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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳佩君, Chen, Pei Jun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的發展,國民所得增加生活水準的提昇,電力的重要性與日俱增,而最適電價的訂定,則成為政府當局及學者們所關切的課題。因此,本文旨在分別就資訊對稱與資訊不對稱下靜態兩種情況,進行最適電價管制模型之研究,以期達到社會福利最大化之目標。 本研究首先對於電力事業所具備的特性,加以闡述。同時由於電力事業係屬公用事業,電價的影響層面又既深且廣,並具有自然獨占之屬性,因此政府管制當局通常採取價格管制措施介入市場。本文將就常見之單一定價模式及尖離峰定價模式,作一扼要說明。 其次,先就探討資訊不對稱之相關文獻,稍作概述。並將針對資訊對稱與不對稱下,產生道德障礙、逆選擇、和成本浮報等問題之靜態最適電價模型,與產生道德障礙之動態最適電價模型,作深入探討。且將就所得結果之政策涵義,作一評論。最後,對未來研究發展之方向提出建議。

不對稱訊息下借貸信用市場之效率研究 / The Investigation on the Efficiency of Credit Market under Asymmetric Information

劉文真, Liou, Wen Jane Unknown Date (has links)
資訊不對稱為經濟普遍存在之現象,舉凡勞動市場、保險市場與借貸信用市場皆會發生類似主問題。而本文將就資訊不對稱下之借貸信用市場討論效率問題。   眾所皆知,當借貸市場存在資訊不對稱時會發生二大問題:道德危險、逆選擇問題,又因此三大問題會導致貸款者對特定契約之供給減少使借貸市場發生超額需求產生信用分配之現象。故可知,市場均衡因資訊不對稱現象之存在可能無法滿足柏拉圖最適。因此本文將借用四個理論模型說明:借貸信用市場之效率問題。   理論模型一:逆選擇下之借貸市場效率一最適放款利率與擔保品之決定   理論模型二:逆選擇下之借貸市場效率一最適投資水準之決定   理論模型三:逆選擇與道德危險下之信用分配效率   理論模型四:償還機率訊息不對稱下之資金配置與金融崩潰   透過此四個理論模型之分析可歸納出以下之結論:   1.借貸市場存在穩定均衡且均衡滿足市場效率時,政府無須干預借貸市場。   2.借貸市場存在穩定均衡且無信用分配現象但均衡未滿足市場效率時,政府就應採行自由放任之態度,透過金融中介機構之借貸行為達成社會效率。   3.借貸市場存在穩定均衡且存在信用分配現象但均衡未滿足市場效率時,政府就應採行交叉補貼政策干預市場,但並非所有的干預政策皆能使借貸市場之效率提升,其中尤以“補貼低品質借貸契約”之政策為最佳方案,但因為此政策須政府能夠完全區分借款者之品質型態才可採行,因此,若政府無法加以區分借款者之品質型態時,僅好退而求其次採行次佳方案“信用保証政策”。   4.借貸市場若不存在均衡,發生金融性崩潰時,政府應擔任最後貸款者之角色,干預借貸市場以降低私人部間之風險。


吳朝欽 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文除第一章緒論外,包含三章相關議題的研究,主要目的在於重新探討所得稅損失扣除政策的福利效果。 第二章從保險市場存在逆選擇的問題探討是否實施所得稅損失扣除政策,文中應用 Rothschild 與 Stiglitz (1976) 的保險模型建構一個兩階段賽局,分析所得稅損失扣除政策的福利效果。文中有兩點重要發現:首先,所得稅損失扣除政策會改變 Rothschild與 Stiglitz (1976) 一文分離均衡的特質:所得稅率高到超過高風險者的最大忍受程度時,私人的保險市場將不復存在;其次,該項政策具有三種福利效果,分別為所得重分配效果,高風險者之風險承擔效果,以及低風險者之風險承擔效果。當上述三項的總效果為正,則引進所得稅損失扣除政策將使得社會福利水準獲得改善。另外,數值分析的結果顯示:惟有當所得稅率高時,引進損失扣除政策才具有福利增進的效果,不過此時私人的保險市場並不存在;當所得稅率較低,使得私人保險市場得以存在時,引進損失扣除政策的福利效果幾乎都為負,僅有少數近乎於零。 第三章放寬 Kaplow(1992)一文中關於保險公司風險態度的假設,重新探討所得稅損失扣除政策的福利效果。研究顯示:(1) 無論保險公司的風險類型為何,若引進損失扣除政策得以降低社會的總合風險成本,則實施該政策可以增進社會的福祉;反之,則會降低社會的福祉。(2)當保險公司為風險中立者時,引進損失扣除政策必然會降低社會的福祉;當保險公司為風險趨避者時,只要所得稅率夠低,引進損失扣除政策則可增進社會的福祉。因而 Kaplow (1992)所獲致的結果可視為本文的一個特例。(3) 引進損失扣除政策後,當保險公司為風險中立者時,保險公司的風險成本沒有改變,投保人的風險成本則會增加;當保險公司為風險趨避者時,保險公司的風險成本會降低,至於投保人的風險成本則未定。另外,數值分析的結果顯示:引進損失扣除政策會降低社會的總合風險成本,因而社會的福祉得以上升。 第四章主要乃是仿照Kaplow (1991)的模型,並延續第三章放寬保險公司風險態度的假設,將所得稅損失扣除政策內生化並將道德危機導入保險市場,此一課題可以更一般化的驗證第三章所獲致的結果,我們的研究顯示,即使在所得稅損失扣除政策為內生化以及保險市場包含道德危機的情況下,若保險公司為風險趨避者,則引進損失扣除政策可以增進社會的福祉。

創業投資公司投資行為對被投資公司績效影響之研究 / A Study on the Effect of Venture Capitalists' Investment Behavior on Performance of Venture-capital-backed Firms

劉松瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
雖然近年來的文獻已嘗試以有系統的方式,探討創投的參與投資,是否有助於提昇被投資公司的價值,然而這些實證研究卻鮮少剖析創投是透過何種途徑來影響被投資公司的價值。再者,此類研究往往從被投資公司上市、上櫃時的股票折價幅度,來探討創投的介入是否對於被投資公司的價值有所貢獻,不過卻較少針對被投資公司的長期經營績效和上市、上櫃後的股價績效進行分析,特別是有關創投對於被投資公司的經營績效影響之相關研究仍付之闕如。因此,本研究嘗試為相關研究另闢蹊徑,以期瞭解創投的參與投資是否確實為被投資公司帶來實質的貢獻。 首先,經由文獻探討和個案分析得知,將代理理論引用至本研究主題確實具有合理性。因此,本研究以代理理論的觀點,嘗試克服傳統「基本主理人──代理人的模式」之限制,並藉由Von Neumann-Morgenstern 效用函數而針對創投的介入對於被投資公司在經營績效和技術上的影響進行理論模式推導,故本研究的理論模式不僅強調技術的提昇為刺激高科技公司產出增加的原動力之外,同時亦考量監控機制和激勵制度彼此可能具互補性的特質。 本研究的各個研究假說分別演繹自理論模式結論或歸納自文獻探討暨個案分析。在實證研究方面,本研究將實證分為三個層次:第一層次係比較國內有創投參與投資的上市、上櫃公司和無創投參與投資的上市、上櫃公司,其在長期經營績效與短期股價表現上是否具有差異性。實證結果發現,有創投參與投資的公司,其在長期經營績效和短期股價表現上皆較無創投參與投資的公司來得差;不過,創投的介入確實承擔了被投資公司本身的部分風險。 實證的第二層次則在於檢視,創投是透過何種途徑來影響被投資公司的績效表現。實證結果顯示,主要創投的持股比例、參與被投資公司的創投家數、創投佔被投資公司的董監事席位比例、創投所承擔被投資公司的技術股股本佔總資本額的比例,或創投投資被投資公司的時點越早,皆對於被投資公司的長期經營績效表現有顯著的正面影響。 另外,創投佔被投資公司的董監事席位比例、創投所承擔被投資公司的技術股股本佔總資本額的比例、主要創投成立的年數越長,或創投參與被投資公司的時點越早,則對於被投資公司上市、上櫃後的短期股價表現有顯著的正面影響。 實證之第三層次,旨在探討創投的參與投資是否加速被投資公司上市、上櫃的時間。根據實證結果得知,有創投參與投資的公司,其從公司設立至上市、上櫃的時間確實較無創投參與投資的公司來得短,此意謂創投可加速被投資公司上市、上櫃的時間,使得被投資公司可以較早在資本市場上募得資金。 綜合上述實證結論,囿限於國內創投的籌資壓力和追逐聲譽的壓力,以及在「逆選擇」的前提之下,導致國內有創投參與投資的公司其績效表現較無創投參與投資的公司來得差。然而,本研究的實證結果並不否定創投的能力,換言之,本研究的實證結果肯定創投的專業能力和監控能力,同時亦肯定創投在國內產業升級上所扮演的重要角色。 / Although recent work attempts to explore what venture capitalists do and whether venture capitalists' involvement adds value for venture-capital-backed firms, it does not investigate the ways in which venture capitalists add value to their portfolio companies. Moreover, recent empirical research usually investigates whether venture capitalists' involvement reduces underpricing when their portfolio firms going public, but it seldom explicitly examines the effect of the presence of venture capitalists on operating performance of venture-capital-backed firms. As a matter of fact, a number of issues relate to the relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs have not been fully addressed. Therefore, the objective of this study is to fill both theoretical and empirical gaps. This study applies agency theory which captures the essence between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, and use Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function to analyze the effect of venture capitalists' involvement on their portfolio firms' operating performance and skills. Our theoretical model not only considers the importance of new technology in modern economies, but also includes the possibility that these two control mechanisms, monitoring and incentives, might be complementary. Moreover, empirical results of this study reveal several important findings. First, we contrast venture-capital-backed firms with companies that have no venture-capital backing. Our empirical results indicate operating performance and after-market stock performance of firms with venture-capital backing are both inferior to that of firms without such backing, and the differences are statistically significant. However, venture-capital-backed firms seem to have lower levels of firm risk. Secondly, empirical results provide evidence that the fraction of equity holdings of the lead venture capitalist, the number of venture capitalists, the number of the venture-capital-backed firm's board seats held by venture capitalists, stock compensation system and the length of time that venture capitalists have invested are all positively associated with operating performance of venture-capital-backed firms. In addition, the number of the venture-capital-backed firm's board seats held by venture capitalists, stock compensation system, the age of the lead venture and the length of time that venture capitalists have invested are positively associated with after-market stock performance of firms with venture-capital backing. Not surprisingly, empirical results also provide evidence that venture-capital-backed firms go public earlier than non-venture-capital-backed firms. Overall, the results of this study support the idea that venture capitalists do provide much more than financing to their portfolio firms. However, in a venture capital setting, adverse selection, grandstanding and money-recycling are important concerns; these concerns might explain why performance of venture-capital-backed firms are significantly inferior to that of non-venture-capital-backed firms. Indeed, our findings support the notion that venture capitalists' investment behavior does influence performance of their portfolio firms in a number of ways due to their skills, expertise and monitoring abilities.

股票報酬與資訊不對稱 / Information Asymmetry and Stock Return

曾一平 Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract In this paper, we examine the relation among different information asymmetry measures in Taiwan Stock Exchange and exploit the ability of the microstructure measures to measure asymmetric information. We also investigate the role of information asymmetry measures in affecting stock returns. With a random sample of 180 firms, we find that the market microstructure measure is significantly correlated with most of the corporate finance measures that should shed lights on the level of information asymmetry in advance. We also find that the analysts’ forecast measures have no relation with the microstructure measure. One main result is that the adverse selection risk does affect the stock returns. For the whole sample period, the adverse selection component has a significant impact on the stock returns and dominates all other variables except for the number of analysts following. Other significant measures include the volatility, firm size, leverage, and market to book ratio of equity. Although these information asymmetry measures act as competent determinants in the whole- period regression, they do not have consistent performance across quarters. The inconsistent result suggests that these measures may have diverse performance with regard to different periods.

不同交易制度下之資訊不對稱 / Information Asymmetry Under Different Mechanisms

陳宜真, Chen, Yi-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 對於資本市場來說是外國公司的買賣價差的三個成分:逆選擇成分、交易成本成分及存貨成本成分相對於本國公司的買賣價差三成分構成有可能不同。 此篇論文中比較相同股票在不同市場所發行股票,其買賣價差三成分。根據本篇實證結果,相同一支股票在美國NYSE或是NASDAQ的逆選擇成分顯著的高於在TSEC發行的逆選擇成分,這暗指著資本市場中有很多不一樣的地方值得探討,像是流通貨幣的不同、或是法規治令的不同以及取得非公開資訊的難易程度也不同。另外,根據之前的研究的顯示,買單接著買單、賣單接著賣單的機率趨勢也很強,我們也發現了這種現象在TSEC很明顯,根據此篇論文的結論,這大部分的原因很可能是因為TSEC有「限價」規定的緣故。 / Abstract The three components, adverse selection component, order processing component and inventory holding cost, of companies which regarded as foreign companies in terms of the capital market are different from those in domestic capital market. In this paper, the adverse selection components of the stocks we choose in NYSE or NASDAQ are significant higher than those in TSEC. It implies the differences of capital markets, such as currency ,regulation and easy or not obtaining the private information of the company. Furthermore, similar to previous studies, there are strong tendencies for buys follow buys and sells follow sells. We find that the most part of proportion of order persistence derives from price limit in TSEC.

論產物保險經紀市場之檢討與改進-以Eliot Spitzer vs. Marsh & McLennan案為借鏡 / A Study and Review on Non-Life Insurance Brokering Market:Lessons Learned from Eliot Spitzer vs. Marsh & McLennan Case

魏家祥 Unknown Date (has links)
在保險市場中,保險商品主要透過保險經紀人、保險代理人以及保險人所掌握的直接通路予以販售,特別是在大型商業財產及責任保險的行銷通路上,保險經紀人扮演了舉足輕重的角色。本論文主要是以商業財產及責任保險市場為研究重心,並由經濟觀點探討保險經紀人的仲介角色、市場競爭態勢、報酬結構以及業務安排方式等,同時以保險監理的角度檢討保險經紀行業存在的誠信自律、利益衝突以及客戶公平對待等問題。 不同於保險代理人,保險經紀人係基於保單持有人之利益為其安排保險。因此,保險經紀人必須透過多家保險人提供報價的方式,從中選擇價格及條件最佳者做為保險業務安排之對象;換言之,誠實的報價程序,方足以保障客戶之利益並維繫保險市場的健全。然而國外近年發生的大型保險經紀人與部分保險人共謀提供不實之報價事件,不僅嚴重影響到保單持有人的權益,更引發了對於保險經紀人不當市場力量運用以及或有佣金(contingent commissions)制度存廢的廣泛討論。2004年10月14日紐約州總檢察官Eliot Spitzer向紐約州最高法院針對全球最大保險經紀商Marsh & McLennan及部分保險人所涉及的投標詐欺、操縱價格、收受保險公司或有佣金等三大罪狀提出了民事訴訟。此案例不僅使得涉案公司付出鉅額賠償,更暴露出大型保險經紀人公司存在已久的市場壟斷、價格操控、利益衝突等問題。 對照於英、美等國在保險經紀人制度方面的成熟與發達,我國在此方面尚屬新興發展階段,所謂他山之石可以攻錯,借重先行者的經驗,不僅可以避免重蹈覆轍,更可加快成長的腳步;在全球化的浪潮衝擊之下,保險經紀市場唯有與國際充分接軌,並健全相關制度,才能為國內保險市場的業務成長,帶來蓬勃生機,並立下永續發展的堅固磐石。 / In the insurance market, policies are sold through direct channels controlled by insurance companies or intermediaries, such as brokers and agents. Brokers play a vital role in the property & casualty insurance market and serving commercial clients with complex and large exposures. This report focusing on the commercial property & casualty insurance market, we look at the economic performance by brokers, the competitive structure of the marketplace, the compensation arrangements for brokers, and the placement with insurers. Furthermore, we also from regulators’ point of view to study and review a variety of issues, such as the ethics and conduct , conflict of interest, treating customers fairly, which are raised from insurance brokers industry. In contrast to captive agents, brokers act on behalf of the insured, for this circumstance, the role of the brokers is to increase price and coverage competitiveness, by providing the customers access to a wider range of possible insurers. Clearly the integrity of the bidding process is very important to protect the interest of customers and to the health of the insurance brokers market. Unfortunately, the integrity of the placement process by brokers has been questioned due to the allegations of bid rigging in which one or more global brokers and a few insurers appear to have conspired to submit non-competitive bids. This anti-competitive practice is not only detrimental to the customers but also cause public concerned that too much market power lead to abuses by brokers and that contingent commissions should be abolished. On October 14, 2004, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer filed suit against Marsh & McLennan alleging that the insurance brokers engaged in bid rigging and received widespread kickbacks from insurance companies. On January 31, 2005, Marsh agreed to pay $850 million in restitution to buyers as part of an agreement to settle the suit, but lawsuits still in progress. The above-mentioned case has revealed conflict of interest, anti-competitive and market manipulation for meg-brokers, in fact, these problems existed for a long time. Comparing with US and UK insurance brokers market, Taiwan is belong to emerging market, to gain knowledge of pioneer’s developing experience, we could shorten the time to get more progress. When we deal with the globalization challenge, local insurance broker market should be complied with international practices, improve relative rules and regulations is also necessary, once above situations are available, it could help domestic insurance market rapid and healthy growth.

公共經濟學三篇論文 / Three Essays on Public Economics

許耕維, Hsu,Keng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇文章係利用Meltzer and Richard (1981)所建構之中位數投票者模型,衡量政府進行所得重分配產生公共基金邊際成本大小。有別於過去研究公共基金邊際成本的文獻,假設租稅制度之現況為任意的或是在最適的均衡下,文章的主要貢獻在利用現存租稅制度本身代表著一個政治均衡的前題,推導出公共基金邊際成本之公式,故可以視為是將實證經濟學的特性應用在規範經濟學的領域之研究。有趣的是公式中以標準化後平均所得與中位數所得差距所衡量的所得不均度,可以用來衡量租稅的效率損失及重分配水準是否足夠。 第二篇文章係利用 Laffont and Tirole(1986)的最適廠商管制機制模型,加入Raith(2003)誘因給付契約模型,建構較符合實際社會狀況的雙層不完全資訊模型。文章的貢獻在發現廠商最適管制機制,除Laffont and Tirole(1986)指出受廠商工作努力誘因及資訊淨租之影響外,還受到員工風險厭惡程度、生產成本風險及工作努力邊際負效用增加速度等因素的影響。當生產成本風險愈高,或是員工風險厭惡程度愈大及工作努力邊際效用增加速度愈快,使得廠商與員工間道德冒險的成本愈大時,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向成本加成契約,而非Laffont and Tirole(1986)指出偏向固定價格契約。此結論可廣泛應用於包括國防採購、政府部門與公有、公用事業之管控等問題,例如,航太、軍火、高速鐵路等生產成本風險較高產業,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向成本加成契約;但電力、自來水等生產成本風險較低產業,廠商最適管制機制愈偏向固定價格契約。 第三篇文章討論過去文獻未分析的廠商最適利潤稅問題。廠商的實際利潤除有生產技術的差異外,還受員工工作努力及隨機變數等因素的影響。一方面,政府僅能觀察廠商事後利潤,並無法觀察其生產技術差異;另一方面,廠商也無法觀察員工工作努力及隨機變數等,兩者均存在不完全資訊的問題,因此,建構政府與廠商之間,以及廠商與員工之間的雙層不完全資訊架構,分析不同生產技術廠商的最適利潤稅對逆選擇、道德冒險及風險分攤的影響,是一個有趣且重要的課題。 本篇發現廠商最適利潤稅有兩種情況,當政府觀察廠商事後利潤不會產生替代效果下,應課徵定額稅(lump-sum taxes);除此之外,若存在逆選擇的問題,透過模擬數值分析結果發現,廠商最適利潤稅邊際稅率與員工風險厭惡程度及生產風險成正比。此外,隨著廠商生產技術愈高,利潤稅邊際稅率則逐漸下降,而且廠商生產技術愈高,不同風險厭惡程度及風險下的利潤稅邊際稅率差異也逐漸減少。 當生產技術分配為柏拉圖(Pareto)分配時,最適廠商利潤稅邊際稅率較均等(Uniform)分配及對數常態(Lognormal)分配為低。當工作努力邊際效用與工作努力間為凸函數時,最適廠商利潤稅邊際稅率較兩者間為線性函數時為低。

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