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臺北市公共自行車站點需求分析之研究 / A research in the demand of the public bike station in Taipei.張辰尉 Unknown Date (has links)
後續透過文獻分析,擷取影響公共自行車使用量之因素後,本研究嘗試運用一般線性迴歸模型與地理加權迴歸進行模型建立,並探討各影響因素對於旅運需求之影響情形。實證結果顯示,地理加權迴歸模型可以解決一般線性迴歸所產生空間自相關問題,使得模型解釋能力獲得改善。本研究並使用地理加權迴歸進行使用需求分析以及預測,對未來公共自行車營運以及站點擴張提出結論以及建議,期能提升公共自行車系統之使用量。 / Due to the climate change and aggravation of the greenhouse effect in recent years, the public bicycle system with the feature of low-carbon emission has raised more and more attention internationally, and has become one of the targets in developing green transportation policies of transportation departments of governments around the world. Meanwhile Big Data analysis issues, on the other hand, are currently a sought-after topic which has caused great concern as well. In this study, we utilize the rental data of the YouBike system in Taipei to discuss the public usage of YouBike tour at different periods. With the use of social network analysis, we discuss the relationships between different bicycle stops based on applying the number of travels between different sites as the weight. Eventually, the hotspot analysis will be carried out by operating the GIS system. In this way, we are able to discuss the hotspot distribution of YouBike rentals in different time and then visualize the result.
After that this study pick up the variables which will effect the YouBike usage by reference review. This research try to built models by utilizing the Least Squares Method and Geographically Weighted Regression. Then we will have a discussion with the result of the two models. The result shows that Geographically Weighted Regression can resolve the spatial autocorrelation problem which happened in the Least Squares Method and to gain a better result. With the analysis and prediction of public bicycle system from Geographically Weighted Regression, we hope to raise the usage of public bicycle system by concluding as well as making recommendations for the future operation of public bicycle and the expansion of bicycle stops.
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包車平台的補貼與收費機制探討 / The analysis on the subsidy and pricing model of the online car carter service platform林佳立, Lin, Jia Li Unknown Date (has links)
本研究得知個案其各自商業模式之創建、如何選擇付費方與被補貼方以及包車平台之定價策略,也可從個案中得知,思考角度與立場不同,運用補貼模式的準則得出之結果也截然不同,提供未來同質性平台於發展時多元的思考方式及依據。 / From 2007 to 2015, visitors to Taiwan increased from 3.71 million to more than 10 million. As a result, foreign exchange earnings from tourism surged by 2.6 times, from NT$17.12 billion (US$521.95 million) to an estimated NT$44.50 billion (US$1.36 billion). These results and reviews demonstrate that Taiwan is becoming a major destination for travelers worldwide. Car carter service become a popular way for visitors to explore Taiwan on their own, therefore more and more online car carter service platforms are being set up. Platform pricing model is not set up by user charge alone, how users interact on the platform is also considered. Platform controller attract users who can cause positive cross-side network effect by offering them better price so that they can attract users who are willing to pay the fee.
This research depends on two-side market theory to explain how online car carter platforms attract users to enter their platforms, design interaction mechanism and set rules to allow users to use platforms easily. Depending on different point of views, every online car carter service platform has its own design. Therefore, this research also depends on the business model and the eco-system on platform theory to analyze car carter service platform.
After understanding how platforms design interaction mechanism, platform pricing model is then discussed. Every platform has its own pricing model, because of different design. This research analyzes platform pricing model by subsidy rules from previous studies.
By analyzing three online car carter service platform cases, this research concludes that platforms have different interacting mechanisms because of website design purpose and user dating purpose. This research demonstrates which subsidy rules are used on online dating platform and how these platform create their own eco-system to maintain the platform.
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汽車行銷的適配組合: 企業品牌個性、代言人類型、廣告類型、消費者生活型態 / The Optimal Composition of Marketing in Car Industry: Brand Personalities, Endorser Types, Advertisement Types and Consumer Life Styles張睿涵 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 對「群體社交集群」而言:此集群最偏好「想像的本田」、「名人周杰倫」以及「功能型廣告」三種屬性所組合而成的汽車行銷組合。
2. 對「領導自主集群」而言:此集群和群體社交集群相同,也最偏好「想像的本田」、「名人周杰倫」以及「功能性廣告」所組成的汽車行銷組合。
3. 對「流行時髦集群」而言:此集群最偏好「想像的本田」與「驚奇廣告」的組合,對於代言人類型則較不影響。
4. 對「精打細算集群」而言: 此集群最偏好「專家郭台銘」與「親情廣告」的組合,對於品牌個性則較不影響。
5. 對「重視家庭集群」而言: 此集群只重視家人給予的建議,因此並無偏好任何一組合。 / The automotive industry in Taiwan is very competitive, for the brand having the biggest market share only accounts for 30% of the whole Taiwan market, and the rest of the other top 11 car brands all have about 3%~10% market share. From the market share, we can also tell that the consumers’preferences on cars differentiate a lot among different types of consumers. Therefore, to efficiently use the budget on marketing and maximizing the effect, it is of upmost importance for automotive companies to find the endorsers and adverstisement types that best matches their own brand personalities and also attract their target audiences.
In this research, we attempt to summarize what kinds of marketing combinations would attract the most attention from certain types of consumers by conjoint analysis. We first choose brand personalities, endorsement types and advertisement types as 3 major variables in the marketing mix. We then use conjoint analysis, ANOVA analysis and demographic variables to analyze the preferences of consumers with different life styles. We find the best optimal compostions as follows:
1. Social groups: Combination of imaginative Honda, the celebrity Jay Chou and functional advertising.
2. Leadership groups: Same as social groups.
3. Fashion groups: Combination of imaginative Honda and amaze advertising.
4. Scrimp-style groups: C.E.O Mr. Guo and emotional advertising.
5. Family valuing groups: No significant preference on any combination.
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車用影像系統商業模式與發展策略個案分析 / A Case Study on the Business Models and Strategy of the Automotive Imaging System Firm林智清 Unknown Date (has links)
汽車電子在過去數年中因汽車駕駛輔助系統(Automotive Driver Assistance Systems,ADAS)發展,取得了顯著的進步,除了豐富駕駛體驗,並為駕駛資訊創造新需求,而影像系統一如汽車的眼睛在ADAS中則扮演了關鍵角色。目前新一代汽車影像系統裝有數個攝像頭,它們精確佈置以覆蓋整個汽車周圍,從而實現更優化的安全系統。經由了解影像系統的發展如何成為未來智能汽車的一部分,以及系統如何進行創新演進,對於車用電子產品開發策略來說非常重要。本研究將分五個部分來探討車用影像系統如何成為S電子科技公司企業策略發展產品。
汽車電子市場環境變化的並非同一般高科技電子產業快速,雖然不斷有新技術、新產品與新市場出現,但產品生命週期將會隨車用認證標準所牽制,企業的策略要維持競爭力,不能以短期獲利模式來形塑成本結構。電子產業如何打進主要汽車大廠Tier1、Tier2之供應鏈,將電子產業之豐富資源與汽車電子市場媒合,並為企業帶來創新發展,故相當值得業界與學界深思與探討。僅期望透過個案電子公司的車用影像系統發展研究,乃至於未來車用電子零組件企業進行產品發展決策與執行方針,提供理論和實務的參考。 / Since the development of Automotive Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) prospered, the automotive electronics have significant progress in the past few years, not only enrich the driving experience but also create new demand for the driving information. The imaging system is the automobile's eyes, played a key role in the development of ADAS. A new generation of automotive imaging systems are currently equipped with several cameras, they are precisely arranged to cover the entire car around and in order to achieve a more optimized safe system. Through the development of imaging systems, to understand how they become part of the intelligent car of the future, and how the system evolution. Development Strategy for automotive electronic products is very important. In this study will be divided into five chapters to discuss how a company developing the product of automobile imaging system.
The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, motivation and research methods. The second chapter is the industry analysis and an overview of strategic management theory, and introduce the strategies tools "Business Model Canvas." The third chapter is the research methods. The fourth chapter is the analysis and empirical research, focuses on the case of electronic firm external competitive environment and product competitiveness. Mainly in ADAS-induced new market and case study to "Business Model Canvas". The last chapter is the conclusion and recommendations
How the electronics firm to becoming the Tier1/Tier2 supply chain of major automotive manufacturers, through the tremendous resources between Electronics Industry and Automotive Electronics Industry. There are many issues worthy of discussion between the industry and academia. We hope that through the case studies on the development of automotive imaging systems, merely provide the theoretical and practical reference.
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進口汽車業行銷策略規劃擬定之研究--台北市之實證蘇育慶, SU, YU-GING Unknown Date (has links)
其次,本研究採用計量多元尺度法(Metric MDS)分別探討高、中、低三等價位共1
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少年機車竊盜犯與贓物犯之行為相關因素研究張景然, ZHANG, JING-RAN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在依據美國犯罪學者赫許(Hirschi )所發展之「社會控制理論」為架構修
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台北市公共汽車聯營問題之研究-政策制度與執行之探討陳天爵, Chen, Tian-Jue Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論,第一節討論都市與交通之特性,第二節談專業知識與公共問題之解
第二章 公共政策與政策分析,第一節談公共政策意涵,第二節介紹政策制定理論
第三章 台北市公車車施聯營前之演變與政策內容,第一節談台北市公共汽車之沿
第四章 台北市公車實施聯營後問題之探討,第一節談聯營車票問題,第二節談聯
第五章 公共政策分析台北市公車聯營政策制定與執行,第一節是台北市公車聯營
第六章 結論,第一節台北市公車聯營政策之評估,第二節台北市公車聯營展望,
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汽車輪胎業廣告預算的釐定及其效果測定宋棋擺, Song, Qi-Yue Unknown Date (has links)
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汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權之探討林新裕, Lin Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
汽車為現代人不可或缺之交通工具,汽車責任保險關乎社會大眾權益甚巨,不僅僅是保險人與被保險人兩者之間保險契約之關係,尚且關乎汽車意外事故受害第三人之權利,而每個人都有可能成為汽車意外事故之受害第三人。故保障受害第三人之權益即是保障多數人之權益。為使受害第三人之權益能獲得充分周全之保障,於汽車責任保險之中,創立受害第三人直接請求權制度,實不失為一良法。然而於我國無論是強制汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度抑或是任意汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度,均存有若干疑義及缺失,因而引發筆者研究動機。本文之研究方法為(1)、比較法研究及(2)、邏輯架構分析法。將全文分成七章予以論述,主要之研究內容為,以責任保險之意義、思潮及功能為開端,進而論述責任被保險人之保險給付請求權及受害第三人之直接請求權並闡述責任被保險人、責任保險人與受害第三人三者彼此之關係及保險給付請求權與直接請求權競合之處理,並進一步檢視我國現行關於受害第三人直接請求權法令規範之缺失,參酌外國立法例及學說,提出改進建議,期能使我國之受害第三人直接請求權制度,邏輯趨於圓滿一致,以杜絕適用疑義,廣增大眾福祉。 / Abstract:
An automobile has become a necessary transportation vehicle for modern people. The automobile liability insurance plays an important role on everyone’s rights in our society. The insurance contract doesn’t only signify the relationship between an insurer and the insured , but also refers to the injured third party’s rights during the automobile accident. Because everyone may become a possible automobile accident injured third party, to protect the injured third party’s right means to protect everybody’s citizenship. In order to preserve the injured third party’s right exactly and sufficiently, it is a good method to establish the legislation system empowering the injured third party possessing the authority to exert the automobile liability. However, as far as the injured third party’s action is concerned, there are flaws and imperfection in the system of compulsory automobile liability insurance and optional automobile liability insurance in our country. That is the motivation of this study and the reason why the author draws this paper. The research methods of this paper are the comparative method and the logic framework analysis method. This paper is consisted of seven chapters. The major content of this paper begins with the significance, development and function of the liability insurance. Then, this paper will discuss the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action, analyze the relationship among the liability insurer, the liability insured and the injured third party, and exposit how to handle the conflict between the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action. Furthermore, it is important to inspect the imperfection of the current laws and regulations of the injured third party’s direct action in Taiwan. After considering the spirits of the foreign country’s laws, the researcher will pose and recommend the improving methods for the law system of the injured third party’ direct action in our country. The suggestions try to make the law system more coherent and more logical, to eradicate the mess situation in practice, and to fortify the public welfare.
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組織實施工作流管理之研究—以個案組織為例賴淑蓉, Lai , ShuRong Unknown Date (has links)
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