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平均利率上限選擇權之評價-LIBOR Market Model謝震洋 Unknown Date (has links)
爲規避利率上升風險,市場上有很多避險工具,諸如遠期利率協定、利率交換、我國期交所於2004年1月2日所推出的債券期貨(或稱利率期貨)、歐元期貨契約。本論文所要探討的是平均利率上限選擇權之評價,使用的方法是建構Forward LIBOR Tree之利率樹,再使用Timothy. R. Klassen(2001)評價亞式選擇權的方法來評價平均利率上限選擇權。
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選擇權交易策略的整數線性規劃模型 / Option Trading Strategies with Integer Linear Programming楊靜宜 Unknown Date (has links)
投資者面對到期日相同的一序列不同履約價格的選擇權時,應如何建立最佳的組合交易策略,這個問題雖已有許多標準的交易公式可依循,但這些標準的交易策略無法全面涵蓋複雜多變的組合策略。本論文提出整數線性規劃模型用來建立選擇權的最佳交易策略。模型針對到期日相同的買權、賣權如何買賣的組合,建立最佳交易策略。若我們預期在到期日時,標的股價將會落在某一範圍內,則我們可修改原來的規劃模型配合此項預期,以尋求最佳的交易策略。最後,我們以Ericsson的選擇權為例,驗証本模型的效能。 / The problem of how to construct the optimal combination trading strategy for investors when they face a series of options of different exercise prices on the same maturity date can be solved by many standard trading rules. Yet these standard trading rules cannot completely cover the complex and highly changeable combination strategy. This thesis proposes an integer linear programming (ILP) model to construct the optimal trading strategy for option portfolio selection. This model focuses on constructing the optimal strategy for an option portfolio of call- and put-options on the same maturity date. Given the investor's belief of the stock price, we also provide an extended ILP model to include this belief. Finally, an empirical study will be presented by using the ILP model applied to the Ericsson's call and put options.
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馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅法在外匯選擇權定價的應用謝盈弘 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文以Regime Switching Stochastic Volatility(RSV)作為外匯選擇權市場的波動度模型,採用馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅法(Markov Chain Monte Carlo)中的GibbS Sampling演算法估計RSV模型的參數,並預測外匯選擇權在RSV模型下的價格。
數值結果方面首先對GibbS Sampling參數估計的結果做討論,再對預測出的選擇權價格與Black and Scholes作比較,最後並提出笑狀波幅與隱含波動度平面的結果。
1. RSV模型與MCMC模擬法的組合,具備產生笑狀波幅的能力,提供足夠證據顯示,RSV模型與MCMC演算法所計算出來的選擇權價格,確實反應且捕捉到了市場上選擇權價格所應具備的特色。
2. 本模型能有效解釋期限結構 (Term Stucture of Volatility)、笑狀波幅(Volatility Smile)的現象。
關鍵字:馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅法、外匯選擇權、貝氏選擇權評價、MCMC、Regime switching Regine change、Gibbs Sampling、currency option、Markov Chain Montec Carlo
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企業實質價值之研究--模糊實質選擇權模型 / The Research on Real Value of Enterprises --The Fuzzy Real Option Model錢家驊, Chien,Chia Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
將本模型應用到其他電子產業,發現公司的股價常有遭到市場高估或低估,而偏離真實價值的情形發生。因此本研究建立一套投資策略,並參考模型估計的合理價格為投資的依據,希望能夠賺取價差。策略模擬的結果,獲利能力明顯優於長期持有的方式,也證明了本模型的實用性。 / In this study, we use the real option model from Schwartz and Moon (2000) as the basis, and then combine it with fuzzy theory to create Fuzzy Real Option Model. This study takes one company in solar power industry - E-TON as the sample company to conduct the parameter estimation. We also adopt the Monte Carlo Simulation method to assess the reasonable value of E-TON. After the sensitivity analysis, the results show that initial rate of growth in revenues and cost are the most important factors which influenced on the value of a company.
Furthermore, we apply this model to other companies in electronics industry and discover that the stock prices are often overvalued or undervalued by the market. Therefore, we develop a set of investment strategies for people who want to make profits from the difference of prices. The result of strategic simulation shows that profit is apparently better than the way of buying and holding, and it proves the practicability of this model as well.
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服務導向架構投資專案的轉換策略:應用實質選擇權 / Switching strategy of service-oriented architecture investment project:applying real option approach馮秉義, Feng, Ping Yi Unknown Date (has links)
More and more enterprises plan to switch their legacy system to service-oriented architecture (SOA). SOA, the focus of recent software-engineering, modulizes the IT components as “services” which could be re-jointed with each other flexibly and reused to avoid building parts repeatedly. This methodology also yields network externalities (Katz and Shapiro 1986; Markus 1987) as a number of services are integrated. An enterprise could increase the number of services to earn network externalities but such benefits come with risks. / This study aims to evaluate the investment of SOA and justifies the switch of current systems to SOA. Since SOA investment is usually a long-term and risky project for most enterprises, uncertainty becomes an important evaluation factor of an SOA project. This research applies the real option approach to evaluate an SOA switching project which majorly justifies the uncertainties, and use Monte-Carlo simulation to do the option pricing work. We consider three components of uncertainty in the model– risk, exercise time and number of connecting services for reusing- and evaluate how the uncertainty relates to the value of an SOA project. Finally, this research deduces the investment strategies under uncertainties, and describes what advantages for real option SOA has which are SOA could reduce the investment friction.
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巨災風險證券化之分析 / Analysis of Catastrophe Risk Securitization侯丁月, Hou, Ting-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 在巨災債券方面,巨災債券價格和損失基準點、利息收回比率、本金收回比率、報酬率標準差呈正向關係,和報酬率、巨災發生次數呈反向關係;
(2) 在巨災選擇權方面,損失資料分為理論巨災損失指數及實際損失指數,選擇權型態採用亞式選擇權,故選擇權價格有平均價格式及平均履約價格式兩種。
希望藉由此篇論文之撰寫,將保險證券化的概念帶進國內保險領域,並提供保險業者了解另一種風險管理的方法。 / In the 1990s, many catastrophes occurred around the world, leading to a lack in reinsurers’ underwriting capacity and even, in some cases, threatening their solvency. Because the insurance market as a whole was unable to provide sufficient coverage for the catastrophe losses, reinsurers started looking for other risk transfer and management tools. In 1992, the first insurance securitization product was traded on the Chicago Board of Trade---Catastrophe Insurance Futures.
This article aims to introduce two typical products: Catastrophe Bond (Cat Bond) and Catastrophe Option (Cat Option). First, we describe merchandise contents of Cat Bond and Cat Option. We then adopt global catastrophe losses as the catastrophe losses index for the period 1970-2000 and price models to evaluate Cat Bond and Cat Option. Finally, we conduct a sensitive analysis of Cat Bond and Cat Option prices. This allows us to understand the variables related to influencing the prices of Cat Bond and Cat Option. From the sensitive analysis, we realize that Cat Bond and Cat Option prices have the following characteristics:
(1) From the Cat Bond aspect, the Cat Bond price has positive relationships with the loss trigger level, the receivable coupon ratio, the receivable principal ratio and the deviation error of return rate. It has negative relationships with the return rate and the times of catastrophe occurrences.
(2) From the Cat Option aspect, we can distinguish between loss data to the theoretical catastrophe loss index and the actual catastrophe loss index. We adopt Asian Option as the option type, so that there are two types of option prices: the average price type of option price and the average exercise price type of option price.
<1> From the aspect of the theoretical catastrophe loss index option, the average price type of option price has negative relationships with the exercise price and the return rate. It has a positive relationship with the times of catastrophe occurrence and has no relationships with the deviation error of the return rate. The average exercise price type of option price has negative relationships with the return rate. It has positive relationships with the times of catastrophe occurrence and has no relationships with the exercise price and the deviation error of the return rate.
<2> From the aspect of the actual catastrophe loss index option, the average price type of option price has negative relationships with the exercise price and the return rate. It has no relationship with the deviation error of the return rate. The average exercise price type of option price has negative relationships with the exercise price, the return rate and the deviation error of the return rate.
We hope that by writing this thesis, we can bring insurance securitization knowledge to the domestic insurance industry and can offer insurers an understanding of another risk management tool.
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不確定市場下建商投資行為之研究陳冠華, Chen, Kuan-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
由於土地開發乃是一項典型具有「不可回復性」(irreversibility)以及「可遲延性」(deferability)的投資行為,因此Titman(1985)等人透過「實質選擇權理論」(the real option theory)的觀念重新建構未開發土地的評價模式與土地開發「時機」(timing)的「門檻價值」(hurdle value;critical value)。而相關文獻的結論也都說明了市場不確定性的增加將會增加未開發土地的價值,也將因而延後土地開發的時機。
其次,本文則進一步的透過「附合選擇權」(compound option)的概念探討建商發現:當建商取得土地成本為沈入成本時(即建商無法轉售未開發土地),則其決策標準將較單純考慮開發成本時更為嚴格;而當土地等待開發選擇權價值的增加意味著土地不適合立即進行開發時,則建商取得土地的動作也將隨延後。
第一章 緒論………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………1
第二節 研究問題、方法與限制………………………………5
第三節 研究架構與流程………………………………………9
第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧……………………………11
第一節 建商投資行為…………………………………………11
第二節 實質選權理論…………………………………………13
第三節 小結……………………………………………………26
第三章 以實質選擇權理論為基礎的建商投資行為……27
第一節 實質選擇權在土地開發時機的應用與說明…………27
第二節 地價水準確定時建商取得土地的實質選擇權模型…47
第三節 地價水準不確定下建商取得土地的實質選擇權模型51
第四節 小結……………………………………………………56
第四章 實證分析…………………………………………64
第一節 建立實證模型…………………………………………64
第二節 實證結果與分析………………………………………72
第三節 小結……………………………………………………76
第五章 結論與後續研究…………………………………77
第一節 結論……………………………………………………77
第二節 後續研究………………………………………………79
參考文獻 …………………………………………………80
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附認股權證債券定價之研究 / The Pricing of Bond With Warrants王駿東, Wang, Chun Tung Unknown Date (has links)
目的在於: 1.深入探討各認股權證評價模式,並比較其間之異同。 2.以
較適合國內企業的評價模式。 3.建議投資人可選擇一適當的評價模式來
反映真實的認股權證價值,以進行套利的活動。 4.日後政府核淮發行附
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在BGM 模型下固定交換利率商品之效率避險與評價 / An efficient valuation and hedging of constant maturity swap products under BGM model蔡宏彬 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上在 LIBOR市場模型架構下,評價固定交換商品一般是透過模地卡羅模擬。在本文中,吾人在此模型架構下推導出一個遠期交換利率的近似動態,並在一因子的架構下提供一個固定交換利差選擇權與固定交換輪棘選擇權的近似評價公式。數值結果顯示這兩者之相對誤差甚小。此外對於這兩個產品,吾人亦提供一個有效率的避險方法。 / The derivatives of the constant maturity swap (CMS) are evaluated by the LIBOR market model (LMM) implemented by Monte Carlo methods in the previous researches. In this paper, we derive an approximated dynamic process of the forward-swap rate (FSR) under LMM. Based on the approximated dynamics for the FSR under one factor model, CMS spread options and CMS ratchet options are valued by the no-arbitrage method in approximated analytic formulas. In the numerical analysis, the relative errors between the Monte Carlo simulations and the approximated closed form formulas are very small for CMS spread options and CMS ratchet options and we also provide an efficient hedging method for these products under one factor LMM.
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內地學生選擇高等院校影響因素之研究 / Study of factors on college choices of Mainland China students潘瀟瀟 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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