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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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知識互補建構過程分析-以技術知識與顧客知識為例 / An examination of the process of knowledge complementarity between technological knowledge and customer knowledge

姚成彥, Yao, Chen Yen Unknown Date (has links)
在快速變動的環境下,全球企業致力於持續創新以維持競爭優勢。創新是不同知識重組的過程。技術知識與顧客知識成為建構知識互補,達到創新的重要因素。過去的研究著重於測試互補效果的存在以及對於結果的影響。然而,針對知識互補的過程缺乏詳細的瞭解。本研究的目的即希望經由瞭解技術知識與顧客知識如何互補達到創新的過程,對於知識互補建構完整的概念。本研究包含兩個研究問題: (1) 如何定義兩種組織知識(技術知識與顧客知識)的知識互補?(2) 組織如何管理知識互補(技術知識與顧客知識)以達到創新? 本研究經過反覆的文獻探討及深度個案訪談後,將知識互補定義為一種狀態,當某一種知識提供另外一種知識的缺乏,經過知識互動後增加為了達到某個特定目的的全部價值。此外,建構知識互補過程開始於察覺為了達到某個特定目標知識的不足,進而確認另一種知識來補足它。經過知識互動後,互動的深度及廣度有所變化,兩種知識可能逐漸增加或產生知識質變而達到創新。 本研究基於文獻探討及個案分析的結果提出五個命題。命題主要是針對知識互補的過程、階段及不同類型的知識互補進行探討。本研究發現知識互補有三種型態:基礎性互補、突現性互補及機會性互補。 本研究利用動態觀點分析研發及業務部門知識互動情形,進而瞭解組織建構知識互補的過程。這種過程導向的研究不僅發現知識互補的存在,更進一步解釋知識互補的建構過程。組織可藉由動態管理知識互動以建構知識互補的過程,來達到持續創新的目的。本研究著重於知識本身,知識互補的概念、流程及型態對於創新及知識管理提供未來進一步研究的基礎。 / Global enterprises are currently engaged in continuous innovation to compete and sustain themselves in the dynamic changing market. The development of innovation is a process of novel combination of different kinds of knowledge. Both technological and customer knowledge have been identified as crucial for building knowledge complementarity for delivery of innovation. Researches have examined the existence of complementarity between inputs and the effect of output. Nevertheless, detailed understanding of the process of knowledge complementarity development is still lacking. The objective of this study is to develop a complete concept of knowledge complementarity with a thorough understanding of how technological knowledge complements customer knowledge in the process of adaptation and innovation. There are two research questions, as follows. (1) How can we define knowledge complementarity between the two kinds of organizational knowledge (technological knowledge and customer knowledge)? (2) How do organizations manage knowledge complementarity between technological knowledge and customer knowledge for innovation? Through iterative analyses of the existing literature and examination of empirical data, this study clarifies the definition of knowledge complementarity as a situation in which one source supplies knowledge that another source lacks, thus increasing the total value for achieving a specific purpose through knowledge interaction. The process of building knowledge complementarity starts with sensing the insufficiency of knowledge for a specific goal and identifying sources that can satisfy the deficiency. Then, through knowledge interactions, the scope and depth of the knowledge of the interactive parties are increased and evolved, resulting in an increased innovative value for the specific purpose. Based on the literature review and observation of case studies of T Probe Card and Cyber Software, five propositions were formulated. These propositions concern the sequences of the process of knowledge complementarity and different types of knowledge interaction for knowledge complementarity. The three types of knowledge complementarity identified are: infrastructural complementarity, emergent complementarity, and opportunity complementarity. In different to the static view to examine the relationship between knowledge management variables, this study uses a dynamic view to understand knowledge interaction between R&D and sales department in the process of building knowledge complementarity. This process-oriented study not only examines the existence of complementarity but also provides the explanation for "how" something happened and the sequence of events leading to the outcome. Rather than placing focus on the interactive activities, the underlying point of this study is on the knowledge itself. Operationalizable indexes of the scope and depth of knowledge interaction have been clearly developed for the purpose of examining knowledge interaction and their interplay in different types of knowledge complementarity. The concept, process and distinctive types of knowledge complementarity provide essential input to innovation and knowledge management. Organizations intent to build sustained innovation capability could benefit from this study by dynamically managing knowledge interactions for complementarity of different purposes.


趙鈞浩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的樣本資料來自2006年台灣地區第二次產業創新調查,以及後續追蹤調查所建立的資料庫。主要目的為探討政府資助廠商進行創新活動的政策,對於廠商的附加性程度。 在變數的選擇上,本研究以「在民國97-98年獲得政府資助」作為應變數,而以廠商創新能力、廠商技術來源以及前期(民國93-95年)是否曾獲得政府資助,作為本研究的三構面。本研究的分析分為兩階段,第一階段利用Probit迴歸模型,分析三個構面與政府資助之間的相關性,第二階段則是使用Multi-variate Probit模型,分析廠商在無政府資助情況下,對於其創新活動的因應措施。結合兩階段分析結果,定義出四種典型的情境。 實證結果發現: (1)廠商規模愈大、創新能力愈強、技術來源為自行研發或取得外部知識,具以上特質的廠商,與獲得政府資助具正向關係,且廠商規模對於獲得資助具有顯著正向影響。在無政府資助的情況下,具有以上四種特性的廠商較不會改變其創新活動的行為,因此資助政策之附加性低,屬於情境3:所補非人的情況。 (2)技術來源為購買機器設備則與獲得政府資助具有正向關係,當無政府資助時,會「選擇風險較低的創新活動」。代表政府資助對於此類型廠商具有附加性,屬於情境1:雪中送炭的情況。 (3)委外研發對於獲得政府資助具有顯著負向影響,且當無政府資助時,廠商不會「照原訂計畫進行創新活動」,因此資助政策能為此類廠商帶來較高的附加性,屬於情境4:嗷嗷待「補」的情形。 (4)前期獲得政府資助對於後期獲得政府資助並無顯著正向影響。而廠商在無政府資助時,較可能會改變其創新活動的行為,尤其對「縮小創新活動的資金規模」的選項為顯著正相關,因此政府資助對於此類型廠商存在附加性。 本研究著重於廠商成本面的考量,來詮釋補助政策之附加性,然而若要依此制定政策方向,僅以附加性為依據將顯得不足,為此,本研究最後依據建立的架構與實證模型結果,提出若干後續研究方向的建議。 / The study provides insights into the additionality of government subsidy on firms’ innovation activities. Previous research has focused on the relationship between government funding and private R&D input and output, but no consensus were made. Using a sample of 581 observations in the database of Taiwan Technology Innovation SurveyⅡ, the study contains a two-stage analysis. First, the Probit regression model is used, and the dependent variable is "whether a firm gaining government subsidy in 2008-2009 or not". The explanatory variables include firm size, innovation capacity, technology sources and subsidy history. In the second stage, we used the counterfactual scenario about what could happen if there existed no government-sponsored programs intervention. Firms could choose from four alternatives:1. Abandoning innovative activities. 2. Choosing projects which contain lower risk. 3. Downsizing the scale of capital and 4.Keeping the same project. If firms choose the first one, then the additionality of government subsidy is the highest. If firms choose the second or the third one, then the additionality is in the middle. If firms choose the fourth one, then the additionality is the lowest. In this stage, the Multi-variate Probit model is used. The empirical results show that there is a significant positive correlation between firm size and gaining government subsidy, and a significant negative correlation between outsourcing R&D and gaining government subsidy. In the second stage, we find that subsidy toward the firms which "outsourcing R&D and "purchasing machines" have the highest additionality. Besides, subsidy toward firms which received subsidy in 2004-2006 has median additionality.


黃清茂 Unknown Date (has links)
小筆電可說是筆記型電腦所演化的新產品,這個新產品在近兩年經濟不景氣的時代背景之下,迅速熱賣,市場的接受度可說是非常的高。本研究以文獻分析法探討小筆電的興起、宏碁公司的經營策略、筆記型電腦產業的競爭策略、筆記型電腦產業的核心能力分析模式、以及科技行銷策略,以「技術採用生命週期」的分析理論,建構研究模式。 近兩年小筆電的熱銷讓宏碁Aspire One出奇致勝,即使宏碁並不是首推小筆電的廠商,卻迅速反應,在很短的時間內,搶佔市場。Aspire One的熱銷是宏碁不巧受到幸運之神眷顧?還是宏碁在策略上運用得宜?小筆電的興起對宏碁筆記型電腦經營的策略有何特別的意涵? 本論文以個案研究法,除了相關文獻的蒐集與分析之外,輔以筆者在筆記型電腦大廠深耕約二十年的工作經驗,深度分析小筆電的興起、以及宏碁公司的經營策略。 / Netbook can be seen as the new product developed from Notebook computer. In the wake of economic recession in recent two years, market acceptance for Netbook has become extremely high. This research is based on literature analysis, aims to analyze the rise of Netbook era, Acer‟s corporate strategy, the competitive approach in Notebook computer industry, the analysis model upon core competition in Notebook computer industry, and technology marketing strategy. The study is taking “Technology Life Circle” as research model . Acer‟s Aspire One is the biggest winner in Netbook selling record. Even Acer is not the first one to promote Netbook, its prompt response to the market brings Acer to the biggest Netbook player. Is Acer just lucky for perfect timing heading to this triumph, or it indicates Acer‟s strategies properly deployed? Besides, does the rise of the Netbook era since change the direction of Acer‟s business strategy? The research is doing in the manner of case study. On top of related literature analysis, my professional working experience within Notebook computer industry nearly twenty years is crucial for insight analysis of the rise of Netbook era and Acer‟s business strategy. Hopefully, this research brings reference value to industry.


賴居正 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣整體網路購物市場在2008年達到2430億新台幣的市場規模,但整體上而言,已獲利的業者仍未超過3成。從消費者的角度來看,5000多家的電子商店固然提供了更多的選擇,但是由於網際網路的匿名性,對於網路彼端看不到、摸不著的商家是否值得信任,往往是消費者決定是否進行購物行為的重要依據。 本研究探討資訊科技服務管理與網站信任管理之關係,以個案研究的方法進行研究,歸納出電子商務業者如何透過資訊科技服務管理的架構,達成管理消費者對電子商務網站信任的目標。 研究結果顯示,資訊科技服務管理架構的服務策略對於電子商務網站信任建立程序的企業層次信任有直接的影響,企業電子商務網站的服務策略初期與企業品牌越相關,越能加強消費者對網站之信任,且企業電子商務網站的服務策略中後期跨出企業原本產業,深化網站會員價值才能加強消費者對網站之信任;而資訊科技服務管理架構的服務設計、服務移轉與服務維運,則會影響電子商務網站信任建立程序的網站層次信任,其客服中心的設計能增加消費者的體驗信任,電子商務網站的交易安全性與系統穩定性,能維持消費者的信任,而電子商務網站危機處理流程的妥善與否,影響消費者的信任;最後,資訊科技服務管理架構的服務策略對於電子商務網站信任建立程序的認證信任方面,電子商務網站業者持續改善本身的服務,可透過第三公正單位的認證,在特定領域取得消費者的信任。

LED產業技術採用生命週期管理—以LED背光源應用為例 / Technology Adoption Life Cycle Management in LED Industry – Taking LED Backlight Application as an Example

黃嘉敏, Huang, Jia-Min Unknown Date (has links)
技術採用生命週期(Technology Adoption Life Cycle)理論探討技術擴散過程中各階段消費者的行為,並進而使業者了解未來產業的發展趨勢與方向。本論文即嘗試透過結合技術採用生命週期理論,分析LED背光源應用所處之時空和市場,觀察LED產業商業模式的發展,從中尋找LED產業之智慧財產管理課題。LED產業於小型面板背光源的應用,如:手機、MP3、PDA、GPS、數位相機等,已然跨過技術採用生命週期所描述的龍捲風暴階段,進入康莊大道。另一方面,LED於中大型面板背光源的應用才正要刮起風暴,並期待著下一個殺手級應用—通用照明,引領極富綠色環保色彩的LED 產業繼續起飛。然而,因關鍵性專利始終握在國際大廠手上,限制了我國LED產業的發展,也阻礙了技術的擴散。幸而我國LED業者依舊在一片紅海中殺出重圍,成為LED產值世界第二大的基地,也成了國際大廠不得不倚重的對象。下一個風暴的成功,國際大廠仍需要透過授權或策略聯盟繼續壯大其勢力,這是我國LED業者的機會,亦可趁此持續發展技術,配合擅長的系統端整合應用,一舉取得逆轉勝門票。 / Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory discussed various behavior in different phases during the technology diffusion process to let industries learn the trend of future development. The thesis tries to analyze LED backlight application at this point of time and also tries to link up with Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory to find out intellectual property management issues in LED industry today. The LED backlight application on small LCD display, such as mobile phones, MP3, PDA, digital cameras, and GPS, had already passed through the tornado stage in the description of Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory, and it got into the main street stage for sure. On the other side, LED backlight application on medium/large LCD display is just blowing a storm now, and waiting for next killer application, general lighting, to lead the green energy industry a bright way as well. Nevertheless, the essential patents of LED are held by international firms all along. Our LED industry development is certainly limited and technology diffusion is restricted. Fortunately, LED firms in Taiwan still made a great breakthrough that Taiwan has become one of the top two LED product bases in the world. It made international LED firms have to rely on us in some degree. The next triumph to achieve may so far require licensing from big firms or to form a strategic alliance to foster it. It is our opportunity to keep improving our technology in system integration that we are good at, and cooperate with big firms to win the coming game in the foreseeable forture.

我國大學教師評鑑指標建構之研究 / A study of the construction of taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators

洪雅琪, Hung, Ya-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構我國大學教師評鑑指標,以供大學做為教師續聘和升等之參考。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析歸納出我國大學教師之三大角色構面和47項教師評鑑指標,並以專家問卷和模糊德菲術問卷進行指標的刪修和確定。接著以多元度量法和集群分析的方式整合大學教師對指標的分類,以建構評鑑構面,並利用模糊德菲術整合大學教師對指標重要性之看法,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項指標權重,完成我國大學教師評鑑指標系統。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 一、本研究確立我國大學教師評鑑指標,為三大構面共34項指標。指標三大構面依權重高低依序為:研究構面(41%)、教學構面(35%)、服務構面(24%)。 二、大學教師評鑑之服務構面底下分為三個次構面,分別為專業性服務、一般性服務、學生指導。 三、研究構面之下權重最重的指標依次為:1-1.在原創性研究上獲得之榮譽或獎勵(佔7.78%);1-2.在有外審制度之期刊發表論文(佔4.64%);1-3.學術影響力(佔4.53%)。 四、教學構面下,2-1.教學內容的品質與適切性(佔3.54%);2-2.優良教師獲獎(佔3.41%);2-3.教學方法(佔3.14%)。 五、服務構面權重最重的指標為學生指導此一次構面下的指標3-10.指導碩士學位和博士學位學生論文(佔2.25%)權重最重,其次為專業性服務此一次構面下的指標3-1擔任專業期刊的主編或審查委員(佔2.14%)。   本研究依研究結果提出以下建議:   一、對高等教育主管機關之建議。   二、對大學教師之建議。 三、對未來研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators which aim for faculty tenure and promotion. As for research methods, by means of literature review, 47 indicators within 3 main dimensions had been organized as a raw model of Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators based on which the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was developed and the survey was conducted with the sample of higher education experts. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number then was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At the next stage, we conduct a concept mapping questionnaire to collect faculty’s opinion about how many dimensions those indicators belong, and use cluster analysis to construct the dimensions of faculty evaluation. Then, we normalize symmetric triangular fuzzy number’s total score to determine the weight of each dimensions and indicators; accordingly, the Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicator system was constructed. The main conclusions are as follows: 1.Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicator system consists of 3 dimensions and 34 indicators in total. The 3 dimensions are: research (accounts for 41%), teaching (35%), and service (24%). 2.The dimension of service consists of 3 sub-dimensions, which are professional service, general service, and student counsel. 3.In the dimension of research, the indicator of honor on original research accounts for the most part (7.78%), and then the indicator of writing papers in reviewed journals accounts for 4.64%. 4.In the dimension of teaching, the indicator of the quality of teaching content accounts the most (3.54%), and the indicator of teaching awards accounts for 3.41%. 5.In the dimension of service, the indicator of advising masters’ and doctors’ theses accounts the most (2.25), and the indicator of serving as an editor or reviewer of professional journals accounts for 2.14%. According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed:   1. suggestions for higher education administrators   2. suggestions for faculty members   3. suggestions for further study.

早期乳癌婦女的治療決策後悔之初探 / A clinical investigation of treatment-related regret in women with early-stage breast cancer

張素美, Chang, Su Mei Unknown Date (has links)

文化創意產業行銷策略之研究:以音樂表演藝術團體為例 / Research on marketing strategies of cultural and creative industry: The case study of music performing arts

張培銣, Chang, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
文化創意產業是人類知識的薈萃,屬於無價的無形資產,透過時代與空間交織出千變萬化的形貌,展現人類的智慧與創意的極致。表演藝術肩負「文化」承傳的使命,發揮「創意」的極限,是文化創意產業的核心,讓人們從庸碌的生活中,找到另一片新的可能。 全球第一個喊出「文化創意」的英國,創造了2001年所選定的十三個創意產業中,創造132萬的就業人口,總產值更高達1,125億英磅的佳績。令各國開始注意起文化創意產業帶來的附加價值,文化創意產業逐步成為全球矚目的新興產業。國內政府目前積極投入文化創意產業,透過強化網路外部性,除了創造更大的獲利空間,同時也為國內的文化環境,提昇更大的產業競爭優勢。 國內的音樂表演藝術活動擁有最多人數參與,也是最蓬勃發展的文化創意產業之一。例如前年流行日本的「交響情人夢」風潮,一路吹回國內,除了成功將趨勢與古典音樂相結合,創造國內的藝文話題外,也成功帶動國內的音樂水準,令參與人數直線攀升。 本研究以組織發展成熟為區隔,分析目前位處組織成熟期的音樂表演藝術團體之行銷策略與經營模式,透過其經驗分享與個案分析方式,與位於組織萌芽期的團體作對比,進一步分析其內外部優劣勢與與整體環境之評估,希望能夠提供未來文化創意產業發展的具體建議。以國內最知名的朱宗慶打擊樂團為例與新創團體-心享交響管樂團為例,本研究分析研究音樂表演團體之成功因素與行銷策略,透過國內外文獻與研究,進一步驗證藝文教育對文化創意產業發展之重要性,提供台灣的文創產業更寬廣的未來。 / Cultural and Creative Industry is an invisible asset which belongs to the whole human beings. It presents in various forms during ages, and it also transformed into the ultimate attainment in the history. Performance Art is the core of the Cultural and Creative Industry, and it develops the appearance of the “Culture” and also elaborates the limits of the “Creativitity”. It provides people to have wide imagination in their day-to-day lives. Even the music performance is the most popular activities in Taiwan, but it is still a huge chanllege to attract more people getting into the concerts hall. More and more groups attepmt to find out a better solution to make their customer loyally and increase the frequency of customer presence to the programs. According to the research, it will be better to understand the customer behavior well or teach them when they were in childhood. The researcher interviews two music performance groups, one is a well-known band, Ju Percissopm Groups; and the other one is a new beginner, Shin-Sharn Wind Symphony Orchestra. After the research, it shows the importance of the education. Meanwhile, it is more essential to link up with the trend and maintain the relationship with the other different groups. For example,” Madame Cantabile”, the famous Japanese Drama which broadcasted couple years ago, it had already promotes the classical music, and it also fascinates lots of new consumers which has never listen to classic music. It made a huge hit to classical music, and it also set an excellent example for the Cultural and Creative Industry.

臺灣WiMAX營運業者競爭優勢之研究-以遠傳電信為例 / The case study of competitive advantages of WiMAX operator in Taiwan:For Far Eastone Telecom

陳柏佑 Unknown Date (has links)
2007年7月26日,國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)發放2.5-2.6GHzWiMAX 頻段之六張分區執照,包含北區及南區各三家業者取得。WiMAX技術具備良好的無線傳輸能力及高頻寬特質,因此WiMAX技術的後續應用也備受矚目。因應其發展趨勢,本研究將既有針對WiMAX技術定義的產業價值鏈研究延伸至營運商層次,探究整體WiMAX產業價值鏈的發展雛型。在整體產業價值鏈的情境定義之外,本研究同時透過個案研究,深入了解各別業者在既有產業價值鏈的架構之下,可能擁有的核心資源及競爭優勢,這樣的資源及優勢將影響其後續競爭策略的制定及商營模式的成形。由個案之發展經驗,本研究將進一步歸納台灣整體WiMAX產業的商營化挑戰。在個案選取上,本研究擬以遠傳電信作為研究對象,其選取原因如下: 1. 遠傳電信為既有電信三雄之一,已有電信市場經營基礎; 2. 其資本額最為雄厚; 3. WiMAX技術本身與3G技術形成競爭關係,遠傳同時擁有2G、3G及 WiMAX執照,對WiMAX技術的應用規劃或可做為後續觀察無線寬頻 技術市場競爭的重要指標; 在研究方法上,本研究以文獻分析法及深度訪談法為主,提出如下研究問題: (一)從產業外部層面的產業價值鏈來看 1. 臺灣WiMAX產業的相關價值鏈包含哪些產業行動者? 2. 臺灣WiMAX產業的產業價值鏈建構面臨的挑戰為何? (二)從產業內部的個案探究來看 1. 個案在WiMAX產業的發展上有哪些核心資源? 2. 個案對於其核心資源的應用策略為何? 3. 既有核心資源建構了個案哪些競爭優勢? (三)總結:透過遠傳的發展經驗,歸納臺灣之WiMAX產業進入商營化的挑戰 為何?如何進行突破? 透過研究分析,本研究回應研究問題如下: (一)從產業外部層面的產業價值鏈建構來看 1. WiMAX產業價值鏈共包含核心網路提供者、硬體製造產業、內容加值產業、通路服務產業及消費者等行動者; 2. 各產業價值鏈層級面臨的發展挑戰如下: (1)自身定位層面(核心網路提供者)層面:沉沒成本的壓力及時間 壓力的挑戰; (2)硬體製造產業層面:通路層面拓展; (3)內容加值產業層面:目前尚未被正式納入產業鏈運作; (4)消費者層面:市場需求不足使差異化優勢無法產生; (二)從產業內部層面的個案探究來看 1. 個案所擁有的核心資源如下: (1) 自身定位層面:基礎設備資源、龐大的資金資源、既有發展經驗的 傳承、專業技術的核心資源 (2) 硬體製造產業層面:規模經濟的資源、既有硬體建設的資源、 (3) 內容加值產業層面:既有結盟關係、集團資源的整合、議價能力 的優勢、具備整合能力 (4) 消費者層面:既有客戶的基礎、訂價策略的優勢、多元技術優勢、 養成使用者行為優勢 2. 個案所擁有的競爭優勢如下: (1)自身定位層面:具備多重且整合的核心技術、具備大量資金、市場 學習經驗曲線的縮短、能以更全方面的角度擬訂競爭策略 (2)硬體製造產業層面:對國內硬體製造業者具備議價力 (3)內容加值產業層面的探究:已有長久合作關係,可快速切入市場、 具備集團資源、議價力強、能主導營運模式的建構 (4)消費者層面的探究:已擁有固定客戶、較為彈性的訂價策略空間、 更精密的區隔消費者族群、對於消費者市場的推動更具主導能力; (三)總結 從營運業者角度來看,由於臺灣的固網普及率已高,WiMAX最大的商機潛力將集中於行動接收的加值服務之上;然因整體消費者需求不明顯,並無法給予行動終端設備業者將WiMAX技術延伸至手持式裝置的動機。由於終端設備業者多為世界大廠,臺灣營運業者在目前僅能以觀望的態度被動的追隨市場發展,不具備市場主導能力,因此相關的產業價值鏈雛形仍未完全發展。未來WiMAX的發展前景,將同時維繫於整體消費習慣的養成以及硬體產製業者的決策上,當行動接收成為普遍的應用形式,WiMAX營運業者才可能主動的推動相關應用服務;在這一段市場滲透的過程之中,滲透時程將影響新技術對於WiMAX技術的挑戰程度,巨大的資金需求也將影響營運業者的發展。

台灣推動第四代行動通訊WiMAX的行動者網絡分析 / An Actor-Network Analysis of the promotion of semi-4G WiMAX in Taiwan

邱鈞彥, Theodre, Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 台灣產官學研自2005年起推動被稱為準4G(第四代行動通訊)的WiMAX技術,然而今日WiMAX不但未成為國際通用的4G技術,在台灣市場也無法做大。本文以「行動者網絡理論」作為主要分析工具,輔以「後進技術框架」為鉅觀視野,還原台灣推動WiMAX的行動歷程。透過檢閱期刊文獻、官方資料、媒體報導,以及訪談科技法人、營運商、官員、技術專家、使用者、環運人士,研究結果如下: 2005年在代工困境及PC產業成長趨緩的背景下,台灣產官學研持續尋求解套辦法。產官人士發現,技術專利有助於刺激產業升級,而通訊技術則能帶動硬體裝置銷售成長,市場潛力大。當時恰逢電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)正在研發WiMAX,有許多技術專利可供搶佔,加上IEEE對外較開放,因此轉譯了台灣產官人士的興趣,促使WiMAX技術網絡在台灣萌生。 然而受到傳統電信商不支持、執照分區及載具限制等因素影響,WiMAX在台灣的用戶數始終停滯不前。為了解決市場限制,營運商透過命名、訊號轉換及體驗行銷等方式,力圖擴大市場。本研究也發現,WiMAX在使用者與訊號轉換器的共同運作之下,多被用成解決Wi-Fi覆蓋死角的網路技術,而未被當成行動網路來使用。傳統電信業者所慣用的綁約機制,則是影響使用者選擇進用WiMAX的關鍵因素。 承接前述脈絡,本文發現台灣推動WiMAX乃後進技術國家追尋現代性的顯著案例,我國治理組織推動WiMAX的主要目的並非佈局4G,而是為了取得專利、帶動產業升級、刺激產業典範轉移。在WiMAX網絡的萌生過程中,南韓則因為擁有成功的CDMA經驗,取代了歐美先進技術國家,成為台灣苦苦追趕的對象。 / Abstract From 2005, the Government-industry-university-research collaboration started to promote WiMAX, as the so called semi-4G, in Taiwan. However, WiMAX didn’t become the globally used standard, nor developed very well in Taiwan. The analytical frame of this paper is based on actor-network-theory(ANT), while applying the post technological frame. The research data are collected from Journal articles, formal informations, media reports and 8 actors. The results are as follower: The dilemma that OEMs are facing and the down of PC market shake off economics downturn in Taiwan. The Government-industry-university-research collaboration continued to find the solution to change the manufacturing paradigm. Around 2005 they found out the IPR and wireless broadband are having much market potential. At that time the IEEE was developing WiMAX standard. WiMAX and its IPR translate the Government-industry-university-research collaboration’s interests. Due to the lack of telecom operator’s support, license arrangement, and limitations of device capabilities the subscribers of WiMAX didn’t grow massively. For expanding the market, operators used naming, signal device, and experiential marketing to promote WiMAX. However, WiMAX was used as a Wi-fi not a Mobile broadband by the users and signal devices. The contract tied with 3G and Wi-fi impacted the subscribing of WiMAX. The promotion of WiMAX in Taiwan was a significant case of post technological country. The aim of promoting WiMAX was not for 4G, but for the paradigm shifting. In the promoting process, South-Korea played an important role as advanced technological country for Taiwan to chase up.

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