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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣資訊電子業自有品牌廠商產品經理機制之研究 / A Study on Product Manager Mechanism of Own Brand Manufacturers of Information and Electronic Industry in Taiwan

錢紫晴, Chien, Tzu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1980年起,政府積極推動資訊電子產業發展,而在發展過程中,最初以OEM、ODM代工為主要的業務型態,藉由低成本、高品質的製造優勢,大量承接國際資訊大廠的外包業務,發展出具有產業影響力的競爭優勢,成為全球資訊產品重要供應商。然而,近年受到全球化、區域經濟整合以及中國與印度等新興國家崛起等因素,台灣的代工業獲利空間面臨嚴重威脅;此外,高科技產品生命週期縮短、全球進入「超競爭」的經營環境,使台灣的代工製造業進入「微利」時代。誠如宏碁集團創辦人施振榮先生提出的「微笑曲線」概念,若能邁向附加價值高的「自有品牌」(OBM),則可擺脫OEM、ODM代工微薄利潤的狀況。 然而,掌握「品牌」不只是技術能力的問題,而是一種感覺的掌握、對生活的理解。在企業中,要將抽象的顧客需求化為實際的產品上市,則需要重要的推手—「產品經理」,從最初的產品構想、協調及管理產品的開發,及產品開發完成後之上市等活動,過程當中皆需要產品經理的投入。 OBM廠商之產品開發流程與OEM/ODM廠商最大之差異在於:OEM/ODM廠商的產品經理主要職責係依據客戶訂單控管產品開發的時程;而OBM廠商在新產品開發過程中,則需自行負責新產品開發前端之概念形成、規格制訂階段,及新產品上市後之行銷推廣階段;其客戶已不再僅限於下訂單的大廠,而必須面對終端的消費者市場,也必須自行承擔產品之成敗。因此,如何將顧客需求(Customer Needs)轉換為產品規格,以開發出成功的新產品,更是產品經理所需面對的課題。此外,新產品開發後,如何建立銷售管道,使產品成功上市,亦是OBM廠商的產品經理所要面臨的挑戰。本研究著重於探討OBM廠商之產品經理在新產品開發的過程中,最初概念形成階段,及新產品開發後之上市階段,產品經理如何發揮其管理功能,以達成每階段的順利運作。本研究經由個案訪談及次級資料的分析結果如下: 一、台灣OBM廠商「產品經理」在新產品概念形成階段,主要扮演規劃者的角色,且「內部」與「外部」為創意之重要來源。 二、台灣OBM廠商「產品經理」在新產品上市階段,從主導的角色轉換為協助的角色。 三、台灣OBM廠商「產品經理」在新產品開發過程中,需要與來自於公司內部及外部之不同對象溝通協調,尤以內部溝通為重;與顧客甚少直接溝通。 四、台灣OBM廠商「產品經理」在新產品開發過程中,主要權力來源為「專家權力」,且並非扮演重要的實際決策角色。

上市(櫃)建設公司財務結構與效率衡量之研究--土地持有與開發觀點檢視 / Listed Real Estate Companys’ Financial Structure and Efficiency Measurement: Aspects of Land Holding and Developing

章定煊 Unknown Date (has links)
建設公司的產業發展,並不可以單純的以經濟活動的一環來看,它也是家與生活場合的提供者。但是,在市場上所見到仍是一案建商的活躍,而績優建商卻相對委屈。問題的根源是,在資本市場大家無法分辨建設公司的好壞,資源無法有效流向好的建設公司,自然在市場上就發生劣幣驅逐良幣的現象。但是,在國內建設公司特有的經營環境,使得建設公司財務報表的功能性大幅受限,進而使其誘導資源的能力也相對降低。本論文之主要目的,即是分析建設公司之經營特性,分析其持有土地、在建工程與待售成屋存貨之經濟意涵與會計處理上之問題。同時,透過四個實證研究,提出建設公司存貨持有對建設公司財務報表影響之相關結論與建議,希望能解決部分目前對建設公司財務報表解讀困境與促進對建設公司之瞭解。本文主要內容,由四個實證研究所構成,分述如下。 第一個實證研究為以國泰建設為例,透過時間序列之共積(cointegration)模型,分析養地型建設公司財務報表之長期結構。研究結果發現,土地、在建工程與待售成屋三種存貨間存在長期穩定關係;此外,土地存貨持有率與毛利率長期間呈現負相關,顯示土地存貨持有,利潤率呈現上有不利的影響。實證結果也發現土地存貨持有率與負債比率,長期間呈現負相關,顯示建設公司將在財務結構較健全時進行土地持有。 第二個實證研究為透過資料包絡法(Data Envelopment Analysis;DEA)建構建設公司之績效指標,並利用Tobit迴歸分析比較績效指標與房地產投資開發變數之關連性。研究結果發現,建設公司有能力購入土地進行策略性等待,可以帶動績效指標上升;待售成屋存貨與在建工程存貨就如同預期,與績效指標呈現負相關。該部分實證結果顯示,分析建設公司之績效時,應考慮其存貨構成項目與其背後策略意涵,分析才會周延。至一般常用財務績效指標方面,結果不是完全無法掌握土地開發變數,就是在待售成屋存貨此項土地開發變數方面,與本文建構績效指標的符號方向相反,顯示有進一步探討空間。 第三個實證研究為透過Malmquist生產力指數,進一步計算績效指標之跨期變動,並以拔靴複製法(bootstrap)進行檢定不同土地持有策略對生產力、效率與技術變動影響為何。實證結果顯示,在房地產景氣之起跌階段,生產力均無顯著變化。在房地產景氣之續跌階段,長期大量持有土地之建設公司效率提升;短期大量持有土地之建設公司,產生技術退步。在房地產景氣之探底階段,建設公司為了在訴求高品質之推案以迴避景氣壓力,所以,全體建設公司均發生技術進步。至房地產景氣上升階段,一般性購屋需求大增,建設公司推案以量取勝,此時全體建設公司均發生技術退步現象,但不影響其生產力。 第四個實證研究,針對建設公司業績具有高度隨機性之特性進行研究。利用三階段DEA可以同時調整環境變數與隨機性之特性,深入探討建設公司之純粹技術效率。實證結果發現在一階段DEA中,低持有土地的效率值較好,但是,在三階段DEA則未達顯著水準。成屋存貨持有率與在建工程成有率在一階段DEA都未達顯著水準。在三階段DEA調整環境因素與隨機性後,結果發現,即使房地產景氣上升,擁有待售成屋存貨與在建工程之建設公司仍是效率不利。 綜合以上的結論,本文認為目前財務報表分析重點往往置於損益表之上,財務報表使用者非常關心當期損益,但是基於建設公司的營運特性與會計原則特性,透過當期損益根本難以掌握建設公司未來動態。所以,觀察重點應該重回資產負債表之上,尤其是房地產相關存貨的結構與土地持有策略。同時也必須留意景氣變化對建設公司造成的影響,並調整隨機性對其財務報表數字之表達。 / Construction companies (developers) play a key role in the housing market. However, one-case companies but good performing companies dominate the real estate market. Homebuyers and investors are not able to tell which companies have good quality from their financial reports. Consequently, capitals can not support good companies. The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyze construction companies’ operation, financial report, and economic senses. This dissertation employs four essays to figure out the relation between financial report and land holding and development and to propose some suggestions for solving some dilemmas about construction companies’ financial analysis. The first essay tries to find out the relation between financial structure ratios and real estate related inventory ones. Empirically, we find that there is strong relation between these ratios in the long run. We also find there is a negative relation between land inventory ratio and gross profit rate. Finally, an option of buy-and-hold strategy for land will be exercised under a healthy financial structure. Under considering risk control, the second essay employs Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to calculate the efficiency of the listed real estate development firms in Taiwan and to discriminate the factors which cause the inefficiency of those. The results show companies which exercise buy-and–hold-land strategy for land have better performance and it can conform to real option theory. The market beats the companies which own buildings or houses for sale as well as constructions in process. By comparing traditional performance indices and DEA indices, the land purchasing decision and the costs for construction in progress go in the same direction. However, the direction of houses for sale and that of land inventory are the opposite. Therefore, the conclusion is that more information is required when we evaluate the performance of real estate companies. The third essay tries to use Malmquist productivity index combine some financial ratios and bootstrapping method to test productivity, efficiency, and technical change of listing real estate companies. At the beginning of a recession, there was no significant productivity change for both companies which hold long-term mass lands(LTML) or short-term ones(STML). For an extension of this period, efficiency improvement and productivity enhancement occur to LTML and technical regress to STML. When the economy hits the bottom, technical progress occurs to both but productivity enhancement occurs only to STML because of huge financial pressures upon LTML. At the period of a recovery, mass-production oriental policy causes technical regress for all companies. Based on the highly stochastic attribute of construction companies operation, the fourth essay applies a three-stage DEA procedure to calculate pure managerial efficiency. We find that the pure managerial efficiency of companies which holding existing houses and construction in progress is at disadvantage. But there is no significant evidence that buy-and-hold-land strategy will lower pure managerial efficiency. From the above four essays, we conclude that financial report analyst should pay more attention to real estate related inventory rather than income statement. We also suggest that more information for land holding, construction in progress, and existing houses should be required.


沈燕柏 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球個人電腦市場競爭愈演愈烈的趨勢下,台灣個人電腦硬體產業在面對多年來所賴以生存的設計代工設計製造已面臨微利化的時代,企業必須以更積極的創新精神,提高技術障礙,研發差異化的產品,引進新技術並及時推出具競爭力的創新性產品才能脫離紅海戰場的價格戰,進而為企業創造更高的營運績效。 本論文屬探索性研究,並採用個案研究法,以選取一家台灣的個人電腦硬體設計製造公司為研究對象。本研究透過人員訪談的方式,針對個案公司的中高階主管(業務、行銷、研發副總及產品規劃經理等),就該個案公司的新產品研發與新產品創新策略作深入之訪談。並藉由文獻中探討所建構的觀念架構與理論基礎來界定本研究的探討範圍,其包括了探討新產品發展策略、組織結構、核心能力、創新概念來源、創新能力及競爭策略等各個構面與產品創新策略之間的關連性。 本個案研究的結論如下所述: 1、企業所擁有的資源越豐富時,其創新的可能性就越高。企業領導者對於創新,若能給予較豐富的資源,則直接提供了創新重要的基礎。因充裕的資源,亦會使得管理階層可以更有能力去追求創新,負擔創新所產生的成本,以及承擔創新可能所帶來的失敗。 2、企業領導人必須建構動態的組織結構。動態的組織結構相對於僵固型組織而言,對創新會較有正面的影響。因動態的組織會對組織成員產生較少的規範,以及會給予較大的授權。因此,往往會表現出較大的彈性與調適性,所以組織內的成員較易創新。 3、企業各個單位之間的互動程度高低,決定了創新的成敗。成員之間的高度互動,有助於打破創新時所需面對的障礙。企業高階管理者應積極建立跨部門之互動平台機制,供組織內成員面臨技術瓶頸時,可更容易且快速獲得集團內的資源協助,以提早將創新的產品推出到市場。 關鍵字:新產品、新產品開發流程、創新、產品創新策略、競爭策略、五力分析、SWOT


魏百延 Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織的研究在社會的變遷中,已被日趨重視,因為非營利組織的功能已經由先前為了個人理念奮鬥,走向政府的代理人,逐漸的代替政府提供服務,彌補其不足,其貢獻十足深遠。現在有關文獻多數以個案的分析為主,也有討論非營利組織的興起、管理面向,但對於在非營利組織中勞動者的勞資關係卻少見著墨,此故,本研究將針對此作深入的探討。 本研究主要目的在瞭解非營利組織的組織文化與勞資關係的影響,並且以有申請行政院勞工委員會多元就業開發方案之臺北市、縣組織為例,比較不同背景的人員以及不同性質的組織對組織文化與勞資關係的認知差異,最後再加以探討組織文化與勞資關係之關係。 本研究以調查研究為主,文獻探討為輔。在調查研究方面,係針對臺北市、縣申請多元就業開發方案之組織人員共計215位進行問卷調查,回收118份,有效問卷117 份,依據調查所得資料以平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關法及交叉列表等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。 本研究的主要發現為: 一、受訪的非營利組織之組織文化及勞資關係的現況,整體而言尚稱良好。 二、不同的人員背景與組織型態不同的非營利組織對組織文化與勞資關係的 認知在身份屬性、就業年資、學歷及組織申請方案類型等具有顯著差異的存在。 三、非營利組織的組織文化與勞資關係具有正相關,表示組織文化的知覺愈高,則勞資關係愈佳。 綜合所有文獻以及研究發現,作者認為為健全受訪的非營利組織能永續運作,形塑好的勞資關係氣氛,應朝兩方面著手:一、建立組織文化,型塑發展文化氣氛;二、暢通勞資互動,發展員工工作技能。


鄭仲興, Cheng, Chung-hsing Unknown Date (has links)
創意商品的開發一般而言不但要兼顧新奇、效率而且還要面對較高的不確定性、較短的開發期。像工業設計,是一種需要不斷產生產品變異的同時,又要維持一定開發速度與產品風格的開發方式。由於創意商品的生產具有不確定性特徵,即投入產出之間的關係不再是簡單的線性關係,而是非常複雜的多元關係。 過去的產品開發研究,大都未考慮到不確定性問題,某些研究雖考慮到不確定性問題,但是卻沒有兼顧新奇問題的探討,更有一些研究強調過去經驗的重要性,但是進一步將過去經驗納入管理機制中的研究也不多見。由於創意商品開發的特性,有別於過去生產線式的產品開發,若以一般的管理型態並無法完全掌握這些特殊性,且在工業設計對企業的重要性和密切關係與日俱增之下,設計活動似乎有必要加以有效的管理。 基於上述原因,本研究主要是以演化觀點為理論基礎,透過演化因素的探討,並藉由創意產生機制(變異)、評價機制(選擇)與共同知識的結構及存量(保留),以說明創意產業中知識或創意的變異、選擇與保留之管理,以及這些因素對於創意商品開發績效的影響。簡單地說,整個創意商品的開發過程,可以視為是一個創意元素受演化因素影響,達到改變其商品效果與開發速度的過程。而組織中經理人的角色便在於藉由操控演化影響因素,有意識地管理創意活動過程,進而提高組織生存與發展的機率。 本研究針對國內設計服務業為研究對象,進行問卷調查研究。從結果中發現,首先,在創意產生機制中的平行專案(水平變異)和團隊交換(垂直變異)的目的,前者是藉由加入複數之個人將創意之池擴大;後者是透過團隊交換的方式增加創意碰撞的機會,以擴大創意之池。而由統計分析可知,兩者在一定程度上都有助於擴大創意之池,進而提高產出符合品質要求的設計成果之機率。 其次,在評價機制部分,藉由設計過程中頻繁地查核及多重評價準則的篩選,有助於符合條件的設計創意加速脫穎而出,但是其彼此間的關係並不是單純的線性關係,而是先升後降的倒U型關係。再者,共同知識的精細化程度越高,越能促進創意產生機制中創意發想的開展,而知識存量越高,越能促進評價機制對於開發速度的正向影響。本研究的貢獻,在於補充了產品開發研究中,缺乏處理模糊前端的問題、對於創新與創造力研究,補足缺乏有效管理機制的問題、對於組織內層次演化觀點之研究,提供了可操作性的量化研究、對於設計產業的創意管理提供了初步的解答。 / Generally speaking the development of the creative products should not only give consideration to the novelty, efficiency and face higher uncertainty, shorter life cycle. Like the industry design, it is one kind of development way, while needing to produce the products and make a variation constantly, and also it is need to keep develop speed and products style. Because the production of the creative products has uncertain characteristics, that relation between the input and output is no longer simple linear relations, but very complicated multiple relations. Products developmental research in the past, not mostly considering the uncertain problem, some studies may consider the uncertain problem, but there is not discussion which gives consideration to the novel request, some studies may puts emphasis on the importance of experience even more, but they seldom put the previous experience into the mechanism of management. Because the development characteristic of the creative products, is different from the product development of the production line type, if with the general management type will be unable to completely keep the particularity, and under the circumstances that the industry design, more and more to the importance of enterprises, it need to manage effectively in design activity. As stated above, this research is mainly to regard the evolutionary view as the theoretical foundation, through the discussion of the evolutionary factors, and the mechanism of creative generation (variation), the mechanism of evaluation (selection), and the structure and stock of common knowledge (retention), in order to explain the creative management of variation, selection and retention in creative industry, and the influence of the performance on the creative products in these factors. To put it shortly, Development process of the creative products, it is a creative element that is influenced by the factor of evolution, and change the outcome of the product effect and developing speed. And the manager's role is to enhance the probability that evolutionary process will generate organizational survival and prosperity. This research carries on the questionnaire and makes investigations to design company as the research object at Taiwan. Find from the result, at first, the purpose of the parallel project (horizontal variation) and the team exchange (vertical variation) in the mechanism of creative management, the former expands the pool of idea by joining the plural individual; The latter offers more opportunities that the idea collides by way of team exchange, in order to expand the pool of idea. And can know by statistical analysis, the two both contribute to expanding the pool of idea, and then improve the probability of design achievement that the output accords with the quality request. Secondly, in the evaluation mechanism, the screening of frequently checking and multiple evaluation criterion in the design process, that promote the suitable creative to appear with higher speed, but its relation between each other is not the simple linear relations, but the inverted-U relation. Moreover, when the categorical degree of common knowledge is higher, can promote the expansion of the idea in the mechanism of creative generation, and knowledge is the higher in stock, can promote the influence of the mechanism of evaluation on developing speed. The Contribution of this research, is supplement to study on new product development, which lack the problem of dealing with fuzzy front, study with creativity and innovation, fill the gap which lacks the effective mechanism of management under study creativity and innovation, to the research that the intra-organization evolutionary perspectives, have offered effective quantity studied, offered the preliminary answer to the creative management in design industries.

Xketch-線稿式原型設計工具於行動應用開發之研究 / Xketch - A Sketch-Based Prototyping Tool for Mobile App Development

徐嘉駿, Hsu, Jia Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
行動應用程式App開發時相當注重於使用者體驗。利用原型進行測試以收集使用者回饋,根據回饋改善原型再進行原型測試,此過程稱之為Iterative Design Process。本研究從前測與訪談中得知設計師偏好使用線稿式的設計手法做出紙面原型,經過數次上述的循環後再轉換成互動式原型;在反覆設計/重構原型與進行使用者測試的過程中,累積了許多的資料需要被記錄與分析,但目前尚未有服務能支援Iterative Design Process中各個階段的需求。 本研究提出了一套能加快設計流程的線稿式原型設計工具「Xketch」。在原型設計階段,設計師可透過繪製筆畫指令的方式生成元件與設定頁面、元件間的互動行為;當原型設計完成後可以直接發佈給受測者。在原型測試階段時,系統會同步記錄受測者的操作過程與think-aloud口述資料。最後,將收集到資料透過時間軸介面重現以協助團隊分析與討論。本研究認為Xketch能有效幫助行動應用程式App的開發過程,加速Iterative Design Process的循環。 第一版Xketch的開發目的著重於原型設計階段,設計師可利用筆畫指令生成對應的元件與互動行為,並透過Storyboard設定與檢視原型的使用流程。受測者認為Xketch整體的操作簡易、容易學習,也相當認同使用線稿圖案作為筆畫指令的概念,並認為Xketch能有效幫助設計師快速製作出互動式原型。最後,本研究將分析受測者操作記錄並搭配訪談回饋總結Xketch的實驗結果與討論,探討未來Xketch在原型設計的改善方向。 / Iterative Design Process plays a great role for developing mobile applications with great user experience. Designers create prototypes to collect user feedback and use those feedbacks to improve designs and prototypes for further iterations and testings. From our initial studies, we found out designers tend to use sketch based paper prototypes as their initial prototyping method. Designers go through rounds of paper prototyping, testing and iterations, before moving on to create digital interactive prototypes. During this process, there are a lot of information needs to be recorded and analyzed for the iteration loop. However, no integrated service yet can streamlined designers’ process of creating prototypes, recording testing sessions, and analyzing results. We developed “Xketch”, a sketch-based mobile application development tool for iterative designs and testings. First, designers can use the sketching interface on Xketch to rapidly prototype UI modules and interactions. Designers then can distribute the prototypes through Xketch to testers. During testing sessions, Xketch’s testing environment will record user behavior data and think aloud audios. At last, the collected data will be presented on Xketch’s timeline interface for feedback analysis. We envision Xketch to streamline and optimize the iterative design process when designers design mobile applications. The first version of Xketch contains major features for the prototyping phase. Designers can use simple sketching gestures to generate corresponding on-screen UI modules, and configure interactions of those components. Moreover, designers can also create and review interaction flows through storyboard settings. From our testing for Xketch, participants indicate that Xkecth is easy to use and learn. They also found the concept of using sketching gestures to generate on-screen UI module intuitive. Overall, participants think that Xketch can help them create prototype rapidly and intuitively. To improve for Xketch, we recorded participants’ usage behavior and accompanied with user interviews to give us a holistic view on the future iterative direction for Xketch.

組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響研究—以中科院為例 / Effects of the organization characteristic and new product development processes on performance of new product development – A study of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology

茹鴻英, Hung-Ying Ju January 1992 (has links)
高科技產業本身所具備的高風險、快速變動、產品生命週期短的特質,促使置身高科技產業中的企業必須具備更快速的因應能力,方能在競爭激烈的環境中生存。 有鑑於研發活動重要性日漸提高,市場上新產品的競爭狀況越演越烈,在台灣不論什麼產業都需不斷致力於發展新產品的活動。而列為國內首屈一指高科技國防武器研發單位的中科院;其新產品的研發績效,是一值得探討的課題。 本研究遂以組織特性及新產品發展過程,探究新產品開發所產生的影響效果,以中科院大型武器系統研發為研究對象;採用個案研究的方式,進行結構性深度訪談。本研究採用組織特性中的組織對創新的鼓勵、主管支持、資源、時間壓力等四個變數;將新產品發展過程分為產品創意、產品概念、產品雛形、最終產品、行銷計畫五個構面;探究對於新產品開發績效包括:「財務績效」、「市場績效」、「機會窗口」等之影響,作為研究架構。 主要研究目的為以下三點: 1. 探討組織特性與新產品發展過程之關係。 2. 探討組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響。 3. 探討中科院的組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響。 研究主要發現為: 1. 新產品發展過程中,不管是組織鼓勵、主管支持或是充裕的資源皆有助於提高員工的創造力;組織鼓勵與主管支持與激勵員工內在的動機有較大的關連,但是充裕的資源對員工創造力的提升可能會帶來最直接的立即效果。 2. 由研究的個案資料中發現,中科院在新產品發展過程中的阻礙有兩項因素:(1)產品生命週期較長,故不需要不斷的創新或發展新的產品;(2)因為有特定市場及需求顧客,所以沒有去注重行銷計畫。 / High-tech industry itself possesses high risks, combined with fast fluctuation, short product life cycles. High-tech enterprises thus have to own the flexibility to deal with such situation and enable to survival in the most competitive environment. In the light of increasingly important Research & Development activities and more competitive new products on the market, industries in Taiwan have all require being committed to activities for developing new products. Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, an eminent institution developing national defensive weapons, deserves to be explored in its performances of new products development. This research explores the effects of organization characteristic and new product development process on the performance of new product development, and takes large-sized weapon system of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology as the research object; the research is carried out in the way of the case study, conducting in-depth interviews in structure. The research uses four variables in the organization characteristic, such as encouragements for creativity, supervisor’s support, resources and time pressure; the new product development process contains five stages, which are product creativity, product concept, product prototype, final product and marketing plan; New product development performances to be explored in their influences include financial performance, market performance, window of opportunity as the framework of the research. The purpose of the research focuses on the following three points: 1. It explores the relations between organization characteristic and new product development process. 2. It explores the effects of the organization characteristic and new product development process to new products, 3. It explores the effects of the organization characteristic and new product development process to new products in Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology Important findings: 1. On the process of developing new products, either organizational encouragements or superiors’ supports or ample resources have been beneficial to the increase of employees’ creativity; organizational encouragements, superiors’ supports and employee stimulation have greater links with employees’ inner motive; however, ample resources may bring direct effect on employees’ creativity. 2. Case study reveals that there are two hindrance factors on the process of developing new products at Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology: (1) the product life cycle is longer, so it required less continuing innovation nor new product developments; (2) it has certain markets and fixed customers, so marketing strategies have not been particularly emphasized. / 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------------------1    第一節 研究背景與動機---------------------------------------------1    第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------3 第三節 研究範圍------------------------------------------------------5 第四節 研究流程------------------------------------------------------5 第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------------------7    第一節 組織特性------------------------------------------------------7 1-1 組織特性與創新之關係-------------------------------9 1-1-1組織鼓勵與創新之關係------------------------------9 1-1-2主管支持與創新之關係-----------------------------11 1-1-3資源與創新之關係-----------------------------------12 1-1-4時間壓力與創新之關係-----------------------------14    第二節 新產品發展過程--------------------------------------------14 2-1 創新的定義---------------------------------------------15 2-2 創新的類型---------------------------------------------16     2-3 新產品之定義與分類---------------------------------20   2-4 新產品發展過程---------------------------------------25 第三節 新產品開發績效--------------------------------------------35 第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------------43    第一節 研究方法-----------------------------------------------------45    第二節 研究架構-----------------------------------------------------46    第三節 研究假設-----------------------------------------------------47    第四節 研究限制-----------------------------------------------------47 第五節 訪談問卷設計-----------------------------------------------47 第四章 個案研究--------------------------------------------------------------50    第一節 研究對象-----------------------------------------------------50    第二節 訪談內容彙整及分析--------------------------------------51 第五章 研究發現與命題-----------------------------------------------------59 第六章 修正研究架構與管理意涵-----------------------------------------62    第一節 修正研究架構-----------------------------------------------62    第二節 管理意涵-----------------------------------------------------62 第七章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------------64 第一節 結論-----------------------------------------------------------64 第二節 研究建議-----------------------------------------------------65 參考文獻--------------------------------------------------------------------------66 附錄一 個案研究及其種類--------------------------------------------------70 第一節 個案研究及其特徵-----------------------------------------70 第二節 個案研究的種類--------------------------------------------70 第二節 個案研究的實施步驟--------------------------------------71 附錄二 訪談問卷--------------------------------------------------------------74 附錄三 問卷訪談之完整內容-----------------------------------------------80 圖 目 錄 圖1-4-1  研究流程圖---------------------------------------------------------5 圖2-1-1  組織創新能力及創新組成理論---------------------------------8 圖2-2-1  創新架構------------------------------------------------------------19 圖2-2-2  實用創新矩陣------------------------------------------------------20 圖2-3-1  新產品的種類------------------------------------------------------21 圖2-4-1  部門階段模式------------------------------------------------------28 圖2-4-2  新產品發展過程---------------------------------------------------31 圖3-2-1  本研究之觀念性架構圖------------------------------------------46 圖6-1-1 修改後觀念性架構圖---------------------------------------------63 表 目 錄 表2-2-1 創新能力的組織影響因素--------------------------------------7 表2-2-2 創新之分類--------------------------------------------------------16 表2-3-1 各學者對新產品發展類型之分類-----------------------------24 表2-3-2 各學者對新產品開發績效衡量的構面與指標--------------41 表3-5-1 訪談問卷表--------------------------------------------------------48 表3-5-2 訪談問卷表--------------------------------------------------------48 表4-1-1 受訪者背景資料表-----------------------------------------------50 表4-2-1 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/1.【支持創新文化】之統計-------------------------------------------------------51 表4-2-2 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/2.【組織獎酬】之統計-------------------------------------------------------------52 表4-2-3 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/3.【承擔風險的意願】之統計----------------------------------------------------52 表4-2-4 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(二)、主管支持/1.【支持的程度】之統計-------------------------------------------------------53 表4-2-5 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(三)、資源/1.【資源充足性】之統計----------------------------------------------------------------54 表4-2-6 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(四)、時間壓力/1.【工作時間】之統計------------------------------------------------------------54 表4-2-7 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(一)、產品創意之統計 ---------------------------------------------------------------------55 表4-2-8 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(二)、產品概念之統計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------55 表4-2-9 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(三)、產品雛型之統計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------56 表4-2-10 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(四)、最終產品之統計 -----------------------------------------------------------------------57 表4-2-11 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(五)、行銷計畫之統計 -----------------------------------------------------------------------57 表4-2-12 訪談問卷參、新產品開發績效之統計----------------------58

創新系統產品之組織環境、開發及與使用者共創-以Eee PC、iPod及iPhone為例 / The Organizational Environment, Development and User Co-Creating of Innovative System-Products-Case Studies of Eee PC, iPod, and iPhone

洪以旼 Unknown Date (has links)
從2007年至今,兩個系統產品華碩的Eee PC及蘋果的iPhone震撼市場,Eee PC更被稱做為破壞式創新。這兩個產品的發展及演化是非常值得研究,本研究欲探討: 1.企業如何打破既有傳統硬體製造商思惟,將硬體、軟體及服務整合為一個系統產品; 2.企業如何與使用者成功的共創軟體。 本研究經過次級資料收集、訪談、個案分析後,研究發現: 1.企業開發創新系統產品時,其創新組織特色為: (1)一個跳脫出主流產品獨立之開發組織(團隊); (2)將團隊獨立在主流外之後,給予跨部門團隊一個利於互動的開放環境; (3)更獲得高層的支持與參與,以助於產品創新。 2.企業在開發創新系統產品過程中: (1)使用者資訊的取得來自於產品開發者,其具有使用者及開發者的雙重身分; (2)先從定義產品才決定功能; (3)必須創造原型才能讓使用者親眼見到、摸到產品,以獲得使用者回饋改善產品。 然而,華碩在Eee PC上對於共創的努力成果不如蘋果豐碩,乃肇因兩個案之使用者社群特性不同,分別為集體協作社群及消費者生產社群。因此企業必須制訂出利於適合使用者社群之回饋模式、必須與開發人員建立良好的溝通並將過程透明。本研究亦發現,若欲成功與使用者共創,企業必須建構出優於既有平台之解決方案,以打破使用者習慣,才能有效共創。 / From the year of 2007 to the present-day, two systematic products, Eee PC of ASUS and iPhone of Apple, appear in the IT market and shock the world as best examples of destructive-innovation. It is thought worthwhile to take advantage of our understanding of the development and evolution of these two products in the past three decades to investigate: 1. How an enterprise is able to break through the old ways of thinking of traditional hardware makers, and able to integrate hardware, software and services into an innovative system-product; 2. How to create a platform for successful user- developer co-creating. The research method of this paper includes literature review, interview, and case analysis. The research results reveal that: 1. In order to develop an innovative system-product, an independent task force comprise staffs of different expertise should be set up outside the mainstream organization of the enterprise; and the independent task force should be given strong support and participation from the top level leadership of the enterprise; 2. In order to create an environment of user-developer co-creating, the function of the innovative system-product should be designed according to the demand of users; and the information of the users’requirement comes from the party of developer in the course of development; 3. In order to obtain feedback from the users for further improvement, a prototype of the innovative system-product should be made for the users to perform a trial run. When Asus unveiled their Eee PC in 2007, they did try very hard to integrate services and software, and to develop software market through user co-creating, just as the way Apple had done it. But the outcome was and is still not as successful as that of Apple. Both Asus and Apple tried user co-creating, but the outcome is different. The difference of outcome stems from the different characteristics of user’s society, i.e. Mass Collaboration Community, and consumers production society. It is therefore that an enterprise should set up a feedback model suitable for user’s society. The research of this paper also reveals that a successful user co-creating should be based upon a platform which is superior to the existing one, and that the habit of users can be modified (changed) in compliance with the new development of the user co-creating environment.

非政府組織與低度開發國家關係之研究-以馬拉威共和國為例 / The Relationship between NGOs and LDCs- the case of the Republic of Malawi

常國祥 Unknown Date (has links)
非政府組織現今全球性議題上,均扮演著重要的角色,其活動範圍亦遍及全球性、區域性及個別國家之中;目前一般學者對非政府組織的研究多偏重於理論探討,暨其在國際建制的角色與功能;既然非政府組織在善心的動念上是為了更平等的世界,因此研究者在本文研究對象上,決定選擇全球發展最不平等的低度開發國家,並且藉由實際走訪馬拉威共和國的經驗與例證,檢視非政府組織與該國的關係。 本論文首先對非政府組織與低度開發國家做個別的一般性說明,並著重於討論低度開發國家形成原因,進而選擇漠南非洲做為低度開發國家的代表區域;嗣在漠南非洲國家的討論之中,聚焦於馬拉威共和國為個案研究的對象,期藉該國近年的穩定發展,排除政治與內戰之干擾,得到較為獨立的結論。本論文在經過系統性的研究後認為,非政府組織在低度開發國家從事服務遞送與災難救援等類型之活動,成效明顯較一般政府組織卓著,機動性亦強,惟可能導致該等國家之依賴心理,妨礙政府正常職能之建立;其次,非政府組織在低度開發國家中,對高階政治議題的參與,仍有根本性的限制;最後,低度開發國家中,跨國性非政府組織與國內非政府組織所獲資源與具備之能力對比太大,權力分配不均,使國內基層組織能量始終無法有效建立,亦難構建成為合理的組織模型,可能阻礙未來效率之提升。 / Although the activities of the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) have spread all over the world, most studies still focus on the theory of NGOs or their roles in the international regime. This paper, meanwhile, has targeted to focus on the relation between NGOs and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), especially for the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. By analyzing the case of the Republic of Malawi, this paper has proved that for LDCs, the NGOs have more efficiency in the mission of rescue or deliver service than that in the local government or International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) because of their flexibility. Even NGOs have reached the achievement that is mentioned above, they still have difficulty involving in LDCs’ politics or decision-making process. Meanwhile, the conclusion also shows that LDCs may lie on NGOs’ support too much to develop their own functions as well.

中國與哈薩克雙邊關係之研究1992-2009 / A study on China and Kazakhstan's relationships 1992-2009

李政昆 Unknown Date (has links)
中華人民共和國為世界主要強權之一,且為現存最大的共產主義國家,而哈薩克斯坦共和國為前蘇聯加盟共和國之中,最大的非斯拉夫民族共和國,1991年底獨立後成為世界第九大國、最大內陸國及中亞地區最大國。中共在哈薩克獨立後隨即與之建交,兩國建交迄今將近20年,兩國非惟在政治、外交、安全層面合作密切,歷年簽署的雙邊條約或行政協議、公報、宣言汗牛充棟,近年在經濟、能源層面的高度互補,也引起各界的關注。 本文透過歷史分析法,追溯當代哈薩克民族國家的起源,回顧近代哈薩克與中國之間的外交演變,包括清朝時期、國民政府時期及中共建政時期,並以此歷史脈絡作為認識哈薩克獨立後中哈雙邊關係之基礎。而在2001年上海合作組織成立後,中哈之間除了既有的雙邊關係,又增加了多邊關係的互動平台,是故本文以2001年上海合作組織成立的時點作為分野,將中哈關係分成前、後二階段探討,並分別就兩國政治、經濟、能源與安全四大議題分別論述評析。最後,鑑於中亞地區在國際地緣戰略上的重要價值,中哈關係的發展始終受到其他強權外部因素的影響,因此特別針對俄羅斯、美國、歐盟國家、印度等對哈薩克亦抱持戰略興趣的國家,深入研析該等國家對哈薩克的外交作為,以暸解對於中哈關係產生的衝擊。 本文發現,中哈之間目前除水資源爭議外並無利益衝突,在以疆界問題為主的高度政治議題解決後,兩國在低度政治議題特別是石油領域,建交至今有長足的進步,符合哈薩克「石油興國」的目標,更成就中國「油源多元化」以打破「麻六甲困境」的能源安全大佈局。因此,中哈關係在目前國際環境條件不變之下,在各自以國家利益為前提下,可望繼續深化友好,促使中國與中亞地區產生更緊密連結。 / The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is nowadays one of the major powers in the world and the largest communist country. Republic of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан Республикасы) is the largest non-Slavic peoples component of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and after its independence, it becomes the 9th largest country in the world and the most important and the largest country in central Asia. The PRC and Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations since January, 1992 soon following Kazakhstan’s declaration of independence on Dec. 16, 1991. The PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are growing closer not merely in high politics such as diplomacy and security issues, but also in low politics such as economy and energy issues. The two countries have signed and reached certain treaties, agreements, bulletins and pronouncements as well. This thesis reviews the origin of Kazakhstanian nation state and the transformation of mutual relations from the Chin Dynasty to the eve of Kazakhstan’s independence on the basis of the historical analytic approach and evaluates the present PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations. Moreover, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was founded in Jun. 15, 2001 and it offered a multilateral channel for the PRC and Kazakhstan to dialogue and negotiate with each other. So this thesis divides the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations into two periods by the crucial year 2001 and therefore compares bilateral political, economical, energy and security (including anti-terrorism) issues before and after 2001. Nevertheless, the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are always under the influence of other major powers such as Russia, the USA, the EU or even India due to the geopolitical value of central Asia, the so-called “heartland” of the “world island” in Mackinder’s theory. As a result, this thesis discusses on the impact by these behaviors upon the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations and its resolutions. Finally, this thesis concludes that the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are getting better with the time except for water resource issue. Their first cooperative item is petroleum mining and transportation. By doing so, Kazakhstan can trade foreign exchange to develop economy, while the PRC can ensure its petroleum import from “Malacca” dilemma and avoid energy hunger. Hence, looking forward to the future of the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations, they will build closer tie than ever under their national interests, and play more important roles both in central Asia and the world politics.

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