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整合VaR法之衡量與驗證∼以台灣金融市場投資組合為例蒲建亨, Pu, Jian-Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用歷史模擬、Bootstrap、Delta-Normal、Gamma、Hull & White混合常態、Cronish-Fisher偏峰態修正、Barone 整合法(Unified)等模型,分別計算股票、外匯、債券、及權證等個別資產投組,再運用Basle提出的回溯測試(Back Test)與前向測試(Forward Test)、Kupiec的LR test、Hendricks提出的評比方法以及Lopez提出的驗證方法,共十二種測定指標,進行各投資組合VaR模型優劣之區分。
一、 認購權証資產屬於右偏,即負報酬機率較高,使用CronishFisher偏態修正模型,可以得到較適切估計值;但其他資產有時準確有時不準確。
二、 台灣認購權証市場,隱含波動度往往大於歷史波動度1至3倍,且用隱含波動度所求算的VaR驗證結果不佳,但利用歷史波動度實證結果佳。
三、 Hull&White混合常態轉換模型在外匯資產上表現較股票資產精確,這可能受到股票投組報酬率分配較外匯投組具不確定性的影響。
四、 債券資產投組,隨著持有存續期間越長,債券價格報酬率標準差越高,則債券投組的持有風險也隨之增加,亦即VaR估計值會趨於保守。
五、 使用Delta-Gamma法,估計非線性資產(認購權証、債券)之VaR與Delta- Normal模型驗證結果相近,故吾人在估計一天之VaR,不需考慮二階風險。
六、 不同VaR模型受到不同之資產特性、最適衰退因子、信心水準假設、歷史窗口長度等因素影響,導致各VaR模型準確性的差異,本研究選取單資產投組中較佳且易擴充於多資產,考慮相關性的Unified(整合)模型進行多資產投組VaR的估計與驗證,其驗證結果易優。
七、 在多資產投組VaR的估計上,應考量資產間的相關性,根據證實Unified(div)考慮相關模型表現較未考慮相關模型Unified(undiv)佳。
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資產配置之動態規劃 / An Application of Dynamic Asset Allocation: Two-period Investigation蔡秉寰, Tsai, Ping-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文提供一種多期動態的資產配置,可以改良過去單點估計值的缺點,同時能夠將未來情境納入考量,使多期資產配置更富策略性。並實證在兩期的情況下,期中調整資產組合與不調整的差異性。從而瞭解持續的動態規劃,方能提升資產配置的效率性。 / Asset allocation is the process of dividing an investment fund among major asset classes such as equities, bonds, cash, etc. Traditional mean-variance portfolio selection is widely used for asset allocation. However, as time goes by, the financial condition changes rapidly. The method of mean-variance analysis has some limitations. It not only can’t deal with multiperiod asset allocation, but also cannot reflect future economic circumstances, especially for long-term investments.
This research tries to use the method of multi-stage dynamic programming for asset allocation. This method can improve the pits of single estimate in using mean-variance analysis, and take future scenarios into account so that the model will become more useful in practice. The two-period empirical results have shown that using continuous dynamic programming to build strategic asset allocation decision can improve the efficiency of asset allocation.
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規避波動性風險:Variance Swaps的複製及其應用王慧蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
券商和投資大眾越來越了解價格風險管理的重要性,但是對於波動度風險管理工具及其重要性的認知卻較為貧乏。論文探討的即是美歐新興的波動度管理工具:波動度交換契約(volatility swaps)和變異數交換契約(variance swaps)。藉著波動度交換契約,交易者就可以將所暴露的不確定風險轉換為固定的風險。
論文的焦點在於變異數交換契約(variance swaps)公平履約價的訂定。文章中所使用的評價方法是複製法(replictions strategy),在唯一的假設條件下:股價的變動是連續的,用已知的金融商品複製成新的商品,而複製成本也就是變異數交換契約的公平價格。
而波動度交換契約(volaility swaps)不管在理論上或是實務上的評價、避險的難度都遠高於變異數交換契約,在第七章節中,引用泰勒展開式和Heston的波動度模型,求得波動度交換契約公平履約價Kvol的評價公式。
1.、 寶來金融創新雙月刊 p31-p38 ‘波動性風險可以規避嗎?’ 陳凌鶴、林瑞瑤
2 、國際金融市場泛論與分析 陳松男著
3 、選擇權與期貨:衍生性商品 陳松男著
4 、期貨市場分析 朱浩民著
1. Black F, and M Scholes, 1973 ‘The pricing of options and Corporate liabilities” Journal of Political Economy 81, pages 637-659.
2. Carr P ,and D Madan, 1999 “Introducing the covariance swaps” Risk February, pages 47-51
3. Chriss N ,and W Morokoff, 1999 “Market risk for variance swaps” Risk October, pages 55-59
4. Derman E, 1999 “Regimes of volatility” Risk April, pages 55-59
5. Demeterfi K, E Derman, M Kamal and J Zou, 1999 “A guide to variance swaps”Risk June, pages 54-49
6. Dupire B, 1993 ” Model art risk” Risk September, pages 118-120
7. Andreas Grynbichler, Francis A, Longstaff, 1995, “Valuing futures and options on volatility”. Journal of Banking & Finance 20.
8. Carr, P., and D. Madan. “Towards a Theory of Volatility Trading.” In R. Jarrow, ed. Volatility: New Estimation Techniques for Pricing Derivatives. London: Risk Books, 1998, pp. 417-427.
9. Brenner, M., and D. Galai 1989, “New Financial Instruments for Hedging changes in Volatility”, Financial Analysis’s Journal , July-August, pp.61-65.
10 Demeterfi K., E. Derman, M. Kamal and J. Z. Zou, 1999”A guide to Volatility and Variance Swaps.” Journal of Derivatives, summer pp.9-32.
11. Derman, E. and I. Kani. “Riding on a Smile.” Risk. 7, No. 2 (1994), pp.32-39.
─. “Stochastic Implied Trees: Arbitrage Pricing with Stochastic Term and Strike Structure of Volatility.” International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1998), pp. 61-110.
12 Neuberger, A. “The Log Contract: A New Instrument to Hedge Volatility.” Journal of Porfolio Management, Winter 1994, pages 74-80.
13 Neuberger, A. 1996. “The Log Contract and Other power Contracts “The Handbook of Exotic Options. Chicago: Irwin Professional Publishing, pages 220-212.
14 Oilver Brockaus and Douplas Long 2000 ‘Volatility Swaps Made Simple' Risk , January, pages 118-120
15 Jim Gatheral “Case studies in Financial course Notes” Spring 2000,Merrill Lynch
16 Bemd Rolfes and Eric Henn ,1999 “A vega nation.” Risk December, pages 26-28
17 Whaley R, 1993 “Derivatives on market volatility :hedging tools long overdue.” Journal of Derivatives, fall, pages 71-84
18 Cheryl L.Sulima , 2001 “Volatility and Variance Swaps” Capital Markets .News, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,March ,pages 1-4
19 Nina Mehta “Equity Vol Swaps Grow UP.”, Derivatives Strategy Magazine , July 1999
20 Dean Curnutt “The Art of the Variance swaps ” Derivatives Strategy Magazine , February 2000
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台灣省各地區普查資料之統計分析莊靖芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的為研究台灣省在1990年之15-17歲的在學率,在找出可能影響因素並蒐集好相關的資料後,我們將蒐集到的資料分成兩個部份,一個部份用來建造模型,而另一個部份則用來測試所建立出來的模型。主要的過程是:先利用簡單迴歸模型了解各個可能的因素對於15-17歲的在學率的影響程度,經過許多分析及了解後再對這些變數採取可能的變數轉換(variable transformations),而後再利用三種常用的統計迴歸方法﹝包含有逐步迴歸(stepwise regression)方法、前進選擇(forward selection)方法以及後退消除(backward elimination)方法﹞去發展出一個適當的複迴歸模型(multiple regression model)。對於這個模型,以實際的台灣在學情況來看,我們看不出它有任何的不合理;同時也利用圖形及檢定去驗證模型的假設,其次還做有關迴歸參數的推論(inferences about regression parameters)。再其次,我們運用變異數分析的結果(analysis of variance results)以及新觀察值的預測情形(predictions of new observations)來評估模型的預測能力。最後並利用所得到的最適當的模型,對如何提昇15-17歲青少年的在學率給予適當的建議。 / The objective of this research is to study what factors may affect the schooling rates of 15-17 years old in Taiwan province in 1990. After finding out some possible factors and collecting those data regarding those factors, we separate the data (by stratified random sampling) into two sets. One set is used to construct the model, and the other set shall be used to test the model. The main process to build a regression model is as follows. First, we shall use simple linear regression models to help us to see if each factor may have relation with the schooling rates. With the analysis of residuals and so on, we then make appropriate transformations on each of these factors. Finally, we use three common statistical regression techniques (including stepwise regression, forward selection, and backward elimination methods) to develop a suitable multiple regression model. It seems that, by our understanding of schooling rates in Taiwan, this model is not unreasonable. In addition, we verify the assumptions of the model by graphical methods and statistical tests. We also do the inferences about regression parameters. Furthermore, ye use the results of the analysis of variance and predictions of new observations to evaluate the prediction ability of the model. Finally, we use the most appropriate multiple regression model to give some suggestions to improve (or keep) the schooling rates of 15-17 years old.
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匯率波動對出口量的影響-台灣出口產業之實證研究 / Exchange Rate Volatility and Taiwan's Exporting Industry : An Empirical Study胡育豪, Hu, Yu Hao Unknown Date (has links)
(二)匯率波動對各產業出口量的影響:將所有符合I(1)性質的變數用Johansen的方法做長期共整合關析的估計,再利用Granger Representation Theorem導出短期誤差修正模型,並將符合I(0)性質的波動因子引入模型當中,以便觀察匯率波動對出口量的影響。結果發現,各產業的出口量皆與匯率波動間存在明顯的負相關,其中以電子產業的影響最顯著,紡織類次之,基本金屬類影響最小,根據產品的特性分析可發現:當出口競爭愈激烈者,或是出口彈性愈大者,相對來講,會對匯率波動的反應較敏感。
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二篇有關股票價格平均數復歸的實證研究 / Two Essays on Mean Reversion Behavior of Stock Price in Taiwan阮建銘, Ruan, Jian-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是二篇探討與股票價格平均數復歸現象有關的實證文章。在第一篇文章中,我們將探討由於廠商特質所產生資金供需雙方訊息的非對稱,而引發的流動性限制對廠商股票價格行為的潛在影響;在第二篇文章中,我們研究的課題是在漲跌幅限制下,交易量與股票報酬自我相關的關係。 第一篇文章主要在探討由於廠商特質所產生資金供需雙方訊息的非對稱,而引發的流動性限制對廠商股票價格行為的影響。我們利用五個廠商特質-所有權結構、集團企業成員、上市時間、公司規模與現金股利的發放,定義面臨流動性限制的廠商,並使用變異數比率衡量股票價格平均數復歸的現象,由於小樣本的問題,我們將利用拔靴法檢定假說:廠商的流動性限制會強化其股票價格平均數復歸的行為。我們的實證結果並不一致,所有權結構、公司規模和集團企業成員的分組實證結果支持我們的假說,流動性限制會強化平均數復歸的行為;而上市時間與現金股利發放的分組實證結果並不支持我們的假說。 在第二篇文章中,我們使用與Campbell et. al. (1993)相同的實證模型,討論在漲跌幅限制下,交易量與股票日報酬自我相關的關係。由於漲跌幅限制的存在,當股票價格觸及漲跌幅上下限時,即停止交易,而使得真正的股票價格無法觀察到,因而未實現之需求或供給將會傳遞至下一個交易日,將使傳統OLS或其衍生方法的估計產生偏誤,而使用Chou和Chib (1995)與Chou (1995)所提的Gibbs抽樣法則可以成功地克服這些困難。所以,本文將應用Chou和Chib (1995)與Chou (1995)的Gibbs抽樣法來衡量台灣股票市場交易量對股票日報酬自我相關係數的影響,以避免漲跌幅限制的影響。本文採用台灣證交所編製的綜合股價指數所採樣的二十四家公司為樣本,利用日資料進行實證分析,實證結果支持「交易量效果」的存在。且在實證過程中,發現台灣股票市場股票日報酬的正自我相關有可能是漲跌幅限制的存在而造成的。
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住宅價格與總體經濟變數關係之研究-以向量自我迴歸模式(VAR)進行實證 / A Study on the Relationship between Housing Price and Macro - economic Variable黃佩玲, Hwang, Pay Ling Unknown Date (has links)
(三)由衝擊反應之分析中,可以使政府在執行穩定住宅價格政策時,將衝擊落後的時間縮小。 / Since there is no alarm system in the change of housing prices, people often decide when to buy or when to sell based on personal and subjective judgement. Such concept to judge subjectively whether the housing market is bull or bear will cause unequilibrium in the supply and demend of the housing market. There it is possible to find out the answers to the change of housing prices from economic side so that the government can have enough information and can be prepared in the reaction to stabilizing the housing prices, and so that the public can buy house according to their needs is the main purpose of this project.
Seven variables in macroeconomics influencing the change of housing prices have been taken from reative literature, including wage, commodity price, income, money supply, stock price, exchange rate, and interest rate. VAR has been employed to verify so that the more objective lagging period among variable can be known, and the bi-directional, uni-directional, leading, contemporaneous, and lagging situation among variables can be understood. Furthermore, the degree and the status of influence of each macroeconomic variable to the housing price will be investigated to clarify the relations among the variables.
The present project investigate the relations between housing price and macroeconomic variables. We have the following findings:
I、In Empirical Study:
The empirical study in this project includes causal relation test and analysis, the analysis of variable decompositon, and the analysis of impact response. The results are shown in the following:
(I) Causality Test and Analysis
In the causality test and analysis, we find out that stock price, commodity price, exchange rate, money supply and interest rate all can be the leading indicators in the change of housing prices.
(II) The Analysis of Variable Decomposition
It is learned from the variable decomposition of housing prices that housing price can only explain one third of the cause in its change, the other two thirds are explained by other macroeconomic variables. It shows that housing prices are subject to the influence of macroeconomic variables greatly.
From the variable decomposition of other macroeconomic variables, we know that the change in housing prices will affect macroeconomic variables so that the macroeconomic variables will change.
(III) The Analysis of Impact Response
It can be obviously seen from the analysis figure of the impact response of the macroeconomics to housing prices, all macroeconomic variables will cause obvious impact to housing prices expect for wage. However, both exchange rate and interest rate have negative impact to housing prices.
Housing prices' impact to income, stock prices, exchange rate and interest rate is quite obvious, among which, the impact to exchange rate is negative.
II、Policy Application
It is a common phenomenon that there often will be lagging in time in government's decision making. The purise of the empirical study in this project is to let the government to know in advance the change of housing prices and to let the government to know in advance the change of housing prices and to let the government be prepared in the reaction of stabilizing the housing prices to minimize the lagging in the decision making process. The contents of application of the empirical study to policy are explained in the following:
(I) With the empirical results of the change of the causality test and analysis, the time for the government to recognize the unreasonable changes in housing prices can be shortened.
(II) With the empirical results of the analysis of variable decomposition, the decision makers' lagging in the action responding to housing pricescan be minimized.
(III) With the analysis in impact response, the lagging in impact will be minimized when the government executing her housing price stabilizing policy.
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台股指數與總體經濟變數相關性之探討 / Discussion on Taiwan stock index and the overall correlation of economic variables林威凱 Unknown Date (has links)
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睡眠脆弱特質對認知激發狀態下的睡眠中訊息處理之影響 / Effects of stress-related vulnerability to sleep disturbances on information processing during sleep林晏瑄, Lin, Yen Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的 失眠的過度激發假說是目前最廣為接受的失眠病因之一,失眠者通常可觀察到具有身心過度激發的狀態,其中認知神經過度激發假說更由中樞神經的角度探討失眠者的過度激發現象,且已有許多證據支持此觀點。然而過度激發因素在失眠病程上的影響仍不明確,不論在前置因子或是持續因子的層面,激發因素皆經常被提及與討論。本研究以未失眠但具有高睡眠脆弱特質之族群作為研究對象,企圖模擬失眠者在失眠初發之前的狀態,另加入睡前及早晨的自主神經系統與主觀激發狀態之測量,比較其與低睡眠脆弱特質組在有無壓力誘發狀態下,兩組的睡眠中訊息處理程度、睡前及早晨的自主神經系統激發程度與主觀激發狀態,藉以了解(1)壓力是否會引發個體進入較高的主、客觀激發狀態;(2)睡眠脆弱特質在不同的激發程度下,是否會對於個體的睡前、睡眠中及早晨的激發程度造成影響,以初步推論激發狀態因素在失眠病程中所扮演之角色。
方法 以壓力下失眠反應量表(Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test, FIRST)區分出高睡眠脆弱特質組(HV)13位(6男、7女)、低睡眠脆弱特質組(LV)14位(6男、8女),年齡為19-32歲之健康成人。每位受試者均需在睡眠實驗室進行3個夜晚之夜間睡眠記錄,包含第一晚的PSG測量以排除個案有其他睡眠疾患,並讓受試者習慣實驗環境;第二晚及第三晚則交互平衡操弄基礎情境或壓力情境,在壓力情境下,受試者被告知將進行即席演講,需在睡前抽出演講題目,並於隔天早晨喚醒後10分鐘內發表一篇內容充實、呼應主題之演說,隨後測量心跳變異率(heart rate variability,HRV)、平均心跳間距(r-r interval,RRI)、主觀身心激發狀態(Pre sleep arousal scale,PSAS)等主客觀激發程度,入睡後進行整夜的ERP(事件相關電位[Event-related potential,ERP])測量,誘發ERPs之實驗流程以oddball典範為主,並於早晨起床後再次進行HRV、RRI及PSAS之測量。
結果 以2(組別)x 2(情境)之混和設計二因子變異數分析比較各組在不同情境下的主客觀激發程度指標是否有所不同。結果顯示壓力確實能引發受試者進入較高的主客觀激發狀態,包含睡前及早晨有較快的平均心跳速率、較高的主觀身心激發程度,而在NREM睡眠中可發現HV在有壓力的情境下,對外界的訊息處理程度顯著較LV組增加,包含較快的N1與較慢的N350出現,但HV在壓力下亦有較快的P2與較強的P900,顯示對外界訊息的抑制功能上升,且隨著睡眠更深,進入慢波睡眠時,P2及P900亦顯著較LV強,表現出更多的抑制外界訊息能力。
結論 本研究探討睡眠脆弱特質在不同激發狀態下對於睡眠的影響,結果顯示壓力能引發個體較高的激發狀態,然而在未失眠族群中,高睡眠脆弱特質對於認知激發狀態下的睡眠中訊息處理程度雖有提高,但可發現高睡眠脆弱特質組亦有較高的抑制外界訊息能力,而不致於使得激發狀態過度影響其睡眠,此結果部分支持失眠的認知神經過度激發假說,過度激發因素可能在持續因子的部分影響性較大,造成個體產生對睡眠的抱怨。另一方面,本研究結果亦彰顯失眠的高危險群的及早介入預防之重要性。 / Introduction: Conditioned hyperarousal has been theorized to be a major etiological factor in chronic insomnia patients. It has been suggested that insomniacs showed more arousal than non-insomniacs in many psychological and physiological measures, including enhanced information processing during sleep as measured by NREM ERPs. However, the role of hyperarousal on the course of development of insomnia remained unclear, it has been considered as a predisposing trait and/or perpetuating factor in the cause of insomnia. The present study compared arousal levels around sleep onset, during sleep and in the morning between non-insomniac individuals with low and high vulnerability to stress-related sleep disturbance, as high vulnerable individuals were proposed to be predisposed to chronic insomnia. The objectives of the study are therefore to investigate: 1) the effect of an acute stressor on arousal level prior, after, and during sleep, and 2) the differences in stress reactivity between individual with high and low vulnerability to stress-related sleep disturbances.
Method: Fourteen healthy individuals scoring low (LV) and thirteen healthy individuals scoring high (HV) on the Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test (FIRST) were studied. All subjects had to sleep in the lab for three nights: a screening/ adaptation night, then a baseline night and a stress night. The sequences of the later two nights were counterbalanced across subjects. During the stress night, subjects were informed that they would be required to give a speech immediately after waking up. Heart rate variability (HRV), r-r interval (RRI) of EKG and subjective arousal level (Pre sleep arousal scale, [PSAS]) was accessed before lights off and in the morning. Then sleep ERP was recorded during the night. An odd-ball paradigm was conducted to evoke ERPs throughout the night.
Result: Mixed two-way ANOVAs were used to compare the differences between vulnerabilities and conditions. Both HV ans LV showed higher subjective arousal level and smaller RRI under the stress condition than the baseline condition. During NREM sleep, HV showed increased information processing under stress condition than LV as shown by faster N1, slower N350. Also, HV showed increased inhibition under stress condition than LV, with faster P2 and higher P900. Stronger P2 and P900 were also observed in HV when reached slow-wave sleep stage, comparing to LV.
Conclusion: Both groups showed more arousal under stress condition than baseline condition, indicating an acute stress can lead to a higher arousal level. Moreover, high vulnerable individuals showed increased information processing during NREM sleep than low vulnerable individuals, but also showed more inhibition to prevent sleep from being disturbed by external stimulus. The results suggest that increased information processing in reacting to stress may be a predisposing trait for sleep disturbances. However, sleep may be protected by a compensatory inhibitory process in those who have not developed a long-term insomnia.
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身心障礙機構之經營理念與高效能管理 / Organizations that serve people with disabilities: management philosophy and high-performance management陳育雯, Chen, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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