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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國大型微電子企業的國際化策略-以華潤微電子集團為例 / Internationalization of China's Large Microelectronics Companies: An Empirical Study of China Resources Microelectronics Group

林欣杰, Lin, Hsin Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
中國是近幾年來表現最亮麗的新興經濟體,自1979年實施改革開放以來,經濟快速發展,幾乎每年都以將近兩位數的成長速度往前發展。[中國崛起]已在全球帶起中國熱,也帶起歐美學習中文的風潮。中國的經濟成長,讓鄰近的台灣的各項產業產生巨大的變化,無不受到大陸廣大市場與廉價勞工的吸引。以近年在大陸蓬勃發展的電子業而言,中國微電子產業的發展歷程大致可分成以下幾個階段: 1.1956-1980:發展模式摸索時期 2.1980-1995:建立五大骨幹企業與「九0八工程」 3.1996-2000:外資介入下中國半導體產業 4.2000-2005:十八號文頒布與中國半導體產業快速發展時期 5.20005以後:穩定成長期 而台灣的電子業,紛紛將生產的工廠遷往大陸。台商前仆後繼的進入大陸,蔚為風潮。但近年來可以發現,開始有大陸的企業考慮來台投資,不光是一般認為的房地產而已,也開始有電子業相關的投資案在考慮中。於是乎,一般常探討的「如何進入大陸市場?」,漸漸也轉變成其反向的思考:「大陸企業如何國際化?」!這就成為一個非常值得探討的題目。而近年來電子業的發展,逐漸走向垂直整合及資金密集的競爭,能運用整合資源的企業將較有可能在競爭中勝出。所以,本研究針對大陸大型微電子企業做個案分析,並以大陸華潤集團所屬之華潤微電子集團為研究對象,分別探討以下兩點: 1.大陸大型電子企業(以華潤微電子集團為例)的國際化歷程的現況與遭遇的問題。 2.大陸大型電子企業(以華潤微電子集團為例)國際化的策略。 本研究得到的主要結論如下: 1.華潤微電子集團在外部受到國際經濟情勢、市場現況和國內政治情勢的影響。 2.華潤微電子集團在內部受到母集團優勢與技術能力的影響。 3.華潤微電子集團除了順應政府政策與結合母集團外,國際化可同時解決取得技術和拓展市場兩大問題。 4.本研究對大陸大型微電子企業之國際化策略提出一套含A.確定目標、 B.選擇市場、C.選擇地點、D.選擇進入模式、E.檢視進入程序及F.跨國技術管理的流程。 本研究除針對大陸大型微電子企業給予建議外,也希望能藉由對大陸企業的了解,作為兩岸更多合作可能的基礎。而大陸政府對電子業的扶持,也可提供政府科技政策上的參考與借鏡。 / China is the best-performing emerging economy in recent years. Since the implementation of the reform and opening up in 1979, China had rapid economic development every year, almost in nearly double-digit growth rate. [The Rise of China] has brought up China fever in the world, and also brought up the wave of learning Chinese in western world. China's economic growth makes a huge change in Taiwan’s every industry. All are attracted by the mainland China's vast market and cheap labor. Booming electronics industry in mainland China in recent years, the development history of China microelectronics industry can be broadly divided into the following phases: Phase I: 1956-1980: Developing model period Phase II:1980-1995 : Establishing five major backbone enterprises with the "908 Project" Phase III:1996-2000: Foreign investment intervention in China's semiconductor Industry Phase IV:2000-2005: Promulgating the 18th of the text and the period of rapid development Phase V:After 20005: Stable growth Many Taiwan's companies of electronics industry have moved factories to mainland China. Taiwan businessmen fought to enter the mainland. It has become an unmistakable trend. But in recent years, mainland enterprises begin to consider investing in Taiwan. It not only happens in real estate, but also in the electronics industry. Consequently, the commonly discussed subject [How to enter the mainland market?] has become gradually into the reverse thinking: [How can the mainland enterprises internationalize?] and it becomes one worth-exploring subject. The development of the electronics industry in recent years gradually moves towards vertical integration and capital-intensive competition. The enterprise which is able to use the integration of resources of the enterprises will be most likely able to win the competition. Therefore, the China Resources Microelectronics Group which belongs to the China Resource Group is chosen as the target of this work. The subjects of this work are: 1. Current status of the internationalization process and the problems encountered by a large mainland microelectronics companies (China Resources Microelectronics Group, for example). 2. Internationalization of the China’s large microelectronics companies (China Resources Microelectronics Group, for example). The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. China Resources Microelectronics Group is externally affected by the international economic situation, current market conditions and the impact of the domestic political situation. 2. China Resources Microelectronics Group is internally affected by the strengths of the parent group (China Resources Group) and technical capabilities. 3. In addition to conforming to the Government policy and the combination of the parent group, the internationalization of China Resources Microelectronics Group can at the same time solve the problems of access to technology and expanding the market. 4. This study submits one set of the internationalization to the China’s large microelectronics companies. It contains: A. Identification of the target B. Choice of Market C. Choice of Location D. Choice of Entry Mode E. Review Entry Process F. Global Technology Management In this work, in addition to giving advice to the large mainland microelectronics companies, this work hopes to provide more possible basis for cooperation to mainland China and Taiwan by the understanding of the enterprises in China. And the mainland government's support of the electronics industry can also provide the reference and learn to the science and technology policy of our government.

已開發國家食品產業跨國購併宣告效果之研究 / Announcement Effect of Food Industry Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions - Evidence from Developed Countries

吳宜頻, Wu, I Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002年至2012年已開發國家食品產業跨國購併案為樣本,以事件研究法,比較已開發國家食品產業跨國購併已開發國家及開發中國家企業的購併宣告效果,去看在跨國購併的文獻議題上和實證結果是否相符。並以雀巢集團為收購公司之案例,比較其進軍已開發國家(美國惠氏營養品)及開發中國家(中國徐福記)的策略及收購後營運與財務績效,可否套用於產業研究結果,希望為後續食品產業購併提供研究參考。 本研究有以下三點發現:1.食品產業自已開發國家購併已開發國家對收購公司的股價宣告效果,較購併開發中國家對收購公司的股價宣告效果佳。2.已開發國家之食品產業收購與該產業相關性越高的企業,對其收購公司的股價宣告效果並無重大顯著之影響。3.無法將雀巢集團收購惠氏營養品之個案套用於產業研究結果,收購徐福記之個案則與實證結果相似,無正向顯著的宣告效果。此二個案皆著重搶攻新興國家市場,並以水平整合及策略互補方式,擴大市佔率及強化產品線,近五年之財務狀況,與同業相比有較佳之獲利表現,且繼續經營之價值。 已開發國家食品產業在選擇跨國購併對象時,可以已開發國家企業為主要收購對象,降低文化及地理距離帶來的資訊不對稱問題及取得策略性資產,投資人對其有較佳的預期,在選擇向前垂直整合策略時需留意,因零售通路需較大規模之經營整合,對於該市場需有更深入之了解,才適合投入至通路端。 / This paper treated cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) cases of developed countries’ food industry over the period of 2002 to 2012 with event study. We compared the announcement effects of acquired companies following developed or developing countries M&A and to confirm that whether the empirical results are consistent with the literature. We used Nestle S.A. as acquiring company to compare its M&A’s strategies and performance when acquiring Wyeth Nutrition and Hsu Fu Chi. Hope to be the reference for the following food industry M&A research. The major research finding as follows. First, the announcement effects of developed countries’ food industry following developed countries M&A are better than developing countries M&A. Second, the results demonstrated that the announcement effect had no significant difference among different industrial relevance of target companies. Third, the case of Hsu Fu Chi acquisition is similar with the empirical results but Wyeth Nutrition acquisition cannot. Furthermore, both cases were focused on the emerging markets and complementary strategies. Developed countries’ food industry can chooses the developed countries’ firms as target companies to decrease asymmetric information which caused by cultural, economic and geographic distance and to acquire strategic assets. They also should have enough acquaintance of the markets before they invest in the channel.

黨國體系下之文化事業單位轉型:以兩岸中影為例 / Comparison of The Taiwan and China’s Cultural Institutions of The Party-state System : The Case of Two Film Corporations

楊孟杰, Yang, Meng Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
戒嚴時期的國民黨與當今的中國共產黨政權對於媒介的控制都放在一個高處管理,兩岸出發自類同的列寧式黨國體制之下,對於文化事業單位的管理方式看似又都嚴密控管,但為何台灣中影得以在1980年代衝撞國民黨黨國體制;而中國中影卻始終產出主旋律電影來為黨喉舌,而這種為黨服務的主旋律電影在市場化下的產量和品質又為何會忽高忽低? 本文藉由對兩岸中影的文獻與數據,來判別這兩種威權體制究竟有何差異,這種政權差異又會如何體現在台灣與中國大陸電影產業當中? 將兩岸中影放在政權性質架構下再做比較,看出黨國體制的對外關係、控制文化事業單位、菁英政策與箝制媒體的力道與方式的不同。 本文研究觀點是台灣中影歷經從硬威權時期轉向軟威權時期,這過渡的區段少有研究台灣民主化學者去關注當中變數,而是將重點放在軟威權時期研究,本文以中影公司案例作為這區段的變數研究;而中國中影則處在後極權發展型國家當中,黨的利益與部門利益形成兩股消長力量。本文再藉由體制的比較,發現台灣中影之所以能突破黨國鐵幕,軟威權政體除了提供政治社會風氣轉型背景之外,很大原因是來自於國民黨的扶持政策與人事決策誤判所導致。當今中國中影在媒介條塊管理與雙重領導體制下,文化事業單位不但無力抗拒上層,外界媒體也無法給予聲援。本文最後提供三種研究意涵:一是黨國體制下的電影產業對政權性質理論的回饋補充;二是台灣中影走向「新電影風潮」給中國電影民主化的啟示;三是發展中與落後國家的電影產業仍然需要有國家的大力扶持,而台灣脫離黨國體制後,缺乏黨國給予的持續補貼,最後禁不起商業的競爭而走向落寞。對照當今中國中影集團,雖有中共黨國的持續保護而壯大,但卻壓抑了電影創作者與整個電影市場的更快發展。 / This thesis study how the KMT under martial law and the Chinese Communist Party today control their cultural institutions ,and the domestication and resistance of the Central Motion Picture Corporation(CMPC) and the China Film Group Corporation(CFGC) controlled by the two parties. Due to people's ideology could influenced by movies, the two authoritarian parties always control their film institutions by funding, personnel and administration affairs. However, the CMPC were still able to publish some radical movies when the parties cannot prevent the managers of culture institutions to ally with non-state-owned film institutions.

企業集團全球網絡與在地治理模式研究以華碩集團為例 / Corporate group global network and localized business management model: Case study Asus.

王樂平 Unknown Date (has links)
過去對於台灣單一廠商朝向大型集中化的企業集團發展及其在地交易治理模式的現象較少涉及,本研究由網絡理論出發,扣連華碩集團作為研究場域,援引Håkanson企業全球擴張模式,企圖論證華碩企業集團化過程中,如何透過獨資或合資之進入模式,佈局全球在地網絡關係,進而運用Powell組織治理模式,探討企業集團在地網絡治理模式。有別於過去文獻單從政治經濟學詮釋企業集團介入不同產業時,強調國家角色的重要性;或者從經濟地理學探討單一產業之廠商全球佈局或跨界生產網絡建構與在地鑲嵌實證研究,期能補充過去文獻之不足。經研究後發現: 一、Håkanson於1979年所提出之企業集團全球擴張模式,無法適用於華碩全球網絡擴張模式。 經本研究分析,Håkanson所提出的企業集團全球擴張模式,無法適用於華碩企業集團的全球網絡擴張模式,就其原因,應與現今之企業集團受全球網絡接軌、資訊技術的進步、市場全球化、專業技術的研發及台灣中小企業的靈活性等因素影響。故本研究依華碩案例,整理出企業集團全球擴張模式的三階段,1.單一廠商及採用海外銷售代理商階段;2.滲透到個國內外市場階段;3.產生跨國產業的公司。 二、Powell的組織交易治理模式,可以解釋華碩企業集團全球網絡下各公司在地網絡治理行為。 Powell強調網絡是一個重要的組織交易治理模式,相關研究亦指出華人企業比較重視「網絡」,透過華碩企業集團案例分析,顯示研發活動受到確保關鍵技術的限制而採用層級型;在製造活動上,受到控制產品品質及降低成本的需求,初期會採用層級型,然後隨着產品多樣化而採用網絡層級型;行銷活動為了獲取最大的銷售利益,在單一技術多角化經營期間採用市場網絡型,隨着產品多樣化而採用市場型。 三、本研究所選擇的四個影響在地組織交易治理模式因素,僅有企業價值活動具解釋性。 透過企業發展階段、各公司設立時間、進入模式及企業價值活動等四個選擇因素的迴歸分析,發現各分、子公司所從事的企業價值活動對在地組織交易治理模式有顯著影響。 / There are few researches on how a Taiwanese single manufacturer developing into a hyper-centralized group and what its localized business and management model is. Hence this paper is employed the network theory to Asus as studied case and applied Håkanson’s Corporate Global Expansion Model for Asus’ group developing process to try to explain how employ solely or joint investment entering model to layout global localized network. Furthermore, employ Powell’s organization management model to explore corporate group’s local management network. This dissertation is different from most papers focus on the role of country when interpreting from political economy view that how corporate group enters various industry. It is also different from economic geography view to explore how one single manufacturer layout globally or across industry to setup and localize completely production. I hope the approach of this paper can fill the gap. Findings: 1. Håkanson’s Corporate Global Expansion Model submitted in 1979 can not be applied for Asus’ global network expansion model. The reason why Håkanson’s Corporate Global Expansion Model can not be applied for Asus’ global network expansion model is modern corporate group is highly influenced by global network, information technology, market globalized, and the development of professional skills, and the flexibility for Taiwanese middle and small companies. It can be concluded that there are three stages for the corporate group to expand globally based on case Asus. First is one single producer and oversea sales agent, the next step is penetrating to foreign market, and the third phase is one cross-country manufacturer is born. 2. Powell’s organization management model can explain how Asus’ individual company’s local managing behavior under the global umbrella of Asus Corporate Group. Powell emphasizes the network is a very important organization business management model. All the relative researches also point out that Chinese enterprises consider “network” more important than the others. Base on the stud of Asus, this paper indicates R & D development is restricted for protecting critical technology so as to employ ranking mode. As in production, by the request of controlling product quality and lowering down cost, at first, the ranking mode is required, then, along with product variety increasing, the network mode is employed. Marketing activity aims to maximize selling profit. Asus employs market network mode for a single technology with diversified managing phase while market mode for product variety situation. 3. Researching four chosen factors of influencing local organization business managing model, enterprise value activity only is explainable. Based on the regression analysis for four chosen factors as enterprise developing stages, the setup date of each subsidiary or branch office, entering models, and enterprise value activity, the enterprise value activity of each subsidiary or branch office does significant influence on local organization business managing model.


李文芬, Lee,Wen-fen Unknown Date (has links)
公司因應「企業全球化」趨勢,追求全球資源最佳配置下,交易大多在集團內部進行。透過移轉訂價政策,作為集團企業間關係人交易價格的制定依據。 此趨勢之下,我國集團企業間關係人交易採用移轉訂價政策的情況為何?本研究以我國上市櫃公司之集團企業為研究對象,探討分析移轉訂價查核準則實施對我國集團企業間移轉訂價制定因素之影響,並彙整我國集團企業對移轉訂價查核準則規範內容的意見。 一、我國集團企業移轉訂價政策之運用現況及考量因素: 1、目前僅有五成的集團企業有建立明確移轉訂價政策作為關係人交易訂價的依據:公司規模愈大、對外投資期間愈長、關係人交易總額愈多、而關係企業家數在5家以下的集團企業,採用比例也愈高。 2、以移轉訂價查核準則規範之「可比較未受控價格法」及「成本加價法」之傳統交易基礎法採用為多。整體租稅負擔並非主要考量因素,各國移轉訂價法令規定及我國財務會計準則公報第六號規定為最主要的因素。規模越大、關係企業家數越多、越重視法令規定的企業,採用交易基礎移轉訂價法的機率愈高。惟,綜合集團整體內外經濟因素加以考量時,則偏向利潤基礎法。 二、我國集團企業受移轉訂價查核準則影響及意見: 1、透過組織管理架構的調整,將關係人交易價格的重心轉為事前規劃,進而考量移轉訂價稽查之因應。 2、目前我國集團企業多數認為準則並無不合理且頗具可行性。 / With the trend of globalization, companies use global resources to pursue best interest of the group enterprises as a whole within related party transactions. Through the transfer pricing policy, conglomerates can determine the prices for transactions between related parties. This study uses the conglomerate enterprises of Listed and OTC companies in Taiwan as questionnaire samples. The study analyses the impact of implement action of Taiwan transfer pricing regulations on conglomerate enterprises and the factors of transfer pricing among the conglomerates in Taiwan. The results of the research are as follows: 1.Nowadays, only 50% of the conglomerates in Taiwan establish a stated transfer pricing policy in determining the prices for transactions between related parties. We also focus that the larger size, the longer time of investment and the great investment amount, the higher proportion to adopt the transfer pricing policy. 2.The conglomerates in Taiwan tend to “The Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method” and “The Cost Plus Method” . The groups do not regard world-wide tax burden as an important factor, rather they emphasize more on the other countries’ transfer pricing regulations and financial accounting standards No.6 as the main factors. 3.The larger size, the more related companies, and paying more attention to regulations, the higher probability of transaction-based transfer pricing method. When the comprehensive internal and external economic factors are considered, the conglomerate companies tend to adopt profit-based transfer pricing method. 4.Through the adjustment of the organizational structure, and planning the price for transactions between related parties in advance, the conglomerate enterprises take tax audit into account. 5.Most of conglomerates in Taiwan regard the criteria of Taiwan transfer pricing regulations as rational and feasible at present.

跨國公司對在地國之影響: 以俄羅斯天然氣工業集團為例 / The impact of multinational corporation on host country: the case of Gazprom group

李苑如 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究重點為探討跨國公司對在地國之影響,分析與比較俄羅斯天然氣工業集團(Gazprom Group)在烏克蘭與白俄羅斯兩國之議價關係。 Gazprom為全球壟斷性天然氣公司,在2006年冬季俄、烏天然氣談判破局而發生歐洲大規模斷氣事件後,其對在地國的特殊影響力才逐漸成為各界熱烈討論之議題。一般而言,在全球化下的跨國公司研究多半聚焦在跨國公司的經濟影響力,然而Gazprom在母國政府的支持下,在全球市場上除了經濟面外,還對其他國家發揮著政治面向上的影響力,特別是在烏克蘭與白俄羅斯的例子上格外明顯。學界目前對於Gazprom的主流評論認為Gazprom為母國外交工具,然而追溯Gazprom、在地國與俄羅斯三方之天然氣關係背景,發現Gazprom在烏、白兩國之作為不能單純將Gazprom設想為「母國外交工具」,Gazprom與兩國之天然氣衝突是俄羅斯政府「外交目標」與Gazprom「商業獲利」考量下之綜合結果;以Gazprom為主體方向下思考,對Gazprom來說,俄羅斯政府是企業對在地國的「產業政策影響工具」,更正確地來說,Gazprom與俄羅斯政府是屬於互相為用的關係。 為破除既定「外交工具」思考方向,本文採議價能力衰減模型(Obsolescing Bargaining Model)作為基礎研究架構,以Gazprom為研究主體,突破以往傳統上單層議價模型中只論跨國公司與在地國之議價過程,加入母國政府與在地國政府之議價關係,分析俄與烏、白兩國政府議價結果與Gazprom影響力之關聯,以貼合本文案例實際研究需要。 / This paper examines the impact of multinational corporations (MNC) on host country, analyzes and compares the two cases in Ukraine and Belarus of bargaining relations between Gazprom Group and host governments. Gazprom is a global natural gas monopoly, after the breakup of gas negotiation between Russia and Ukraine and cut-off of Russian gas to Europe, its special impact on host country has attracted people of all the different circles to discuss it. In most cases of globalization researches on MNC’s role, people concentrate on the economic impact of MNC; however, with the support from home government, Gazprom has shown not only its economic power, but also its political impact on host country, especially on Ukraine and Belarus. Till now, the academic circle has seen Gazprom as an instrument of Russian foreign policy, but after tracing back the historical background of gas relations between Gazprom, host country, and Russia, we can figure out Gazprom can’t be simply regarded as the policy instrument, in fact, the Russia-Ukraine and Russia-Belarus gas disputes between are the complex of Russian foreign policy consideration and Gazprom commercial actions. For Gazprom, Russian government is an instrument as well to influence host country’s policy in gas sector. More correctly, Gazprom and Russian government use each other for their own purposes. To break through the existing “instrument of foreign policy” research direction, this paper uses obsolescing bargaining model as the basic framework, regarding Gazprom as the main subject, changing the traditional one-tier bargaining model into two-tier, including bargaining relationship between home government and host government, then analyzes the correlation between the governmental bargaining results and Gazprom’s bargaining power for the practical case study needs.

一帶一路對Visegrad聯盟之影響 / Impact of belt and road initiative on visegrad group

蓋蓮娜, Geppert, Alena Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This qualitative study provides conclusions on Impact of Belt and Road Initiative for Visegrad countries – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. It analyses trade indicators and foreign direct investments between Visegrad countries and China for years 2012-2016. It compares results and status of relations based on Belt and Road Initiative on economical, geopolitical and political level. In the end, this study provides suggestions for Visegrad countries to be more attractive for Chinese investors or to benefit more from cooperation.


劉怡成 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟全球化的時代來臨,國與國之間的界線漸趨模糊,全球的產業及資源都不斷地加速整合,本研究嘗試以不同角度出發,分別以「全球化浪潮下之現代集團公司」、「境外控股公司的靈活機制」及「以股權規劃為中心的思考模式」三大核心為主題,先從全球佈局的觀點來定位企業,取代傳統緩慢演變逐漸拓展的方式,選擇在企業創立的最初,就以全球化的眼光來設計企業的組成架構,跳脫國界的藩籬;再經由比較英屬維京群島、開曼群島以及美國德拉瓦州設立境外公司的相關規定,闡述境外控股公司的各種優勢與操作機制;接著探討企業從設立到赴國際資本市場上市的籌資過程中,如何以股權規劃為中心,運用靈活的持股架構及特別股的概念,就公司的股東結構、董事會結構與組織制度,以及員工認股權各面向做出細緻的設計,來募集所需資金並鞏固未來發展。 最後,本研究以中芯國際集成電路有限公司與富士康國際控股有限公司兩家赴香港上市之台資企業個案,討論其上市前之集團架構、歷次資本形成與股權規劃等過程,一方面與本研究之分析作對照,另一方面亦闡述香港資本市場躋身國際資本市場之原因,並對台灣目前資本市場的法令與政策提出期許。 / In the coming era of globalization, boundaries between countries are blurring, and the global integration of industries and resources speeds up. This thesis tries to look into the phenomenon from three perspectives: group companies under the globalization trends, the flexible mechanism of offshore holding companies, and equity planning-centered thinking model for modern enterprises. By pointing out that, instead of expanding gradually, modern enterprises tend to arrange its organization from a global viewpoint on the first day it is established, this thesis interprets group companies with a new angle; second, it presents the respective criteria for setting up offshore companies in British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and the State of Delaware along with the advantages and flexibilities of using offshore holding companies; and third, it introduces the concept of equity planning during the developing course of an enterprise from startup to listing company, including the formation of its capital structure, shareholder structure, board of directors, organization, and employee incentive plans in order to raise enough funding and secure the basis of future prosperity. At last, this thesis takes two Taiwan-based, Hong Kong listed companies, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation and Foxconn International Holdings Limited, as examples and studies their respective pre-IPO group structure, the capital formation and the equity planning course to reflect the analysis contained herein on the one hand, and also discuss the reasons why Hong Kong can become one of the most-favored international capital markets and finally proposes suggestions to the laws, regulations as well as policies with respect to the current capital market of Taiwan.

從"大而全"的組織到資產專用性的組織: 廣州一家機器製造業國有企業的組織變遷. / From over-integration to asset specificity: the organizational change of a state- / 從大而全的組織到資產專用性的組織 / 廣州一家機器製造業國有企業的組織變遷 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / ProQuest dissertations and theses / Cong "da er quan" de zu zhi dao zi chan zhuan yong xing de zu zhi: Guangzhou yi jia ji qi zhi zao ye guo you qi ye de zu zhi bian qian. / Cong da er quan de zu zhi dao zi chan zhuan yong xing de zu zhi / Guangzhou yi jia ji qi zhi zao ye guo you qi ye de zu zhi bian qian

January 2002 (has links)
I propose an integrative approach to address the above questions. My findings suggest that certain kinds of the organizational form were always interwoven with the social situation at the time and could not be simplistically explained in terms of efficiency alone. It was the state and the development of the market that determined the dynamics of the organizational form. In my opinion, efficiency theory, specifically the concept of asset specificity, could explain why the internal market system failed. On the other hand, power theory, specifically the phenomenon of isomorphism, could shed light on why the enterprise adopted the internal market system in 1994. The study suggests that the perspective of power has more strength to explain the social process of the organizational form framing. Furthermore, it explores the source of the internal transaction costs, which was underdeveloped in neo-institutional economic theory. It is my argument that there is a missing link between asset specificity and the internal transaction costs. / In the institutional approach, the studies of organizational forms have long been influenced by two theories: efficiency theory and power theory. The general theoretical concern of this study is: Is efficiency theory adequate to explain the internal organizational form? Which of these two theories is more appropriate to explain the internal organizational form of the state-owned enterprises in China? / The twenty-year economic reform in China has witnessed frequent changes in the titles and structures of China's economic organizations. This case study investigates the internal organizational form of a state-owned enterprise in Guangzhou, China. It depicts the history of its organizational form from 1949 to 2000. Under the planned economy, the said enterprise, The Southern Heavy Machinery Corporation, had an over-integrated organizational structure. From 1994 to 2000, the enterprise has set up a system consisting of an enterprise group corporation and dozens of subsidiary companies, moving toward a market system for its internal transactions among the production units. The subsidiary companies were set up on the basis of the earlier production plants established before 1984. As profits decreased year by year, the new general manager who started his tenure in September 2000 made the decision to bring some of its crucial subsidiary companies back into the form of production plants to render stronger continuities in production. / Why then, after 16 years of internal market practice that has begun in 1984, did the enterprise restructure itself to adopt the unitary form (U form) in some crucial production units? This study aims to explain the following questions: what was the cause of adopting the certain organizational form, why it used the internal market system and why the internal market system failed. / 平萍. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (p. 254-264). / 中英文摘要. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 63-05, Section: A, page: 2020. / Supervisor: Tai-lok Lui. / Available also through the Internet via Current research @ Chinese University of Hong Kong under title: From over-integration to asset specificity the organizational change of a state-owned machinery enterprise in Guangzhou (China, Chinese text) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (Zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (p. 254-264). / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Ping Ping.

跨界投資與在地再投資區位選擇研究 / A study on location selection of trans-border investment and reinvestment in home country

王冠斐 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究著眼於台灣經濟轉型、中國經濟的崛起與台灣企業組織的變化,從台灣企業集團的總部設立、跨界投資的區位選擇及在地再投資三個面向進行討論,期望在既有的研究基礎上,就台灣廠商在兩岸投資區位佈點的考量提出完整性的觀察,並強化既有的研究。 首先,以台灣1000大製造業為研究樣本,選擇包括純辦公室使用、研發設計、台商一千大、跨國生產網絡、外資企業、員工人數、資本總額、知識密集型、傳統型製造業等變項分別代表總部功能、跨界治理能力及企業屬性三大類變數,透過二元羅吉特模型以及集群分析方法,探討台灣企業在首都、都會區以及生產性服務業及創新氛圍同質性地區的總部設立區位選擇行為。實證的結果發現,代表企業屬性變數的資產總額、員工人數和產業別明顯影響台灣製造業廠商在首都設立總部的區位選擇,而總部功能為純辦公室使用或設有研發機構者更傾向將總部設立於首都或都會區,跨界治理能力的影響則未能獲得證實。另外,過去國內在研究企業總部地點選擇研究上較少從創新氛圍角度出發,而本研究實證的結果發現,台灣製造業廠商企業總部的區位選擇不僅受到地區生產性服務業的影響,也受到地區創新氛圍的影響。 在跨界投資區位選擇部分,本研究以台灣250大企業集團中的知識密集型製造業集團為研究對象,以台灣、環渤海地區、長江三角洲地區、珠江三角洲地區為研究場域,選擇企業特性與投資區位條件變數,並以多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。其中,企業特性變數為產業類別、投資經驗、投資時間等三項因子,而投資區位條件則有勞工薪資、市場規模、區域創新強度及外資投資強度等因子。實證結果發現,代表經濟發展階段的投資時間變項確實會影響企業集團的區位選擇行為,產業的類別不同其區位選擇也會不同,先前的投資經驗雖然影響區位選擇。但是與過去研究不同的是,本次實證發現對台灣企業來說面對相似而且鄰近的市場,進入新市場的動機可能比過去的投資經驗來得重要的多,同時投資區位條件亦會影響區位選擇行為。另外,過去較少直接連結廠商生產面的區域創新能力亦明顯影響企業集團的區位選擇,因此本研究認為區域創新活動對於跨國企業在地化取得知識及技術亦具有相當重要的意義。 在地再投資部分以台灣製造業1000大廠商中知識密集型製造業為研究對象,並以工業地域觀點所劃分的台灣地區北、中、南三大區域為研究場域,選擇包括在台投資經驗、總部區位、第一次投資決策、路徑依循等企業廠商組織決策之屬性變數,以及包含區域中科學園區的設立、產業專業化係數、雜異化指標等區域環境變數,透過多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。實證的結果發現,總部區位確實影響後續再投資的工廠區位選擇,第一次的投資決策經驗對於第二次投資的區位選擇行為影響比總部區位的影響明顯,代表時間演進而產生路徑相依的地區經濟型態差異變項也確實會影響區位選擇行為。而當區域內科學園區的發展相較未臻成熟時,其區域的賦能仍不足以吸引企業廠商進駐,至於台灣企業的再投資區位選擇基於對區域特性的了解較偏好區域內工業地域的地方化經濟,而不偏好區域內工業地域的都市化經濟。 / Stressed on the Taiwanese economical transition, the up-rising of Chinese economy and the change of Taiwanese enterprise organization as well as based on the past research, this study explores the factors affecting location selection behavior of Taiwanese firms across Taiwan Strait from three aspects including the establishment of enterprise headquarter, cross-border investment and local re-investment. On the establishment of enterprise headquarter, the top 1000 manufacturing firms in Taiwan were sampled and some factors were analyzed including office type, R&D, multinational production network, foreign enterprise, number of employee, total asset, knowledge-intensive business, and traditional manufacturing firms. However, these factors could be classed into three fields: headquarter function, cross-border management ability and firm characteristics. Then, the location selection behavior of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter was examined by the techniques of binary logit model and cluster analysis technique among capital area, urban area and homogenous area with productive service industry and innovation-based cluster. The results of empirical analysis show that the factors represented firm characteristics including total asset, number of employee and enterprise type significantly affected the location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter. Furthermore, it is also verified that the enterprise headquarter had been established in capital or urban area if the headquarter was provided with R&D or simply used as office, but the effect of cross-border management upon headquarter establishment is insignificant. The effect of innovation-based cluster upon location selection of enterprise headquarter is seldom studied in the past. However, according to empirical results in this study, they show that location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter is affected not only by local Productive Service industry but also by regional innovation-based cluster. On the location selection of cross-border investment, this study focused on the area of Taiwan, Bohai Economic Rim, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The top 250 Taiwanese enterprise groups were taken into consideration, and the multinomial Logit model was adopted for empirical analysis in which firm characteristics and location conditions were chosen as research variables. Where, firm characteristics contained industrial type, investing experience and investment time, and location conditions included labor cost, market scale, regional innovation intensity and foreign investment intensity. The empirical results indicate that industrial type and investment time significantly affect the selection of investment locations. In contrast, investment experience only slightly influences the selection of investment locations. In addition, we find that entrepreneurial motivation to enter new markets may be much more influential than prior location investment experiences for Taiwanese enterprises functioning within similar markets. Regional differences shaping investment conditions in Taiwan and mainland China also affect the selection of investment locations. Our analysis shows a particularly strong linkage between regional innovation capacity and the selection of investment locations. This implies that regional innovation capacity plays a very important role in the selection of investment locations for multinational enterprises On local re-investment, the top 1000 knowledge-intensive manufacturers in Taiwan were the samples divided by region into the northern, central and southern Taiwan groups by administrative region. The factors affecting organizational decisions were the attribute variables, including Taiwan investment experience, headquarters location, first investment experience and path dependence; and the factors affecting location selection were the regional environment variables, including regional science park status, industry specialization coefficient and Hirschman-Herfindahl index (HHI). The multinomial Logit model was used for empirical analysis, and the results show that the headquarters location affects plant location selection in re-investment, and the first investment experience has a more significant effect on the plant location selection in the second investment than the headquarters location, suggesting that the path-dependent heterogeneity in regional economic style developed over time affects location selection. Also, the immaturity of regional science parks affects plant location selection when regional empowerment cannot attract enterprises. Lastly, Taiwanese enterprises prefer regions with localized economies to regions with urbanized economies for plant location selection.

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