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稅金增額融資(TIF)財務機制之研究-以桃園機場捷運建設為例 / A study on financial mechanism of tax increment financing-the case study of Taiwan Taoyuan international airport MRT蘇偉強, Su, Wei Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先檢視區段徵收、工程受益費與都市建設捐等國內財務機制,並引進「稅金增額融資(Tax Increment Financing, TIF)制度」。利用財政努力之公平與效率指標,比較各財務機制,顯示TIF之公平性與效率性皆為最佳。TIF制度為美國地方政府常用之財政、財務自償工具之一。TIF係政府部門透過TIF特區之劃定收取未來價值(value capture),將未來公共建設與生活環境之投資與改善,所帶來未來稅基增加及稅金增額之結果作為償還交通建設經費之擔保,藉以融資。故TIF係依「專款專用」精神,並利用稅收合理分配方式,將成本與收益確實連結,以達財政與財務自償。
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財政政策與主權債務危機 / The sovereign risk and the fiscal policy蕭瀚屏, Hsiao, Han Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在次級房貸風暴之後,各國赤字大幅增加。如希臘與愛爾蘭,其主權債務違約風險皆大幅升高。面對這樣的困境,政府該如何實施財政政策,以防止主權債務危機的發生?本篇文章在DSGE模型之下,以Uribe(2006)的設定為基礎架構,額外增加了產出方程式以使國家產出能由模型內生決定。並加入了政府支出與產出之間的關係式,以討論在面對正的景氣衝擊與負的景氣衝擊時,政府使用正向景氣循環政策和負向景氣循環政策對於政府倒債率的影響。最後發現當政府使用負向景氣循環政策和較弱的順向景氣循環政策時,政府的倒債率會和技術衝擊有反向的關係。而當政府使用較強的順向景氣循環政策時,政府的倒債率會和技術衝擊有正向的關係。從此結果,我們推論在後金融海嘯時期,希臘與愛爾蘭等國家,應使用較強的順景氣循環政策以降低其主權債務危機的發生機率。 / After the subprime crisis, many government deficits rose sharply, especially Greece and Ireland. Their default rate rose greatly than before. Under this difficult situation, what kind of fiscal policy should the government enforces to prevent it from bankruptcy? We follow the model in Uribe (2006) as our framework but adding the production function and the government expenditure function to analyze the effects of different fiscal policies on the government default rate. The results tell us that when the government uses countercyclical fiscal policy and weak procyclical fiscal policy, the change of the default rate is opposite to the technical shock. On the contrary, when the government uses strong procyclical fiscal policy, the default rate is positive relation with the technical shock. This implies that governments, such as Greece and Ireland, should use strong procyclical fiscal policy to reduce their sovereign risk under the recession.
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澳門過渡期後教育財政問題及其改革的方向研究 / Study of the educational finance problems in Macau after the transitional period and the direction of reformation黎義明 January 1998 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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從政府監管角度論我國資產管理公司的運作葉聞 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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中國上市製藥公司首募資金投向實證研究 / Empirical study on investment of IPO capital of public pharmaceutical companies in China宿瑩瑩 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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中國上市醫藥企業財務風險的實證研究和控制措施 / Empirical research and conformity measure in financial risk of listed companies in Chinese pharmaceutical industry梁謀 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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中國大陸開發區發展差異:山東濟南的個案分析鍾詠翔 Unknown Date (has links)
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地方財政表現對政黨輪替的影響:以台灣21縣市長選舉為例(1989-2005) / The Effect of Fiscal Performance on Party Rotation of Local Government Elections in Taiwan:1989-2005陳政勤 Unknown Date (has links)
本文討論台灣縣市長選舉中,財政健全程度及收入支出決算狀況會如何影響選舉結果。以台灣21個縣市在1989年至2005年間共5屆的縣市長選舉為實證研究,探討縣市長選舉結果出現政黨輪替的可能因素,在經濟投票及政治意識形態的研究方向以外,就縣市政府財政表現的角度進行分析。實證模型採用Probit model進行估計,本文實證假定為:如果縣市長致力於提升財政健全或是提供符合選民需要的公共支出時,便不容易出現政黨輪替。由實證結果發現,在財政變數方面,選舉年財政健全度及選前一年歲出成長率提高時,有助於執政黨持續執政。然而,選前二年竊案發生率較高的縣市,反而使執政黨被輪替的機率提高。對於與總統相同政黨的縣市長而言,只有在面對較高的選前一年全國及地方失業時,容易受到拖累而出現政黨輪替。競選連任的縣市長具有優勢。桃竹苗區與中彰投區相較其他地區而言,顯然較容易出現政黨輪替。 / By the five campaigns from 1989 to 2005 of the 21 local jurisdictions (includes 16 counties and 5 townships) in Taiwan, this paper discusses how fiscal health, revenue and expenditure conditions affect the election results. We analysis that the possible factors that cause election results to appear party rotation. Except for economic voting and other political factors, we mainly examine if fiscal performance results in party rotation. We adopt the Probit model to setup our empirical model. Our hypothesis is that party rotation possibly happens if local officers do not devote in fiscal health or fiscal policy that voters need. For the fiscal variables, the empirical evidence shows that increasing fiscal health in election year and total expenditures growth rate in one year before election help incumbents persist in political power. However higher crime rate on burglaries and larcenies in two year before election will reduce the probability in party rotation. If the president and incumbents are the same party affiliation, incumbents will be implicated while national and local unemployment rate worsen. Besides, incumbents who run for reelection will be in dominant position. The jurisdictions in the northeast and middle areas of Taiwan compare to the others, it is more possible to occur party rotation.
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新北市財政自主能力之探討 / A Study on Financial Autonomy of New Taipei City洪鳳娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以新北市為主要研究對象,選取1982-2011年資料,以一般化最小平方法GLS(generalized least squares)進行迴歸分析,探究對於新北市財政收入或自主財源之影響因素。實證結果發現,家庭平均每戶全年經常性收入、土地增值稅減半徵收及調降稅率政策,對於歲入及自有財源具有正向影響效果;失業率則具有負向影響效果。以上三項影響因素中,失業率對於歲入及自有財源之影響程度不同,對於自有財源則更具顯著性負向響影。 / It is undoubted that the municipality can get more resources than counties and cities. Due to the fact, most of counties and cities try for upgrading to a municipality in Taiwan. After city-county consolidation in 2010, the Fiscal Deficit of five special municipalities is still seriously short, they rely on central government subsidies or loans to cope with the operation and construction funds. Because of the limitation of resources, it is the sole solution of solving the fiscal gap for New Taipei City is to enhance the ability of financial autonomy and implement fiscal discipline.
It is necessary for New Taipei City to have the corresponding law to upgrade municipality. We hope that the Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures can be revised as soon as possible and the revised law can provide the appropriate financial autonomy and implement fiscal self-responsibility mechanism for New Taipei municipality. However, because of the low proportion of cases under its own financial resources, the fixed expenditure structure and the high proportion of staff costs, the self-decided expenditure is quite limited. In addition, earmarked grants and other issues also narrow its financial autonomy.
New Taipei City is the main object of this study. The specific data (1982-2011) and the GLS(generalized Least Squares) are used in this study to find out the impact factors of New Taipei's revenue and its independent revenue sources. The empirical results indicate that Average Current Receipts Per Household, LAT Halved and Tax Reduction policyhave a positive effect on its revenue and independent revenue sources; Also, the unemployment rate has a negative impact on results. Among these three impact factors, the Unemployment Rate has the different influence degree between the revenue and independent revenue sources, especially; it has significant negative impact on the independent revenue sources.
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財政分權下地方政府醫療衛生支出之影響因素研究——基於大陸省級追蹤資料的實證分析 / The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization on Local Government Health Expenditure -- An Empirical Analysis Based on the Provincial Level Panel Data in China陳羅煒 Unknown Date (has links)
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