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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鍾華 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著京都協議書在2005年正式施行,工業化國家必須逐年降低二氧化碳的排放量,且2004年開始至今全球油價持續飆漲,對於仰賴能源進口的台灣經濟影響深遠。化石能源的剩餘蘊藏量與使用時的污染,也將逐漸由可再生的潔淨能源所取代,近五年全球太陽能電池產業每年平均成長30%以上,太陽能電池產業無疑是二十一世紀的明星產業。本研究期望透過選擇好的評價模式作客觀的評估,協助太陽能電池產業相關的投資人與企業經營階層做為參考。 本研究以茂迪、中美矽晶、合晶科技等三家上櫃太陽能電池產業相關公司為研究對象,以1999至2003年之財務報表作為預估個案公司未來成長率與獲利表現的依據,利用現金流量折現法的銷售導向與盈餘導向兩種模式,模擬最樂觀、最可能發生與最悲觀三種情境估算實質價格區間,並與個股之實際股價相比較,推論目前股價的合理性,及目前股價所隱含的市場預期個案公司未來的銷售成長率與盈餘成長率;以敏感性分析繪製成的龍捲風圖觀察個別關鍵評價因子對股價的影響程度。 實證結果顯示,茂迪、中美矽晶、合晶科技之合理股價區間分別為226~790元、34.4~47.3元、20.5~32.7元,與2004年6月以來最近一年的股價走勢比較,太陽能產品占公司營業比重越高,實際股價越接近合理區間;經龍捲風圖分析發現對個案公司股價影響幅度最大的關鍵評價因子皆是銷售成長率。

未上市公司評價─以廣穎電通為例 / Valuing unlisted companies-case of silicon power computer & communications inc.

蘇煒程 Unknown Date (has links)
興櫃股票是指已經申報上市(櫃)之公開發行公司的普通股股票,一般而言興櫃股票的流動性小、股本小,因此短線投資人多以即將掛牌上櫃的公司為主,至於中長線的投資人則以長期價值的觀點來投資,投入資金後必須等待一段時間,待上市(櫃)後,才能獲取較好的投資報酬率。長期投資須以自有資金投入,進一步瞭解該公司產業狀況及基本面表現後,應用適合未上市公司的評價模式,來做為投資的依據是很重要的。 本研究以興櫃市場中的半導體產業中的廣穎電通股份有限公司作為研究對象,以自由現金流量法為評價模型,並針對未上市公司在參數估計困難的部分作調整,使評價未上市公司時有一套可依循的流程,並加入考量未上市公司股票因流動性不足,所造成之流動性折價,以提升在評價上的合理性及正確性。 實證結果顯示,以2011 年年報來估計相關參數,運用現金流量折現法的每股理論價值為39.24 元。若考量流動性折價,以上市股票市場資料推估所得之流動性折價,廣穎電通之每股理論價值將為39.05 元;以興櫃股票市場資料推估所得之流動性折價,廣穎電通之每股理論價值將為37.93 元。

股利支付率與未來獲利能力成長之關聯性分析 / The Analysis of the Relationship between Dividend Payout Ratio and the Growth of Future Profitability

周文楷, Chou, Wen Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要探討股利支付率與未來獲利能力成長的關聯性。過去相關文獻專注在股利變化率與未來盈餘成長的關係,股利支付率的文獻則較少。本研究以1991至2016年台灣上市、上櫃公司為樣本,利用固定效果模型來進行分析,實證結果發現股利支付率與未來獲利能力成長的關係呈顯著正相關。本研究根據文獻在迴歸模型中加入成長機會代理變數來檢驗股利支付率與未來獲利能力成長的正向關係是否能以自由現金流量假說解釋,實證結果與文獻一致,說明當成長機會愈低,台灣上市櫃公司之股利支付率與未來獲利能力成長之關聯性愈強,透過將剩餘的自由現金流量以股利發放的形式返還予股東,能減少公司之代理成本,市場上的投資機會未受到市場的競爭而使報酬率高於預期,因此出現公司股利支付率愈高,未來獲利能力成長愈高的現象。 / This study examines the relationship between dividend payout ratio and the growth of future profitability. Previous literatures mainly focused on the relationship between dividend change rate and future earnings growth instead of dividend payout ratio. The sample of this study includes companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange and the OTC market from 1991 to 2016. Results of the fixed effect model shows that there is a significantly positive relationship between dividend payout ratio and the growth of future profitability. Proxy variables for growth opportunities are used in the fixed effect model to further verify whether the positive relationship can be explained by free cash flow theory. Our results support the explanation, indicating that the positive relationship between dividend payout ratio and the growth of future profitability is stronger when growth opportunities are low. Companies can reduce agency costs by paying out dividends to shareholders, and the returns of investment opportunities on the market are unaffected by competition force, which results in the counter-intuitive phenomenon of higher dividend payout ratio and subsequent growth of future profitability.

收益還原法之研究─現金流量折現模型(Discounted Cash Flow Model)之應用

李世銘, LI,SHI-MING Unknown Date (has links)
收益還原法,係學習不動產估價者所熟習的「三大估價方法」之一,以學術立場而言 ,因係直接從不動產價值之定義推導而來,深具理論基礎。並有具體之數學公式加以 支持說明,故學者推許其為較符合理論之方法。考諸國外文獻,探討收益還原法(In- come Approach)之著述論文汗牛充棟,據以建立之價格模型亦不勝枚舉。反觀國內, 卻始終將之束諸高閣,少有專論,亦不見實用,其因若何,頗值深究。 目前台灣社會正值轉型期,工商業發達,不動產之使用方式亦有改變,所有權垂直分 割之觀念逐漸形成,因此估價之標的亦隨之多樣化。市價比較法需有同質事例為前提 之要件,使其倍受考驗,且適用必有窮時,需謀求其他解決方法。此時,收益還原法 或許正可滿足此一趨勢的需要,據以評估不動產各項具經濟效益之權利價值。 本研究根據收益還原法之諸項課題,探討其基本結構與實質內容,並針對收益還原法 傳統理論之假設與現實環境背離的現象,藉現金流量折現模型(Discounted Cash Fl- ow Model) 之導入,加以說明、修正,並廓清以往觀念上之偏誤。 經研究發現,現金流量折現模型實即收益還原公式,惟其透過現金流量變動性的顯現 ,去除不必要之假設條件而更具現實性,並經由電腦之強大運算功能,克服了繁複之 計量難題。經由反向之推求,更可掌握不動產投資報酬水準等資訊,提供決策時之參 考依據。

隨機波動下利率變動型人壽保險之違約風險分析 / Default AnalysisofInterestSensitiveLifeInsurance Policies underStochasticVolatility

曾暐筑, Tseng, Wei Chu Unknown Date (has links)
資本市場之系統性風險加劇時,對於利率變動型人壽保險所持有之區隔資產將出現大幅波動,進而影響保險公司之清償能力,本研究透過建立區隔資產負債表之隨機模型,檢視系統性風險下對於人壽保險業違約風險之變化,並透過敏感度分析找出對違約風險影響最大的因子。 本研究依據利率變動型壽險之現金流量建立公司之資產負債模型,預期建立Heston (1993)模型描述標的資產的隨機波動過程,相較於以往Black-Scholes (1973)模型更能反映真實的市場波動。本研究藉由資產與負債的變化,衡量保險公司違約風險,同時分析影響違約風險之各項因子,包含解約、死亡與資產配置策略之關聯性。本研究結果顯示,宣告利率、評價時間長度及資產配置策略等皆會影響保險公司之違約風險及其破產幅度。 / When systemic risk of capital markets exacerbates, the segment assets that held by interest sensitive life insurance policies will fluctuate widely and affect insurer's solvency. This paper considers the problem of valuating the default risk of the life insurers under systematic risk, by constructing a stochastic model of segment balance sheet. In this paper, we establish insurer's asset-liability model on the basis of interest sensitive life insurance policies' cash flow.In particular, we use Heston(1993) model to simulate stochastic process of assets, which is better reflect market volatility than Black-Scholes(1973) model in reality. And moreover, by means of the variation on asset and liability, this study evaluating the default risk of life insurers and analyze the factors affect default risk, like the correlation between surrender, death and asset allocation. And using the result of sensitivity analysis to determine which factor is more important, like guaranteed rate, time period of valuation and so on.


陳呈祿 Unknown Date (has links)
企業往往會利用財務活動之變更,或是權衡性會計項目之操縱,來達到美化帳面盈餘之目的。而「銀行業」更因其產業特殊性,一直以來這種盈餘管理之幅度均高於其他產業;但是除了產業別之差異會影響盈餘管理程度之外,時間演進所造成的產業環境改變,以及個別企業體「公司治理」優劣程度,亦有可能造成經營階層進行盈餘操縱之動機的強弱差異。 本研究建立銀行業四大財務決策:放款、票券買賣、壞帳費用提列以及股利發放之聯立方程式,並使用台灣地區36家上市櫃商業銀行的財務報表資料,實證分析上述財務行為間的互動關係。本文首先利用時間面之切割,分析1991-1996、1997-2001年間銀行業盈餘管理程度之差異;其後更利用La Porta et. al.,(1999)所提出的股權偏離概念作為衡量銀行管理當局的道德風險指標,依此檢測「盈餘管理」程度是否因為道德風險的提升而隨之增加。實證結果顯示在1991-1996年間,非操弄性(原始)盈餘越高的銀行,反而會再增加票券買賣利益與降低壞帳費用提列,進一步提高營業利益;然而,原始盈餘為負的銀行,損益平滑化的現象顯著。在加入道德風險指標後,可以發現利用票券買賣進行盈餘管理,是銀行界普遍的狀況,而盈餘管理的程度會隨著道德風險的增加而提升,但是原始盈餘為負的銀行則較不傾向利用票券的買賣進行盈餘管理。在壞帳費用提列方面,可以發現銀行普遍利用壞帳費用的提列來進行損益平滑化的動作,但是道德風險之差異卻對原始盈餘為負的銀行之影響較為明顯。

開放一般型股票基金之報酬與其現金流量關係之探討 / The Relationship between Performance and Cash Flows of Open-end Equity Funds in Taiwan

鄭秉倫, Jheng,Bing-lun Unknown Date (has links)
Pervious academic researches point out that there are two-way effects in the relationship between fund return performance and cash flows. The preceding fund return performance would attract net cash flows and cash flows would adversely affect the succeeding fund return performance. This paper tries to verify that whether these effects exist in Taiwan and examine these effects in more details. The results are partly consistent with pervious literatures. In our sample, we find that fund return performance positive influences both cash inflows and outflows and cash flows do affect succeeding return performance.


陳柳元 Unknown Date (has links)
商業活動以支付工具完成付款作業。時代變遷,支付工具亦隨之進化演進。科技進步,電子支付工具陸續興起,電子支付工具依照特性可有不同的分類,對於不同的使用對象,在不同的使用環境,依不同需求可選擇不同的工具。 金融卡是我國重要的支付工具之一,具有提款、轉帳、餘額查詢及繳稅費等功能,磁條金融卡因安全因素將全面轉換為晶片卡,晶片金融卡除具有磁條卡的交易功能,在安全性大幅提昇後,配合網路自動櫃員機在網際網路上已成為一項方便又安全的支付機制,未來可朝全方位金流工具發展。 本研究透過了解電子支付工具的分類及特性,並探討電子支付工具之國內外應用發展趨勢及相關失敗經驗,綜合研究資料及心得,分析晶片金融卡支付工具之優劣強弱,提出晶片金融卡支付工具未來發展建議,期能讓我國消費市場電子支付工具之發展更健全,以構建發展電子支付工具之完整版圖。 關鍵字:電子支付工具(Electronic Payment Tool)、晶片金融卡(Financial Chip Card)、網路自動櫃員機(eATM)、金流(Cash Flow) / The payment of business activity is done by the payment tool. As time goes by, the payment tool is improving. Electronic payment tool is coming through the progress of technology. There are different categories in users, environments, and demands for various characteristics of the electronic payment tool. The ATM Card is one of the most important payment tools in Taiwan with the function of Inter-bank Withdrawal, Balance Inquiry, Fund Transfer, and Tax Payment. The Magnetic Stripe ATM Card is being replaced by the Financial Chip Card for the security reason. With the original functions of the Magnetic Stripe Card plus security control, the Financial Chip Card can be also worked with eATM on the Internet and becomes a convenient and safe payment tool toward all-around cash flow development in the future. We study not only the categories and characteristics, but also all applications, trends, and related experiences of the electronic payment tool. We combine all the information and opinions about the Financial Chip Card as a payment tool to understand its strengths and weaknesses. We hope that the development of Electronic payment tool in Taiwan is progressing and look forward to its benefits in all sides.

Financial Holding Company and Corporate Governance from the Perspective of Ownership and Control: Case Study of SinoPac Holdings Co., LTD.

Yeh,Jessie Unknown Date (has links)
In response to the changing financial environment both internally and externally, the government endeavored to pass the Financial Holding Company Act, which is intended to provide an environment conducive to financial integrations. According to the Principal-Agent theory, agency problems tend to take place when misalignment occurs between an ultimate owner’s cash flow rights and voting power. It is of interest whether the financial holding company structure actually increases or decreases such misalignment. The shareholdings of the Hong family of SinoPac Holdings is the subject of this research, and the essence of the research is to examine the Hong family’s shareholding and their actual control based on the one-share-one-vote principle before and after the holding company structure. The findings conclude that the misalignment between the Hong family’s ownership and control in fact increases under the holding company structure, which is generally viewed as a negative sign of corporate governance. Notwithstanding, the Hong family has adopted some measures to strengthen corporate governance despite the widening misalignment.


張財育, Chang,Dan T.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
國內證券信用交易中介機構係採雙軌制,由復華、富邦、環華、安泰等四家證券金融公司,以及多家自辦信用交易的證券商共同辦理,國內因證券信用交易市場發展的背景衍生出特有的證券金融公司,經過近二十七年的發展,證券金融公司在證券市場的地位及重要性已經產生質變,發展上長期面臨的核心問題為: 1.業務集中度偏高以及; 2.業務規模萎縮導致經營不具經濟效益。 本研究結果係建立於外部資訊上,其中雖然有客觀的基礎數據,然亦包含若干主觀判斷的假設值,以個案公司歷史之財務業務資訊為推論基礎, 透過EVA®觀點評估企業之超額報酬及採取權益現金流量(Equity Cash Flow Approach)折現方式推論個案公司之企業價值。 就本個案之研討結論來看,個案公司似已經陷入產業的衰退期,從財務的訊息所獲得的是低度成長性及低報酬率,而且未來之成長動能力道相當微弱,尤其是代理券商家數逐漸減少,因此就資本投入之機會成本、學理研究以EVA®及超額報酬長期處負值產生的低投資價值企業,現有之經營者實應評估與衡量現存之產業情態,應思考企業有無發展另一再成長動能之機會,如無,則應思考與其他同業合併、業務讓與、甚至減資撤出資本的可能。

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