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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉萃慧, Liu, Cui-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
第一章,「緒論」,共分四節,依次為問題的提出,研究目的,研究方法,小農定 義與特性。本章主要是提到研究此論文的目的何在,及研究的範疇。第二章,台灣 小農形成的背景及其經營現況,共分二節,第一節,小農形成的背景原因何在,第 二節,探討小農經營現況,此經營現況是相當不利的,同時也正是台灣農業發展的 瓶頸所在。第三章為輔導小農轉業的理由,共分三節,第一節擴大農場經營規模需 離農政策的配合,第二節,提高土地利用,第三節,增加農業所得。本章主要是討 論:由於小農經營是不利的,所以才有小農轉業的因應措施,同時小農轉業,放出 土地後,可望達到擴大農場經營規模,提高土地利用,增加農業所得的目的。以上 均就理論上而言。第四章,小農轉業實際所面臨的困難,共分三節,佐以資料的實 證分析,闡述其困難所在。第五章為小農轉業可行性之探討及其解決途徑,共分二 節。第六章為結論。


蔡岳璋 Unknown Date (has links)
陝甘寧邊區的農村教育是中共教育理念一次大規模試驗,這些理念和作法一部分源自於國內當時教育思潮,一部分則是來自中共過去在農村中所累積的教育經驗。受到平民教育運動的影響,中共的農村教育將兒童和成人的教育置於同等重要地位,發展出一套小學教育和社會教育並行的教育體系; 根據長期的農村教育經驗,中共則是針對農村中教育資源不足、農民工作忙碌的特殊環境,設計了諸如「識字班」、「冬學」等革命性的教育措施。中共對於普及教育有著極高的熱情和企圖心,不過受限於陝甘寧邊區先天的環境條件,自始陝甘寧邊區的農村教育便充滿了困難,一九四○年以後更因為局勢的惡化,使邊區教育呈現倒退發展的趨勢。值得注意的是,即便是在環境條件明顯不足的情況下,中共也依然沒有放棄普及教育的理想,一九四○年開始的「新文字運動」和一九四四年的「民辦公助」都是為了因應時局所推行的措施。從陝甘寧邊區農村教育推展的過程中,我們同時看到中共的理想性格和務實、彈性的行事風格,兩者同樣令人印象深刻。


許玉青 Unknown Date (has links)
政府將民國九十年定為金融改革年,積極整頓問題基層金融機構。民國九十一年八月二十二日,財政部通令各縣市政府實施農漁會信用部分級管理措施,未料引發了基層農漁會與農漁民強烈抗議。為平抑農漁民團體抗爭的情緒,政府最後終於在十一月十七日當晚,宣布暫緩實施農漁會信用部分級管理措施,改革政策出現大逆轉,乃為本文的研究動機。 本研究主要目的在探討台灣農漁會信用部體制改革之政策,參考美、日、荷等先進國家之農業金融改革經驗,並以彰化縣農漁會信用部作為個案分析對象,以倡議聯盟架構(Advocacy coalition framework)途徑分析台灣農漁會信用部體制改革政策,運用德菲法(Delphi technique)進行問卷調查,期望藉助專家學者的共識獲得「解決問題」(problem-solving)的「最適方案」。 本研究以倡議聯盟架構分析農漁會信用部改革政策,發現目前尚無「政策仲裁者」之存在。其原因在於農漁會信用部改革政策當中,只有一個農業聯盟,因此並未有居間協調不同倡議聯盟與政府決策者之「政策仲裁者」出現。此外,在檢視美、日、荷等三國之農業金融體制改革經驗後,透過「德菲法」問卷調查尋求專家學者及政策利害關係人之意見,發現日本的農業金融改革較適合作為我國之借鏡。本研究並依據問卷調查結果,統整兩回合之問卷中專家學者及政策利害關係人的意見,分別從法規面、制度面及發展面等三方向,提出政府改革農漁會信用部體制之政策建議。 在法規面,除了確立主管機關一元化原則外,尚應修改農會法以符時宜。在制度面,則建議由合作金庫轉型或改制成立全國農業(金庫)銀行;建立全國農業(金庫)銀行、農漁會信用部之二級制農業金融體系;最後,建議應考慮恢復農會股金制之設計,然恢復股金制之過程繁複耗時,仍需進行深入研究方可實行。在發展面上,則鼓勵農會信用部按縣市或地區進行合併,並且強化全國農業(金庫)銀行與農漁會信用部之關係。

論養殖漁業保險 / A Study On Aquaculture Insurance

葉高陞, Tony K. S. YEH Unknown Date (has links)
台灣養殖漁業於一九六○年代即以優良的人工繁殖技術獨步全球。一九八○年代進入全盛時期,並以草蝦養殖王國享譽國際。近年來更朝向科技化,自動化室內超高密度循環水養殖與外海箱網養殖發展。在二十一世紀全球人類動物性蛋白質需求高度仰賴養殖漁業之趨勢下,台灣養殖漁業將繼續扮演重要角色。 ……。 本文即根據所蒐集相關文獻及統計資料來探討養殖漁業之重要性、現況、台灣實施養殖漁業保險所面臨之問題及多國經營相關保險之狀況,以供台灣未來實施後保險之參考,並提昇適合我國國情的養殖漁業保險制度與實施步驟,並建議嘗試擇定具規範之箱網養殖漁業保險試辦,依成效、體驗再逐步推廣至其他養殖漁業。 / Fish is an important source of food protein. Aquaculture is playing a critical part in food security in 21st century as capture fisheries have been restrained by our consciousness of environment protection. In the early 1960's, Taiwan developed its excellent skills in aquaculture and even won the title of aquaculture kingdom of prawn in 1980's. With its long history in the industry and new technology advantages in both hi-density indoor and off-shore cage aquaculture, Taiwan will keep playing a key role in the global aquaculture industry in the century. ....... This article tries to build up a framework for the Taiwan aquaculture insurance based on my study of all the related documents, regulations, laws, statistics and international aquaculture insurance practices. In order to be more practical, I select off-shore cage fishfarm as the first trial for the promotion of aquaculture insurance. In the second stage we can transfer the experience to all kinds of fishfarms step by step.

台灣地區原住民母語教育政策之探討:以布農族為例 / Evaluating the Aboriginals’ Mother-Tongue Education: Bunun as an Example

劉秋雲, Liu, Chiu-yun Unknown Date (has links)
國語政策的實施造成台灣地區原住民族母語嚴重地流失,產生語言轉移的現象。2001年(九十學年度)教育部首度將鄉土語言列為正式課程,開始實施強制性每週一節的母語教學課程。然此項母語教學辦法的實施,其實施前的評估和之後的檢討均未進行,因此本論文以布農族為例,從語言政策的觀點探討台灣地區原住民的母語教育政策。一方面從語言能力、語言使用、及語言態度等層面來調查布農族人的語言轉移情形;另一方面從其對母語教育政策的態度檢討當前布農語教學的實施現況。 本論文研究方法採問卷調查和深度訪談,同時進行量化和質化的研究。探查之學校於是八個布農族為主的山地鄉,以隨機取樣的方式,各抽取兩所學校,因此共計十六個學校納入調查範圍。問卷部份,主要根據年齡和教育程度兩個社會變項,在各組中採集等量的問卷。深度訪談則針對學校行政人員(校長與教務主任)、母語老師、家長、和學生,進行母語教學相關議題的訪談。問卷調查在探查普遍性的分佈狀況,而訪談目的則在探討問卷結果背後的理由。 調查結果發現,布農族人的母語能力和母語使用均出現隨著年齡層下降、教育程度升高而衰退的情形,顯示母語轉移的痕跡。在刻板印象上,高年齡層受試者對母語的評價較國語高,低年齡層和兩個教育層的受試者對布農語和國語的刻板印象評價則不達顯著,均一致地高。在學習動機方面,受試者不分年齡或教育程度,均一致認為國語之工具性動機高過布農語。而以布農語本身的融合性動機顯著高於工具性動機,顯示布農語對布農族人的功能為象徵性強過實用性。在對母語教育政策的看法上,一般而言都支持度都相當高;但在教學內容的實行上,如教學時間、師資問題等則多有意見,受訪者指出若干問題,並提出相關建議。 本研究結果證實布農族人的母語發生轉移現象,希望日後相關單位在訂定或修正語言政策時,可以對原住民母語轉移現象的挽救提供幫助。 / The implementation of Guoyu Policy in Taiwan has caused the minority groups, (in particular, the Indigenous peoples) a serious language shift, shifting from their mother tongues to Guoyu, the national language. To remedy the problem, "Mother Tongue Education" has been implemented since 1996. Unfortunately, there has never been any official evaluation on this policy. For this reason, this thesis aims at providing a preliminary evaluation of it through an investigation of the Bunun's proficiency in their mother tongue, their use of it, their attitudes toward their mother tongue and the policy. The research methods applied in conducting this study include both quantitative and qualitative analysis. For the former, 279 questionnaires (out of 300) were collected and analyzed, with a focus on sociolinguistic differences based on age and education level. For the latter, 36 informants (including school administrators, mother tongue teachers, students, and their parents) from 15 Bunun primary schools were interviewed. The results of statistic tests indicate that the Bunun's proficiency in their mother tongue and the frequency of using it decline with decrease of their age and increase of their education level. Among the various social groups, only subjects of higher education level show a positive attitude more favorable to Guoyu than to Bunun; while the other groups give equal ranking to both of the two languages. Moreover, the Bunun subjects, as a whole, consider Guoyu being more instrumental than Bunun; however, it is Bunun that receive higher score for integrative motivation, which indicates that Bunun still plays a symbolic function to the Bunun people. As to their attitudes toward the policy of mother tongue education, generally all the subjects show their support to it, although they point out, at the same time, that the policy should be modified on several aspects, such as problems related to the length of teaching hour and the sources of qualified mother tongue teachers. Most of the findings derived from quantitative analysis are confirmed by the subjects of the interviews. The general conclusion of this thesis is that the Bunun are experiencing a language shift from their mother tongue to Guoyu. It is suggested that the government and the institutions concerned should locate effective measures to meet the imperative needs in saving the mother tongues of the minority groups.


鄭建生, Cheng, chien-sheng Unknown Date (has links)
1924年至1927年的農民運動,是現代中國歷史上政黨動員農民群眾最初的階段。此期間的農民運動,約略可以1926年年中左右北伐運動的開始分為兩個階段。北伐之前,以廣東地區為主要的活動範圍,農民運動主要的訴求在農民經濟生活的改良,以減租運動為其最重要的議題,旁及廢除各種苛捐雜稅以及預徵錢糧等事項;到了1926年年底,國民黨的勢力涵蓋長江流域大部分的區域,農民協會的擴張與軍事的勝利幾乎同步快速的膨脹起來,尤其以兩湖及江西地區,農民運動更呈現出會員數量的急速增長與運動本質的根本變化。 在農運經濟的議題上,左派國民黨的政策繼承廣東農運的成果,把減租運動的訴求具體化,定出「二五減租」的政綱;更具有時代進步的意義為提出了土地重新分配的問題,讓土地革命成為兩湖地區農運的重要進程。武漢國民黨中央在對農民宣言中出現極左的論調,幾乎與共產黨的主張一致。宣稱:中國的農民問題,即是一個貧農問題,而貧農問題的中心問題,就是一個土地問題,國民黨本著幫助解決農民問題、扶持農運進行之理念,「決計擁護農民獲得土地之鬥爭,至於使土地問題完全解決而後止。」這種宣示,已經偏離國民黨總理孫文「耕者有其田」之想法-用和平的政治和法律手段解決土地分配不均的現象的堅持,反倒提出以「鬥爭」「封建地主階級」的方式來解決問題,而隱約迎合了共產黨的理論基礎,將農民運動的進程推向土地革命的階段。 除了土地革命的議題外,兩湖和江西地區的農運的最重要特色是在政治鬥爭方面,亦即激進地進行打倒土豪劣紳的運動。在法律的操作層面,執政當局的國民黨黨部,開始組織所謂的「審判土豪劣紳特別法庭」,跳開一般正常法庭的審理程序,而以這種特殊的法庭機關專門辦理有關土豪劣紳的案件;而為了配合此種特殊法庭的運作與辦案,懲治土豪劣紳的專門法律也就應運而生。兩湖地區和江西省國民黨省黨部分別都制定了<懲治土豪劣紳暫行條例>的特殊法條。這樣的特別法律是為特定的政治立場服務的,專以政黨的利益與意識型態為考量論刑的唯一依據,完全以黨派之私操控法庭扭曲法律的常規運作,用嚴刑峻罰打擊、壓迫、控制所有的反對者,並潛在性地恐嚇全體公民;它如同當時另一種政黨惡法-「反革命罪條例」一般,對清末以來法界人士所提倡的司法西化或現代化的歷程是一種嚴重的斲傷與斷裂,但對近代中國黨國威權體制的形成起了一定程度的促進作用。 司法之外,在實際的打擊土豪劣紳的行動之中,又興起一種意識型態的鬥爭方式,類似「文化大革命」的攻擊手法。這種新的文化鬥爭,就是要全面性地把鄉村原有的當權派和富貴階級完全抹黑醜化為土豪劣紳,成為道德和法律上的潛在罪犯,這樣一來,任何攻擊土豪劣紳的恐怖暴力的行動也就取得適法性與道德性。毛澤東就從此民間流行的話題中凝聚為「有土皆豪無紳不劣」一句簡單的標語口號,透過他的文章定型化並加速擴大宣傳和滲透,更進一步擴散了這種文化鬥爭的理念,把以往鄉野村民尊崇的紳士與地主階級,全部予以妖魔化、污名化,以摧毀它們在社會中的道德基礎,顛覆翻轉了傳統道德觀念上既定的尊卑貴賤的僵固想法,讓傳統上社會的底層大眾取得文化道德上的優越地位,敢於大膽進攻這些卑劣的「土豪劣紳」。 武漢國民黨政府激烈過火的群眾路線引起內部革命軍官的強烈反彈,最後爆發兩起嚴重的軍人兵變:一為駐守鄂西宜昌夏斗寅獨立第十四師的兵變,一為留守湖南長沙三十五軍三十三團團長許克祥所發動的長沙事變(亦稱馬日事變)。這兩起兵變都以反共為旗幟,並與當地的農工團體發生軍事衝突,造成大量的死傷。軍人的叛變迫使武漢國民黨中央改弦更張,放棄原本的聯共和群眾路線,採取了分共政策與管制群眾組織團體的新措施,武漢國民黨所支持的農民運動也就劃下句點逐漸消退了。


黃雪娥 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在研究一八九0年代至二十世紀初,俄國國內的財經與農業之改革。本文之財經改革研究是以十九世紀末期俄國著名的改革家謝爾蓋‧尤里耶維奇.維特(Sergei Yul'evich Witte, 1849-1915)為中心,而農業改革之研究主要是以彼得.阿爾卡吉耶維奇.史托里賓(Petr Arkad'evich Stolypin, 1862-1911)為中心。 長期統治俄國三百餘年的羅曼諾夫王朝,於一九一七年的革命爆發之後走入了歷史。羅曼諾夫王朝之所以被推翻,原因之一是人民不滿於沙皇政府的保守專制與腐敗無能。而維特的財經改革與史托里賓的農業改革,關係著俄國當時的社會脈動,尤其在人民對沙皇不滿情緒逐日高漲的時期,兩人的改革攸關人民對沙皇的支持與否。而且,兩人改革的時問與俄國沙皇政權結束的時間,有著密切的前後關聯性,因此兩人的改革對帝俄末期發展至關重要。 本論文主要探討的中心問題為:是否維特的財經改革與史托里賓的農業改革成功,革命就不會發生?俄國在二十世紀初羅曼諾夫王朝結束之前,不到二十年的時間襄,就發生了兩次革命:一九○五年革命和一九一七年二月革命。這兩次革命都有工人與農民參與,他們對政府都有強烈的不滿。表示他們長期受到了壓迫,政府雖有進行改革卻未能消弭他們的積怨。因此,俄國政府所實施的與工人與農民有密切關係的財經農業改革,在帝俄末期仍無法滿足人民的需求。若人民的需求得以獲得滿足,革命可能就不會發生。 本論文將分五章來探討。第一章為緒論,說明研究目的與研究動機、文獻回顧、研究途徑與研究方法、研究架構。第二章為時代背景,將維特與史托里賓改革時的國內環境與國際環境作一粗略簡介。本章分為二節:分別為俄國國內環境與國際環境之簡述:第三章為維特經改之研究。本章共分為三節:分別為維特生平之簡介、維特實施財經改革之內容以及評價。第四章為史托里賓農改之研究。本章共分為三節:分別為史托里賓生平之簡介、史托里賓實施農業改革之內容以及評價。第五章為結論,總結本論文經研究後所得之結果。 / This thesis is to discuss the economic reform and agrarian reform in Imperial Russia from the 1890s to the beginning of the twentieth century. In the thesis I research the economic reform which was implemented by Sergei Yul'evich Witte (1849-1915) who was famous as a Russian reformer in the end of nineteenth century, and the agrarian reform which was implemented by Petr Arkad'evich Stolypin (1862-1911). Romanov Dynasty which had reigned Imperial Russia for more than three hundred years was collapsed after the Revolution of 1917. The one of the reasons why Romanov Dynasty was collapsed was people's dissatisfaction with Russian government's autocracy, conservatism, corruption and incapability. Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform had influences on the social tendency in Imperial Russia at that time. Especially when people had more and more dissatisfaction with Tsar, Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform related with the degree of people's support to Tsar. Furthermore, the time ofWitte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform was close to the time of Tsar regime's termination. Therefore, their reforms played vital roles in the development of the last phase of Imperial Russia. The discussion centered on the most important question: if Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform had been successful, the February Revolution of 1917 did not happened to the nation. Before the end of Romanov Dynasty, not till twenty years, there were two revolutions - the Revolution of 1905 and the February Revolution of 1917. Workers and peasants took part in the two revolutions because they had strong dissatisfaction with the government. It represented that they had been oppressed by the government for the long time. Although the government implemented the reforms,the government could not decline their accumulated rancor. Thus, their reforms which connected with workers and peasants still could not meet people'demands. If the government had been able to meet people' demands, the February Revolution of 1917 did not happened to the nation. This thesis will be discussed in five chapters. Chapter I is introduction: it will explain the purpose, motivation, method, documents and framework of this thesis. Chapter 2 contains background. It briefly introduces the domestic situations and the international conditions when Witte and Stolypin reformed. In the Chapter 3, I research Witte's economic reform. There are three sections in this chapter - the synopsis of Witte's life, the contains of Witte's reform and criticism. In the Chapter 4, I research Stolypin's agrarian reform. There are three sections in this chapter - the synopsis of Stolypin's life, the contains of Stolypin's reform and criticism. Chapter 5: conclusion.

中國大陸失地農民問題研究 / A Study of the Problems Resulting from Land-Requisitioned Peasants in Mainland China

何治民, Ho, Chih Min Unknown Date (has links)
土地問題在中國始終是一個大問題,1949年國民黨失去大陸政權,最主要原因就是未能處理好農民與土地之間千絲萬縷的關係。中國大陸自1990年代以來,經濟發展迅速,隨著城市化進程的加快,全國掀起土地開發的熱潮,農村集體所有土地被大量徵收,失地農民成為新興弱勢群體,面臨著嚴重的生存與發展問題。土地是農民的命根子,但是在經濟發展的大旗之下,各地政府以「開發區」的名義,占去大量耕地,造成了至少4000萬「種地無田,就業無崗,低保無分」的失地農民。本文認為目前中國大陸失地農民問題集中表現在對失地農民的補償標準太低、土地「農轉非」速度太快、土地徵占浮濫而且範圍太廣。此外,目前的社會保障機制不夠健全,失地農民缺乏專業技能導致失業問題嚴重。本文經由分析造成失地農民的原因與現況,比較海峽兩岸農地改革的模式,提出實施合理徵地補償、制定法律規範、擴大社會保障、嚴格土地管制等方式,從根本上解決失地農民的問題。因為中國大陸因徵地問題引發的群眾抗爭事件與日俱增,如果不能妥善處理相關問題,勢必影響中國社會的穩定與經濟發展。 / Land problems concern China all the time. The major reason resulting in KMT’s losing of regime in 1949 consisted for the most part in its being unable to deal with the thorny relationship between the peasants and their land properly. Paralleling the rapid growth in economy and the acceleration of urbanization in the 1990s was the surge of land exploitation. As a result, a large part of collective-owned land has been requisitioned. As the newly emerging minorities, the land requisitioned peasants were confronted with the dilemma of survival and that of development. It is a truth universally accepted that land is what the peasants are concerned about. To promote the development in economy, some local governments, in the name of exploitation region, took possession of a large part of land, bringing about the truth that at least 40 million land requisitioned peasants had become landless, jobless and what was more, penniless. What is explicated in this article shows that the presents problems resulting from the land requisitioned peasants in Mainland China lie primarily in the prerequisites that the standards for the reparation made to the land requisitioned peasants are unsatisfying, the time for the land use changed from agriculture to non-agriculture is pressing and the scope of the land requisitioned is extensive and overabundant. What is worse, the deficiencies in social security systems and the peasants’ lack of special skills add up to the high percentage of unemployment. The research is so conducted as to bring up, through the analysis on the reasons and present situation that trouble the land requisitioned peasants in Mainland China and the comparison on the land reform models between Taiwan and Mainland China, some reasonable ways to make up for the land requisitioned peasants, to set up standards for legislation, to reinforce intensified protection in society and to carry out precise control over land, trying to solve the problems resulting from the land requisitioned peasants completely. There are more and more street protests arising from the land requisitioned peasants in Mainland China. To tell it like it is, the problems should be attended with care and in detail so that the stability in society and development in economy can thus be maintained.


江璧帆, Chiang, Pi Fan Unknown Date (has links)


鐘敬添 Unknown Date (has links)
生態旅遊是一種全球性旅遊趨勢,也是一種對自然資源與旅遊行為之新環境因應態度。農村社區發展生態旅遊將成為農村社區永續發展的重要發展戰略,當務之急是建構出農村社區發展生態旅遊評估模式。建立農村社區生態旅遊發展指標體系及評估模型,對於規範生態旅遊社區建設,促進農村社區生態旅遊資源的可持續利用,引導農村社區生態旅遊的健康發展,具有重要意義。本研究主要目的希望透過文獻研究法、問卷調查法及AHP層級分析法等研究方法的進行,建立一套評估農村社區發展生態旅遊的評估模式,藉以從中瞭解生態旅遊與農村社區永續發展相結合之結果: 一、以農村社區的核心資源、經營管理、市場潛力和組織能力此四個構面與農村社區生態旅遊之直接關係,分別加以探討。再透過SWOT 矩陣分析,以港邊社區為例,研擬出生態旅遊評估模式。 二、應用層級分析法(AHP 法)進行農村社區生態旅遊發展模式評估,提供決策者執行時優先順序之參考。 本研究藉由文獻回顧,整理出生態旅遊和農村社區永續發展的相關理論,及港邊社區環境資源後,透過專家問卷調查使研究資料更為客觀。並經由因數分析簡化得到「核心資源、經營管理」及「市場潛力,及組織能力」之4個因數。續由SWOT 矩陣分析法分析港邊社區和湖本社區發展生態旅遊的基礎和方向。 本研究結果除提供以港邊社區為例的農村社區發展生態旅遊評估模式外,對本研究所建立之農村社區發展生態旅遊評估架構,亦可供後續相關生態旅遊訂定發展策略之參考依據。 關鍵字:農村社區、生態旅遊、評估模式、SWOT 矩陣分析法 / Eco-tourism is a trend of global travel and a new attitude to balance natural resources and behavior travel. Therefore,the development of eco-tourism in countryside community will be an important strategy for its sustainable development. The most important is the construction of appraisal pattern in countryside community.Building index system and evaluate pattern has very significant sense on standarding eco-tourism community,promoting sustainable use of eco-tourism resource and guiding sound development of eco-tourism in countryside community.The main goal of this investigation is establishing solutions of assesing sustainable development by a series research methods,such as document research ,questionnarie and AHP level analysis. 1.Base on the five aspects of direct relationship with key resource,management,market potential and organizational ability to research respectively.Then,through analysis in SWOT rectangle form, take Gangbian community for example,create evalutation patterm of eco-tourism. 2.Use AHP methods to value the strategies for eco-tourism development to provide executer a priority consultation. This research makes out the theories and strategies about development eco-tourism by reviewing documents, and environmental resources of Gangbian community. Furthermore, it makes the information more objective by expertise polling. With factors analysis ,they gain four factors of key resource,management,market potential and organizantianal ability,making foundation and instruction of Gangbian Zone and Huben Zone by SWOT rectangle form. The result of this research not only provides the evaluate pattern of eco-tourism development in rural area like Gangbian Zone but also offers a reference for concerning strategies of sustainable eco-tourism . Key words: Community ; Eco-tourism;Evaluate patterm ; SWOT rectangle form

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