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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳人瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣面臨高齡化所帶來的問題日趨嚴重,就失能老人而言,家庭依然是老人最能接受的照顧方式,然而仍然有漸多的老人接受機構式照護。他們早年的生命經驗,如何影響晚年居住安排,最後又是何種因素使他們作出入住機構的決定;他們的感受為何亦是研究所關心的。 以此,本研究以質化研究的敘說分析進行,訪談了八位目前入住機構的失能老人,希望透過老人敘說自己過去的生命經驗,能深入探討他們早年累積的重要資源與晚年居住安排之關聯,並瞭解晚年居住的安排過程、最後入住機構的原因及入住後的適應狀況等。茲將結果摘述如下: 一、 早年生命歷程對晚年居住安排的影響 健康資源:這些老人早年是在物資缺乏的環境中成長,身體照顧極為忽視、受教育的機會亦不多,在先天條件不佳的情況下,他們沒有太多的機會為老年的生活提早進行規劃。 經濟資源:人力資本不足薪資所得偏低,使財富累積困難;而女性從事的無酬家務勞動、照顧者角色,更使女性居於經濟的弱勢地位。 家庭資源:養兒防老的觀念隨著時代改變、久病臥床等因素,越來越窒礙難行,子女數多不代表擁有的家庭資源多,親情依附、子女願意承擔照顧責任,才是老人真正擁有的資源。 二、 晚年居住安排的過程 老人晚年選擇居住安排的過程,符合「層級補償模式」,首先是配偶及子女、最後才是由正式的照顧服務提供,呈現一個有順序的過程。最末接受機構照護的原因因人而異,但就整體而論,老人的健康狀況與自我照顧程度,才是入住機構的主因。 三、 入住機構後的適應狀況 主動入住機構的失能老人,對機構的環境適應較佳,此與入住機構的意願、親情支持等,正向感受較多有關。被動入住的老人雖然心中不願,在缺乏掌控力的情況下,他們通常都認命地接受家人安排,但入住後較難以適應機構的生活。 / Past researches mostly focus on living arrangement of the healthy elders. Therefore, the study attends to emphasize on the relationship between housing and living arrangements of disabled elders and their life course. The samples include 8 elderly people (over 60 years old) living in the institution, and had difficulties performing in the ADL and IADL activities because of health or physical problems. As a result of the research, the purpose of this qualitative research include: (1) to research the connection between disabled elders living in the institution and the process of their early life; (2) to understand the proceeding of living arrangement for the disabled elders; (3) to discuss their point of view and subject explanations on the institutional care; (4) on according to research finding, the effective suggestions will be proposed, and some of them may as well be put on practice. The analysis in the content revealed the theme that emerged from narratives -- the health, family resources, especially economic factors in the early life will affect the later life in the way that diminishes choices and opportunities in arranging the elder’s living; the main reasons for the elders to be accepted into institutional care are their healthy status and their degrees of self-care; the elder who voluntarily move into the institution usually have better ability in adapting the passive ones. Although several meaningful findings are recognized, some limitations are also identified. Practice suggests and future research orientations are discussed.

探討中央空調產業之銷售策略-從產業生命週期之觀點 / Analysis of sales strategy for the air conditioning industry - from the perspective of industry lifecycle

許倍郡, Hsu, Peichun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣位處於亞熱帶氣候,空調已成為家家戶戶必備使用的產品,而空調產品主要可以區分為三大市場,包含:家用市場、商用市場及大型中央空調市場。本研究主要從中央空調產業生命週期中探討該產業之領先者與追隨者在該市場上之銷售策略之分析,其探討議題如下: (一) 探討追隨者與領先者對該產業之生命週期看法 (二) 探討追隨者企業在該領域上如何與領先者競爭 本研究經由選擇台灣中央空調產業的兩家公司進行深度訪談,並就議題進行探討得到以下結論。領先者若無法有效的進行防禦以維持現有的市場占有率,其仍會受到其他競爭者的競爭而受影響,特別是當其他競爭者透過併購策略、上下游的垂直整合、產品線的水平整合等方式,讓本身內部資源與能力上的提升時,將會影響領先者在市場上地位。 / Taiwan is in a subtropical climate where air conditioning has become essential for every household product, and can be divided into three major markets, including: residential, commercial and central air conditioning market. This study focuses on the central air-conditioning industry life cycle in Taiwan to further explores the leaders and followers of the industry by the market sales strategy analysis. The discussion topics are as follows: (A) To explore the followers and leaders of the industry from life cycle’s perspective; (B) Explore how followers can compete with leaders in the industry. The study selected two companies in Taiwan's central air-conditioning industry to conduct in-depth interviews and discussed the issues to get the following conclusions. Leaders who are unable to effectively defend themselves to maintain their existing market share, will be affected by competition from other competitors, especially when other competitors go through the mergers and acquisitions, vertical integration of upstream and downstream, product line level integration and so on so that their own internal resources and ability to enhance, will affect the leader in the market position.

新創企業策略之形成、評估與執行 ─以焦耳極限自行車功率訓練中心為例

莊復凱, Chuang, Fu Kai Unknown Date (has links)


張紹文, Zhang, Shao-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
第一章為緒論,在本章中著者將討論本論文之研究目的、研究動機、研究方法與研究 限制。研究目的探討廠商或企業布市場上行銷或生產某一產品時,在該項產品必然歷 經的各個產品生命週期中,廠商或企業如何利用本論文之研究結果於實際市場行動之 中。第二章為AHP(分析層級程序)之簡介,在本章中著者試就AHP做一概念性 之介紹,由於本法之牽連廣泛,故著者僅就其中與本論文相關者做一敘述。第三章為 產品生命週期之簡介,在本章中著者就眾多有關產品生命週期的文獻中,舉出與本論 文研究較具相關者做一描述。 第四、五、六、七章,本論文定莪產品處於介入期、成長期、成熟期、衰退期時各別 之行銷資源,再分別應用AHP法衡量產品處於各階段時所應使的之行銷資源的優先 次序(priorities)。 第八章中,著者試就本論文做一結論與建議。並嘗試為企業界在應用AHP時做一些 建議。


謝成章 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的經濟蓬勃發展下,環保事件層出不窮,地球環境遭受重大破壞,各種環保議題引起國際矚目與熱烈討論。歐洲議會在2003年初公布了針對十項電機電子設備的兩個環保相關規範,分別是歐盟電機電子設備有害物質限制使用指令(RoHS)與歐盟電機電子設備廢棄物指令(WEEE),另外,歐盟能源使用產品生態化設計指令(EuP)也已在2005年8月11日公布,這些指令對相關產業的營運與發展將造成重大衝擊,其影響深遠供應鏈上下游成員無一倖免。 產業界為因應此一環保規範限制,將環境因素納入到傳統供應鏈管理當中,而形成了所謂「綠色供應鏈管理」的熱門議題。其主要差異乃是後者將生命週期思維融入產品設計、製造、使用與最終的廢棄回收處理的整個範疇。 本研究嘗試由資訊製造業的個案公司實際發展綠色供應鏈的過程中,以個案分析的方式收集其產品發展流程的各種資料,包括綠色設計、綠色採購、綠色供應商評鑑與稽核、綠色資訊平台建置等,並予以整理分析,建立個案公司的綠色供應鏈管理策略架構與協同運作模式。 本研究結果顯示綠色供應鏈管理策略的核心是「源頭管理」,源頭管理落實之後,加上其所衍生出來的綠色供應商評鑑與稽核、綠色產品管理系統、綠色資訊整合等各項活動,始能達到符合環保規範的目標,做到完整的風險控管,讓企業穩健發展。同時,本研究也顯示,建立協同設計機制及PDM資訊平台可以有效分析處理供應鏈上下成員間流通的資料,譬如,原物料、零組件等源頭綠色資料被有效地整合於綠色資訊平台,企業因應環保法規落實到資訊管理裡,營運風險因而獲得保障。 / Accompanying the vigorous economic development, the environment of the earth has been impacted tremendously. There are so many environmental issues that occurred in past decades turning into hot topics among nations. European Parliament published RoHS, and WEEE Directives in early 2003 that mandate ten categories of electric and electronic equipments to be restricted in the use of hazardous substances and wastes disposal respectively. Also, the setting of ecodesign requirement for Energy-Using Products newly announced in August of 2005. All the three mandatory EU Directives has definitely influenced significantly the foregoing development of the related industries. To react to the environmental regulations, the industries try to put environmental element into conventional Supply Chain Management, SCM. Thus, come out with Green SCM. The key differences are the latter mingling life cycle thought through out the whole scope of product life span. This research attempt to establish a collaborative structure and strategy for Green Supply Chain Management, by means of analyzing the information collected from the real developing process, including green design, green procurement, green suppliers’ appraisal, building up green information platform, of an information manufacturing firm. The research revealed that the core strategy of Green SCM is “Source Management”. Only if source management has fully implemented at the site of raw materials and component manufacturers, the environmental regulations can compliant thoroughly. Thus, the risk management is well controlled, so that the firm would operate soundly. Meanwhile, the research also showed that building up collaborative mechanism to link with PDM platform may process effectively the flowing data between the parties of supply chain. As a result, the restricted hazardous substances data of raw material and components are integrated into the green information platform and well managed. The operation risk of enterprise would be secured because of the entire implementation of information management for the environment regulations.


蔡卓芬, Tsai Cho-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究「台灣醫界聯盟基金會」倡議「台灣加入世界衛生組織(WHO)」議題的過程為觀察對象,探討議題發展的過程中,非政府組織、議題、與議題所處的環境,彼此如何相互影響,以成就議題的生命。 研究發現,就組織層面來看,「台灣醫界聯盟基金會」從社會運動組織轉型為制度化的非政府組織,其發展的過程與台灣許多非政府組織的轉型過程相似,而組織與政府關係的改變,則增加了「台灣加入世界衛生組織」議題的能見度,也成功促使議題進入政府的決策體系。 此外,WHO議題若與其他社會因素(如選舉)或天然災害相結合,能夠增加議題在媒體上的曝光程度;而「台灣醫界聯盟基金會」針對議題進行的各種訊息策略與遊說,雖然不一定完全獲得媒體報導,但的確是促使議題獲得國內或國外能見度的重要因素。

線上題庫與適性測驗證合系統之發展研究 / A reserach in the development of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system

陳新豐 Unknown Date (has links)
論文名稱:線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統之發展研究 頁數:337 校所系別:國立政治大學教育學系 畢業時間及摘要別:九十學年度第二學期博士論文摘要 指導教授:林邦傑博士、余民寧博士 研究生:陳新豐 論文摘要內容 本研究係結合工具研發、理論驗證與效能評估的研究,旨在開發一個建構在全球資訊網的「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」,以提供教師在網際網路環境下的輔助教學評量系統,除了可動態新增題庫之外,並能針對學生提供童身訂做的適性測驗。因此,研究的兩個核心主軸為「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」之開發與「線上題庫建置」的理論驗證。 依循這兩個核心主軸,本研究的研究目的有三:(一)開發線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統。(二)驗證建置題庫的相關理論。(三)評估整合系統運作效能與使用者滿意程度。 為達成這三個研究目的,研究者採用結構分析中,Sehlly、Cashmen和Rosenblatt (2001)所提出的「系統開發生命週期」,將「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」開發過程分為「系統規劃」、「系統分析」、「系統設計」、「系統建置」、「系統運行與支援」等五個階段逐步開發。 研究樣本方面,第一次預試選用台南市崇明國中三年級學生115人,第二次預試選用台南市建興國中三年級學生191人,正式施測樣本則是台灣地區北、中、南、東、離島等共計九校2567位國中三年級學生為研究對象。此外,在需求調查報告部分,共調查十五位專家對開發系統的意見。 就研究工具來說,本研究主要研究工具為「線上題庫與適性測驗之整合系統」,另外,「功能需求調查問卷」、「硬體設備」、「軟體工具」、「系統評估量表」也是本研究的研究工具。 就資料處理來說,本研究運用ITEMAN、BILOG、MatLab和SPSS套裝軟體進行資料處理,所採用的統計方法包含古典測驗理論與試題反應理論等理論來分析,計有試題分析、IRT三參數估計、因素結構分析等。 研究結果部分,本研究得到如下結論:(一)線上題庫與通性測驗兩個系統可整合為一。(二)線上題庫與遍性測驗之整合系統具有多項功能。(三)結構化分析中之系統開發生命週期是開發整合系統的理想方法。(四)題庫等化轉換常數方法以Mean/Mean和Haebara等方法較佳。(五)線上測驗與紙筆測驗的試題訊息量相近,但難度偏高。(六)線上測驗連結效益良好。(七)本整合系統運作效能良好。(八)使用者對整合系統之功能感到滿意。根據研究結論,本研究針對工具研發、題庫建置、效能評估等提出具體建議。 關鍵字:試題反應理論、題庫、等化、電腦化適性測驗、系統開發生命週期 / A Reserach In The Development of An Integrated On-Line Item Bank and Computerized Adaptive Testing System Abstract This research is to develop an integrated internet system of on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing (the "System"), which is comprised of the teaching tool development, theory verification, and efficiency evaluation. Except for the addition of new item bank dynamically, the System, an auxiliary teaching evaluation system for teachers, can also provide customarily made adaptive testing for students. Therefore, to develop an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system and to verify the theory of on-line item bank development constitute the two core spindles of this research. Following the aforementioned research spindles, the main purposes of this research are going to: (A). Develop an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system. (B). Verify the related theories concerning the development of on-line item bank. (C). Evaluate the operating efficiency of such System and the degree of users' satisfaction. The "systems development life cycle" (Sehily, Cashmen Rosenblatt, 2001), a structured analysis method, is adopted to conduct the research. The development process of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system is divided into 5 separate and successive stages, starting from system planning, system analysis, system design, system development, to system operation and support. In terms of research sampling, the selected samples in the first preliminary testing are 115 ninth-grade students of Chiung-Ming High School in Tainan City, Taiwan. The selected samples in the second preliminary testing are 191 ninth-grade students of Cheng-Sing High School in Tainan City, Taiwan. The third and official sampling is 2,567 ninth-grade students who were selected from a total of 9 high schools ranging from Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern Taiwan, and islands adjacent to Taiwan. Furthermore, in the demand side, an investigation has been conducted to consult with 15 teaching experts for their professional opinions in regard to such System development. As far as research tools are concerned, except for the main research tool - the integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system, other research tools employed consist of functional demand questionnaires, hardware equipments, software tools, and scales for system evaluation. In the aspect of data processing, ITEMAN, BILOQ MatLab, and SPSSapplication softwares are used to perform the data processing. The statistical method,like classical true score theory and item response theory and etc., is applied to conduct the following analyses: item analysis, IRT three-parameter estimate, structured analysis of elements, and etc. The results of this research lead to the following conclusion: 1. The on-line item bank: system and the adaptive testing system, the two separate systems, can be integrated into one system. 2. The integrated on-line item bank and adaptive testing system can play multiple functions. 3. "Systems development life cycle" in the structured analysis is an ideal manner to develop an integrated system. 4. "Mean/Mean", "Haebara" and, etc. are the better methods to perform the item bank equating and constant conversion. 5. For users, the information volume provided by on-line testing and traditional written testing are quite similar, but the degree of difficulty of on-line testing is higher than that of traditional written testing. 6. The linking effect of on-line testing is fair. 7. The operating efficiency of the integrated system is fair. 8. Users are satisfied with the functions of the integrated system. Based on research conclusions drawn thereon, suggestions for tool development, item bank development, and efficiency evaluation are also provided. Keywords: item response theory, item bank, equating, computerized adaptive testing,systems development life cycle


丁福致 Unknown Date (has links)
我國國營事業早期係政府戰後接收多家日本在台之企業,及大陸淪陷後遷台之國營事業為主,而後1970年代基於促進產業之發展,亦相繼成立多家國營企業,然近年來面臨市場開放、盈餘繳庫,以及民營化政策推動之壓力,使得國營事業轉而追求土地資產個別利益之獲取,作為創造盈餘來源,或是吸引投資對象之重要誘因。 然而追求土地資產個別利益,往往未能切實探討國營事業之本質與利用策略,本研究即係以台電與台糖公司為例,就其土地資產利用與國營事業本業之關聯性、土地資產利用策略之差異性,探討目前國營事業土地資源歸屬、土地利用模式與營運競爭力、以及土地資源公平與效率,並進而整合國營事業土地永續利用之策略。 就國營事業資源歸屬與本業之關聯性分析,其土地資源應以全民所有為依歸,而土地資產利用應基於本業之發展。從企業不動產與策略矩陣差異分析,則因生命週期所處之階段而有所不同,成長/成熟期追求與競爭對手差異化之策略,強化土地利用之優勢;衰退期則因本業資金挹注困難,而以降低不動產之運作成本為主。相對於政府以衰退期作為移轉民營之時機,將使接手者缺乏經營本業之誘因下,僅著眼於土地之利益,將更易引發土地資源歸屬之衝突。 而就土地資源公平與效率而言,國營事業應由整體觀點著手,而非侷限於單一事業土地資產利用之框架,如以使用權代替所有權之財產權型態,達成資源歸屬之公平;另以全民資源為基礎,經由市場經濟之效率,彌補市場經濟不足。因此,國營事業土地資源之整合機制,不僅考量整體土地資源之循環使用,更須妥善運用國有民營之觀念,將土地經營之利益,解決民營化所生之缺憾,以建構國營事業土地資源永續利用之整體策略。 關鍵字:國營事業、土地資產利用、資源歸屬、生命週期、策略矩陣 / Most of the older state-owned corporations (SOCs) in Taiwan found their predecessors in the companies established by the colonial Japanese government and later took over by the Chinese central government at the end of the World War II as well as in the enterprises sponsored by the central government after its withdrawal from Mainland China to Taiwan. By 1970s, several new SOCs were farther set up with the mission to promote the island's industrial development. Privileged by long-term government protection, these SOCs are now confronted with severe challenges from the increasing deregulation in the market and the pressing demand for privatization. They have accordingly resorted to their land assets as an essential source for generating earnings and a major incentive for attracting investments. However, in their pursuit of the profits promised by their land assets, SOCs in Taiwan in general have failed to take into sufficient consideration of their nature as state-owned corporations and effective utilization strategies. The research, based on the examples of Taipower Company and Taiwan Sugar Company, starts by examining the relation between a SOC's core business and its utilization strategies for land assets and the differences between the Taipower and Taiwan Sugar utilization strategies. The research then moves on to analyze the attribution of the SOC's land resources, the utilization models and operational competitiveness, and the fairness and efficiency in the utilization of land resources. Results of the previous studies are then integrated for the research to develop integrated strategies for the sustainable utilization of SOC's land assets. In its analysis on the relation of SOC's core business and the attribution of its assets, the research regards the land resources as owned by the general public and suggests that the land resources should be utilized in a manner that contributes to the development of the SOC's core business. Analysis based on corporate real estate and strategic matrix farther indicate that utilization of land assets varies in accordance with the life cycles of the SOC's core business. In times of business growth and maturity, utilization of land assets should be optimized to perpetuate differentiation in one's core business from one's competitors. On the other hand, in times of decline, the top priority should be the effective reduction in the operation costs of land assets as capital support from the core business grows unreliable. The government's active promotion of the privatization of SOCs in times of decline tends to cripple the privatized SOC's interest in its core business and to prompt it to focus on exploiting the profits of its land assets, thereby triggering conflicts in the attribution of state-owned land resources. How to achieve fairness and efficiency in the utilization of SOCs' land resources is an issue to be examined with a comprehensive perspective; it should not be forced to fit into the utilization model of a single SOC. Replacing ownership with usership, for example, can be an effective way to ensure the fairness in the attribution of land resources. Developing the land assets of SOCs as public resources can help boost up the efficiency of market economics to compensate its inadequacies. Therefore, an integration mechanism in the utilization of the land assets of SOCs is needed to facilitate the continual use of land resources. Careful and skill application of the "state ownership for private operation" concept is also of crucial importance in using the profits generated by the management of land resources to fix the flaws of privatization and to develop the integrated strategies for the sustainable use of land resources of state-owned corporations in Taiwan. Key words: state-owned corporation, utilization strategies for land assets, attribution of the resource, life cycle, strategic matrix.

我國科技公司採用產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統下的研發知識管理活動之探討 / Knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system: The case of Taiwanese high-tech companies

廖柏侖 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產業與經濟的全球化的浪潮下,「研發」與「創新」成為我國科技產業對抗全球的競爭壓力與推動組織營運的重要後盾,在新產品不斷推陳出新的帶動下,愈來愈短的產品生命週期,以及愈來愈多變的顧客需求,「速度」成為企業取得競爭優勢的關鍵因素,因此,我國企業紛紛透過導入產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統以縮短產品開發時程,使企業掌握新產品上市的先機。此外,透過PLM系統快速連結與蒐集研發知識,有助於企業實踐知識管理,加速組織與科技的融合與智慧財產的傳承,二十一世紀是知識經濟時代,企業能活用個人與組織內、外部的知識,則可創造價值並提昇企業競爭力。PLM系統使組織內研發之知識可有效的管理,並運用逐漸累積的資源形成的珍貴之研發知識,有效整合與串連成組織重要的知識資產;然而,知識管理之推展除資訊系統外,亦需要組織活動的配合。 本研究同時從組織與資訊科技(PLM)兩構面來探討研發單位的知識管理活動,旨在剖析台灣科技公司採用PLM系統下的知識管理活動,並瞭解影響研發知識管理的關鍵因素。本研究採個案研究法,首先經由文獻回顧導出實證研究的觀念性架構,再以此理論觀念模式為主軸進行個案訪談,實地深入訪談四家科技公司,瞭解其研發知識管理活動及運作模式。 本研究所得到的初步研究發現包括:(1)在研發知識管理推行實務上,企業需同時重視組織與資訊科技兩構面的作為,並將兩者平衡使知識管理達到真正的效益;(2)企業的知識分享文化與高階領導者態度等內部因素,對於研發人員的知識管理活動具關鍵影響力;(3)績效評估制度知識管理目標的配合,有助於知識管理效益的提昇;(4)企業研發創新的程度影響其知識創造的來源;(5)企業透過供應鏈的多元合作關係,形成知識創造的網路關係;因此,品牌廠商與代工廠商兩者的知識管理活動具有相依性;(6)企業透過PLM系統的採用將知識管理結合於作業流程之中,並使研發過程中個人之知識轉化為組織之知識;(7)企業的知識管理策略影響其知識擴散之作為。本研究最後並對企業經理人與後續研究者分別提出實務上與研究上之建議。 / Taiwanese high-tech industry has been emphasized the value of R&D innovation since 2000 in order to survive under the strong competition in globalization environment. The capability of innovation and efficiency of product development have been on the highly priority of companies. Hence, Taiwanese companies implement the product lifecycle management (PLM) system to improve product development schedule. Knowledge is an important intangible asset for companies in the 21th century. Because of PLM system, companies could manage R&D knowledge through collecting and linking R&D project or event. However, the promotion of knowledge management could not exist without the information systems and organization activities. This article considers the knowledge management activities from organizational and technical aspects. The purpose of the research is to examine the knowledge management of R&D division under the implementation of PLM system, and find out the key factors which influent R&D knowledge management. The research adopts four Taiwanese high-tech companies as Case Studies and has interviews with managers to understand knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system. By knowing inside information of knowledge management in the R&D division of companies would make my research more practical and well-organized to give examples and facts to the future implementation of PLM system for Taiwan industries.


李正星 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技產業經過三十多年的發展,已累積了雄厚的資金與技 術基礎。而近日來由於政府政策的倡導與產品應用的擴展等緣故,使 得LED 產業成為當前最具未來發展潛力之產業。對於以投資在具有發 展潛力產業的創業投資公司來說,LED 相關之產業儼然成為投資首選 的目標。然而,台灣的創業投資事業的發展在2000 年達到高峰之後,近年來以日漸趨緩。雖然整體大環境表現不佳,但是其中仍不乏表現不錯的創業投資公司。本文以「源創管理顧問」為研究對象,以其投資於LED 產業為例,探討其創投經營之成功關鍵。研究發現,「股東人際網絡的運用」與「產業供應鏈的整合」為源創管理顧問最主要之核心要素。與其他創投公司相比,源創管理顧問除了投資標的公司以外,仍以股東之人際網路資源促進標的公司與上下游供應鏈之間的關係,一方面確保標的公司之穩定成長,另一方面也同時促進LED 產業之技術升級,以及加強與國外大廠之合作。以LED 產業國際分工的成效,以個案公司為例,本文建議台灣未來創業投資事業的發展也可採取國際分工的模式,如此一來除了可使創業投資公司處於有利優勢外,亦可完成其對於國家整體產業升級的使命。 / Taiwan High Tech Industry has developed for over thirty years and has amassed huge quantity of capital and technology knowledge. Due to government policies and product usage expansion in recent years, LED has become a highly potential industry. Therefore, venture capitalists are likely to lean towards investing in this industry due to its high growth rate. However, the development of venture capital has since slowed down upon reaching its peak in year 2000. Though most ventures did not perform well however, there were some that did well. The company studied in this thesis is InnoStream Consultancy Services. The study is to explore on their investment in the LED industry and the reasons for success. The study has discovered the usage of networking and integration of supply chain as the elements for the achievement. Different from the rest of industry, InnoStream made use of resources such as the network of its shareholders to foster the supply chain integration. As such, they managed to ensure steady growth of the company, development in their LED technology and strengthened in ties with overseas manufacturer. This study suggests international cooperation in the LED industry. Such a policy will improve the competitiveness of Taiwan’s LED industry in the global market, and result in industry upgrade.

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