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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

新建築產品的開發計劃以中高齡專用住宅為例 / The developing planning of the new construction product

楊偉成, Yang, Wei-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從文獻探討整理有關建築營運、新產品開發程序與銀髮族購買行為等理論,發展出「中高齡專用住宅」的行銷計劃。新建築產品的發展核心機構是建設公司,從創意產生、篩選創意、測試產品概念,到興業計劃的提出,為新建築產品勾劃出發展藍圖。再加上開發過程中相關業者的配合,例如,建築師事務所的產品規劃、代銷業者的銷售計劃、建築經理公司的履約保證、營造公司的施工興建、室內設計公司的室內裝潢設計與服務管理公司的大樓管理,共同完成中高齡專用住宅的完整計劃。   在正式推案上市之前,進行一系列的行銷研究工作。首先,舉辦4場小組討論座談會(Focus Group Interview),蒐集銀髮族長輩的意見;根據座談會彙整的資料,發展問卷,以人員訪問的方式,向1000位55歲以上的長輩詢問有關生活型態、對產品屬性偏好等問題;問卷回收536份後,經整理分析得到若干重要的結論。   (1)全新產品的理念:   不可以將中高齡專用住宅視為一般建築產品。它不僅只是一棟建築物而已,背後支援的軟、硬體設施與服務,均已超乎一般建築產品。功能與服務的多元化,造成建築、管理成本居高不下,因此在行銷上必須建立新產品的形象。   (2)營運管理的重要性:   不同於一般建築產品所強調的建材、地段,交通、低率貸款等產品屬性。中高齡專用住宅在消費者心中的評價,是在售後的生活服務管理是否能持續、恆常地保持原來的品質與承諾。換言之,服務與照顧是此一建築產品最獨特,也是最重要的產品屬性。   (3)目標顧客的特質:   目標顧客具有觀念較為先進、思想較為開通的特質、對新事物有較強的接受能力、三代同堂不一定是家庭和樂的必要條件、偏好西方生活方式以及精打細算等特質。   (4)報紙為新產品訊息傳播的有效媒體:   由統計分析結果顯示,目標顧客對於接觸報紙獲得新產品訊息的比率較高,因此認定報紙是傳播新產品訊息的有效工具。   (5)銷售管理制度:   在銷售賣場運用鑑別分析,判別出目標顧客。配合管理制度的實施,能對購買意願較強的目標顧客,進行綿密拜訪的銷售攻勢;透過數據化、科學化的管理制度,將使銷售管理更有效率。

應用脈絡分析於銀髮族數位影像之使用者研究 / Applying Contextual Design in Personal Digital Photograph User Research

麥圃鳴, Mai, Pu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以銀髮族為主要的研究對象,採用脈絡分析法了解銀髮族於日常生活中的影像使用行為,經由在受訪者住所進行的深度訪談與行為觀察,探究數位影像與銀髮族的關連,日常生活的影像使用行為,與數位影像工具對銀髮族使用數位影像的影響。根據對銀髮族的影像使用行為與影像工具和情境故事的彙整,本研究歸納出三種銀髮族影像使用行為的核心價值,分別為分享、典藏和記錄。   此外研究中對使用影像行為的過程與不同使用工具的詮釋,也說明了不同影像工具因功能條件限制,為高齡使用者帶來的使用障礙與排斥使用的現象。根據本研究對銀髮族使用影像行為的活動脈絡,與針對情境故事進行的脈絡分析,所提出相關影像活動使用工具的設計建議與銀髮族影像服務未來的發展方向,將使未來的數位影像相關產品服務,更貼近年長使用者的生活需求。 / Through the contextual inquiries, understanding about the present usage and motivation of older people toward digital photography in their ordinary life are revealed. According to these scenarios from deep interviews and field observation, three different core values of photo usage behaviors to older people are identified, including sharing, archiving and recording.   Besides, the differences between photo usage behaviors and tools in these uses help us explain the obstacle of photo usage and the difficulties for adopting photography of mobile device by older people. Based on the knowledge above, proposing concrete directions of developing the applications of future digital photo technologies that actually fit in with older user’s needs are pointed out.

全球地理社群網站之創新經營模式 – 以銀髮族之旅遊需求為目標市場 / An innovative business model on worldwide geographic social network – based on the initiative of senior travelling demand

洪杰琛, Hung, Jason Unknown Date (has links)
Aging becomes one of the urgent topics in Taiwan, therefore new product and services must be established in respond to this issue. In recent years, online social network have been one of the most accelerative business model spreading across internet. Facebook has been one of the most influential role model among all. An opportunity gap is identified within these two phenomenon. The present paper is to initiate an innovative business model on worldwide geographic social network – based on the target market of senior travelling demand. This innovative business model will be satisfying the discovered gap. The establishment of this innovation business model is based on the process of Innovation SCREW: (1) Search; (2) Combination; (3) Re-search, Re-Combination; (4) Experiment, Evaluation; (5) Work, Weigh. Through this framework, it brings to the possible establishment of this platform. In addition, by using of secondary datasets that lead to comprehend further to consumer behavior and market demand. As the result, based on this innovative platform, it is hoping to create a new online worldwide geographic social network that can improve services on senior’s travelling demand.

不同年齡與線上閱讀經驗在線上閱讀歷程及教學策略之差異比較研究 / A study on the comparison of online reading process and instructional strategies between different aged groups and online reading experiences

李彥玫 Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀帶動了文化的傳承、資訊的傳遞,也是學習過程中不可或缺的環扣。透過閱讀,形塑了讀者對訊息的認知思考模式及邏輯組織能力。而數位時代的來臨,網際網路的使用,讓習慣於傳統印刷紙本閱讀形式的社會,面臨了閱讀習慣與學習方式的轉變。是故,本研究旨在探討不同年齡層及不同的線上閱讀經驗的網路讀者,其線上閱歷程之技巧與概念的認知模式。透過概念構圖法,探討28 位線上閱讀者(包含14 位中學生,以及14 位50 歲以上之銀髮族),其線上閱讀歷程的認知架構,並以實際線上閱讀任務之研究方法,瞭解網路讀者在線上閱讀時所面臨之困難與問題,進而提出解決方案與教學策略。 研究結果發現,1.不同年齡層對於線上閱讀歷程之概念有差異存在。根據概念構圖法之結果,中學生對於線上閱讀歷程的認知顯得較為片面與不完整。換言之,銀髮族比起中學生更能掌握線上閱讀之整體概念;2.不同線上閱讀經驗之讀者(生手與專家),其線上閱讀歷程之概念有明顯之差異存在。專家比起生手更加重視線上閱讀歷程中的各種行為與技巧的運用,並能夠用以更高層次的技巧掌握與控制搜尋過程。生手認為線上閱讀時,學會搜尋的方法是重要的關鍵,專家則認為搜尋方法為基本之能力,而在線上閱讀時,能否擴增及延伸搜尋資訊才最重要的概念。 最後,3.不同年齡層之線上閱讀者,當線上閱讀經驗不足時,其所遇到之困難亦有所異同。中學生與銀髮族所面臨的相同困境包括「草率閱讀訊息,以致迷失搜尋方向」、「關鍵字運用的能力不足,侷限搜尋範圍」、「採取負面心態」、「少針對搜尋主題進行客觀思考,多以個人習性引導閱讀」、「缺乏懷疑資訊的能力,以致訊息來源無所根據」、「缺乏主動思考能力,僅被動地接收訊息」,及「未真正釐清搜尋目標」。此外,對中學生而言,也存在著「搜尋方向因個人興趣而偏離主題」之問題;對銀髮族來說,則是「接收訊息超負荷,而無法抉擇資訊」及缺乏網路搜尋頁面之基本操作能力」兩種困境。 綜上所述,本研究針對發現之問題,提出適當之線上閱讀教學策略及解決困難之方案,作為線上閱讀指導者未來教學參考與應用之依據。

服務業者在銀髮族服務創新測試階段的組織學習機制之探討 / Exploring Organizational Learning Mechanisms of Senior Citizen's Service Innovation in Testing Stage

金雅蘭, Chin,Ya-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內廠商生產線的外移,許多產業已發展至成熟的階段,各種企業經營都越來越倚重以服務為基礎的商業運作,服務業的生產與規模日益成長,大部分服務性質的工作已囊括在各類經濟活動中,根據主計處統計2013年台灣服務業占GDP比重約68.29%,顯見發展服務創新活動對於國家經濟成長而言之重要性,服務創新已成為當前相關服務業者重要投入的新興領域。 由於服務創新角色與地位重要性日趨提昇,相關的服務與創新活動不斷的推陳出新加上科技的進步,醫療水準的提高,使得人類的壽命能不斷地延長,人口老化已成為全球皆關注的現象。然面對於科技發達,高齡者越來越長壽,老年人口增加的情況下,卻少有人探討有關服務創新之議題,且又以銀髮族研究在服務創新上仍有待釐清。 當前各個國家都同時面臨了人口老化與服務業成長幅度快速的攀升,對於銀髮族服務廠商而言需要不斷的學習與調整以創造競爭力,其中服務創新「測試階段」雖然在服務業服務創新流程中扮演著重要的角色,但目前在服務業中服務測試階段的研究,不論是新產品開發流程亦或是新服務開發流程,對於測試階段的構面與內容都是相較於其他階段的研究較為缺乏。 鑑於此,本研究方法上採取個案研究法,並以中國銀髮族服務業者進行深入的個案研究,本研究採取「理論取樣」方法,選取中國人口老齡化程度最高的地區之一北京市銀髮族人口密集度最高作為主要的研究場域,針對銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試階段之流程以及測試過程中的組織學習與調整為核心的敘事研究,並就服務創新測試階段、組織學習及銀髮族服務創新進行相關學理文獻的彙整及個案的訪談進行研究。 本研究得到的主要結論,包含:(1)銀髮族服務業者服務創新測試的過程依序分為四個階段,包含:形成期、風暴期、規範期、穩定期,並在服務創新測試不同的階段中展現不同的摸索特徵、內容與過程;(2)服務業者在服務創新測試階段的組織學習上,除了會考量服務本身的學習與調整之外,也會考量服務創新流程方面的學習與調整;(3)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試的不同階段中,不同的服務人力涉入程度之服務業者會採不同的學習方式,以提升測試中服務的績效;(4) 銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試階段的過程中,會考量服務人力涉入需求的不同,而選擇不同專精程度的團隊組成與服務內容;(5)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新的測試過程中,會在不同的測試階段中設置不同的關卡類型;(6)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試的不同階段中,會透過不同的傳遞方式來提供服務,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果;(7)在服務創新的測試過程中,銀髮族服務業者會就不同的服務內容與特性(顧客化程度與資訊化程度),選擇不同的溝通方式,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果;(8)在服務創新測試階段中,銀髮族服務業者會就不同的銀髮族群特性(社會化程度、互動化程度),採取不同的溝通方式,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果。 本研究在學術上的主要貢獻,包括:(1)本研究特別就服務創新的測試來探討,彌補了服務創新領域相關研究上的不足;(2)本研究特別針對銀髮族服務業者來探討,彌補了服務創新領域相關研究上的不足;(3)本研究特別從組織學習的理論切入,彌補了過往服務創新研究在此議題上的不足;(4)本研究提出組織學習機制的概念作為銀髮族服務創新的切入點。 本研究最後並提出服務創新測試階段的組織學習機制相關的實務意涵及後續研究建議,進一步地提出服務創新測試四階段模式、服務創新測試作為、組織學習機制,提供服務創新測試階段組織學習過程的影響因素做為服務業者進行服務創新測試管理與提升測試階段的學習成效時的參考依據。而對於未來有意願投入或開發銀髮族服務業相關服務的創新團隊,本研究亦提供銀髮族服務創新測試階段之組織學習機制的整體性架構的空間。 / With the continuous development of service industries, many industries have bundled with service roles to improve their business and economic activities. The industry for senior service has grown rapidly and has become a market target industry due to the increase in prolonged lives and a healthy aging population. This service industry has become a phenomenon worldwide, and Taiwan currently ranks second in aging populations among Asian countries. Taiwan’s senior service industry is an emerging industry, the majority of which is supported by smaller companies. Therefore, little researching has been done on the innovative services handling this quickly growing aging population. Furthermore, service innovation remains immature within senior sectors. This opportunity continues to be an interesting topic for all business sectors, but little research has scrutinized the relationship and meaning in service innovations for seniors. Currently, countries around the world are facing the rapid rise of aging populations and service industry growth, which requires constant learning and adjustment in order to create competitive power. While the “testing stage” of service innovation plays an important role in the service innovation process, the research on service testing stage, whether about the new product development process or the service development process, for the testing stage of the structure and content compared to other stages is scarce. Therefore, in this research, we adopt the case study method and recruit people from the Chinese elderly service industry to carry out a thorough case study. In particular, this study adopts the “theoretical sampling” method to determine one of the most aging areas in China, with the highest population density in Beijing being the main research field. In this study, we focus on the service innovation test stage’s process in the senior citizen industry, as well as the organization study and narrative research in the testing process, the core of which involves organizational learning and adjustment. Such organizational learning and service innovation for the elderly are both examined in this study through relevant academic literature and case interviews. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The process of service innovation testing of the senior citizen industry is divided into four stages: formation period, storm period, normative period, and stable period, all of which have different characteristics, content, and processes; 2. In the service innovation testing stage of organizational learning, in addition to considering the study and adjustment of the service itself, the study and adjustment of the service innovation process shall also be considered; 3. In the different stages of service innovation testing, the service providers adopt different ways of learning to improve the performance of the service being tested; 4. In the process of service innovation testing, the senior-citizen service providers will consider the manpower requirements involved in different service patterns and choose different team compositions and service contents accordingly; 5. In the process of service innovation testing, different types of tasks are established at different test stages; 6. In the different stages of service innovation testing, services are provided through different communication methods to enhance the organizational learning effect in the testing service process; 7. In the process of testing service innovation, the service provider acts according to the differences in the service content and characteristics (customizing degree and information level) and chooses different methods of communication to improve the effectiveness of organizational learning; 8. In the service innovation testing stage, senior citizen service providers adopt different communication methods to improve the organizational learning effect in the process of testing services for the different characteristics of the senior citizen group (socialization degree and interactivity degree). This study aims to make the following contributions in the academic field: 1. This study discusses specifically the testing of service innovation, which complements the lack of relevant research in the field of service innovation; 2. Focus on the service providers for senior citizens also makes up for deficiencies in the field of services innovation; 3. Use of organizational learning theory as the leverage point supplements the insufficient research on service innovation in the past; 4. This study proposes the concept of organizational learning mechanism as an entry point for senior-citizen service innovation. Based on this study’s results, we propose some practical implications of the organizational learning mechanism in the service innovation testing stage, as well as some follow-up research suggestions. Furthermore, we put forward the four-stage model of service innovation testing and the organizational learning mechanism and provide the influential factors of the organizational learning process as a reference for service providers to innovate test management and improve the learning effectiveness of the testing stage. In the future, the industry will have to invest in or develop services related to the service of the innovative team. This study also provides the family service innovation testing stage of the organizational learning mechanism for the overall framework of space.

現代日本老人住宅產業營運模式之研究 / A study of business model analysis on today's Japanese elderly housing industry

樂野鷹輝, Takaki Rakuno Unknown Date (has links)
日本是世界上屈指可數的長壽國,面對快速老化、少子化與人口減少的國家。日本政府為解決急速高齡化趨勢下所衍生之老人長期照護問題而推動居家照護的政策。 結果日本的老人公寓產業急速成長,但有些企業成功,有些企業失敗。 下列是本研究的目的: 瞭解現代日本老人公寓企業的商業模式如何創造高齡者的價值。 分析產業環境因素如何影響企業的經營。 企業的資源如何建立它的競爭優勢。 / The aging of Japan outweighs all other nations, as the country is purported to have the highest proportion of elderly citizens resulting from increase of life expectancy due to improvements in medicines and nutrition coinciding with rapid population growth after the World War II. The growing share of elderly people coinciding with changes of family structure and function, people’s lifestyle, fertility rate, and economic as well as sociocultural factors have resulted in a sharp decrease of the traditional three generation households in the last few decades. Nation’s rapid declines in mortality and fertility result in increasing public expenditure for public social welfare while decreasing tax revenue paid by working population. As a result, Japanese social welfare system needs to be restructured, and some social welfare programs need to be outsourced to external business entities to correspond to the nation’s super aging society. In the past, Japanese institutional long-term care facilities largely served for either low-income class people or upper-income class people, and majority number of middle-income class elderly citizens had stayed at home and received family’s living supports. However, large number of today’s and future Japanese middle-income class elderly people are required to live on their own as a result of complex sociocultural factors, such as decrease number of family care taker and changing attitude toward taking care of older parents. Besides, elderly abuse problem, forced healthcare treatments, socially abandoned elderly, and fraud and dispute by elderly care service providers have been major social problems in long-term care service business industry. In order to solve the stated problems, Japanese government restructured law and regulation standard for elderly housing business served mainly for middle-income class aged-citizens in 2011. In order to seize a great investment opportunity and public subsidies to operate business, numerous business entities from numerous types of industry have entered into the elderly housing industry. In a short period of time since new system started, some companies gained success, while others faced problems and left the industry. This study analyzes the industry’s problems and characteristics as well as four case companies from the perspectives of business management theory. In this study, industry analysis model is based on Michael Porter’s five forces model, and case companies are analyzed using Alex Osterwalder’s business canvas model as well as Michael Porter’s SWOT analysis. Based on the study, it is found that delivering right values to target customer groups and building key partnerships with local businesses are especially important factors to make company’s business model more effective for today’s Japanese elderly housing business. Unlike institutional care services provided for socially vulnerable groups in the past, the customer groups of elderly housing are middle-income class and have different demands toward residential services. Moreover, threat of new entrants of this industry becomes higher and industry competition is expected to be growing continuously. Besides, developing unique living support services and preventive care services can be major revenue streams of business as well as a strong competitive advantage over others. Therefore, developing services from customer’s perspective and making a long-lasting relationship become more important to operate residential service business for the elderly in today’s changing Japanese elderly customer’s demands and industry environment.

銀髮族的智慧穿戴服務設計 / A Service Design of Smart Wearable Device for Seniors

葉致豪, Yeh, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究專注於研究穿戴科技對於銀髮族遠距照護服務創新的可能性,利用系統思維與設計思維的研究方法來進行服務設計。研究問題設定為”一個罹患慢性病並獨自在家生活的銀髮族,如何自主健康生活,並能讓家人感到安心呢” 。透過顧客驅動價值共創的服務設計模型,確認利害關係人,並實際訪談利害關係人後深入分析使用者潛在問題及需求,以不同視角來找出創新的洞見。依據此洞見來發展可行的方案,並展開成為完整的服務系統,再將此服務系統雛型具體化產出後進行風險分析。最終的研究結果以商業模式草圖來呈現完整的商業模式。 / The aim of this thesis is to study the possibility of the wearable technology and to create a service innovation toward the tele-health for elders. The research method of the service design is based on the design thinking and the system thinking.We set up a hypothetical situation as follows: A solitary elder who has chronic diseases knows to how to manage her/ his life well without making the family worry. Through the service design models from the co-creation of the customer empowerment, we affirm the stakeholder at the beginning and then interview her/ him to get to know more about the needs and some main details. The purpose is to look for the insight into the innovation in different aspects. Based on this insight, we start a feasible plan and develop the integrity of the service design. Next thing we externalize the service design prototype and provide the follow-up risk assessment.As the final result, we use business model canvas to bring out the coherence and the integrity to our business models.

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