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多變量模糊時間數列在財務上的應用 / An Application of Multivariate Fuzzy Time Series on Financial Markets.呂冠宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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快樂購卡社群經營研究:關係管理觀點林家琪 Unknown Date (has links)
具有跨產業消費性能的聯合積點卡,已是未來卡片運用功能的依歸,也是國內各家業者爭相投資的方向,目前國內雖然已經有國泰集團、統一集團、新光集團等大企業爭相宣佈有跨足聯合積點產業的訊息,但因為步伐的不同與評估標準的差異,目前仍處規劃期,由遠東集團投資鼎鼎聯合行銷所領軍的「快樂購聯合積點卡」94年率先以領頭羊之姿,成功的打入台灣消費市場,並以發卡量四百三十萬的驚人數字(2006, 鼎鼎聯合行銷),坐穩聯合積點卡龍頭的位置。
為探討聯合積點卡的優缺點與使用狀況,研究分別使用了深度訪談法與問卷調查法,並以鼎鼎聯合行銷各部門的專案負責人、及擁有快樂購卡片的卡友做研究調查對象,問卷總計發出346份,有效問卷為330份,回收率達97%,資料分析採用Cronbach’s σ 信度分析、描述性分析、相關性分析、及卡友的生活型態因素分析。
研究結果顯示,大部分的卡友對聯合積點卡的整體忠誠度與滿意度是高的,且申辦使用快樂購卡的卡友,並沒有明顯的年齡、教育、職業、收入等分別,卡友對快樂購聯合積點卡,多持正面的回應與肯定,支持卡友持續使用快樂購聯合積點卡的主因為快樂購卡可跨通路消費及紅利累點的服務機制。 / The function of united point-collection is a future trend with cross-industry consuming performance. It is also the direction of investment among enterprises in the whole country. Although the famous enterprises such as Cathay Group, Uni-President Group and SKIS Group have been released the message of united point-collection, it is still in the planning stage due to difference in evaluation standard. DDIM (DingDing Integrated Marketing Service Co.), which is founded by Far Eastern Group, issued “HAPPYGO” card successfully to occupy consuming market in Taiwan during 2005. Now the total amount of cards is about 4.3 million (2006, DDIM), and it is also the number one in this field.
This research focus on the “HAPPYGO” card as the study case, and analysis the status and promotion methods of the united point-collection card in Taiwan through the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) view. The main idea is to analysis the relationships between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction in this sort of card, then make the recommendations to improve the program.
To discovery the usage condition and pros and cons of HAPPYGO card, the research used deep interview and questionnaires as the method, and it includes project managers in DDIM and HAPPYGO cardholders as the interview samples. 346 questionnaires were collected, and 330 questionnaires were valid. The valid response rate is 97%. The data analysis adapted Cronbach’s α reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and cardholder VALS to verify the research.
The result of the research indicates that most of the cardholders are satisfy with the HAPPYGO card loyalty program. For HAPPYGO card applicants, there is no obvious difference in age, education, occupation and salary level. Research found that cardholders have positive responses and attitudes with HAPPYGO card. The main reason for cardholders to use HAPPYGO card continuously is that it provides collecting and accumulating cross-industry point services.
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A股和H股互動關係研究 / On the Comovement of the Chinese A and H Shares安娜琳, Anneleen Van Landeghem Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis gives a brief account on the segmented Chinese stock markets. The indexes of A shares, i.e. shares on the domestic market sold only to domestic investors and the H share index, i.e. foreign shares sold on a foreign stock market, Hong Kong, and sold only to foreigners are compared. With time, the Chinese government is opening up its stock market more and more and allowing more interaction between local and domestic stock markets, but one step at a time. Three major attempts to open up the markets are described and investigated on their effect on the integration of the H share market and the A share market. We checked for the introduction of CEPA, QDII and “through train”.
The tests applied were ADF test, Engle-Granger cointegration test and Granger causality test. We found no cointegration for the entire sample and in none of the subsamples we used. The findings on the causality relations among the different stock markets don’t confirm any of the four causality relations defined before. We don’t see any unidirectional causality and it changes over time. We cannot confirm the global center hypothesis or the home bias hypothesis, but we can also not claim that the markets are completely segmented and show no correlation among prices. There is a correlation and there are causality links but they change every time the government changes its regulations. However, it is not clear what kind of regulations will make the causality change in which direction.
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顧客型態及顧客資本與CRM關係之個案研究侯亞君 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響子公司間競爭合作關係之研究-以美商M公司在台子公司為例羅紹渝 Unknown Date (has links)
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美國與中國南海政策之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of the United States’ and China’s South China Sea Policies高奧達, Adams, Audrey Unknown Date (has links)
This study seeks to analyze the differences in the U.S. and China's policies towards freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. The South China Sea is one of the most important waterways in the world, linking the Middle East and Southeast Asia to the Pacific Ocean. It is of crucial interest to the United States for transit of energy and other resources as well as power projection via the American naval fleet. These waters are of interest to China as well, but for different reasons: the PRC claims an historic right to the area as a part of its territorial waters. The analysis uses declassified American Presidential correspondence and policy memoranda, U. S. Department of State publications, and the Congressional Record, among other first-degree sources, to discuss American policy; Chinese policy is explored through domestic law, official statements, government maps, and official news sources. After examining the relevant international law framework, history of the issues, and the work of other academics on the subject, this paper presents each side's individual policy towards freedom of navigation, the South China Sea, and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Finally, the two policies are contrasted and recommendations are made for how conflict might be minimized. / This study seeks to analyze the differences in the U.S. and China's policies towards freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. The South China Sea is one of the most important waterways in the world, linking the Middle East and Southeast Asia to the Pacific Ocean. It is of crucial interest to the United States for transit of energy and other resources as well as power projection via the American naval fleet. These waters are of interest to China as well, but for different reasons: the PRC claims an historic right to the area as a part of its territorial waters. The analysis uses declassified American Presidential correspondence and policy memoranda, U. S. Department of State publications, and the Congressional Record, among other first-degree sources, to discuss American policy; Chinese policy is explored through domestic law, official statements, government maps, and official news sources. After examining the relevant international law framework, history of the issues, and the work of other academics on the subject, this paper presents each side's individual policy towards freedom of navigation, the South China Sea, and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Finally, the two policies are contrasted and recommendations are made for how conflict might be minimized.
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企業價值會因跨國掛牌而增加嗎-以大陸企業赴美發行ADR作探討陳毓云 Unknown Date (has links)
自1993年七月,大陸第一家企業『上海石化』赴紐約證券交易所(New York Stock Exchange, NYSE)掛牌並發行美國存託憑證(American Depositary Receipt, ADR)之後,許多大陸企業先後至美國各證券市場進行掛牌上市。然而,發行美國存託憑證的行為將如何影響到企業價值的變化,是各方研究所希望深入探討的議題,故在本研究中,以Tobin's q作為觀察指標,探究大陸企業赴海外掛牌與Tobin's q之間的關係,並且將其與大陸國內未赴海外掛牌之公司進行比較,從而檢驗跨國掛牌對公司產生之效益。實驗結果顯示,比起僅在大陸國內市場掛牌的企業,發行美國存託憑證的企業確實存在赴海外上市的溢酬。並且,本研究藉由不同的存託憑證發行種類特性的角度,探討企業在不同的掛牌情形下對Tobin's q影響的程度,結果顯示出在發行美國存託憑證與Tobin's q的關係中,資訊揭露程度越高的高等級存託憑證,如公司參與型第三類存託憑證(Level-3),對於Tobin's q將呈現較高的正面影響。此外,本研究也藉由迴歸設計,探討沙賓法案對於赴美國發行存託憑證第二類及第三類的公司與Tobin's q之間的關係是否會產生變化,以及企業赴美發行存託憑證與Tobin's q之間的因果關係。結果顯示沙賓法案的頒布對於赴美國發行公司參與型第二類及第三類存託憑證的大陸企業具有顯著的影響;然而,企業發行美國存託憑證並不受到Tobin's q高低的影響。
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中國大陸企業併購與勞動合同適用之研究田慧敏, Tien, Huei Min Unknown Date (has links)
誠如馬克思(Karl Marx) 所言,人力磨坊造就了封建地主社會,蒸汽工廠造就了工業資本家的社會 。在歷史的演變中,我們可以很清楚發現,當經濟產生本質上之改變時,每每造成社會結構劇烈地改變。從資本主義經濟之發展觀察,特別是從由原始資本累積至自由競爭階段,再由自由競爭進入壟斷階段,企業併購始終伴隨著資本主義經濟發展,也深深影響著社會結構之變動。觀諸企業併購原屬市場經濟成熟,及資本市場發達國家或地區之產物,以社會主義公有制為其政經本質之中國,應與市場經濟之屬性杆格不入;但在西元二00一年以後,全球併購市場發生板塊遷移之重大變化,傳統上居於併購重鎮之美國及歐洲均呈現大幅萎縮現象,而日本除外的亞洲則成為新興的市場,其中以號稱「世界工廠」亦儼然成為「世界市場」之中國大陸,以後來居上之勢,持續受到矚目。
本文研究發現,中國大陸企業併購對勞動契約產生之影響,在二00八年一月一日《勞動合同法》實施前後,展現不同樣貌。在該法實施前,企業併購過程中勞動關係之處置,從理論到實踐、從政策依據到操作方法,存在著許多亟待解決之問題。該等問題在《勞動合同法》公佈施行後,是否戛然而止;除有待觀察外,透過本論文之探討,或可預見端倪。 / History clearly tells us that a change in the nature of an economy always brings significant changes to the social structure. When we study the development of capitalism, especially from the stages of ancient accumulation of capital, to free competition and monopoly, corporate mergers have always gone hand in hand with the development of capitalism, and have always contributed a material effect on the change of social structure. Corporate mergers are the products of a mature market economy and developed capitalist countries or regions. With a socialist common ownership economic and political base, China should not have anything with the characteristics of a market economy. However, the global merger market developed a huge change in the landscape after 2001, when we started to see a large decrease in the original major merger regions, US and Europe. Asia, except Japan, has become the newly emerged market. The “world's factory", China, has turned into the “world’s market” and fast advanced to lead the crowd, capturing the focus of attention since then.
Corporate mergers are a very interesting legal topic because of their multiple forms and multiple links to different legal aspects as mergers are related to the complicated rights and obligations among corporations. One of the aspects, “Labour Protection in Corporate Merger”, is the observation window for the Labour Law in globalization. In the past, the world was divided by means of politics and jurisdiction, with clear boarders and independent countries. These are now increasingly penetrated by the force of globalization. The once closed resources allocation scopes of operating organizations and legal entities have started to open up, which leads to the change of labour relationships. It can be seen from comparing and analyzing the laws of different countries that the effect of corporate mergers on labour contracts is related to the balanced consideration of the economic development policy and labour rights. This balance consideration results in the labour law of the individual country. Different labour regulations of different countries have different effects on labour contracts in corporate mergers. As mentioned above, China is especially worth studying because of its special economic and political systems.
This study found that there were different effects on labour contracts from corporate mergers in Mainland China before and after the implementation of "Labour Contract Law" on 1st January, 2008. Before the Law was implemented, there were a lot of unsolved issues on labour relationships in a corporate merger, from theoretical to practical levels and from the policy basis to actual operation. It is true that we have yet to wait and see whether the launching and implementation of the “Labour Contract Law” will be able to solve the problems, but we might still be able to get some clues through the discussion of this study.
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證券承銷商之網絡關係與承銷績效之關聯性劉怡媛 Unknown Date (has links)
總結來說,本論文對於股權發行市場承銷網絡中未為文獻所提及之發行公司與協辦承銷商二者之間的連結關係提供了實證文獻上的補充以及實務上的建議。與西方文獻比較起來,在開發中國家之發行市場中,決策所需資訊之正式來源較少,必須高度依賴人際互動,各大小協辦承銷商均可能為重要資訊來源,發行公司因此不透過主辦承銷商的關係代理,而必須與眾多之協辦承銷商產生直接連結;而各協辦承銷商亦得以藉由與承銷網絡外的關係、利用自身集團的資源或逐漸培養主辦的能力等爭取較多連結,提高在網絡中的結構地位,進而提高其承銷績效。 / Securities underwriting syndicate is one of the most common forms of ties among the investment banks. Being different from the long-term nature of the formal alliances such as strategic alliances, each syndicate is organized only for a single offering. But its brief lifespan must be sustained by the stable informal relationships among underwriters. The relationship-intensive nature of the investment banking industry has therefore drawn attentions to researches from the viewpoint of social network in recent years. The focus has been the large-scale investment banks acing as lead managers and their tie strategies with syndicate members. Capital markets in emerging markets such as Taiwan are not as sophisticated as those of developed countries. There must exist some uniqueness in the ties among underwriters when forming syndicates. How and why do they differ from the findings of current empirical studies?
This study takes views of so-called the core underwriting network –lead underwriters, issuing firms and syndicate underwriters—respectively to examine the effect of the tie strategies proposed by prior literature on lead underwriters’ performances in local market, to explore the uniqueness and the role of syndicate underwriters in syndicate formation, and finally to evaluate the effects of those findings on underwriting performances of syndicate underwriters, which have been considered to be peripheral actors in industry network.
We conducted three studies to explore these issues. Using longitudinal industry data, the first study takes the rationale provided by the results from past research to empirically examine the influence of lead underwriters’ tie strength with syndicate partners on their underwriting performances. The study finds that the tie strength neither positively nor negatively associated with lead underwriters’ performances, showing that the tie strategies suggested by the empirical results from the sophisticated capital markets do not apply to the local market.
Using a case study approach, the second study continues to explore how syndicate formation in local market differs from that of the western world. The study finds that the mediating role of lead managers in local market appears to be not as significant as that of lead managers in sophisticated markets if we view lead managers as the agents between issuing firms and syndicate underwriters. In most cases, the issuing firms are the decision makers of the syndicates instead of the lead managers. That is, the connections between issuing firms and co-lead underwriters, which have never been found in current literature, do exist in local market. The underwriters speak directly to the issuing firms for the syndicates. And the more resources, capabilities and social capital they have, the more central positions in the industry they occupy and so the more exchange relationships they can access. Furthermore, underwriters tend to connect with as many issuing firms as possible for few of their offerings instead of continuously transacting with a small group of issuing firm partners for most of their offerings. But how the central position and relationship expansion strategy affect their underwriting performances?
Following the findings from the second study, the third study develops arguments that underwriters occupy more central positions in the industry network will have better underwriting performances. They also pursue an expansion strategy instead of a strengthening strategy in building up interorganizational linkages. That is, weak ties will mediate the positive effects of centrality of syndicate members on the performances. Using longitudinal industry data, the study empirically tests these hypotheses and the results support our arguments that underwriters’ central positions in the network are –directly or through the mechanism of relationship expansion strategy—positively associated with their performances.
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二○○○年後我國海巡政策與作為之研究:以兩岸關係面向分析沈子睿 Unknown Date (has links)
海岸巡防署面對上述種種問題,因應未來日趨複雜且多元化的任務導向,除積極評估、規劃各類海巡艦艇的整體需求,朝向船型種類精簡化、船舶噸位大型化與船舶功能多元化的方向,籌建新一代的海巡艦艇外,在維護國家整體海洋權益的角色上,應不再侷限於維護治安及國家安全,面對全球環境變遷,漁民權益保護,海上救生救難,海洋資源開發與環境保護,及國人對海洋的親近,海岸巡防署應以新的思維,除應強化各項海巡編裝外,更應利用現階段兩岸和平共處時機,主動積極與大陸協商,簽訂相關共同維護海域治安、開發海洋資源協議,建立兩岸海洋事務互信機制。 / On Mar. 18th, 2000, the people of Taiwan selected Chen Shui-bian of Democratic Progressive Party, who won the most votes among the several presidential candidates, to be the new President of Taiwan. Also, the election ended the long ruling power of Kuomintang (KMT) since 1949. This is a fateful moment in the progress of Taiwan democracy. On the date, the citizens of Republic of China used their vote to push the shift of political power. This is a milestone of party alternation in power. DPP won the presidential election and became the governing party, while Kuomintang (KMT) lost the battle and was downgraded to an opposition party.
From 2000 to 2008, the communication and political activities between Taiwan Government and China Government almost were stopped and deferred because their opposing political opinions cause the conflicting and suspicious relationship. In 2008, again, DPP shifted their political power to KMT. Ma Ying-jeou won his presidency to be the 12th President of Taiwan. He handles the relationship between Taiwan and China with the principles—“deferral of conflicts,” “putting Taiwan first for the benefit of the people,” “No unification, No independence, and No military confrontation,” and “Maintain the Status Quo”—and is struggling for improving the relationship between Taiwan and China, maintaining the peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, creating a circumstance for the region’s prosperity. The eight years’ improvement and reformation have turned KMT into a new and vigorous party. These can be seen from its policies on China relationship and communication with China. They have recovered their regular meetings and contracted several urgent and vital agreements about Taiwan’s and China’s business interests. The new government is leading Taiwan to go through and recover from the world financial crisis, meanwhile, displaying the spirit of Taiwan in the world.
President Ma emphasized during the presidential election that the ocean in the 21st century is an opportunity but a responsibility, is a cause of risk but a new business resource. He insists that Taiwan should develop the “Ocean strategy” and change business central from the island to the sea. We should recognize the thought “The sovereignty of the sea is the key to get fishing right” and perform powerfully our sovereignty and fishing right in the south sea and east sea which belong to Taiwan. After his inauguration, President Ma advocated “Blue Revolution, Prosperity with Ocean”. The policy emphasize to establish the authority for marine affair, improve marine cognition, strengthen marine technologies and researches, use marine resources friendly and run marine business sustainably.
In Jan. 2000, the national coastal low enforcement organization—the Coast guard Administration integrated the personnel from Maritime Police Bureau of National Police Agency of the Ministry of the Interior, the Coastal Guard Command of the Ministry of National Defense, and the Directorate General of Customs of the Ministry of Finance. The Administration contains four respective categories of public servants as the military, police, customs, and regular civil services. All equipment from those organizations before integration is combined into the Administration. Their original duties are not changed after integration. After nine years running of the Administration since that, there are lots of internal sections needed to improvement and upgrade, such as personnel section, equipment, task performance, and international tendency. In resent years, the people of Taiwan are more and more concerned about recreation activities, and water activity is one of most popular. This trend flourishes many ocean amusement businesses and attracts many people in the coastal areas.
To deal with the mentioned problems and increasing complex and diverse tasks, the Administration is attempting to estimate and consider the needs of all kinds of coastal guard vessels. The reduction of vessel amount and types is inevitable. The future coastal guard vessel should satisfy huge tonnage and multiple functions. Otherwise, the administration should take more responsibilities than its original role of protecting the order and security of Taiwan and its marine sovereignty. It should build new strategies and strengthen its accoutrements to cope with global environment change, protect our fishing right, perform marine rescues, develop and maintain marine resources, and maintain a safe environment for water amusements. Meanwhile, the Administration should take the time push communication with China and contract agreement and treaties to protect together the peace and order in the Taiwan Strait, develop marine resources, and establish a Confidence-building Mechanism in the marine field.
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