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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

改革開放後中共黨軍關係的發展模式-從軍事專業主義的觀點出發(1978-1998) / The Relationship of Party-Army After Reform in China From Military Professionalism Standpoint(1978-1998)

陳彥樺 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣保險業資產風險動態相關係數之探討 / The study on the dynamic correlation coefficients among the assets held by the insurance companies in Taiwan

劉佳卿 Unknown Date (has links)
過去針對動態相關係數的模擬多是固定條件相關(Constant Conditional Correlation; CCC)模型或動態條件相關(Dynamic Conditional Correlation; DCC)模型,且大多只針對權益風險相關係數。 本研究參照台灣RBC之C1風險與EIOPA (2014)對Solvency II的規範「The underlying assumptions in the standard formula for the Solvency Capital Requirement calculation」,針對市場風險:權益風險、利率風險、外匯風險,探討各類別間的相關係數是否顯著具動態性質。首先以Orthogonal-GARCH(O-GARCH)模型,對各個風險因子配適單變量的時間序列模型,此方法除了可縮減資料維度,也可改善多變量時間模型估計較不精準的問題。最後,以蒙地卡羅模擬出的動態相關係數情境,與原始非條件相關係數做比較。結果顯示許多相關係數顯著為動態序列,因此推斷保險公司的市場風險衡量,採用動態相關係數較為準確,更能符合保險監理本質。

人際關係與國際邦誼:臺灣與新加坡互動的常與變 / Interpersonal relations and international relations : the interaction between Taiwan and Singapore

牛嗣捷, Niu, Szu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
人際關係或個人之間的互動過程,長期以來是國際關係裡較少關注的面向或被預設為相同的假設而忽略的部分,但在受到中華文化影響並以華人為人口主體的兩岸三地乃至新加坡,關係與人際情誼有重要的影響力。本研究認為「人際關係與情誼」在國家之間的雙邊關係上扮演了一定的角色,為了進一步分析人際關係與情誼在雙邊關係的作用與效果,本研究擬將人際關係與國際關係進行連結化分析,並且試圖建立「人際關係與國際邦誼路徑圖」以作為研究途徑,討論人際關係如何建立、強化,乃至深化國際邦誼,又當人際關係產生分歧、惡化時如何讓雙邊關係倒退,並結合華人的背景與文化,進行案例的研究與討論。 本研究分為三部分:第一部份在建立人際關係與國際邦誼路徑圖,旨在完整地描繪人際發展的起承轉合,以作為第二部分案例研究時的架構及依據;第二部份以第一部份所建立的人際關係與國際邦誼路徑圖為基礎,將臺星關係的發展依時序按照臺灣領導人的更迭分為四組進行案例研究;最後一部分在比較四組案例人際關係的互動差異,並為臺灣未來在對外政策提供建議。 過去因為臺灣與新加坡的特殊關係,不僅讓臺灣在對外關係上有所突破,新加坡更在促進兩岸關係的和平發展上,扮演了至關重要的角色,從1993年的辜汪會談到2015年的馬習會均選擇在新加坡,從李光耀到李顯龍,這對父子成為緊張兩岸關係裡唯一受雙方信任的第三國。 人際情誼是臺灣在對外關係,尤其在對東南亞關係上扮演至關重要的角色。對於外交處境艱難的臺灣而言,找到自身在區域中,尤其是受到華人文化影響的次區域裡無可取代的角色,尤其關鍵。 / Inter-personal relations and its process have been greatly overlooked and oversimplified in analysis of international relations, besides its impacts on daily international life. In the Chinese civilization, inter-personal relations are essential regarding social process. Besides, Inter-personal relations are playing crucial rule in those states, including R.O.C. (Taiwan), P.R.C. and Singapore have strongly affect by the Chinese civilization and culture. In order to analyze the relations between Inter-personal relations and international relations, my thesis is trying to establish a roadmap of inter-personal relations and international relations that can improve our understanding how inter-personal relations affect international relations on the basis of Chinese culture. The thesis will divided into three parts. The first part is the building of roadmap of inter-personal relations and international relations. The second part use the roadmap of inter-personal relations and international relations to analyze the following chapter of case studies that examining the interpersonal relations between state leaders of Taiwan and Singapore. The last part is the conclusion of the thesis and the suggestions for policy makers in Taiwan.

"西蜀方言" 的親屬稱謂語研究 =A Study on the Kinship terms in Western Mandarin / Study on the kinship terms in Western Mandarin

方雅琴 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

性別語言分析 : 張愛玲《半生緣》的男女對話

雷嘉瑩, 01 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

電傳勞動關係之研究 / A Study on Telework

伍岳, Sam Wu Unknown Date (has links)
所謂電傳勞動(telework),是指勞動者位在自身勞務成果受領人只要營業場所之工作站,藉電腦資訊技術及電子通訊設備為勞務給付活動之特殊勞動型態。其構想與實踐發端於1970年代,也引起不同學科領域研究者及實務界的重視與討論。曾有相當多樂觀的論者認為,電傳勞動可提供工業革命以降人員、物資集中化所導致眾多社會問題之解決契機,並預言在二十世紀結束之前,隨資訊科技日新月異、環保意識抬頭及勞動人口工作觀念變遷,電傳勞動必將成為工業先進國家居民主流的工作方式。儘管歷經三十餘年的發展、演進,電傳勞動雖未如早先預期般迅速擴張,但從其溫和、緩慢成長之趨勢看來,電傳勞動在未來仍有不可忽視的發展潛力。 自勞動關係(employment relations)的角度出發,由於電傳勞動在技術使用、職場空間與組織關係的特殊性格,讓傳統針對工廠及辦公室作業體制之社會規範系統遭遇全面性的挑戰。隨著有償性工作透過電腦網路向家庭、社區,乃至於任何可架設資訊設備之地點分散,包含勞動條件基準、勞工安全衛生等以事業單位為規範對象之法令即難以藉由行政檢查落實;新型態的作業流程與組織模式也限制了勞動者面對面接觸的機會,削弱工會與集體協商系統及其他廠場勞資共同決定制度運作之基礎。 此外,在雇主引入各式電傳工作設計以樽節經營成本、刺激生產效率、員工創意與組織靈活性之同時,與勞務彈性化密切相關的剝削,輻射能所促發的職業疾病,傳統職場人際關係解構所導致的工作不適應症、社會孤立感受,以及勞動者團結、交涉權力定位困難等問題,亦紛紛披戴著資訊社會副產品的外衣,悄悄登場於今日的工業社區舞台。如何對現象做不同層次的分析,掌握問題之本質,進而就所獲知識對新工業生活規則輸出方向及方式提出實質建議,使勞動者權益不致因技術條件變動而遭受損害,則是急待研究者關切之議題。 本研究採用Strauss and Corbins(1990)所建議之文獻分析技術,嘗試於整理1976至2000年間,包括:勞資關係、勞動法學、資訊管理、人力資源管理、交通運輸學、未來學、女性研究等學門針對電傳勞動關係研究所累積專論之過程中找尋問題範疇,再以個別、集體勞動關係作為論述主軸加以發展、呈現。全文計分六章一十四節,於第一章中詳述研究動機、方法及章節架構;研究主題之定義及概念則在第二章加以掌握,之後合併地三章對電傳勞動之技術基礎與社會意涵之討論提供為文繼續深入探討之一班性脈絡。第四、五章屬本研究之重心,分析電傳勞動對既有工業社區規範造成之衝擊與當事人回應對策;第六章歸納前術章節所有範疇形成結論,並對政府、雇主及工會組織提出具體之建議。


黃俐文 Unknown Date (has links)
由於產業結構的改變,科技的發達,加上勞動法令的增加以及勞動者對於福利的要求提高,企業為求競爭力的提昇,無不設法增加企業的組織彈性。企業為了降低勞動成本、提高人力使用的彈性與效率,各種非典型僱用型態紛紛出現,其中派遣勞動即是一種不同於傳統上僱用與使用分離的僱用態。儘管國際勞動組織與國際間允許勞動派遣業的存在,並且也認同勞動派遣不僅僅是有助於勞動力市場的活絡,亦給予原本不易整合於勞動市場的青少年勞工、少數民族、女性勞工及中高齡勞工能夠迅速獲得僱用的機會。但派遣勞動關係下,基於規範勞雇兩造間之勞動契約的勞動法制因而產生一些適用上的困難。 為瞭解勞動派遣的出現對於目前幾個重要的勞動議題上如:勞動條件、勞工安全衛生、老年生活保障等議題所造成的衝擊;以及在集體勞資關係上勞動者團結權、協商權與爭議權之行使因派遣勞動關係之特殊性而受之影響為何;以及勞動派遣與就業安全制度之關聯。本文由文獻分析法與個案訪談法,探討勞動派遣業對勞資關係各主體與其相互間互動的影響,並嘗試對未來我國政府制定相關法制方向提出建議。 本文共分為五章:第一章說明筆者研究之動機、目的與研究方法,以及勞動派遣之現況;第二章則探討勞動派遣為主軸之相關概念;第三章則針對德國、日本及美國的勞動派遣制度與以介紹與分析;第四章則之討論勞動派遣業在我國發展以及對於勞資關係、勞動市場所產生的重要影響;第五章則就本文之研究加以總結並對未來我國制定勞動派遣法提出筆者個人的建議。 根據筆者研究的結果發現:一、在派遣勞工的勞動條件上,可能會發生以下結果:1.勞動條件不穩定、2.中間剝削問題、3.工資保護制度不易落實。 二、受派勞工之工作權益可能受到派遣公司與要派公司間派遣契約的影響,因此對於受派勞工在工作權保障方面可能產生的影響如下:1.解雇的發動受到使用人意識左右、2.以自願辭職代替資遣、3暫時性業務縮減為派遣業之常態、4.對於違反解雇保護規定之責任不明、5.特定對象之解雇保護不易達成、6.調動容易。 三、由於派遣勞動關係涉及兩地三方間權利與義務。目前我國尚未訂有勞動派遣法,而難以藉由課雇主公法責任或處罰雇主達到保護勞動者之目的。 四、在社會保障方面,且由於派遣勞工轉換雇主的頻率較高,其很可能必須透過職業工會或區公所加保,以免投保年資難以累積並確保自己的權益。 其影響最者,應為受派勞工老年生活保障的問題,在目前台灣對於勞工老年生活保障制度的設計上,受派勞工因為僱用關係不穩定且社會保險的投保率偏低,而難以納入社會保障網絡之中。 另外在勞動者集體力量之形成與展現上可能有下列問題的存在:1.缺乏團結基礎、欠缺勞動意識、2.協商不易、亦遭使用人拒絕協商而與雇用人協商實益較小、3.單獨以派遣員工為成員之工會難以利用爭議行為給予資方壓力。因此派遣勞工難以透過與雇主或要派事業單位集體協商,達到提昇受派勞工經濟地位與勞動條件及福祉之目的。 目前,我國為順應勞動市場發展的實況有意訂定勞動派遣法,筆者以為應將派遣勞工與正規勞工之就業權益一併作考量,未來研修勞動派遣法制之時,宜將就業服務法一併檢討,以確保勞動市場法制的一致性。一方面國家應給予企業經營管理之彈性,另一方面亦應避免受派勞工陷於就業不安定及缺乏社會保障之困境。 / Among all atypical employment relations, temporary work best remarks the management strategy output in the context of technologies, economic and business environment change. To employers and corporations, the introduction of temporary workforce could promote total flexibility of human resources then gaining the effect that reducing labor cost as well as increasing firm competition ability at the same time. To over-all labor market, a mold of using departs from employing“ could stimulate operative alacrity and giving new hiring opportunities to marginal groups, such as unskilled young workers, women, members of national minority and elders. However, facing a temporary labor-using relation, traditional contractual and collective regime between workers, employers and their representative agencies are now encountering a variety of applicable problems. For the purpose of offering Taiwan's labor relations authority with concrete and conceivable suggestions through better understanding of the social impacts brought about by the expending trend of temporary work. This research, using the methods of literature review and in-depth interview with local cases, focus on several crucial issues, including legal protection of labor conditions, occupational health and safety, rights of retired workers, as well as three basic collective labor rights. Findings indicate that, first, in the category of individual labor relations, unstable term and conditions of the temporary working contracts, middleman-exploits and wage-protecting law fail to be practical have caused serious problems to temporary workers’employment rights. Furthermore, using undertakings tend to view temporary working plans as an easy way to freely discharge and outsourcing normalcy, threatening the employee status and welfare of local temporary workers. In a present situation without relative legislation, government can neither force the temporary workforce agents and users taking their responsibilities as employers. As a result of it, temporary work- a special labor contractual relation which involves two business units and three actors, turning a escaping tunnel for employers to avoid labor cost from legal obligations of redundant payment system and management limits from employee job-transfer protective rules. Second, in the category of social security, since local temporary workers transfer among different hiring undertakings very frequently, they must choose craft unions or district offices as labor insurance enrolling units otherwise, there would be no guarantee for their social insurance yearly accumulation and rights. Unfortunately, their dim elder life prospects could probably be reflected on structural designing failures of Taiwan social security network. Unstable employment status, low social insurance competing rate drawing the miserable picture in which, retreat-from-labor-market temporary worker facing personal survival struggle all alone. Finally, at the level of collective labor relations, some key issues could turn into question in the near future. Lack of solidify and class consciousness erodes the possibility for local temporary workers unionizing or, their potential counterparts could refuse the negotiation requirements easily under existing collective bargaining system. Moreover, unionism bases on its membership of solely temporary workers can hardly generating negotiation pressure toward management. Therefore, under the rigid industrial relations system as Taiwan‘s, temporary workers covered by fair collective agreements, enjoy decent labor conditions are seedy beyond one can expect. For the aim of catering labor market development trends, positive legislative preparations relevant to temporary work has became one of the prior policies of CLA. As the conclusion suggested, to give the holistic consideration of a new legal accordance, which can balance temporary and ordinary employees’ working rights, would be the main reformative point.


王詩慧 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


林宗佑 Unknown Date (has links)
VaR和RBC的差別主要在於風險相關性的結構,RBC以人為的方式設定風險之間為完全相關或完全無關,而VaR則經由歷史資料估計得到相關性的結構,當然也可能因估計的誤差而造成錯誤。 本篇文章的目的為探討相關係數矩陣對於資本需求的設定是否會造成影響,我們將利用產物保險業的資料來作模擬分析,並觀察資本需求制度因為相關性結構的設定是否會影響其效率及有效性。 我們將建立一個模擬中的世界,在這個世界中,產險公司將面臨股票投資風險、利率風險和核保風險等三種風險並根據1999年底美國產險公司的平均值來設定一個起始的保險公司的財務分配狀況,經過模擬後,利用兩種比較標準來比較類似RBC和類似VaR的資本需求,第一種標準為在監理上要求某種程度的型一誤差下所造成的型二誤差,第二種為資本需求的有效性,是否能在面臨相同的破產風險下,要求較低的資本。 我們的結果可以看到因資料點的增加,使得估計誤差減少,但VaR卻未因此而此RBC來得好,經過對股票的市場價值、債券的市場價值和負債三個部位作簡單的分析發現VaR和RBC兩者問的關係約為一個近似於1的比例,而此比例會因假設的相關係數矩陣而改變。因此,當監理機關在選擇監理的制度時,是否估計相關係數矩陣並不會有太大的影響,因為對於相關性作不同假設約兩種制度之間為一個近似於1的比例。 / The major difference between risk-based capital (RBC) and value at risk (VaR) is the specification of the correlation structure among risks. RBC subjectively specifies that risks of insurers are either independent of each other or perfectly and positively correlated. Although VaR attempts to capture the underlying correlation structure through estimation of historical data, it is subject to estimation errors. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the mis-specification or mis-estimation of correlation structure affects the effectiveness of capital requirements in the property-casualty insurance industry. We first construct a representative insurer in a simulated world with stock market risk, interest rate risk, and underwriting risk. RBC-type and VaR-type of capital requirements are then calculated as the financial status of the insurer evolves. All parameters in the simulation are based on historical data to approximate the real world. We then examine the effectiveness of these two capital requirements in terms of their early warning capabilities and the levels of capital needed for various solvency rates. Our results show that the correlation estimation when using annual data has too big errors to bejustified. The capital requirement incorporating estimated correlation matrix was dominated by the one lacking correlation estimation. RBC-type requirement has lower chances to signal false alarms given the desired early warning capabilities and demands less capital for the same solvent probabilities. Insurance regulators therefore should not embrace correlation estimation into capital requirements before they could have insurance companies reported data more frequently.


高隆樺, Kao, Lung-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
隨著市場競爭日益激烈,企業開始從「以產品為導向」轉為「以顧客為導向」,因為以產品為導向、大眾行銷的做法,已無法面對一個能提供多樣選擇的市場。而顧客關係管理(CRM,Customer Relationship Management)被認為能更有效地幫助行銷者,達成各項行銷活動,因此,成為企業當前關注之管理範疇。 本研究將探討影響企業在顧客關係管理應用之因素,由文獻中歸納出影響企業採用新科技之因素,建構一影響企業在顧客關係管理應用之整合模式,比較不同特性的企業,其應用的情形與成效是否有所不同。本研究採取問卷調查的方式,根據天下雜誌2000大企業(民89年),從製造業、服務業及金融業抽出共800家企業為本研究之樣本,有效樣本的回收率達16.25%。 經過資料分析步驟,本研究發現最高主管態度與企業的規模,是影響企業採用顧客關係管理最重要的因素。根據調查的情形將顧客關係管理的應用類別分為「交易流程類別」、「顧客服務類別」、「資料分析類別」、「行銷活動類別」等四類。並將有實行顧客關係管理的企業分為「全方位」、「基本面」與「低層次」三個應用群,這三個應用類別具有差異的企業,對認知成效的感受並無顯著的不同,可能是因為採用的時間都不長且應用的廣度與深度未能普遍達到相當的水準,使得這些企業所感受到成效的提昇相當有限。

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