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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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洪維廷 Unknown Date (has links)
以往有關公共設施保留地制度的相關研究,往往著重於問題解決的導向,而較少立法及制度執行互動過程,因此有關於立法互動過程與立法結果的關係,以及制度未被完全執行的原因,並未被釐清。賽局理論考慮到行為人間的互動行為對立法行為及制度執行的影響,因此本研究基於制度變遷理論,以賽局理論的分析方法,建立行政及立法部門互動的理論模式,以及制度執行的理論模式,提供分析相關問題的理論架構。其次,本研究將前述所建立之理論模式,應用於探討公共設施保留地制度的立法及執行問題,獲得以下幾點結論: 一、從保留地立法過程分析可以瞭解,而在民國六十二年及民國七十七年兩次立法過程中,因立法部門的生態結構以及行政部門對議程的掌控,使得行政部門在強制力及訊息充分程度上具有優勢,大體掌握了雙方互動上的優勢。然隨政治生態的改變,行政部門對立法部門的控制能力降低,而使行政部門對聲譽之考量以及懲罰成本改變,且亦影響到立法部門對行政部門修法意向的認知,而使得民國六十二年及民國七十七年兩次的立法結果有所差異。 二、由公共設施保留地制度的執行受到中央政府、地方政府及地方優勢選民間的共有代理關係影響。就民國六十二年至民國七十七年間的情況而言,中央政府取得地方政府執行保留地制度成效的相關訊息,受到本身財力及人力上的諸多限制,監督成本相對較高;而地方政府提供不涉及保留地徵收的公共設施,因有較具成效而能討好地方選民,有利於地方選舉,因此具有較佳的生產力。在前述兩個原因下,造成當時公共設施保留地制度趨向未被完全執行的路徑。 三、隨著行政部門所可動用懲罰資源的減少、行政部門與立法部門相對結構的改變,以及立法部門與地方選民間的關係愈趨緊密,未來公共設施保留地制度若再度修法時,在目前政治生態下,極可能出現立法僵局或協商時程上的延遲,甚至產生立法部門主導的現象;而若在執行方式上及執行機制上未有重大改變,則公共設施保留地制度仍將繼續趨向於未能被完全執行的路徑。

吹哨者保護制度對外部審計影響之賽局分析 / The effect of Whistleblower protection system on external auditors using game theoretic analysis

林邑軒, Lin, I Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討吹哨者保護制度對公司、員工與會計師產生之影響。模型結果顯示,完善的吹哨者保護制度可以提升員工的吹哨意願,進而使公司傾向誠實表達;完善的吹哨者保護制度可能增加或減少會計師的審計成本,會計師若預期公司因員工吹哨意願提高而傾向誠實表達,可降低審計成本,惟公司若不實表達且會計師並未經由查核發現時,會因為員工吹哨而產生商譽等重大損失。因此會計師於不同資本規模、客戶數量、事務所文化、員工素質等狀況下,會產生相異之審計成本變化。 / This study discusses the effect of Whistleblower protection system on firms, employees, and external auditors. Results of the models show that, a perfect Whistleblower protection system can motivate employees to blow the whistle and thus make the firm present honestly. A perfect Whistleblower protection system may increase or decrease external auditors’ audit costs. External auditors may decrease audit costs if they expect the firm will present honestly due to the enthusiasm of employees to blow the whistle, while external auditors may increase audit costs if they can’t afford the loss of goodwill when they couldn’t find the misstatement and the employee blowed the whistle. Therefore, external auditors have different changes in audit costs under different conditions, such as capital scale, number of clients, office culture and staff quality.

行政組際協調之嵌套賽局分析 / A nested game analysis of interorganizational coordination in public administration

廖洲棚, Liao, Zhou Peng Unknown Date (has links)
在當前的治理環境下,公共任務比以往更需要整合政府及各部門組織的行動方能克盡其功。因此,多數的公共管理者應會同意,行政組際協調已成為「治理時代」重要且迫切的議題之一,公共管理者需要擁有全新的能力,從解決民眾問題的角度來回應民眾需求。本文將行政組際協調定義為「藉由兩個或兩個以上行政組織的一致行動,使特定政策或計畫的執行,能達成最少的冗餘、不一致與空隙的執行結果」。在此定義下,本文討論的行政組際協調涉及三個層面:第一個層面為跨行政組織如何產生一致行動的問題;第二個層面為行政組織間的互動關係;第三個層面為跨行政組織執行成果的問題。 本文建構的「行政組際協調嵌套賽局模型」假定官僚制度中的專業分工與獲利轉換機制的制度設計,是造成行政組織分工但不合作的主因。在此前提下,筆者引入「效用損失」的概念,做為發展行政組織行為效用函數的基礎。在行政自主性「效用損失」的概念下,筆者僅保留與行政組織政策或計畫執行最相關的自變項,分別是相依關係、溝通、管轄領域、民意監督、外部課責與內部課責等六種,來解釋行政組織的合作行為以及協調的結果等兩種依變項。由於本文將制度視為對參賽者的限制與機會,在制度陳述概念的輔助下,筆者得以清楚地設定行政組際協調的賽局情境,並將行政責任的思考轉化為外部課責與內部課責等兩種課責參數型態。在此課責制度框架下,筆者建立行政組際協調的空間結構,透過行政組織自主性效用之簡單損失函數以及制度空間模型的運用,成功建立起一個階層管理者、兩個行政組織的行政組際協調嵌套賽局模型。這個模型依據外部課責是否一致,以及內部課責是否存有共識等兩個面向,將行政組際協調賽局情境區分為四種類型,並在分別推演參賽者的行為變化後,提出十項理論命題。為詮釋這些命題在現實環境中的意義,筆者在臺北市政府研考會的同意下,引用該會於2010年10月辦理之1999跨機關陳情案件問卷調查資料,進行次級資料分析。 綜合而言,本文建構的「行政組際協調嵌套賽局模型」,是建立在一個嚴格的假定條件之上的,因此其理論的解釋力與預測能力都僅能限縮在一定的範圍內,特別是一階層管理者、兩行政組織的三人完全訊息賽局。換言之,超出這個範圍之外的行政組際協調現象,就不適合使用本模型進行解釋。本文雖然只使用極精簡的相關研究變項,卻也足以展現一個理論模型應具備的解釋與預測能力。當然,本文的研究僅是一個開端,不論在模型的廣博性以及適用性都還有極大的待改善空間。筆者也鼓勵後繼的學者,能持續地擴展與修改本文提出之理論模型,讓行政組際協調研究領域能朝向更正面的發展。 / Under the present governance environment, the government would need more efforts to coordinate different organizations’ actions than before to make sure the public services would be provided successfully. Thus, most public managers would not only agree that the interorganizational coordination has become one of the important and urgent issues in the governance era, but also they need to learn new abilities to response the citizens’ needs. The author defined the concept of interorganizational coordination as “The end-state of a public policy or program which is implemented by two or more organizations in a consistent way is characterized by minimal redundancy, incoherence and lacunae.” Under this definition, the author discussed three different questions of interorganization coordination in public administration. The first question is How can we formulate a set of consistent actions for implementing a public policy or program? The second question is “How can we explain the interactive relationship between the organizations in public administration?” The third question is “What kind of results would be produced by multi-organizational implementation?” The nested game model of this dissertation has been assumed that the specification and unique side payment system of bureaucracy are the fundamental institution of interorganizational coordination. Under this assumption, the author introduced the concept of simple loss function and structure-induced equilibrium to create an utility function of public organizations and a spatial model for deducing propositions of interorganizational coordination in public administration. In order to verify the propositions of the nested game model of this dissertation, the author did a case study which was including 52 appealed cases of 1999 Citizen Hotline of Taipei City Government and tested the hypothesis derived from the propositions. Finally, the author concluded that there are six independent variables, including interdependency, communication, territory, supervision, outside accountability and inside accountability which can be used to explain two dependent variables, including cooperative behaviors and the result of interorganizational coordination. The author admitted that the interorganizational coordination is a contingent process and should be carefully defined its game rules before discussing what happened in this process. This dissertation has provided a simplicity model for explaining interorganizational coordination with one hierarchical organization and two horizontal organizations within four different situations. The author hoped that other researchers can modify this simple model to explain more complex situations of interorganizational coordination. Thus, this field could be continually developed in a positive way.


鄧介偉, DENG, JIE-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界經貿交通的日益頻繁,國際社會相互依存程度日益增高,各國間任何政策的 推行,往往會牽一髮而動全耳地波及於其他各國造成彼此經濟利益的衝突。於是在各 國規劃及制定財經政策上就必須考慮到此種多元多層面總體經濟體系的干擾。 本論文之目的即在於考慮到目標衝突下的總體經濟政策計畫之有效性,尤其是在有金 融相互依存性下,運用賽局理論(THEORY OF GAME)以及連結賽局理論和最適控制理 論(OPTIMAL OCNTROL THEORY)的動態賽局理論(DYNAMIC GAME THEORY )結合國際 經濟學理論尋求能建立出國際多元總體經濟的模型以作為下列四種方面的應用: (1)國際多元經貿連結理論之分析。 (2)國際經貿組織及區域組織集團中彼此間策略行為之分析比較。 (3)國際政策協調方法的效果分析比較。 (4)國際多元化總體經濟模型之模擬及評估。 以上分析與前賢之不同在於嘗試建立並模擬出有多重元的國際總體經貿賽局模型。換 言之,即是考慮到一國可加入國際經貿組織及區域組織集團中和另外的國際經貿組織 及區域組織集團進行賽局後,再在國際經貿組織或區域組織集團中彼此間進行賽局。 更進一步的話還可以再考慮到一國自己國內各個不同利益團體彼此間再進行賽局。這 即是所謂的層級式多元賽局(此為三重多元賽局)。此種模型可提供作開放經濟體系 在國際間多元經貿關係的簡單模擬,用於解釋並分析該國在國鄉際多元經濟貿易體系 上適當可行的政策方法和效果評估。進而分析該國受到外國經貿政策波及後的影響程 度以及在追求最大或不損及國家利益上協調國際經貿失衡問題的地位和能力。

國內政治與歐洲整合研究 / Domestic Politics and European Integration Studies

陳慶昌, Ching-Chang Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究動機始於有感民族陣線在當今法國政壇的影響力不容小覷,「勒班效應」也使得1980年代中期後極右主義的風潮在西歐蔓延開來,因此吾人在研究歐洲整合的過程時,似應考慮到會員國國內這些反歐洲化的政治現象的發展。然而,主流的國際關係理論認為國際體系構成單位的層次分析並不重要。雖然國際關係體系論的建立被視為是本學門邁向「科學化」的重要嘗試,惟其亦使得學者在研究區域整合時面臨了見林不見樹的困境,本文的研究目的也就在試圖證明會員國國內政治不能被歐洲整合研究所忽視。 本論文以法國極右主義與歐盟移民政策之關聯為例,透過二重賽局的分析架構進行實證研究,研究結果顯示法國右派政府為了爭取極右派選民的票源而吸納民族陣線的反移民訴求,不僅反映在該國自1980年代中期以降的移民政策對非歐盟國家移民的趨於排斥,亦顯現於法國政府在歐盟移民政策共同體化之前與其他會員國協調移民政策時的保守立場。本研究指出,法國極右派在國內層次的影響能夠經由政府的利益匯集過程而到達歐盟層次,從而說明學者不宜貿然分割國內與國際政治研究。另一方面,案例亦顯示政府領袖的偏好在形成後仍有可能發生轉變,因此做為跨層次分析工具的二重賽局尚有修正其架構的必要性,如何發展有效連結國內政治與國際關係的理論途徑與分析架構,對於區域研究學者實屬緊要。

To "Make" or to "Buy"?Innovation and Vertical Integration in Vertically-related Markets

李文傑, Lee, Wen-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以一個簡單賽局理論模型為分析依據,探討企業間的自製或是外包策略對整體社會福利的影響。 傳統經濟理論分析告訴我們自製策略可以解決雙重邊際化的問題。但在本文我們舉出一個反例,亦即當存在研發的可能及上下遊市場的研發外溢效果時,垂直整合可能會造成廠商過度研發的情形,最終產生整體社會福利不效益情形。 / In this paper, we set up a game-theoretic model, in which the whole industry is composed of a downstream monopolist and two upstream firms. This paper discusses the major debate in a firm’s market strategy: to make or to buy the components it needs. Traditionally, economic theories told us that vertical integration strategy (make strategy) can solve the problem of double marginalization and hence increase profits as well as social welfare. Nevertheless, this result does not necessarily hold when R&D possibility is introduced. We show that when there is downstream to upstream R&D spillover, vertical integration may result in an over-investment in R&D from the social standpoint. This result may shed some light on the rationale behind recent antitrust rulings.

2005年中美、中歐紡織品配額貿易談判之政治經濟分析 / The Politics of Sino-US and Sino-EU Textile Quota Negotiations in 2005

吳文欽, Wu, Wen Chin Unknown Date (has links)
國際貿易會決定國內不同行為者的利益分配,促使國內產生主張自由貿易與支持保護主義的陣營,進而影響貿易政策的制訂。本論文以紡織品貿易為主題,首先闡述保護主義為何在貿易自由化浪潮中,依舊能夠貫穿20世紀後半葉的紡織品貿易,卻又在1990年代末期開始式微;其次,本論文分析當全球紡織品貿易於2005年全面取消配額之後,中國紡織品的大量出口,如何引發進口國內部保護主義勢力的反撲,令歐盟和美國先後和中國重新展開紡織品配額談判。最後,本論文分析歐、美境內自由貿易與保護主義兩個陣營,如何影響和中國的談判結果,並藉此比較具有不同制度的經濟體,如何回應國際經濟秩序的變化。 本文援引Robert Putnam所提出的「雙層賽局」分析架構,並進一步討論國內制度如何國際談判產生影響。經研究後發現,歐盟和美國內部的政治聯盟是影響談判結果的重要因素。這兩起談判雖然都源於本國紡織業者在受到中國紡織品的強力挑戰之後,進而要求政府必須出面解決這個問題,但是,由於歐盟和美國內部政治制度設計的不同,讓不同陣營有不同的施力空間,最後使得兩起談判結果有所差異。在歐盟方面,紡織產業和進口商之間的衝突,透過歐盟尊重多元的政治制度設計而有了旗鼓相當的局勢,因此歐盟執委會出面和中國談判之前,必須兼顧這兩個陣營的利益,令歐盟和中國的談判結果較有利於中國紡織品出口。但是在美國方面,儘管進口商和紡織業者之間的利益也是有所衝突,不過紡織業者最後透過政治運作而佔了上風,加上美國政府也希望藉由限制中國紡織品來降低對中國的貿易逆差,使得中美談判的結果對中國較為嚴格,具有濃厚的保護主義色彩。 / International trade distributes various interests to actors, who then form two camps supporting free trade and protectionism, respectively. Both two camps also influence the decision-making of trade policy. This thesis focuses on textile trade and analyzes why protectionism could prevail in the textile trade during the second half of 20th century, and why it declined in the end of 1990s. Second, this thesis analyzes how China’s considerable textile exports after 2005 incur resistances of protectionists in the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). Those protectionists request their government to negotiate with China on textile products. However, those requests attract the counterpunches from supporters of free trade. By rendering the “Two-level Game Theory”, this thesis discovers that the domestic coalitions in the EU and the US significantly determine the results of negotiations. Although both negotiations result from powerful challenges of Chinese textile products, the EU and the US have their own institutional designs and then take different responses. In the EU, conflicts between textile industry and textile importers are of approximately equal strength. The European Commission has to hold an eclectic position between the supporters of free trade and protectionists. As a result, the results of EU-Sino negotiation favor China’s textile export to the European market. On the other hand, even though there are conflicts between textile producers and importers, producers get the upper hand by lobbying politicians. In addition, because the US government also intends to reduce the US’ tremendous trade deficit with China by limiting China’s textile product, the US-Sino textile quota negotiation is much more protectionism-oriented.


簡龍鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
「促進民間參與公共建設法」賦予民間機構從事開發交通建設所需用地,藉以提高交通建設之財務自償能力。回顧目前國內所推動之高速鐵路及捷運建設BOT案,均藉由土地開發收入以挹注建設成本,誠然所引發公共論壇的焦點環繞在土地開發利益議題上。惟土地開發收入取決於開發規模及代理人努力效果等因素,在政府與民間機構存在對土地市場價值資訊不對稱下,恐衍生委託代理問題與權力宰制。 審視現行法令賦予私有土地參與捷運場站開發制度,包括政府和所有權人合作開發、政府徵收開發、所有權人申請開發等多樣性之土地開發方式。面對具提高不動產價值之捷運場站土地開發,研究思維理應從單向滿足民間機構對土地開發需求外,亦需同時考量維護所有權人參與之權益,各方最佳的策略與報酬,並非獨立於他人的行動之外,其間之策略組合報酬主要涉及土地開發方式之權益分配率及開發回饋金,捷運場站開發制度存在策略賽局關係。 因此,如何建構兼具代理規範、參與決策及均衡結果為導向的制度經濟分析模型,已成為推動民間參與捷運場站土地開發之關鍵所在。本研究首先,嘗試以代理理論、權力面向及賽局理論分析方法,作為民間參與捷運場站土地開發制度之立論基礎;其次,深入分析土地開發之代理與權力交互效果,重新詮釋資源配置效率問題;其三,研擬民間參與之代理與賽局整合模型,經由制度賽局均衡結果以達成各方自由選擇下之同意;最後,進行案例模擬分析。 本研究所獲致之結論包括:(1)民間參與捷運場站土地開發制度得以代理理論、權力面向及賽局理論一窺全貌;(2)制度的賽局均衡觀得以降低因徵收土地開發之代理與權力交互關係對資源配置效率之衝擊;(3)模擬分析民間參與之代理與賽局整合模型具可操作性並可運用於實務界。再者,本研究所提出之建議包括:(1)建構政府與民間機構之代理模型俾以降低委託代理問題;(2)建構政府與所有權人之制度賽局模型俾以達成自願交易;(3)建構代理規範與制度賽局之整合模型以維護所有權人參與土地開發之權益。 / “Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Public Infrastructure Projects” provides a mechanism for the private sector to develop the land for any public infrastructure project so that the financial self-liquidating ratio may be increased. The financial concept of BOT projects in Taiwan, such as HSR and MRT, is to recoup the cost of the infrastructure project by land development revenues. Indeed, the public concerns focus on the revenues, which depend on the institution and scale of development. However, the revenues depend on the scale of development and effect of the agent’s efforts. While the information asymmetry exists, there may arise the issues of agency and power control. The institution of the MRT station development provides a diversity of land development, including cooperation development, expropriation development and application development. The development issue has switched from government-led development approaches to the interaction between the government and landowners. As for the payoff function of their strategy combination, it depends on the right distribution rate and feedback payment. In the MRT station development institution exists a form of strategic game. Therefore, how to establish an institutional economic analysis model takes agency norm, and involves decision-making and equilibrium, which forms the criterion, serving as a key to promote the private participation in MRT station development. This study attempts: First, to analyze the private participation in MRT station development based on the agency theory, power dimension, and game theory. Second, to explore the allocation efficiency of resources under the interaction effect of agent and power. Third, to establish an integrated model of both the agent and the game, which by equilibrium-of–the-game view of institutions reach a mutual agreement among the government, private sector, and landowners. Finally, case simulation. It is concluded that, (1) the institution of the private participation MRT station development may be fully reviewed by agency theory, power dimension, and game theory. (2) the equilibrium-of–the-game view of institutions may reduce the impact on the allocation efficiency of resources under the interaction effect of agent and power. (3) by case simulation found that the integrated model of both agent and game is available. It is suggested that, (1) to establish an agency model for both the government and private sector serves to solve agency issues. (2) to establish an institutional game model for both the government and landowner functions as voluntary exchanges. (3) to establish an integrated model of both agent and game helps to keep landowner on the rights of participation in MRT station development.

利益議價行為與決策--以動態博奕分析全民健保法制定過程 / Bargaining behavior--A game-theoretic analysis in the National Health Care Law-making

王志宏, Wang, Vincent C.H. Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要運用博奕理論,分析全民健保法中各涉入者的議價行為,包括政黨及利益團體兩個層次之互動。主要探討下列問題:1、瞭解議價行為之動態賽局結構。2、參與者如何運用策略及其資源,以達到其偏好的理想點。3、如何透過議價來調節分歧的利益,規避社會衝突。4、如何透過理性的計算,如移動、反制、反反制的過程,達柏雷圖邊界。 第一章說明研究範圍與方法,及本文研究架構等。 第二章為理論基礎,先對傳統博奕理論提出修正,再介紹本文所採用之移動理論。 第三章說明本研究範圍內之行為者的立場、偏好等,並採二階賽局之觀點對兩層次之行為者的互動做一分析。 第四章把健保法立法過程依重要事件分為三段,分別運用賽局結 構分析其議價過程與結果。 第五章在針對第四章之均衡結果提出更進一步之分析,以康多賽贏家、中間選民定理、空間理論等來分析議題之社會選擇結果。 第六章提出研究限制和檢討,及本文結論。 / In the thesis , the author use game theory to analysis thebargaining behavior of the actors,including political parties and interest groups,in the Nationl Health Care Law-making. The purpose of this thesis contains four points.First of all,to figure out the structure of bargaining game.Second,how does the actors use their strategies and resourse to reach their ideal point.Third,how does the bargaining goes to come to an agreement, and avoid social conflict.forth and last,how can the rational actors use their strategies like move,counter-move,even counter counter-move to reach Pareto frontier.


薛舜仁, Allen Si Unknown Date (has links)
以探討銀行放款策略訂定的角度而言,在過去的文獻中, 要仍是在說明 於訊息不對稱下,產生逆選擇及道德危機,因 有信用分配的現象;而本 文所強調的重點則和Milde & Ril-y(1988)的精神相同,利用信號機能來 求出各種貸款申請人之抩A均衡契約,進而區分出各個貸款申請人債信品 質的高低。誘撠眾]在貸款額固定下,擔保品為投資計畫利潤函數中的正 袺鷌僂?A成功地導出擔保品可用來作為信號的指標,在銀行飢馴□v爭下 ,債信較高(違約風險小)的貸款申請人會願意接□U款利率低但須提供較 多擔保品的契約,而債信較低 (違約滅I大) 的貸款申請人則反之。對於 均衡時分離契約(separating contracts)的穩定性,畯怬Q用Cho & Kreps (1987)之sequential equilibrium觀念討出可能優於(dominate) 最適分離契約之pooling契約,是存在的;其原因來自於銀行間的層層牽 制,而不敢提出此契,使得上述的分離契約才是唯一均衡時的契約。由於 我國對於設立銀行所需資本額頗為龐大,因此仍僅限騚X個大財團與大企 業間共同籌資才得以完成,故在銀行的產~中若僅以完全競爭的情況來探 討,似乎仍不夠完善,在本文澈嵽b段,我們即以銀行是獨佔的角度來探 討均衡契約的訂定A並與完全競爭時的情況相比較。這亦使得銀行在不同 結構間A對放款契約的探討有了更完整的架構。

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