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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從電子化政府建立政府統計知識挖掘系統模型架構之研究~以內政統計為例 / Research into a System Framework for Knowledge Discovery in the Context of Statistics Tasks within e-Government – on Examples of Interior Statistic

江欣容, Chiang, Hsin Jung Unknown Date (has links)
各國政府為提高國際競爭優勢,紛紛積極推動「電子化政府」。我國電子化政府建設自八十六年起開始推動,迄今已經行政院擴大為e-Taiwan計畫。電子化政府推動之業務電腦化,帶動政府業務資訊系統的快速發展,其彙集而成之大型資料庫,為政府統計工作帶來莫大的發展契機。 本研究從電子化政府的過程、內政業務行政程序、知識挖掘及採勘方法,提出參考資料模型,可能的統計軟體工具以及電子化政府中知識發現的實驗架構。再者,本研究藉臺閩地區外籍與大陸配偶結婚登記資料集,運用各種群集分析如K-means、ANN、TwoStep等,並利用我國人口數時間序列採用多模式方法進行人口預測,並將前述分析結果回饋資料庫,最後,作者實現一個知識發現系統雛型,其中包含了前端資料庫、資料集、知識庫以及EIS使用介面。 本研究成果總結如下:(1)資料挖掘工作產出之知識,除真實呈現社會現象外,亦作為政府政策之指南;(2)在本研究發展之系統中,新興資料挖掘技術及傳統資料分析方法,二者相輔相成;(3)某些資料挖掘技術適合相符的資料型態,例如文中人口預測資料較適合指數平滑法勝於ANN,亦即,我們可以籍由多模式分析比較其結果,來達到更佳的效果;(4)藉由知識庫模型的建立達成知識創造、共享與管理的目標;(5)資料挖掘工作可以回饋改善資訊系統或業務缺失。 / In order to enhance international competitive advantages, most of the government authorities over the world are engaging in realizing their e-Government platforms. The ROC Government began to develope its e-Government- Infrastructure since 1997, and up-to-date is expanding the e-Taiwan Project as a whole by Executive Yuan. The computerization of administration processes within various government agencies push forward fast development of administration information systems via handling administrative works and lead to utmost opportunities for the government statistics by means of very large databases. Starting from a survey on developements of e-Government, administrative processes for interior affairs, and knowledge mining as well as discovery techniques, this study brings out reference data models, potential statistical softwaretools, and an experimental framework as a whole for knowledge discovery in the context of e-Government. In the next step, this study experiments with applying clustering techniques such as K-means, ANN, and Twostep on datamart regarding marriage of foreigners ( including citizens from Mainland China ) in Taiwan, and with employeeing multi-modes approach on population forecasting. The results of aforementioned analysises are feed into backend database. At last, this author carries out a prototype of knowledge discovery system which includes front-end data base, data marts, knowledge base and interfaces to EIS. The results of the research can be summarized as following: 1.Knowledge derived by means of data mining is capable to represent social events / affairs as well as to serve as a kind of guideline for developing government ploicies. 2. The modern data-ming techniques and classical data-analysis approaches complement with each other in the system developed in this research. 3. Certain mining technique is suitable of corresponding data pattern, for example, expotential smoothing is more suitable for our population data than ANN, which means that we may often achieve better result by multi-mode analysis and comprison with the outputs of different modes. 4. Knowledge creation, sharing, and management can be achieved by means of the knowledge discovery processes on the framework developed in this research. 5. We can figure out errorful raw data in the mining output and feedback to the data source to improve its quality.

政府機構轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程 / Adopting and Implementing IT infrastructure: A Case Study of the Transformation Process in a Government Agency

汪其芬, Wang, Chi-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
轉換資訊科技基礎設施一如佈建好的房舍遷移重蓋,其涉及的轉換是全面且浩大的工程。在面臨公元二千年危機僅餘兩年的時間,在當時微軟作業平台尚不成熟,國內資訊科技基礎設施轉換成功案例尚不多見,組織內部人員對有關技術一知半解,資訊部門未能有效處理問題等情境下,高階主管採行轉換資訊科技基礎設施策略,將主機移除轉換至區域網路伺服器環境,並重新開發所有應用資訊系統。如此大工程高風險的策略及如此困頓的情境,如何順利進行? 轉換資訊科技基礎設施涉及組織層面極廣而複雜。包括硬體、軟體、程序、制度、人員等。有關機器設備或可一次更新,惟設置於新機器設備上的核心應用資訊系統,則需逐步開發及調整。有關設備、系統及制度標準,如何與組織需求及業務融合發揮效能,更需人員觀念的轉變與不斷的學習,其所需之時間都不是一朝一夕能見其成效。所以轉換資訊科技基礎設施要看的是它的歷程,由時間的演變可以看出轉換資訊科技基礎設施對組織的影響,也可以看出其互動的關聯性。 本研究採用個案研究法,觀察經濟部國際貿易局這個成功案例如何進行資訊科技基礎設施的轉換。該個案有幾個特徵:一、政府機構;二、面臨內外危機及電子化政府的壓力;三、採行的技術策略,對組織而言是一種全面性、突破性(Radical change)的改變,技術無法累積,必需重新學習。 鑑於轉換資訊科技基礎設施歷程十分冗長而複雜,為能有系統的描繪個案,本文採取一般性研究架構(內容、情境及歷程),並輔以「問題解決」觀點描繪轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程。又為能適當控制研究資訊量,本文分三大問題(如何形成策略並開始執行?如何整合資訊並推廣應用?資訊部門與人員如何轉型?),加以描述及分析。 有關歷程的特徵,則引用江志浩(1999)所推導出的組織歷程模式—計畫性模式、適應模式、浮現模式加以檢視。該模式係以「問題解決」的二個元素「設定解決問題的目標」、「進度控制與資源配置」,檢視三種歷程模式的特徵及差異。此外,本文並對問題解決者(高階主管、資訊經理、執行團隊)在此歷程中所扮演之角色及其影響加以探索。 本研究發現,轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程無法以單一的歷程模式加以描繪。轉換資訊科技基礎設施的歷程涉及一組相關問題的解決,通常在大眾印象中多只看到硬體設施的建置及導入,極易忽略真正困難的問題在於人員觀念的轉變與不斷的學習。由於這些隱藏的問題,整個歷程會出現一些意想不到的狀況。本研究可作為實務界導入資訊科技基礎設施、組織變革及組織創新的參考;對於涉及長達七年轉換歷程的資料,還可以提供未來學術界研究之基礎。 / Adopting and implementing Information Technology (IT) infrastructure , like the removing already-built premises for reconstruction, involves a comprehensive and massive conversion. Less than two years before the Y2K crisis, when the Microsoft platform had not been fully developed, there were only a few successful cases of domestic IT infrastructure adoption and implementation. Moreover, Internal personnel of organization was not proficient with the related technology, and IT department was not able to effectively handle the issues; however , top management adopted a strategy of IT infrastructure conversion by switching the mainframe to Local Area Network servers and then re-developing all the application information systems. How did they successfully implement this strategy amidst such a massive re-engineering, and with high-risk information technology ? In reality, IT infrastructure adoption and implementation involves extremely broad and complicated levels, including hardware, software, procedures, systems, personnel, and so on. Machines and equipment can be updated at once, but the core application information systems installed on new machines and equipment must be sequentially developed and adjusted. To achieve the desired effects, people especially, need to change their ways of thinking and learn constantly if they want their equipment, systems, and system standards to be aligned with the needs and business goals of the organization. However, results cannot be achieved in a short time. Therefore the IT infrastructure adoption and implementation process needs to be studied longitudinally. With respect to time, we can see the impact of IT infrastructure adaptation on organizational changes and its interactive association. This study uses the case study approach to observe how the Bureau of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan has successfully adopted and implemented IT infrastructure. This case is characterized by the following properties: (1) It is a government organization; (2) It encountered internal and external challenges and pressure to launch an “e-Government;” and (3) It used technological strategies, which are comprehensive and radical changes to organization, so that the technologies involved were unable to be accumulated and needed be relearned. As it is a very long and complicated process to adopt and implement IT infrastructure, this article uses a general research framework (consisting of contents, context, and processes), supplemented by “problem solving”, to systematically describe the IT infrastructure adoption and implementation process. Moreover, with the hope of properly controlling the information for this research, three major issues are described and analyzed: (1) How to formulate and implement strategies; (2) How to integrate and apply information; and (3) How to transform the information system department and its personnel. Additionally, the characteristics of a transformation process can be studied using the organizational process model derived by Chiang Chi-ku (1999), comprising of a planned model, an adaptive model, and an emergent model. This organizational process model studies the properties and differences of these three process models using the two components of “problem solving” —“goal setting for problem solving” and “status control and resource allocation.” Moreover, this article also studies the roles played by the problem solvers (i.e., top management, information manager, and the executive team) in these processes and their effects. According to the findings of this study, the process of adopting and implementing IT infrastructure can’t be described as a single process. Moreover, it involves solutions to a series of related problems. Generally speaking, most people only recognize the construction and implementation of hardware, but easily disregard the real difficulty in personnel’s conceptual change and constant learning. Due to these hidden problems, some unexpected conditions may appear throughout the transformation process. Hence, this research can be taken as a reference for the business sector in adopting and implementing of IT infrastructure, organizational change, and organizational innovation. Moreover, it can also provide the basis for future academic research of the data involving a seven-year-long adaptation process.


孫百佑, Sun, Pai-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是從民眾的角度,深入瞭解政府在推動業務電子化的過程,在便民服務方面所產生的效益,進而探討國外先進國家的推動概況,由於國情不同,各國均有其特別之處可供參考;隨著我國電子化政府快速的推展,在國際著名調查機構對世界各國的評比中大多名列前茅,使政府願意在電子化政府的投資加碼,因此在數位台灣計畫中包括了許多e 化政府的計畫;目前在電子化政府相關計畫中除了更新現有大型系統的計畫之外,其核心計畫是一個跨機關橫向整合的計畫,建立e政府服務平台,以期能達到「提供民眾更豐富、精緻的資訊內容、更深化的網路申辦服務、與網路公民更多的互動,經由網路的溝通管道,實踐政府治理的目標」。 本文中除探討e政府服務平台對各級政府機關e化的影響之外,也一併探討在政府e化過程,可能對國內軟體產業的影響,以及目前政府推動建置平台的政策,對產業生態的可能影響;這些政策的落實,未來對於國內軟體產業的衝擊將非常可觀,因此,本論文也對國內軟體業者提出一些建議,以供業界因應與轉型參考。 / This paper mainly emphasizes on the effect of which the electronic government interface in Taiwan brings to the citizens, especially in the aspect of citizen-oriented services. Moreover, this article reviews the e-government services in other countries and their vary kinds of developing experiences as reference. Along with the quick development of the e-government service, the rank of Taiwan is always in the top list judged and rated by world-famous institutions. As a result, the government of Taiwan is willing to invest more to the plans of e-government which play an important role in the e-Taiwan project. Currently the plan attempts not only to renew the existing mainframe system, but also to build an “e-government service platform” to integrate services over different departments and resources. This platform is the core of Taiwan e-government plan. It can offer citizens vary and delicate information, more high level applications of service, and more interaction with Internet citizens. By utilizing Internet as a communication channel, it can implement the aim of governance more effectively. In the final part of this paper, it analyzes the influence of “e-service platform“ towards each level of government units. In addition, it discusses about how the e-government plan affects the software industry. Furthermore, how the policy about the platform influences the status of software industry is also mentioned in this paper. Once the policy is carried out, it is expected to be some serious impacts on domestic software industry. Therefore, this study also gives suggestions to software companies to make a preparation or reformation in advance.

我國股東會電子化之成效及委託書制度對企業經營權競爭之影響-以國票金與開發金為個案 / Future prospect for electronic proxy in accordance with the influence of corporate governance

王貴增, Wang, Kuei Tseng Unknown Date (has links)
由國內相關研究來看,探討委託書之相關議題,如委託書對於股東的財富影響、委託書所造成之案例等研究,其資料頗為豐富,是一個多實證研究及多社會興趣的主題,且近年來,有關委託書徵求所引發之經營權爭議亦是層出不窮。故本論文主要乃將偏向為國內委託書制度尚可以改善之方向進行探討,將以我國委託書制度與國外制度之比較之差異及可以參酌改進之地方做一論述。另發現針對近年來國內興起股東會電子化之規範及成效研究部份更是微乎其微,是故亦將股東會電子化之成效研究納入本論文主軸,期待以提供一個簡單、便利、安全及隱密的電子平台,使投資人的意見可充分反應,亦無遭篡改之虞,亦可使國內近年來委託書之爭議有所改善,再輔以近年來較具爭議之委託書競爭行為分析,以說明委託書之規範若不嚴謹時將對小股東造成之損害。 / During these few years, proxy has been a tool to manipulate the outcome of hostile takeover. In this thesis wet want to evaluate the possibility of implementing electronic voting for proxy and comparing different proxy regulation of other developed countries. The main reason for implementing electronic vote and advantages will be explained in the thesis and the after effect will also be discussed.


張俊揚, Chang, Chun-Young Unknown Date (has links)
公共組織長期以來給人一種浪費、效率不彰及態度傲慢的負面印象,在處於複雜多變的環境下,一般民眾莫不期待政府能提昇行政績效,以增加組織的學習力,掌握人民(顧客)的偏好,並迅速回應環境的變化。本研究即基於民眾對政府感到失望卻又渴望的情愫,而擬探究資訊科技如何應用於公共組織,進而探討公共組織網絡化的可能性,以做為公共組織因應時代潮流變遷的對策。 為了降低公共組織對資訊科技衝擊的適應不良,及確保能永續發展,本研究以為公共組織當就組織的管理與結構面進行調整,就管理面而言,善用資訊科技工具是其可行的途徑之一;就結構面而言,或可調整科層結構為網絡式組織。換言之,即希望藉由引進資訊網路科技,以建構一個網絡式的公共組織。其理想的運作模式是組織的成員、團隊或是整個組織的運作都彷彿是一個獨立的節點,可以突破時空的屏障而形成多重連結,以構成一個網絡。每個節點的權力來源,不是來自階級,而是自身擁有的技術和知識,彼此相互支援與分享資訊,為共同的價值觀與目標而努力。使它不再是一種政治結構,而是近似於一種生活方式。 植基於新公共行政(New Public Administration)與後官僚組織(post-bureaucratic organization)等觀點的影響,研究中從反思科層型政府為濫觴,並在「資訊科技」與「網絡式組織」兩者間釐探其互動互補的關係,期望這良性的互動能賦予公共組織變革時一個新的思考方向。基於這樣的邏輯思考,而於理論面上發現可以資訊科技為核心技術,提出建構理想型「網絡式公共組織」的三大願景方向-「再造的政府」、「虛擬式政府」及「團隊型政府」,並分別擬定其運作的可行性策略如後: (一)以「便民服務」、「資訊與知識流通」及「流程改造」等策略形塑「再造的政府」。 (二)以「即時通訊,傳遞正確資訊」、「擴大參與,共享民主政治」及「相互信賴,以求共存共榮」等策略形塑「虛擬式政府」。 (三)以「搭起開放便捷的溝通管道」、「培養合作共享專業知識的組織文化」及「建立工作績效評估制度」等策略形塑「團隊型政府」。 在實務面上,以我國電子化/網路化政府政策為例,從官方文獻資料的閱讀,瞭解到該政策的規劃內涵及未來願景與本研究所建構的網絡式公共組織之策略內涵有相通互補之處;另外對相關官員與洽公民眾進行一系列的深度訪談,得知該政策在實際運作上均分別引發了政府再造、虛擬政府及團隊政府的產生,所以本研究建構網絡式公共組織的構念,似乎可以在該實例的政策執行上獲得有力的註腳。 總而言之,本研究從理論與實務的探究中發現,網絡式組織無論在理論上的引介或實務上的應用,似乎均可藉由資訊科技的力量,讓公共組織走向一個較為具開放、動態與彈性的組織型態。惟目前公共組織在進行網絡化的過程中,本研究擬建議政府當持續應用資訊網路科技,在策略聯盟共享資源的原則下,達成「以客為尊」的服務宗旨。另外政府對於組織「知識管理」的概念與作為,及建立一套「客觀公正的績效評估辦法」是較為不足的。若期望公共組織能發揮最大效用,則需加強這兩面向的建置,因為強化知識管理與建立客觀公正的績效評估辦法,有利於絡網式公共組織的建立。

網際網路與公民參與-台北市政府網路個案分析 / Internet and Citizen Participation

徐千偉, Shyu, Chian-Woei Unknown Date (has links)
自一九八O年代起,現代資訊與通訊科技(Information and Communication Technology or ICT)、電腦中介傳播(Computer-Mediated Communication or CMC)、網際網路(Internet)及全球資訊網(World Wide Web or WWW)的發展和普及化,已被學者、政治人物、以及論者們認為是可用以加強實踐公民參與及民主政治之有效工具。本研究即探討政府如何透過網際網路來提供公民參與機制。 本研究以網際網路之公民參與機制的理論為基礎,建構一個完整的網際網路之公民參與機制,亦即建構一個理想的網路公共論壇版面。並檢視台北市政府於全球資訊網網站上之公共論壇版面的運作現況及其成效,檢驗其中公民參與公共事務價值的實踐程度。最後,將探討網際網路之公民參與機制的實踐會有哪些侷限,應如何加以突破,藉此提供學術界及實務界研究貢獻。 / Since the 1980's, many scholars, statesmen, and researchers have come to realize that the development and popularity of modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Computer-mediated Communication (CMC), Internet, and the World Wide Web (WWW) will become the effective mechanism for citizen participation. The main purpose of this research paper is to study how government provides citizen participation through Internet. First, the paper will take the theory of Internet citizen participation to construct an ideal mechanism of Internet citizen participation, i.e., to build an ideal operational procedural of Internet Public Forum. Second, the paper will use Taipei City Government's "Citizen Forum" in the World Wide Web as a case study to compare and analyze this case with the ideal operational procedural of Internet Public Forum. Last, the paper will discuss the constraints of Internet citizen participation, and search for solutions to these constraints.


紀佳伶 Unknown Date (has links)
電子化/網路化政府是政府再造中非常重要的一項工作,企圖藉由政府中各項資訊系統的使用,使行政效率提昇及行政運作更為便利,在資訊科技引進政府公部門的同時,也產生了許多問題,如資訊貧富差距、資訊不對稱以及資訊內容隱私權的侵害等問題,其中後者的嚴重性及廣泛性更是前二項所不能比擬,當政府結合各項行政資訊系統以快速、便捷的提供服務時,在運用關於民眾個人的資訊及資料上,可能產生資訊隱私權侵害的情形。這是由於政府為了達到效率與行政便利、公共利益、國家安全或是資訊公開等行政目標、價值,運用各項新興行政資訊系統時,忽略了考量其他價值所產生的問題。 以往在個人資訊隱私權侵害的案例上,往往是私人間的問題,私人對私人的侵害,但事實上此種侵害可分為兩種形式,一為私人間的侵害,另一則為政府對人民的侵害,後者的範圍及情形往往更為嚴重。因此本文擬將焦點置於國家與政府機關,探討資訊隱私權的意涵、起源、保障基礎,針對我國在推動電子化/網路化政府所欲追求的目標中,有哪些與民眾資訊隱私權相互衝突,其衝突點為何,進行深入分析,並嘗試運用四項政策工具—技術、法律、社會及文化,建構一個安全的資訊隱私環境。首先探討此四項政策工具的理論性內涵,並實際對照目前我國政府行政機關運用這四項政策工具的情形,有何缺失,並嘗試提出改善建議。最後並以行政院研考會規劃推動的國民卡計畫為例,探討政府實際對人民資訊隱私權侵害的可能性,及如何運用這些政策工具來降低侵害的產生。因此本研究的主要研究問題即為: 1、政府在採行業務電腦化,並進一步拓展為電子化/網路化政府時,對人民資訊隱私權侵害的可能性及型態為何? 2、人民資訊隱私權與政府引進資訊科技從事公務運作所追求的行政價值間衝突為何? 3、如何運用四項政策工具—技術、法律、文化及社會—來調和並建構健全的資訊隱私環境? 在主要問題之下,次要研究問題則有: 1、資訊隱私權的意涵為何? 2、資訊隱私權的保障基礎為何? 3、我國政府行政機關實際運用四項政策工具保障民眾資訊隱私權的現況如何? 各章節內容要點概說如下: 第壹章 緒論:旨在闡述本研究之研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法與流程、研究架構及相關重要名詞釋義。 第貳章 資訊隱私權與行政價值間的衝擊:其中先對資訊隱私權此一概念從事文獻檢閱,瞭解其目前學術及實務發展狀況,之後探討其意涵、保障基礎、侵害型態等,最後並針對政府機關引進資訊科技時所欲追求的目標、價值與資訊隱私權間的衝突進行深入分析。 第參章至第伍章屬於本研究的主要架構,分別探討建構健全資訊隱私環境的四項政策工具。 第參章 建構安全資訊隱私環境之技術面保障:探討保障資訊隱私的可行技術,主要分三部分來說明,使用者認證機制與防火牆、加密技術以及數位簽章與公開金鑰認證機構。 第肆章 建構安全資訊隱私環境之法律面保障:探討相關的法律規定,主要分為二部分,分別為各國相關法律規範及國際組織保障新趨勢。 第伍章 建構安全資訊隱私環境之其他層面保障:主要探討文化面及社會面的保障,文化面即公務人員資訊倫理文化之培養;社會面則為外部保障監督機制的設置。 第陸章 我國安全資訊隱私環境之現況分析:針對上述三章的討論內容,分析我國實際應用情形,並指出其問題所在。 第柒章 個案分析:以國民卡專案計畫為例,針對其所引發的一些資訊隱私權爭議進行分析,並且嘗試提出運用上述四項政策工具加以改善的建議。 第捌章 結論與建議:內容包含研究發現、研究建議以及後續研究建議等。

GATS同類服務與服務供給者問題之研究 / The Analyses for Issues Related to Like Services and Service Suppliers

林伊君, Lin, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
觀察目前服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services, GATS)案件,涉及GATS第2條最惠國待遇與第17條國民待遇之數量佔有極高比例。適用第2條與第17條規定時,須先認定案件之服務或服務供給者符合「同類服務與服務供給者」,唯有確定會員系爭措施規範對象與其他會員之服務或服務供給者,抑或是國內服務或服務供給者為同類服務或同類服務供給者,方能檢驗會員系爭措施有無對同類服務與服務供給者為差別待遇,因此,「同類服務與服務供給者」乃第2條與第17條之先決要件,具有極關鍵性地位。 由於服務具有不可識別性與不可儲存性,欲判斷服務或服務供給者間是否為同類服務或服務供給者有相當困難度,加上GATS原文對「同類服務與服務供給者」之服務與服務供給者係以「和」為連接詞,引發學者與會員就如何解釋「同類服務」與「同類服務供給者」適用關係之爭議;甚而,GATS第1條第1項將規範之服務貿易區分為四種不同供給模式,以不同供給模式提供之服務或服務供給者是否會因供給模式而被認定為不同類服務或不同類服務供給者,亦是「同類服務與服務供給者」與GATS規範架構之適用爭議;此外,GATS第2條與第17條「同類服務與服務供給者」之適用範圍,應如何與其規範目的為相呼應之解釋,亦是極具挑戰性之課題。由此可見,「同類服務與服務供給者」存在諸多適用上爭議,尤其在爭端解決小組與上訴機構尚未就「同類服務與服務供給者」適用爭議提出說明之情形,研究「同類服務與服務供給者」乃刻不容緩之事。 鑑於世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)之爭端解決小組與上訴機構對關稅與貨品貿易總協定(The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade, GATT)與WTO「同類產品」已大致建立認定方法,並對「同類產品」之適用爭議提出見解,GATS於談判過程中曾有會員建議以「同類情形」作為適用最惠國待遇與國民待遇之規範要件,本文除論述GATS涉及「同類服務與服務供給者」案件之爭端解決小組與上訴機構見解,亦分析GATT/WTO「同類產品」案件與北美區域自由貿易協定(North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA)牽涉「同類情形」案件之判決經驗,為認定GATS「同類服務與服務供給者」與相關適用爭議找尋可能之解決方案。 / Observing recent GATS(The General Agreement on Trade in Services)cases, there are almost quart cases relevant to non-discrimination regulations of GATS, Article 2 and 17.As applying to non-discrimination regulations of GATS, before examining whether Members’domestic measures have discriminated effects to block the international services market, applicants, the Panel or Appellate Body need to determine whether the services and services suppliers concerned are ‘like services’or ‘like service supplier’. For‘like services and service suppliers’being a crucial requirement of non-discrimination regulations in GATS, researching how this requirement is applied to dispute settlement cases is an important mission to GATS. Actually, the vital issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’include: how to determine the ‘like services’and ‘like service suppliers’, how to decide whether the services and service suppliers through different supply modes are like services and like service suppliers, and how to interpret the application between ‘like services’ and ‘like service suppliers’. Moreover, interpreting the coverage of ‘like services and service suppliers’ under GATS is also a tough issue. Notwithstanding the requirement of non-discrimination principles -‘like services and service suppliers’rises many applied issues, there are no regulations of GATS to define the meaning of ‘like services’ and ‘like service suppliers', and no regulations or explanatory footnotes to clarify the applied problems of ‘like services and service suppliers’. The only way for Members or scholars to realize how to apply to this requirement or to determine ‘like services and like service suppliers’ is to analyze relevant judgments of dispute settlement cases relevant. However, WTO dispute settlement panel or appellate body did not analyze the relevant applied issues of‘like services and services suppliers’, and not resolve those applied issues completely. For resolving those issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’, this article make relevant material divided into four parts. First of all is to discuss what issues‘like services and service suppliers’arises, and what the factors cause ‘like services and services suppliers’ is hard to be practiced. The second part is referring to the judgments of dispute settlement panel and appellate body in GATT(The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)/WTO cases regarding the applications of ‘like products’. Then, referring to the judgments of NAFTA(The North American Free Trade Agreement) dispute settlement organization in NAFTA cases considering ‘like circumstances’. Finally, this article not only advances the resolutions to resolve those issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’, in order to improve the practice of this requirement, but also recommends several suggestions about modifying the content of this requirement.

以下一代電信業營運系統軟體標準為核心以促成企業流程管理之電子化服務架構 / NGOSS-Centric Framework of Telecommunication e-Services Enabling Business Process Management

周棟祥, Chou,Tung-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的發展,使得現實生活中隨處可見全球資訊網的應用,也因此改革了原有商業經營的面貌,尤其在電信產業中,許多企業開始將實體的商店模式,帶到虛擬的網際網路中,使得網際網路上的電子商務發展隨之增高,並帶給企業史無前例的經濟發展機會。起初電子商務的發展焦點在於客戶與企業的互動關係,漸漸的延伸到企業對企業的相互支援,而商業流程管理與服務導向架構的崛起,也使得電子商務的發展焦點轉移至發展整合商業流程的電子化服務議題上,更希望藉此提供給客戶更多元化、有用的功能服務。 電子商務與其資訊發展技術一直以來被電信業者所重視(例如中華電信、新加坡電信及美國電信技術等公司),並且開始在網際網路上建置專屬的電子商務環境。雖然在這些世界級電信公司的資訊環境中,都有其專屬的營運支援系統,但都缺乏共同標準的架構與流程設計方法,因此電信管理論壇組織開始進行下一代的營運支援系統規劃,稱之為「下一代營運系統軟體」。有很多的研究中心及廠商也提供以下一代營運系統軟體為主的相關服務,並以服務導向架構為基礎來協助整合商業流程。 在過去企業都利用人工的方式來整合內部相關的服務功能,並透過各種資訊整合技術將相關的工作連接起來,但是此種整合曠日廢時,僅侷限在某些專屬服務範圍,倘若要增加其他加值性服務,將會耗費更多的成本與時間。企業應用系統整合的出現就是要解決此類的整合性問題,透過點對點的介面方式,將各應用系統或程式連接起來。隨著多樣性服務需求與多種異質性系統的增加,讓企業應用系統整合服務已不能符合企業所需,因此開始將商業流程與服務導向架構觀念引入企業應用系統整合服務之中,希望能建置一個以流程為主的服務。商業流程與服務導向架構都具備有系統間的彈性連接與雙向溝通能力,藉由其所提供的電子服務,使得應用程式間可以相互溝通。 為了要有效地強化商業流程管理與服務導向架構的優點,本研究將使用企業服務匯流排來與中間軟體作一有效的結合,並維持以流程為中心的服務,提供給企業應用整合系統,所有的電子化服務皆能透過此管道來相互溝通。 在本論文中,我們將展示一個新的研究架構、共同合作模式及共同合作層級來闡述此研究,並利用三個實例來說明與驗證此架構之可行性,且把焦點放在如何以新一代營運系統軟體標準為基礎來發展國際性電信公司所關心的敏捷性電子化服務之研究。 / The Internet’s widespread popularity and the ubiquity of the World Wide Web have revolutionized the face of business, especially in the telecommunication industry. Many enterprises have moved their place of business from the physical store to the virtual store on the Internet. Therefore, electronic commerce (e-commerce) has sprung up in this era and has provided enterprises of all sizes with unprecedented opportunities for economic growth. Initially, electronic commerce focused only on business-to-customer web interaction and on business-to-business web interaction. With the emergence of business process management and of service-oriented architecture, the focus has shifted to the development of electronic services (e-services) that integrate business processes and that diversify functionalities available to customers. The potential of electronic commerce and its information technology also has attracted some telecommunication corporations—for example, Chunghwa Telecom, Singtel Telecom, and AT&T. They have built their electronic commerce environment on the Internet, too. Most of these worldwide telecom corporations have many kinds of operations support systems (OSSs) in the backend environment. Hence, TeleManagement Forum (TMF) has started to consider the next generation of OSS which is called the New Generation Operations Systems and Software (NGOSS). There are also many vendors or research centers that consider how to provide the NGOSS-centric service to the users and to integrate the business process based on service-oriented architecture. Initially, enterprises had to manually integrate services so that they could work together. However, this integration required considerable time and cost, and it worked only for the specific services that were manually linked. Adding additional services required even more effort. And then, enterprise application integration (EAI) solved these kinds of problems by working via point-to-point interfaces. As enterprises use more applications to provide additional services, the amount of integration that various tasks require to have mushroomed and the system has become hard to maintain. In order to increase the performance of EAI, some enterprises have developed the concept of business process management and service-oriented architecture. The chief objective is to implement relevant process-centric services. Business process management and service-oriented architecture enable flexible connectivity and communication among applications by representing each as e-services that let applications communicate readily with one another. In order to effectively strengthen business process management’s and service-oriented architecture’s benefits, we use an enterprise service bus (ESB) that, by functioning as middleware glue, holds process-centric services together and allows for communication between enterprise applications. In this thesis, we present a research framework, a collaboration model, and a collaboration layers to describe the method. Then, we use several illustrations to explain the generality of our method, and we focus on how international telecom corporations have become to concern with the agility, the leanness, and the integration underlying e-services integration based on NGOSS.

政府採購入口網站功能架構與關鍵成功因素之研究 / A Study of the functional architecture and Key Success Factors for the Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website

陳冠竹 Unknown Date (has links)
政府入口網站含蓋了眾多提供公共服務的網站,讓民眾或企業進行相關業務的辦理、資訊的查詢以及進行交易等行為。全國或是全球需要使用到政府服務,例如政府採購等之使用者皆是政府入口網站之服務對象。因此政府網站在資料流量含量方面較之於一般商業網站更為可觀,亦包含了電子商務性質。在此狀況下,政府角色亦已逐漸從管制調適為服務。就政府體策略或執行計畫而言,實施知識管理除可使行政單位的工作效率提昇,行政流程時間縮短,更可避免重覆錯誤及誤判訊息之可能。   本研究主要以行政院公共工程委員會目前所推行之『政府採購電子化』計畫為研究對象,冀於對未來五年能達到政府採購作業全面電子化提出建議。本研究之目標係分析研擬「政府電子採購入口網站」之關鍵成功因素,從而由「政府採購電子化」計畫現行系統歸納出具綜效之整合型「政府電子採購入口網站」功能架構,其工作內容如下:   1. 歸納、分析現行各系統及政府採購法推動之問題。   2. 瞭解國內政府入口網站之推動情形,分析企業資訊入口網站解決方案現況。   3. 利用分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,簡稱AHP)歸納出三分類專家,包括工程會內部專家、公部門專家、產業界及學界專家所認為的「政府電子採購入口網站」之關鍵成功因素,同時也分析資訊職務與非資訊職務專家觀點之相異點。   4. 根據歸納出來之關鍵成功因素與內部需求,提出具建設性之「政府電子採購入口網站」功能架構雛形,建議工程會推動「政府採購入口網站」提供之功能依據。   本研究AHP法研究結果如下:   1. 本研究中之各類專家一般認為內在因素比外在環境因素之權重大。   2. 第三層關鍵成功因素包括知識管理機制之健全化、政策及法制配合度、使用者服務機制、資訊系統與營運。整體而言,工程會內部專家與產業界及學界專家兩類專家較重視政策及法制配合度構面因素,而公部門專家比較重視資訊系統與營運構面因素。資訊職務專家較重視政策及法制配合度構面因素,非資訊職務專家比較重視資訊系統與營運構面因素。   3. 整體最底層關鍵成功因素排名前七項分別為高階長官的參與和支持並訂定明確的目標、即時配合實際狀況,修正、鬆綁法規、充裕的資源配合、提昇法令約束力之效力、提供快速回應問題之機制、介面具親和力、操作流程循序簡單、提供高度的可靠性與穩定性。   本研究最後逐一對專家深入訪談、工程會需求訪談、企業資訊入口網站解決方案及關鍵成功因素AHP之分析等結果提出結論與建議。 / An e-Government Portal should integrates numerous websites that offer public service, and provides individuals or enterprises with a platform for trafficking, searching information, and conducting transactions. Thus, all the users, that need to access government service and government procurement information, are potential customers of the e-Government Portal website. Hence, the e-Government Portal website, with e-Commerce quality, has more enormous data flow and database contents in comparison with simple e-Commerce sites. Last but not least, the role of e-Government Portal website is turned gradually into a service provider from its simple transition role of inspection.   From government's strategic aspect, actions regarding knowledge management can not only improve the efficiency and streamline the administrative procedures, but also avoid the crisis of repeating failures and misleadings of messages.   The object of this research is the Electronic Procurement Plan, which was established and promoted by the Public Construction Commission (PCC) of The Executive Yuan, R.O.C. The goal of the Electronic Procurement Plan is to accomplish the electronic commerce of the government procurement entirely in five years. This study aims to find out the critical success factors (CSF) for the Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website, and to carry out a functional architecture for the synergic Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website via the following working packages :   1. to analyze and formulate the problems of promoting the electronic government procurement system and the government procurement law.   2. to discuss the ongoing domestic promotion programs of the e-Government Portal websites and analyze the status quo cases of the Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) solution.   3. to analyze and compare the critical success factors of the Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website of various expert viewpoints through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The experts come from the PCC internal public servants, public servants from other government agencies as well as industrialists and scholars. On the other hand, the different viewpoints between the IT background experts and non-IT background experts are also compared.   4. to summarize constitutive functional architecture for the Government Electronic Procurement Portal Website according to the resulted CSF and the PCC internal requirements.   The results of AHP analysis can be stated as following:   1. The internal factors outweigh external factors.   2. The third-level of factors of AHP architecture includes the solidity of knowledge management, the compatibility of policies and laws, the user service mechanism and the information systems and operations. Generally, the PCC internal public servants, industrialists and scholars pay more attention to the compatibility of policies and laws than the other public servants that put a lot of emphasis on the information systems and operations. The IT background experts value the compatibility of policies and laws, whereas the non-IT background experts emphasize the information systems and operations.   3. The top seven priority factors of the rock-bottom level factors include the involvements and endorsements of the top executives and establish the clear goals, the instantaneous emendation and relaxation of the laws, the compatibility of abundant resource, the effectiveness of promoting the law's constraint force, friendly interface and easily sequential operation flow and high reliability and stability.   At last, this research leads to the conclusions and suggestions in regard to in-depth experts interviews,PCC internal requirement investigations, EIP solutions and the AHP CSF analysis.

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