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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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劉承平 Unknown Date (has links)
即將邁入二十一世紀的今天,各國企業已充份運用資訊科技取得競爭優勢,而我國因地小人稠與經濟發達,故以技術密集,資本密集的商科技產業勢必成為未來發展之重點產業;因此我國商科技產業的公司非常重視運用資訊科技以取得競爭優勢。公司除自行開發資訊系統外,尚可將其委外。由於委外有降低成本等優點,因此為許多公司所採用。在以往的文獻中,主要探討委外的策略面,較少觸及委外的管理面,所以本研究以委外的管理面為主,研究我國商科技產業資訊系統委外計劃管理之情形。 本研究根據文獻,將商科技產業以公司的技術層次與研發程度區分為技研並重、技術導向、研發導向及邊緣型四個類型;再將資訊系統以對日常作業貢獻程度與對研發的貢獻程度分為重點、作業.創新及轉移型四類型,以個案研究的方式探討高科技產業類型與資訊系統型態間委外的關係,配合Lewin的變革三階段理論,探討委外計劃中管理的問題;同時以Grover的委外績效評估模式來衡量資訊系統委外成果是否良好。 經過訪談五家個案公司,彙整及資料分析後,本研究之結論為:一、我國商科技產業委外之發訊系統以作業型為多數,包括OA系統與CIM系統;二、商科技產業的公司委外需求之決定因素為人力、時間以及系統的範圍;三、在解凍階段中加強對資訊系統需求之評估與確定,在變革階段中加強對合作廠商之評估與選擇,可使委外計劃獲良好成效;四、於高科技產業資訊系統的委外計劃中,較不重視各階段的考核步驟;五、高科技產業的公司於資訊系統委外的計劃中,未裁撤資訊部門之人員;六、我國高科技產業的公司,以作業型系統委外的類型決定是否需要建立資訊部門人員對委外之認知;七、委外後的系統,主要由公司的資訊部門負責維護。

不同脈絡下,青少年的認同策略與適應問題之關係 / The relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in different contexts

曾幼涵, Tseng Yu Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的是欲探討青少年處理認同議題的方式(即訊息取向、規範取向、散漫-逃避取向等三種認同策略)與適應問題之關係。青少年採用之認同策略與適應問題之關係為何?過去的研究未能獲得一致的結論。本研究認為主要的理由有二:一是測量工具的問題,過去常被研究者採用的測量工具—認同風格量表,僅能測得個體對於認同策略的「偏好」,而忽略了在不同的認同範疇下,青少年可能會採用不同的認同策略,進而影響認同策略與適應的關係;一是理論觀點的問題,過去這方面的研究多是從西方文化的角度切入,而未考量文化差異之影響。這兩點理由反映出,並非某一種認同策略必然對應於特定的適應結果,而是受到「脈絡」的影響。為此,本研究首先界定出青少年階段較為重要的兩種認同範疇:學習範疇與日常活動範疇,並將三種認同策略放在此兩種特定的認同範疇下,以編製新的測量工具—青少年認同策略量表;進而探討在台灣社會文化下,不同認同範疇之認同策略與青少年適應問題之關係。此外,本研究進一步探討青少年的個別差異(包括性別差異與發展階段之不同)如何調節認同策略與適應問題之關係。 本研究選取946位台北地區的國、高中在學生為研究受試,以自陳量表的方式填答背景資料、青少年認同策略量表,與青少年自陳量表(含內、外化問題行為)。男女人數分別為487與459人;國、高中生人數分別為456與490人。研究結果顯示,就整體青少年而言,隨著脈絡之不同,三種認同策略與青少年適應問題之關聯也有所不同。不同於西方文化強調訊息取向的適應價值,在台灣社會文化下,規範取向較有利於青少年適應,訊息取向次之,散漫-逃避取向則不利於青少年適應。認同範疇的不同決定了訊息取向對於適應的影響方向:學習範疇的訊息取向可些微降低適應問題,日常活動範疇的訊息取向則增加適應問題。 青少年在性別與發展階段的異質性則調節了認同策略與適應問題之關係。在性別方面,無論男女,規範取向皆可降低受試的適應問題,散漫-逃避取向則增加適應問題;但只有對男生而言,訊息取向才會顯著影響其適應問題。在發展階段方面,對國中生來說,只有學習範疇的規範取向與散漫-逃避取向影響其適應問題,日常活動範疇的認同策略並不具有影響力。在高中階段,兩種認同範疇的認同策略皆對於適應問題有影響,訊息取向對於適應問題的影響力到高中階段才被凸顯。 本研究結果說明了,有關認青少年同策略之使用與適應問題之關係,需放在脈絡下來探討;不同脈絡下,認同策略可能帶來不同的適應結果。而在特定脈絡下,青少年的個別差異則可調節認同策略與適應問題之關係。根據研究結果,我們進一步從研究者與實務者的角度來討論三種認同策略對於青少年之功能。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the ways in which adolescents approach identity issues (i.e. the three identity strategies: information-oriented, norm-oriented, and diffuse/avoidant-oriented) and adjustment problems. The relationship between identity strategies and adolescents adjustment problems has not been consistently replicated. Two reasons were considered: one was the limit of the Identity Style Inventory (ISI), which was extensively used to measure identity strategies. However, ISI could only measure the individuals’ “preference” of specific identity strategy, it ignored that people may use different identity strategies in different contexts. The other reason was the limit of theoretical view. In the past, such research issue was executed by the Western researchers; they didn’t consider the effects of culture differences. Our assumption was that one specific identity strategy will not necessary bring a specific adjustment outcome, but be influenced by “contexts”. For testing this assumption, we first identified two important identity domains in adolescence: learning domain and life-activity domain. Then, the new measurement tool named the Identity Strategy Inventory for Adolescence (ISI-A) was developed which measure three identity strategies in the two identity domains. Then, we used ISI-A to explore the relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in Taiwan. Furthermore, we explore how the individual differences (gender difference and different developmental stage) moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adolescent’s adjustment problems. 946 students (487 males, 456 junior high school students) in junior and senior high schools in Taipei were recruited. All students completed questionnaires on personal and family background, ISI-A, and Youth Self-Report Checklist (YSR) which measured externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors. Results indicated that the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems is different in different context. Information-oriented was considered the beneficial identity strategy in Western culture, but we found norm-oriented was more beneficial to adolescents’ adjustment than information-oriented. Like the findings in Western culture, we found diffuse/avoidant-oriented was detrimental to adolescents’ adjustment. Different identity domains determine the values of information-oriented. In learning domain, information-oriented was somewhat beneficial to adjustment, but in life-activity domain, information-oriented was detrimental to adjustment. Gender differences and developmental stages in adolescence moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems. In the two identity domains, norm-oriented reduce and diffuse/avoidant-oriented increase adolescents’ adjustment problems across different genders, but information-oriented influence only male’s adjustment problems. For junior high school’s students, adjustment problem was influenced by norm- and diffuse/avoidant-oriented in learning domain, but wasn’t by any identity strategies in life-activity domain. For senior high school’s students, however, identity strategies in the two identity domains have effect on adjustment problems. Furthermore, the influence of information-oriented was highlighted in senior high school students. These findings indicate that it’s necessary to consider the relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in “contexts”. A specific identity strategy brings to different adjustment outcomes in different context. In a specific context, individual differences in adolescence moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems. Based on these findings, we further discussed the three identity strategies’ function from the viewpoint of researcher and practitioner.

地方財政分權對中國省市競爭力的影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization on China’s provincial competitiveness

林士傑 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自改革開放之後,其經濟成長之快速,使得全球眾多的學者投入中國大陸議題的研究。隨著世界的開發,有限的資源不斷被使用,造成資源愈來愈少,也由於資源的稀少性,因此市場經濟方為競爭的經濟。參與競爭必須首先具備競爭力,作為國民經濟重要組成單元的區域經濟,如何應對日趨激烈的競爭,如何培育構建、提升保持具有區域特色的競爭力,就成為迫在眉睫的問題 本研究之研究目的主要有以下幾點:第一,希望能藉由相關理論文獻,解釋財政地方分權對中國省、市之間競爭力是否會有所影響或是關聯,將以此為本研究之理論基礎,並且進行實證的檢驗;第二,將以1994年中國財政改革以後之財政相關資料,利用中國31個省、市的追蹤資料,資料蒐集期間涵蓋2000年至2008年,以各年各省、市的綜合競爭力作為衡量該省、市的競爭力指標,以期能夠了解各地區競爭力的影響情形; 第三,本研究建立一個二階段固定效果模型,來檢視中國31個省市財政分權對其綜合競爭力的影響,並將各省市的情形做歸納;第四,從實證模型中發現,財政地方分權與區域綜合競爭力間的關聯性為一非線性關係且具有U型曲線關係;最後,利用實證結果來提供具體的政策建議。

幼稚園教師教學角色認同及踐行研究 / Teaching Role Identification and Role Performance of Kindergaten Teachers

黃意舒, Huang, Yie-Su Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的:(一)建立並驗證幼稚園教師教學角色認同及角色踐行之間的模式,(二)探討影響幼稚園教師之教學角色認同或角色踐行社會化之因素。 針對上述二項目的,自編『幼稚園教師教學角色量表』,由社會期望之95項教學角色行為所組成,以360位74至78年之九所師院幼教師資科畢業之現職幼教教師之評量角色行為難易結果作因素分析,得到五項教學角色變項,再由80學年度考進市立師院幼教系進修部之現職幼教教師160人作每一變項之因素分析,得到每一變項之兩個因素為評量指標,以十個評量指標組成『幼稚園教師教學角色量表』,進行幼稚園教師教學角色認同及踐行的研究。 研究樣本為655位現職幼稚園教師,一方面取樣自台北市公私立幼稚園,一方面取樣自各師院幼教系之高職幼保學分班中之任教幼稚園者,先以LISREL統計驗證教學角色認同影響教學角色認同及角色踐行之相關、變異數差異及區別分析的結果。以研究結果解釋幼稚園教師教學角色社會化過程。本研究結論如下: 壹、由探索性因素分析得到教學角色的五個變項:教學設計、教學準備、教學實施、教學評量、幼兒輔導。再由探索性因素分析來尋找每一變項之兩項因素,作為每一變項之評量指標:教學設計包括『活動選擇』及『活動組織』,教學準備包括『環境佈置』及『教材教具準備』教學實施包括『教學技巧實施』及『教學領域實施』,教學評量包括『實際評量』及『應用評量』,幼兒輔導包括『關係建立』及『瞭解幼兒』。 貳、以平均來看,本研究樣本認同這些教學角色變項是相當重要的,『應用評量』的踐行有點困難,其餘教學角色變項的踐行則都還很容易。 參、教學角色認同影響教學角色踐行的模式獲統計結果支持。 肆、依據前研究推論所建立之『幼稚園教學角色踐行模式』獲統計結果支持:教學設計角色的難易程度影響教學準備的難易程度,教學準備角色的難易程度影響教學實施的難易程度,教學實施的難易程度影響幼兒輔導的難易程度,幼兒輔導的難易度程度影響教學評量的難易程度,教學評量的難易度影響教學設計的難易程度。 伍、角色踐行對角色認同的影響是透過社會化的心理建構過程,卻是間接的影響關係,本研究以『幼稚園教學角色踐行模式』為角色踐行所建構的認同體。 陸、相關分析結果:學歷、年資、師生比率、進修機會對教師角色的認同及踐行之二十個指標之相關多少都有達顯著的指標,以與年資達顯著相關的指標最多,與學歷達顯著相關的指標最少:而在達顯著相關的指標數,以角色踐行的指標多於角色認同的指標。 柒、區別分析結果:生涯發展階段不僅在教學角色認同有其區別,在教學角色踐行也有其區別,依生涯發展階段由新教進師至諮詢教師,愈來愈認同也愈來愈容易;任教前五年間雖在角色認同沒有區別,可說是同一認同階段,但在角色踐行則依年資有進步:高師生比率也會造成教師角色之認同較低及角色踐行較難。 至於不同師資培育別教師教學角色認同及踐行在引道學習及關係建立上有所區別:高職幼保傾向於關係建立的角色,幼專傾向於引導學習的角色。任教園別之教學角色認同及踐行之區別則在環境佈置角色認同及踐行,私立幼稚傾向於其他教材準備及領域教學等角色的認同及踐行。 捌、關係建立及教學評量的認同在年資及生涯發展階段中都未改變,所以非幼稚園教師教學角色認同之社會化的重要原因。其他教學角色變項之認同雖隨年資而認同漸增,但在前五年的教學年資未改變,在生涯發展階段間才有改變:資深教師(任教第五至十年)環境佈置角色認同程度最高,諮詢教師(任教十一年以後)教學設計及教學技巧之認同程度最高,至於教材教具準備、教學領域實施、瞭解幼兒等角色認同依年資而漸增。 玖、活動選擇、活動組織、環境佈置、教材教具準備、教學技巧實施、教學領域實施、實際評量、應用評量、瞭解幼兒九項指標之角色踐行因年資而愈來愈容易,關係建立則不因年資而愈來愈容易。在任教年資前五年間,活動組織、環境佈置、教學技巧實施、瞭解幼兒之角色踐行容易度就有進步,除關係建立外,各教學指標踐行容易度都有依年資而進步的現象。 拾、本研究提出之幼稚園教學角色社會化過程模式大部份已為本研究所支持或找出影響因素:本研究之教學角色變項、評量指標及項目就是社會期望之幼稚園教師教學角色,在新進教師已經有相當的認同,教學角色的認同會影響教學角色的踐行,而教學角色的認同及踐行也受社會化的因素所影響,如師資培育別、任教年資別、生涯發展階段、進修機會、任教園別、師生比率別等,然而任教年教前五年並未改變角色認同,但改變角色踐行。由教學角色行為難易所建構之角色認同體即『教師教學角色踐行模式』,此模式也受本研究樣本所支持,可見是合理的模式,可提供師資培育實習生或新進教學師教學時之參考架構,促進教學行為省思、評估或建議認同體的參考。本研究結果發現教學角色認同生涯發展階段而影響,表示角色認同經長時間的經驗累積仍有轉移的情形。 依據研究結論提出的建議如下: 壹、對幼稚園教學的建議 一、鼓勵教師辨認其個人之教學踐行模式,以確定其教學行為對幼兒學習的意義。 二、教學設計、教學準備、教學實施、教學評量及幼兒輔導可為提供幼稚園教師在思索其教學踐行模式的五個參考變項。 三、以本研究之教學角色踐行模式可為新進教師教學時思考的參考。 貳、對幼稚園教師專業成長的建議 一、促進幼稚園教師的在職業進修以增加專業認同。 二、建立幼稚園帶班老師的晉級制度及教學諮詢制度。 參、對幼稚園師資培育的建議 一、加強培養師範生概念架構形成的能力。 二、協助師範生獲得課程及教學的知識、自我瞭解及教師生涯成長的知識,以增加其教學工作之省思能力。 三、加強實習生在活動組織、環境佈置、教學技巧實施、瞭解幼兒之經驗。 肆、對幼稚園教學研究的建議 一、重視幼稚園教學之中幼兒學習心理學基礎的研究。 二、研究幼稚園教育理念與教學實際之關係,以確定教育理念是否被切實實拖。 三、研究生涯發展階段中教師角色認同的轉移。 四、研究教學評量的理論與實務

行政院衛生署所屬醫院經營績效之研究-三階段資料包絡分析法之應用 / A study of efficiency of the hospitals of department of health,executive yuan : an application of three-stage data envelopment analysis

黃厚輯, Huang,Hou Chi Unknown Date (has links)
署立醫院為全國分佈最廣,且數量最多之公立醫院體系,負有貫徹國家公共衛生政策之責任,故其經營績效之良瓠影響各地區民眾健康照護水準甚鉅。惟署立醫院目前之經營仍仰賴國庫補助,在國庫補助逐年縮減的情形下,署立醫院惟有提升經營績效,才能維持醫療照護品質。 本研究運用三階段DEA分析法,評估步驟第一階段運用一般DEA分析法,以原始投入及產出項衡量各DMU的相對效率值,求得總差額值;第二階段運用SFA將差額分解,探討環境變數對於各DMU的影響程度,並利用SFA的結果調整產出項,將處於不同外在環境或是不同運氣之DMU,調整為相同之情況;第三階段則利用第二階段調整後的產出項,再次以DEA分析法評估調整後的效率值。 由研究結果可知,各署立醫院之無效率主要來自於非處於最適經營規模所造成之無效率,整體而言,大部分署立醫院之產能實際上係存在擁擠現象,而產生規模不經濟,故建議主管機關應嘗試調整部分署立醫院之經營規模,考慮醫療的投入與產出的效率性,以符合經濟規模的要求,應可有效提升管理效率。 另部分署立醫院在各方面之管理效率均較呈現相對較佳之結果,因此,建議由主管機關主導,加強各署立醫院醫療資源之整合及技術交流,透過相互觀摩學習,以同時提升整體署立醫院之經營管理效率。至有關目前區域聯盟之整合作業,建議「北區區域聯盟」應加強注意手術業務部分之資源整合,而「中南區區域聯盟」應加強注意門診病患業務部分之資源整合。

台灣國際觀光旅館業效率、生產力變動與獲利率之探討 / Efficiency, productivity change and profitability in Taiwan's international tourist hotel industry

陳麗雪, Chen, Li Hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為探討台灣國際觀光旅館產業的實證文章,除第一章的緒論外,三篇相關的文章依序撰寫於二至四章。第二章的實證結果指出在第一階段的未考量準固定與調整後投入的資料包絡分析模型會高估技術與純技術效率值,但會低估規模效率值,因此,驗證考量準固定投入的必要性;第二階段使用隨機邊界分析模型排除外在因素與隨機干擾的影響,實證結果顯示外生變數對投入差額與純技術效率存在顯著的影響,其中,市場集中度與旅館規模對勞動、餐飲支出與其他支出的投入差額存在正向的影響,對純技術效率存在負向的影響;位於風景區對所有的投入差額有負向的影響,對純技術效率有正向的影響;加入國際與/或國內連鎖對勞動與餐飲支出投入差額有正向影響,但對其他支出投入差額有負向影響;SARS對勞動與餐飲支出投入差額有正向影響,對純技術效率有負向影響;金融海嘯對勞動與其他支出投入差額有正向影響,對純技術效率有負向影響;第三階段的效率評估結果顯示技術無效率的主要原因是來自不適當的生產規模,且國際觀光旅館對於技術與規模效率仍有改善空間,此外,傳統的資料包絡分析模型會高估技術與規模效率值,但會低估純技術效率值,因此,驗證使用三階段方法的適當性,最後,以服務團體旅客為主的國際觀光旅館的績效最差。第三章的實證結果顯示:在第一階段,未考量準固定與調整後投入要素的Malmquist生產力指數會低估生產力的變動,因此,驗證考量準固定投入的必要性;第三階段的生產力指數顯示前期的生產力成長已被後期的生產力惡化所取代,生產力的成長或惡化主要來自技術的進步或退步與規模效率的改善或惡化,此外,實證結果亦顯示僅考量準固定投入但未考量調整後投入的Malmquist生產力指數會低估生產力的變動,且是否考量調整後投入會造成所評估的Malmquist生產力指數其背後的因素有所不同,因此,驗證使用三階段方法的適當性;最後,以服務團體旅客為主的國際觀光旅館的生產力有較佳的改善,且雖然服務對象的不同使得生產力變動的背後因素有所不同,但規模效率的變動皆扮演重要的角色。第四章的實證結果顯示:規模效率假說在台灣國際觀光旅館產業中是被支持的;以服務個人旅客為主與同時服務團體與個人旅客對獲利率有負向的影響;SARS與金融海嘯對獲利率有負向的影響。 / The dissertation is a collection of three separate but related papers which are devoted to the empirical studies of the international tourist hotel industry in Taiwan. In addition to the introduction in chapter 1, three papers are presented in chapters 2 to 4, respectively. The empirical results in chapter 2 indicate that, in the first stage, the data envelopment analysis (DEA) models without the quasi-fixed and adjusted inputs overestimate the technical and pure technical efficiencies, but underestimate the scale efficiency of international tourist hotels so that the necessity of considering the existence of the quasi-fixed input is justified. The second stage uses the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model to purge the effects from exogenous variables and statistical noise. The SFA results show that the exogenous variables have significant influences on input slacks and pure technical efficiency. The degree of market concentration and hotel size have positive impacts on labor, food and beverage (F&B) expense and operating expense input slacks, as well as have negative impacts on pure technical efficiency. An international tourist hotel in the resort area has negative relationships with all input slacks and a positive relationship with pure technical efficiency. An international tourist hotel participating in the international and/or domestic hotel chain has positive relationships with labor and F&B expense input slacks, but has a negative relationship with other expense. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) has positive effects on labor and F&B expense input slacks and has a negative effect on pure technical efficiency. The financial tsunami has positive effects on labor and other expense input slacks and has a negative effect on pure technical efficiency. After adjusting the variable input data from the SFA results in the second stage, the efficiency-evaluation results in the third stage show that the technical inefficiency mainly results from the inappropriate production scale. In addition, international tourist hotels have an ample space to improve their technical and scale efficiencies. The efficiency-evaluation results also show that the conventional DEA models overestimate the technical and scale efficiencies, but underestimate the pure technical efficiency of international tourist hotels so that the usage of the three-stage approach is justified. Finally, international tourist hotels which mainly receive group visitors have the worst performance. In chapter 3, the empirical results show that, in the first stage, the Malmquist index without the quasi-fixed and adjusted inputs underestimates the productivity change so as to justify the necessity of considering the existence of quasi-fixed input. After adjusting the variable input data from the SFA results in the second stage, the productivity index in the third stage shows that the initial increase in productivity has been compensated by a decrease. The productivity growth or deterioration mainly results from the technological progress or regress and the scale efficiency improvement or deterioration. The results also show that the Malmquist index with the quasi-fixed input and without adjusted inputs underestimates the productivity change. The key factors of the productivity changes estimated by the Malmquist productivity index with the quasi-fixed and adjusted inputs are significantly different from those estimated by the Malmquist productivity index with the quasi-fixed input and without adjusted inputs so as to justify the usage of the three-stage approach. Finally, international tourist hotels with mainly receiving group visitors have the better improvement of productivity. The sources of productivity changes among receiving different types of visitors are different, but the scale efficiency change plays an important role in all types. In chapter 4, the empirical results indicate that the scale efficiency hypothesis is supported in Taiwan’s international tourist hotel industry. An international tourist hotel that mainly receives individual visitors and an international tourist hotel that simultaneously receives group and individual visitors have negative impacts on profitability. SARS and financial tsunami have negative effects on profitability.

資產負債管理的隨機規劃模型在退休基金上的應用 / A stochastic programming model for asset liability management with an application of pension fund

陳煌林 Unknown Date (has links)

中科三期環評訴訟中行政與司法的互動 / Interactions between the Executive and the Judiciary in EIA Litigation for the 3rd Phase Expansion of CTSP.

林靖芝, Lin, Ching Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究關注中科三期環評訴訟中行政與司法的互動,主要的研究問題是探究行政系統如何回應司法判決?從而分析司法判決對於行政系統產生什麼影響?綜觀中科三期環評爭議,隨著后里農民提起行政訴訟,讓行政與司法間的攻防與角力就此展開。最高行政法院於2010年判決撤銷中科三期環評結論確定,然而科學園區的開發早已如火如荼展開,面對廠商營運、量產在即,但開發行為的合法性基礎卻被撤銷,迫使行政系統必須做出因應。然而,行政系統並未遵守司法判決「依法行政」,反而持續以「選擇性的作為與不作為」來抵抗司法。 從行政系統的因應可發現儘管行政權強力抗拒司法,但顧及政策必須持續推行,所以實際上亦不可能完全無視判決指摘,仍必須做出「行為上的調整」,包含:重啟環評、加速通過環評,或者又重新決議要進行二階環評等。顯示面對司法審查的進逼迫使其必須「繞道而行」。後續儘管法院再裁定中科三期應停工,行政系統仍未就範,而修修補補、只做半套的環評,不僅仍無法通過法院合法性的檢驗,也致使中科三期演變成「邊施工、邊營運、邊環評」的窘況。本研究主要採取的研究方法包含:次級資料分析、參與觀察、訪談法。 總結而言,本研究將指出行政系統的態度與偏好是司法判決能否落實的關鍵。相反的,司法則沒有什麼權力影響判決如何被執行。然而,儘管司法顯露出侷限性,始終未能有效牽制住中科三期的開發,但中科三期環評訴訟對於行政系統仍產生相當的衝擊與影響,不論是對環評制度實務或對於往後環境運動的發展,這場運動仍是有深遠影響的一股動能。 / As more and more administrative litigations were filed, tensions between the executive and the judiciary branch have been on the rise. By using the environmental impact assessment (EIA) litigation of the 3rd phase expansion of Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) as a case study, this paper aims to understand the dynamic interaction between these two branches of the state. Particularly, it aims to shed light on how the executive reacts to judicial decisions, and whether judicial review influences bureaucratic practices and if so, its means and the extent of its impact. According to the separation of powers principle, the main function of judicial review is to monitor the legal reach of the executive power. Even as one of the landmark cases in Taiwanese legal history, however, it had been observed that not all judicial decisions are implemented by government agencies following the EIA litigation. Despite the fact that the conclusion of the EIA had been rejected by the Supreme Administrative Court, the executive resisted this judicial decision by being selective in its enforcement. Nevertheless, the executive must still respond to the judiciary albeit with some “behavioural adjustments” in order to make sure that the development of the 3rd phase expansion of CTSP can be completed as soon as possible. Research methods adopted in this paper is mainly literature review, participant observation and in-depth interview. This case study reveals three major findings. First, the enforcement of judicial decisions is not necessarily obligatory and hinges on the attitudes of the executive. Secondly, the judiciary has very limited powers when it comes to effecting the enforcement of its decisions but its decisions do engender some observable changes (or non-changes) in bureaucratic behaviour which can be attributed to judicial review. Thirdly, although these verdicts failed to stop the abuse of power and allowed the fulfillment of rights, for local residents, cause lawyers, and NGOs, there are still many positive lessons to be taken away from their efforts from which future environmental movements will also likely benefit.

攻擊行為控制機制之探討 / Exploring the Control Mechanism of Aggressive Behaviors

李怡青, Lee, I-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本論文嘗試以行為引發機制與行為抑制機制的觀點,探討非法且屬人際層面的男性攻擊行為,從中評估常表現攻擊行為個體的認知、情緒與行為缺陷。由於攻擊行為的特殊性,個體表現攻擊行為時,相關的行為機制包括表現該行為可能得到獎賞的行為引發機制﹔表現該行為可能得到懲罰的行為抑制機制﹔與攻擊他人時,被害者的非語文訊息引發的個體的暴力抑制機制。研究一根據暴力抑制機制的理論內容發展實驗工具,透過違反道德與違反慣例圖片組的呈現,了解高、中、低攻擊組的表現差異。結果發現高攻擊組對兩違反情境的嚴重程度評估較低,同時,在違反道德圖片組刺激下,高攻擊組表現較少的道德情緒與較少的同理行為。研究二則透過研究一發展的圖片組評估個體的暴力抑制機制運作能力,並結合Patterson與Newman的四階段理論發展實驗刺激,透過情境的操弄,了解高攻擊組之行為引發機制與行為抑制機制運作情形。結果發現經由兩套理論(暴力抑制機制與四階段理論)的結合,可將高攻擊組分為兩類,一類為暴力抑制機制運作正常,但行為引發機制運作過強﹔另一類為暴力抑制機制無法運作者。以認知、情緒與行為缺陷評估兩類高攻擊行為者發現,具有認知、情緒與行為缺陷的高攻擊行為者只有第二類。 / Based on a behavioral activation mechanism and two behavioral inhibition mechanisms, unlawful and interpersonal male aggression was studied. Moreover, the possibility of individuals’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficiencies was evaluated. Due to the special quality of aggressive behavior, when a person acts aggressively, there will be three processes involved. They are the behavioral activation mechanism activated by reward, the behavioral inhibition mechanism induced by punishment, and the Violence Inhibition Mechanism (VIM) triggered by victims’ cues of distress. In order to study these three processes, two sets of pictures were developed from study 1 in order to evaluate how participants functioned their VIM. The results showed differences between High, Medium, and Low Aggression Group. The High Aggression Group evaluated incidents of moral/ conventional transgression less serious than the other two groups did. Also, they showed less moral emotions and less empathic behaviors than the other two groups did. Based on the sets of pictures developed from Study 1, a group of young offenders were divided into two groups based on their VIM functioning. Further, a survival game was developed from Patterson and Newman’s four-stage model. By manipulating situations to present reward/punishment, those young offenders showed different aggressive patterns. Young offenders with good VIM functioning behaved more aggressively when there were rewards. Relatively, young offenders with poor VIM functioning were less likely to be influenced by either reward or punishment. The implications were discussed in the article.


翁竹君, Weng, Chu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用一階段隨機邊界分析方法,建立一多投入多產出之投入距離函數模型,衡量民國81~91年間台灣66家國際觀光旅館經營之相對技術效率,同時探討造成不效率之因素。並利用投入導向Malmquist生產力指數進一步分析國際觀光旅館產業生產力改變的原因與幅度。 整體而言,台灣國際觀光旅館產業之經營效率大致呈現緩慢進步之趨勢。造成整體產業生產力提升之原因,主要為業者對於投入產出配置使用之效率改善,而非生產技術進步。除了整體經濟景氣因素當然影響觀光產業之興衰外,個別國際觀光旅館業者之效率表現仍受到許多因素影響。諸如規模、國際化程度等內部原因,及旅館是否位處風景區、所在地縣市政府對觀光發展投注之資源預算和該地市場競爭程度等外在因素。 從政府政策方面來分析,若以整體國際觀光旅館產業經營效率來衡量我國觀光產業興衰,民國87年隔週休二日政策及民國90年實施之全面週休二日政策,的確有效帶動國人休閒旅遊之風潮,促進國內觀光發展。而各縣市政府觀光相關支出與國際觀光旅館生產力變動之關係,呈現正向相關,則表示政府支出增加有助於觀光產業蓬勃發展,並增加國際觀光旅館之經營效率。由於觀光產業生產具外部性,政府積極利用觀光產業以帶動經濟景氣繁榮成長的政策應當可行。 / In this paper a multi-output, multi-input and input oriented distance function is built by one-stage stochastic frontier approach (Battese and Coelli, 1995) to estimate the relative efficiency of the 66 international tourist hotels in Taiwan in 1992~2002 and to explore the determinants of technical efficiency. In addition, the Malmquist productivity index model is used to analyze the range and the causes of the productivity changed. The results reveal that managerial efficiency of international tourist hotel industry improves gradually. The productivity growth can be attributed to efficiency gains, but not the effects of technical progress. There are significant differences in efficiency due to difference not only in the macroeconomic situation, but also in many other individual factors, such as scale, joining an international chain, located in scenic area, local government other economic service expenditure and competitiveness. Analyzing the government policy, the implementations of two-day-off twice a month policy in 1998 and two-day-off per week policy in 2001 have fostered domestic traveling and expanded tourist hotel industry. The local government other economic service expenditure has positive effect on efficiency of international tourist hotels. That is to say, increasing in local government tourist expenditure will promote tourism market and improve efficiency of a hotel. Because of the production externality in tourism industry the idea that government tries to promote tourism to benefit economic development would be workable.

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