度之起點及關鍵地位,且在人力資源管理上亦居於重要的位置,不僅反應政府整體人力的組成,也反映了取才所採用的價值標準。警察人員考試全面開放應考資格後,有關警察人員初任國家考試之信、效度爭議不斷,而警察人員之素質及效能,對國家發展、社會治安及全體人民的生命安全影響甚鉅。警察人員考試制度在此一關鍵時刻,更令人重視,過去並未曾有系統的整理警察人員初任國家考試制度,為能樹立多元進用管道之價值及健全警察人員考試用人之制度,爰觸發筆者研究動機。希望藉研析該制度發展沿革暨邇後興革,提供有關制度面及執行面的建議。 本研究試以警察人員初任國家考試制度之探討為題,對該考試制度進行研究,歸納建議如下: 一、警察人員獨立任官制度。 二、警察機關參與辦理考試。 三、建構多元進用管理價值。 四、建立警察工作需求與職務說明。 五、考試方式多元及合理評估面向。 六、建立職能基礎的考選制度。 七、強化教育訓練制度。 / That “the police are the protecting nannies of the people” is not a slogan but a kind of life style. Testing and selection is the first step in our civil servant-hunting procedure. The success or failure of manpower resources management depends on whether the policies of the testing and selection are good or bad as well as whether the testing and selection can match. With the political democracy and economic development of Taiwan as well as after Taiwanese society has become pluralized, the social structure and values also change. Taiwan’s social resources are redistributed, too. All these changes not only make all sorts of social security problems appear on the stage but they also make it prominent that the education of our police personnel is not to train out highly obedient policemen but to cultivate police personnel with cultural intention and knowing the relationship among laws, democracy and society. This study chose the examination system as the focal point because it occupies the starting point of the whole civil official's system and key status. Besides, it also occupies the important position in manpower resources management and reflects the composition of government's whole manpower as well as reflects the value standard the government adopts while selecting proper civil servants. After the police personnel examination is open to all the qualified public, the credibility and liability of the examination for the beginning police personnel has been controversial.However, the police personnel's quality and efficiency is quite important to our national development, social security and the security of all our people. Thus, the examination system of the police personnel is worth paying attention to at this critical moment. In the past, none systematic arrangement was done to the examination for the beginning police personnel.This study is done because I want to establish the values of pluralism for selecting proper civil servants and improve the system of testing and selection of the police personnel. I hope to provide some suggestions on the system and how to carry them out through studying and analyzing the development and reforms of the examination system. This study investigates the examination system for the beginning police personnel and concludes by offering the following suggestions: First, our government should adopt an independent selection system for the police personnel. Second, the police departments should participate in handling the examination. Third, our government should establish the values of pluralism for selecting people. Fourth, our government should set up working demands of police and job description. Fifth, the examination should be pluralized and the assessment should be reasonable. Sixth, our government should set up a system of examination for professional function foundation. Seventh, our government should strengthen the system of education and training. Key Words: examination system for police personnel, test and selection policy, fair and reasonable, justice, professional function analysis

僑務委員會駐外人員角色功能及能力之研究-以休士頓華僑文教服務中心為例 / Research on role function and competence of expatriate of overseas compatriot affairs commission: a case study on culture center of Taipei economic and cultural office in houston

閻樹榮, Yen, Shu Rong Unknown Date (has links)
在中華民國創建迄今的各個階段以及兩岸關係所導致的外交困境下,僑務工作成為政府整體涉外事務不可或缺的一環,透過華僑在居住國的政治及經濟影響力,可發揮「二軌外交」的功能,輔助外交工作之推動。因此僑務駐外工作人員應具備何種能力以成功地扮演好各種角色,確實發揮凝聚海外華僑的向心及爭取支持的功能,確值關注。 針對僑務駐外人員兼具管理者及執行者身分、工作地點位於海外及其業務之特殊性,本研究首先由一般角色理論及管理者角色理論進行探討,其次由一般職能理論及派外人員職能之研究成果進行探討。透過深度訪談、內容分析及參與觀察三種研究方法來分析歸納出僑務駐外人員所扮演之角色功能及應具備之能力。研究發現僑務駐外人員執行任務時需與僑務委員會、駐外館處、華僑文教服務中心、國外組織人民、中國使領館及僑團等對象接觸互動,針對不同的對象及情境分別扮演政府代表、國家主權維護、關係經營、溝通橋樑、訊息傳遞、業務執行、資源整合及管理等8種角色。並需具備社交、語文、溝通、口語表達、管理、領導統御、設計規劃及行銷及適應等8種能力,以成功的扮演各種角色。 此外,本研究亦將如何增進對各種角色之認知及取得或強化各種能力,分別向僑務委會、僑務駐外人員及未來有意成為僑務駐外人員之同仁提出建議,同時也為未來研究提出可行的方向。 / Overseas Chinese affairs has become indispensable to government foreign relating issues in every stage of Republic of China ever since it was established as well as in diplomatic dilemma caused by cross-Strait relation. “Track-Ⅱ Diplomacy” can be done through overseas Chinese’ influence in politic and in economic in the country of residence, also can assist to promote foreign affairs. Therefore, “what kind of capability the overseas affairs working abroad staff need to have and how they play all roles well, attract and win overseas Chinese’ support indeed?” is a good subject worth to pay close attention to. Overseas affairs working abroad staff are manager & executor, who are working abroad with particular mission. This research firstly made from general role theory and managing role theory, then from general function theory and expatriate function theory. Through three research methods – deep interview, information analysis and participant observation – generalize overseas affairs working abroad staff’s roles, functions & capabilities. This research discovered overseas affairs working abroad staff when executing missions need to contact with Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), overseas missionary offices, overseas Chinese cultural service centers, abroad organizations & people, Chinese embassy, overseas compatriot groups, act 8 roles as government representative, national sovereignty safeguard, relationship management, communication bridge, information transmission, business operation, resources integration & management to different subject & circumstance. So they need to have social skill, language, communication, oral expression, management, leadership, plan & design, marketing and accommodation 8 capabilities to play different role successfully. Besides, this research also suggests Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), staff working abroad and colleagues who intend to work abroad in future respectively that they need to find out how to improve recognition of each role and how to strengthen each capability. Bring out workable direction for future further research.

英語教師如何於正規及非正規專業發展領域發展個人職能概念:一位教師的敘事研究 / Developing professional identity as an English language teacher in formal and informal professional development contexts: a narrative inquiry

李星瑩, Lee, Sin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本質化敘事研究旨在探討英語教師如何於正規及非正規專業發展領域中發展個人職能概念。研究對象為一位擁有多年補教與國高中教學經驗的英語教師。研究方法主要包含研究對象的口說敘述及半結構式訪談,目的在於完整記載研究對象之動態專業發展歷程。資料分析方式採用¬「整體─內容」分析法 (Lieblich, Tuveal-Mashiasch, & Zilber, 1998)與「關鍵事件」方法 (Webster & Mertova, 2007)。研究結果顯示,研究對象之教師發展出自於其主動作為並連結至其認為之與教學相關之要務。其中引領研究對象教師發展之關鍵為其個人與其所在之補教或學校場域的互動關係。也就是說,她如何看待及解讀場域中有關於教學與教師之價值,並以此價值為基礎發展個人職能概念。此外,研究對象之教師職能概念為一螺旋型過程,其過程強調一學習過程之結束引領另一新的學習發展;於專業發展領域之互動中動態發展。另一方面,藉由研究對象於正規與非正規學校場域中發展職能概念之經驗對照,本質化個案研究對於宏觀之正規及非正規教育系統在協助教師發展的設計,目前所面臨的兩難獲得更深入的了解。本研究期許針對教師教育、甚至於教育政策持續改善,提供可能之方向,使其更能符合教師於個人職能發展的實際需要。在本研究最後,針對於研究結果提出教學與研究上之建議做為參考。 / This study explores the development of an English teacher’s professional identity across formal and informal educational contexts. The informant invited in the study is an English teacher who has cross-contextual professional development experience. Data collection methods primarily included an oral narrative and semi-structured interviews in order to document the dynamic professional development trajectory of the teacher informant. The data collected were analyzed with a holistic-content method (Lieblich, Tuveal-Mashiasch, & Zilber, 1998) and a critical events approach (Webster & Mertova, 2007). The findings of the study indicate that teacher development is undertaken by the teacher herself and her concerns. What is really critical in guiding teacher development is the interaction between the teacher and her contexts; namely, how the teacher perceives and interprets the value of teaching and the meaning of being a teacher from the contexts, which is the basis to develop her professional identities. Furthermore, teacher professional identity is constructed dynamically as a spiral process in interaction with contexts. A better understanding of the tensions existing in the macro-level formal educational system is also obtained in the comparison with formal and informal professional development experience of the English teacher in the study. The study provides a possible direction for further improvement of teacher education program and for educational policy reforms to better take care of the actual professional development needs of teachers. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications as well as suggestions for future research are also provided at the end of the thesis.


於仁鋒, Wu,Jen-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
義烏人稠地薄,農民的生活困苦,窮山惡水逼出了綿延數百年的「敲糖換雞毛」傳統。「雞毛換糖」是義烏早期特有的商貿文化,義烏人長期在「撥浪鼓文化」下進行的小商品交易,逐漸形成義烏人不畏艱辛、重商尚利、敢闖敢衝的精神表徵。在其「重商尚利」的市場觀下,造就成今日繁榮的義烏。 義烏小商品市場的發展是「市場先發、經貿主導」,其交易市場型態從早期的區域性集散性市場到中國大陸集散批發市場,再發展到國際性小商品交易、批發中心。政府充分利用市場資源,而帶動經濟社會的整體發展。政府在經濟發展過程中扮演極重要的角色。整體而言,政府是先受到民間誘發性制度變遷的影響,後而產生強制性的制度變遷作為,政府與市場之間的良好互動是義烏特有的發展模式與經驗,現為中國大陸其他城市效法的對象。政府與市場的相互配合,使義烏人民的創造力得到最大能量的釋放,得以充分發展當地經濟;培育出中國大陸乃至於是亞洲最大的小商品市場。 義烏小商品市場的形成屬自發性行為,是先有而市後有場,打破原有經濟社會體制上的制約。政府為培育市場主體及配合市場的發展,為市場發展創造先決條件,運用各項產經政策,以引導市場的發展,同時積極參與市場建設,促進市場的擴張和升級。由於政府積極性的作為,使義烏小商品市場成為中國大陸批發市場的龍頭及國際知名的小商品交易中心,贏得「小商品海洋、購物者天堂」之美稱。 義烏小商品市場的發展,從第一代的湖清門市場到第五代的國際商貿城,再加上各式會展,其中以義烏中國小商品博覽會最著名。義烏整體經濟表現為制度創新和制度安排的綜合具體呈現。在與國際如何接軌的運作下,是義烏未來經濟增長的主軸。在此主軸戰線下,須加強發展現代化服務產業,提昇義烏小商品國際交易中心的地位;強化製造業產業競爭力,提昇整體經濟社會水平。為適應國際化的要求,須持續推動政府管理創新,進一步改善政府的公共服務和涉外經濟管理能力。使義烏在中國大陸和世界小商品批發市場的發展更具重要性。

公司治理與企業發展決策之研究-以A個案公司為例 / The research of company governance and enterprise development decision-A copmany case

黃家馨 Unknown Date (has links)
企業在彼此競爭以爭食市場大餅時,除了須要持續監控外部商機,積極掌握市場脈動,並推出符合其需求的商品以滿足顧客需求之外、也須要有效率地運用有限資源,妥善處理如採購、資金規畫、廠房設置乃迄於人員調派等各類非屬核心的支援性創價活動,綜言之,即透過高效率的公司治理,才有可能達成永續經營的終極目標。本研究透過個案研究,利用個案公司– A公司各類資料,以公司治理之理論架構為基礎,據此深度觀察A公司所採取之各類關鍵策略、行動和結果,乃迄於最終的財務面經營績效,據此釐清決定個案公司經營績效的關鍵失敗因素,以及公司治理在其中發揮的功能,作為實務界的參考。 本研究針對A公司2003年至2008年發展及決策進行深入探討,據此瞭解A公司為何2006甫上櫃,2008年就因資金周轉不靈而跳票下櫃。經研析後,可得知A公司在2003年至2008年之間,遭遇以下各類關鍵經營問題: 1.本業經營績效逐年下滑 2.投資規劃過於樂觀,未考量當不如預期時對公司之可能影響。 3.對新產品營收過於樂觀,未考量由於新產品送樣期過長,產線建置過早,致使相關設備閒置。 由於A公司管理階層與外部股東之間存在「帝國建立」的代理矛盾,再加上A公司的董事長兼任總經理,因此具有「所有權與經營權重疊」現象。此時則A公司便極有可能因為負責人「帝國建立」的傾向,導致決策失誤,進而危害到公司所有利害關係人之利益。本研究利用中華公司治理協會所提出之公司治理實地評量表進行研析,亦得知造成A公司跳票下櫃之主要原因在於其未積極「強化董事會職能」,並未強化「管理階層的紀律與溝通」。 由於A公司管理階層具有「帝國建立」傾向,再加上A公司由於未能保持「經營權與所有權分離」,並「強化董事會職能」、「強化管理階層的紀律與溝通」,終而使得「本業經營績效逐年下滑」,但仍於短時間內進行大量投資,終而使得「投資過速且投資標的所產生之現金流量過少、速度過慢,投資效益未能顯現」等兩類原因,最終因跳票而黯然下櫃。 關鍵字:公司治理、董事會職能、被動元件產業 / Firms shall efficiently allocate limited internal resources, dealing with all kinds of activities including procurement, capital planning, etc. so as to raise up chances of effective competition against other competitors. In others words, firms must rely on effective company governance to assure sustainable development & profitability. Based on company governance related theory & structure, the paper pays attention to conducting cases study method on Company A. Via in-depth digging how Company A performed during the period of 2003 to 2008, why Company A over-invested during 2003 – 2008, why Board of Directors didn’t function well so as to correct the causing-disaster decision by kinds of analyses, this paper finds out below reasons to cause Company A to be delisted in 2008: 1.Performance of core business (manufacturing and sales of ferrite core) getting worse gradually. 2.Over-investment due to overconfidence regarding internal resources allocation. 3.Overconfidence regarding sales of new product. The root causes why Company made above mistakes could be generalized as below list: 1.“Empire Building” agency conflict existed between managers and stockholders. 2.The un-separation of Ownership and control. 3.Independent directors of Board of Directors don’t function well to provide insightful, effective-monitoring opinions. Managers are under loose monitoring of Board of Directors. 4.There is little discipline regarding how managers behave in daily operation and critical decision making. Keyword: Company governance, Board of Directors, Passive Component Industry

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