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一個以Web 2.0為基礎之PLM協同測試作業環境陳誌家 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以探討協同及PLM為出發點,一方面對PLM目前的發展狀況進行討論,另一方面也對PLM核心協同的概念進行了討論。在了解PLM發展的現況及產品生命週期各環節間協同互動對於PLM的重要性後,本研究以Web 2.0的概念進一步探討其在PLM上的應用。
本研究以V-Model做為情境的探討,並用以分析PLM可加強之處。PLM在支援V-Model測試相關活動情境下,本研究歸納出三項可加強之處。第一,測試相關資料沒有一個共同存取的環境;第二,資訊傳達沒有效率且資訊本身無組織性,,並且使用者在訊息接收及瀏覽上也缺乏較為主動的能力;第三,各部門人員沒有可以共同發表意見的平台。 / This research starts with discussing collaboration and PLM. On one hand it discusses the current development of PLM, and on the other hand it discusses collaboration with is the key concept of PLM. After understanding with the current development of PLM and the importance of collaboration with each product life cycle site in PLM, this research uses the Web 2.0 concept to further discuss its application on PLM.
This research uses V-Model to discuss the scenario and analyzes which point PLM can be improved. In the testing relative activities scenario of V-Model with PLM supporting, this research concludes three points which PLM can be improved. First, there is no unified accessing environment for testing relative data. Second, it is ineffective in transforming information and information is not innately organized, and the users have no active abilities to accept message and on browsing. Third, there is no unified platform for each department employees to offer opinions.
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無形資產價值攸關性與企業生命週期之研究陳重光, Chen,Chung Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討企業處於不同的生命週期階段時,資本市場對於各期的無形資產投入會有不同的評價。本文用Anthony and Ramesh(1992)的方法,選定股利、銷貨成長、資本支出、公司成立年數、研發支出作為生命週期的判斷因子。以薛健宏(2005)修改吳安妮(2004)、Kaplan and Norton(2004)的架構,將平衡計分卡三個非財務構面對應各項無形資產,以人力資本、創新資本、流程資本、顧客資本各項投入作為無形資產投入研究項目,並以Ohlson(1995)的會計評價模式,觀察無形資產投入、人力資本、創新資本、流程資本、顧客資本對於公司評價是否具備攸關性。
實證結果發現,企業於生命週期初期對於各項無形資產的投入,對於資本市場而言都是具備價之攸關性的資訊。無形資產投入在成長與成熟期相比較時,並沒有顯著的差異,而企業於成長與成熟期投入無形資產相較於衰退期,資本市場皆有較高的評價。以創新資本而言,企業於成長期投入創新資本,資本市場的評價大於成熟期與衰退期,而成熟期評價也大於衰退期。以人力資本而言,企業於成長與成熟期投入人力資本,資本市場對於此項資訊的評價並沒有顯著差異,而成長期與成熟期相較於衰退期,皆有較高的評價。以流程資本而言,企業於成長期與成熟期間投入流程資本,資本市場並沒有顯著差異,而成長期與成熟期相較於衰退期,皆有較高的評價。以顧客資本而言,企業於成長期投入顧客資本與成熟期投入相比較,資本市場的評價並沒有顯著差異。而成長與成熟期投入顧客資本相較於衰退期,資本市場的評價皆較高。整體而言,企業於生命週期初期投入無形資產,資本市場皆給予較高的評價,而於企業生命週期晚期,無形資產投入的增加,資本市場並未給予較高的評價 / The purpose of this study is to explore whether the market values intangible asset investment of firm differently at different stage of life cycle. The stage of life cycle in which a firm belongs in determined by using Anthony and Ramesh(1992) model and is classified into growth, maturity and declining stage.
This study uses Annie Wu(2004), Kaplan and Norton (2004) framework as amended by 薛健宏(2005) to partition the intangible asset into human capital, innovation capital, process capital and customer capital. Ohlson’s(1995) model is used to examine the relationship between the market valuation and each of the investment of total intangible asset, human capital, innovation capital, process capital and customer capital .
The empirical results are as follow:
1. The information of total intangible asset investment at the growth stage is value relevant for capital market.
2. There is no difference between the market valuation of total intangible asset investment of growth stage and maturity stage. However, the market valuation is significant by different between the growth and maturity stage on the one side, and the declining stage on the other side.
3. The market valuation for the innovation capital investment at the growth stage is significant by higher than at the maturity and declining stage. The market valuation for the same investment at maturity stage is also higher than of the declining stage.
4. The market valuation for the human capital investment at the growth stage is the same as at the maturity stage. However, the market valuation for the human capital investment both at the growth stage and maturity stage are higher than at the declining stage..
5. There is no difference between the market valuation of process capital investment at the growth stage and maturity stage. However, both the valuation at growth stage and maturity stage are higher than at the declining stage.
6. The market valuation to the customer capital investment at various stage is the same as for the process capital investment.
An overall conclusion can be reached that market valuation for the investment in intangible asset at growth stage of business life cycle is higher than for the same investment at declining stage.
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由液晶面板的供需看產業的未來策略發展藍東昇 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的面板產業所謂的面板五虎,從各家的財務獲利、資本支出,到之後的產能規劃與擴建計劃,已經明顯的成為兩個不同層級的競爭態勢與格局。面板產業的規模正在迅速擴張中,面板產業龍頭友達與奇美在公司規模、營收的表現上,已正式超越各家成為產業龍頭。因此本研究以這兩家面板大廠為代表,針對其發展沿革之策略進行分析與比較,以對映台灣面板廠的競爭策略與未來發展。 / The TFT LCD industry is the star business in Taiwan recently. With billions investment and high-tech entry barrier, however, this industry usually suffers huge loss and worries the price drop. So far, the profit rate of LCD is still limit but the new Fab investment can’t be stopped to lose competition in this giant field. The main reason is balance of supply-demand issue still existing in the whole TFT LCD industry.
From demand point of view, there are more and more new applications in LCD products; on the other hand, LCD makers must keep investing new Fab in supply. The equilibrium of supply line and demand line has been varied by different timing and various price. The original TFT LCD manufacturers are from Japan, Koran, and Taiwan but only few companies have capability to extend production line. Now, the LCD industry is in the kind of competitive olig-monopolistic market. To analyzing by the game theory of economics, the severe competition among few LCD makers, who bear the critical challenge, have to face up to surplus, price war, and product devaluation due to unbalanced investment.
This research is to study the current capacity and their new Fab outputs of all LCD makers as well as to consider vertical and key component sources. Meanwhile, the new application, marketing plan and strategy, future price trend, and brand competence can be reviewed from supply-demand, market equilibrium, and crystal cycling. Further, to study what is the LCD future according to the new strategy, technologic development and competitive environment.
Taiwan TFT LCD makers have so-called “Five Tigers”. The LCD business is rapid growing. From each company financial profit, capital investment, capacity plan and new Fab investment, there are two main distinguished level and scale. The leading companies are AUO and CMO, no matter in economic scale, and revenue performance, which are on the top position. This report is also studied these two companies as benchmark to cross-check each company stage and compare each own strategy in order to reflect Taiwan TFT LCD industry and future.
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無線電遙控休閒產業於中國大陸競爭策略之探討林崇安 Unknown Date (has links)
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環境報告書設計與編製之個案研究陳拎文 Unknown Date (has links)
四、發佈後之效益與動機相呼應,表現在公司形象、競爭力之提升與良好溝通上。 / Due to environmental consciousness, the enterprise is faced with the exposition of environmental information, then issues corporate environmental report (CER). However, CER is still in a developing phase domestically, and the enterprise doesn’t understand about it deeply. Thus, sharing in correlative experience of the profession is quite important.
This research adopts case study, and takes the case company as the example to probe into the motive of, the design and the establishment process, the correlation content and the benefit of disclosing CER. After comparing with the penetration on the spot interview, the telephone contact and the written document mutually, there are four findings as below:
First, the case company was affected by the Japanese Parent factory, and hoped to get up to communicate with its stakeholders effectively, to raise its competitive power and image, and to pursue its sustainable development.
Second, the Affair Bureau introduced some management mechanisms into design and establishment process of the CER which covered a product’s life cycle.
Third, the content of the report started from the environment management, then the green design, the green purchase, the green production and the green consumption came after; As for the environment information, could be divided into financial and the non-financial two statements.
Finally, the benefit of disclosing CER responded to the motive, and displayed in the company’s image, the competitive power promotion of and the good communication.
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台灣老人休閒參與之轉變:成因及影響 / The Change of Leisure Participation among Older People in Taiwan: Cause and Impact林冠穎 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 2003年六十五歲以上老人的休閒參與量顯著低於1989年的老人,且社交型和運動健身型活動也是呈現減少的趨勢;惟2003年女性老人在看電視或聽收音機、下棋或打牌、參加團體活動的比例則較1989年女性老人來的高。
二、 整體來說,休閒參與量呈現隨著年齡增長而減少的趨勢;老人從事獨自型活動以及與親友鄰居聊天、散步等花費較少體力和資源且可及性較高的活動傾向隨著年齡增長而維持,但在運動健身型活動方面則出現明顯減少的轉變。
三、 影響老人橫跨十四年間休閒參與轉變之主要因素包括:老人1989年的年齡、性別、教育程度、收入、1989年之健康資源和1989年至2003年健康資源的轉變、1989年之社會支持和1989年至2003年社會支持的轉變、十四年間經歷喪偶、退出工作崗位等。
四、 老人目前從事愈多項休閒活動、參與獨自型和運動健身型活動,生活滿意度愈高;而老人經歷十四年生命週期中,若能維持或增加休閒活動參與總數、維持獨自型活動之參與,對於目前生活會愈滿意。
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小筆電興起與宏碁筆記電腦經營策略之研究-以技術採用生命週期觀點分析黃清茂 Unknown Date (has links)
近兩年小筆電的熱銷讓宏碁Aspire One出奇致勝,即使宏碁並不是首推小筆電的廠商,卻迅速反應,在很短的時間內,搶佔市場。Aspire One的熱銷是宏碁不巧受到幸運之神眷顧?還是宏碁在策略上運用得宜?小筆電的興起對宏碁筆記型電腦經營的策略有何特別的意涵?
本論文以個案研究法,除了相關文獻的蒐集與分析之外,輔以筆者在筆記型電腦大廠深耕約二十年的工作經驗,深度分析小筆電的興起、以及宏碁公司的經營策略。 / Netbook can be seen as the new product developed from Notebook computer. In the wake of economic recession in recent two years, market acceptance for Netbook has become extremely high. This research is based on literature analysis, aims to analyze the rise of Netbook era, Acer‟s corporate strategy, the competitive approach in Notebook computer industry, the analysis model upon core competition in Notebook computer industry, and technology marketing strategy. The study is taking “Technology Life Circle” as research model .
Acer‟s Aspire One is the biggest winner in Netbook selling record. Even Acer is not the first one to promote Netbook, its prompt response to the market brings Acer to the biggest Netbook player. Is Acer just lucky for perfect timing heading to this triumph, or it indicates Acer‟s strategies properly deployed? Besides, does the rise of the Netbook era since change the direction of Acer‟s business strategy?
The research is doing in the manner of case study. On top of related literature analysis, my professional working experience within Notebook computer industry nearly twenty years is crucial for insight analysis of the rise of Netbook era and Acer‟s business strategy. Hopefully, this research brings reference value to industry.
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LED產業技術採用生命週期管理—以LED背光源應用為例 / Technology Adoption Life Cycle Management in LED Industry – Taking LED Backlight Application as an Example黃嘉敏, Huang, Jia-Min Unknown Date (has links)
技術採用生命週期(Technology Adoption Life Cycle)理論探討技術擴散過程中各階段消費者的行為,並進而使業者了解未來產業的發展趨勢與方向。本論文即嘗試透過結合技術採用生命週期理論,分析LED背光源應用所處之時空和市場,觀察LED產業商業模式的發展,從中尋找LED產業之智慧財產管理課題。LED產業於小型面板背光源的應用,如:手機、MP3、PDA、GPS、數位相機等,已然跨過技術採用生命週期所描述的龍捲風暴階段,進入康莊大道。另一方面,LED於中大型面板背光源的應用才正要刮起風暴,並期待著下一個殺手級應用—通用照明,引領極富綠色環保色彩的LED 產業繼續起飛。然而,因關鍵性專利始終握在國際大廠手上,限制了我國LED產業的發展,也阻礙了技術的擴散。幸而我國LED業者依舊在一片紅海中殺出重圍,成為LED產值世界第二大的基地,也成了國際大廠不得不倚重的對象。下一個風暴的成功,國際大廠仍需要透過授權或策略聯盟繼續壯大其勢力,這是我國LED業者的機會,亦可趁此持續發展技術,配合擅長的系統端整合應用,一舉取得逆轉勝門票。 / Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory discussed various behavior in different phases during the technology diffusion process to let industries learn the trend of future development. The thesis tries to analyze LED backlight application at this point of time and also tries to link up with Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory to find out intellectual property management issues in LED industry today. The LED backlight application on small LCD display, such as mobile phones, MP3, PDA, digital cameras, and GPS, had already passed through the tornado stage in the description of Technology Adoption Life Cycle theory, and it got into the main street stage for sure. On the other side, LED backlight application on medium/large LCD display is just blowing a storm now, and waiting for next killer application, general lighting, to lead the green energy industry a bright way as well. Nevertheless, the essential patents of LED are held by international firms all along. Our LED industry development is certainly limited and technology diffusion is restricted. Fortunately, LED firms in Taiwan still made a great breakthrough that Taiwan has become one of the top two LED product bases in the world. It made international LED firms have to rely on us in some degree. The next triumph to achieve may so far require licensing from big firms or to form a strategic alliance to foster it. It is our opportunity to keep improving our technology in system integration that we are good at, and cooperate with big firms to win the coming game in the foreseeable forture.
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公共資訊政策之探究--理論、方法與議題牛萱萍 Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第1章 緒論
第2章 文獻探討
第3章 法律面之議題
第4章 社會面之議題
第5章 經濟面之議題
第6章 政治面之議題
第7章 科技面之議題
第8章 結論與建議
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如何在資料庫中發掘空間性週期關聯規則--以便利商店交易資料為例 / Data Mining of Spatial Cyclic Association Rules in Databases -- A Convenience Store Transaction Data Example郭家佑, Guo, Jia-You Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試著將「空間特性」和「週期關聯規則」結合,提出「空間性週期關聯規則」的想法。首先從相關文獻中分別瞭解目前空間、時間資料發掘領域的研究現況,從而整合相關研究,提出研究架構。再以動態網頁技術配合假想的台北市便利商店交易資料庫,發展出一套雛型系統(目前只能作單一項目之間的關聯),以驗證本架構的可行性。最後提出進一步的研究建議,以供後續研究參考。 / There have been a lot of research about data mining in relational database. We can mine more specific and concrete knowledge in transaction databases by further considering spatial and temporal dimension. Until now the statistical spatial analysis has been one common technique for analyzing spatial data. However , there are still many remaining problems. Han et al. used concept hierarchies to mine multiple-level association rules. Their ideas are great and worth our learning. On the other hand , some scholars proposed the notion of cyclic association rules. Therefore , we combine the merits of these researches to discover more meaningful knowledge.
In this research , we try to integrate the ideas of spatial associations with cyclic association and propose the idea of spatial cyclic association rules. First , we survey these researches in the fields of spatial and temporal data mining. A framework is then proposed. Finally , we implement a prototype system in WWW ( 1-itemset and 2-itemset only now).
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