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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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科技心理擁有感、在地知識與科技採用:科技意會觀點 / Psychological ownership, local knowledge, and technology adoption: The perspective of technology sense-making

侯勝宗, Hou,Sheng-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
現代化組織雖然熱衷於導入資訊科技來提升組織競爭力,但研究發現近一半的科技導入最後是以失敗收場;此種不導入科技則組織將失去競爭力、但導入科技後卻達不到預期成效的兩難,是造成組織生產力困境的原因之一。此一企業面對科技採用的兩難困境,引發本論文的研究動機。 實務中許多科技導入失敗的案例已經說明決定企業是否擁有競爭力不在於組織是否導入科技或使用者如何採用新科技,愈來愈多的研究已證實如何在導入科技後,讓員工願意改變既有的工作習性,並樂於持續地使用科技,且逐漸將科技使用內化成為日常工作實踐,可能更加重要。此外,實務中也常發現組織內的科技使用者在面對相同科技時,往往並不是接受科技,或是拒絕科技的二元採用論;相反地,因為使用者會對科技進行自我詮釋與賦予個人意義,故導致許多不同且有趣的採用類型,甚至可能造成非預期的負面反應與行為。 過去許多探討個人層次的科技採用研究專注於科技採用者的認知因素對科技接受與否之影響,本論文則專注於科技採用的情感面探討,瞭解使用者對科技的心理擁有感受如何影響採用行為。綜合過往文獻的不足,本論文提出二項主要研究問題:(1) 科技採用是否存在多元化的採用類型?影響原因為何?與 (2) 科技採用者對科技的心理擁有感如何影響科技採用行為與績效? 針對上述的研究問題,本論文回顧科技採用、科技意會、心理擁有感與在地知識等相關文獻,輔以二階段的研究策略,依序進行個案質化研究的理論建構 (研究一) 與量化假說的理論驗證 (研究二)。首先,研究一以新加坡康福計程車與台灣大車隊計程車為研究個案,藉由瞭解二地的計程車司機如何採用衛星派遣科技之紮根研究,歸納出科技採用者的科技心理擁有感將影響對科技的意會,與使用科技的在地知識類型;其次,科技心理擁有感可藉由以上二者的中介效果,進而影響科技採用型態與採用頻次。本論文由研究一推導出相關的研究假說,以供研究二進行關係驗證。最後,在研究二中,本論文藉由科技心理擁有感、在地知識、科技意會的量表發展與結構方程式統計分析,進行研究一的假說驗證與探討。 經由數百位計程車司機開車實踐的觀察、訪談與大樣本問卷調查後,本論文發現科技心理擁有感可區分為「我的科技心理擁有感」與「我們的科技心理擁有感」二類屬性;而科技心理擁有感將產生二大類的科技意會類型:「實用認同型科技意會」與「自利專屬型科技意會」,與二大類的在地知識:「近地型在地知識」與「遠地型在地知識」,最後,進而影響科技的多元採用類型與採用績效。 本論文有系統地利用質性紮根研究進行構念的歸納與分類,發現不同型式的科技心理擁有感、多元科技意會、在地知識與科技採用類型,並建構一個多構念且具完整性的科技採用分析架構與衡量方法。同時,本論文也借用組織行為理論中的心理擁有感理論於科技採用研究中,以解釋個人對科技的心理擁有感如何影響科技採用行為。整體而言,本論文力求達到研究情境真實性、研究衡量精準性與研究結論類推性的理論建構三大目標。 / For purposed of efficiency, organizations often engage in adopting or transferring new technology across national boundary to increase their competitive advantage. But researches found over half cases of IT (information technology) implementation failed in the end. This dilemma between losing competitive advantage without IT implication and failing in adoption with technology transfer is a main challenge of organization. The research objective of this dissertation is to understand the profound occasions of this dilemma. In the reality, many IT failure cases have illustrated keeping competitive advantage for organization was depends on how to transform users’ routines or habits from current IT usage on post-adoption stage rather than adopting a new technology on pre-adoption stage. In other words, the final goal of IT implementation is to internalize the technology use to become users’ daily practices. In addition, what is missing from the current discussion literature of technology management is that technology adoption is multiple patterns rather than a trade off between acceptance and rejection. Therefore, in different organizational context various users may render multiple interpretations of the same technology, leading diversified adoptive behaviors or some negative and unexpected results of IT use. The first research question of this dissertation is: How do people’s situated practices enact patterns of users’ sense-making towards technology, leading to multiple modes of technology use? Prior studies of technology adoption in individual level have developed a set of useful analysis on technology acceptance from users’ cognition perspective. However, the current literature has not yet investigated behaviors of technology adoption from affective approach. The second research question of this dissertation is: How feeling of ownership of technology individual user has influences their technology use? Through the literature review from technology adoption, technology sense-making, psychological ownership, and local knowledge, we built a two-stage research strategy to answer the above research questions. First, we formulae a conceptual framework by conducting qualitative research approach. Two cases was investigated in this stage, they were Comfort Taxi Co. in Singapore and Taiwan High Transportation Co. (THT) in Taiwan. By ethnographic data collecting from two cases in two years fieldwork, we observed how taxi drivers in Singapore and Taiwan adopt and use the same technology, G.P.S. (Global Positioning System) dispatch system, named Cablink. Second, from the findings of qualitative cases, we generalized the some hypothetical relationships among psychological ownership of technology, technology sense-making as well as patterns of local knowledge users own. The next, we test these hypotheses through questionnaire development and surveys answered by THT taxis drivers in Taiwan. The findings indicated that the taxi drivers had two types of psychological ownership of technology (Self-oriented and Collective-oriented) triggering two modes of technology sense-making (Pragmatism sense-making and Autism sense-making), and two kinds of local knowledge (Local search on knowledge and Distant search on knowledge). Consequently, the frequency of technology use will be influenced by above constructs directly and indirectly. In conclusion, this dissertation proposes to analyze technology adoption through sense-making and feelings of ownership by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings enhance the theory of technology sense-making and psychological ownership, and suggest practical implications for post technology adoption and global technology transfer.


蔡炎暾, Tsai,Yen-dun Unknown Date (has links)

應用策略地圖檢視企業資訊策略—汽車零配件供應商之研究個案 / Applying Strategy Map to Manage Enterprise IT Strategy: An Evidence from an Auto Parts and Accessories Supplier

黃佳琳 Unknown Date (has links)
身為台灣中小企業一員的汽車零配件貿易公司,在面對(汽車)產業大環境的劇烈轉變與中國大陸供應商的強勢競爭下,為了不被市場淘汰,透過建置其策略地圖、商品分類與顧客分析,重新檢視企業本身的資訊管理策略,計劃相關專案,並配合該公司所重視的營運指標與其資訊執行能力程度,做為判斷各專案的優先順序的依據,進而分配各相關專案預算;確保從規劃企業資訊策略到執行專案的所有步驟,皆以符合策略地圖上所描述”創造企業競爭優勢和策略價值”為目的。 / Being one of Taiwanese small and medium enterprises, an Auto Parts and Accessories trading company, suffers from the rapid change of the market and the fierce competitions from Chinese suppliers. In order to survive in the business environment, the company sets up the Strategy Map, makes the Product Categorization and Customer Portfolios Analyses, to get the best IT planning and initiate several IT projects to support its internal management processes. Also, according to its Business Criticality and Technology Maturity indicators, the company makes the priority for its IT projects and allocates the budgets. These actions are taken as the accomplishments of differentiating from market competitions and creating the strategic values just like the goals of its Strategy Map described.


林秀玲 Unknown Date (has links)
在我國正式加入WTO後,汽車產業面臨嚴重競爭,且相較於其他國家,台灣的汽車市場趨近於飽和現象,在供過於求情況下,製造與裝配過程附加價值低,附加價值存在於隨品牌所提供的產品服務。藉由商業智慧系統之建立,透過資料採礦、預測的功能,將不同消費習慣的客戶進行分類,達到準確的目標行銷。   本研究採用「決策樹C5.0」、「CART迴歸樹」與「羅吉斯迴歸」等方法建立模型於新車滿意度資料庫、車主購買滿意度資料庫及車主維修滿意度資料庫之資料。從三大資料庫中找出既有顧客群裡,較有可能會再次購買同品牌汽車的顧客特性,進一步整合行銷策略,提升顧客再次購買的機會。根據不同資料庫,本研究目的如下: 一、 分析於新車滿意度資料庫之資料,此資料包含2005年購買新車之車主資料,主要是建立客戶類型區隔模型及再購模型。 二、 分析於車主購買滿意度資料庫之資料,分別建立顧客是否會再次購買以及是否會向親朋好友推薦該品牌之模型。 三、 分析於車主維修滿意度資料庫之資料,分別建立顧客是否會再次購買、是否會推薦親朋好友以及是否會再次回廠維修之模型。


郭榮棠 Unknown Date (has links)
我國財產保險業之簽單總保費收入為新台幣1,141.05億元,其中汽車保險之簽單保險費收入為新台幣573.34億元,佔我國財產保險業簽單總保費收入的50.25%,故汽車保險之簽單保險費收入於九十五年仍居財產保險市場各險種之冠。同時汽車保險業務量占全體產險業務量的比重,近十年來一直維持在45%~55%之間,由於汽車險業務量之消長與品質關係著保險公司經營的績效。而業務消長與品質良窳又跟行銷通路緊密相關。現今如能掌握住通路即能掌握業務,然而如何選擇良好通路及經營,對保險公司而言,是非常大的考驗與挑戰。 金融控股公司法於2001年六月二十七日經立法院三讀通過後,並於同年十一月一日起正式實施,自此台灣金融相關產業正式邁入戰國時代,大型金融控股公司紛紛成立。各金控業者藉由本身銀行、證券、產險及壽險等子公司在資源整合下,冀能發揮綜效,以達到較佳的經營糢式。 台灣汽車保險保費成長在經歷2005年達到近十年來的高峰後,2006年受到銀行雙卡壞帳緊縮消費金融的影響下,汽車經銷商新車銷售呈現大幅衰退,直接衝擊到汽車保險保費的收入與成長,因而導致2006年汽車保險保費首次呈現衰退。若高度依賴車商保代的業者,將受到同樣衰退命運,然而若業者能提前佈局多元化行銷通路,其受到衰退的影響就相對輕微,甚至部份業者的業績仍然能夠逆勢成長。有鑑於此,產險業者如何透過加入金控或開拓與壽險、銀行等合作,藉以提升業務成長,益顯重要。 本研究係以個案公司加入金控後銀行通路經營績效加以分析,確實發現產險公司若能充份發揮自身優勢與定位,爭取加入金控,藉由金控所屬子公司廣大的銷售人力及通路據點,對汽車險業務的經營績效有很大的綜效。 / Motor insurance business has played an important role in the Taiwan non-life insurance industry. The total written premium income for Motor insurance in 2006 amounted to NT$57.334 billion, which accounts for 50.25% of the overall premium income of non-life insurance industry in Taiwan. In the meantime, the business portfolio of Motor insurance to  that of non-life insurance has been maintained at 45% - 55% over the past ten years. The quality of Motor business is significantly related to the business performance and is also closely linked to the marketing channels of the non-life insurance companies. As such, the selection of appropriate marketing channels, which is certainly a great challenge, will have predominant influence to the business performance of a non-life insurance company in Taiwan. Since the Financial Holding Company Law went into effect officially in November 2001, there are quite a number of mega financial holding companies were established afterwards. The aim of financial holding company is to integrate their respective resource among their banking sector, securities sector, non-life insurance sector, and life insurance sector, so as to achieve the synergy and to build up better business operation model as well. The premium growth for the motor insurance in 2005 has achieved the highest record nearly a decade. In 2006, the new car sales were serious impacted by the dual cards crisis (credit cards and cash cards). This certainly led to the motor premium income was first time ever reduced in the past five years. Non-life insurance companies will suffer the same of the recession as mentioned for their motor business if they highly rely on the marketing channel through the car dealers. However, the impact on the motor business could be mitigated for non-life insurance companies if they are able to explore new multi-marketing channels along with good results. The premium growth can be also anticipated for those non-life companies if they can make good use of these channels. In view of this, it will be very important for non-life insurance companies to achieve better performance by way of joining financial holding company as a subsidiary and establishing a strategic alliance with life insurance companies or banks from now on. This research is focusing on the case studies of the banking and financial holding maketing channels, for the Motor insurance business performance of the non-life insurance company. With the findings of this case study after detailed analysis, we come to conclusion that after joining the holding company, non-life insurance company can improve the business performance of synergy to a great extent for their motor insurance business by way of making full use of the sales force as well as point of sales among the subsidiaries of holding companies.

多元工作實務對於科技使用與創新結果影響之研究─以台灣大車隊為例 / Navigating to Diverse Destinations –A Study of Emergent Practices of Taiwan Taxi Cabbies

陳則文, Chen, Tse-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
從工業革命以來,科技造成人類社會快速的進步,而從二十世紀至今,科技導入、科技創新等相關的研究,便成為商業、組織管理、科技管理與心理學領域爭相研究的重點議題,許多證據指出,科技所帶來的結果,卻不如管理者或學者原本所預期,產生了許多「非預期的創新」。 本研究認為,非預期創新的產生,是因為過去的研究與觀察,是從一個巨觀的角度分析科技所帶來的影響。本研究架構於漸衍過程(emergent)的觀點,以詮釋型(interpretive)質性的研究,透過使用者工作實務(work practice)微觀層次的觀察,來呈現科技與組織的演化。 透過鼎華科技導入衛星派遣系統成立台灣大車隊的歷程,本研究呈現台灣大車隊中的司機在科技導入前、後的工作方式,以及與科技互動下產生的創新結果。本研究發現,經過七年的時間,台灣大車隊的司機,已經發展出許多不同的創新工作實務,包括預期型工作實務、品牌型創新工作實務與科技型創新工作實務,並且於三種類型的工作創新之中,存在有更豐富、更多元的創新。 而透過個案的觀察,本研究認為,一種科技可以造成如此迥異的科技採用與結果,可以歸因於產業情境所造就的多樣化工作實務。而本研究的研究方法與結論,可以做為組織與企業進行科技導入與轉移時的參考。


周盟翔 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 本章主要論述本文之研究動機、方法及略述各章之要點。章內就各章主要論述重點先予以顯明。 第二章 汽車交通事故侵權行為與強制汽車責任保險 本章說明侵權行為歸責基礎之意義及歸責基礎在侵權行為法中之地位。復述論汽車交通事故侵權行為之發展及責任保險制度對侵權行為法之影響,並就各保險先進國所採之強制汽車責任保險制度作一簡要之介紹。 第三章 補償制度制系 本章主要述論補償制度之特質,並比較補償制度與侵權行為損害賠償制度之異同。另分析補償給付與侵權行為損害賠償競合時,所採取之各種解決模式,最後介紹我國補償制度體系,期能透過補償與賠償之比較,對我國保障汽車交通事故受害人立法模式之選擇,提供一個思考之起點。 第四章 無過失保險制度 本章著眼於無過失保險之演進及其主要內容;又無過失保險常遭誤認為「無過失責任保險」或「傷害保險」,本章特別說明無過失保險與責任保險、傷害保險之本質上區別,期能釐清三種制度間之差異。 第五章 強制汽車責任保險法之基本架構與定位 本章由強制汽車責任保險法理與無過失保險理論二種不同角度,解析本法第七條給付要件之規定、第二十七條給付內容之規定及被保險人、加害人、受害人及請求權人規定等關於本法基本體例之重要規範,期能掌握本法基本架構與定位錯亂、矛盾爭議之全貌。 第六章 本法基本架構重要條文之修正建議—代結論 由於自強制汽車責任保險法理之角度對本法提出批判及修正建議之學術論著非常之多,本章乃從無過失保險理論,就本法關於基本架構之重要條文,提出修正建議。


何垂芬 Unknown Date (has links)
預售屋制度在臺灣地區已行之多年,惟預售屋交易金額龐大、興建期間長又不固定、簽約到履約歷時久,且涉及諸多法律及地政登記等專業知識,此外,投入預售屋交易者,除消費者外,還有建設公司、代銷公司、提供土地之地主、承包工程廠商、金融服務業等,預售屋交易模式極為複雜,再加上消費者購買經驗有限,及購屋資訊不足,其衍生出之消費糾紛不勝枚舉。 內政部公布之『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』 及修訂公布之『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,其中『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』依消費者保護法第17條第2項規定違反公告之定型化契約之一般條款無效,使該上開公告事項具有法律上強制規定之效力,而該公告事項依內政部(90)內中地字第9083627號函稱「本應記載及不得記載事項自公告六個月後生效」,所以該公告事項自91年3月6日起對預售屋交易之當事人發生強行法規之拘束力,締約雙方對此應有所認識。本文以91年3月6日『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』生效後,最高法院對預售屋定型化契約條款見解,作一分析,希望能分析出內政部公布『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』及『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,對預售屋實務上產生之影響及產生何種新型態的紛爭,並尋求解決之道。


顏佳瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
在多元的現代社會中,人們的活動日趨複雜,但意外事故也隨之增加。各國政府為了解決意外傷害造成的社會問題,莫不致力於發展各種意外傷害補償制度,期望能為遭受意外傷害之受害人提供及時有效的補償。我國勞工職業災害補償制度、強制汽車責任保險制度,與紐西蘭意外補償制度的制定即是此脈絡下的產物。 紐西蘭意外補償制度自1974年開始實行,是世界上第一個針對人身傷害採行全面無過失補償制度的國家。全體國民強制加入意外傷害的社會保險體系,由官方的意外補償公司(Accident Compensation Corporation,通稱ACC)負責制度之運作,全民不論在任何場合發生之意外傷害,亦不論意外事故之發生有無過失,均可獲得補償。我國則於民國68年修正勞工保險條例,明訂職業災害保險,並於民國73年制訂勞動基準法第59條,規定雇主之無過失補償責任,建立職業災害補償制度;民國85年亦針對汽車交通事故造成之人身傷亡,制訂強制汽車責任保險法,建立強制汽車責任保險制度。 本文係以紐西蘭意外補償制度及我國勞工職業災害補償制度、強制汽車責任保險制度為研究中心。除介紹兩國意外傷害補償制度的發展過程、法律依據、重要內涵及組織架構外,並針對兩國制度在運作過程中產生的問題進行檢討與制度優缺點之比較分析。最後提出本文對於制度改革的建議,期能解決制度本身存在的問題。

臺北市公有路邊停車場經營管理機制評選之研究 / Ranking and Selecting the Management of Taipei ,s Public Curb Parking Lot

陳美珍, Chen, Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文主要是要建構一個在考慮經濟面及效率面下,評估公有路邊停車場經營管理績效的機制。當考慮經濟面及效率面時,包含權利金委外、開單勞務委外及人力派遣與政府自辦的比較,何者較具有經營管理優勢。本文選擇以這四個制度為分析對象的理由,主要是源自於公共選擇理論。另外,評估方法則應用層級分析法來評估這四個經營管理機制。而在考慮經濟與效率為目標下,評估指標分別從投入與產出這二個面向著手,其中投入面向之評估指標有人力、設備及費用,產出面向之評估指標則有每格位開單率及每人每日營收金額等。以臺北市西門地區做為實證分析對象,透過問卷調查24名專家學者對評估指標的權重,再以簡單加權法求算各個替選方案評點,研究結果發現,開單勞務委外為最優方案,其次為權利金委外,而政府自辦在經濟及效率面向,與其他三個方案比較結果,顯示最不具有經營管理優勢。 / This thesis is aimed at construct the scheme of evaluating the management economy and efficiency for public curb parking lot. Those which draw up the parking charge list including of royalty, labor-outsourcing and leased work, are compared with the government manages oneself, when consideration economy and efficiency which alternative has the superiority of operation and management. The rationale to choice these four alternatives as evaluative object is the public choice theory. Moreover, the consideration of performance evaluation has three indicators such as manpower, facility and expenditure under the schema of input, and two indicators such as the rate of draw up the parking charge list for a parking space and each person of daily earning under the schema of output. Further, analysis hierarchy process and SAW are applied for the appraisal method. In empirical study, 24 experts replied our questionnaire survey. The result suggest that the priority alternative is labor outsourcing and the government manages oneself is inferior to other three alternatives. We develop a framework to promote a better understanding of the important of public curb parking lot performance management. Using the review literature and the results an empirical study of Taipei’s curb parking lots, we developed the framework presented herein, in hope that if would stimulate more interest in this area.

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