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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳志忠 Unknown Date (has links)
從網際網路的興起,導至許多的相關發展應運而生,一種新型態的數位經濟儼然形成,繼而起之的就是當紅的EC與EB的快速發展。目前許多企業組織紛紛走向走一潮流,在此一時代的大環境之下,企業們紛紛朝向策略性的組織聯盟來發展,他們意識到,唯有以合作性的策略聯盟才能更掌握競爭優勢。而電子化的交易市集,正是它們眼中最佳的追求目標,因為它能夠幫助企業們達成上述一連串相關的理念與願景。  縱使電子交易市集(e-marketplace)的前景一片看好,但目前大部分採行電子商務應用的公司,多著重在電子交易/採購部分,未能重視流程處理,並且仍然處於競爭仍然大於合作的狀態,再者,供應鏈管理上相關活動如訂單、存貨管理等等亦未能融入其中;因此,為能夠使企業有效連結產銷體系,完整建立起全球運籌管理模式,並精確掌握市場需求變化、迅速無誤地撮合買賣及完成交易,故就目前電子商務及產業電子化發展的情況來說,融入了供應鏈管理機制的電子交易市集應該就是一有效可行的解決方案。  目前供應鏈管理之最新發展的模式為CPFR(Collaborative, Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment)模式;此為一流程處理模式,主要強調供應鏈上協同合作流程(collaborative processes)的概念,以促進供應鏈上流程的處理效率,同時藉由成員之間的訊息分享(information sharing) 及整合性企業流程(co-managed)來獲得供應鏈管理之最佳績效。  因此,若能夠在B2B(Business To Business)電子交易市集平台機制中,將CPFR的流程及服務整合入市集平台中,則將會使得企業在這一波產業電子化的浪潮中,更能夠掌握住競爭優勢,故本研究首先根據文獻整理,建立起具有整合效益之電子交易市集之平台架構;進而以協同合作此一運作機制,將CPFR 處理流程之解決方案整合至此交易平台內,以建構出一具有CPFR協同合作的交易平台模式,來描述整個產業電子化在整合供應鏈及交易市集策略運作方式與流程;最後,再針對建構模式中,進行模式各個構面及服務的定義,讓企業清楚的了解合作流程的真正效益及優勢。

台灣地區資訊製造產業電子供應鏈策略管理之研究--以HP、MiTAC為個案研究案例 / Taiwan Area information Industry Supply Chain Management strategy

郭淑玲, Sharon Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路(Internet)大量應用於商業化之後,企業經營模式產生了鉅大的改變,尤其是以應用於資訊傳遞的方法更是徹底。也由於Internet的普及,也使得構築於Internet的資訊應用科技系統更深化於企業經營之中。 台灣的資訊製造產業是全球化最深的產業,該產業本身從訂單到生產到交貨莫不與全球各地的企業習習相關,而速度、彈性與創新更是這些產業所追求的目標。為了達成這樣的目標,因此,企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning)、電子供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)與全球運籌管理(Global Logistics),對台灣資訊製造產業是相當重要的課題。由於這樣的產業特色,也使得如何應用Internet資訊技術整合供應鏈,促使台灣資訊製造產業的電子供應鏈體系能有效的經營,建構企業的核心能耐,亦是當前企業必須面對的商業策略議題。 本論文之研究方向是以台灣地區資訊製造產業間的電子供應鏈發展為對象,目的在於:1)瞭解電子供應鏈意涵及發展歷程;2)電子供應鏈對企業的效益;3)電子供應鏈的現況分析及其願景;同時以個案研究方式深入探討目前在企業體系的實際運作並由企業願景、企業能耐等構面來分析電子供應鏈應用於企業界的演進階段。 在個案研究部份,本論文是以政府的『產業自動化及電子化推動方案』(簡稱AB計畫)為主要基礎,再由『A、B計畫』中分別篩選足以作為示範應用系統的台灣惠普公司(HP)以及神達電腦公司(MiTAC)作為本論文的研究對象。並以1)電子供應鏈動態發展策略;2)使命願景;3)企業能耐;4)電子供應鏈管理制度;5)電子供應鏈與上下游廠商動態策略分期標準;5)電子供應鏈動態策略演進階段;等五個研究變項建立觀念模型進行實證研究,發展相關命題與建議。 經實證結果發現,電子供應鏈動態發展可歸納為四個階段,每一階段各有其不同之命題與概念發展,四大階段分別為:1)概念醞釀期,主要是建立成員間的共識;2)成員數量累積期,側重於企業實體資訊構架的建置;3)品質控制期,此一時期「品質」是命題的重點;4)策略聯盟期,著重在跨體系間的價值鏈運用。企業願景是貫穿每一階段的核心,企業能耐則是落實企業電子化的趨力。 本論文之研究發現可歸納為以下重要結論:台灣資訊製造業電子供應體系發展能否成功,關鍵是在於B計畫中的衛星體系能否電子化成功。因為B計畫的中心廠商對電子供應鏈的策略目標與組織共識是非常明確的,而且在企業能耐與實力上已經厚基了相當的實力。反而是衛星廠商由於經濟規模之限制需要投入更多的資源輔導。 / The operational approach of enterprises has been changed drastically after the vast commercialization “Internet” applications. In particular, business management must be transformed to the new business model from the traditional design. We find the application of information technologies has become significantly important factors; especially, how to use related information technologies and methodology of the application implementation are the major points of transforming to the new business model. The information industry in Taiwan area is a very profoundly globalizes. When a corporate obtains a international purchased order “PO”, we can find along the process from PO to manufacture and delivery to the buyers, the promotion on time efficiency availability commitment and flexibility are necessary for achieving the goal. Other words, the “e-Business” has become the most important topic on the corporate management of the new digital economy era. The focus of this research is to e verify goals for supply chain management and the establishment of strategic alliance. The purpose of this paper builds a model for supply chain management (SCM) analysis based on the concept of the investigation on current situation of the SCM, the industrial development theories, the literature review on pervious studies, and the case study analysis. The result of the study shows that the SCM dynamic development can be divided into four stages with each stage having its own topics and different conception development. The four stages are as follows: (1) The stage for incubatory conception: the stage to form the consensus on SCM with the whole organization. (2) The stage for the accumulation of physics: this stage constructs to the hardware and software capability. (3) The stage for the quality control: this stage enforces the total quality management (TQM). (4) The stage for the establishment of strategic alliance: this stage enhances of business partnership on SCM and the establishment of a learning organization, followed by the application of value chain, and setup of new strategies for new business model. Generally speaking, the corporation’s vision is the core value that links and integrates all the every stage, and the corporate capability is core competence to implement e-Business and accomplish the performance of SCM. The result of the study suggests the following conclusion: The key successful point of information industry is that its electronics supply chains depends on the implementation of computerize information system built in subsidiary manufactures in Plan B. The central manufacturers in Plan B have clear strategies and vision for their companies alredy. They have also invested a lot of resource, to build their core competence. Significantly, the subsidiary manufacturers need more assistances and resources from governments and central manufacturers due to their economic scale.

我國博碩士論文數位典藏策略之研究 / A Study on the Strategy of the Digital Archiving of the Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan

陳奕達 Unknown Date (has links)
學術論文是學術研究的成果,經整理典藏並提供資源共享與利用,不僅鼓勵學術的蓬勃發展,同時也代表各學科領域的發展情況。隨著資訊科技的發展,近來國內外各學術單位對學術論文的數位典藏工作日益重視,致力於建置博碩士論文專屬資訊系統與電子論文徵集政策的推行,期盼能透過博碩士論文資訊的共建共享,長久典藏並分享論文資訊。   基於上述,本研究之主要目的即針對我國各學術單位在博碩士論文數位數位典藏的現況,以及資訊系統的發展模式進行瞭解,並進一步分析各單位在推動博碩士論文數位典藏工作時政策制訂的觀點,並歸納整理提出未來其他單位在發展博碩士論文數位典藏工作時的建議。   研究結果發現,目前國內各學術單位在博碩士論文數位典藏工作的發展還在起步階級,尚無具體的合作典藏計劃;而資訊系統的發展模式主要分為:委外資訊廠商開發、使用免費共享系統、館內自行開發系統三種,依據經費多寡而有不同的考量;各單位會因組織編制與經費成本,影響其在博碩士論文數位典藏工作參與人員、系統發展模式、博碩士論文數位化方式、電子博碩士論文呈繳方式、系統維護管理等方面的政策制訂。   在研究結論中歸納出八點如下:一、博碩士論文數位典藏工作參與人員包括行政單位人員及學者專家;二、資訊系統發展主要有三種模式;三、博碩士論文數位化以Acrobat軟體所製作的PDF檔格式為主;四、研究生透過資訊系統線上呈繳電子論文檔;五、博碩士論文數位典藏系統具備全文檢索功能及與書目資料庫連結查詢的機制;六、數位典藏維護工作需定期備份以降低資料毀損的風險;七、全國性的博碩士論文數位化合作典藏機制亟待建立;八、學位論文著作權及電子傳播之相關法律問題尚待釐清。最後也提出四點建議:一、建立全國性合作典藏機制,進行徵集與維護數位化論文的工作;二、依組織特色擬訂博碩士論文數位典藏政策;三、釐清博碩士論文數位典藏的合理使用範圍;四、開發博碩士論文數位典藏系統加值服務功能;以提供其他單位在政策擬訂時的參考。


覃彤, Chin,Tung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的進行,乃因於電子業製程與技術推陳出新之因應不易;並且全球對化學品環保標準要求日高致用料受限之背景;因而為利於個案公司對對電子化學品業者進行客製化問題的挖掘與克服,進而協助個案公司整體營運績效的提升的動機下;本研究乃從個案公司的內部環境、外部環境與通路成長策略三方向進行分析,以期益於個案公司的整體銷售與成長之目的。除此,本研究亦期經此個案研究,可提供學術探討與企業實務相關的參考,而利於電子化學品此類新產品創新的研究領域與營運方向之發展。 為促使本研究的周延,乃從新產品與創新之行銷與營運策略兩方面進行文獻探討,藉以獲得正確的研究知識與並啟發基礎的研究觀念,進而奠立本研究的研究架構與實施步驟,以促研究有序進行。 基於本研究議題之敏感,且願意公開的電子化學品企業家數甚少,再加上本研究主題乃目前經濟現實自然演變而產生,故本研究採取探索性的個案研究。而研究架構,以個案公司的內外部環境為自變項、新產品創新為控制變項與公司營運策略為應變項三方面為主發展。研究方法,主要採行文獻探討、個案研究與資料分析。 對於個案公司的分析,首先從個案公司所處產業的範圍、類型、特點與外部、同業環境等基礎面進行探討;次而對個案公司的運作、願景與規劃、產品與應用、研發與表現等營運現況進行分析;而後則從個案公司的未來趨勢、市場競爭、重點策略未來發展策略之契合等進行綜整分析。 最後,本研究提出如下的結論: 1. 產業環境:要求多、競爭者多為跨國大企業與高技術者。 2. 營運現況:具有十一類解決方案、品管嚴格、營運成長。 3. 未來發展:環保與競爭高、實驗室、市場與成本具優勢、強化研發與顧客關係、落實規模經濟與客戶聯盟。 本研究的建議,對個案公司的建議其降低自我與顧客成本、為客戶量身訂做產品與服務、提供綠色環保解決方案、建立個案公司品牌形象;而對未來研究的建議,乃期研究資料的增加、研究方法的改進與研究方向的拓展,以促本領域研究的深入與完整。

組織變革與資訊科技:以國立故宮博物院為個案探析 / Organizational Change and Information Technology: A Case Study of the National Palace Museum

張桂慈 Unknown Date (has links)
因應資訊科技帶動政府再造的趨勢,國立故宮博物院(以下簡稱故宮)在推行各國家型數位政策的過程中,有許多亮眼的數位化成果,對應過去的傳統形象和經營模式也有很大的改變,然而目前卻鮮少有研究去探討故宮這樣一個傳統機關進行轉型的過程。因此,本研究擬以組織變革為探討的理論基礎,運用質性研究方法,探討近年來故宮的組織變革,以及瞭解資訊科技在故宮變革中的角色,來瞭解故宮近年來何以有這麼多的數位發展成果,以及對故宮造成了哪些影響,綜合故宮近年來的變革發展。   本研究藉由深度訪談與次級資料整理,針對研究問題提出下述結論,並提出組織變革理論與實務上的建議。 一、促使故宮變革的趨力可分成組織外部的國家典藏計畫資源的挹注,以及組織內部因應領導者決策、組織法規的修訂以及發展上的侷限,造成故宮必須改變現況的變革需要,並在變革過程中受到資源、組織結構與成員三方面的阻力。 二、資訊科技並非直接促使故宮變革的趨力,但在故宮的變革過程中也扮演了推波助瀾的重要角色。具體而言,資訊科技不只是協助故宮落實變革的工具,也是讓故宮在組織法規上不符需要的問題被關注的契機,更是故宮在發展上的新途徑。 三、資訊科技對故宮的影響,不僅可對應於電子化政府的發展願景,對內部管理、組織結構、組織成員、與民眾的溝通,以及服務流程等方面產生影響,也擴散了故宮的行銷,擴展了故宮的發展範疇。 / Following the trend of applying Information Technology to Reinvent Government, National Palace Museum (NPM) produces remarkable digitalized asset through carrying out National Digital Archives Program. In addition, NPM gets distinct from the previous stereotype and also runs a modified business model; however, the shifting process is rarely explored. This research focuses on the transformation process of the most traditional institution based on Organization Change theory. The author adopts qualitative approach to investigate the organization change of NPM in order to know what the impact on NPM is, what the role Information Technology plays in the evolution and to know why NPM is able to bring in the abundant digital asset, apart from summarizing the recent changes of NPM.   The author attains the following conclusions and proposes suggestions on the organization change in both the theoretical and the practical aspects, after conducting in-depth interviews and researching secondary materials. First, the driving force which transforms NPM can be categorized into two kinds. Outside NPM, there is a sustained funding from National Digital Archives Program. Inside NPM, the transformation necessity results from the limitation of the legal regulations, the policies of the leaders and the development confinement. NPM confronts problems from resources scarcity, organization structure and members’ resistance in the evolving process.   Second, although Information Technology is not the direct driving force, it plays a critical stimulus factor to the evolution of NPM. Generally speaking, Information Technology, not simply a tool, reveals the problems of out-of-date legal regulations but also an innovative way of development.   Third, the lessons of Information Technology impact on NPM can be served as a reference of e-Government vision. It not only influences the internal management, the organization structure, the participant members, the communication with the public and the serving process, but also spreads the marketing and expands the scope of NPM.

電子化參與指標之建立與機制分析 / A Study of Establishing Evaluation Indices and Mechanism for E-Participation

孫悅耘, Sun, Yueh Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來各國政府無不追求成為更好的政府的途徑,電子化政府(e-government)的規劃與發展儼然成為一條終南捷徑,從一開始的電子化政府演進至今,當下最新發展趨勢則是「電子治理(e-governance)」,背後所蘊藏的意涵,其中很重要的一點乃在於孕育新的公民精神,強調民眾需求與責任,在數位治理的時代下,政府不再只是唯一權威價值分配者,一個更完善的政府治理應該是由多元的角色來投入公共治理參與網絡的建置。在良善治理成為當今公共行政的治理典範脈絡下,此一終極目標將引領各國的電子治理走向電子化民主(e-democracy),電子化民主中缺一不可的即是電子化參與(e-participation)課題,UN、世界經濟論壇(WEF)、國際電信聯盟(ITU)、早稻田大學(Wasada University)、布朗大學(Brown University)等諸多國際組織皆將電子化參與列為主要評估項目,顯示電子治理不再只侷限於一國電子化政府的整備度,如何創造新的電子化參與途徑而提升民眾對公共事務的涉入,已成為當務之急。 有鑒於電子化參與的重要性已不言可喻,但現今對電子化參與的評估多以UN的架構為主,但其指標架構並未進一步明確指出在該參與層次下如何對各國進行評估,因此,本研究旨在建立與持續深化UN電子化參與指標架構,之二在於提出與分析現今為各界所採用的電子化參與機制,並探究其對公民參與的重要性與貢獻度。本研究藉由文獻回顧來建立評估電子化參與的架構,之後透過專家德菲法問卷來確認與建立指標,並分析現今電子化參與機制的重要性,最後將受訪專家分成兩大群體,比較兩類專家對指標看法的意見差異。 本研究透過德菲法建立電子化參與指標架構,第一層架構包括3大構面:電子化資訊(e-information)、電子化諮詢(e-consultation)與電子化決策(e-decision making),第二層則共有20個次項指標。並整理出13項現今較常使用的電子化參與機制,建構出其與電子化參與層面間的關聯性,此外,依據研究結果對我國未來電子化參與政策提出提升政府資訊公開的內容豐富性與來源多元性、重視並善用社群媒體傳播訊息與溝通聯繫之效等建議。 / E-government has been a necessity for the countries aiming for “better” governance. The latest development of e-government is “e-governance”, which puts emphasis both on citizenship and the needs and responsibility from the publics. In the context of digital governance, government acts not merely as a player which is authoritative allocation of values, but as a actor creating more public values that will bring varieties of utility for multi-stakeholders. Moreover, good governance has become the paradigm in public administration, leading every government towards e-democracy with e-participation as its core. Undoubtedly, e-participation is adopted to assess e-government/ e-governance development by many international organizations, such as United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), and International Telecomminication Union (ITU). It implies that e-governance refers not only to e-government readiness but also the extent to which governments promote citizens’ participation in public affairs. However, the assessment framework from UN currently used doesn’t include sub-indices further. As a result, the goal of this research is to establish and deepen UN’s framework and analyze the relationship between existing e-participation mechanism and citizen participation through literature review and methodology of Delphi questionnaire. The research results involve two main parts. One is e-participation assessment framework with 3 dimensions (that is e-information, e-consultation and e-decision making) and 20 indices (such as accessibility, completeness and currency). The other one is the integration of 13 e-participation mechanism. Based on research results, this research made few of suggestion for our future e-participation policy, such as the promotion of content and source diversity of government information and utilization of social network for information spreading and communication.

網路公民參與機制之研究:以臺北市大同區公所臉書「當我們同在一起」為例 / On the Internet Citizen Participation Mechanisms:A CaseStudy of Datong District Office Facebook, Taipei CityGovernment

游淑婷 Unknown Date (has links)
為因應資訊科技時代,政府機關在早期推動電子化政府,從第一階段的政府網路基礎建設一直到第三階段著眼於社會關懷、提供民眾無縫隙的政府服務,直到目前第四階段電子化政府規劃面向,著重在主動全程服務、行動電子化政府、結合社會網絡以及e化服務宅配到家,強調政府服務無疆界,期望政府能提供民眾更優質的服務。然而,隨著Web2.0時代的來臨以及家戶連網率的普及,政府提供的網路服務不僅僅只是單面向地提供下載及閱讀服務,還必須提供互動及分享的服務,使能讓電子化政府品質更加完整,並能達到網路公民參與之目的。 本研究以臺北市大同區公所成立之所屬臉書粉絲專頁「當我們同在一起(臺北市大同區公所)」為個案研究對象,利用文獻分析法,蒐集相關網路公民參與機制之文獻,加以歸納綜整,並採深度訪談法,以立意抽樣的的方式選定粉絲專頁的積極參與者和粉絲專頁經營者進行深度訪談,其主要研究目的為:(1)探討臺北市大同區公所所屬臉書粉絲專頁「當我們同在一起(臺北市大同區公所)」的建立目的;(2)探討該粉絲專頁之運作機制、民眾的互動性及回應性為何;(3)探討該網路公民機制達到公民參與的哪個面向。 依據其研究結果,就該網路公民參與機制若欲提升其公民參與度,提出相關研究建議:(1)積極招募粉絲,以提升參與率;(2)配合用戶背景發佈貼文訊息,以提升粉絲黏著度;(3)科技是否可以落實直接民主。期望能作為其他機關建置網路公民參機制-臉書粉絲專頁之參考。

公私協力關係- 以企業對消費者(B2C)電子發票為個案 / Public-Private Partnership-A Case Study of Business to Citizen E-Invoice in Taiwan

李東旭, Lee, Tung Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
電子發票自2000年推行以來,多為企業對企業的相關研究,幾乎沒有文獻從政府與企業在電子發票政策中合作的角度進行研究。因此本研究以政府在2010年底才推動的企業對消費者實體通路電子發票試辦作業為個案,並以公私協力關係的角度,針對政府與企業的相關人員進行個別深度訪談。首先了解企業加入電子發票試辦作業的原因,接著描繪出電子發票試辦作業中,政府與企業的互動情形;再者,找出政府與企業合作的困難,據以提出政策建議,做為政府日後推動公私協力政策之參考,最後歸納公私協力關係的條件,以驗證、補充或強化公私協力關係的文獻。 企業加入電子發票試辦作業的原因包含高階管理者的支持、成本降低、提升企業形象、資訊化程度高,導入障礙低、關係企業的引介與同業競爭等因素。企業在加入電子發票試辦作業後,與政府形成水平互補之互動模式。研究發現高階管理者的領導與支持、共同且清楚的目標、公開、互相尊重與信任、明確且完善的法律規範、持續溝通協商、公平合作與彈性、關注利害關係人、長期穩定關係等是有利政府與企業協力合作的因素;與文獻不同的是,監測績效這項因素對政府與企業合作順利與否影響並不大。另外對電子發票格式的認知差距、法令規章不完備、行政規則制定太慢、電子發票格式規定變動頻繁、政策規劃不周、資訊壟斷於大型企業、服務品質降低等因素則是政府與企業合作所碰到的困難,其中政策規劃不周導致電子發票格式規定變動頻繁是本研究在文獻以外之發現。 基於以上研究成果,本研究提出相關建議,首先,讓更多中小企業改用電子發票,亦必須注意跨機關間的合作與協調,方能讓電子發票的使用更為普及與順利;而政府在推動政策前應有完善的政策規劃,如果有經費委請顧問廠商,在遴選上須更加嚴謹,使資源更能有效運用。本研究認為後續研究者可以以中小企業為主體,甚至比較不同行業之企業採用電子發票的情形,亦可以朝電子發票其他利害關係人,像是社福團體、資訊服務業者以及稅務代理業者等著手;另外,探討政府機關間的合作或是從企業對政府電子發票的角度著手,俾能對電子發票有更全觀的了解。 / Since 2000, most research about e-invoice has focused on the topic of business to business (B2B). Just few studied in connection with the cooperation of government and business (G2B) in e-invoice policy. This thesis attempts to understand the process of business to citizen (B2C) e-invoice pilot operation, from the perspective of public-private partnership (PPP). The author adopts in-depth interviews with government and enterprise related personnel.The purpose is, first, to find out the reasons why the enterprises participate in e-invoice pilot operation. Second, the thesis describes G2B interaction in e-invoice pilot operation process; and then to find out the difficulties in G2B cooperation as well as policy suggestions. Finally, the thesis trys to conclude with conditions of PPP as well as its verification and improvement. Based on the empirical data, the reasons why the enterprises join e-invoice pilot operation include: the support from top manager, cost down, promotion of corporate image, high degree of computerization, recommendation from conglomerate and relative competitive advantage. The G2B cooperation is horizontal complementary interaction model. The findings discover eight benefical factors for PPPs including (1) the leadership and support from top managers, (2) shared goals, (3) transparent execution process and mutual respect and trust, (4) well and clear legislation and standard, (5) the lasting communication, (6) a fair collaborationship and elasticity, (7) understanding of stakeholders, (8) long-term and stable relationship. The difficulties in G2B cooperation include: (1) the different opinions of e-invoice format between government and business, (2) slow formulation of administrative direction, (3) the e-invoice format instability, (4) the incompleteness of policy planning, (5) the information monopoly by big enterprises, (6) the reduction of service quality. Based on the previous findings, this thesis recommends government to make more small and medium enterprises (SMEs) adopt e-invoice. The e-invoice authority should also pay attention to coordinate with other government organizations, to plan for public policy more solidly, and to pick and choose consulting business exactly. The author anticipates that follow-up research may focus on SMEs, with comparision of different enterprises that adopt e-invoice. More studies are suggested to involve public welfare groups, information service providers, and tax agents. The future studies may also discuss the cooperation between governments and for the perspective of business to government (B2G) e-invoice.

公民政策參與過程之研究:以電子化計畫政府為個案 / Citizen participation in public decision making:a case study of E-government Program in Taiwan

林玉純, Lin, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的盛行,政府大力推動電子化政府計畫,讓民眾得以經由電子化的服務,獲得更多便利。而在公民意識高漲及顧客導向的改革浪潮中,於政策中事前詢問公民偏好的重要性也日趨重要,電子化政府計畫也不例外,如何讓政策貼近民眾需求更是重要考量,更是計畫成功的要素之一。文獻中對於公民參與有諸多的討論,可以整理出公民參與的三個層級:資訊公開、政策諮詢、決策參與,搭配電子化政府計畫流程的三個時機:規劃、執行、評估,形成一個公民參與九宮格的討論架構。 本研究經由訪談、問卷等進行資料收集後,有幾個發現:首先電子化政府計畫流程中所進行的公民參與,依據時機來看,規劃階段有研考會所規定的試辦,執行階段由計畫主辦機關自行決定公民參與的進行,到評估階段則是由研考會訂立於計畫流程的專家會議來對計畫成效進行審議,然規劃、執行兩者的公民參與並非是具體規範,端視主辦機關的態度,對整體流程而言明顯公民參與設計上有所欠缺。雖然研考會與計畫主辦機關對於公民參與都相當的重視,然就實際執行結果,多以政策諮詢為主,心態較為被動。此外,在計畫流程中,計畫主辦機關常遇到一些困難,包含經費、人力的不足、時間的限制以及結果難以快速達成等,加之以公民參與端有賴於主辦機關自行摸索,欠缺具體方向,使得公民參與的執行更加不易。 而本研究透過實務資料、文獻以及公民參與九宮格的結合,建立出公民參與的模型,並依據時間、層級、方式與計畫特質給予使用參與,期望能夠減少計畫主辦機關進行公民參與的困難。最後,提出 4 點政策建議:(1)公民參與知識經驗分享(2)彈性化調整措施(3)公民參與的制度化(4)服務心態的調整,希望能夠協助電子化政府計畫流程中公民參與的執行更為容易。 / With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), the government devotes to carry out E-governance Programs (EG Programs). Through EG Programs, people expect to get a lot of convenience and efficiency. In the rising consciousness of citizens and the waves of customer-oriented revolution, it is more important to understand citizen’s preferences before carrying out related policies. The E-governance Programs is no exception. How to let policies conform to people’s needs is more important consideration, moreover, it is also one of the success factors of the programs. The previous studies report a lot about public participation, and it can summarize to three levels-information, consultation and decision making , collate with three stages of E-governance Programs-planning, implementation and evaluation to form a structure of public participation 3 by 3 grids. Based on data collection processes composed of interviews and a questionnaire survey, the thesis develops several results. To start with, there is obviously deficient design about total process of the public participation in E-governance Programs. In planning stage, Research Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) will hold a trial; In implementation stage, the authority in charge of a specific e-governance program will decide the degree of public participation by itself; In evaluation stage, the authority in charge will host a conference of specialist according to the regulations made by RDEC. However, in planning and implementation stages, public participation is not mandated by the standard, but by the attitude of the EG Programs authority. On the other hand, Although RDEC and the EG Programs authority take public participation seriously, the actual results of public participation do not reflect their active attitude. For example, the authority of the EG Programs use policy consulting mostly. Besides, the EG Programs authority encounters lots of difficulties such as the shortage of funds, lack of time and manpower. And, public participation lacks specific directions, which needs the EG Programs authority to experiment and develop the appropriate way of public participation in decision making procedure. These situations make public participation more difficult to be effectively implemented. In this research, the author constructs a model of public participation through empirical data and literature based on public participation 3 by 3 grids. And expect to provide some policy suggestions base on different time, levels and programs characteristics to reduce the implementation barriers. There are four suggestions, including: sharing public participate knowledge, providing flexible, adjustable measures, institutionalizing public participation, adjusting servicer’s attitude. The author expects to improve the public participation process in E-governance Programs.

從內部顧客觀點看G2E計畫成效─以政府電子採購網為例 / G2E Program Evaluation from the Viewpoint of Internal Customers-A Case Study of Government e-Procurement System

黃貴凰, Huang, Kuei Huang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊與通訊科技的發達,電子化政府隨之興起,政府開始利用資訊與通訊科技服務民眾。對電子化政府而言,其面臨的顧客不只包含外部顧客─公民與企業,也包含一大群的內部顧客─公務人員,由於公務人員是電子化政府重要的內部顧客,了解他們對於電子化系統、服務的使用感受有其必要性,也顯現G2E計畫成效評估的重要性。有鑑於政府採購為國家龐大支出,因此,本研究以政府電子採購網作為研究的個案。 本研究回顧電子化政府計畫評估、顧客導向的電子化政府、顧客滿意度的影響因素三類文獻,並結合Heeks (2006)電子化政府價值鏈、DeLone & McLean資訊系統成功模型,以及朱斌妤(2010-2013)的G2E計畫指標,從內部使用者角度發展電子採購內部顧客成效評估因果模型,主要由六大構面組成,分別為組織管理、服務品質、系統品質、資訊品質、員工感受效益以及員工滿意度,並透過次級資料進行驗證。 研究結果發現,本研究提出的電子採購內部顧客成效評估因果模型具有一定的解釋力,各構面之間的影響關係皆達統計上的顯著。本研究也比較不同機關性質與標案性質,進行不同構面之間的路徑係數比較,結果顯示不同的機關性質、標案性質對於不同構面之間的路徑係數確實有影響,根據研究結果,本研究也提出了一些政策建議與後續研究的建議。 / Electronic Government (e-Government) is about governments interacting, conducting business and delivering services to their citizens and private companies electronically through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). All key stakeholders including the government employees, private sectors, and citizens benefit from successful implementation of ICTs. The usage evaluation from e-government employees’ point of view (G2E), i.e., the internal customers of e-government, is vital. This research uses Government e-Procurement System as a case study of G2E program evaluation. Topics of literature review for this research include e-Government programs assessment, customer-orientede-Government and influencing factors of customer’s satisfaction, combines with Heeks’ e-Government Value Chain, DeLone and McLean’s Information System Success Model, and Chu’s G2E programs assessment indicators, which propose a casual model for internal customers’ evaluation of e-Procurement system in Taiwan. This model consists of six dimensions-organization management, service squality, system quality, information quality, employee perceived benefits, and employee satisfaction. The outcomes of this research indicate that our model is strongly supported by the empirical data. This research also includes comparations of different organizations and procurement cases, which indicate that different organizations and procurement cases have difference in path coefficients. Finally, this research makes some suggestions for the improvement of e-Procurement policy, and for future researches.

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