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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

歐盟疑歐論起源與發展之研究 / A Study of the Origins and Development of Euroscepticism in the European Union

林彥勳, Kszczotek, Filip Sebastian Unknown Date (has links)
過去十年來,人們體認到任何單一事件可能改變一個國家、一個區域,或全世界的政治情況。以歐盟而言,2014年歐洲議會的選舉就是一個很好的例子,許多研究者稱之為政治地震,這個事件可能促使對於「疑歐運動」脫離歐洲統合過程的陰影產生威脅,歐洲會議所呈現的疑歐論調可能被視為是歐盟末日的開端,或僅只是信任的暫時危機。 本研究試圖分析自歐盟成立以來造成疑歐論興起的各項因素。再者本論文也包含2014年歐洲議會選舉對歐洲穩定和各國政治情況的影響,最後作者應用雙層賽局理論尋求疑歐論興起的適當方法,以及歐洲分化的可能問題。很多觀察者宣稱疑歐論團體 對歐洲的統合沒有造成任何威脅,作者建議疑歐論在最近期應被視為主要的問題,歐盟應有效地回應。 藉著解答這三個研究問題,作者建議進一步了解大多數疑歐政治團體所擁有的動力,此外基於雙層賽局理論和折衝的角色,結論亦包含於處理疑歐論的可能意涵。 / In the past decade, people have witnessed that one single event may alter the political situation of a single country, region or even the whole world. In case of the EU, the 2014 European parliamentary election was one of them. Referred to by many researchers as a “political earthquake,” this event made it possible for the euroscepetic movement to emerge from the shadows and pose a threat to the European integration process. The presence of euroscepticism in the European Parliament may be seen as the beginning of the end of the EU or perhaps just a temporary crisis of trust. This study seeks to analyze the factors that contributed to the rise of euroscepticism since the beginning of the EU. Moreover, the impact of the 2014 European parliamentary election on European stability and the domestic political situation is also included in this paper. Finally, the author applies two-level games theory to find a proper solution to the rise of euroscepticism and the problem of potential European disintegration. Many observers claim that eurosceptic parties do not pose a threat to European integration. I suggest that euroscepticism should be recognized as one of the main problems to which the EU must respond effectively in the near future. By answering three research questions, the author gives further insight into the power gained by most of the eurosceptic political parties. Furthermore, based on the two-level games theory and the role of negotiations, the possible implications in dealing with euroscepticism are included in this paper.

聘審活動之遊說賽局 / Lobby Game of Employment

洪曉吟, Hung, Hsiao-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
在非營利組織之中,由於經理人與組織之利益不一致,因此在甄選新人的過程中可能產生代理人問題,負責甄選的主管可能因任用的標準及心目中的動機而影響聘審的結果。本研究即探討若非營利組織的聘審主管在心目中對應徵新人存有偏見或者考慮應徵新人未來對自身升遷的影響,並考慮應徵新人可採取遊說聘審主管活動下,討論聘審賽局均衡結果的情況。 / In the nonprofit organization, because benefit between the manager and the organization is different, there would be the agent problem in the process of selecting new employees. The manager being responsible for employment may consider his criterion and motive to change the selecting conclusion. In our study, we discuss if the manager has prejudice against applicant or he consider if the new employee will affect his promotion in the future. Moreover, we assume the applicant can lobby the manager. How will it affect the selection conclusion? We will construct a lobbying game theory model to do research and we hope could recommend the improving directions for the employ system in the nonprofit organization.

合縱與連橫的賽局分析-同時與循序移動 / A Game-Theoretic analysis of hezong and lianheng-simultaneous and sequential moves

粘思婷, Nian, Sih Ting, Unknown Date (has links)
我們建立一個無窮多期的三人賽局,嘗試討論歷史上著名的合縱與連橫同盟策略。每位參賽者可以選擇自己的同盟對象,以增加最後獲勝的機率。我們從同時移動的賽局結構中,得到合縱策略(實力較弱的參賽者之間同盟)與連橫策略(與實力最強的參賽者同盟)均存在於混合策略。這將有助於同時解釋三國赤壁之戰的同盟、南宋與蒙古同盟等歷史事件。 / This paper will study a three-player game with infinite periods where each player decides whether to league together to increase his winning rate. We discuss which one will be chosen to be the member of leagues. The results show that Hezong and Lianheng both exist in mixed strategy Nash equilibriums of simultaneous move game. It is possible that the fall of Jin and the Battle of Red Cliffs in Chinese history were just coincident or random events. Furthermore the players usually have a tendency to be in league with the strongest.


洪維廷, Hong, Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著都市的發展,經濟的成長,於台灣地區實行多年的土地使用分區管制制度,已經無法符合時代的需求。新訂的「國土綜合開發計畫法」草案中明訂全面實施發展許可制度,然而在發展許可制下,政府及開發者會在利益及價值觀上產生衝突,因此必須要以衝突管理的方式加以處理,衝突管理中最重要最重要的策略之一便是協商,本文嘗試以交易成本的理念找出降低交易成本的可行機制,並以賽局理論分析協商的過程及結果,最後建立一套可行的發展許可協商制度。 經過前述研究流程,本研究提出下列建議: 1-都市土地及非都市土地未賦與發展權者可於申請規劃許可前、申請規劃許可及開發許可時納入協商之機制。 2-都市土地已賦與發展權者可於申請開發許可前及開發許可時納入協商機制。 3-協商時以地方政府及開發者為主體。 4-協商內容應廣泛且較具彈性,且視協商階段的不同而有所差異。 5-實施時應加入相關的配合措施。

訊息不對稱下,消費者行為和廠商行銷理念關係之研究 / Under Asymmetric Information, The Relationship of The behavior of Consumer and The Marketing Strategy of Firm.

陳雲雯, Chen, Yun Wen Unknown Date (has links)
Cho-Kreps(1987)提出以equilibrium dominance的方法找出直覺均衡(intuitive equilibrium)的概念,使得最終均衡收斂至直覺均衡。但是根據實驗結果顯示,均衡的考量不是那麼輕鬆而簡單的,由實驗二我們可以看出,運用``情境模擬''的方法,建議參賽者對於決策的認知行為,使得參賽者的認知模糊化後運用equilibrium dominance的方法,會使最終均衡呈現環循的趨勢而並不會收斂至直覺均衡的結果。此外Cho-Kreps(1987)所提出的文章中,可以dominate掉非直覺均衡有一個重要的關鍵變項就是---``演說(Speech)'',由實驗三我們可以得知加入``演說''這個變項後,不能明顯看出會使最終均衡``加速''收斂至直覺均衡。但是由實驗四的結果我們可得知,在情境模擬的環境下使參賽者的認知模糊,那麼此時加入``演說``這個變項確實能發揮其重要性,使得參賽者雙方的認知更清楚化,以便能排除非直覺均衡而收斂至直覺均衡另外Cho-Kreps(1987)所討論參賽者在做決策的方法中並未說明參賽者的風險態度和決策行為的關係,若縮短參賽者雙方的報酬差距,使得參賽者的決策風險變小,使雙方參賽者願意``賭''的誘因增加。由實驗六的結果可以得知可運用``學習''的方法,使得參賽者靠自己本身的學習來確認其應該已知的認知,以降低參賽者對雙方認知的不確定性,因此使得雙方``賭''的意願降低以使最終均衡可快速收斂至直覺均衡。最後由人格風險量表整理可得風險喜好程度的參賽者比較願意去賭,因此風險態度愈高愈不易使均衡收斂至直覺均衡。總括來說,Cho-Kreps(1987)所提出運用equilibrium dominance的方法求得合理的直覺均衡的概念必須是在參賽者雙方對於決策行為認知的不確定性小的時候才能成立。

以信號賽局理論分析銀行放款之決策 / The analysis of Bank Loan Decision with Signaling Games

曾貝莉, Tseng,Pei Li Unknown Date (has links)
信用市場發生資訊不對稱時,貸款申請人對自己的型態瞭若指掌,而銀行 卻因對貸款申請人資訊相對不足而必須承受倒帳的風險。銀行若欲保障利 潤而提高擔保品或利率,反而易引起道德危機與逆選擇的問題,造成銀行 利潤下降。多數文獻常以信用分配、自我選擇機能、信號機能來探討銀行 面臨資訊不對稱所發生的狀況,本文就是以信號賽局來探討資訊不對稱下 的銀行放款決策。在以信號機能分析銀行放款市場的文獻中,Milde & Riley (1988)以貸款額為信號變數,分別用乘法與加法形式利潤函數探討 不對稱資訊下的銀行放款決策。薛舜仁(1993)則以擔保品為信號變數,運 用乘法形式利潤函數來探討。本文則延續薛舜仁的分析方法,在貸款額固 定下,利用貸款申請人型態、擔保品、計劃報酬隨機性形成利潤函數,惟 此利潤函數,呈現的是Milde & Riley 的加法形式利潤函數。透過貸款申 請人無異曲線斜率不同所隱含邊際替代率不同的特性,分析出不對稱資訊 下的均衡契約。由於本文結果與 Milde & Riley 及薛舜仁的結果不同, 所以我們將各結果列出比較,發現在資訊不對稱時,以債權安全目標設計 契約時,債信高的申請人會選擇高貸款額或低擔保品但放款利率高的契約 。當銀行為防止高風險者因擔保品負擔過重退出市場,而以風險角度設計 契約時,則均衡時,高債信者會選擇低貸款額或高擔保品,但放款利率低 的契約。

贓物所有權歸屬之賽局分析 / A game theoretic analysis of property rights by theft

林宛萱 Unknown Date (has links)
在贓物所有權歸屬問題之下,本文承繼 Rose (2010) 的設定,使用賽局模型分析贓物不適用善意取得 (即無條件歸還原持有者) 及適用善意取得的法律規定,並討論我國實際贓物所有權的制度,並比較三種制度下的參賽者的聯合效用大小。透過本研究可發現,原持有者擁有物品所有權的效用相對較高時,社會上應偏向贓物不適用善意取得較有效率;當潛在買方擁有物品所有權的效用相對較高時,社會上應偏向贓物適用善意取得較有效率。而我國現有制度不管在何種情況之下,皆不是最有效率的,故我國對贓物所有權歸屬的法律從效率面而言有重新檢討之必要。 / This paper which continues the study from Rose (2010) focuses on the question whether a buyer of a stolen good should obtain title to the good if he/she has purchased it in good faith. We use game model to analyze three different regulations - a rule of law where good faith is irrelevant, a rule where good faith may protect an innocent buyer, and the real regulation in Taiwan. Finally, in discussing social utility, we compare efficiency among the three regulations, and reach our conclusion that when the potential buyer’s utilities of having the ownership are higher than the owner’s, a rule of law where good faith is irrelevant is the most efficient. On the contrary, when the potential buyer’s utilities of having the ownership are lower than the original owner’s, a rule where good faith may protect an innocent buyer is the most efficient. Considering efficiency, the regulation in Taiwan is not the best to the society so the government may amend the regulation.

R&D 競賽中廠商引入產業標準的時機 / The timing of standard-setting in a R&D race

楊鵬達 Unknown Date (has links)
研發創新活動中,產業標準的設定一直都被視為一種研發的限制條件,本文考慮產業標準的設定是廠商在研發賽局裡的一種策略,使產業標準的設定為研發賽局可以使用的策略,進而討論在哪些情形下,研發賽局的產業標準設定會與當標準化設定作為一種限制條件,研發活動將會相同。 本文利用產業標準對研發賽局報酬有贏家的報酬上升以及輸家的報酬縮減,將產業標準視為賽局成果面的策略選擇,發現若廠商為齊質,產業標準在固定設置成本時,並且贏家報酬必須超過一定大小,產業標準會在研發賽局之始設定,與作為賽局限制條件的結果相同。在有產業標準為策略下的研發賽局,其均衡的參與賽局廠商數目,與報酬因產業標準變化的大小關係較大,而設置 標準的固定成本對廠商數目的影響較小。

再探極小極大理論在網球比賽的應用:發球及接球能力如何影響選手的發球策略 / Minimax Play in Tennis Revisited : How Serving and Returning Abilities Affect Players’ Strategic Behavior

莊品珊, Chuang, Pin Shan Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文參考Walker and Wooders (2001)的網球發球模型,並且使用較完整的網路社群記錄的網球比賽資料庫,檢驗網球選手的發球決策是否符合賽局理論中的混合策略理論預測的行為模式。Walker and Wooders (2001)提到要檢視混合策略是否成立,必須通過兩個假設檢定。第一個是無論發球的方向為何,發球的勝率均相等。第二個是發球的方向必須符合序列不相關。 相較先前的論文,我們更改了發球方向和分數的紀錄方式,使資料更符合比賽實際的情形。另外,我們使用了ATP網站上的排名,依發球者和接球者的能力排名將比賽區分為四個子集合,為的是觀察對戰組合對選手策略行為上的影響。 實證結果顯示,當在接發球者能力都很強的比賽中,混和策略並不成立。相對地,其他三個子集合中都符合理論預期。在序列不相關的檢定中,發球能力差的選手容易出現過度變換方向的情形,此可能因為選手要以不可預測來彌補發球能力的不足。另一方面,在好的發球者的比賽中,被拒絕的序列不相關檢定都是源自過少的方向變換,我們推斷因為發球者的發球品質好,所以更能著重於攻擊對手的弱點而非讓對手無法預測發球落點。 / Using the tennis serving model introduced by Walker and Wooders (2001) and a more comprehensive database obtained from a tennis charting program, we test whether professional tennis players behave according to the predictions of the mixed strategy. We test two predictions from Walker and Wooders (2001) model: the hypothesis for equality of winning probability and serial independence. We improve the method of recording each point in matches and use the rank (serving rank and returning rank) from ATP leaderboards to separate our data to four subsets. We hypothesize that rivalry combination may have impact on the strategic behavior of players. Our empirical result shows that players don’t play mixed strategy in the top-ranking server vs. top-ranking receiver subset, while players conform to what theory suggests for the other subsets. On the other hand, run-test results show that poor servers tend to switch serving directions too often, probably to defend their weakness by creating more uncertainties in serves. However, good servers do not have this tendency because of their high serving quality.


倪志琦 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是在agent-based計算經濟體系下,利用Holland(1975)所提的遺傳演算法(genetic algorithms)作為計算工具,分別探討連鎖店賽局及寡占市場廠商價格策略的生態演化。 在連鎖店賽局的研究中,藉由agent-based計算經濟分析掠奪性定價的特性,並進一步探討參賽者價格策略的共演化(co-evolutionary)特性,及多元均衡賽局中均衡移轉的動態過程。針對賽局中不同的不確定性進行模擬,結果顯示廠商長期總合行為是否穩定,和賽局中的不確定程度有相當的關聯。另外,弱獨占者和潛在競爭者的價格策略存在著共演化特性。在此演化賽局中,Nash均衡雖非穩定均衡解,但卻最常浮現在長期總合行為中。因此,Nsah均衡對agent-based演化賽局的結果而言,相當具有參考價值。在特定的不確定程度下,長期總合行為似乎只在某些特定的Nash均衡中徘徊。這些移轉途徑並不具有對稱性,甚至移轉速度也非對稱。本研究所呈現的演化結果跳脫一般對均衡的觀念,展現出傳統理論所無法預知的共演化特性,並呈現出非對稱的吸引環。 此外,同樣在Agent-based計算經濟下探討寡占市場廠商策略生態。本研究首先闡明N參賽者囚犯兩難重複賽局和N廠商寡占賽局之間的異同,經由寡占賽局廠商償付矩陣(payoff matrix)的狀態相依馬可夫移轉矩陣( state-dependent Markov transition matrix)性質,說明N廠商寡占賽局和N參賽者囚犯兩難重複賽局的差異。其次,透過三家廠商寡占賽局的模擬實驗,以遺傳演算法建構參賽廠商的適應性行為,分別以寡占市場生態上的表現型(phenotypes)和基因型(genotype)進行分析。20次模擬結果所呈現的最終市場狀態相當分歧,有形成吸引環的三廠商寡占市場、有收斂到價格戰的三廠商寡占市場。另外也成功的模擬出三廠商寡占市場演化至雙佔市場、甚或獨占市場的過程。但是,在眾多模擬中並沒有發現持續的勾結定價狀態,反而掠奪性價格是較主要的價格策略。這些結果相對於實際經濟社會中的寡占市場,給予一個活潑生動的範例。 / Recently, genetic algorithms have been extensively applied to modeling evolution game in agent-based computational economic. While these applications advance our understanding of evolution game, they have generated some new phenomena that have not been well treated in conventional game theory. In the first topic, we shall systemize the study of one of these new phenomena, namely, coevolutionary instability. We exemplify the basic properties of coevolutionary instability by the chain store game, which is the game frequently used to study the role of reputation effects in economics. In addition, we point out that, while, due to uncertainty effects, Nash equilibria can no longer be stable, and they can still help us predict the dynamic process of the game. In particular, we can see that the dynamic process of the game is well captured by a few Nash equilibria and the transition among them. A careful study can uncover several interesting patterns and we show the impact of uncertainty on these patterns. In the second topic, the relation between the N-person IPD game and the N-person oligopoly game is rigorously addressed. Our analytical framework shows that due to the path-dependence of the payoff matrix of the oligopoly game, the two games in general are not close in spirit. We then further explore the significance of the path-dependence property to the rich ecology of oligopoly from an evolutionary perspective. More precisely, we simulated the evolution of a 3-person oligopoly game, and showed that the rich ecology of oligopoly can be exhibited by modeling the adaptive behavior of oligopolists with genetic algorithms. The emergent behavior of oligopolists are presented and analyzed. We indicate how the path-dependence nature may shed light on the phenotypes and genotypes coming into existence.

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