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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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連榮盛, Lien, Jung-Shen Unknown Date (has links)
面臨紡織貿易自由化之時代來臨,全球紡織產業之競爭勢必更加劇烈,通路商與品牌商之議價能力也將逐漸增強,相對而言,製造廠商勢必在成本、交期、品質與配銷上更需符合客戶需求,因此未來國內中下游之大型成衣廠、織布廠必須更落實多點佈局、全球分工之營運模式,方能面對中國大陸、印度等低成本國家之價格競爭。而對於高附加價值產品在國內生產仍具競爭利基,則可加強產品之協同設計,以提供客戶更完善之服務,並延伸價值鏈之價值活動,以建構更強有力的競爭優勢。 本研究主要探討紡織產業如何運用產業電子化以創造全球競爭力,除分析國內外紡織業者導入產業電子化之之現況與未來發展外,並以個案分析實際驗證紡織產業導入產業電子化系統之過程與成效。 本研究分析重點以產品協同設計及全球運籌管理系統之導入為主軸,同時藉由商業模式(Business Model)分析、流程模式(Process Model)分析及資訊科技模式(IT Model)分析瞭解如何導入電子化系統及預估導入之可能效益。 研究結果發現,目前國內並無紡織專用之產品協同設計系統,需藉由國內相關單位共同努力建立一套協同設計平台,以加強與客戶之協同作業。而全球運籌管理系統則可參考資訊產業之營運模式,並導入國內IT供應商已建立之相關模組,同時再配合相關作業流程之改造,必能以最有效率之方式建置相關系統。

企業電子化成熟度階段之研究 / The Study of E-business Stage

曹書銘, Tsaur, Shu-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
在電子商務時代中,企業能夠迅速反應市場需求,從訂單、生產到最後之運送皆採用電子化(e化)技術,使能迅速的生產與交貨,已成為競爭之必要利器。企業電子化(企業e化)之應用已陸續在國內外如火如荼推展,電子化無疑是各種組織當前最重要的課題之一,隨著網際網路商業化環境的逐漸成形,組織多了一項可以提昇內部營運效率,降低成本並增加競爭優勢的有力工具,也因此產生了全新的企業經營模式,並為企業帶來極大的商機,企業經營模式面臨了劇烈的變動。 對於企業電子化,目前所有企業皆在摸索之階段,再加上網際網路應用一切皆在萌芽之中,網路技術更新速度非常快,資訊太多又太分散,沒有一套可遵循的架構。本研究主要目的是希望透過文獻探討、廠商資料分析、產業實務個案訪談與問卷調查等方法提出一個企業電子化之架構與歷程,對於了解組織電子化成長過程的整體變化方向有相當的助益,並可提供企業未來營運策略和統籌規劃方向的參考,也讓企業了解其在推動企業電子化階段進展中每個階段所應進行之階段任務。藉由六個階段模式之建立,我們可以很清楚的了解企業電子化發展的階段,分為起始期、被迫期、接受期、整合期、加速電子化期與全面電子化期;其階段歷程有著演化、技術、觀念與能力提升的概念。 / Industries can response swiftly to market demand in the e-commence age. Using e-business technology to manage orders, production, and delivery enables quick and accuracy productions and deliveries. No wonder that the e-business has become a powerful weapon in the struggle to gain market share. The applications of e-business for local and abroad enterprises have been advocated for a while. The rapid development of Internet not only has provided firms with great growth opportunities, but also brought about drastic structural changes in business model. As enterprises become globalized and Internet connected, new and better architecture is needed to meet the requirements of enterprises. In this paper, we develop the model on e-business stage by literature review and case study. This stage model will help institutes to give impetus to adoption of e-business. The research results show the current situation about e-business of the cases and will be provide a reference for future research. We believe the proposed model would properly be used for enterprise to improve competitive advantage and to adopt effective measures to improve their business. Refer to the empirical study, we want to design questionnaires and send to the enterprise. Next through the multivariate statistic methods, we will propose some meaningful conclusion and draw some suggestions and implications for the academic research and firms.

IT治理應用於電子化政府資訊組織設計之個案研究-以政府某機關辦理資訊改造為例 / The case study of IT governing to apply in e-government’s information technology organization design – taking a certain government organization that conducts information technology reformation as an example

黃金福 Unknown Date (has links)
在面對快速轉變時代中,電子化政府重要目標是有效掌握IT之趨勢,落實政府資訊作業之進行,達到為人民服務更有效率、政策更具可靠性(accountable)及透明性之目標,因此IT已成為電子化政府不可或缺的管理工具,相對依賴IT程度亦不斷提昇,意味著IT是最重要資產,導至IT本身已經成為一個巨大的威脅,隨IT而來的風險、利益和機會,必然需要有效的IT管理和風險管理,與企業相同,IT治理成為電子化政府最關鍵成功因素。 IT治理用於描述組織是否採用有效的機制(就是為了鼓勵達到資訊應用的期望,而明確訂定決策權歸屬和責任承擔的一種架構),使得資訊科技的應用能夠完成組織賦予它的使命,同時平衡資訊科技與組織發展過程的風險,確保能夠實現組織的策略目標。 本研究以IT治理概念應用於個案機關進行資訊改造整體規劃之資訊組織設計,經由探索性之個案分析,整理深入訪談所獲得的資料,依COBIT之內部控制系統之IT程序為架構,進行個案研究,完成符合IT治理之政府機關資訊組織設計,讓IT為機關組織帶來應有的利益:提昇行政效率、提供民眾更好的行政服務品質,使資訊部門成為政府組織中重要價值之部門。最後提出研究結果與建議,作為個案機關辦理資訊改造整體規劃之政策參考。 關鍵詞:IT治理、電子化政府、資訊改造整體規劃、資訊組織設計 / In faces in the fast changing time, the main objectives to implement e-government inititiative include: tracking and catching up with the IT trends, realizing the benefits of modern information systems for governing, serving citizens more effectively, making governments more accountable for their policies, and achieving transparencies. IT is at the center of e-government in improving its management. IT has become an important asset for a government agency while the dependency on IT has increased; hence the associated risks. The IT governance has become an important approach and framework in managing IT organization and planning, acquisition and development, operation and services, etc. Better IT governance is a critical factor in e-government success. IT governance orchestrates how an organization shares IT related decisions and responsibility among various stakeholders such as top level management, functional area managers, and IT organizations. The objective is to ensure IT goals can be aligned with business goals while mitigates the risks involved. This research applies the IT governance concept to study how a government institute reengineers its IT organization via a case research method. This is an exploratory case study in which in-depth interviews in this government institute were conducted. Data collected are organized according to COBIT IT governance framework. COBIT emphasizes internal controls, and organized IT related processes into four domains. The potential benefits of this approach include: Manage government more effectively, provide high quality services to citizens, increase the contribution of IT department to its agency. The research findings and results reported in this study can be used by other government agencies in their IT reengineering efforts.


李台明 Unknown Date (has links)
企業模型可以觀念化為具有五個組成成分:公司在其行業與市場中佔有的地位,公司為取得並保持想要的地位而執行的活動,公司執行這些活動需要的資源,影響能夠執行的活動的行業因素,以及執行這些活動的成本。不同的行業適用於不同的企業模型,而冷凍烘焙食品製造業產品生命週期非常短暫,傳統”先製造後銷售”的企業模式常造成存貨損失及新品上市不如預期的現象。若能建立上下游業者加入產品開發及交易平台,將能加速互動效果。因此若能將冷凍烘焙食品製造業的企業模型由Make To Stock轉變為Make To Order應有利於供需雙贏。而Internet技術興起,顛覆以往資訊流程運作模式。企業如果無法利用數位化降低作業成本,落實資訊化之服務,並增加產品的數位加值,將為時代所淘汰。 因此本研究係探討在Internet的影響以及業務需求改變,冷凍烘焙食品製造業如何由舊的企業模型轉變為新的企業模型。 所以,因應數位時代變遷,企業必須適時改變經營模型,滿足市場需要。個案公司為該產業第一家透過電子化改變企業在物流與供應鏈方面模型的公司,能夠順利完成模型轉換並取得優異成效,憑藉的是企業自省能力而非僅是技術或產量或資訊應用單項的領先。因此,基於個案公司的產品對消費者是隱形,故建議:  整個企業模型的轉換:個案公司在企業物流模型方面已順利轉型,未來可逐步將轉換整個企業的企業模型,而將公司轉型成on demand公司,以創造最大價值。  思考品牌經營:個案公司產品對消費者是隱形的,挾產品創新能力,良好製程能力,建立自有品牌有助於市場普及與長期獲利,未來可朝此方向發展。

企業電子化下協同作業發展之研究 / A study of e-business collaboration

陳曉屏 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路影響的層面大至政府的政策、法令、企業的經營策略、作業細節,小至個別消費者的喜好。在網際網路逐漸成為全球網路通用標準後,各種企業應用系統以及企業與交易夥伴間互動關係逐漸產生變化。 全球化讓企業暴露在高度競爭環境之下,迫使企業必須不斷翻新事業經營方式。企業正朝向流程委外的方向努力,委外的潮流建立了虛擬企業的基礎。於是企業與交易夥伴形成所謂的「虛擬延伸企業」,並建立一個牢不可破的價值鏈,以便在市場上和競爭對手競爭。這種虛擬團隊,需要將彼此的商業流程和訊息緊密地整合,從產品設計到與客戶交易,甚至於維修的過程毫無間隙地貫穿。 隨著網際網路在商業環境的應用越來越廣泛,架構在網際網路環境下的協同作業成為企業迎戰未來的一項重要利器。企業電子化下之協同作業,就是利用一些軟體系統,將企業的應用軟體、套裝軟體及傳統資訊系統等,在企業之間整合起來,這是一種新價值鏈的經營模式,也是競爭時代企業的新趨勢。 在協同作業下,企業對交易夥伴(上游供應商及下游客戶)在流程與資訊上整合,並根據企業資源的現況(包含內部與外部),做最佳化安排,以快速回應客戶、市場以及競爭者。企業電子化的重心,不再只是透過網際網路從事大量交易,而是利用網際網路提升價值鏈上資訊的透明度,促進企業問整合活動的進行,以進入協同作業的新紀元。 筆記型電腦一直是我國資訊產業非常重要的一環,本研究以國內筆記型電腦製造業為研究範圍,探究其與供應商協同作業之發展現況。 本研究以「TEMPLET評估工具」對企業之於未來虛擬延伸企業的準備程度做一個完整的評估;另外以「IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/供應商協同作業評估模組」對企業間協同作業之現況及發展方向做全面性評估。再輔以文件的收集、分析、個案訪談,以及在實務界多年的觀察,整理出協同作業發展的現況以及國內企業界目前發展所遭遇的瓶頸。 從TEMPLET評比的四大項目,資訊技術能力、資料管理能力、流程管理能力、組織管理能力,分析個案公司對虛擬企業發展的準備程度,可得知個案公司的準備程度頗高,而且彼此間的差異並不大。由於長期與國際大廠的合作,使得個案公司逐漸從區域性的製造工廠轉型為國際性的製造及服務公司。不論在經營管理能力或是資訊技術能力,個案公司都繼續不斷的調整其發展方向,試圖為全球的經營佈局而努力。 透過IBM e-business Collaboration Evaluation Tool/供應商協同作業評估模組,發現個案公司在供應鏈規劃及採購協同作業的推動不遺餘力,其相關的協同作業應用較為普及。設計協同作業雖然在萌芽階段,但也受到普遍的重視。協同作業雖然已經對個案公司的作業效率有相當程度的提升,但是,現今的協同作業方式,多屬於前端資料交換,而非企業內部與供應商之間應用系統的整合。本研究將個案公司發展的瓶頸歸納為以下幾個原因: 1. 供應商資訊技術的配合條件不同 2. 標準平台尚未成熟 3. 內部作業仍有相當程度的人工介入 4. 對商業機密或敏感資訊的分享顧慮 5. 工作流程和商業規則的定義極其繁瑣 6. 政府政策尚未成熟 7. 設計協同環境的尚未成熟 面對知識經濟時代的來臨,從提高產品的附加價值角度來看,台灣資訊製造業如何整合品牌優勢(代工品牌人自有品牌)、創新實力、軟體、服務等應是努力的重點。近年來,台灣資訊製造業在交易導向的實行系統建立了很好的基礎,未來則將往企業外部關係層次的整合方向而努力。 企業可藉由網際網路的協同作業把產品設計、製造、採購、業務、行銷、人事系統、現場服務以及客戶服務等,緊密地聯繫在一起,形成一個環球知識網。藉此追求策略定位,建構一個特別的價值鏈,讓企業能夠傳遞某種獨特的價值。而且為了對抗競爭,價值鏈必須借助協同作業的高度整合,讓企業所有活動都能緊密配合,甚至不斷強化。 全面性的協同作業雖然可幫助企業增加營運效益以及追求策略定位,但是協同作業的成功須仰賴多方面條件的配合。協同作業的發展是個連續性、階段性發展的過程,並非一蹴可及。雖然現今的協同作業處於推廣、萌芽的階段,但是協同作業將會繼續的推行,朝向交易雙方的後端系統即時且完全整合的目標前進。企業應按部就班完成階段性協同作業的計畫,待環境成熟、相關條件可配合的時候,則可領先取得競爭優勢。 關鍵詞:企業電子化、協同作業、筆記型電腦產業。 / The Internet is arguably the most powerful tool today, the influence of Internet is extremely comprehensive, covering governments' policies and regulations, companies' strategies and detailed operations, as far as consumers' individual preference. While the Internet comes to full development, the enterprise information system and the nature of business relationship have to change along. In today's rapidly changing business environment, firms not only compete on product but on business models. To succeed in globally competitive environment, companies are pursuing a strategy of focus, offloading part of activities to trading partners. The Internet technologies have made outsourcing easier for companies to coordinate with their suppliers, giving widespread currency to the notion of the "virtual extended enterprise". Companies communicate and collaborate electronically with partners around the world, they join together to achieve a shared business goal, where each operating unit contributes according to its core competency. Fully achieving the advantages of a virtual extended enterprise requires comprehensive collaboration, which enables tight business-to-business connection. By applying Internet technology to integrate information system and process across companies, collaboration creates a new business model to achieve a competitive edge. This research is concerning the collaborative progression upon Taiwan notebook computer manufactures, with the framework of "TEMPLET assessment checklist" and "IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/supplier collaboration module". Enriching with papers analysis, case study, and industry observation from years of experience, this study aims at exploring current development status quo, further, examining thoroughly the difficulties industry has encountered. Assessing the preparedness for virtual enterprise by TEMPLET'S four evaluation criteria "information, people, process and technology", we learn that companies in study have accomplished substantial readiness. Having the long-term cooperation with international leading enterprises, the companies have been transforming themselves from local manufactures to service-oriented global manufactures. Evaluating readiness for e-business and collaboration with suppliers by IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/supplier collaboration module, we find that both supply chain management and e-procurement have been applied pervasively in association with the companies' dedication to supply collaboration for years. Although design collaboration is still in its infancy, its relevant applications are attracting attention nowadays. The companies have benefited from collaboration at certain degree, nevertheless, the existing collaboration are only limited in front-end data exchange, instead of back-end system integration. This research concludes the major difficulties the companies facing are as below: 1. The readiness of suppliers' information technology is quite different. 2. The platform standard is not mature yet. 3. The companies' internal operations involve considerable human intervention. 4. Sharing concern exists upon business confidentiality and sensitive information. 5. The definition ofworkflow and business rule is too onerous to get through. 6. Government's policy is not ready yet. 7. The circumstances for design collaboration is not in prepared state. Towards knowledge-based economy, Taiwan's IT (information technology) industry is exploring how to integrate the advantage of brand (contracted manufacture brand/own brand), innovation, software, services in order to outperform the average competitors. In these years, the industry has set a solid foundation at transactional interconnection system. In the coming years, the industry will move to cross- enterprise relationship integration, such as customer database, marketing information, product design information and so forth. By fully deploying collaboration, companies are able to tight the operations of product design, manufacturing, purchase, sales activities, marketing, humor resources, and customer services together to optimize both internal and external resources. The series of collaboration enables the entire value chain highly integrated as a self- reinforcing system, and it helps companies deliver a unique value proposition. Collaboration contributes operational effectiveness and strategic positioning, but its success depends on various conditions. The evolution of collaboration is a continuous process. Though collaboration is in initial stage up to date, its development must be going on constantly, heading to real-time, end-to-end integration. Companies have to make sophisticated plan for each stage, carrying out the plan step by step for pursuing distinctive advantage. Keywords: e-business, collaboration, and Taiwan notebook computer industry.

政府機關資訊公開電子化執行現況之研究-以臺北縣政府為例 / The Study of E-Information of the Government Administration-an example from Taipei County

吳慧勤, Wu,Haichun Unknown Date (has links)
政府資訊公開不僅是民主政治的最佳武器,更可以提升國家的競 爭力,於是我國乃於94 年12 月制定通過政府資訊公開法,以促進行 政透明化與滿足人民知的權利。近來受到數位化浪潮的影響,各國政 府互相推行所謂電子化政府,期望藉由電子化作業方式以提高政府的 行政效率。故本文就是試圖瞭解政府機關如何透過電子化方式以落實 執行政府資訊公開政策。 首先本文就根據政府資訊公開法規範內容,分為主動與被動資訊 公開二個公開面向來做分析研究,本研究藉由面訪問卷調查與深度訪 談來探究政府資訊公開電子化執行現況,希冀有助於瞭解政府機關對 於政府資訊公開法制的落實施行情形,以做為政府資訊政策之參考。 研究發現,在資訊主動公開部分,就資訊公開類型而言,以行政 指導有關文書公開情形最佳,請願之處理結果及訴願之決定、書面之 公共工程及採購契約公開情形最差;就公開電子化程度與多元公開管 道上而言,經檢視27 個機關均有明顯偏低情況,累計分數都在電子化 程度最低門檻 60 分以下(總分304 分),以及多元公開道最低指標121 分以下(總分608 分),顯見所有機關均有待再加強。 在資訊被動公開部分,在申請公開件數與申請方式上,政府資訊 公開法通過前後並無太大差異,機關平均申請件數大多在0~30 件之間 且以「書面申請」免付費方式提供;在作業標準與准駁理由上,幾乎 都沒有訂定審查機制,完全由業務單位主管來決定,更無提供明確申 訴管道。 是以,要致力於建構一個開放政府、改善課責與透明的政府行政, 除了政府資訊公開法制的訂定,仍需要有相關政策、制度面之配合與 獨立的個體加以監督與管控,才能落實並保障人民政府資訊取得權。 關鍵字:電子化政府、政府資訊公開、主動公開、被動公開 / The transparency of government information is not only a best weapon for democratic politics but also promotes the competitively of a country. The government passed Freedom of Government Information Law in December, 2005 so as to promote the transparency of government operation and fulfill the rights that people should know it. Under the influence of digitization, every country has impelled to promote the concept of e-government. The administrative efficiency can be uplifted by information technology. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to know how the government executes the policy of opening government information. The study analyzes the active and passive information opening according to the contents of the Law on Government Information Freedom. Interviews and surveys were utilized to undertake the execution of opening the government information. This study will help people understand how information has been executed and will serve as a reference for government strategies for information transparency. As to the type of information for actively opening, the administrative documents have mostly been actively opened. The results of petitions and the decisions of administrative appeals, documents related to public works and procurements are the worst for opened information. As to the level of e-opening and approaches by which they open information, 27 bureaus do not reach the lowest the threshold, which scored less than 60 with the total score 304 and less than 121 with the total score 608. The findings suggest that the bureaus still have to practice the idea of actively opening information. As to the passively-opened information, the request documents and the way to apply did not change much before and after the Law on Government Information freedom, with 0-30 pieces of request in average. They used to be written form and this request was free of charge. In this study, we found that most bureaus do not standardize relative of all application, making the directors the only judgment for acceptance or rebuttal. iii Therefore, to set up an open government and to improve the accountability, transparency of administration, policies and systems need to be coordinated. It also entails independent individuals to supervise and control, besides the practice of the Law on Government Information Freedom. In this way, people’s rights to the government information will be taken care of. Keywords: electronic government, e-government, digital government, transparency, government information

戶政資訊化後對戶政機關人力配置的影響探討 / The Influence on the Human Resource Allocation of Computerization

張月紅, Chang, Yueh Hung Unknown Date (has links)
戶政實施電腦化至今已逾10年,它開啟我國政府機關資訊化的新紀元,對處理案件的迅速、工作流程的簡化,有相當助益;在提供民眾更便捷服務之時,台北市戶政同仁却未感受到工作量的減輕,尤其因資訊化造成工作量的遽增,反而覺得工作壓力更重,離職人數更多,對此現象實有研究探討的空間。 本研究採用質化研究方法,對於資訊化後對人力配置的影響,依作業方式改變、人員配置面作實務深度訪談,並以資訊化前後辦理之案件數加以比較分析,研究發現: 一、組織編制,未能隨社會變遷調整,並依等待人數及案件類別分析,致人力配置不平衡,無法配合實際需求。 二、戶政業務有其專業性,人員替代困難。 三、部份業務未回歸相關機關辦理,又增加許多非關戶籍「業外」項目。 伍、網路憑證未能有效利用。 六、資訊化不完整,人工作業仍多,前後線作業系統無法逕為連結。 七、政策推行不够周延,配套措施不足。 因此本研究建議政府在大力推動數位化之際,對各機關間戶籍資料的介面連結,加強推動自然人憑證使用,書證的減量,有其必要性;應早日通過組織法,提高基層人員職等,解決人員流動率過高問題;政府政策實施,須有完善配套措施,如此方能落實組織再造、電子化政府的政策。 / Residential Record & Administration (RR&A) business has been computerized for over 10 years now. It opens up a new era for our government office to utilize information system technology. The system simplifies the overall work procedure and increases the efficiency of processing cases. It provides quick and convenient service to the public. However, the technology does not bring any relief in terms of work load to the staff of RR&A office in Taipei. In particular, the linking of the systems of the whole nation not only increases their work load but also brings more pressure to them. As a result, more people have quit their jobs. There is indeed a need to have further discussion about this situation. This study uses a quantitative research method to study the impact of the utilization of information system technology upon the allocation of manpower. An in-depth interview has been conducted according to the change of work procedure and the allocation of staff. In addition, the study also compares the number of cases processed before and after the use of information technology. The study discovered that: 1. The organization of RR&A office is unable to adapt quickly enough to satisfy society’s needs. The staff of RR&A is not proportioned properly according to the amount and variety of pending cases. 2. The occupation of RR&A is highly specialized, which makes it difficult to find replacement workers. 3. Some of the tasks are unrelated to the RR&A, which increase the workload of the staff. Those additional services should be assigned to their appropriate offices. 4. Online verification of identification can not be efficiently used. 5. Counter clerks and supporting staff as well as different government departments cannot communicate well with each other because the system is not comprehensive enough and a large number of work needs to be done manually. 6. Government policies are not implemented well and lack supporting resources. Therefore, this study suggests that when the government implements the digitalization on a widespread scale, it is necessary to establish system interface capability among government institutes, promote the uses of Certficate Authority of MOL(MOICA) and the reduction of certification. The constitutive law should be quickly passed to elevate the level of basic workers and decrease the amount of worker resignations. Government policies should have complete supporting resources. By doing so, the policy of restructuring the current organization to achieve a true E-government can be fully implemented.

內部顧客對於跨機關整合系統之滿意度分析- 以開辦企業一站式系統為例 / An analysis of internal customer's satisfaction with an integrated service system – A case study of enterprise one-stop registration system

黃惠婷 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的運用與新公共管理的興起帶動了電子化政府的蓬勃發展,運用資訊科技整合跨機關業務,提供符合顧客導向之服務,逐漸成為政府服務中心思想的哲學,然對官僚體系運作必然產生一定的衝擊,因此在推行電子政府政策時除著重外部顧客的滿意度外,內部顧客的需求亦應被重視,組織應創造一個讓「內部顧客滿意的外部顧客服務環境」,以提升服務效能。 應用現代網路便利工具開辦企業,近年謂為一股國際趨勢潮流。開辦企業業務在國際間之排名逐漸受到我國輿論重視,為提升國際競爭力,我國於2011年建置開辦企業「公司及商業一站式線上申請作業網站」,以整合公司(商業)名稱預查及設立、營業登記、勞健保投保單位設立及工作規則核備等跨部會機關之申辦業務於同一網站,簡政便民。然在滿足外部顧客需求的同時,對於內部顧客的效益為何?引發研究動機。 本研究以內部顧客的角度建立跨機關整合型電子化服務效益評估架構,分析一站式系統之設計與整合之現況,並以PZB服務品質模式之顧客缺口為基本概念,探究「行政流程」、「資科應用」及「成本效率」三大構面之品質認知程度,以滿意度來評定一站式系統之成效,透過實證資料進行模型評估,並針對資料驗證之結果進行深度訪談。本研究建議主管機關應重視內部顧客缺口,定期傾聽內部顧客需求,掌握負面隱形成本,並透過強化系統功能、整合作業程序、簡化退費機制、檢討現行法令等措施,使一站式系統更貼近內部顧客需求,提升內部顧客整體滿意度。 / The application of information technology and emergence of new public management have set off the booming of e-government. As a result, using information technologies to integrate public sectors' businesses for providing customer-oriented services has gradually become a centric philosophy of government services. However, such a transition inevitably impacts bureaucratic operations, and to make a successful e-government, both the external customer satisfaction and internal customer demands need to be addressed. To this end, organizations should create an "external customer service environment satisfied by internal customers" in order to promote the service performance. Using modern Internet tools to start a business has become a global trend in recent years. In the meantime, the international ranking of startup businesses are getting more and more attentions in our domestic market. To raise our international competitiveness, in 2011 our government established the "Company and Business One-stop Service Request" for startups, which is a single-entry portal that combines company(business) name pre-inspection and registration, business registration, labor health insurance registration, and company's internal work regulation approval, providing simplified and convenient startup process. When the external customer requirements are met, what is the efficacious benefits to the internal customers? This is exactly the motivation of this research. From the perspective of internal customers, this research establishes a cross-department, integrated e-service benefit evaluation framework, to analyze the status quo of the one-stop registration system design and integration. By taking the customer gap of PZB service quality model as the fundamental concept, this research explores the level of quality cognition from the three constructs of "administrative process flow", "information science application" and "cost efficiency", and takes level of satisfaction as the basis to evaluate the one-stop registration system performance. Empirical data are taken for model assessment, and the result from data verification is taken for in-depth interviews. This research suggests that competent authorities look into the internal customer gap and periodically listen to the internal customer requirement, so as to grasp invisible negative costs, and through reinforced system functions, integrated operating procedures, simplified refund mechanism, and review of present regulations, to make the one-stop registration system more attentive to the internal customer requirements, and thus raise the overall internal customer satisfaction.


林美良 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技昌明、資訊技術一日千里,電子化政府在網際網路與全球化風潮的推波助瀾下應蘊而生。而隨著資訊時代的來臨,知識在質與量的變化更是倍數成長,隨著網路四處流竄,形同資訊垃圾堆積如山,如何有效的管理知識,成為新一代政府再造策略的課題,更為e時代新一波的管理趨勢。 公部門如何導入「知識管理」?本研究以三大策略建構理論基礎,即「管理策略」、「資訊科技策略」與「執行策略」,並以「電子化政府」作為研究個案,分析其在三大策略架構下的實務見解,並以結構性訪談所獲取的資料補理論之不足。 最後研究結論提出的建言是,可分從「人員」、「科技」與「流程」進行知識管理計畫的推動的三大方向,並與三大策略「管理策略」、「資訊科技策略」與「執行策略」相互呼應。提出十大要件,在「人員」方面:設立知識執行長、知識經理人與尋求知識公務員;在「科技」方面:建立知識庫、設置交流網站及安全服務體系;在「流程」方面:清楚的願景與共同語言的建立、知識加值激勵機制的建立、知識分享多元管道建立及評鑑制度的落實等。 總之,電子化政府要落實知識管理,從理論或實務的探究中可發現兩者之間願景、目的、策略等皆密不可分,甚至相輔相成,因此其步調應是一致的,其成就自然可互相輝映。本研究最後建議是希望後起之秀能針對機構間,無論是公私部門間或公部門間,進行績效指標建立與比較,兼取質化與量化研究之精髓,以利強化知識管理成效之評估與深化度理論或實務之建立。

無線通訊結合企業電子化之研究-以醫療業為例 / The Study of Wireless Communication and e-Business:A Case Study of Healthy Care Industry

簡義益, Chien, Yi-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的進展促成企業電子化的風潮,對於企業的商業模式造成很大的影響,而近來無線通訊科技的蓬勃發展,使企業能提供移動性的出外人員能二十四小時不分時地的透過無線通訊連結企業內部電子化的流程,並將企業電子化的功能延伸到與企業相關的每個成員,來增進企業整體運作的效率與效能,並強化企業電子化的效益,以提供客戶更好的服務。  本研究透過探討企業電子化的現況與問題、無線通訊的發展與應用,歸納出無線通訊在企業電子化上應用的功能特性,包含:彈性、精簡性、主動性、安全性、個別性、持續連線、行動性與特殊性,並提出無線通訊結合企業電子化之功能模式,以產業特性為出發點,在原有的企業電子化的基礎上架構其無線通訊的功能,主要分為三種應用類型,包含動態資訊、作業流程與個人化服務,並列舉五種產業示例,包含醫療業、汽車業、快遞業、保險業與證券業,以做為未來企業在應用無線通訊科技來改善流程與提升其競爭優勢的參考,最後以醫療業進行個案分析與模式應用。 / The progress of information technology activates e-business and changes the business model nowadays. Recently, the advance of wireless communication technology enable the employees can do their business process outside their offices no matter where they are. In this way, they can reach each member of company and enhance the effectiveness and the efficiency of their job. It can also enforce the effect of the e-business to provide better customer service. In this study, firstly, we explore the affair and the problems of e-business, and survey the progression and application of wireless communication. Secondly, we issue eight functional features of wireless communication on e-business and propose the model of wireless communication on e-business. Finally, we take a hospital as a case to implement our model.

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