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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林瑞晶 Unknown Date (has links)
「寬頻網路IA時代」急遽變化為產業革命所帶來商機與挑戰。面對上述研究背景,本研究探討個案IT集團企業如何因應寬頻網路IA時代的產業革命,並期許能對台灣IT產業帶來經營上的啟示。個案集團是台灣IT產業的標竿集團之一,在投資購併績效頗為亮眼,本研究企圖剖析其如何透過選擇與集中思維,應用投資購併的快速成長模式,建構核心競爭力。 過去的研究大多在探討投資購併的動機、程序、歷程、及成功失敗的經驗,忽略了實務上集團企業在進行投資購併時,其實是因應外部環境變化,為了建構核心競爭力為前提,基於選擇與集中思維,才決定投資購併策略的成長模式,投資購併策略只是集團總體策略規劃的縱向連結中的一環,是手段而不是目的,不是為了投資購併而做。 從研究結果發現,集團企業的優勝劣敗關鍵在因應未來趨勢,透過選擇與集中思維擬定成長策略,藉由投資購併策略,快速建構核心競爭力,將是企業持續成長的秘訣。 集團企業面臨的不再是單一事業的競爭策略問題,而是如何透過「價值鏈矩陣分析」、「事業網路佈建策略」、「產業合作網路體系」,整合出共同的或互補的競爭優勢,發揮”打群架”的整體競爭力。尤其不同產業間的合作聯盟,更將在寬頻網路IA時代大行其道。 同時企業在面對新的產業競爭,更應該善用投資購併策略—內部成長、外部成長、與有機式的成長,快速累積及強化核心資源、增加營運彈性、降低成本及分擔風險。

化妝品產業的全球成長策略研究 - 萊雅集團的個案研究 / Global Growth Strategy in Cosmetics Industry – A Case Study of L'Oreal

吳麗雪, Wu, Li-hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
The cosmetics market is very dynamic and high growth potential industry. This case study will attempt to analyze how L’Oreal’s success in implementing its global growth strategies. The introduction will cover the history of L’Oreal and its amazing growth performance during these past years. This case study will analyze L’Oreal’s business model, a model that is differentiated from others by a combination of research & development, portfolio of brands, a complete distribution network, and financial prowess. With a competitive advantage in production, L’Oreal can concentrate their resources on their star product marketing strategy. An effective brand management emphasizes on categories and channels expertise, innovation via precise positioning, and adaptation at the market level. In addition, L’Oreal believes in a philosophy called “the virtuous spiral”, the driving force behind L’Oreal’s steady persistent growth over these many years.


許雲凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將華納威秀視同商品化空間來加以分析,在商品化理論採用Marx、 Baudrullardd等人的理論,重點在於肯認商品除了有使用價值、交換價值外,也有其符號價值。研究重點在於理解空間生產的過程,與其行動者為何,並討論歷史脈絡發揮何種影響。 研究結果發現,雖然華納威秀是外資影城,但是卻透過土地承租的方式與本地資本連結,而形成外資輸出影城軟硬體,本地資本提供土地的模式。因此華納威秀不是純粹的外資集團,而應透過土地產權的考量,視其為外資與本地資本共同投資的結果。 華納威秀由於經營項目涉及不動產租賃,因此同時在映演業與不動產兩個市場中運作,由於我國政府對於映演業幾乎是採放任態度,因此容易讓人忽略國家在華納威秀開發案所扮演的角色,其實如果從不動產業的角度來看待華納威秀的話,即會發現國家的「相對自主性」並未喪失。 研究顯示華納威秀的生產過程相當複雜,並不是只有跨國企業的意志就能解釋的。空間生產過程中,國家機器、本地資本、歷史等「在地條件」都扮演了重要角色,透過華納威秀的例子,我們想說明任何的全球化活動不應只被視為跨國資本意志的展現,而應多考慮在地與全球的種種衝突、緊張與妥協。


胡嘉瑋, Hu,Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化潮流下,企業透過跨國投資活動拓展經營規模,利用企業組織優勢,配合當地生產稟賦,進行跨界生產活動。而台灣在經濟發展逐漸穩定成長,國內市場面臨飽和及投資環境變遷等因素,已有不少廠商向外進行投資活動,尤其是中國大陸地區。根據相關研究顯示,台商早期進去中國以傳統製造業為主,屬於勞力密集高之產業,後期則逐漸以資本及技術密集產業為主,顯示在不同時期,台商對中國投資特性之改變。 本文從FDI理論作延伸,以經濟地理學、企業管理學角度切入,探討台灣知識密集型製造業集團投資中國區位選擇。以台灣知識密集型製造業集團作為研究標的,其目的在於反映台灣目前企業組織變化及產業動態,而研究區位則依研究目的,分為台灣地區、渤海灣地區、長江三角洲地區及珠江三角洲地區。實證模型採多項羅吉特模型(multinomial logit model, MNL),實證變數分為兩個部分:第一部分為廠商變數,放入集團產業類別、投資時間及投資經驗,第二部分為區位變數,放入薪資、市場規模、工業化程度、專利產出強度及外資投資強度。實證結果顯示集團對於區位條件較重視,且會因本身活動不同,而對市場規模、外資投資強度會有不同表現。依相關研究推論,投資珠江三角洲地區之集團以出口導向為主,對於外資投資強度為正向反應,市場規模則為負向;而渤海灣地區則剛好相反為內需型;長三角地區之集團則為兩者兼具。同時從結果亦發現地區之專利產出強度對於內需市場型集團為正向反應,映證地區創新表現越高,則企業將有意願在該地投資,因該地之創新氛圍有助於企業產品或技術創新,滿足當地市場需求。 因此從成本優勢來看,中國三大地區僅管勞工薪資不斷成長,但仍比台灣地區更具優勢,市場規模也是如此。但若以專利產出強度來看,台灣過去累積多年的創新活動,政府支持企業創新研究,並以國家機構帶領民間企業進行創新研發,輔以高度教育之人才,使得台灣地區在創新研發競爭力上比中國較具優勢。而台灣作為跨國企業集團母國地位,除透過開拓海外市場、拓展生產基地外,在母國進行投資活動有利於企業核心競爭力維持,確保跨國企業總部握有關鍵技術,維持台灣地區競爭力。

集團企業轉投資與公司價值關聯性之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Cross-Holding Investments and Corporation Value of Conglomerate

詹涵芬, Chan, Han Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以國內1997-2006年之上市櫃集團為研究對象,探討集團企業內相互轉投資所造成的市值高估現象及其對公司價值的影響,並深入各集團分子企業探討不同轉投資標的對公司價值之影響。實證結果顯示集團企業內各分子企業相互轉投資的確造成集團市值高估之現象,而投資人對於該現象,給予集團企業整體負向評價。此外,就集團內各分子企業而言,轉投資於上市櫃公司由於資訊透明度相較於轉投資於非上市櫃公司為佳,故對於公司價值負面影響較不嚴重;而轉投資於集團內其他分子企業相較於投資集團外企業,由於關係企業間之交易揭露仍不透明,操縱可能性較高,故對於公司價值呈負面影響,後兩者實證研究都再次證明資訊透明度與公司價值間之正向關係。 / This study explores the double counting effect and the relationship between that effect and the corporate value resulting from cross-holding among firms in a conglomerate, and also explores the relationship between different type of investing objects and the corporate value by using a sample of companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and Over the Counter during 1997-2006. Our empirical analysis indicates that cross-holdings among firms in a conglomerate resulted in overvaluation of the group, and investors responded to them negatively. In addition, member companies in the conglomerate investing in companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange or Over the Counter did not so negatively influence the corporate value as compared to investing in companies not listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and Over the Counter mainly because of the information transparency. Furthermore, the information among conglomerate trading is still opaque and the possibility of manipulation is higher, so investment within the conglomerate as compared to outside companies has negative impact on corporate value. The above findings both proved a positive relationship between information transparency and corporate value.

「新三中」跨媒體集團資源整合與綜效—以【超級星光大道】之節目策略為例 / A Research on Resources Integration and Synergies Exploiting for “Neo-San Chung” Media Conglomerate: A Case Study of the TV Show “One Million Star” Programming Strategy

邱琬淇, Chiu, Wan-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究關注跨媒體集團執行資源整合與綜效化經營導向之間的策略關係,並且聚焦電視節目經營的運作範圍。主要經由深度訪談的研究途徑,旨在透過個案節目:【超級星光大道】之實務分析,作為檢視中視、中天與中時所形成的「新三中」跨媒體集團之對照,藉以探究新三中資源整合的策略意涵,以及產出的綜效價值與相關影響,同時思考跨媒體集團於電視節目市場的經營邏輯與整合模式。 研究結果指出,新三中在此節目的經營過程,並非經過系統性地研擬與完整規劃,而是呈現隨市場情勢,漸進調整的發展狀態。其中,節目的收視表現和集團政策的配合是影響資源整合策略執行的關鍵。另外在價值創造方面,不管是「行銷、營運與管理綜效」,【超級星光大道】為新三中分別都在各個細部層次帶來正向的效益成長。但本研究也發現新三中的資源整合,出現難以整合管理,並且對新聞專業義理產生衝擊,尤其為了追求綜效卻導致顧此失彼造成矛盾等反向效應,種種問題隱憂代表跨媒體集團的資源整合雖能實現正面綜效的價值,但不得忽略其同時亦能產生負面綜效的影響作用。 / This research concentrates on the interaction between implementing resources-integration and operating synergy-oriented strategies in media conglomerates, with focusing on television program management. Taking the TV show “One Million Star” as an empirical investigation with depth-interviewing approach, the study intends to analyze the media conglomerate “Neo-San Chung” which comprising CTV, CTiTV and China Times three media companies; the main purpose is to explore strategic meanings, synergy value and related influences behind the resources-integration in “Neo-San Chung”. Also, the research concerns about the governance logic and the model of integration in media market. According to the research, instead of systematic design and planning step by step, the managing process of the TV show by “Neo-San Chung” presents a changing condition varying with market circumstances. Meanwhile, the program’s performance and the conglomerate’s governance policy are crucial factors. Regarding the aspect of creating value, “One Million Star” produces advantages in each detailed layers of marketing, operating and managing synergies. However, the study notices that there are some derivative problems, such as difficulties in integrated management, conflicts in Journalism values, and especially the contradiction resulted from realizing synergy benefits. Although resources integration could bring media conglomerates positive synergy values, these problems reveal that negative synergy might arise simultaneously and become potential crisis.

集團企業綜效之管理--子公司間交易情境之探討 / Synergy Management in Business Groups -- The Contexts of Transactions between Subsidiaries

李雨師 Unknown Date (has links)
集團企業是多個子公司的組合,在追求集團整體利益極大化的過程中,可能爲了追求內部資源市場配置,因而犧牲某些子公司的個別利益,或是彼此子公司之間出現交叉補貼的現象。在交叉補貼的動機下,雙方子公司進行交易時,將可能有一方犧牲,而另一方受惠;或是一方受惠較多,一方受惠較少的情形。在此情形下,集團企業爲追求長期利益,應採取何種管理作為以促使子公司間進行交易,是本研究的核心問題。 本研究以集團企業之子公司間交易為主題,嘗試探索影響子公司間交易發生的因素(本研究將影響子公司間交易發生的因素命名為「交易情境」),且以「交易情境」的觀點,進一步探討集團企業中子公司間交易之管理方式。為此,本研究以台灣集團企業作為研究對象,結合集團企業之綜效管理相關理論及文獻,針對實務現象進行分析。 本研究採質性研究方法,以集團企業中子公司間的「交易」為分析單位,進行資料蒐集與個案分析。本研究分二階段進行。第一階段為前導個案研究,依個案分析歸納發現,子公司間交易發生的情境因素包括:「投入可衡量程度」、「投入成本程度」、「市場失靈程度」以及「產出互惠程度」。子公司間交易的管理作為包括:「目標一體化」、「轉撥計價」和「市場機制(市價)」。並且建構子公司間「交易情境」與「管理作為」之配適模式,發展出初步的研究架構、研究發現與研究命題,作為後續個案研究之原樣複現基礎。第二階段為後續個案研究,目的在修正並驗證前一階段建立的研究架構與研究命題,使其內容更為豐富。 本研究整合前導個案與後續個案,歸納出下列研究發現: 一、 公司間交易情境與管理作為之配適模式 集團企業進行子公司間交易管理時,應考量「交易」的本質,也就是交易情境,針對「市場失靈程度」、「投入可衡量程度」、「投入成本程度」以及「產出互惠程度」之不同,選擇較能發揮綜效之管理作為。子公司間交易的管理作為包括「目標一體化」、「轉撥計價」和「市場機制(市價)」,因應不同的交易情境組合,管理作為的搭配組合也有所不同,藉由此配適模式,以追求集團企業之綜效。 二、 「目標一體化」程度之提升,有助於「轉撥計價」、「市場機制(市價)」方式的發揮 集團企業在追求綜效過程中,若需要犧牲某一家子公司,成全另一家子公司利益時,「目標一體化」將扮演重要的角色。透過提升「目標一體化」程度,使「轉撥計價」、「市場機制(市價)」方式更能發揮。換言之,集團企業的綜效是源自於「目標一體化」,「目標一體化」有助於子公司之間交易成本的降低。 三、 「目標一體化」、「轉撥計價」和「市場機制(市價)」的使用有其搭配的強弱程度 「目標一體化」對於「轉撥計價」和「市場機制(市價)」具有調節作用,當子公司間交易依賴「高轉撥計價」時,則使用「目標一體化」的程度較低。當子公司間交易依賴「低轉撥計價」時,則使用「目標一體化」的程度較高。當子公司間交易依賴「市場機制(市價)」時,則使用「目標一體化」的程度較低。 / A business group is composed of several subsidiary companies. To increase group-level profits, the profits of subsidiaries may be scarified and one subsidiary may cross-subsidize others. In cross-subsidization between two subsidiaries, one may benefit more than the other or one may benefit and the other may suffer. Giving this understanding, two-stage study is conducted to observe the phenomena by studying business groups in Taiwan. In the first stage, ten pilot cases are conducted and eight more cases are examined in the second stage. Taking the view of “the contexts of transactions”, this study aims to examine how headquarters manages inter-subsidiaries transactions to create group synergy. As part of the methodology, a qualitative research method is adopted and the unit of analysis is inter-subsidiaries transaction. The research process includes two stages. In the first stage, it is found that the contexts affecting inter-subsidiaries transactions consist of “level of input measurability”, “level of input cost”, “level of market failure” and “level of outcome reciprocity”. The mechanisms for managing inter-subsidiaries transactions include “goal alignment”, “transfer-pricing” and “market mechanism (market price)”. Further, a fitting model between “the context of transactions” and “mechanisms” is proposed as a prior research framework for the second stage. In terms of integrating two-stage case analysis, three main research findings include: 1. A fitting model between “the contexts of transactions” and “mechanisms” Headquarters should take into account the essence of transaction when managing inter-subsidiaries transactions. The essence of transaction means “level of input measurability”, “level of input cost”, “level of market failure” and “level of outcome reciprocity”. In other words, different mechanisms should be adopted in different contexts of transactions to achieve group synergy. 2. The increase of the level of “goal alignment” is conducive to “transfer-pricing” and “market mechanism (market price)” “Goal alignment” plays an important role in a business group, especially when the profits of subsidiaries may be scarified and one subsidiary may cross-subsidize others. The increase of the level of “goal alignment” is conducive to “transfer-pricing” and “market mechanism (market price)”. In other words, synergy in a business group results from “goal alignment”, and “goal alignment” decreases the transaction cost between subsidiaries. 3. The combination of three mechanisms with different level “Goal alignment” has mediating effect for “transfer-pricing” and “market mechanism (market price)”. If headquarters depends on high level of “transfer-pricing”, then the level of “goal alignment” is low. If headquarters depends on low level of “transfer-pricing”, then the level of “goal alignment” is high. If headquarters depends on “market mechanism (market price)”, then the level of “goal alignment” is low.


林芸伊, Lin, Yun Yi Unknown Date (has links)


陳孟賢, Chen, Meng-Sian Unknown Date (has links)
關係人交易與公司績效之關係,在過去文獻上並未獲得絕對一致的結論,惟過去文獻並未考慮集團內進行關係人交易的公司,不同公司特徵所誘發進行關係人交易不同之交易動機。因此,本文利用Sharma et al.(1981)及 Le et al.(2006)之調節性多元迴歸分析方法(moderated multiple regression;MMR),考慮集團內個別公司不同特徵下之關係人交易與公司績效之關聯性。基於本文實證結果,發現在集團內不同公司特徵之關係人交易與公司績效的確有不同的關聯性,並且發現集團內具有以下三項特徵的公司,所進行的關係人交易有利公司績效,分別是:1.較高的董監持股 2.較高的機構投資人持股 3.較高的流動比率。而集團內具有以下六項特徵之公司,所進行的關係人交易不利公司績效,分別是:1. 經理人兼任的董監席次較多 2.金字塔股權結構 3.集團的核心公司 4.較高的負 債比 5.較高的長期負債比 6.較低的利息保障倍數。 / The relationship between related party transactions and company’s performance in the past literature has not reached absolutely unanimous conclusion, but the past literature has not considered the different characteristics of individual company in the group and different related party transactions’ motive induced by those characteristics. Therefore, moderated multiple regression(MMR)that adopted by Sharma et al.(1981) and Le et al.(2006)is employed in this study in order to discuss the relationship between the transactions made by individual company with different characteristics in the group and the individual company’s performance. According to the empirical results in this paper, there are indeed different relationships between the transactions made by individual company with different characteristics in the group and the individual company’s performance. On the one hand, the results indicate that there is a positive relationship between the related party transactions made by the individual company with the three characteristics in the group and the companies’ performance. The three characteristics are as follows: 1. higher board shareholdings. 2. higher institutional investors’ holdings. 3. higher the current ratio. On the other hand, the results show that there is a negative relationship between the related party transactions made by the individual company with the six characteristics in the group and the companies’ performance. The six characteristics are as follows: 1. managers as more seats in the board. 2. pyramidal ownership structure. 3. the core companies in the group. 4. higher the liabilities ratio. 5. higher the long-term liabilities ratio. 6. lower the time interest earned.


馬冠裕 Unknown Date (has links)
過去許多學者針對不同國家、產業等企業進行研究實證,探討國際化程度與經營績效兩者的關係,但並無具體且一致的結論。 本研究以2004年台灣上市公司共649家廠商為樣本,並以海外投資金額佔總投資金額的比例衡量國際化程度,實證其與績效(以資產報酬率衡量)間兩者的關係,並加入國際化範疇與企業資源作為調節變數,探討是否存在有其他因素影響兩者之關係;國際化範疇以海外投資國家數衡量,而企業資源則以是否隸屬集團之企業、負債比率、及企業營收成長率作為衡量指標。 研究結果發現,當投資國家數愈多、企業負債比率愈高、以及企業營收成長率愈低,則對國際化程度與績效間的關係有弱化的影響,而是否隸屬集團企業則在本研究實證中,影響效果並不顯著。 最後,由於國內外文獻對於國際化程度與經營績效兩者之間的關係之研究結論並不一致,因此本研究以台灣上市公司為樣本,欲探討國際化程度與企業經營績效之關係,實證發現兩者呈現U型相關,亦即在國際化初期,由於存在許多因不同文化、環境所產生的障礙,導致經營績效的下降,然而隨著國際經驗的提升、規模經濟效益的顯現,使得績效漸入佳境。

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