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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國大陸財政地方分權對各省市地區房地產價格的影響 / The influence of fiscal decentralization on the real estate price in China

林婷婷, Lin, Ting Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著中國大陸經濟快速的成長,中國大陸房地產市場也隨之蓬勃發展,然而,近期中國大陸房地產價格的節節高漲,產生了房地產過熱的警訊,而區域間房地產價格的差異與不均,也成為各地區經濟發展的重要阻礙。所以,如何合理的調控房地產價格,使房地產市場能穩定成長並與經濟發展相輔相成,成為中國大陸中央政府必須持續關注與適時妥善處理的問題。 本文運用1999年至2010年中國大陸31個省市地區商品房平均銷售價格和影響房價的經濟相關變數的追蹤資料,運用雙因子固定效果模型進行實證研究。研究結果發現:中國大陸各地區財政分權程度對各地區房地產價格為非線性的關係,呈現U型的曲線。意即,存在一個財政分權的臨界值可以使房價達到最小的情況。建議中央政府應透過調整各地區的財政分權程度,來避免因財政分權不均而產生財政資源不均問題,造成房地產價格的波動。並加強對地方政府的財政預算與財政收入的監督與管制,以抑止「土地財政」的行為。 / With the economic growth, the real estate market is booming in China recently. But the overheating real estate price and the difference of real estate price between region and region become the important impediment to regional economic development in China. Therefore, the central government how to control the real estate price is an immense problem. By using the panel data of average selling price of commercialize buildings and the economic variables of 31cities in China between 1999 and 2010, the study uses two-way fixed effects model to investigate the effect of fiscal decentralization on the real estate price in China. The empirical analysis’ result shows that the fiscal decentralization provides a non-linear effect on the real estate price, it presents the U-shaped curve. In other words, there are a degree of fiscal decentralization can make the real estate price to reach the minimum. According to results, we propose to take some policies. The central government should adjust the degree of fiscal decentralization in each region, in order to avoid the local government financial problem to lead to rise the real estate price.


何, 彦旻 24 March 2014 (has links)
全文を追加掲載(2016/02/16) / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第18039号 / 経博第492号 / 新制||経||268(附属図書館) / 30897 / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済動態分析専攻 / (主査)教授 植田 和弘, 教授 諸富 徹, 教授 劉 徳強 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DFAM

中央與地方府際衝突之研究 / The Research on Conflicts between Central and Local Governments

高美莉, Kao, Mei Li Unknown Date (has links)
1999年地方制度法施行以來,地方極力爭取自主權,中央與地方自治團體間衍生多次衝突,爭議之層面涵括地方財政權、立法權及人事權等地方自治核心領域。針對中央地方衝突,司法院大法官作出多號解釋,惟並未定紛止爭,突顯出建立中央地方衝突解決機制之必要性。 本論文選擇五個衝突個案,分別是財政衝突的統籌分配稅款及地方積欠健保政府補助款;立法衝突之行動電話基地台自治條例牴觸案及台北市里長延選案;人事權衝突之縣市警察局長任免案。先以府際關係理論進行鉅觀分析,分析其府際關係網絡圖,突顯其網絡利害關係人,如何進行聯合或對抗。次以賽局理分論析中央地方之賽局策略選擇過程,進而賽局及報酬模擬分析。 期望透過各類型中央地方府際衝突個案研究,提出解決下列問題。一、釐清中央地方府際衝突之影響因素?二、究竟何為中央地方權限爭議解決機制?三、台灣府際衝突之關係網絡圖像為何?四、府際衝突賽局中之博奕過程模式為何? 本研究提出四項結論。一、法律與制度變遷與府際衝突交互運作影響;二、政黨對立為府際係衝突最關鍵影響因素;三、建立多元之協調解決機制,為解決府際衝突之有效措施。四、提出全觀型府際賽局理論,以詮釋我國府際關係衝突現象。 本研究並提出五項建議,有助於未來我國府際關係正向發展,一、釐清府際衝突深層網絡關係結構,二、擴大跨域合作府際關係,三、追求中央與地方府際之最適效益,四、邁向多層次之地方治理,五、體認「地方自治為憲法制度性保障」之真諦。 / Since the Local Government Act enacted in 1999, local governments strive for local autonomy; therefore some supervisory conflicts aroused between central and local government. Those conflicts related to law autonomous enactment, finance autonomous rights and personnel rights. Despite Judicial Interpretation No.550 and 553 had review above conflicts, disputes still remained unsolved, which proclaimed the importance of constructing the reconciliatory mechanism of conflicts. This study tries to analyze five conflict cases including tax redistribution fund, premium of National Health Insurance, cellular phone base management local act, the prolonged election of Taipei li-chairman and incumbency of police bureau chief. Four conclusions are drawn as below, first, legal and system change will affect the IGR conflicts mutually. Second, parties antagonism is a crucial factor for IGR conflicts. Third, multi reconciliatory mechanism of conflicts would be efficient, a holistic game theory could interpret those conflicts. The last chapter proposes recommendations such as to clarify the IGR networks structure, broaden the cross-boundary cooperation, pursuit the optimal payoffs, work towards a multi-level governance and comprehend the core meaning of “local autonomy as a system assurance”.

總體政策對房屋價格的穩定效果 / Stabilization effects of macroeconomic policy on housing prices

王雨讓, Wang, Yu Rang Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究目的為,在一個含有房屋及房屋相關貸款的動態隨機一般均衡模型的架構中,比較貨幣政策、財政政策以及總體審慎政策對於房屋價格及房屋相關貸款的穩定效果。本文建構一個經濟封閉體系,其中包含三種不同家計單位、商品生產部門、房屋建商、資本生產部門,並且由政府部門制定相關政策;此模型的特色為,不同家計單位中的借貸行為、名目價格僵固性以及透過房屋價格抵押貸款的限制來刻劃金融摩擦。我們考慮了一般緊縮貨幣政策、提高財產稅率以及緊縮貸款價值比;本文發現,在三種政策中,對於抑制房屋價格以及降低住房貸款對國內生產毛額的比例,財政政策及總體審慎政策比起緊縮貨幣政策擁有較好的效果。 / The main purpose in this paper is to compare the effect of monetary policy, fiscal policy and macroprudential policy on housing price and housing related loans using a micro-based dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with housing and housing related loans. We equip a closed economy model with three types of infinitely-lived households (patient households, impatient households and renters), a goods firm, housing and capital producer and a government sector. The model features borrowing and lending between patient and impatient households, nominal rigidity in goods price and financial friction in the form of collateral constraints tied to price of house. We consider the contractionary monetary policy by raising the interest rate, fiscal policy by increasing property tax rate and the macroprudential policy through tightening the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio. We find that among these three policies, in terms of dampening the price of housing and lowering the loan-to-GDP ratio, raising the property tax and lowering the LTV ratio outperforms the contractionary monetary policy.


顧瑩華, GU, YING-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在嘗試建立一個包括總需求、總供給,預期和不確定因素的開放總體經 濟模型,並探討在此模型下的最適資本移動政策,最適外匯政策及最適財政和貨幣政 策。 過去的文獻中,在求最適資本移動政策時,並未加入預期,總供給面及不確定因素, 本論文第一部份將探討加入這些因素後,最適資本移動係數的選擇。此外根據以前的 文獻,在探討最適外匯政策時,均假定資本是完全移動的,本文第二部分將解放此假 設,探討滿足損失函數(Loss function )––即所得之變異數為最小的最適外匯政 策,同時可以證明出資本完全移動下之結論只是本文結論中的一個特例而已。本文第 三部份將利用所建立之模型探討在各種不同匯率制度(固定、管理及浮動匯率)下之 最適財政及貨幣政策,並希望能找出最適之政策搭配。


鄭瓊秋, Zheng, Qiong-Qiu Unknown Date (has links)
根據現代經濟學之父–亞當斯密的理論,在經濟上那隻「不可見之手」的引導下,可 以使經濟資源作最有效的分配。然而,在現實世界裡,某些經濟情況往往導致市場機 能失去作用,此時則須要政府參與資源的配置。近年來有關「政治經濟學」的分析, 多集中於如何透過投票行為以從事公共選擇。本文研究之目的,主要在於探討如何經 由政治投票方式,正確地顯示人民對於公共財之需求;若這些偏好的顯示性愈正確, 則實際資源的配置也就愈能接近最佳境界。 第一章為緒論。第二章為非市場經濟決策的情況與基礎。第三章為實證面的公共選擇 。第四章為規範面的公共選擇。第五章為公共選擇的實際應用。第六章為結論。


黃慶堂, Huang, Qing-Tang Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


林谷蓉, Lin, Ku Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討精省之後的中央與地方於權限所生之衝突。以法制研究途徑,檢視現行法律規範中關於權限劃分之方式及內容,分析其缺失;對於權限衝突之內容、爭點,以文獻分析、歷史研究與比較研究的方法,從相關法律、實務運作與學說見解等角度,進行下述之探討: 一、 從權限劃分制度,探討我國均權制度形成背景( 中山先生對於集權分權 主義的省思)、內涵(權限劃分之原理原則),以及現行憲法關於權限劃分 相關規定,尤其對於造成權限衝突根源的第十章劃分方式與均權理論加以分析並檢討;進一步介紹美國、德國、日本與英國之權限劃分制度與經驗,以作為吾國制度的借鏡與學習。 二、 地方自治是否為憲法保障之制度,將影響地方自治團體與國家間之關 係,及其運作與呈現方式。藉由探討地方自治之憲法理論,明瞭地方自治的意義、本質、保障之重要性,以及地方自治團體的任務與高權,進而對照並分析我國地方自治法制化歷程,方能理解地方自治在我國因實踐經驗與程度之不足所造成今日中央與地方衝突之時空背景。 三、 對精省後中央與地方權限衝突中最具代表性的四大面向-自治事項與委 辦事項之釐清、立法權、人事權與財政權,深入分析現行法制的規範缺 失、明白實務操作之情形與落差,並探討學說爭議,以發現衝突所在。 (一) 、自治事項與委辦事項之釐清部分: 從憲法、地方制度法與專業法律中關於權限劃分之規定加以析論;自治事項與委辦事項的定義、意義,在學說與實務的看法與相關問題均加以分析,繼而提出判斷標準,再從其影響範圍肯定區分兩者之必要性。 (二) 、立法權限之衝突部分: 認識立法權體系與內涵,探討其與中央立法權之範圍、界限與法律位階之爭議;自治監督引發之衝突常為造成中央與地方施政受礙或關係破劣之因,故監督之方式與實施,以及救濟管道,均為探討所在。 (三) 、人事權限之衝突部分: 最大爭議為中央一條鞭體制的專屬管轄問題,故而將一條鞭制度之意義、由來、實施與適用範圍、與地方行政權之爭議先予以釐清,再反省改進之道;並介紹我國人事權之沿革,從三個時期(自治綱要、自治二法、地方制度法)之法制加以分析;探討人事權今日爭議的處理與解決機制,並從最具爭議代表的警察人員的任免與遷調、消防人員之人事管理與體制問題、政風人員考核與懲處問題等深入析論。 (四) 、財政權限之衝突部分: 財政為庶務之母。今日財政爭議不免因中央本位主義心態,不重視地方分權而造成,故須正視地方財政分權的價值。從中央與地方財政權之規範法源,探討財政收支劃分法的理念、演進與內容。對於當前財政權衝突問題分別由收入、支出與調整面深入剖析,其中對於課稅權之設計、造成地方財源困窘因素、統籌分配稅與補助款本身的問題與爭議,尤為探究重點,並呼籲建立正確之財政分配理念以為解決財政權衝突之基本理念。 四、 嘗試對於精省後中央與地方權限衝突類型化,藉由近年爭議最具代表 性,且受矚目之案例(里長延選案、健保釋憲案、地方民意代表費用支給及村里長事務補助費補助條例與地方自治權之關係、中央與地方在教育權限之衝突、各級地方選舉委員會為隸屬中央選舉委員會之疑義、財團法人許可設立及行政監督與管理的問題、公益彩劵發行權之收回中央爭議、台北市擬定之「台北市資訊休閒服務業管理自治條例」與台北縣原擬定之「台北縣民宿輔導管理自治條例」的「核定」問題)共通性歸納為「中央函令與地方立法權限衝突」、「中央立法與地方立法並執行衝突」、「中央立法並執行與地方立法並執行衝突」與「地方先立法,中央後來居上立法權之疑義」四大類型。深入分析衝突原委,並提出己見。 五、 自美國、德國、日本與英國之解決機制作為借鏡與參考,尤重視自治經 驗相仿的德國、日本的法制;主張權限衝突之解決當有事前之預防機制與事後解決機制的處理,前者乃治本之道,須從檢討並健全法制著手,且須重視地方有效參與;後者為必須及時建立之機制,鑑於我國已有的機制基礎,提出行政爭訟與權限爭議調解委員會雙軌制的新思維,以及強化爭訟途徑的構想。 六、 綜合四大面向的研究心得,以期發現造成中央與地方權限衝突的「五大 衝突原因」----自治事項與委辦事項難以釐清、地方自治意識之覺醒與高漲、政黨因素、監督法制未成熟與欠缺落實大法官揭示事前參與機制研究等,作為探討衝突問題後之研究發現並提出能預防衝突又解決衝突的具體建議;以「三大建議」----權限明確劃分與精緻化、建設中央與地方參與夥伴關係、衝突解決爭訟機制之強化,作為本文探討精省後中央與地方權限衝突心得之建議。


郭夢慈 Unknown Date (has links)
日本經濟自1990年起,由「日本第一」落入「流動性陷阱」,而陷入長達10多年的不景氣,主因是日本股市及不動產市場重挫,企業向銀行貸款所提供之擔保品價值下滑,卻因在低利率時代已過度借貸,又經營不善面臨虧損,發生償債困難,一旦財務有所改善,只想提前償還貸款,而無增加貸款意願,故稱為「資產負債表的衰退」(Balance Sheet Recession)。整體經濟景氣蕭條,國內需求不振,亦使振興經濟之寬鬆貨幣政策無法達到預期效果。 日本資產泡沫的破滅使銀行體系的逾放問題日益嚴重。日本政府為了加強銀行體系的健全性,實施金融改革(Big Bang)。使原本以傳統存、放款業務為主的銀行,在面臨國際化浪潮時,也能同時經營證券、保險業務,並將新金融商品引進日本。並由隸屬於內閣府的金融廳(Financial Services Agency)來監督日本銀行及證券業務,負責金融檢查及金融法規企劃業務,落實金融與財政分離之原則。但日本金融業務日益多元化,及衍生性金融商品日趨複雜,對金融監理機關之專業能力,形成新的挑戰。以上所述為日本國內的經濟與金融問題。 至於日圓對外幣的匯率方面,由於日圓利率偏低,套利交易(carry trade) 盛行。投資人趁著日本央行維持低利率之際,借入低成本的日圓資金,然後換成利率較高的外幣轉戰國際市場,追逐收益較高的資產,同時賺取利差、匯率及資產升值的價差,使日圓匯率的走勢疲弱,也造成全球金融市場的波動。 本論文的分析包含: ㄧ、日本經濟不景氣問題剖析:股市及不動產資產泡沫化 二、日本金融危機形成原因:資產價格下跌,影響抵押品價值,企業償債能力變差,故使銀行不良債權增加。 三、日本總體經濟近況(GDP、CPI、失業率的變化)及經濟復甦後日本央行貨幣政策的改變 四、日本金融市場如股市、房地產市場及日本政府債券(JGB)市場的分析及展望。 五、探討日本銀行業獲利能力、不良債權問題、資本適足率以及銀行業股價指數的變化。 六、根據台灣以及日本最近的發展對金融監理單位及銀行業提出應有的改革與建議。 / The Japanese economy fell into a “liquidity trap” in 1990. Due to the stock market and real estate market plunge, the deep recession has lasted for over 10 years. The bursting of asset bubbles caused the balance sheets of enterprises to become weaker and weaker. All companies hoped to reduce their debt to banks if they were profitable. They had no intention to reinvest any more. So it was called - Balance Sheet Recession. Even though the Bank of Japan adopted an easy monetary policy, the financial system remained vulnerable. With the bad debt of commercial banks increasing, the NPL (non-performing loan) problem has been a major concern for city banks and regional banks. Japan's "Big Bang" reforms radically altered its financial marketplace. The barriers separating banks, securities, and insurance companies were lowered. The Financial Services Agency replaced Ministry of Finance to oversee banking, securities and exchange and insurance in order to ensure the stability of the financial system. As for financial business diversified and derivative products complicated, there were many great challenges facing the financial regulatory authorities. During the past decade, the yen carry trade has become a target for many investors or speculators. Traders using this strategy attempt to capture the difference between the interest rates of two currencies. Taking USD/Yen for example, they borrowed the cheaper yen and invested in U.S. Treasuries yielding a higher interest rate. It causes the depreciation of Japanese Yen and increases the volatility of financial markets. This essay describes Japanese financial crisis, Japanese monetary policy, stock market, and real estate market. Besides, I analyze the profitability, capital adequacy, and non-performing problems of Japanese banks. Finally, I give my personal opinions on Taiwan and Japan’s banking industry.

中國增值稅改革之研究 / A Study of the Value Added Tax Reform in China

傅迺婷, Fu, Nai Ting Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the recent situation of the VAT system in China, including its problems as well as reforming trends within it, in order to provide promising further research paradigms. The research methods adopted exploratory studies to find out the major problems of the VAT system. To clearly describe the problems, statistical analyses are performed and quantitative data is used to supplement the qualitative analysis. Moreover, to discuss the problems of the Chinese VAT system, this paper compares the Chinese VAT system with other countries, especially Taiwan, in order to give a detailed description of its problems. The results of this study show that the Chinese government only concentrates on how much revenue it can collect but ignores tax equity and tax neutrality as well as low income groups. The conclusions of this study show that the problems of the imperfect VAT system and the changing economic conditions of China have resulted in double taxation, an unfair tax burden, an unreasonable threshold, complex VAT rates, and a gradual worsening of local fiscal conditions. In comparisons between GDP growth and VAT revenue growth, VAT revenue growth exceeded the GDP growth. One of the major reasons is rapid economic growth. Other reasons are that price indices increase every year and, also, China adopts gross income-type VAT which results in double tax on capital investment. Another probable reason is an increased effectivity and efficiency of China’s tax administration. Analysis of these problems shows that the Chinese government needs to improve not only its VAT system but also the taxation system and its fiscal system.

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