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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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金融集團業務經營之法律問題-以關係人交易規範為中心 / A study of regulation of financial business -based on related party transaction

朱美蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構所經營之業務涵蓋種類繁多、型式各異並各有其相關之法令,而金融機構透過直接或間接投資方式,一般而言將構成金融集團間之關係人及其交易,本論文之目的在於分析各種金融集團關係人交易相關法令之缺漏,並進而提出建議。 本文首先從現行金融機構經營及投資規範及金融機構關係人交易法律規範,歸納整理出相關法規機制,並探討現行該等關係人及交易之法律規範之「過」與「不足」之處。 此外,本文也參考美國法及跨國性金融監理機構之相關規範,藉此與我國相關規範比較,以作為我國相關立法之參考方向。 接著,本文再以金融機構關係人之實際相關案例,深入分析本國實務上常見之問題,以探討實務上對關係人的認定標準,並釐清現行金融監理對關係人間非常規交易之管理缺漏。 最後本文以上述之分析結果,提出對現行金融機構關係人相關法規之建議,以提供未來修法之參考。 / Due to deregulation and globalization in banking system, financial institutions are increasingly burring traditional differences between banking, insurance, and other institutions. As results, intra-group transactions cause more concern about the conflicts of interests. From a legal point of view, different legal relationships will confer different rights and impose different duties on financial parties. Therefore, it is sensible to analyze the legal nature of the relationships of different participants and their roles in financial institutions’ related party transactions. This study presents an analysis of regulations of related party transactions within Financial Conglomerates, and proposes reforms to deal with conflicts of interest: Firstly, discusses the regulations about the business scope of financial holding company, bank, securities and insurance company. Then further analyzes the regulations of related party transactions within each above financial parties. Secondly, depicts the American regulatory scheme and the frames guidelines and principles of international financial supervisory institutions. The former focuses on the background of banking regulations and the latest issue about The Dodd-Frank Act. The later includes the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) and the Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates. A comparative analysis of regulations of the above and Taiwan was made. Thirdly, further analyzes the controversial issues of intra-group transactions based on several judicial cases, and then discusses the operational deficiencies of financial institutions and flaws of law and regulations. Finally, summarizes the said issues and propositions about related party transactions of financial institutions.

論兩岸交流衍生之非傳統安全問題 / The Emerging Non-Traditional Security Problems of Cross-Strait Interactions

蔡茂林, Tsai, Mau-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,國際社會新興的電腦犯罪、恐怖主義、非法移民、國際販毒、槍械走私、組織犯罪等問題,向為各國所共同關切。傳統安全係以戰略和軍事威脅為主,而非傳統安全威脅則來源多元、形式多樣,所呈現者又以各式跨國組織犯罪最為顯著。本論文以兩岸交流衍生之大陸民眾偷渡入臺、毒品走私、組織犯罪等議題來闡明臺灣所面臨的非傳統安全威脅,此外,尚須因應「國家認同」等源自內部治理之「內發性威脅」等「危機」。 非傳統安全問題具有向外擴散及向內滲透特點,與傳統安全問題間沒有明確界限,兩者具有相互轉化的特性,一旦非傳統安全問題失控或激化,可能被迫須以傳統軍事手段解決。故非傳統安全的範圍是動態的,難以界定,有鑑於兩岸交流衍生之非傳統安全議題相當龐雜,本文乃選擇對個人、社會、國家、國際體系等各層次皆會造成安全威脅的非法移民、毒品走私、組織犯罪以及恐怖活動等四項議題為主要研究課題。 當前全球化的發展潮流勢不可遏,安全研究的範圍究應「擴展」還是「窄化」,廣泛受到學者的重視與辯論,主張「擴展」之學者所持的理由是,許多非軍事面向的議題,影響並威脅國家安全至鉅,應該擴大安全研究的範圍。而傳統安全研究學者則認為,若將安全議題太過於擴大,將造成研究焦點無法集中,以及安全實質內涵空虛的弊端,故本論文將研究焦點集中於當前對我國非傳統安全具指標性之大陸非法移民的深層結構、兩岸毒品走私現況和未來發展、跨境組織犯罪、恐怖活動發展趨勢等課題,並提出因應建議。

從臺灣關係企業制度檢視中國大陸關聯企業之立法 / Examining the China Affiliated Enterprise legislation from the prospect of Taiwan Affiliated Enterprise systems

陳宏, Chen, Hong Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸經濟體制改革中最為重要的是對國有企業的改革,而企業集團(關聯企業)的產生與發展,就可以追溯到20世紀80年代對國有企業的一系列改革。1993年《公司法》的制定主要目的和功能是爲了進行國有企業股份制改革,因此並未對企業集團(關聯企業)有所規定。最近20年來,中國大陸經濟飛速發展,企業集團化非常普遍,關聯企業在中國大陸的經濟活動中有著舉足輕重的地位。 臺灣公司法1997年修正時,新增關係企業專章,以保障從屬公司少數股東及其債權人之權益,並促進關係企業之健全運營。而中國大陸《公司法》幾次修正卻從未將關聯企業納入其中。本文認為,在中國大陸,如何規範關聯企業之發展,如何保護從屬公司少數股東及其債權人之利益,已經成為一個迫切需要進行立法規範的議題。 因此,本文會對臺灣公司法關係企業章進行研究,尋求中國大陸《公司法》可以借鑑之處,同時亦會分析中國大陸在關聯企業形成過程中的不同之處,以提出適合中國大陸環境之立法建議。 / The reform of State-owned enterprises has been the top priority in China for the economic reform. The formation and development of enterprise group (affiliates enterprises) can be traced back to the enterprise system reform in 1980s. The China Corporate Act 1993 focus on the reform of State-owned enterprises but not the enterprise group (affiliates enterprises). The following amendments still did not regulate the enterprises group (affiliates enterprises). In the last two decades, the economy developed rapidly and enterprise group is very common. Affiliated enterprises play an important role in China's economic activities. Taiwan amended its Corporate Law in 1997, adding Affiliated Enterprises chapter to protect the minority shareholders and the creditors of the affiliated company. The purpose is to promote the sound operation of the affiliated enterprises. There are some substantial developments from the practical experience and legal inquiry for the relevant operations. This paper argues that in order to protect the transaction safety, improve the regulations and development for affiliates enterprises, ensure the interests of minority shareholders and creditors of affiliated companies, we should clarify the forms, types, legal operation background, and difficulties of affiliated enterprises in China. Based on the examination and analysis of Taiwan Corporate Law, and learning from the China Corporate Act at the same time, this paper hopes to propose appropriate legislation fit to China's corporate structures and environments.

南朝文學集團詩賦書寫策略之考察 / A study on the writing-tactic of shih and fu of the literati group on South-Dynasty

祁立峰, Chi, Li Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「南朝文學集團詩賦書寫策略之考察」為題,旨在於以「南朝文學集團」為考察的對象,以「詩賦」為考察的兩種主要文類,以「書寫策略」為考察的切入點,運用傳統的文本分析,結合新興的文學理論與視角,進行作品、作者、讀者、文學理論等全面性的考察。 「南朝文學」在文學史評價中呈現劇烈的起伏,一方面後代作家以其為模擬的對象,肯定美學價值,但也得到「餖飣」、「輕艷」或「流於光景」等負面評價;至於南朝的「文學集團」領袖與成員的「同題共作」、「應詔」、「贈酬」等作品,更常被視為千篇一律、了無新意。也因此,本文也特別重視這些於貴遊活動時的同題共作、或遊戲酬和的詩賦作品,希望藉由更細膩的閱讀與歸納,給予其新的意義與論述。 「詩」與「賦」可以說是中國古典文類中,最具文學色彩的兩種文類。曹丕《典論‧論文》說「詩賦欲麗」,很明確地將「詩賦」與其他文類區分開來。本文選擇「詩」與「賦」作為討論主軸,而以文序、書簡、銘箋等作為輔助,也正是考量文學性這個條件。如果更廣義來說,「詩」與「賦」不僅具有文類的意義,它們也表述文學態度、風格與傾向。「詩」表示了端莊雅正,「賦」指向了鋪排藻飾;「詩」代表「復古」,「賦」傾向「新變」。如果從這個角度來說,我認為中國文學史也就處於「詩化」與「賦化」的拉鋸。 「書寫策略」是一個較廣義的概念,它既用來指稱作者的創作心態與策略,也能拿來說一篇作品的修辭、語言策略。為了避免概念失焦,本文將書寫策略的討論聚焦於三個面向,分別是「內容設定」、「形式選擇」、「風格(論)生成」。創作者如何設定一篇作品的「內容」(題目、題材、典故、語言素材)?如何選擇適合承載的「形式」(詩、賦或是其他文類)?以及作品如何呈現「風格」、而「風格」與「風格論」又是如何被觀察、進而被建構?這背後都有所策略性的運用。從內容,我們發現這些同題材作品內在的差異;從形式,我們發現「詩」、「賦」這兩種文類的邊界、功能以及滑動、拉鋸的痕跡;從風格,我們發現「風格論」本身被建構、被想像的後設可能。 「文學集團」是研究南北朝時期文學的重要考察對象,只是過去從此概念著手的研究成果並不多;「書寫策略」是文學研究常被運用的概念,只是定義太過廣泛。本文一方面期望能將「書寫策略」作為實際的考察方法,二方面則希望給予「文學集團」這個特殊而被忽略的現象——更多的關注與論述。這就是本論文誕生的原因。

中國對外直接投資之影響評析 / The impact of china's outward FDI

潘玉菁 Unknown Date (has links)
中國於2000年首次明確提出企業「走出去」戰略,鼓勵並支持具比較優勢之國有與民營企業投資海外市場,使中國企業得以藉由對外直接投資活動,以國家機器作為後盾進入全球主要經濟市場,不僅可影響外國企業之經營運作、提升技術、掌握通路、獲取所需資源等,亦能有效結合經濟與政治實力,逐步豐厚中國之綜合國力,期能達到提升國際地位與成為世界大國之目標。 中國雖引進市場經濟體制,惟政治體制仍屬社會主義制度,由共產黨決定政府運作與經濟制度,國家機器對市場之干預程度遠較資本主義國家既深且廣;本論文為進一步瞭解中國的國家機器如何主導企業對外直接投資之運作、發展狀況及其影響力,係以國際政治經濟學之國家資本主義作為研究途徑,分析中國國家機器在其對外直接投資活動的作用及影響力,並以英國學者John Dunning的投資發展階段論,將中國對外直接投資之成效置於全球脈絡中進行比較分析,俾能歸納發現中國對外直接投資模式的特色。 經比較分析中國整體及企業個案之對外直接投資發展狀況與影響力,可以發現,中國對外直接投資能力逐漸增強,已具經濟自主能力,刻正由邊陲國家逐漸邁向核心國家。整體而論,中國對外直接投資發展模式與世界主要國家確有所差異:相同之處在於,中國與各國之對外直接投資活動均與國內經濟結構具高度正相關,亦即經濟發展到達一定水準後,才會出現頻密的對外直接投資活動及成果;相異之處在於,各國之民營企業已具國際競爭力並在對外直接投資活動扮演重要角色,惟中國的國有企業較民營企業更具對外直接投資之優勢與能力,投資動機主要係依據國家政策及經濟發展需要,而中國的民營企業則因規模較小,國際競爭力仍有待提升,目前在全球市場尚未形成可觀的影響力。 / For the very first time in 2000, China proposed a clear strategy to have corporations ‘going out,’ encouraging and supporting competent state-owned and private enterprises to invest overseas market. With the backup of the state, this policy enables Chinese corporations to get into the global economic market by means of outward foreign direct investment. In this way, they can affect the operation and management of foreign enterprises so as to advance their own technologies, control channels, and to acquire necessary resources. Moreover, they may combine economic power with political strength effectively, enhancing the comprehensive national power of China gradually so that China may increase its international status to become a superpower in the world. Though market economy is introduced in China, its political system, socialism, remains the same. The Communist government makes the decision concerning its operation and the economic system. In other words, the intervention of the state in the market is furtherer and wider than that of capitalist countries. In order to understand how the state controls enterprises in terms of the operation of outward foreign direct investment, its development, and the influence, the study adopts state capitalism of international political economy as the approach to analyze the function and influence of the state government on outward foreign direct investment. Moreover, the study is aimed at concluding the characteristics of Chinese pattern of outward foreign direct investment by adopting the British economist, John Dunning’s, the theory of investment-development cycle to compare and analyze the outcome of Chinese outward foreign direct investment in the scope of the whole world. After comparing and analyzing how the china overall and enterprises case about development and influence of outward foreign direct investment, it is discovered that China’s ability of outward foreign direct investment is increasing. China has the ability of economic autonomy and is transforming from a country of periphery to a core country. Overall, the development pattern of China’s outward foreign direct investment is indeed different from other major countries. The similarity lies in that there is a significantly positive relationship between the outward foreign direct investment of China and other countries and their domestic economic structure. That is to say, when the development of economy has reached a certain level, frequent outward foreign direct investment and its effects will then appear. On the other hand, the difference lies in that private enterprises in other countries are internationally competent and play an important role in outward foreign direct investment. However, in China, state-owned enterprises have more advantages and capabilities than private enterprises in terms of outward foreign direct investment. The motivation of investment is determined by national policy and the demands of economic development. Moreover, due to the scale being small, private enterprises in China need to improve their international competitiveness. Therefore, they don’t exert as much influence in the global market.

臺灣有線電視價格管制上限有效性之探討 / A study of the effectiveness of the price cap in the Taiwan's Cable TV industry

蔡國棟, Tsai, Guodung Unknown Date (has links)
從2000年費率主管機關公布有線電視基本頻道收視費用之每月每戶上限為新臺幣600元,並逐年核定其價格上限。本研究透過超越對數成本函數及需求函數,探討我國有線電視2004年至2008年間經營概況,實證結果得知: 一、我國實施價格上限管制法,管制有線電視基本頻道收視費用之機制是具有效性,且費率主管機關近年來價格管制,是增加消費者剩餘方向前進。 二、在每年所核價格上限下,系統經營者平均每戶約新臺幣107元獲利空間;系統經營者對於將所節省的成本反應至收視費用上,是不積極的。 三、有線電視產業之價格需求彈性為-0.8107,顯示有線電視服務已逐漸成為國人生活上的常用品,符合目前社會經濟現象。 四、有線電視產業之家戶所得需求彈性為0.6951,顯示有線電視服務為正常財。 五、有線電視平均成本隨著訂戶數逐年增加而下降趨勢,顯示有線電視產業具有規模經濟特性,其平均成本下降原因主要來自於固定成本下降。 六、系統經營者之邊際成本隨著年度增加而趨向新臺幣300元至400元間集中或收斂。以組織結構來看,各集團5年平均邊際成本在新臺幣348元至405元間。以整體有線電視來看,5年平均值約為新臺幣367元。 七、以組織結構來看,各集團5年平均成本在新臺幣417元至470元間。以整體有線電視來看,5年平均值約為新臺幣438元。

銀行業防制洗錢及打擊資恐機制之實務探討 / A Study on the Practice of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing of Banking Sector

謝雪妮, Hsieh, Hsueh-Ni Unknown Date (has links)
本國為因應2018年亞太防制洗錢組織(APG)相互評鑑事宜,相關單位陸續參照國際規範,如防制洗錢金融行動工作組織(FATF)2012年發布之「防制洗錢及打擊資恐與武器擴散國際標準40項建議」、巴塞爾銀行監理委員會(BCBS)2014年發布之「健全有關防制洗錢及打擊資恐之風險管理」文件等,以及他國作法進行有關防制洗錢及打擊資恐法制規約、監管措施及自律規範等之修正,並促請義務機構強化執行,以期順利通過第三輪相互評鑑。 銀行向為洗錢及資恐犯罪喜好之金流管道,基於銀行提供之金融服務具安全性、便利性及多元化、全球化等優點,不僅吸引一般金融消費者與銀行緊密往來,亦同時受到不良分子之青睞,致金融體系資源易遭不當利用。銀行為金融體系之核心主體,負有防制洗錢及打擊資恐之義務與責任,本文爰就銀行業防制洗錢及打擊資恐實務切入,針對本國銀行應採行之因應措施基本架構進行探討。 本文將先介紹FATF之評鑑流程及方法論,以立下銀行進行防制洗錢及打擊資恐工作之目標,復就達成前開目標為方向,引述金融機構防制洗錢及打擊資恐機制之國際標準,繼而回歸國內外對銀行實際作為之法規要求,試行建構銀行防制洗錢及打擊資恐基本機制,末則就銀行於執行面可改善空間提出重點觀察建議。 隨著工業4.0、Bank3.0及Fintech(金融科技)之快速演進,銀行客戶樣貌及交易型態正在改變,健全防制洗錢及打擊資恐機制是所有銀行業共同面臨之進階版挑戰,本文謹提出銀行機制基本實務報告,俾作為開展細緻化措施之參考。另本文為一般性原則之探討,並非針對特定機構主體之描述,併此敘明。 / For the Mutual Evaluation which will be conducted by the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) in 2018, basing on the following consulting international norms, such as “International Standards on combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation (The FATF Recommendations)” published by Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in 2012, “Sound management of risks related to money laundering and financing of terrorism” published by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in 2014 and foreign advanced practices, the Taiwan authorities have amended the legal system, laws and regulations, supervision measures and self-disciplines referred to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing(CTF). Meanwhile, every relevant entity is enhancing the prevent measures and internal control on AML/CFT (Counter-Financing of Terrorism) as well. The satisfactory result of the Third Round Mutual Evaluation will be expected. As people know, the banks are always the favorite cash flow channel of money laundering and terrorism financing, since the banks provide the financial services with advantages of safety, convenience, diversification and globalization, etc. Both general financial customers and criminals on ML/FT are attracted to make transactions with the banks. Thus, the financial system’s resources could be utilized improperly. Due to the role of the core of financial system, the banks should take the responsibility and bear the liability of Anti-Money Laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. In this paper, the primary framework on AML/CFT of domestic banks will be outlined according to the real practice. First, this paper has an introduction of mutual evaluation process and methodology in order to set the goal related to AML/CFT of the bank. Next, the model practices of international standards are presenting to achieve the goal for references. Then, this paper will focus on domestic and foreign regulatory requirements on banking, and try to construct the bank’s primary internal system of AML/CFT. Finally, there are some observations of the bank’s performance related to this issue. With the rapid evolution of Industry 4.0, Bank 3.0 and Fintech, the customers’ financial behaviors and transaction types are changing. Therefore, to keep sound internal system of AML/CFT is an advanced challenge to all the banks. This paper is trying to set a primary framework on AML/CFT of domestic banks, and to be taken reference for banks to start developing appropriate prevent measures. In addition, the statement of this paper is an approach to general principles, not indicating any specific institution.

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