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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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藍仙匡 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟在近年來成為研究的熱潮,諸多的學說之中,認為目前的社會處於知識和技術為基礎的經濟時代。知識經濟的特徵表現為:知識被作為資本用於發展經濟,成為最重要的生產要素;知識型的產品大大增加,製造業通過增加知識含量而軟化;諮詢業在經濟活動中的重要性大大增加。在知識經濟時代,“製造業工人”減少,“知識工人”強勁增長;軟體的發展、網路的產生、虛擬技術的廣泛應用成為社會的新特徵。 對於當前台灣的產業,知識經濟的發展對他們的經營是否有改變或影響,對我們來說是一個非常值得探討的問題。本論即探討中小企業比例居高的台灣,在知識經濟衝擊下,產業的實務狀況與現象。 本篇論文從理論的分析當中,就實務面進行深入的探討,論證「知識經濟」與舊有的資本主義生產關係有何差異,釐清知識經濟的本質並提出知識經濟所產生的迷思。再由政治經濟學批判的觀點,以勞動價值理論來解釋知識經濟下所產生的現象。藉由實務的論證,理解目前產業界,對於知識經濟的認知為何,同時也試圖釐清知識經濟對產業的影響為何?在激烈的競爭情況下,技術與創新是否是影響的關鍵?本文也希望藉由政治經濟學批判的觀點,解構知識經濟的本質,並以田野調查的實證,點出知識經濟的迷思。


林明熙, LIN,MING-XI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文有一個中心思想,就是認為近代中韓兩國的共產主義運動,乃是為了解決自門 戶開放以來所面臨的民族危機而產生的,與原本馬克思緣於資本主義的弊端歸結出的 共產主義思想的背景因素大相逕庭。由於時代狀況,中韓兩國的知識份子在尋找救國 救民真理的過程中,接觸到馬克思主義,由此在實際上與民族主義相結合成為革命理 念。 全文共分成七章,各章內容如下: 第一章:導論。闡釋本論文的研究動機、研究目的、研究問題、研究資料、研究方法 等。 第二章:近代中韓兩國民族意識的演化。探討近代中韓兩國的歷史變局以及兩國的改 革思想,包括門戶開放以來兩國所遭遇的一連串內憂外患,以及知識份子為救亡圖存 而進行的改革的鼓吹、爭論及實際行動(內分四節)。 第三章:民族主義在中韓兩國的愛國運動中所表現的特徵。一九一九年在中韓兩國先 後發生的「三一運動」和「五四運動」是愛國熱忱中發展出來的十分類似的反侵略、 以帝國的民族主義運動,它們對於日後的民族主義之發展皆為一項主要的轉捩點(內 分三節)。 第四章:社會主義思潮在中韓兩國的傳播與其發展。論述近代西方社會主義思潮的演 變,以及社會主義思潮傳入中韓兩國的客觀因素與經過(內分五節)。 第五章:國際共黨與東方民族問題。探討國際共黨有關民族與民族問題理論、綱領的 演變,以及列寧和羅易在共產國際第二次大會中所爭論和確定的幾項原則,並說明「 遠東勞動者代表大會」與中韓兩國的關係(內分三節)。 第六章;國際共黨亞洲政策下的中韓兩國共黨運動。以共產國際冪次決議為中心,論 述了國際共黨對中韓兩國的政策,以及中韓兩國的共產主義運動中,共產國際決議之 影響和作用(內分四節)。 第七章:結論。首先評論馬克思主義在中韓兩國傳入的歷史意義;其次總結馬克思主 義在中韓兩國的前因後果,並嘗試從近代中韓兩國的歷史事件中,尋找出歷史的教育 ,以作為兩民族未來發展的鏡鑑。


徐履冰, XU,LYU-BING Unknown Date (has links)
緒 言:研究中共專利法,了解中共如何調和社會主義與資本主義的矛盾,以印證其 經濟改革前途。 第一章:說明共產主義法律思想,中共經改後法律思想的變化、與資本主義法律思想 的基本差異。 第二章:說明中共專利法沿革、專利法在中共法制體系中的定位、專利制度概況。 第三章:說明中共專利法對發明之定義,以及禁止專利之發明的項目。( 並和我國專 利法之規定比較 ) 第四章:說明中共專利法在發明之專利要件,新穎性、創造性、實用性等規。( 著重 在新穎性所採取之立法原則 ) 第五章:說明中共專利法在專利權歸屬上的規定,包括職務發明之廣泛,以及參加巴 黎公約在專利法上的影響。 第六章:說明中共專利法之申請與審查。尤其著重其早期公開、延遲審查制度。( 中 共所採為極新的制度有相當特色 )。 第七章:說明中共專利法為推廣應用的目標,所做的特別規定。著重其特殊的計劃實 施規定。 第八章:說明中共專利法對發明專利權的期限、無效、及民、刑事的保護規定。( 參 攷中共刑法的有關規定 ) 第九章:簡要交待合併在中共專利尖有關新型、新式樣 (中共法稱為實用新型及外觀 設計) 的不同規定。 結 論:由前述各章發現的問題,分析中共調和社會主義與資本主義的問題所在。

<<資本論>>視角下的勞動經濟學:主流經濟學批判 / Reconstructing labor economics in light of Marx's Capital: a critique of mainstream economics

毛翊宇 Unknown Date (has links)
為什麼今天我們仍然需要《資本論》?應該如何讀它?台灣是個左翼思想長期受到壓抑的社會,思考這兩個問題的人並不多,但筆者認為要瞭解世界和台灣資本主義的發展,卡爾•馬克思(Karl Marx)始終是個無法迴避的思想者。此篇論文是筆者在回答這兩個問題的基礎上,試著重訪《資本論》對資本主義的洞見、駁斥被當作意識形態工具的主流經濟學理論,前者和後者互為彼此的手段和目的,只有藉由將主流理論的缺陷呈現出來,才能讓人認知到對《資本論》的需要,只有透過《資本論》這套不同的理論框架,才能襯托出主流經濟學整體世界觀上的偏誤。主流經濟學對勞動市場的想像,不但壟斷了學術話語權,更矇蔽了一般人的認知,最糟糕的是,這套理論強烈傾向維持市場自律的保守立場,禁錮了勞動者的思想、馴服了勞工運動的反抗力量。筆者將在此篇論文裡,隨著《資本論》經濟範疇的展開,亦步亦趨地解構主流經濟學理論的哲學基礎、分析方法和結論,將這套理論的錯誤和意識形態幽靈赤裸裸地呈現出來,最後,試著建立一套以馬克思主義為基礎的替代性分析框架,以理解諸如提高工資運動等現實議題的意義,在理論上重新找回勞動階級自我解放的前途。

資本主義計件外包生產制:家庭代工、勞動控制與性別宰制意函的政治經濟學批判分析 / The political economy of homework , labor control and hedgmony in gender under capitalistic piece work system---a critical analysis

丁穩勝, Ting, Wen-Shen Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

民主化過程中台灣資本主義國家與大企業互動之研究 / The Study of Interaction between Taiwan Capitalist State and Enterprises in the Process of Democratization

蔣宸厚, Chiang Chen Hou Unknown Date (has links)
本文欲探討,政商關係的建立是否必然會導致企業的獲利?之前對於此一相關主題的研究雖然驗證了政商關係的存在及其影響力,但按著這樣的思維,我們容易把政商關係視為只是單一面向的互動,忽略了國家的角色。我們將從台灣資本主義國家的政權特性開始,探討以此開展出來的政商關係型態。本文嘗試在理論上結合「社會中心」與「國家中心」的論述,建立一個政商關係多樣型態的分析架構,再以此觀察具有政商關係的企業,在不同型態的政商關係□的獲利情形。 目 錄 第一章 緒 論1 第一節、研究動機與目的1 第二節、文獻檢閱4 第三節、章節安排11 第二章 理論架構與研究方法13 第一節、前 言13 第二節、理論架構13 第三節、研究方法24 第四節、結 語35 第三章 台灣資本主義國家的性質37 第一節、前 言37 第二節、國家力量38 第三節、公營事業46 第四節、國民黨投資事業52 第五節、結 語58 第四章 平常時期的政商關係59 第一節、前 言59 第二節、地方資本家的興起59 第三節、國家為資產階級利益服務66 第四節、結 語76 第五章 危機時期的政商關係79 第一節、前 言79 第二節、資本主義體系優於個別資本家80 第三節、執政利益優先的考量89 第四節、結 語92 第六章 結 論95 第一節、 研究發現95 第二節、 研究限制98 第三節、 研究建議99 附錄一、具企業財團背景立委參與經濟、財政、交通委員會情形101 附錄二、研究母體中各企業獲利情況102 參考資料108 圖 次 圖2.1:政商關係型態圖20 圖2.2:平常時期的政商關係21 圖2.3:危機時期的政商關係23 圖3.1:國民黨七大控股公司及重要轉投資事業一覽表54 圖4.1:歷年具企業財團背景立委首次進入立法院人數比例分配圖61 圖4.2:平常時期製造業企業平均純益折線圖68 圖4.3:達永興實業於平常時期獲利折線圖69 圖4.4:平常時期服務業企業平均純益折線圖72 圖4.5:欣欣大眾於平常時期獲利折線圖73 圖4.6:九七年(平常時期)金融業企業獲利直條圖75 圖5.1:危機時期製造業企業平均純益折線圖81 圖5.2:危機時期服務業企業平均純益折線圖83 圖5.3:金融業企業平均純益折線圖86 圖5.4:欣欣大眾於危機時期獲利折線圖91 圖5.5:九六年國民黨投資事業獲利直條圖91 圖5.6:九八年國民黨投資事業獲利直條圖92 表 次 表2.1:立委所屬大企業分類表27 表2.2:一九八六年至一九九八年的政經景況33 表3.1:已移轉民營事業表50 表3.2:民營化企業董事會成員表51 表3.3:七大控股公司稅後純益明細55 表3.4:七大控股公司持股50%以上實際經營公司家數57 表4.1:威權政體轉型前後出現的企業形成本質差異簡表60 表4.2:立法委員所屬企業背景63 表4.3:具企業財團背景立委參與經濟、財政、交通委員會人數統計65 表4.4:平常時期製造業企業獲利情形67 表4.5:平常時期服務業企業獲利情形71 表4.6:6家新銀行主要的投資財團74 表5.1:危機時期製造業企業獲利情形81 表5.2:危機時期服務業企業獲利情形83 表5.3:金融業企業獲利情形85 表5.4:一般產業與金融產業的差異87 / The thesis wants to discuss that, whether the establishment of relations between politicians and business conduce the enterprises gain profits consequentlly? The related studies about

普丁時期俄國婦女地位之研究 / A Study of Russian Women's Status in the Putin Era

李鴻儀, Lee, Hung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文運用結合資本主義與父權制的雙系統理論探究普丁時期俄國婦女地位之現況。文中首先從蘇聯時期切入,貫穿至普丁時期,深入剖析俄羅斯婦女地位變化之歷史脈絡。第二部分則接續探討下列問題:普丁時期的俄國經濟因資本主義蓬勃而快速發展,而普丁的「管理式資本主義」所引發的後續社經現象對俄國婦女地位是否產生正面影響?普丁的強人統治與中央集權象徵父權制復甦,此傾向是否箝制俄羅斯婦女的發展? 整體而言,「管理式資本主義」並未消除俄國婦女過去在就業市場上面臨的不平等,而其建構出「女性商品化」的形象,不利於俄國女性產生自覺。此外,父權制統治仍深植於俄國社會,迫使俄國婦女受限於傳統性別模式。 / By applying the dual-system theory, combining capitalism and patriarchy, this study aims at exploring Russian women’s status in the Putin Era. The first part of the study focuses on the historical context of Russian women’s status. The second part discusses the following research questions: does Putin’s “managed capitalism” have positive impact on Russian women? Does his strongman rule suppress women’s development? “Managed capitalism” doesn’t eliminate the gender inequality on labor market, and it creates the phenomenon of “commodification of women”. Furthermore, the patriarchy rule is deeply rooted in Russian society, and forces Russian women are limited in traditional gender model.

知識經濟下的大學學術生產體制與研究生的學術勞動:政治經濟學批判 / The academic production regime and the laboring of graduates in the knowledge economy: political economy perspective

曾翔, Zeng, Siang Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以政治經濟學的取徑,研究當代高等教育的轉型與資本主義的連結。 本文以Marx對資本主義的批判為基礎,並結合Polanyi對虛構商品的考察,以及Jessop對知識的虛構商品化的論證,本文以為,在知識經濟的時代當中,知識被「虛構」為商品與資本,將知識勞動者收編至剝削的生產關係之中;在此,知識不僅只是經濟長波的關鍵,也是資本的競爭力-佔有超額利潤的能力,的關鍵所在。也因而,生產知識的場域,尤其是大學,就被捲入了資本主義之中,成為學術生產體制。 而被捲入資本主義的大學知識勞動者不僅只有教授或研究、教學人員,當中,又以研究生最為特殊,他們是「被生產的勞動力商品,同時又是生產知識商品的勞動力」。本文提出了勞動學習的概念,並以「是否直接生產剩餘價值」和「是否承受市場壓力」檢視研究生的勞動學習。本文以臺灣大學工會的案例,探討在勞動與學習混合為一的「勞動學習過程」、「學術外包」以及「名為助學的薪資與工作內容」的作用底下,研究生承受市場壓力,並被排除在勞動法制的保障之外的情形。 但是依照「有勞動事實就必須有勞動保護」的原則,本文以適用勞動法的各種要件主張研究生應適用勞動法令並享有各種勞動權,並得組成工會進行團體協商、維護自身權益。 最後,本文認為,我們必須正視資本主義式的學術生產體制對於研究生的剝削與壓迫,承認師、校、生之間的矛盾,進而團結抵抗資本主義的不斷擴張。 / This dissertation tried to examine the interconnection between the transformation of higher education and capitalism from political economy perspective. Based on the critique on capitalism by Marx, the inspection on fictitious commodity by Polanyi and the account of commoditization of knowledge of Jessop, this dissertation argues that, in the so-called knowledge economy, knowledge presents as the form of commodity and capital, and subsequently subsumes the knowledge worker into the exploited relation of production under capitalism. Besides, knowledge is also the key to create “long wave”, and more importantly, the competency of capital, which allows capital to gain surplus profits in the competition. With the development of knowledge economy, university has been transformed as “Academic Production Regime”. The graduates are also been subsumed into the Academic Production Regime. They are unique in this regime because they are “produced commodity of labor power, and also the labor power to produce commodity”. I bring up the concept of “learning by laboring” to examine, “Do the graduates produce surplus value?” and “Do the graduates endure the press from market?” With the case of Taiwan University Union, I asserted that the mixture of laboring and learning, academic subcontracting, and grant of student aid obscured the exploitation to graduates. Graduates now endure the press from market and be ignored by the protection of labor laws. I investigated the controversy of applying graduates employees to labor law, and argue that every labor should be protected by labor law. Finally, I contended that we shall confront the conflict between graduates, faculty and the university, and uniting to against the spread of capitalism

東南亞族裔經濟的分析:東馬華資銀行的發展與侷限 / Study of ethnic economy in Southeast Asia: development and limitation of chinese banks in East Malaysia

陳琮淵, Chen, Tsung Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文以馬來西亞近代發展沿革為經,華人族裔金融機構的組織變貌為緯,同時援引社會學族裔經濟(ethnic economy)之理論及概念,作為歷史詮釋的張本,嘗試勾稽華人族裔金融機構的發展梗概,論析砂拉越華資銀行在此脈絡下的發展與侷限。進而回答何以全馬僅大眾、豐隆等少數繼續茁壯,更大多數的華人金融機構卻陸續退出市場?及其所蘊寓的華人族裔經濟意涵為何? 本文指出,在英人殖民時期,華人移民因創業謀生之所需,同族互助而有華資銀行等族裔金融機構的誕生,隨著華人逐漸融入當地生活而在戰後初年達到發展高峰。嗣後馬來西亞聯邦成立,華資銀行則在國家大力扶持土著資本的影響下趨向邊緣化;1997年東南亞金融風暴後,馬國政府力促銀行整併以回應全球化競爭,過程中華人資本被迫淡出,多數的華資銀行也因而走入歷史。總體而言,華資銀行歷經「在地化」及「土著化」進程,反映出馬來西亞華人經濟的質量變化,就社會學的領域,即是華人在馬國金融業的參與,已由早期族裔擁有的經濟(ethnic ownership economy),朝族裔控制的經濟(ethnic control economy)方向演化。 在企業史的層次,個案研究顯示:馬國絕大多數的華資銀行屬中小型規模,發展深受在地政商脈絡及華人族裔特性之影響。砂拉越的華資銀行脫胎於傳統的族裔金融機構,專注於當地業務及同族市場,有著穩健成長的特色,雖對華人經濟作出貢獻,卻難以應付一再增加的族群政策鉗制及市場競爭壓力。本文也發現,隨著時間過去,華資銀行的族裔色彩逐漸淡化,幫權結構也不斷崩解,惟有家族經營始終強韌,顯示族裔特性依然存在,但其內涵早已今非昔比;而主導銀行的家族不願向外發展,擴大規模,以免流失控制權的保守心態,亦侷限其進一步發展的可能性。 / This paper studies the history of Chinese ethnic financial institutions in Malaysia, and explores its implications of the “ethnic economy” theory. Following this context, this article aims to explore the societal changes resulting from the adaptation of Chinese communities to the local host population, and gradual transformation of family-controlled Malaysian Chinese banks and ethnic financial institutions. Meanwhile, I also uses case study to discuss the development and limitation of a Sarawak bank. In this paper, I try to answer the reasons why a few Chinese banks in Malaysia thrived while other ethnic financial institutions eventually went out of business. And how do the evolution of ethnic financial institutions and the related turning point reflect the meaning of the ethnic economy? I pointed out that ethnic financial institutions were created under a particular time period and background, ethnic entrepreneurs fined-tuned their resources for applicable business strategy, and their strategy allowed Chinese communities to expand in every aspect of the economy at the early colonial era. Banking systems in Singapore, Malaya and Sarawak were originally introduced by the British; later Chinese communities became involved and the financial industry reached its peak in the first few years after the World War II. The Chinese banks played a great role in the local financial industries/enterprises at the time were owned by single or multiple families. The industry then underwent a series of events, such as the sovereign separation of Singapore and Malaysia, implementation of New Economic Policy(NEP), and ongoing mergers since the millennium, resulting in only two Chinese banks, Public Bank and Hong Leong Bank, remaining in the industry with a continued decline in the proportion of their stockholding. Malaysian Chinese with significant amounts of capital were once highly involved in the banking and financial industry, but with the passage of time, the development of Chinese financial institutions was subject to the phenomenon of “indigenization” and “bumiputraization”, which both hindered their ongoing development and later drove them out of business. In the light of the ethnic economy theory, Participation of Chinese financial institutions in Malaysia were moving from an "ethnic ownership economy" towards an "ethnic controlled economy". The analysis of the Sarawak case indicates the development of Chinese banks was subject to the influence of political and local business relationships, and the distinctive ethnic features of the Chinese communities. The majority of the Chinese banks in Sarawak evolved from ethnic financial institutions, small and medium-sized business within the family control, they focused on local businesses and markets of the same ethnicity. Even though these banks contributed to the ethnic economy and saw constant growth, they were swept aside by the tide of history once the political and economic environment began to change. This article also discovered that as time went by, Chinese bank gradually changed their image as ethnic banks. The structure of “dialect groups” began to collapse as well; this was a distinctly ethnic concept whereby only family management could maintain the existence of a corporation. The major limitations which restricted the development of ethnic financial institutions were conservative family management and a reluctance to expand outward in the hope of preventing the dispersion of power.

婦運團體挑戰國家機器與市場的例證:以婦女新知推動「兩性工作平法」為例 / The example of women group challenge the state apparatus and marketing organism - as awakening foundation complete equal employment bill

葉盈蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
1987年國父紀念館女性員工因懷孕而遭到雇主解雇的事件發生,促使婦女新知基金會檢討台灣女性的工作權益,並於1989年草擬完成一部專屬勞動婦女的「男女工作平等法」草案。但從法案的提出到三讀通過卻歷經了12年之久,因而誘發作者想瞭解到底是國家部門刻意忽視女性的權益,或有其它的結構性因素的操作延宕法案的通過。 過去國家機器與資本家是建立在「共謀」關係上,因此,法案的提出勢必影響兩者的「共謀」關係。丙國家如何在不傷及資本家又能顧及女性勞動利益下,制訂出「兩性工作平等法」。國家尋求哪些不同的解決途徑?資本力量又是如何鑲嵌在政治勢力中對法案產生嚴重的阻撓作用?法案的通過是否代表婦運團體對於國家機器與資本主義運作的挑戰成功? 本文目的在於釐清婦運如何挑戰國家機器與市場機制,而制定出保障婦女的法令政策,同時在整個推法過程中,新知如何逼使國家提出相對法案。文中也將呈現資本家如何透過在立法院的代言人影響法案的通過與制定,以及在整個立法過程中,婦運團體如何顛覆父權思想與資本主義體系的運作邏輯。因此,除了探究職場中存在哪些性別不平等的結構事實外,還必須剖析這些現象的產生是因結構、制度因素而成的,或是婦運變遷的結果。以及到底是國家部門刻意忽視女性的權益,或是因為其他的結構性因素的操作而不能完成立法。 在資本主義下女性除了面臨職場內兩性不平等的對待外,更要擔負沈重的家務責任。但對於這些不平等的對待,過去並未有學者深入分析研究。第二章即說明女性因料理家務未就業、因懷孕生子退出勞動市場等行為何以稱為是「就業歧視」。經濟學觀點、社會文化觀點又如何看待女性勞動,女性主義觀點對於父權及資本主義叉提出哪些批判? 第三章將論述80年代末期台灣政治結構轉型加速了社會運動的發展,其中社會運動的特質、運動方式及策略有哪些?婦女運動與社會運動有何不同之處何在?本章主要論述社會運動與婦女運動問的關係以及婦女運動中的「兩性工作平等法」的出現,與台灣政經脈絡及社會結構有何種關係。 第四章將陳明國家與資本家如何回應婦運團體的立法?此外,並論述婦運團體如何推法,運用哪些運動策略以及如何將女性主義實踐在法律條文中,便其成為體制或制度的一部分。最後,本章將側重國家在法案推動過程中角色的扮演。國家在法案推動過程中,是否一如過去馬克思主義所言是資本階級的代言者,或是國家在法案中另有其政策考量?為何國家態度從原先的拖延到主動提出相對版本,甚至有轉為積極的態度? 第五章則在於論述「兩性工作平等法」如何挑戰資本主義市場運作?而它的出現又是如何制衡資本主義市場對女性勞動者的過度剝削或歧視行為?女性主義如何將其理念實踐在法條中,對資本主義與父權進行更進一步的挑戰?如第四章所論,國家過去與資本家關係密切,所以在不願得罪資本家的態度下一直拖延法案審查。資本家透過哪些管道間接或直接影響法案本身的推動?運用哪些方式阻撓法案的通過?婦運團體又運用哪些策略與戰術逼使國家正視法案且最終通過三讀。 關鍵字:國家機器、父權、資本主義、婦女運動、女性主義、「兩性工作平等法」、婦女新知基金會 / In 1987, female employees who worked in Sun-Yet-Sen Memorial Hall, were laid off because of their pregnancy, thus promoting the Awakening Foundation to look back to the bill regarding female labor in Taiwan, and the draft belongs to laboring women-The Men and Women Equal Employment Bill was finished In 1989, but it took 12 years from the lift to the passing of the three-read, so this induced the author to want to understand if the government ignored the rights of women on purpose or are there other constant factors which caused the delay of the passing of the draft. In the past, the state apparatus and the capitalists were built on collusion; thus, the lifting of the Bill must affect the relationship of the collusion of the two. Therefore, the state must decide on the Equal Employment Bill without hurting all capitalists while caring for the interests of women. What solution is our government seeking? How is capital power embedded in the political power frustrating the effect to the law? Does the passing of the Bill successfully present the women group to challenge the operation of state apparatus and capitalism? The aim of this article is to clarify the women movement challenging the state apparatus and marketing organism, to make relative laws of state guarding the women while promoting the laws how Awakening stops our government to offer relative laws. This article shows how the capitalists have affected the passing and making of the law through legislators, and in the whole process of making the law, how the women group overthrow the operating logic of patriarchy and capitalism. Thus, aside from discussing what unfair structural facts exist in the working field, we must dissect whether the producing of phenomenon belong to structure or institutional factor or the outcome of the change of women movement, and is the state ignoring women's right purposely or there are other institutional factors that prevents the Bill from being passed. Aside from facing the unfair treatment in the working field under capitalism, women also need to bear the heavy burden of a caring for the family. In the past, no scholars analyzed and researched these unfair treatments. The second chapter informs us how women quit working because of family duty or pregnancy, either of which is considered a discrimination, how the economical opinion or social-cultural opinion looks at women labor, and what is the opinion of feminists opposing and criticize patriarchy and capitalism? The third chapter discusses the political transformation of Taiwan by the end of the eighties, which accelerated the social movement development, discussing what character, ways and tactics of the social movement, and the difference between women movement and social movement. In this chapter, we'll talk about the relationship of the social movement and women movement, and the appearance of the Equal Employment Bill in the women movement? What kind of relationship is there between the political and economic contexts, and social structure in Taiwan. The forth chapter talks about how the state and capitalists respond to the women group pushing the Bill? Even more, I will discuss how women group was able to complete the bill, what actions they used and how feminism was realized the law, promoting these to become part of the apparatus or the institution. In the end, this chapter will focus on the role-playing of the state in this Bill. In the process of pushing the Bill, according to Marxism: is state the spokesman of capital class, or are there other considerations in the policy? How come the attitude of the state from originally delaying the passing of the bill to actively offering relative solutions, even turning to aggressive attitude? The fifth chapter discusses how the Equal Employment Bill challenges the work of capitalism, and how its appearance balances capitalism's work over women labor to exploit or discriminate them too much? How does feminism, realized in the Bill, challenges capitalism and patriarchy? As what we have discussed in the fourth chapter, state and capitalists are very much related in the past, so the state constantly delays the examination of the Equal Employment Bill so as not to offend the capitalists. Through what do the capitalists frustrate the Bill directly or indirectly? What ways do they use to frustrate the completion of the Bill? And what ploy and tactics do women groups use to make our state facing up to the Bill and eventually pass the three-read. How did feminism challenge capitalism and patriarchy, thus improving or advancing the practice of law? Key Words : state apparatus、patriarchy、capitalism、women movement、feminism、Equal Employment Bill、Awakening Foundation

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