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從傳統化工產業進入電子特用化學品的4C行銷競爭策略分析¬-以D公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis for the Electronic Chemical Business-The Case of D company

王興嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
電子產業為台灣主流產業,相關化學品使用量很大,過去多仰賴國外進口,是台灣傳統化學化工產業可用以轉型並切入的利基點。但台灣電子產業製造廠對本土化學材料供應商卻信心不足,有時根本連上線測試的機會都沒有。D公司是作者曾經任職的電子化學材料公司,也是A光電公司(LCD面板製造商)與E化學公司合資的公司,A公司的策略考量為掌握面板的上游原物料,E公司之策略則為穩定下游產品出海口。A光電公司知道要做什麼樣的產品,E化學公司則在過去累積了許多特用化學品的專業知識,所以D公司事實上是所謂know-what and know-how的結合,是電子化學材料公司轉型成功的一個案例。 本研究為導入邱志聖(2014)的4C架構,並分析D公司如何以產業的後進者,卻能克服日本競爭者的先行者優勢,而成功的關鍵點,並以此作為後續其他進入此領域或相類似產業公司的參考。藉由D公司與此產業主要競爭對手日本化學材料公司的4C比較分析可以看出,外顯單位效益成本涵蓋範圍廣,大家各有勝負,很難點出問題的核心及思考解決的策略;又日本化學材料公司的道德危機成本低於D公司,很難立即改變;但D公司的資訊交易成本比日本競爭者低(因為客戶A公司是同集團公司)。這也許是一個很好的切入點,所以D材料公司的行銷策略方向與順序為先利用降低交易成本的方式(與客戶建立合資公司),進而提升技術與成本降低等外顯單位效益成本的競爭力,並藉著產品導入的機會與實績,逐漸提升與建立聲譽(降低道德危機成本),再利用時機點的掌握與對手的可能犯錯,有策略的解決及導入有高替換成本的產品,最後再以此更強化道德危機成本。 本研究案例可提供傳統化工公司轉型之行銷策略參考,亦可適用於其他行銷門檻較高的產業。 / The electronic industry is one of the major industries in Taiwan. The chemicals consumption in this industry are huge and most imported from abroad. This could be the right industry or relative new area that the traditional chemical company in Taiwan can transform to. “D” company is a joint venture of “A” optoelectronic company (LCD panel maker) and “E” chemical company. “A” company knows the electronic products and technology trend, while “E” chemical has experience and professional knowhow in specialty chemical domain. “D” company possesses the knowledge of “know-what” and “know-how”, and is a successful chemical company in electronic industry. This study introduced the “4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis” (Chiou 2014) and analyzed the key points that how the “D” company can succeed as a latecomer in the electronic chemical industry. By means of 4C analysis, it is clear to identify that the C2 (cost of information search) in “D” company is much lower than competitors due to belonging to the same group with major customer. By this, “D” company has the platform and advantages to further reduce the cost of utilities, such as technology learning curve and cost structure. By successfully introducing the products to customer one by one and build-up the credibility and reputation step by step, this can reduce the cost of moral hazard. However, the cost of asset specific is difficult to overcome. Sometime it needs to wait for the opportunity and/or the mistakes made by the competitors. With the overcome of cost of asset specific can bring more credit and reputation to further reduce the cost of moral hazard. This case study can be applied as the reference of strategic marketing analysis for transformation of traditional chemical company to electronic chemical company. It is also suitable in the area with high marketing barrier.


蔡志恒, Tsai, Chih-heng Unknown Date (has links)
公共行政近年在外在資訊社會形成,和治理需求發展下面臨巨大的衝擊,民調顯示公民信任政府的程度每況愈下,許多學者主張正視制度效率與效能、更新政府流程、組織與程序再造的呼籲,各國政府也在新一波政府再造運動的推波助瀾下,不斷提出新公共管理的計畫,欲圖藉由政策的落實,提供人民新的治理形象,並達成最終信任政府,發展公民-政府間未來互信、合作的善治願景。   然而,新公共管理的理論,是否受制於私部門管理主義的利潤及購買行為之考量而有所侷限?公民信任復是否可與顧客忠誠度等量齊觀?無疑是新公共管理實踐的最大障礙,也有待以實證的角度發展相關研究,選取最適的計畫,驗證公民基礎績效、微觀績效等績效理論假設。   就此而言,電子化政府實為一理想的驗證個案,首先,其具有打破微觀以迄鉅視界線的體制,因其可超越平行與垂直單位劃分特質,避免微觀績效受限於以往政府信任是否「鉅視概念」之爭辯;其次,電子化政府的發展,在達成善治的階段性導引下,具有完備轉換行政模式的潛力,甚至形成制度性的替代;再者,電子化政府的服務考量向來是以公民中心為主體設計,其不僅可能從顧客滿意度角度監控其服務達成公民期望,也可以從人民對其回應性的認知了解其問責的能力,並從此二變項與公民信任相連結,建立信任的路徑。   是以,研究者針對較常使用我國電子化政府的網路公民,進行「服務品質」、「滿意度」、「回應性」、「公民信任」等認知的調查研究,發現服務品質、滿意度均係影響公民對電子化政府信任的正向要因,說明微觀績效的連結確實存在。而回應性雖亦確受到服務品質的影響,但其與公民信任之間的關係則甚為微弱,在概念上宜再深入討論。   基此,研究者認為,現階段電子化政府應重視前開以公民為中心,及契合階段性發展的設計,儲存公民信任,以電子化政府制度化的達成,促成未來真正打破官僚舊作的行政再生。 / In recent years, the high-speed shaping of information society and citizen’s wishing of good governance have made great impact on the governors and researchers of public administration. Public-opinion data showed that citizen’s trust in government dropped dramatically under enormous changes of external environment. For recovering citizen trust, many scholars claimed that the public authorities should pay much attention to make sure the whole system accountable, west governments also created New Public Management (NPM) programs to mold the trustworthy image of country’s administration. The NPM theory, backing up the movement of “Reinventing Government”, borrows a few conceptions from the field of business management. But the research workers still concern whether there existed conflicts of conception between the public and private value. To resolving this question, we have to examine the causality of NPM theory which links government performance and public trust to prove the validity of performance theories in the process of theory application. That is to say, we must know if citizen trust could result from “performance-satisfaction-loyalty” sequence just like the description of business marketing textbook. For the objective of affirming the connection of performance and citizen trust, I chose E-Government policy to be the study target and designed an inter-net investigation to analysis the public’s cognition. By path analysis, a quality research method, I found that the performance factors, including service quality and client satisfaction, indeed influenced citizen trust. Especially, service quality could produce direct and indirect effects on trust in the meantime. But the other independent factor, responsiveness, usually discussed in the political field, could not affect citizen trust. Importantly, this result supported the validity of NPM theory to construct the path of restoring citizen trust by reforming way of electronic governing institution.


楊靜芬 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的日新月益,電腦應用的快速發展,網際網路的普及使用,在短短數十年間,使人類的日常生活乃至工作場域產生前所未有的改變。在「政府再造」以及提倡高效率的「電子化╱網路化政府」的要求之下,使用網際網路的素養能力,受到普遍的重視。本研究以國立大專院校人事人員為對象,對於其網路素養能力進行研究,以瞭解在「電子化╱網路化政府」的政策下,其網路素養能力是否符合政府推行網路化政府的要求,並可提供主管機關參考,在利用網際網路宣導政令、推行政策以及公文承轉等業務,獲得更大的效率與效果。   本研究之主要目的如下: 一、瞭解國立大專院校人事人員網路素養能力之現況。 二、探討國立大專院校人事人員網路素養能力與個人背景之關係。 三、提供數據做為教育部人事處將來在利用網際網路推行業務的參考。 四、提出建議做為未來教育部人事處在安排人事人員訓練課程的參考。 五、瞭解國立大專院校人事人員對於網路的使用情形及其能力是否符合政府推行「電子化╱網路化政府」的要求? 檢視相關文獻,網路素養的意涵包涵三個層面: 一、網路使用基本概念方面(網路知識):   除了要具備基本的電腦素養之外,並包括網路的概念等。 二、網路使用能力方面(網路技能):    為網路的知識與技巧。在網路化環境下,利用檢索工具在網路上尋取特定的資訊並加以處理、利用,以解決問題的能力。亦即網路使用能力。 三、網路使用道德規範方面(網路態度):   網路倫理的觀念。此部分包括網路交友、網路禮節、法律常識、能分辨網路內容的好壞,以及認知到網路為人類社會帶來的影響等。   而本研究係為了解國立大專校院人事人員的網路素養能力,由於是著重在公務上的作業處理能力,因此針對其網路使用基本概念及能力才是本研究的重點所在。 在本研究中,研究者將個人屬性分為性別、年齡、職位、職等、教育程度與年資等六種,以個人屬性為自變項,就網路素養的網路使用基本概念與能力,以及政府所推動的「人事管理資訊系統」之使用情形與「人事行政網」之應用情形,分為四個部分做為本研究問卷基本架構的依變項,研究假設如下: 假設一:個人屬性與網路使用基本概念無關聯存在 假設二:個人屬性與網路使用能力無關聯存在 假設三:個人屬性與「人事管理資訊系統」之使用情形無關聯存在 假設四:個人屬性與「人事行政網」之應用情形無關聯存在 依問卷設計架構,透過問卷調查方式,以統計分析檢驗個人屬性與國立大專校院人事人員之網路素養是否具有關聯性。復就現況作分析,了解其因果關係與影響,進而對實務上人事業務推展與人事人員網路素養能力之培訓提出建議。 透過問卷調查與統計分析後發現,國立大專校院人事人員普遍在網路使用的基本概念方面,都具有相當高程度的認識與了解,在個人屬性與網路使用的基本概念之假設驗證方面,人事人員因年齡、年資不同,對於網路的基本概念的理解程度會有不同。而且,在學習相同的教育訓練課程時,年齡越大,其接受的程度就越低。普遍說來,國立大專校院人事人員對人事管理資訊系統電子資料庫具有相當高的使用需求,此一資訊系統提供了相當便利的各項服務,但是仍有不瞭解如何使用與實際上不會使用者。人事行政網的應用情形也尚有發展的空間。 最後,筆者認為,網路素養能力已成為個人的重要工作能力,惟受限於筆者個人之經費、時間、精力有限,希望藉本研究拋磚引玉,期望未來研究者針對其他公務人員的網路素養能力繼續研究,累積全國公務人員網養素養能力的調查研究相關資料,以為政府推行「電子化╱網路化政府」政策的參考數據,並使我國能早日達成全民知識化、網路普及化的目標,成為「知識化的台灣、網路化的政府」。


郭耀昌, Kuo, Yao-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
就如何改善公眾生活而言,若說「政治」提供一套想法,那麼,「行政」可以說是提供一套作法(請參見:Wilson, 1887)。而所謂行政,自然涉及到各項上自「經世濟民」的重大政策,下至日常例行事務的裁決(請參見:Simon, 1997)。從民主政治發展的潮流觀察,可以發現雖然民主的實踐可有不同面貌,但執政當局能否做到「民之所欲,常在我心」,決定了其「管理眾人之事」的正當性。 民主的可貴,不在於坐而言而已,更在於起而行 。因此,「什麼樣的政府是好政府?」應考慮「應然」(what it ought to be)面,亦應考慮「實然」(what it is)面。就應然面而言,何謂「正當性」?公共決策具有「正當性」的政府,就是好政府嗎?就實然面而言,我們如何建構一個好政府?一個好政府應具備什麼樣的能力?總之,為了落實民主價值,從政治理論中,探尋民主的意義,固然重要,然而從務實的角度出發,進一步探索在科學技術(尤其是資訊科技)的協助下,將民主落實在人類行為層面上的可能性,更具深遠意義。這正是政治哲學與理論孕育了公共行政,而公共行政進一步促進公共政策的發展,一連串的學術發展軌跡背後的深層意義。隨著公共政策在解決問題的實務運作過程,日益面臨了科學工具物化與異化的困境,討論公共政策、公共行政的終極意義的聲浪逐漸獲得學術重視。 在上述的理解下,以下針對本研究之研究問題、研究途徑與方法分別作一說明。 本研究旨在回答下列問題: 「在提升公共決策正當性的過程中,知識管理的概念與工具,可以扮演什麼樣的角色?」。 就一個以實務導向為特性的領域而言,這樣的提問,明顯是屬於規範性的。而這樣的關懷重點,也正呼應了前述研究動機的初步討論。 公共決策的正當性取決於兩項因素:即政治上的代表性與資訊上的及時與正確。政治上具有代表性,則「雖不滿意,但大家皆可勉強接受」。此一面向指涉:效能、目的、終極價值、實質理性。資訊上的及時與正確,方可做出正確且及時的決策。此一面向指涉:效率、工具、工具理性。因此,面臨當今凡事皆須加個「e」(所謂 e-commerce, e-government,e-Trust等等)的資訊社會,如何結合知識管理所提供的工具,來進一步解決公共決策的正當性問題,極為重要。提高公共決策正當性的必要條件:資訊的公開與過程的透明。若能通過「知識管理」所提供的工具,結合政治上的代表性,及正確的決策,對於實踐「民主行政」,落實民主政治的理想,應具有理論與實務上的價值。 基於此一觀點,本論文進一步研究與分析下列議題: 1. 公共決策正當性的多元內涵為何?正當性的多元來源又為何? 2. 誰來決定公共決策究竟是否具有正當性? 3. 公共決策正當性的來源若有不同類型或層次,欲藉由知識管理的落實或推動,來穩固或提升公共決策正當性是否可行? 在民主政治多元價值的背景下,正當性作為一個抽象概念,可以當作「政策順服」、「政治義務」,甚至「政治秩序」的原因來理解。但是,本文認為更加重要的議題是:正當性若當作「結果」來理解,試問什麼條件、作為、情境下,公民相信公共決策具有正當性?唯有釐清此一議題,才能一方面避免善意被濫用 ,另一方面也可以提供一個評估的標準,供公共決策者依循。當本文指出正當性概念可以作為評估標準時,本文所指的是:價值標準,而非操作標準。亦即,正當性可以提供本文一個關於目的與效能的判準,而非直接提供效率的指標。效率的指標必須根據不同的目的而有所不同。 因此,本文必須釐清正當性的概念,究竟是單一指標還是綜合指標?易言之,正當性究竟有無一個放諸四海皆準的內涵與定義?本論文第二章將論證正當性並非單一指標,亦即正當性並無一個單一且具有共識的定義(本章於稍後之理論回顧中將有簡略的討論)。面對這些歧異,本文希望追本溯源,進一步釐清造成這些差異的原因何在?亦即不同正當性的論述,建立在何種價值、假定上? 本文並不自滿於釐清了不同正當性的內涵,本文更希望瞭解這些內涵有無落實與實踐的可能?正當性的性質,誠如前述,是一種規範性的信任關係,而不論是規範性價值的社會化過程,或是信任關係的建立,在在都需要資訊的收集、密切且頻繁的互動溝通。因此,本文進一步追問,當代以資訊科技為骨幹,以資訊處理為基礎的「知識管理」,是否可以協助本文落實上述不同內涵的正當性?知識管理在此一範疇的運用上,其利弊得失為何? 然而,手段終究不能幫助決策者選擇目的,面臨諸多正當性的內涵,本文仍須探究一個根本性議題,即公共決策正當性的判準由誰決定?易言之,當決策者對正當性的內涵與定義有所爭執時,該怎麼辦?此處極為弔詭與諷刺的是:當正當性的內涵有爭議時,「正當性」已不具正當性!本研究將會在論文第二章中作更深入的討論。此處,簡略的說,本研究企圖論證:正當性應以制度為依附。亦即,正當性既不指涉特定人,甚至也不僅指涉特定政策,公共決策的「過程」才是正當性最合適的訴求點。誠如憲政主義者所主張的:正當法定程序(due-processes)是法治的基礎,更是憲政的基石。公共決策是否正當?是否合理?應以是否符合事先規定的「遊戲規則」作為判準,而非以公共決策之結果為判準。否則,當公共決策的結果與公民的利益相衝突時,公民無法在道德上尋求一個服從該項決策的立足點。

跨組織資訊系統應用在大陸之績效的關鍵性因素: 以關係觀點出發的個案研究 / The Determinant Factors of IOS Performance in China: A Case Study Using Relational View

蘇澄軒, Su, Cheng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在現今全球化的商業環境下,企業越來越倚重與商業夥伴的合作,而跨組織資訊系統也成為了強化競爭優勢的有利工具。而大陸憑著廉價的勞動成本以及廣大的新興市場,在全球供應練上漸漸扮演了越來越重要的角色。如何在大陸發展成了其他國家企業的重要課題,而台灣由於地理、文化、語言相近的優勢下,更顯得其重要性。本研究試圖由關係觀點所提出的四個因素出發,探討跨組織資訊系統應用在大陸其績效的決定性因素。經過單一個案研究的分析,結果顯示有效管理對於跨組織資訊系統有強很大影響,相對之下互補性資源幾乎沒有影響力。 / As corporations rely more on collaboration with partners to enhance their position in the global business environment, many of them apply specific IOS as a powerful tool to link with their trading partners to take full advantage of collaboration. China with huge manufacturing base and huge market has been an important part of global supply chain. It is important for other countries to know how to do business with China, especially for Taiwan because of the approximation of geography, culture and language. To fulfill this need, this research aims to find out the key factors that influence IOS performance in China through an observation of a binary relationship built upon IOS by a Taiwanese OEM and its China suppliers / The literature review leads this research to propose four factors that will influence IOS performance in China based on the relational view. A single-case study is then taken to detect the determinant factors that will affect IOS performance in China base on the relational view. The results show that effective governance strongly affect IOS performance, whereas complementary resource endowment has extremely fewer influence on IOS performance. Further, the most important items overall are coordination of decision and operation integration and monitoring and control. That is, IOS success in China depends mostly on whether the firms can cooperate with each other through the IOS and keep the ability of monitoring and control the status of transactions and partners. Moreover, the results show us that different types of suppliers may have different concern with IOS relationship, and thus a conditional implementation plan is necessary to IOS success in China

電子化政府主動服務經營模式探討 / A study for developing the model of E-government proactive service

施明德, Shih, Ming Der Unknown Date (has links)
建構優質的電子化政府,首要條件是提供民眾整合型一站式服務的入口網站,達成一站式服務,除共用基礎設施服務外,應具備介接整合各機關資訊與線上服務的能力。過往政府推動電子化政府,雖然已獲得相當成就,但各機關資訊系統整合程度不足,多數服務尚無法提供跨機關主動服務,本研究是藉由文獻的蒐集與研究,並以創新的思維,提出政府主動服務的經營模式,並採個案研究方法,驗證所提出之模式的可行性,因此,在研究方法上,將著重現實現象的整理與未來環境、機制的設計,即採行從當前環境到期望環境藍圖(From AS-IS to TO-BE)策略分析的研究模式。 本研究結果發現:1.各國政府以實現「全政府」作為主要策略,顯示推動資訊系統整合仍為主要工作。2.藉由Web2.0 使用戶間強大連結力,企業可以快速產生新的商業模式,提升企業網站的知名度與使用度。3.本研究提出改變電子化政府服務型態的三要素,資訊代理人、以家戶為主體、為顧客提供Web2.0平台。4. 本研究將網站的服務分為九種型態,提供網站服務轉型參考。5.本研究提出以CRM建構前瞻性主動服務的理念,整合內部資訊與顧客喜好,主動提供顧客服務。 政府Myegov入口網與民眾e管家,本研究提出主動服務的改造建議有:1.Myegov入口網應提供元件共享、資訊透過RSS互通。2.提供跨機關主題式服務、提供民眾可自行訂製、設計自己符合自己需要的e政府管家。3.以「家」為主體的理念,引導政府透過政府共享式服務平台,主動整合後台資訊系統。4.運用資料倉儲系統,建立市民關係管理共享式資料庫,提供民眾前瞻性主動服務。 / In order to construct a high-quality e-government, an integrated one-stop-shop service portal must be provided to the general public. In addition to sharing the services of IT infrastructure, to achieve the integrated one-stop service is also necessary to provide interfaces for all departments so that their information and services can be integrated. In the past, the government has reached many achievements in transforming many of the governmental related processes electronically. However, the integrated information system between different levels and/or ministries is not enough to provide the general public certain interdepartmental services actively. It is the hope of this research to discover an efficient strategy to push for better proactive e-government service model and to provide such strategy to the government for further reference. According to this research is hoping to use innovative thinking to come up the proactive e-government service model based on the collection and research of various documents and literature. This study will also use related e-government research cases for feasibility study on the model proposed. As such, this research stressed on current condition and future context, the design of mechanism, employing in “As-Is to To-Be” strategic analysis research model. This result of study is found: 1.The governments of various countries promote the e-government's main strategy as the future service was still realizing on the information-intensive society of “the whole government”. It shows that various countries are pushing the work on information system integration. 2. Web2.0 is not only a new information technology, but the mechanism that enterprises are used for interacting with end user and offer the space to user by sharing information at the same time. According to leverage the linkage through powerful strength on Web2.0 service use, enterprises can produce the new business model timely and improving enterprise website’s popularity and utilized degree. 3. To create the innovative e-government service, this research proposed three key elements to change government's service type and performance measurement, including “the information agent”, “relies mainly on family one”, “offers Web2.0 service platform to customer”. 4. This research based on web information providing method and service attribute to defined the nine kinds of service model to transforming the portal service as proactive service type. 5. The research proposed and constructed the “customer first” proactive service theory and integrated the customer relevant information and favor internally to providing many of services proactively. Moreover, based on Myegov portal and e-housekeeper, the research proposed active service transformation items are: 1. Myegov portal should provide Portlet-based shared components, RSS subscribing and exchanging service. 2. Offering the topic type’s Blog service by cross departments; offering general public to define, design their own custom e-housekeeper services through e-government. 3. According to “the family” theme’s concept, government should provide the integrated back-end IT system through the shared service platform actively. 4. Use the data warehouse system to gather the department and people relevant information, and build up the shared database on customer relationship management system to provide the “customer first” proactive service.


詹君正 Unknown Date (has links)
內政部土地測量局為擴大RTK有效作業範圍,同時降低主站布設密度,已規劃透過網際網路高速、寬頻之數據傳輸技術,預定於九十五年度前完成建置全國性電子化GPS(e-GPS)衛星定位測量基準網,就其連續定位觀測資料,建構區域性定位誤差內插模式,並配合虛擬基準站(Virtual Base Station,VBS)即時動態定位技術(Real-Time Kinematic, RTK)( 簡稱VBS-RTK),獲得高精度的定位成果,提供多目標定位服務及加值應用。 本研究利用全國性e-GPS衛星定位基準站即時動態定位系統北區服務網為基準網,探討以VBS-RTK定位技術應用於圖根測量及直接辦理土地複丈之可行性。首先檢核實驗區內控制點與圖根點成果發現,縱坐標(N)較差絕對值之平均值為1.9公分,橫坐標(E)較差平均值為2.0公分。經分析後得知,本實驗區之VRS-RTK測量成果與原坐標成果間有系統誤差存在,透過六參數轉換後,其坐標較差值均能符合圖根點測量規範。其次,以VBS-RTK直接辦理土地複丈,其界址點坐標成果較差亦均符合界址點位置檢查與原坐標值之較差不得超過6公分之規定。 / For expanding the effective range and decreasing the density of base stations, Land Survey Bureau, Ministry of the Interior (LSB) have set up a national e-GPS base stations network in 2006. In order to obtain high precision position result and provide multi-goals positioning service with plus value application, the system will be involved regional position error interpolating mode and Virtual Base Station(VBS)technique. The research area is located within the north service net of the national e-GPS base stations network, feasible discussion of using to Supplementary control survey and direct to transact the land resurvey with the VBS-RTK technique. Firstly, The 4th and the higher order control points and the traverse points located at the research area were examined with the VRS-RTK. Compared with the original data, the results have shown that the average of the absolute value of errors is 1.9 cm at the N-axis, 2.0 cm at the E-axis. After transformations either by affine-6-parameters, the result shows that all of the errors are satisfy the stipulation of rules.Secondly, using the VBS-RTK technique to undertake land survey correction, the all errors are satisfy the stipulation of rules.( less than 6 cm )


周思伶 Unknown Date (has links)
當政府機關開始大量的透過網路傳遞服務給民眾,政府迫切需要知道民眾對政府網站服務品質的認知評價為何。然而該如何衡量政府網站的服務品質至今仍沒有一個明確的方法。本論文旨在建構一套可以用來衡量政府網站服務品質的指標同時對政府網站服務品質提出相關的政策建議。本研究使用了線上問卷調查法與層級分析法,利用網路問卷線上調查了使用者對政府網站服務品質的評價,然後請專家利用層級分析法分析並計算出這些指標的相對權重。 本研究主要結果如下:(1).建構適合衡量台灣政府的網站服務品質指標,包含「設計性」、「易用性」、「可靠性」、「資訊品質」、「有用性」與「回應性」六大構面,而六大構面下共包含三十項指標;(2).實際調查台灣網路民眾對政府網站服務品質評價,發現民眾對政府網站服務品質的「有用性」相對評價最高,而對政府網站「回應性」的服務品質則是相對最不肯定;(3).請專家透過層級分析法對政府網站服務品質指標做出重要性權重排序,整體而言,專家給予「資訊品質」相對最高的權重,後依序是「有用性」、「回應性」、「可靠性」、「易用性」,而「設計性」則是專家排序中相對最不重視的;(4).比較專家與民眾對政府網站服務品質指標重要性與評價的差異,發現就評估構面而言,「資訊品質」與「回應性」是專家認為相對重要,但民眾基於使用經驗相對不肯定的指標,應該列為政府提昇網站服務品質優先改善的構面 基於上述研究發現,作者提出了隨時檢視資訊更新程度、替使用者重新編寫資訊與強化政府網站的回應能力等三點研究建議,以期待徹底提昇政府網站的服務品質。 / As government organizations have increasingly provided services to the public via Internet, e-government websites have demanded acute understanding of how the users perceived the service quality. However concerning it is not clear how the e-service quality of e-government websites can be measured. This thesis aims to construct the indicators to evaluate e-service quality of e-government websites and propose management suggestions to government. The research methods of this thesis include an online survey and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). A survey was conducted with online users being asked to evaluate the e-service quality of e-government websites. Then AHP was applied to analysis and compute the weights of these indicators from the experts. The key findings are: First, Design, Usability, Reliability, Information Quality, Usefulness, and Responsiveness are key dimensions of e-service quality of e-government in Taiwan. Second, most of the online users are satisfied with the Usefulness of e-government websites in Taiwan, but they are not satisfied with the Responsiveness of e-government websites in Taiwan. Third, for the evaluation aspects, the sequence of importance for the e-service quality of e-government websites in Taiwan is Information Quality, Usefulness, Responsiveness, Reliability, Usability and Design. Among them, the domain experts think Information Quality and Responsiveness are relatively important aspects of e-service quality of e-government websites in Taiwan. However, general online users are not satisfied with these two aspects. So these two aspects should be listed on the top priority for improvement straight away. Based on the research findings, the author proposes three policy suggestions to improve the websites in Taiwan’s government. First, keep the information on the government websites most updated. Second, improve the information readability for online users. Finally enhance the responsiveness of government websites.

政策趨同?全球「電子化政府」與「電子民主參與」的發展分析 / Policy convergence?: Understanding the global development of E-government and E-participation

李仲彬, Lee, Chung Pin Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊化與全球化的浪潮之下,政府間的政策趨同(policy convergence)現象,在學術界或是實務界都已有頗多討論。理論上,此議題是比較公共政策的延伸,與政策學習、政策擴散等概念有密不可分的關係;實務上,更是政策過程重要的假定基礎,唯目前學界對於趨同現象的發展仍有許多爭議。本論文主要目的是以政府業務電子化發展為個案,回應資訊化與全球化將提升國家間政策趨同可能性的觀點;並進一步透過個案分析,建構影響政府電子化發展的解釋模型。研究提問首先是政府業務電子化的全球發展,是否產生同型化主義、科技決定論所預測的政策趨同現象?其次是什麼因素影響電子化政府與電子民主參與的發展?為了回答以上研究提問,本論文分析聯合國2003-2005年,以及布朗大學2003-2008年的電子化政府成效調查資料。 研究結果顯示,即使多數文獻認為電子化已成為全球的發展趨勢,並且建構出許多發展階段模型,但資料顯示,全球電子化政府與電子民主參與發展,呈現出「國家間彼此差異擴大,只有部分國家持續往政策理想點移動」的現象。以政策趨同的概念來說,電子化發展成效沒有σ或δ型態的趨同;此外,在發展路徑上,電子化的發展類型沒有一定的規則可循,有些國家先著重線上交易互動,有些先著重電子民主參與,發展路徑多元。此外,透過2003-2005年度的定群資料分析,與2005年資料的分量迴歸分析,包含網路應用程度、全球化程度、人力資本指數、自由程度、相鄰國家發展程度、國民生產毛額..等,都與電子化成效有正向的顯著關係。網路應用程度越高電子化政府發展越好,在專制獨裁型國家的影響效果高於總統制國家;全球化程度越高電子化發展越好,尤其在剛開始發展電子化的國家中。電子化民主參與方面,自由程度是電子化民主參與能否從低階發展到進階的重要因素;網路應用程度與人力資本指數,對高度電子民主參與發展的國家而言是重要的影響因素;相鄰國家的成績越好,發展電子化的動機越強,且影響力量隨著電子化發展成效的上升而加強;最後,經濟條件所產生的影響集中在那些剛開始發展電子化的國家中。在方案的選擇上,影響國家是否優先發展電子民主參與的因素來自於內外在的需求,全球化的程度越高,「電子化政府」就越不可能被忽略,議會制是最不可能優先發展電子民主參與的政體。 本論文基於政策趨同並未發生在電子化個案中的研究發現,主張即使在全球化的架構下,政策趨同的思維有重新界定與分析的必要。在實務上,本論文建議各國政府放棄追求一體適用的全球性架構,停止國際名次的追求,建構以地方為中心、使用者為導向的電子化措施。整體而言,本論文的貢獻為全球化與資訊化環境底下的政策發展理論,提供了新的實證資料與解釋,也對長期以來科技決定論與社會科技主義兩者平衡提供了一個穩固的基礎。 / Both e-government and e-participation have been recognized as worldwide trends. Many studies offer e-government development models that are based on intellectual speculation rather than data from empirical observation. This research argues that both e-government and e-participation are not only incorrectly dominated by technology determinism, but also misuse the global policy convergence assumption. Although the cross-national policy convergence is an established issue in comparative research, its academic popularity has not resulted in a general consensus. Whether societies become more and more alike, implement similar policies, or pursue the same policy goal is still an unanswered question. By analyzing the United Nation's 2003-2005 e-government index and Brown University's 2003-2008 e-government survey data, this paper aims to achieve two goals: the first is to analyze the development path of global e-government and e-participation, and to answer the question whether global e-government and e-participation performance have converged on the ideal policy point; the second is to construct e-government and e-participation performance models for different types of regimes. The findings show that there is no sigma convergence which means the difference of performances among countries is decreasing over time, and there is also no delta convergence which means all counties are pursing the same ideal point. Regarding the development path, only a few counties converge on (abide by) the theoretical speculation. The findings of the second research question show that the competition pressure from the neighboring countries, the degree of globalization, human capital index, freedom index, the percentage of internet users, and GDP all have positive associations with e-government and e-participation performance. It is also interesting to note that there are some important differences noticed in the different stages of the conditional distribution of e-government and e-participation. While the effect of competition pressure is not significant for all countries, the results show that it is significant for countries classified as highly developed. The freedom degree has a positive significant effect on countries that have developed higher e-participation and shows no association with countries that are less developed in the area of e-participation. The competition pressure has a higher effect on a presidential system than a parliamentary system and the degree of globalization produce higher pressure on a parliamentary system than on a presidential system. A key factor for the early development of e-participation is citizen needs, but for the further maintenance of e-participation, this factor must be coupled with the degree of societal freedom. In conclusion, this research argues that both e-government and e-participation development do not have a generally agreed upon global framework. Taiwan should focus on local citizens needs; give up the pursuit of the title of world leader; and rebuild the e- policy vision.

企業導入供應鏈管理系統之個案研究 / Case study to identify appropriate process to adopt supply chain management system

宋清國, Sung, Ching-Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
彈性與速度是企業進入二十一世紀賴以生存的命脈,特別是在以製造業聞名的台灣,更感受到全球運籌與彈性應變的壓力,從近來國內企業資源規劃(Enteprise Resources Planning;ERP)與供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management; SCM)軟體的蓬勃發展,便可以知曉企業以資訊夥伴關係,建置商業快速回應系統(Quick Response;QR)提升顧客滿意度的企圖心。  供應鏈管理在近年來被視為提昇企業競爭力,與上、下游廠商建立信任關係的基礎之一,由於企業全球化的精密分工、接單後生產…等營運方式改變,使得企業亟需思考是否應該投入大量資源來改善供應鏈體系,對於是否、及如何導入「供應鏈管理系統」,其成與效益、導入時間點考量的基準等重要議題往往欠缺有效的評估準則云云,所以本研究乃探討製造業導入供應鏈的關鍵成功因素,期能提供業者經營、策略制定上進一步參考。  本研究將以國內外學者對供應鏈管理的相關文獻探討為研究基礎,對國內較早引進供應鏈管理、且其供應鏈體系相對較為成熟的資訊硬體產業及汽車產業,各擇一家較具代表性及配合意願較高的廠商進行實地調查的深度研究,以探索發掘供應鏈管理的關鍵要素所在,並歸納出研究結論和相關建議。  本論文之研究結論如下: 一、外部環境分析方面(驅動供應鏈管理的外部因素): (一)近年來由於資訊的科技進步,克服了資訊傳遞、處理、分析等技術問題,有利於供應鏈管理之推動  (二)行銷典範的移轉及消費觀念改變使供應鏈管理更受重視   (三)全球化趨勢催化國內產業引進供應鏈管理  (四)國際及國內企業間的激烈競爭使得供應鏈管理成為企業的競爭武器  (五)資訊分享與溝通的需要,使得供應鏈管理重要性更加提升  (六)政府輔助措施的推動,有利於產業供應鏈管理的建置與推動  二、企業內的供應鏈管理方面: (一)應以整體企業來考量供應鏈管理系統的導入及與既有系統的整合  (二)企業流程再造精神及作法的導入,是引進供應鏈管理成功與否的關鍵因素  三、企業間之供應鏈管理方面:企業內、外的整合、資源分享為關鍵功因素所在  四、企業導入供應鏈管理之應有程序:  (一)確認企業的策略目標及其在供應鏈的角色與目的  (二)塑造改革願景並對企業策略與可行性發展解決方案  (三)重新檢視與設計企業活動的流程與責任劃分  (四)成立供應鏈管理推動小組,由最高管理當局擔任召集人  (五)建立供應鏈成員的「信任」關係  (六)釐定上、下游(供應商與客戶)的整合解決方案  (七)注重「成果導向」  (八)加強訓練供應鏈管理參與廠商之人員  (九)將改革專案的精神深植於企業組織文化中  最後則提出了有關供應鏈成員關係等未來研究方向:如供應鏈管理推動後所產生的效益(有形與無形效益)如何與供應鏈成員分享(主導者、上下游及最終顧客)。此外,供應鏈管理成功與否,上下游供應鏈成員間的互動、「信任」、「合作」往往扮演著關鍵性的地位,因此,應可進一步應用社會學中有關「信任」(trust)方面的領域、理論到供應鏈管理成員信任關係,及該信任關係對供應鏈管理績效的影響。 / "Supply chain management system; SCM" has been deemed as one of the useful tools for businesses to promote their competitiveness, and to build up their trust relationship with up and down stream businesses. According to the evolved business operation modes, such as precise collaboration and BTO (build to order) systems, businesses need to reconsider whether it is necessary to allocate massive resources to improve the function of their supply chains.  Traditionally, the key factors, including the necessity, effectiveness, process and appropriate timing for SCM adoption, always lack valid criteria for evaluation. This research, therefore, aims to explore the key factors that are required to achieve successful adoption of supply chains to manufacturing industry, and to provide specific references for management policy making. This research begins with elaborating the outcomes of the supply chain literatures published by international scholars. One company each from information hardware and car industries will then be chosen to conduct field study and in-depth research in order to identify the key factors for adopting SCM, and to derive conclusions helpful to optimize business operation. The  aforementioned conclusions include: 1.Exogenous factors analysis (external driving factors of SCM adoption):  (1)How does advanced information technology, which overcomes the difficulties of information transferring, processing, and analysis that help promote the adoption of SCM.  (2)How do marketing paradigm and consuming concept shifts put SCM under the spotlight.  (3)How does globalization trend urge domestic industries to adopt SCM.  (4)How does severe competition, between international and domestic businesses, makes SCM become businesses competition forces.  (5)How do information sharing and communication needs reinforce the importance of SCM.  (6)How do government incentives help impose and promote SCM. 2.Intra –business SCM:  (1)Introduce and integrate SCM based on overall business development condition.  (2)Introduce business process reengineering as the key factor to adopt SCM. 3.Inter-business SCM: To adopt integration of intra- and inter-businesses, and resource sharing as KSF.  4.Procedures to introduce SCM:  (1)Identify business strategic goal, role and purpose  (2)Forge reform vision, strategic plan and feasible resolutions.  (3)Review and design the mechanism that controls the business activities process and responsibility sharing.  (4)Establish a SCM committee, and designate a top management as its chairman.  (5)Build up trust relationship among supply chain member business.  (6)Propose an integration plan to integrate suppliers (up stream) and clients (down stream).  (7)Implement outcome-oriented approach.  (8)Provide necessary personnel training to supply chain member businesses.  (9)Incorporate the reengineering spirit into business culture.

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