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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

財產保險上受益人概念之研究 / A Research on beneficiaries of non-life insurance

朱政龍 Unknown Date (has links)
關於我國保險契約法上財產保險究竟有無受益人概念適用之餘地,傳統學說上一直以來存有爭議,但產險實務上似乎卻從未質疑過而予一體適用。本文擬先就我國保險契約法上對於保險契約當事人及關係人之定位予以重新釐清,並綜合英美與大陸法系契約當事人之優缺點,提出以財產權之所有人、權利人或自己之生命、身體者為被保險人,並以之為契約當事人,享受負擔保險契約上一切權利與義務;如欲利益第三人時,自不妨另行指定保險受益人。如此作法可避免長期以來允許以他人之財產權或生命、身體來投保所產生之各項爭議。 其次,本文針對現行產險的兩大分類:一般財產損失險與責任保險,分別探究其有無受益人概念之適用以及產險受益人之法律性質定位。依本文研究發現,一般財產損失險仍有指定受益人之可能與必要,惟因礙於損失填補原則,其性質於保險法上應解為僅屬被保險人之保險金代理受領人,該受益人必須另依與被保險人間其他法律關係以決定其保險金之最終受領權。至於責任保險,則應無指定保險受益人之可能與必要。 最後,針對以特殊立法方式所形成的強制汽車責任保險,由於其雖以責任保險之形式立法,但其承保之標的與一般責任保險不同,而係由立法者所特別創設的一「法定限額無過失賠償責任」,其賠償對象及方式亦由立法者另行規範,致成為被保險人對於「特定對象」(法定之請求權人)須負一「定額」或「限額」的無過失賠償責任,故其賠償方式亦「傷害險化」;惟本文以為,該法所定之特定「請求權人」,仍非屬保險法上的保險受益人,而仍屬特別立法下的特殊請求權人。

論費率自由化下之車險通路行銷(以個案公司為例) / The marketing channels of motor insurance under the Taiwan's non-life rate deregulation plan(with case study)

陳銘德, Chen, Min Te Unknown Date (has links)
我國自91年4月1日推動「產險市場費率自由化時程計畫」且分三階段實施, 在第一階段允許產險公司「附加費用」自由化,產險公司若簡化行政流程、降低人事成本,就能調降附加費用率。第二階段費率自由化,產險公司除了「附加費用」自由化外,更允許「危險保費」有限度的偏離;也就是說「危險保費」是有條件自由化。自98年4月1日起正式實施第三階段,也就是意味著各產險公司均應在第一階段及第二階段之緩衝時期做好萬全之調適與配套措施,產險業進入全面競爭之時代。 費率自由化第三階段正式的實施,其相關的監理配套措施及內容,遷動著未來汽車保險市場之發展,而汽車保險業務一直都是產險市場的最大宗業務。但在核保、理賠及行銷等方面處處受到車商保代通路的限制、影響,若能進一步在車險通路行銷制度問題上加以改善,對我國未來汽車保險市場將有很大的發展空間。 本篇論文主要目的係探討我國費率自由化相關議題。透過98年4月1日費率自由化第三階段的正式實施,我國產險市場邁入全面自由化階段,除了對費率自由化第三階段的相關監理配套措施內容作深入瞭解外,並針對費率自由化第一、二階段實施過程中所產生的諸多相關議題作深入研究,且借鏡鄰國日本產險費率自由化之經驗作為參考,並搭配我國汽車保險市場的實際現況,提出費率自由化第三階段實施對未來汽車保險市場的預期影響,並藉由個案公司的研究分析,提出個案公司未來車險通路最適行銷策略,以期盼產險業在面臨全面費率自由化之際,提出個人的幾點因應淺見,能提供給產險業者作為參考,並亟盼未來我國汽車保險市場運作能更佳健全蓬勃發展。 / Taiwan’s Non-life Rate Deregulation Plan has put into practice since April 1, 2002 with three phases. The first phase is to liberalize the restrictions of the loading expense. The non-life insurers can flexibly reduce the loading expenses by way of a more simplified administration process and lower personnel costs. The second phase further allows for a limited deviation rate applicable for the risk premium, namely, a conditioned deregulation for the risk premium. The third and last phase begun from Apr. 1, 2009 is to entirely liberalize all relevant expenses and premium rates. It also means that all non-life insurers should have worked out a set of comprehensive measures in preparation for a completely competitive market. The future development of motor insurance, which ranks largest among all lines of business, is subject to the corresponding supervisory measures to be taken at the third stage. However, the agents of motor companies regularly dominate the non-life insurers’ operations in the aspects of underwriting, claim and market strategy. Hence, if the existing problems related to the marketing channels encountered by the non-life insurers can be resolved, a more prosper development for motor insurance market is anticipated. The thesis mainly studies the relevant topics in relation to the rate deregulation in Taiwan. In line with the rate deregulation implemented in the third stage, the thesis not only has an in-depth study of the corresponding supervisory measures, but also discusses many related subject matters arising from the implementation process between the first and second phases. Meanwhile, the expected effects resulting from the third phase has been submitted based on Japanese same experiences in the past and domestic motor insurance market. Furthermore, by means of a specific case study, the thesis also proposes some optimal marketing strategies, which might be helpful to insurers as well as to develop a sound and stable motor insurance market in the future.


黃怡婷 Unknown Date (has links)
目前區段徵收乃是政府進行土地開發的方式之一,多用來取得所需之公共設施用地或特定目的事業用地,高鐵桃園車站特定區即採區段徵收方式進行開發,以取得高鐵所需之車站用地。由於現行區段徵收為抵價地式制度,被徵收之地主有領取抵價地與領取現金補償兩種選擇,因此,政府實施區段徵收時,將受到地主不同選擇行為之影響而有不同的辦理成效,使得區段徵收地主選擇行為在徵收辦理過程中,具有決定性的影響力。   本研究自土地開發之觀點探討區段徵收地主選擇行為,並著重於選擇行為影響因素之分析。由於相關文獻針對此部分的研究甚少,因此,首先歸納區段徵收地主選擇行為之影響因素,共分為地主屬性因素、政策管制因素及未來期望因素三類,並以高鐵桃園特定區為實證案例,透過問卷調查與Logit模型之建立,分析各項因素對特定區地主選擇行為的影響程度;其次則分析選擇行為的影響效果,以了解區段徵收地主選擇行為之前因後果,並進一步提出政策建議。   經由高鐵桃園車站特定區之實證分析,本研究得出以下六點結論:   1.大地主傾向領取抵價地,小地主與共有地主傾向領取現金補償,可藉由土地屬性之掌握,預知地主可能的選擇行為。   2.公告現值調漲時機關係徵收補償費之支出,並左右地價與市場景氣對選擇行為的影響,政府應先公告實施區段徵收後才發布都市計畫,以減少徵收補償費,提高財務可行性。   3.區段徵收地主選擇行為受價值觀之影響大,應考量地主保有祖產價值觀等個人屬性之影響,以預知選擇行為。   4.建築基地最小開發規模攸關小地主配地權益與土地開發型態,政府應考量土地規模與使用,訂定合理的建築基地最小開發規模。   5.抵價地領回比例與分配區位受公共設施用地規劃之影響,為領地地主改領現金補償的主要原因,可藉由抵價地相關規定誘導地主選擇行為之改變。   6.政府辦理區段徵收時,普遍未充分告知計畫內容與相關規定,影響地主權益。 / Zone expropriation is one kind of land development methods through which government can obtain the land for public facilities or specific uses. For example, the development of Taoyuan High Speed Rail station special zone is of this kind. According to zone expropriation system, there are two compensatory choices for landowners. One is by cash and the other is by pay-for-land. Therefore, landowner's choice behavior would play an important role in the process of zone expropriation.   With the view of land development, this paper discusses landowner's choice behavior in the process of zone expropriation and focuses on the factors of choice behavior. Here we sum up three kinds of factors that will affect landowner's choice behavior: they are landowner attributes, government regulations, and landowner expectations. According to the empirical study of zone expropriation in Taoyuan High Speed Rail station special zone, this paper has six conclusions:   1.Large landowners prefer to choose pay-for-land. On the contrary, small and common landowners prefer cash compensation.   2.To reduce the amount of cash compensation, the government should announce zone expropriation more early than urban plan.   3.The concept of keeping ancestral estate would influence landowner's choice behavior very much in the process of zone expropriation.   4.The development scale would affect the right of small landowners and the form of land development. The government should set a suitable development scale by considering the scale and use of land.   5.The assigned proportion and location of pay-for-land is the main reason why landowners with pay-for-land change to choose cash compensation.   6.The government seldom informed landowners of the whole plan and the relevant regulations in the process of zone expropriation.

汽車貨運業者車輛資源不足之車輛途程規劃及業務委外評選模式 / Vehicle routing problem and the selection of outsourcing forwarder when transport vehicles are insufficient

謝宛汝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以單一汽車貨運業者的角度,評估當運輸需求大於自有車輛服務能力時,考量車種、時窗、貨物量等因素,以最小化成本為目標進行途程規劃,利用運輸水平整合、協同合作的概念,將未能滿足之需求任務委外給其他同業進行。 本研究主要分為兩階段,第一階段先確認是否需要委外,以禁忌搜尋法找出最節省成本之配送途程以及委外任務,解決業者選擇以自有車輛運送或委外給其他運輸業者服務的問題;而第二階段則是在確定委外的任務後,決定委外的對象,不僅考量對方出價,也評估對方的營運能力、商譽、風險管理、服務品質等因素,建構一多準則決策模式,透過網路程序分析法(ANP)決定評選準則權重,再利用VIKOR排序法決定各個方案之排序,希望能在不遺失客戶訂單及信任的期許下,決定最適合的委外對象。 / From the perspective of trucking carriers, concerning transport horizontal integration and collaboration, when the vehicles are insufficient to meet the demand of transport, carrier could seek for other carrier’s help. In this study, we consider vehicle types, capacity, time windows, and the objective of minimum cost, to do vehicle route planning, and also decide which tasks should be outsoursed. There are two phases in this study. First, after checking the insufficiency of own trucks, we use Tabu search to solve Vehicle Routing Problem with a Private fleet and a Common carrier (VRPPC) in order to find out the route of own vehicles and the tasks to be outsourced. In second phase, we will select the carrier to do those tasks. We not only consider the price of outsourcing, but also evaluate the capacity, service quality, risk management, and the goodwill of the company. We use Analytic Network Process (ANP) to decide the weight of each criterion, and VIKOR to rank each case and select the best one.

廣告與社會變遷之研究–中華汽車個案分析 / Advertising with social change the presentation of social class ---A study of CMC commercials in Taiwan

吳風行 Unknown Date (has links)
McQuail在討論大眾傳播與社會變遷的關係時,認為社會與文化若互相影響則形成互賴關係。從1973年以降,中華三菱的廣告主要受社會變遷的影響而少反向影響社會,摘要如下: 一、從單一媒體到全傳播媒體  早期報禁使報紙獨大與寡占,閱聽眾訊息來源有限多只使用報紙;1993年中華進入轎車市場後始大量使用電視搭配報紙露出;2000年因媒體環境複雜,專業媒體代理商針對媒體與目標客層特性進行波段媒體操作,使廣告訊息更有效傳遞。 二、從解說產品到說故事的汽車品牌 自由化時期前,中華三菱因僅有商用車,平面廣告皆採用產品特色的理性溝通,如同Otto Kleppner的廣告螺旋理論,當商品在拓荒期時要訴求功能,在競爭期面臨眾多品牌時要強調商品的獨特性,在鞏固期中華三菱廣告則採故事性較多的感性訴求建立品牌形象。 三、炫耀性消費的文化浮現與普及 從1996年Cefiro出現後,汽車廣告中呈現豐富豪華的配備,消費者進入Baudrillard的「炫耀性消費」社會。中華三菱從早期以商車頭家體驗證言到1997年休旅車推出後,各車廣告皆針對目標客層在廣告中呈現身分的識別與彰顯。 四、廣告訴求從高涉理性到高涉感性 「FCB 廣告模式」中發現中華三菱的廣告從高涉理性商品移轉到高涉感性商品,會發生這樣的現象跟經濟與消費文化有高度正相關,而汽車有關商品理性層面,消費者已有更多能力與訊息可做判斷,至於如何打動則要靠更多的感性訴求。 1970到2010年代的社會,從一個大家彼此認識的恬靜社區逐漸到誰也不認識誰的異化社會(alienated Gesellschaft),不同階級使用不同的物品彰顯所在的社會結構中位置,中華三菱的廣告則不斷提供並呈現社會中產階級想要模傲的價值觀。 / When McQuail discussed the relationship between mass communications and social changes, he believed that society and culture form into a relationship of interdependence if they influence each other. This research analyzed CMC Motor's advertisements and found them influenced by Taiwanese social changes much more than the degree they have influenced society. A. From a single medium to IMC media Newspapers had been the major information source for the audience in Taiwan. When CMC Motor joined the market in 1993, automobile industry began to apply plenty of TV commercials along with advertisements in the papers. Since 2000, agencies have run advertising on targeted audience making messages effectively delivered. B. A brand from product facts-explanation to story-telling In early days, CMC Motor took rational manners in print advertisements, as Otto Kleppner puts that a product should appeal with its functionality at the pioneering stage; story-enriched emotional appeals have been applied when the company reached the stage of consolidation. C. Emergence and popularization of conspicuous consumption Cefiro hit the market in 1996, advertised as a luxuriously equipped sedan--that was the time when consumers moved into “conspicuous consumption” society. All CMC Motor advertisements have appealed to status identification and recognition of targeted consumers. D. Highly involvement of advertising appeals: from rational to emotional CMC Motor's advertisements transferred into highly involvement/affective from highly involvement/rational,which is quite related to economy and consumption culture. Consumers are able and informed to make decisions nowadays, while emotional appeals are more needed for touching their hearts. From 1970 to 2010, Taiwanese society transformed from a place where people knew each other into an alienated Gesellschaft. Society members from different status use different things to recognize each own position, meanwhile CMC Motor's advertisements keep presenting values the middle-class desire to intimate and to be proud of. automobile advertisement, consumption society, advertising appeal, social change, conspicuous consumption

政府在電動車產業發展過程中的角色與定位 / The role of government in the development of electric vehicle industry

李淑冠, Lee, Vicki Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,全球氣候暖化問題嚴重,造成地球環境的變遷,加上能源安全威脅與經濟、環境永續發展的考量,世界各國對於節能減碳的議題日漸重視。車輛電動化即在減少溫室氣體排放、改善生活環境、加強能源安全及掌握產業發展轉型契機等因素驅動下,成為全球車輛發展的重要趨勢,全球電動車產業結構與產業網絡正在逐漸成形中。 本研究係針對全球主要國家政府在面對電動車這個新興產業發展時,所採取的政策進行分析與探討,並且以日本、美國、中國、德國政府政策為探討目標,從文獻回顧及專業機構報告中整理分析各國政府的產業政策,試圖探討政府的角色與定位,進一步描繪出台灣政府應該扮演的角色,並且提出建議,作為政府於制定產業政策時之參考,期能對電動車產業做出貢獻,讓台灣電動車產業在此波革命浪潮中,創造出更高的價值及競爭力。 本研究發現,電動車新興產業在發展過程中充滿許多經濟面、市場面、環境面以及技術面的發展限制,本研究在羅列出的十六項發展限制中,有高達十一項限制與政府的政策息息相關。汽車百年產業革命成功與否,業界對於政府是否能創造具有競爭優勢的發展環境要求殷切,於是在電池研發技術未臻成熟、產業各項標準尚未建立之際,各國政府紛紛伸出<看得見的那隻手>,從產業研究發展獎勵、消費市場購車、用車以及充電基礎建設普及的促成與補助,配合業者在關鍵技術發展的努力、商業模式的發展、產業群聚的形成、充電基礎建設的普及、維修體系的建置、社會大眾對於環境品質的需求、用車習慣的改變、電動車節能形象的認同……等種種助力,形成產業能量面的推升力量以及市場需求的拉力,形塑出電動車未來發展的良性循環,試圖在此領域內創造出比較優勢,促使這一波新的汽車產業革命形成。   值此關鍵時期,台灣政府如何提供本國產業一臂之力,期於未來世界汽車產業佔有一席之地?這是許多業者關心的議題。目前,各國政府紛紛制訂獎勵政策協助業者以及消費者對於電動車發展與使用的認同;尤其德國政府作法積極,從保持人民生活品質、解決石油倚賴問題、強化經濟傳統命脈的汽車工業,從環境結構、基礎設施到社會大眾的消費習慣宣導著手,具體規劃國家新經濟遠景,將德國塑造成世界電動車大國,這是非常值得台灣政府參考的典範。 本研究建議,電動車產業處發展初階段,眾家車廠以及各國政府皆在摸索前行中,台灣政府應參考各國政府政策後,了解台灣產業的優勢與機會,從基礎設施到新能源政策、基本軟硬體投資環境的建置著手,協助業者發展創造出友善的投資環境並且積極發展國內電動車運行,累積出屬於台灣自己的<台灣EV經驗>,協助業者強化電動車相關技術,除藉由電動車的普及來降低國內對於石油的依賴外,倘若能成功推行電動車成為國際典範,讓世界看到台灣先進的科技與環保觀念,提升國際形象,在時機成熟時,提供關鍵零件技術,利用中國的潛在市場,參與國際標準制定,創造出台灣電動車產業的發展空間。 / The worsening problem of global warming in recent years has led to the environmental changes on Earth. This fact, along with the emerging threats to energy security and the call for sustainable economic and environmental development, has drawn increasing worldwide attention on the issues of energy saving and carbon reduction. As a result, the EV (Electric Vehicle) industry is gaining increasing importance in the global automobile market, driven by various motives including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving living environment, safeguarding energy security and seizing the opportunities of industrial transformation. The industrial structure and network of the global EV market is gradually taking shape. The purpose of this research is to explore and analyze the policies adopted by the governments of the world’s leading countries on the emerging EV industry, focusing on Japan, the USA, China and Germany. By reviewing historical documents and professional reports, the author has probed the industrial policies of these countries, endeavoring to identify the roles of the governments in this process and, furthermore, to depict the roles and positions of the government of Taiwan. The author has also provided recommendations to the government for developing industrial policies, with the hope that the research results will contribute to the growth of the EV industry in Taiwan and the creation of higher value and competitive advantages in this revolutionary process. It is discovered in this research that a great deal of development restrictions are involved in the growing process of the emerging EV industry, respectively in the economic, market, environmental and technological fields. Among the sixteen development restrictions outlined in this research, there are as many as eleven items which are closely bound up with government policies. The success of this unprecedented industrial revolution, therefore, relies on whether the government can create a development environment with sufficient competitive advantages, which is anxiously longed for by the EV industry. Given the facts that the R&D technologies for the battery industry are not fully mature and various industrial benchmarks are yet to be established, the “visible hands” are offered by governments, one after another, to support the industry. These government initiatives include: providing incentives for industrial R&D, stimulating the consumer market, as well as facilitating and subsidizing the EV car use and recharging infrastructure. Other supportive policies include assisting the EV industry in developing key technologies, building up business models, shaping industrial clusters, expanding recharging infrastructure, establishing the maintenance/repair systems, accommodating to the public demand on environmental quality and the changes in car-using habits, promoting the identification with the energy-saving image of EV’s, etc. All these measures have turned into a pushing force that gives momentum to the industry, as well as a pulling force that booms the market. They contribute to forming a virtuous development cycle for the EV industry in future; help to create comparative advantages in this specific field; and make impossible this new wave of industrial revolution for automobiles. At this critical stage, how would the Taiwan government lend a helping hand so that the local EV industry could gain a stake in the international automobile market in future? This is an issue widely concerned by the industry. Now, many countries are offering incentive policies to help with the development of the industry and build up consumer identification with the electric cars. The German government, particularly, has taken aggressive actions. Apart from the efforts in maintaining/improving the life quality of its people, the government also endeavors to reduce the dependency on imported oil and strengthen the competitiveness of its automobile industry, which is vital to the economic growth of the country. To realize the new economic vision of the country, the German government has developed specific plans, covering various initiatives including environmental structure, infrastructure construction and consumer education, etc. The purpose is to make Germany a leading country for the EV industry. These we believe are the “best practices” to be considered by the Taiwan government. The EV industry is yet at its preliminary stage of development. Governments, as well as EV manufacturers around the world, are all endeavoring to find the right path ahead. It is recommended, therefore, that the government of Taiwan should firstly study the policies of other countries and understand the strengths and weakness of local industries. The initial efforts should be focused on constructing infrastructures, setting up new energy policies and installing the fundamental software/hardware for a friendly investment environment, so as to support the growth of the industry. The government should, in the meantime, actively promote the electric vehicles in the domestic market, build up the unique “EV Experience of Taiwan” to help improving the relevant EV technology for the local industry. Apart from reducing the country’s dependency on imported oil, the successful popularization of EV in Taiwan will also become one of the best practices in the world and contribute to the elevation of Taiwan’s international image, having showcased its advanced technologies and strong environmental awareness. With increasing sophistication, Taiwan’s EV industry also has the capabilities to provide critical spare parts technologies and to play a role, through the potential China market, in the international standard-setting process, thereby creating further expanding possibilities for the industry.

混合階層式路由於公車基底之耐延遲網路 / A hybrid hierarchy routing in bus-based delay tolerant networks

陳志宏, Chen, Chih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
在耐延遲網路(Delay Tolerant Network)中,因為節點具有移動性,因此找不到穩定且持續的點對點資料傳送路徑。常見的路由協定可分為機會路由、基於預測的路由以及調度路由,然而這些路由協定使用在市區環境中,有著些許不足與不適用,因此本論文提出一個適用在市區資料傳送的演算法。 本論文提出之混合階層式路由演算法,是在市區環境中建立一個以公車為基礎的資料傳送架構,包含行人與公車兩種節點。我們建立節點與節點相遇時資料交換傳送規則,例如行人與行人相遇、行人與公車相遇或是公車與公車相遇時各自有不同的資料傳送判斷與限制。 實驗結果也證明所提出之混合階層式演算法,除了可以有效地減少傳送延遲時間並提高訊息傳送成功率,並且在給定節點一定的移動速度與緩衝區大小下,我們的演算法有著最突出的效能。 / In Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs), there is no guarantee that a stable connected path between source and destination nodes always exists because of high node mobility. The current DTN routing protocols can be summarized into three categories: opportunistic, prediction-based and scheduling protocols. However, these routing protocols have some deficiencies and are not specifically focused on the urban areas which have primarily two hierarchical nodes, namely pedestrian and bus nodes. We proposed a Hybrid Hierarchy Routing Protocol, a bus-based architecture for urban areas. We established the rules of data transmission when one node contacts other nodes. More specifically, Ped-to-Ped, Ped-to-Bus and Bus-to-Bus contacts, have different judgments and restrictions for data forwarding. The simulation results demonstrate that the Hybrid Hierarchy Routing Protocol can effectively reduce the delivery delay and improve the successful delivery rate. And in given certain speed and buffer sizes, our algorithm has the most prominent performance.

設計鏈:豪華車輛行動服務體系與使用者導向創新 / Design chain: mobility service organizing for luxury vehicle and User - centric innovation

李志豪 Unknown Date (has links)
雲端技術在各產業發展迅速,在汽車產業,特別是豪華車廠也進入雲端應用的戰國時代。豪華車輛的功能,因車身區域網路CAN-BUS的廣為應用,車上系統與系統之間能以封包方式的溝通,不僅速度加快、可以儲存紀錄,更可以依人性化需求,給予程式上的軟性調整。豪華車廠的服務體系,在維修車輛的同時,已有別於一般尚未大量使用車身區域網路的車廠。而隨著無線通訊的發達,車上工程程式的存取,也可以經由3G及無線網路來進行,這個動作,成為改變了服務廠體系的關鍵,車輛不需一定要回到服務廠,才能進行相關的維修或診斷動作,也因為這樣雙向溝通的能耐,雲端服務人員可突破區域性限制,對車輛進行服務(如遠端解鎖、搖控發動等)。 進一步可預期,更多的應用程式可經由無線通訊,被安裝在車上,想像在不久的將來,我們只需記住自己的鑰匙編碼,到任何一部具有車身區域及無線網路的車輛上,就可以馬上使用你的電子信箱,你的Car App store,也可以將你個人化的設定做轉移,如:你習慣的乘坐的位置、習慣收聽的電台,甚至是你的駕駛模式等,這些都可以透過隨機存取功能的應用程式來實現。 本論文透過行動研究員的身份,採用質性研究方法,經過長時間的田野調查,從汽車雲端技術的組織、雲端技術在服務廠的維修應用、相關人員的工作形態與技能、使用者的行為模式等,做一全面性的資料搜集與整合,並逐一追溯每一細節,分析服務體系創新的元素為何,並透過進一步推論,找出對於其他豪華車廠、其他產業公司之間的啟示,並由此發現,經由雲端維修的應用,可以預見從汽車產業打開的新事業服務平台。 / The fast development of cloud computing has enabled applications in different industries. For the automotive industry, the competitions for cloud computing is particularly intensive in the luxury car sector. This is due to that CAN-BUS local area network specifically designed for in-car communication is widely implemented and utilized for data recording, transmission and management. A lot of services provided by the car manufacturers and dealers can be integrated with this system for more user friendly approaches. For example through the connectives of 3G and wireless network, related maintenances and diagnoses can be carried out over a distance, therefore the cloud network service providers do not need to be on-site for supports. This breakthrough also diminishes the location barrier, and improves the service efficiencies (e.g. remote unlock service and remote engine start service). A peek into the future, there will be more applications enabled by the wireless connectives between the vehicles and the cloud networks. Imagine that by simply remember a set of P-I-N number, the user will be able to access personal email accounts, on-line Car App store accounts, frequently used GPS maps, and preferred driver setting such as seat positions, favor radio channels and engine driving models in the near future. All these are independent of which car the user is actually driving. This thesis is developed through qualitative researches over a long period of field studies from a leading luxury car manufacturer in the industry. It has in-depth discussions on the organization infrastructures, technologies and service flows required to enable cloud computing services related to the after-sale supports and maintenances in the automotive industry. The skills and on-job awareness particular to the front-line staffs and back-end supportive staffs are highlighted, and will be analyzed with different users’ use scenarios. Over these step-by-step examinations, the key elements for service innovation will be identified. To take one step further, these findings will also be related for their implications to other luxury car manufacturers and industries. This is to justify that through the applications of cloud services in the vehicle maintenances, it opens the way for service innovation in service network platform.

資料採礦於乘用汽車產業之顧客關係管理研究 / A Study of Data Mining on Automobile Industry’s Customer Relationship Management

陳竑廷 Unknown Date (has links)
國父 孫中山先生曾說:『民生的需要,從前經濟學家都說是衣、食、住三種。照我的研究,應該有四種:於衣、食、住之外,還有一種就是行。』,在各種交通工具中,最普及的就是汽車。汽車由貴族地位的象徵,發展至福特汽車公司一家獨大,最後演變為各大汽車品牌的競爭。更因消費者意識的改變,購買汽車時考慮的不再僅是量產速度、購買價格。在現今生產技術成熟,沒有一家汽車公司具壓倒性優勢的情況下,品牌的因素將會是消費者進行購買決策時一個重要的指標。 本研究欲透過國內六大汽車品牌之顧客關係資料,利用資料採礦模型,瞭解品牌形象、廣告印象及人口統計變數與購買意願之關係,進一步探討各汽車品牌之消費者忠誠度、客群分布與品牌差異,期能在汽車品牌公司百家爭鳴情況下,分析出消費者於不同汽車品牌之品牌知覺,提供汽車品牌之購買意願模型與後續研究參考。


INAGAKI, Yasuyoshi, YAMAGUCHI, Yukiko, MATSUBARA, Shigeki, KAWAGUCHI, Nobuo, MURAO, Hiroya, 稲垣, 康善, 山口, 由紀子, 松原, 茂樹, 河口, 信夫, 村尾, 浩也 19 December 2002 (has links)

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