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我國政府資訊服務採購案件影響因素之分析 / An Analysis on the Determinants of Government Information Services Procurement陳慶隆 Unknown Date (has links)
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跨越邊界:葛蒂瑪《吾兒故事》中的再現,顛覆及認同問題 / Border crossing: re/presentation, subversion and identity in nadine gordimer's my Son's story陳麗如, Chen, Li-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
《吾兒故事》是葛蒂瑪第一本以非自人的敘事觀點寫成。她一 方面以有色人種的革命家庭為縮影,揭示南非種族隔離社會中,少數族裔的困境。另一方面,她質疑男性觀點下女性形象再現的偏頗,突顯非自人女性再殖民統治及父權宰制下的顛覆力量,並描繪跨種族之認同心理。藉此,葛蒂瑪呈現了多元文化中跨越界線的可能。葛蒂瑪超越了種族及性別觀點的限制,將她慣用的自女性觀點轉為非自人的男性觀點,以突顯非自人革命社群中的內部問題。正如她之前的小說,《吾兒故事》不僅呈現了南非的轉變和她自己寫作策略的改變,更標明了葛蒂瑪處理非自人議題時,跳脫自人觀點的新里程碑。
本論文的研究目的在於處理男性觀點下南非女性的再現,被殖民者的抗拒及顛覆和認同問題。論文主體分為三部份,第一部分旨在探討葛蒂瑪的新敘事策略和目的;第二部分旨在分析殖民與父權宰制下,受壓族群如何打破沉默,發聲抗拒;第三部份則旨在分析其尋求認同的過程及心理。 / My Son s Story is Nadine Gordimer's tenth novel but is her first novel narrated in the nonwhite perspective. Gordimer uses a colored revolutionary family as a microcosm in the apartheid society to unveil the dilemma and predicament of the in-between men and women in South African apartheid. In the colored male's narrative, Gordimer attempts to interrogate the partial and problematic representation of South African women, to highlight the oppression and subversion of the nonwhite women dominated by colonial and patriarchal authority and to scrutinizes the psychic desire of the interracial relationship between a colored man and a white feminist. In this novel, Gordimer presents a possibility of the boundary crossing in the multiracial and multicultural South Africa through the story of the colored family. My thesis aims to tackle the problems of the representation of South African women in masculine narrative, the subversion of the oppressed, and the identities of the in-between people.
The main body of the thesis consists of three parts. First, I will explore Gordimer's new narrative strategies and objectives in the novel. Second, I will probe how these marginal and oppressed people break silence to articulate their resistance to the colonial and patriarchal domination in the apartheid society. Third, I will investigate the process of the quest for identities of the in-between people and their transgression.
In My Son's Story, Gordimer keeps her concern about anti-apartheid revolution and about the oppression of the in-between groups and women oppression. She breaks through the racial and gender limits of perspectives and shifts her typical white female perspective to a nonwhite male to uncover the inner problems of the nonwhite revolutionary community through a colored family. Like her pervious novels. My Son's Story not only represents the transition of South Africa and her transformation in writing strategy but also marks her new start to look beyond her white perspective while dealing with the issue of the nonwhite in apartheid.
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我國軟體公司成長階段與重要營運活動關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationships between the Important Running Activities and Growth Progress of Software Industry羅正豊, LO, Cheng_Li Unknown Date (has links)
式超越德國, 成為僅次於美、日的世界第三大生產國。我國軟體業發
展,遠不如硬體工業, 這種不均衡的現象,極可能會妨礙資訊產業整
體的成長;且展望未來世界資訊工 業的發展趨勢,軟體工業所扮演的
角色將愈益重要,因此如何迅速提昇軟體工業 之產值,使得我國整體
軟硬體工業能均衡發展,相輔相成,實是當前最重要的一 個課題
。 一個公司的營運係由一連串的活動所構成,透過這些活動提
供給顧客最終的 產品或服務,進而賺取合理的利潤。隨著公司成長,
及各階段營運目標的改變, 公司營運活動的重心亦會轉變,因此,一
個成功且有效的管理者應知道如何將管 理重心放在現階段最重要的工
作上,因此研究公司在各階段的主要營運活動將有 助於瞭解公司各階
段之主要工作與任務,以發現公司現階段的管理重心,並對未 來公司
經營的問題與困難即早因應,並研擬妥的善對策。 因此,本
活動( 以下簡稱研發活動或研究發展活動)、人才培訓、財務及融資管
理(以下簡稱財務 融資活動)、及租稅管理。然後再以問卷方式蒐集業
者,對公司現階段經營中, 各營運活動重要程度的意見,及為劃分公
司成長各階段所需的基本資料:公司 成立時間、資本額、營業額、營
業額成長率、員工人數、組織結構、組織正式化 程度、及管理權集中
程度等八項。此外,本研究的結果分為軟體公司成長階段的 決定
、各成長階段營運活動 重要順序、及各活動在各階段重要順序等三部份
,分 別敘述如下: 一、軟體公司成長階段的決定 研究軟體公司
管理權集 中化程度等五項變數,將軟體公司劃分為四個成長群的模式
,最能解釋我國軟體公 司的成長過程,分別命名為創業、生存、擴張
、與成熟四階段。 二、各階段營運活動重要順序 經過統計檢定後
,四個階段中,發現創業及擴張兩階段的營運活動重要性有顯著差 異
市場行 銷活動;產品生產、研究發展、財務融資、及租稅管理等四項
營運活動次之;人才 培訓活動最不重要。擴張階段營運活動的順序為
客戶服務、市場行銷、及產品生產 活動是最重要的三項營運活動、研
究發展、租稅管理、及人才培訓則是較不重要的 活動。 三、營運
活動在各階段的重要順序 若依活動的觀點看各活動在各階段的重要性
,得到七項活動中有五項活動,最重要 的時候皆在擴張階段,表示此
一階段的軟體公司正處於轉型階段,需投入較多的資 源,所以大部份
活動的重要性都較其他階段重要;此外,研究發展活動最重要的階 段
在成熟階段,這點和依階段觀點看各活動重要性的結論相同。 造
後,因 素對各階段差異性的檢定中知道,大部份活動經因素分析後,
均可找到造成該活動 階段性差異的主因,其中,產品生產活動的因素
是溝通合作因素,市場行銷活動是 商品多樣化及商展因素,研究發展
活動是委託研發因素,人才培訓活動是自行培訓 或留住人才因素,
財務融資活動是外部融資與資金調度因素,軟體公司掌握這些因 素變
動的脈絡,更可確切地掌握各階段管理應著重的重點。 / To find the most improtant activities in every progress of
software company, we use five characters of software company to define its growth stage, and they are illustrated as following points (1)the time period since copmany was setuped (2) total capital of copmany(3) total sales value (4) the growth rate of sales (5) the total numberof employees. After literature review and expert interview, we found that major activity of software company are production、marketing、customer service、 research、employee training、finance、and tax activity. After used cluster analysis , we gained that there are four stages,
thoseare Begin、Survival、Growth、and Maturity, in the progress of software company. To gain the important sequence of each activity in every stage , we use ANOVA method to test the distinct difference among thoes activities. Following points are the consequences. 1、 The Begin stage: The most important activities in Begin stage are customer services and marketing activity, and there are four activities in the second place, those are research、finance、tax、and production , and employee traning is in the third place. 2、The Survival stage : There are no difference among seven activities in Survival stage. 3、The Growth stage : The most important activities in Begin stage are customer services、 marketing activity, and
production activity, and there are four activities in the
second place, those are research、tax、and employee traning.
4、The Maturity stage : There are no difference among seven activities in Maturity stage.
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我國由技職專校改制升格之私立技職院校經營績效分析 / Efficiency evaluation of the private technical colleges in Taiwan林碧芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以三階段資料包絡分析探討在95到97學年度三年間國內近年升格的私立技職院校的經營績效。研究藉由三階段的調整,期望觀察出各技職院校在摒除環境和產出品質的影響下,真實的學校經營效率表現。結果顯示,當學校屬性為中部學校、南部學校、中型規模學校、科技大學等與各項投入差額之間,具有正向關係,而學校屬性為商科重點或其他科的學校、大型學校等與各項投入差額之間,具有負向關係。而在排除外在因素與統計干擾的影響後,本研究發現各高等技職院校的技術效率、純技術效率與規模效率的差異會減少,多數高等技職院校管理效率仍有改善空間,且亦有部分無效率來自於規模無效率,除部分技職院校處於固定規模報酬階段外,其餘多數技職院校皆處於規模報酬遞增階段。 / This paper uses the three-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) to measure performance efficiency of the private vocational and technological colleges which are elevated recently in Taiwan during the 2006-2008 periods. With the three-stage adjustment, the researcher presented the relationship between the outside environmental factors among the considered colleges and the input slacks. After excluding the impacts from outside environmental factors and statistical noises, the study finds that the differences among the technical efficiency, the pure technical efficiency, and scale efficiency of the considered colleges would be decreased. In addition, it is also found that most considered colleges have opportunity to improve their efficiency and are in the phase of increasing returns to scale.
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亞洲主要機場的績效比較研究-資料包絡法的分析 / Efficiency evaluation of major airports in Asia-data envelopment analysis賴淑容, Lai, Shu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
This study adopt input orientation data envelopment Analysis approaches to evaluate the operational efficiency for major international airports in terms of the top 20 ranking by total passengers handling in Asia region in 2008. Unlike the most the other airport literature researches only using the one-stage DEA to measure the efficiency, in this study, two-stage, the extension of DEA, adding the concept of the intermediates product, separate the airport operation into airport capital side and airport capability side, is applied to evaluate the two-side efficiency of each airport under the assumption of constant returns to scale, variable returns to scale, scale efficiency and super efficiency model by employing four inputs, four intermediate products and two outputs.
The result of this study shows that the China Shenzhen Baoan airport is the best airport in overall technical efficiency in different stages. It indicates that the operation of small size airports (category by the passengers handling) are run more efficiency than the large one. In addition, by two-stage DEA analysis, the airport capital usage is better than in capacity utilization. It found that the China Beijing Capital airport is good in airport infrastructure usage but the capacity utilization is not enough. Finally, the number of increasing return scale airports are more than the decreasing return scale airports among Asia region (e.g. Taiwan Taoyuan airport), therefore, the expansions of facility and capacity in those increasing return scale airports are worthy to invest to promote the operational efficiency and its competitiveness.
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以矩陣分解法計算特別階段形機率分配並有多人服務之排隊模型 / A phase-type queueing model with multiple servers by matrix decomposition approaches顏源亨, Yen, Yuan Heng Unknown Date (has links)
穩定狀態機率是讓我們了解各種排隊網路性能的基礎。在擬生死過程(Quasi-Birth-and-Death) Phase-type 分配中求得穩定狀態機率,通常是依賴排隊網路的結構。在這篇論文中,我們提出了一種計算方法-LU分解,可以求得在排隊網路中有多台服務器的穩定狀態機率。此計算方法提供了一種通用的方法,使得複雜的大矩陣變成小矩陣,並減低計算的複雜性。當需要計算一個複雜的大矩陣,這個成果變得更加重要。文末,我們提到了離開時間間隔,並用兩種方法 (Matlab 和 Promodel) 去計算期望值和變異數,我們發現兩種方法算出的數據相近,接著計算離開顧客的時間間隔相關係數。最後,我們提供數值實驗以計算不同服務器個數產生的離去過程和相關係數,用來說明我們的方法。 / Stationary probabilities are fundamental in response to various measures of performance in queueing networks. Solving stationary probabilities in Quasi-Birth-and-Death(QBD) with phase-type distribution normally are dependent on the structure of the queueing network. In this thesis, a new computing scheme is developed for attaining stationary probabilities in queueing networks with multiple servers. This scheme provides a general approach of consindering the
complexity of computing algorithm. The result becomes more
significant when a large matrix is involved in computation. After determining the stationary probability, we study the departure process and the moments of inter-departure times. We can obtain the moment of inter-departure times. We compute the moments of inter-departure times and the variance by applying two numerical methods (Matlab and Promodel). The lag-k correlation of inter-departure times is also introduced in the thesis. The proposed approach is proved theoretically and verifieded with illustrative examples.
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從選擇與集中的角度探討日本住友商事之階段式復甦型變革 / From the perspective of selection and concentration,to discuss staged turnaround change of the Japaness company Sumitomo.陳逸中 Unknown Date (has links)
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中共外交戰略的演變:結構與個人決策分析 / Evolution of China's Diplomatic Strategy: Analysis of the Structural and the Individual Level許晉銘 Unknown Date (has links)
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異質群體網路建構分析黃裕雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討異質群體網路的建構問題。我們假設群體內及群體外的連結成本相同,但是不同群體內較常發生的問題不同,每個人均可能發生自己所屬群體內(較常發生)的問題以及非所屬群體(較不常發生)的問題。在這樣的假設下我們分別探討線性成本、邊際成本遞增下的對稱均衡及非對稱均衡。線性成本下,每個人會偏好擁有較多群體內連結數、較少群體外連結數,而連結強度不是1就是0,但是1或0是經濟個體的內生選擇,和Jackson and Rogers(2005)、Galeotti et al.(2006)假設強度不是1就是0的情況不同。當邊際成本為遞增,多數時候人們會偏好較多、較強的群體內連結;較少、較弱的群體外連結,所以遞增成本模型可以解釋現實社會人們傾向和同群體的人保持較多、較強關係的現像。
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創業管理影響高科技新事業核心能耐形成之研究 - 以群聯電子公司為例 / Influence of New Venture Management on Core Competences Formation of High Tech Companies - A Case Study of Phison Electronics萬惠棻, Wang, Huei Feng Unknown Date (has links)
因此,為探討新事業的創業管理與其核心能耐間的關聯性,本研究希望藉由研究結果回答三點研究問題:(1) 創業家在創業階段應注意哪些管理上的事項?(2) 新事業的核心能耐如何發展而得?(3) 創業家的創業管理決策是否影響新事業核心能耐的形成?
3.創業家在創業階段的管理決策會影響新事業智慧資本的發展,進而影響累積出的核心能耐。 / Technological changes often generate new products or services, and create new business opportunities and markets that attract entrepreneurs. This phenomenon tends to occur at the budding or emerging stage of an industry, where new ventures have a better chance to survive. Since the market has potential high growth, one can expect there would be many contestants competing in it. New ventures must develop a sustaining competitive advantage to succeed in such a perilous environment.
For a company, its competitive advantages normally come from its core competences, which were accumulated over time. Depending on the nature of the company, its core competence could be developed from its core resources or intellectual capitals. Studies on core competence conducted by local researchers mostly focused on identifying the core competence of a particular industry, based on the existing core resources of well-established companies. So far, no study had been found that explored the relevance of a company’s core competence formation and its management processes during the start-up stage.
In order to understand if the managerial decisions undertaken during start-up stage have any effect on a company’s core competence accumulated, we’d like to use our research results to answer the following 3 questions: (1) What are the key management guidelines an entrepreneur should pay attentions to during the start-up stage of a new venture? (2) How are the core competences developed by a new venture? (3) If the decisions made by an entrepreneur during the start-up stage have any effect on the core competences a new venture develops?
In this study, we chose an IC design house – Phison Electronics, as our study case. From the case interview and secondary data collected, we tried to reproduce the management processes in Phison’s start-up stage; then identified the core competences accumulated from the intellectual capitals in each growth stage; finally, by inspecting the results summarized above, we would determine if the core competences of Phison could be traced back to its managerial decisions made at start-up stage. Our preliminary conclusions are as follows:
1.The entrepreneurs need to think stage-wise of their new ventures, and define the corporate goals and resources required for each stage of growth, then make adjustments accordingly.
2.Different aspects of a new venture’s intellectual capitals would influence each other’s developments. Entrepreneurs need to maintain a balanced intellectual capital composition within the company to facilitate the formation of the new venture’s competitive advantage.
3.The management decisions entrepreneurs made in start-up stage would affect the development of intellectual capitals in later stages, thereby affecting the accumulation of core competences.
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